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1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // This class has been automatically generated on
3 // Thu Dec 4 16:19:52 2008 by ROOT version 5.21/07
4 // from TTree g4numi/g4numi Neutrino ntuple
5 // found on file: generic_g4numi.root
6 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 #ifndef g4numi_h
9 #define g4numi_h
11 #include <TROOT.h>
12 #include <TChain.h>
13 #include <TFile.h>
14 #include <TObjArray.h>
16 #include <iostream>
18 class g4numi {
19 public :
20  TTree *fChain; //!pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
21  Int_t fCurrent; //!current Tree number in a TChain
23  // Declaration of leaf types
24  //data_t *data;
25  Int_t run;
26  Int_t evtno;
27  Double_t beamHWidth;
28  Double_t beamVWidth;
29  Double_t beamX;
30  Double_t beamY;
31  Double_t protonX;
32  Double_t protonY;
33  Double_t protonZ;
34  Double_t protonPx;
35  Double_t protonPy;
36  Double_t protonPz;
37  Double_t nuTarZ;
38  Double_t hornCurrent;
39  Double_t Ndxdz;
40  Double_t Ndydz;
41  Double_t Npz;
42  Double_t Nenergy;
43  Double_t NdxdzNear[11];
44  Double_t NdydzNear[11];
45  Double_t NenergyN[11];
46  Double_t NWtNear[11];
47  Double_t NdxdzFar[2];
48  Double_t NdydzFar[2];
49  Double_t NenergyF[2];
50  Double_t NWtFar[2];
51  Int_t Norig;
52  Int_t Ndecay;
53  Int_t Ntype;
54  Double_t Vx;
55  Double_t Vy;
56  Double_t Vz;
57  Double_t pdPx;
58  Double_t pdPy;
59  Double_t pdPz;
60  Double_t ppdxdz;
61  Double_t ppdydz;
62  Double_t pppz;
63  Double_t ppenergy;
64  Double_t ppmedium;
65  Int_t ptype;
66  Double_t ppvx;
67  Double_t ppvy;
68  Double_t ppvz;
69  Double_t muparpx;
70  Double_t muparpy;
71  Double_t muparpz;
72  Double_t mupare;
73  Double_t Necm;
74  Double_t Nimpwt;
75  Double_t xpoint;
76  Double_t ypoint;
77  Double_t zpoint;
78  Double_t tvx;
79  Double_t tvy;
80  Double_t tvz;
81  Double_t tpx;
82  Double_t tpy;
83  Double_t tpz;
84  Int_t tptype;
85  Int_t tgen;
88  //=========================================
89  // The following was inserted by MINERvA
90  //=========================================
91  Int_t ntrajectory;
92  Bool_t overflow;
93  Int_t pdg[10];
94  Int_t trackId[10];
95  Int_t parentId[10];
96  Double_t startx[10];
97  Double_t starty[10];
98  Double_t startz[10];
99  Double_t stopx[10];
100  Double_t stopy[10];
101  Double_t stopz[10];
102  Double_t startpx[10];
103  Double_t startpy[10];
104  Double_t startpz[10];
105  Double_t stoppx[10];
106  Double_t stoppy[10];
107  Double_t stoppz[10];
108  Double_t pprodpx[10];
109  Double_t pprodpy[10];
110  Double_t pprodpz[10];
111  TString proc[10];
112  TString ivol[10];
113  TString fvol[10];
114  //END of minerva additions
115 #endif
117  Double_t trkx[10];
118  Double_t trky[10];
119  Double_t trkz[10];
120  Double_t trkpx[10];
121  Double_t trkpy[10];
122  Double_t trkpz[10];
124  // List of branches
125  TBranch *b_data_run; //!
126  TBranch *b_data_evtno; //!
127  TBranch *b_data_beamHWidth; //!
128  TBranch *b_data_beamVWidth; //!
129  TBranch *b_data_beamX; //!
130  TBranch *b_data_beamY; //!
131  TBranch *b_data_protonX; //!
132  TBranch *b_data_protonY; //!
133  TBranch *b_data_protonZ; //!
134  TBranch *b_data_protonPx; //!
135  TBranch *b_data_protonPy; //!
136  TBranch *b_data_protonPz; //!
