Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <cstdlib>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include "ThinTargetMC.h"
7 namespace NeutrinoFluxReweight{
9  ThinTargetMC* ThinTargetMC::instance = 0;
13  const char* ppfxDir = getenv("PPFX_DIR");
14  char dirData[400];
15  sprintf(dirData,"%s/data",ppfxDir);
16  spart_prod.push_back("pip");
17  spart_prod.push_back("pim");
18  spart_prod.push_back("kap");
19  spart_prod.push_back("kam");
20  spart_prod.push_back("prt");
21  spart_prod.push_back("klong");
22  spart_prod.push_back("kshort");
23  spart_prod.push_back("neu"); const int idx_neu = 7;
24  mom_inc.push_back(12);mom_inc.push_back(20);
25  mom_inc.push_back(31);mom_inc.push_back(40);
26  mom_inc.push_back(50);mom_inc.push_back(60);
27  mom_inc.push_back(70);mom_inc.push_back(80);
28  mom_inc.push_back(90);mom_inc.push_back(100);
29  mom_inc.push_back(110);mom_inc.push_back(120);
31  int part_size = spart_prod.size();
32  int mom_size = mom_inc.size();
34  for(int i=0;i<part_size;i++){
35  if(i!=idx_neu){
36  fpC_x[i] = new TFile(Form("%s/MC/FTFP/invxs_%s_FTFP_BERT.root",dirData,spart_prod[i].c_str()),"read");
37  for(int j=0;j<mom_size;j++)vpC_x[i].push_back((TH2D*)fpC_x[i]->Get(Form("xF_pT_%dGeV",mom_inc[j])));
38  }
39  else if(i==idx_neu){
40  fpC_x[i] = new TFile(Form("%s/MC/FTFP/yield_%s_FTFP_BERT.root",dirData,spart_prod[i].c_str()),"read");
41  for(int j=0;j<mom_size;j++)vpC_n.push_back((TH1D*)fpC_x[i]->Get(Form("dndxf_%dGeV",mom_inc[j])));
42  }
43  }
44  //QEL fraction:
45  spart_qe_corr.push_back("prt");
46  spart_qe_corr.push_back("neu");
47  int qe_size = spart_qe_corr.size();
48  for(int i=0;i<qe_size;i++){
49  if(i<qe_size-1){
50  fqe_corr[i] = new TFile(Form("%s/MC/FTFP/invxs_qe_corr_%s.root",dirData,spart_qe_corr[i].c_str()),"read");
51  for(size_t j=0;j<mom_inc.size();j++)vqe_corr_p.push_back((TH2D*)fqe_corr[i]->Get(Form("frac_prod_xF_pT_%dGeV",mom_inc[j])));
52  }
53  else if(i==(qe_size-1)){
54  fqe_corr[i] = new TFile(Form("%s/MC/FTFP/yield_qe_corr_%s.root",dirData,spart_qe_corr[i].c_str()),"read");
55  for(int j=0;j<mom_size;j++)vqe_corr_n.push_back((TH1D*)fqe_corr[i]->Get(Form("frac_prod_xf_%dGeV",mom_inc[j])));
56  }
57  }
59  //Scaling:
60  const int Nscl = 5;
61  const char* cscl_parts[Nscl] = {"pip","pim","kap","kam","prt"};
62  const int Nmomscl = 11;
63  const int mom_scale[Nmomscl] = {12,20,31,40,50,60,70,80,100,120,158};
64  for(Int_t ipart=0;ipart<Nscl;ipart++){
65  ThinTargetMC::fTTscale.push_back(new TFile(Form("%s/SCALING/%s_scaling.root",dirData,cscl_parts[ipart])));
66  }
67  ThinTargetMC::fTTscale.push_back(new TFile(Form("%s/SCALING/%s_scaling.root",dirData,"neu")));
68  //Loading scale histograms:
69  for(Int_t ipart=0;ipart<Nscl;ipart++){
70  std::vector<TH2F*> tmp_scl;
71  for(int imom=0;imom<Nmomscl;imom++){
72  tmp_scl.push_back((TH2F*)ThinTargetMC::fTTscale[ipart]->Get(Form("xF_pT_%dGeV",mom_scale[imom])));
73  }
74  hTTScl.push_back(tmp_scl);
75  tmp_scl.clear();
76  }
77  //neutron scaling
78  for(int imom=0;imom<Nmomscl;imom++){
79  hTTScl_n.push_back((TH1F*)ThinTargetMC::fTTscale[Nscl]->Get(Form("xF_%dGeV",mom_scale[imom])));
80  }
82  }
84  double ThinTargetMC::getMCval_pC_X(double incP, double xf,double pt, int pdgcode){
