Dumpers Directory Reference


file  dump_chargedspacepoints.fcl [code]
file  dump_clusters.fcl [code]
file  dump_hits.fcl [code]
file  dump_opdetwaveforms.fcl [code]
file  dump_pfparticles.fcl [code]
file  dump_pids.fcl [code]
file  dump_rawdigits.fcl [code]
file  dump_seeds.fcl [code]
file  dump_simenergydeposits.fcl [code]
file  dump_simphotonslite.fcl [code]
file  dump_tracks.fcl [code]
file  dump_wires.fcl [code]
file  DumpAssociations.h [code]
 Dumps on a stream the content of associations.
file  DumpChargedSpacePoints_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of space points and associated charge.
file  DumpClusters_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the clusters.
file  DumpHits_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the hits.
file  DumpOpDetWaveforms_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the raw optical detector waveforms.
file  DumpParticleIDs_module.cc [code]
 Dump ParticleID objects.
file  DumpPCAxes_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of Principal Component Axis objects.
file  DumpPFParticles_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of ParticleFlow particles.
file  DumpRawDigits_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the raw digits.
file  DumpSeeds_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of seeds.
file  DumpSimEnergyDeposits_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the sim::SimEnergyDeposit objects.
file  DumpSimPhotonsLite_module.cc [code]
 Module dumping SimPhotonsLite information on screen.
file  DumpSpacePoints_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of space points.
file  DumpTracks_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the tracks.
file  DumpVertices_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of vertices.
file  DumpWires_module.cc [code]
 Dumps on screen the content of the wires.
file  hexfloat.h [code]
 Helper to support output of real numbers in base 16.
file  NewLine.h [code]
 Simple class managing a repetitive output task.
file  PCAxisDumpers.cc [code]
 Functions dumping principal component axis objects - implementation file.
file  PCAxisDumpers.h [code]
 Functions dumping principal component axis objects.
file  SpacePointDumpers.cc [code]
 Functions dumping space points - implementation file.
file  SpacePointDumpers.h [code]
 Functions dumping space points.