137  TBranch *b_data_nuTarZ; //!
138  TBranch *b_data_hornCurrent; //!
139  TBranch *b_data_Ndxdz; //!
140  TBranch *b_data_Ndydz; //!
141  TBranch *b_data_Npz; //!
142  TBranch *b_data_Nenergy; //!
143  TBranch *b_data_NdxdzNear; //!
144  TBranch *b_data_NdydzNear; //!
145  TBranch *b_data_NenergyN; //!
146  TBranch *b_data_NWtNear; //!
147  TBranch *b_data_NdxdzFar; //!
148  TBranch *b_data_NdydzFar; //!
149  TBranch *b_data_NenergyF; //!
150  TBranch *b_data_NWtFar; //!
151  TBranch *b_data_Norig; //!
152  TBranch *b_data_Ndecay; //!
153  TBranch *b_data_Ntype; //!
154  TBranch *b_data_Vx; //!
155  TBranch *b_data_Vy; //!
156  TBranch *b_data_Vz; //!
157  TBranch *b_data_pdPx; //!
158  TBranch *b_data_pdPy; //!
159  TBranch *b_data_pdPz; //!
160  TBranch *b_data_ppdxdz; //!
161  TBranch *b_data_ppdydz; //!
162  TBranch *b_data_pppz; //!
163  TBranch *b_data_ppenergy; //!
164  TBranch *b_data_ppmedium; //!
165  TBranch *b_data_ptype; //!
166  TBranch *b_data_ppvx; //!
167  TBranch *b_data_ppvy; //!
168  TBranch *b_data_ppvz; //!
169  TBranch *b_data_muparpx; //!
170  TBranch *b_data_muparpy; //!
171  TBranch *b_data_muparpz; //!
172  TBranch *b_data_mupare; //!
173  TBranch *b_data_Necm; //!
174  TBranch *b_data_Nimpwt; //!
175  TBranch *b_data_xpoint; //!
176  TBranch *b_data_ypoint; //!
177  TBranch *b_data_zpoint; //!
178  TBranch *b_data_tvx; //!
179  TBranch *b_data_tvy; //!
180  TBranch *b_data_tvz; //!
181  TBranch *b_data_tpx; //!
182  TBranch *b_data_tpy; //!
183  TBranch *b_data_tpz; //!
184  TBranch *b_data_tptype; //!
185  TBranch *b_data_tgen; //!
188  //=========================================
189  // The following was inserted by MINERvA
190  //=========================================
191  TBranch *b_data_ntrajectory; //!
192  TBranch *b_data_overflow; //!
193  TBranch *b_data_pdg; //!
194  TBranch *b_data_trackId; //!
195  TBranch *b_data_parentId; //!
196  TBranch *b_data_startx; //!
197  TBranch *b_data_starty; //!
198  TBranch *b_data_startz; //!
199  TBranch *b_data_stopx; //!
200  TBranch *b_data_stopy; //!
201  TBranch *b_data_stopz; //!
202  TBranch *b_data_startpx; //!
203  TBranch *b_data_startpy; //!
204  TBranch *b_data_startpz; //!
205  TBranch *b_data_stoppx; //!
206  TBranch *b_data_stoppy; //!
207  TBranch *b_data_stoppz; //!
208  TBranch *b_data_pprodpx; //!
209  TBranch *b_data_pprodpy; //!
210  TBranch *b_data_pprodpz; //!
211  TBranch *b_data_proc; //!
212  TBranch *b_data_ivol; //!
213  TBranch *b_data_fvol; //!
214  //END of minerva additions
215 #endif
217  TBranch *b_data_trkx; //!
218  TBranch *b_data_trky; //!
219  TBranch *b_data_trkz; //!
220  TBranch *b_data_trkpx; //!
221  TBranch *b_data_trkpy; //!
222  TBranch *b_data_trkpz; //!
224  g4numi(TTree *tree=0);
225  virtual ~g4numi();
226  virtual Int_t Cut(Long64_t entry);
227  virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry);
228  virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry);
229  virtual void Init(TTree *tree);
230  virtual void Loop();
231  virtual Bool_t Notify();
232  virtual void Show(Long64_t entry = -1);
233 };
235 #endif
237 #ifdef g4numi_cxx
238 g4numi::g4numi(TTree *tree)
239 {
240 // if parameter tree is not specified (or zero), connect the file
241 // used to generate this class and read the Tree.