86  //check:
87  if(incP<12)return -1;
88  if(pdgcode!=211 && pdgcode!=-211 && pdgcode!=321 && pdgcode!=-321 && pdgcode!=2212 && pdgcode!=2112 && pdgcode!=130 && pdgcode!=310)return -1;
89  //idx:
90  int idx_part = -1;
91  int idx_qe_corr = -1;
92  int idx_lowp = -1;
93  int idx_hip = -1;
94  for(size_t i=0;i<mom_inc.size()-1;i++){
95  if(incP>=double(mom_inc[i]) && incP<=double(mom_inc[i+1])){
96  idx_lowp=i;
97  idx_hip =i+1;
98  }
99  }
100  if(idx_lowp==-1){
101  idx_lowp = mom_inc.size()-2;
102  idx_hip = mom_inc.size()-1;
103  }
104  if(pdgcode == 211)idx_part=0;
105  if(pdgcode == -211)idx_part=1;
106  if(pdgcode == 321)idx_part=2;
107  if(pdgcode == -321)idx_part=3;
108  if(pdgcode == 2212){
109  idx_part = 4;
110  idx_qe_corr = 0;
111  }
112  if(pdgcode == 2112){
113  idx_part = 7;
114  idx_qe_corr = 1;
115  }
116  if(pdgcode == 130)idx_part=5;
117  if(pdgcode == 310)idx_part=6;
119  double mcval = 0.0;
120  double qe_corr = 1.0;
121  if(idx_part<7){
122  int binp = vpC_x[idx_part][idx_lowp]->FindBin(xf,pt);
123  double mclow = vpC_x[idx_part][idx_lowp]->GetBinContent(binp);
124  double mchi = vpC_x[idx_part][idx_hip]->GetBinContent(binp);
125  mcval = mclow + (incP-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]))*(mchi-mclow)/(double(mom_inc[idx_hip])-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]));
126  if(idx_qe_corr==0){
127  int binqe = vqe_corr_p[idx_lowp]->FindBin(xf,pt);
128  double qelow = vqe_corr_p[idx_lowp]->GetBinContent(binqe);
129  double qehi = vqe_corr_p[idx_hip]->GetBinContent(binqe);
130  qe_corr = qelow + (incP-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]))*(qehi-qelow)/(double(mom_inc[idx_hip])-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]));
131  }
132  }
133  else if(idx_part==7){
134  int binp = vpC_n[idx_lowp]->FindBin(xf);
135  double mclow = vpC_n[idx_lowp]->GetBinContent(binp);
136  double mchi = vpC_n[idx_hip]->GetBinContent(binp);
137  mcval = mclow + (incP-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]))*(mchi-mclow)/(double(mom_inc[idx_hip])-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]));
138  int binqe = vqe_corr_n[idx_lowp]->FindBin(xf);
139  double qelow = vqe_corr_n[idx_lowp]->GetBinContent(binqe);
140  double qehi = vqe_corr_n[idx_hip]->GetBinContent(binqe);
141  qe_corr = qelow + (incP-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]))*(qehi-qelow)/(double(mom_inc[idx_hip])-double(mom_inc[idx_lowp]));
142  }
144  mcval /=qe_corr;
146  //check:
147  if(mcval<1.e-12 || mcval!=mcval)return -1;
149  return mcval;
151  }
153  ////////////////////
154 double ThinTargetMC::getMCxs_pC_piK(int genid, double inc_mom){
155  double xx[13] ={12,20,31,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,158};
156  double yy[13] ={153386793./197812683.,160302538./197811564.,164508480./197831250.,166391359./197784915.,
157  167860919./197822312.,168882647./197807739.,169681805./197803099.,170311264./197811098.,
158  170860912./197822002.,171309291./197834756.,171651963./197811822.,171991260./197823012.,
159  172902228./197804669.};
161  int idx_lowp = -1;
162  int idx_hip = -1;
163  for(int i=0;i<12;i++){
