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doReweight_dk2nu_original.C File Reference
#include "dk2nu/tree/dkmeta.h"
#include "dk2nu/tree/dk2nu.h"
#include "MakeReweight.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include "TH1D.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


int idx_hel (int pdgdcode)
void doReweight_dk2nu (const char *inputFile, const char *outputFile, const char *optionsFile)
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])


const int NbinsE = 120
const double emin = 0.
const double emax = 120.
const int Nnuhel = 4
const char * nuhel [Nnuhel] = {"numu","numubar","nue","nuebar"}

Function Documentation

void doReweight_dk2nu ( const char *  inputFile,
const char *  outputFile,
const char *  optionsFile 

Run the reweighting for a single file (inputFile) for particular MIPP covariance matrix given in input.xml file.

Definition at line 33 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

33  {
35  const char* thisDir = getenv("PPFX_DIR");
36  const char* OutputDir=thisDir;
38  std::cout<< "Instance of MakeReweight()" <<std::endl;
39  MakeReweight* makerew = MakeReweight::getInstance();
40  makerew->SetOptions(optionsFile);
42  std::cout<<"Making an output file to store histograms"<<std::endl;
43  TFile* fOut = new TFile(outputFile,"recreate");
44  std::cout<<"File name: "<<fOut->GetName()<<std::endl;
46  fOut->mkdir("nom");
47  for(int ii=0;ii<Nnuhel;ii++){
48  fOut->mkdir(Form("%s_thintarget",nuhel[ii]));
49  fOut->mkdir(Form("%s_mippnumi",nuhel[ii]));
50  fOut->mkdir(Form("%s_attenuation",nuhel[ii]));
51  fOut->mkdir(Form("%s_others",nuhel[ii]));
52  fOut->mkdir(Form("%s_total",nuhel[ii]));
53  }
54  std::cout<<"Done making the output file"<<std::endl;
56  int Nuniverses = makerew->GetNumberOfUniversesUsed();
58  TH1D* hnom[Nnuhel];
59  TH1D* hcv[Nnuhel];
60  TH1D* hthin[Nnuhel][Nuniverses];
61  TH1D* hmipp[Nnuhel][Nuniverses];
62  TH1D* hatt[Nnuhel][Nuniverses];
63  TH1D* hothers[Nnuhel][Nuniverses];
64  TH1D* htotal[Nnuhel][Nuniverses];
66  for(int ii=0;ii<Nnuhel;ii++){
67  hnom[ii] = new TH1D(Form("hnom_%s",nuhel[ii]),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
68  hcv[ii] = new TH1D(Form("hcv_%s",nuhel[ii]),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
69  for(int jj=0;jj< Nuniverses; jj++){
70  hthin[ii][jj] = new TH1D(Form("hthin_%s_%d", nuhel[ii],jj),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
71  hmipp[ii][jj] = new TH1D(Form("hmipp_%s_%d", nuhel[ii],jj),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
72  hatt[ii][jj] = new TH1D(Form("hatt_%s_%d", nuhel[ii],jj),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
73  hothers[ii][jj] = new TH1D(Form("hothers_%s_%d",nuhel[ii],jj),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
74  htotal[ii][jj] = new TH1D(Form("htotal_%s_%d", nuhel[ii],jj),"",NbinsE,emin,emax);
75  }
76  }
78  //Loading ntuples:
79  TChain* chain_evts = new TChain("dk2nuTree");
80  TChain* chain_meta = new TChain("dkmetaTree");
81  bsim::Dk2Nu* dk2nu = new bsim::Dk2Nu;
82  bsim::DkMeta* dkmeta = new bsim::DkMeta;
84  std::cout<<" Adding ntuple at: "<<inputFile<<std::endl;
86  chain_evts->Add(inputFile);
87  chain_evts->SetBranchAddress("dk2nu",&dk2nu);
88  int nentries = chain_evts->GetEntries();
90  chain_meta->Add(inputFile);
91  chain_meta->SetBranchAddress("dkmeta",&dkmeta);
92  chain_meta->GetEntry(0); //all entries are the same
94  std::vector<double> vwgt_mipp_pi;
95  std::vector<double> vwgt_mipp_K;
96  std::vector<double> vwgt_abs;
97  std::vector<double> vwgt_att;
98  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttpCpi;
99  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttpCk;
100  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttnCpi;
101  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttpCnu;
102  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttnua;
103  std::vector<double> vwgt_ttmesinc;
104  std::vector<double> vwgt_oth;