242  if (tree == 0) {
243  TFile *f = (TFile*)gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject("generic_g4numi.root");
244  if (!f) {
245  f = new TFile("generic_g4numi.root");
246  }
247  tree = (TTree*)gDirectory->Get("g4numi");
249  }
250  Init(tree);
251 }
254 {
255  if (!fChain) return;
256  delete fChain->GetCurrentFile();
257 }
259 Int_t g4numi::GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
260 {
261 // Read contents of entry.
262  if (!fChain) return 0;
263  return fChain->GetEntry(entry);
264 }
265 Long64_t g4numi::LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
266 {
267 // Set the environment to read one entry
268  if (!fChain) return -5;
269  Long64_t centry = fChain->LoadTree(entry);
270  if (centry < 0) return centry;
271  if (!fChain->InheritsFrom(TChain::Class())) return centry;
272  TChain *chain = (TChain*)fChain;
273  if (chain->GetTreeNumber() != fCurrent) {
274  fCurrent = chain->GetTreeNumber();
275  Notify();
276  }
277  return centry;
278 }
280 void g4numi::Init(TTree *tree)
281 {
282  // The Init() function is called when the selector needs to initialize
283  // a new tree or chain. Typically here the branch addresses and branch
284  // pointers of the tree will be set.
285  // It is normally not necessary to make changes to the generated
286  // code, but the routine can be extended by the user if needed.
287  // Init() will be called many times when running on PROOF
288  // (once per file to be processed).
290  // Set branch addresses and branch pointers
291  if (!tree) return;
292  fChain = tree;
293  fCurrent = -1;
294  fChain->SetMakeClass(1);
296  fChain->SetBranchAddress("run", &run, &b_data_run);
297  fChain->SetBranchAddress("evtno", &evtno, &b_data_evtno);
298  fChain->SetBranchAddress("beamHWidth", &beamHWidth, &b_data_beamHWidth);
299  fChain->SetBranchAddress("beamVWidth", &beamVWidth, &b_data_beamVWidth);
300  fChain->SetBranchAddress("beamX", &beamX, &b_data_beamX);
301  fChain->SetBranchAddress("beamY", &beamY, &b_data_beamY);
302  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonX", &protonX, &b_data_protonX);
303  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonY", &protonY, &b_data_protonY);
304  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonZ", &protonZ, &b_data_protonZ);
305  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonPx", &protonPx, &b_data_protonPx);
306  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonPy", &protonPy, &b_data_protonPy);
307  fChain->SetBranchAddress("protonPz", &protonPz, &b_data_protonPz);
308  fChain->SetBranchAddress("nuTarZ", &nuTarZ, &b_data_nuTarZ);
309  fChain->SetBranchAddress("hornCurrent", &hornCurrent, &b_data_hornCurrent);
310  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndxdz", &Ndxdz, &b_data_Ndxdz);
311  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndydz", &Ndydz, &b_data_Ndydz);
312  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Npz", &Npz, &b_data_Npz);
313  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Nenergy", &Nenergy, &b_data_Nenergy);
314  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NdxdzNear[11]", NdxdzNear, &b_data_NdxdzNear);
315  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NdydzNear[11]", NdydzNear, &b_data_NdydzNear);
316  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NenergyN[11]", NenergyN, &b_data_NenergyN);
317  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NWtNear[11]", NWtNear, &b_data_NWtNear);
318  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NdxdzFar[2]", NdxdzFar, &b_data_NdxdzFar);
319  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NdydzFar[2]", NdydzFar, &b_data_NdydzFar);
320  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NenergyF[2]", NenergyF, &b_data_NenergyF);
321  fChain->SetBranchAddress("NWtFar[2]", NWtFar, &b_data_NWtFar);
322  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Norig", &Norig, &b_data_Norig);
323  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ndecay", &Ndecay, &b_data_Ndecay);
324  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Ntype", &Ntype, &b_data_Ntype);
325  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Vx", &Vx, &b_data_Vx);
326  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Vy", &Vy, &b_data_Vy);
327  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Vz", &Vz, &b_data_Vz);
328  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pdPx", &pdPx, &b_data_pdPx);
329  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pdPy", &pdPy, &b_data_pdPy);
330  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pdPz", &pdPz, &b_data_pdPz);
331  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppdxdz", &ppdxdz, &b_data_ppdxdz);
332  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppdydz", &ppdydz, &b_data_ppdydz);
333  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pppz", &pppz, &b_data_pppz);
334  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppenergy", &ppenergy, &b_data_ppenergy);