164  if(inc_mom>=double(xx[i]) && inc_mom<double(xx[i+1])){
165  idx_lowp=i;
166  idx_hip =i+1;
167  }
168  }
169  double frac_low = yy[idx_lowp];
170  double frac_hi = yy[idx_hip];
171  double frac_m = frac_low + (inc_mom-double(xx[idx_lowp]))*(frac_hi-frac_low)/(double(xx[idx_hip])-double(xx[idx_lowp]));
173  if(genid==0)return frac_m*243.2435;
174  else if(genid>0)return frac_m;
175  else{
176  std::cout<<"Something is wrong with gen "<<std::endl;
177  return 1.0;
178  }
180  }
181  /////
182 double ThinTargetMC::getMCxs_pC_nucleon(int genid, int pdg, double inc_mom){
183  double xx[13] ={12,20,31,40,50,60,70,80,90,100,110,120,158};
184  double yy[13] ={153386793./197812683.,160302538./197811564.,164508480./197831250.,166391359./197784915.,
185  167860919./197822312.,168882647./197807739.,169681805./197803099.,170311264./197811098.,
186  170860912./197822002.,171309291./197834756.,171651963./197811822.,171991260./197823012.,
187  172902228./197804669.};
189  int idx_lowp = -1;
190  int idx_hip = -1;
191  for(int i=0;i<12;i++){
192  if(inc_mom>=double(xx[i]) && inc_mom<double(xx[i+1])){
193  idx_lowp=i;
194  idx_hip =i+1;
195  }
196  }
197  double frac_low = yy[idx_lowp];
198  double frac_hi = yy[idx_hip];
199  double frac_m = frac_low + (inc_mom-double(xx[idx_lowp]))*(frac_hi-frac_low)/(double(xx[idx_hip])-double(xx[idx_lowp]));
201  if(genid==0 && pdg==2212)return frac_m*243.2435;
202  if(genid>0 && pdg==2212)return frac_m;
203  if(genid==0 && pdg==2112)return frac_m;
204  if(genid>0 && pdg==2112)return frac_m/243.2435;
205  return 1.0;
207  }
210  if (instance == 0) instance = new ThinTargetMC;
211  return instance;
212  }
214 }
std::vector< std::string > spart_qe_corr
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:45
std::vector< TH2D * > vqe_corr_p
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:47
std::vector< TH1F * > hTTScl_n
Vector of the scaling histograms for neutrons:
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:33
std::vector< TH1D * > vpC_n
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:39
double getMCval_pC_X(double incP, double xf, double pt, int pdgcode)
MC value for this HP production.
std::vector< std::vector< TH2F * > > hTTScl
Vector of the scaling histograms:
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:31
double getMCxs_pC_nucleon(int genid, int pdg, double inc_mom)
Get the MC roduction cross-section pC->n, p:
std::vector< TH2D * > vpC_x[8]
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:38
std::vector< TFile * > fTTscale
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:50
A class to manage the MC value for thin target.
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:14
fInnerVessel push_back(Point(-578.400000, 0.000000, 0.000000))
const double e
std::string getenv(std::string const &name)
std::vector< std::string > spart_prod
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:41
static ThinTargetMC * instance
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:52
std::vector< TH1D * > vqe_corr_n
Definition: ThinTargetMC.h:48
double getMCxs_pC_piK(int genid, double inc_mom)
Get the MC roduction cross-section pC->pi, K:
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
static ThinTargetMC * getInstance()