106  std::cout<<"N of entries: "<<nentries<<std::endl;
108  for(int ii=0;ii<nentries;ii++){
109  if(ii%1000==0)std::cout<<ii/1000<<" k evts"<<std::endl;
110  vwgt_mipp_pi.clear();
111  vwgt_mipp_K.clear();
112  vwgt_abs.clear();
113  vwgt_att.clear();
114  vwgt_ttpCpi.clear();
115  vwgt_ttpCk.clear();
116  vwgt_ttnCpi.clear();
117  vwgt_ttpCnu.clear();
118  vwgt_ttmesinc.clear();
119  vwgt_ttnua.clear();
120  vwgt_oth.clear();
122  chain_evts->GetEntry(ii);
123  makerew->calculateWeights(dk2nu,dkmeta);
125  double fluxWGT = ( (dk2nu->nuray)[1].wgt )*(dk2nu->decay.nimpwt)/3.1416;
126  int nuidx = idx_hel(dk2nu->decay.ntype);
127  double nuenergy = (dk2nu->nuray)[1].E;
129  if(nuidx<0){
130  std::cout<<"=> Wrong neutrino file"<<std::endl;
131  }
132  hnom[nuidx]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT);
133  hcv[nuidx]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*makerew->GetCVWeight());
135  vwgt_mipp_pi = makerew->GetWeights("MIPPNumiPionYields");
136  vwgt_mipp_K = makerew->GetWeights("MIPPNumiKaonYields");
137  vwgt_abs = makerew->GetWeights("TotalAbsorption");
138  vwgt_att = makerew->GetWeights("TargetAttenuation");
139  vwgt_ttpCpi = makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetpCPion");
140  vwgt_ttpCk = makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetpCKaon");
141  vwgt_ttnCpi = makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetnCPion");
142  vwgt_ttpCnu = makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetpCNucleon");
143  vwgt_ttmesinc= makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetMesonIncident");
144  vwgt_ttnua = makerew->GetWeights("ThinTargetnucleonA");
145  vwgt_oth = makerew->GetWeights("Other");
148  for(int jj=0;jj<Nuniverses;jj++){
149  double wgt_thin = vwgt_ttpCpi[jj]*vwgt_ttpCk[jj]*vwgt_ttnCpi[jj]*vwgt_ttpCnu[jj]*vwgt_ttmesinc[jj]*vwgt_ttnua[jj];
150  double wgt_mipp = vwgt_mipp_pi[jj]*vwgt_mipp_K[jj];
151  double wgt_att = vwgt_att[jj]*vwgt_abs[jj];
152  hthin[nuidx][jj]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*wgt_thin);
153  hmipp[nuidx][jj]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*wgt_mipp);
154  hatt[nuidx][jj]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*wgt_att);
155  hothers[nuidx][jj]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*vwgt_oth[jj]);
156  htotal[nuidx][jj]->Fill(nuenergy,fluxWGT*wgt_thin*wgt_mipp*wgt_att*vwgt_oth[jj]);
158  }
159  }
161  std::cout<<"storing general histos"<<std::endl;
162  fOut->cd();
163  for(int ii=0;ii<Nnuhel;ii++){
164  fOut->cd("nom");
165  hnom[ii]->Write();
166  hcv[ii]->Write();
167  for(int jj=0;jj< Nuniverses; jj++){
168  fOut->cd(Form("%s_thintarget",nuhel[ii])); hthin[ii][jj]->Write();
169  fOut->cd(Form("%s_mippnumi",nuhel[ii])); hmipp[ii][jj]->Write();
170  fOut->cd(Form("%s_attenuation",nuhel[ii])); hatt[ii][jj]->Write();
171  fOut->cd(Form("%s_others",nuhel[ii])); hothers[ii][jj]->Write();
172  fOut->cd(Form("%s_total",nuhel[ii])); htotal[ii][jj]->Write();
173  }
174  }
176  //Releasing memory:
177  makerew->resetInstance();
179  std::cout<<"End of run()"<<std::endl;
181 }
const char * nuhel[Nnuhel]
int idx_hel(int pdgdcode)
std::vector< double > GetWeights(std::string nameReweighter)
get the vector of the weights for a given reweighter
A class to make the reweight event by event.
Definition: MakeReweight.h:32
double GetCVWeight()
get the cv weights
const double emax