335  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppmedium", &ppmedium, &b_data_ppmedium);
336  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ptype", &ptype, &b_data_ptype);
337  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppvx", &ppvx, &b_data_ppvx);
338  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppvy", &ppvy, &b_data_ppvy);
339  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ppvz", &ppvz, &b_data_ppvz);
340  fChain->SetBranchAddress("muparpx", &muparpx, &b_data_muparpx);
341  fChain->SetBranchAddress("muparpy", &muparpy, &b_data_muparpy);
342  fChain->SetBranchAddress("muparpz", &muparpz, &b_data_muparpz);
343  fChain->SetBranchAddress("mupare", &mupare, &b_data_mupare);
344  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Necm", &Necm, &b_data_Necm);
345  fChain->SetBranchAddress("Nimpwt", &Nimpwt, &b_data_Nimpwt);
346  fChain->SetBranchAddress("xpoint", &xpoint, &b_data_xpoint);
347  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ypoint", &ypoint, &b_data_ypoint);
348  fChain->SetBranchAddress("zpoint", &zpoint, &b_data_zpoint);
349  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tvx", &tvx, &b_data_tvx);
350  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tvy", &tvy, &b_data_tvy);
351  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tvz", &tvz, &b_data_tvz);
352  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tpx", &tpx, &b_data_tpx);
353  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tpy", &tpy, &b_data_tpy);
354  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tpz", &tpz, &b_data_tpz);
355  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tptype", &tptype, &b_data_tptype);
356  fChain->SetBranchAddress("tgen", &tgen, &b_data_tgen);
359  // RWH 2014-09-17 don't attach branches to addresses if they don't exist
360  bool has_ancestry = ( fChain->GetBranch("ntrajectory") != 0 );
361  std::cout << "g4numi ntuple "
362  << ((has_ancestry)?"has":"lacks") << " ancestry branches"
363  << std::endl;
364  if ( has_ancestry ) {
365  //=========================================
366  // The following was inserted by MINERvA
367  //=========================================
368  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ntrajectory", &ntrajectory, &b_data_ntrajectory);
369  fChain->SetBranchAddress("overflow", &overflow, &b_data_overflow);
370  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pdg[10]", pdg, &b_data_pdg);
371  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trackId[10]", trackId, &b_data_trackId);
372  fChain->SetBranchAddress("parentId[10]", parentId, &b_data_parentId);
373  fChain->SetBranchAddress("startx[10]", startx, &b_data_startx);
374  fChain->SetBranchAddress("starty[10]", starty, &b_data_starty);
375  fChain->SetBranchAddress("startz[10]", startz, &b_data_startz);
376  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stopx[10]", stopx, &b_data_stopx);
377  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stopy[10]", stopy, &b_data_stopy);
378  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stopz[10]", stopz, &b_data_stopz);
379  fChain->SetBranchAddress("startpx[10]", startpx, &b_data_startpx);
380  fChain->SetBranchAddress("startpy[10]", startpy, &b_data_startpy);
381  fChain->SetBranchAddress("startpz[10]", startpz, &b_data_startpz);
382  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stoppx[10]", stoppx, &b_data_stoppx);
383  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stoppy[10]", stoppy, &b_data_stoppy);
384  fChain->SetBranchAddress("stoppz[10]", stoppz, &b_data_stoppz);
385  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pprodpx[10]", pprodpx, &b_data_pprodpx);
386  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pprodpy[10]", pprodpy, &b_data_pprodpy);
387  fChain->SetBranchAddress("pprodpz[10]", pprodpz, &b_data_pprodpz);
388  fChain->SetBranchAddress("proc[10]", proc, &b_data_proc);
389  fChain->SetBranchAddress("ivol[10]", ivol, &b_data_ivol);
390  fChain->SetBranchAddress("fvol[10]", fvol, &b_data_fvol);
391  //END of minerva additions
392  }
393 #endif
395  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trkx[10]", trkx, &b_data_trkx);
396  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trky[10]", trky, &b_data_trky);
397  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trkz[10]", trkz, &b_data_trkz);
398  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trkpx[10]", trkpx, &b_data_trkpx);
399  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trkpy[10]", trkpy, &b_data_trkpy);
400  fChain->SetBranchAddress("trkpz[10]", trkpz, &b_data_trkpz);
401  Notify();
402 }
404 Bool_t g4numi::Notify()
405 {
406  // The Notify() function is called when a new file is opened. This
407  // can be either for a new TTree in a TChain or when when a new TTree
408  // is started when using PROOF. It is normally not necessary to make changes
409  // to the generated code, but the routine can be extended by the
410  // user if needed. The return value is currently not used.
