file | ContainerMeta.h [code] |
| C++ metaprogramming utilities for dealing with containers.
file | counter.h [code] |
| Test of util::counter and support utilities.
file | DebugUtils.cxx [code] |
file | DebugUtils.h [code] |
| Functions to help debugging by instrumenting code.
file | DereferenceIterator.h [code] |
| Offer iterators automatically dereferencing their values.
file | DumpUtils.h [code] |
file | enumerate.h [code] |
| Definition of util::enumerate() .
file | fromFutureImport.h [code] |
| Code that might appear as standard C++ in the future.
file | get_elements.h [code] |
| Definition of util::get_elements() and util::get_const_elements() .
file | makeValueIndex.h [code] |
| Provides util::makeValueIndex() helper function.
file | MetaUtils.h [code] |
| Basic C++ metaprogramming utilities.
file | NumericUtils.h [code] |
| Functions to help with numbers.
file | operations.h [code] |
| Provides a few simple operations for use in generic programming.
file | ParticleFilters.h [code] |
file | ProviderPack.h [code] |
| Data structure containing constant pointers to classes.
file | ProviderUtil.h [code] |
file | quiet_Math_Functor.h [code] |
file | RealComparisons.h [code] |
| Class for approximate comparisons.
file | SortByPointers.h [code] |
| Silly utility to sort vectors indirectly.
file | span.h [code] |
| An object with a begin and end iterator.
file | StdUtils.h [code] |
| Functions pulling in STL customization if available.
file | UncopiableAndUnmovableClass.h [code] |
| Defines classes that can't be copied nor moved.
file | values.h [code] |
| Definition of util::values() and util::const_values() .
file | zip.h [code] |
| Definition of util::zip() .