the ParameterSet object passed in for the configuration of a destination should be the only source that can affect the behavior of that destination This is to eliminate the dependencies of configuring a destination from multiple mostly from the defaults It suppresses possible glitches about changing the configuration file somewhere outside of a destination segament might still affect the behavior of that destination In the previous configuration for a specific the value of a certain e may come from following and have been suppressed It the configuring ParameterSet object for each destination will be required to carry a parameter list as complete as possible If a parameter still cannot be found in the ParameterSet the configuration code will go look for a hardwired default directly The model is a great simplicity comparing with the previous especially when looking for default values Another great advantage is most of the parameters now have very limited places that allows to appear Usually they can only appear at one certain level in a configuration file For in the old configuring model or in a default ParameterSet object inside of a or in a category or in a severity object This layout of multiple sources for a single parameter brings great confusion in both writing a configuration and in processing the configuration file Under the new the only allowed place for the parameter limit to appear is inside of a category which is inside of a destination object Other improvements simplify the meaning of a destination name In the old a destination name has multiple folds of meanings the e cout and cerr have the special meaning of logging messages to standard output or standard error the name also serves as the output filename if the destination is a file these names are also references to look up for detailed configurations in configuring the MessageFacility The multi purpose of the destination name might cause some unwanted behavior in either writing or parsing the configuration file To amend in the new model the destination name is now merely a name for a which might represent the literal purpose of this or just an id All other meanings of the destinations names now go into the destination ParameterSet as individual such as the type parameter and filename parameter Following is the deatiled rule for the new configuring Everything that is related with MessageFacility configuration must be wrapped in a single ParameterSet object with the name MessageFacility The MessageFacility ParameterSet object contains a series of top level parameters These parameters can be chosen a vector of string listing the name of debug enabled models Or use *to enable debug messages in all modules a vector of string a vector of string a vector of string a ParameterSet object containing the list of all destinations The destinations ParameterSet object is a combination of ParameterSet objects for individual destinations There are two types of destinations that you can insert in the destinations ParameterSet ordinary including cout
const Double_t E[nknots]
Definition: testXsec.C:25
std::string getenv(std::string const &name)
int GetNumberOfUniversesUsed()
number of universes used in this run
void calculateWeights(nu_g4numi *nu, const char *tgtcfg, const char *horncfg)
const double emin
const int Nnuhel
const int NbinsE
void SetOptions(std::string fileIn)
int idx_hel ( int  pdgdcode)

Definition at line 183 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

183  {
184  int idx = -1;
185  if(pdgcode == 14)idx = 0;
186  if(pdgcode == -14)idx = 1;
187  if(pdgcode == 12)idx = 2;
188  if(pdgcode == -12)idx = 3;
189  return idx;
190 }
int main ( int  argc,
const char *  argv[] 

Definition at line 195 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

195  {
197  doReweight_dk2nu(argv[1],argv[2],argv[3]);
198  return 0;
199 }
void doReweight_dk2nu(const char *inputFile, const char *outputFile, const char *optionsFile)

Variable Documentation

const double emax = 120.

Definition at line 18 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

const double emin = 0.

Definition at line 17 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

const int NbinsE = 120

Definition at line 16 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

const int Nnuhel = 4

Definition at line 19 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.

const char* nuhel[Nnuhel] = {"numu","numubar","nue","nuebar"}

Definition at line 20 of file doReweight_dk2nu_original.C.