412  return kTRUE;
413 }
415 void g4numi::Show(Long64_t entry)
416 {
417 // Print contents of entry.
418 // If entry is not specified, print current entry
419  if (!fChain) return;
420  fChain->Show(entry);
421 }
422 Int_t g4numi::Cut(Long64_t /* entry */)
423 {
424 // This function may be called from Loop.
425 // returns 1 if entry is accepted.
426 // returns -1 otherwise.
427  return 1;
428 }
429 #endif // #ifdef g4numi_cxx
Double_t nuTarZ
Definition: g4numi.h:37
Double_t muparpx
Definition: g4numi.h:69
Int_t Ndecay
Definition: g4numi.h:52
TString fvol[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:113
TBranch * b_data_Necm
Definition: g4numi.h:173
TBranch * b_data_fvol
Definition: g4numi.h:213
Double_t protonPy
Definition: g4numi.h:35
TBranch * b_data_protonX
Definition: g4numi.h:131
Int_t tgen
Definition: g4numi.h:85
TBranch * b_data_pprodpy
Definition: g4numi.h:209
TBranch * b_data_tptype
Definition: g4numi.h:184
Double_t tpy
Definition: g4numi.h:82
Double_t stoppy[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:106
TBranch * b_data_tvx
Definition: g4numi.h:178
TBranch * b_data_evtno
Definition: g4numi.h:126
Double_t Ndydz
Definition: g4numi.h:40
TBranch * b_data_pdg
Definition: g4numi.h:193
QList< Entry > entry
Double_t tvz
Definition: g4numi.h:80
Double_t pdPx
Definition: g4numi.h:57
Double_t tvx
Definition: g4numi.h:78
Double_t Vz
Definition: g4numi.h:56
TBranch * b_data_mupare
Definition: g4numi.h:172
TBranch * b_data_muparpx
Definition: g4numi.h:169
Double_t tpz
Definition: g4numi.h:83
Int_t run
current Tree number in a TChain
Definition: g4numi.h:25
Double_t beamX
Definition: g4numi.h:29
TBranch * b_data_ptype
Definition: g4numi.h:165
Int_t pdg[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:93
TBranch * b_data_startpx
Definition: g4numi.h:202
TBranch * b_data_NdydzNear
Definition: g4numi.h:144
TBranch * b_data_nuTarZ
Definition: g4numi.h:137
TBranch * b_data_muparpy
Definition: g4numi.h:170
Double_t xpoint
Definition: g4numi.h:75
Double_t stoppx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:105
TBranch * b_data_tvy
Definition: g4numi.h:179
Double_t muparpz
Definition: g4numi.h:71
virtual Bool_t Notify()
TBranch * b_data_stopx
Definition: g4numi.h:199
TBranch * b_data_ypoint
Definition: g4numi.h:176
Int_t Norig
Definition: g4numi.h:51
Double_t startpy[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:103
TBranch * b_data_NenergyN
Definition: g4numi.h:145
TBranch * b_data_hornCurrent
Definition: g4numi.h:138
Double_t NdxdzFar[2]
Definition: g4numi.h:47
TBranch * b_data_trkpy
Definition: g4numi.h:221
virtual void Show(Long64_t entry=-1)
TBranch * b_data_pdPx
Definition: g4numi.h:157
TBranch * b_data_ppenergy
Definition: g4numi.h:163
TBranch * b_data_Nimpwt
Definition: g4numi.h:174
Definition: g4numi.h:18
TBranch * b_data_beamX
Definition: g4numi.h:129
Double_t trkpz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:122
Double_t NdxdzNear[11]
Definition: g4numi.h:43
TBranch * b_data_Ndxdz
Definition: g4numi.h:139
TBranch * b_data_NWtNear
Definition: g4numi.h:146
TBranch * b_data_starty
Definition: g4numi.h:197
TBranch * b_data_beamY
Definition: g4numi.h:130
Double_t startz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:98
Double_t mupare
Definition: g4numi.h:72
Double_t protonX
Definition: g4numi.h:31
virtual Int_t Cut(Long64_t entry)
TBranch * b_data_trkpx
Definition: g4numi.h:220
TBranch * b_data_pprodpx
Definition: g4numi.h:208
TBranch * b_data_Npz
Definition: g4numi.h:141
TBranch * b_data_pdPy
Definition: g4numi.h:158
Double_t pdPz
Definition: g4numi.h:59
TBranch * b_data_NdxdzFar
Definition: g4numi.h:147
TBranch * b_data_protonZ
Definition: g4numi.h:133
Double_t protonZ
Definition: g4numi.h:33
Double_t Vy
Definition: g4numi.h:55
Double_t Necm
Definition: g4numi.h:73
Double_t beamVWidth
Definition: g4numi.h:28
Double_t ypoint
Definition: g4numi.h:76
TString ivol[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:112
Double_t protonPz
Definition: g4numi.h:36
TBranch * b_data_startpy
Definition: g4numi.h:203
TBranch * b_data_stoppy
Definition: g4numi.h:206
TBranch * b_data_startpz
Definition: g4numi.h:204
TBranch * b_data_stopy
Definition: g4numi.h:200
TBranch * b_data_tpy
Definition: g4numi.h:182
TBranch * b_data_ppvy
Definition: g4numi.h:167
Double_t pppz
Definition: g4numi.h:62
TBranch * b_data_startx
Definition: g4numi.h:196
Double_t startpx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:102
TBranch * b_data_ppmedium
Definition: g4numi.h:164
Double_t ppenergy
Definition: g4numi.h:63
Int_t Ntype
Definition: g4numi.h:53
Double_t pprodpz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:110
Double_t trkx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:117
Double_t pprodpx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:108
virtual Int_t GetEntry(Long64_t entry)
TBranch * b_data_trackId
Definition: g4numi.h:194
TBranch * b_data_tpz
Definition: g4numi.h:183
Double_t startpz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:104
Double_t NdydzNear[11]
Definition: g4numi.h:44
Double_t starty[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:97
TBranch * b_data_beamVWidth
Definition: g4numi.h:128
TBranch * b_data_trky
Definition: g4numi.h:218
TBranch * b_data_trkx
Definition: g4numi.h:217
TTree * fChain
Definition: g4numi.h:20
Int_t tptype
Definition: g4numi.h:84
Double_t tvy
Definition: g4numi.h:79
TBranch * b_data_Ndydz
Definition: g4numi.h:140
Int_t parentId[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:95
Double_t startx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:96
Int_t fCurrent
pointer to the analyzed TTree or TChain
Definition: g4numi.h:21
TBranch * b_data_protonPx
Definition: g4numi.h:134
Double_t stopz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:101
TBranch * b_data_ppvx
Definition: g4numi.h:166
TBranch * b_data_ntrajectory
Definition: g4numi.h:191
Double_t stopy[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:100
Double_t NenergyF[2]
Definition: g4numi.h:49
TBranch * b_data_Ndecay
Definition: g4numi.h:152
Double_t ppvy
Definition: g4numi.h:67
Double_t Ndxdz
Definition: g4numi.h:39
TBranch * b_data_trkpz
Definition: g4numi.h:222
virtual void Loop()
Double_t beamY
Definition: g4numi.h:30
Double_t ppdydz
Definition: g4numi.h:61
Double_t beamHWidth
Definition: g4numi.h:27
TBranch * b_data_parentId
Definition: g4numi.h:195
TBranch * b_data_ivol
Definition: g4numi.h:212
TBranch * b_data_beamHWidth
Definition: g4numi.h:127
TBranch * b_data_overflow
Definition: g4numi.h:192
TBranch * b_data_NWtFar
Definition: g4numi.h:150
virtual ~g4numi()
Double_t stoppz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:107
TBranch * b_data_Ntype
Definition: g4numi.h:153
TBranch * b_data_stopz
Definition: g4numi.h:201
Double_t trkpx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:120
Double_t NWtFar[2]
Definition: g4numi.h:50
TBranch * b_data_run
Definition: g4numi.h:125
Int_t ntrajectory
Definition: g4numi.h:91
Double_t hornCurrent
Definition: g4numi.h:38
TBranch * b_data_protonPz
Definition: g4numi.h:136
virtual void Init(TTree *tree)
TBranch * b_data_tpx
Definition: g4numi.h:181
TBranch * b_data_Vy
Definition: g4numi.h:155
Double_t NdydzFar[2]
Definition: g4numi.h:48
Double_t ppdxdz
Definition: g4numi.h:60
Double_t protonY
Definition: g4numi.h:32
TBranch * b_data_trkz
Definition: g4numi.h:219
virtual Long64_t LoadTree(Long64_t entry)
g4numi(TTree *tree=0)
Double_t protonPx
Definition: g4numi.h:34
TBranch * b_data_xpoint
Definition: g4numi.h:175
TBranch * b_data_proc
Definition: g4numi.h:211
TBranch * b_data_ppvz
Definition: g4numi.h:168
TBranch * b_data_NdydzFar
Definition: g4numi.h:148
Double_t zpoint
Definition: g4numi.h:77
TBranch * b_data_muparpz
Definition: g4numi.h:171
Double_t pdPy
Definition: g4numi.h:58
TBranch * b_data_NenergyF
Definition: g4numi.h:149
TBranch * b_data_Norig
Definition: g4numi.h:151
TBranch * b_data_Vx
Definition: g4numi.h:154
TBranch * b_data_stoppx
Definition: g4numi.h:205
TBranch * b_data_pdPz
Definition: g4numi.h:159
Double_t tpx
Definition: g4numi.h:81
Int_t trackId[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:94
Bool_t overflow
Definition: g4numi.h:92
Int_t evtno
Definition: g4numi.h:26
Double_t NWtNear[11]
Definition: g4numi.h:46
Double_t trkpy[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:121
TBranch * b_data_Vz
Definition: g4numi.h:156
TBranch * b_data_stoppz
Definition: g4numi.h:207
Double_t Vx
Definition: g4numi.h:54
Double_t trkz[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:119
Double_t Nimpwt
Definition: g4numi.h:74
TBranch * b_data_pprodpz
Definition: g4numi.h:210
Double_t muparpy
Definition: g4numi.h:70
TBranch * b_data_pppz
Definition: g4numi.h:162
TBranch * b_data_protonPy
Definition: g4numi.h:135
TBranch * b_data_ppdxdz
Definition: g4numi.h:160
TBranch * b_data_protonY
Definition: g4numi.h:132
Int_t ptype
Definition: g4numi.h:65
Double_t Nenergy
Definition: g4numi.h:42
Double_t ppvz
Definition: g4numi.h:68
Double_t pprodpy[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:109
Double_t trky[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:118
TBranch * b_data_zpoint
Definition: g4numi.h:177
Double_t stopx[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:99
TBranch * b_data_Nenergy
Definition: g4numi.h:142
TBranch * b_data_tgen
Definition: g4numi.h:185
Double_t Npz
Definition: g4numi.h:41
TString proc[10]
Definition: g4numi.h:111
TBranch * b_data_NdxdzNear
Definition: g4numi.h:143
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
Double_t ppvx
Definition: g4numi.h:66
Double_t ppmedium
Definition: g4numi.h:64
TBranch * b_data_ppdydz
Definition: g4numi.h:161
Double_t NenergyN[11]
Definition: g4numi.h:45
TBranch * b_data_startz
Definition: g4numi.h:198
TBranch * b_data_tvz
Definition: g4numi.h:180