Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #define AVO 6.022e23 //Avogadro's number (#/mol)
2 #define EMASS 9.109e-31*CLHEP::kg
3 #define MillerDriftSpeed true
5 #define GASGAP 0.25*CLHEP::cm //S2 generation region
6 #define BORDER 0*CLHEP::cm //liquid-gas border z-coordinate
8 #define QE_EFF 1 //a base or maximum quantum efficiency
9 #define phe_per_e 1 //S2 gain for quick studies
11 // different field regions, for gamma-X studies
12 #define WIN 0&&CLHEP::mm //top Cu block (also, quartz window)
13 #define TOP 0 //top grid wires
14 #define ANE 0 //anode mesh
15 #define SRF 0 //liquid-gas interface
16 #define GAT 0 //gate grid
17 #define CTH 0 //cathode grid
18 #define BOT 0 //bottom PMT grid
19 #define PMT 0 //bottom Cu block and PMTs
20 #define MIN_ENE -1*CLHEP::eV //lets you turn NEST off BELOW a certain energy
21 #define MAX_ENE 1.*CLHEP::TeV //lets you turn NEST off ABOVE a certain energy
22 #define HIENLIM 5*CLHEP::MeV //energy at which Doke model used exclusively
23 #define R_TOL 0.2*CLHEP::mm //tolerance (for edge events)
24 #define R_MAX 1*CLHEP::km //for corraling diffusing electrons
25 #define Density_LXe 2.9 //reference density for density-dep. effects
26 #define Density_LAr 1.393
27 #define Density_LNe 1.207
28 #define Density_LKr 2.413
30 #include "Geant4/Randomize.hh"
31 #include "Geant4/G4Ions.hh"
32 #include "Geant4/G4OpticalPhoton.hh"
33 #include "Geant4/G4VProcess.hh"
35 #include "GArG4/NestAlg.h"
38 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
39 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
41 namespace gar {
43  G4bool diffusion = true;
45  G4bool SinglePhase=false, ThomasImelTail=true, OutElectrons=true;
47  G4double biExc = 0.77; //for alpha particles (bi-excitonic collisions)
49  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50  // Default constructor will return no photons or electrons unless the set
51  // methods are called.
52  NestAlg::NestAlg(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& engine)
53  : fYieldFactor(0)
54  , fExcitationRatio(0)
55  , fNumScintPhotons(0)
56  , fNumIonElectrons(0)
57  , fEnergyDep(0.)
58  , fEngine(engine)
59  {
60  fElementPropInit[2] = false;
61  fElementPropInit[10] = false;
62  fElementPropInit[18] = false;
63  fElementPropInit[36] = false;
64  fElementPropInit[54] = false;
65  }
67  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
68  NestAlg::NestAlg(double yieldFactor, CLHEP::HepRandomEngine& engine)
69  : fYieldFactor(yieldFactor)
70  , fExcitationRatio(0.)
71  , fNumScintPhotons(0)
72  , fNumIonElectrons(0)
73  , fEnergyDep(0.)
74  , fEngine(engine)
75  {
76  fElementPropInit[2] = false;
77  fElementPropInit[10] = false;
78  fElementPropInit[18] = false;
79  fElementPropInit[36] = false;
80  fElementPropInit[54] = false;
81  }
83  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84  const G4VParticleChange& NestAlg::CalculateIonizationAndScintillation(G4Track const& aTrack,
85  G4Step const& aStep)
86  {
87  CLHEP::RandGauss GaussGen(fEngine);
88  CLHEP::RandFlat UniformGen(fEngine);
91  // reset the variables accessed by other objects
92  // make the energy deposit the energy in this step,
93  // set the number of electrons and photons to 0
94  fEnergyDep = aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
95  fNumIonElectrons = 0.;
96  fNumScintPhotons = 0.;
99  if ( !fYieldFactor ) //set YF=0 when you want S1Light off in your sim
100  return fParticleChange;
102  bool fTrackSecondariesFirst = false;
103  bool fExcitedNucleus = false;
104  bool fVeryHighEnergy = false;
105  bool fAlpha = false;
106  bool fMultipleScattering = false;
107  double fKr83m = 0.;
109  if( aTrack.GetParentID() == 0 && aTrack.GetCurrentStepNumber() == 1 ) {
110  fExcitedNucleus = false; //an initialization or reset
111  fVeryHighEnergy = false; //initializes or (later) resets this
112  fAlpha = false; //ditto
113  fMultipleScattering = false;
114  }
116  const G4DynamicParticle* aParticle = aTrack.GetDynamicParticle();
117  G4ParticleDefinition *pDef = aParticle->GetDefinition();
118  G4String particleName = pDef->GetParticleName();
119  const G4Material* aMaterial = aStep.GetPreStepPoint()->GetMaterial();
120  const G4Material* bMaterial = aStep.GetPostStepPoint()->GetMaterial();
122  if((particleName == "neutron" || particleName == "antineutron") &&
123  aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit() <= 0)
124  return fParticleChange;
126  // code for determining whether the present/next material is noble
127  // element, or, in other words, for checking if either is a valid NEST
128  // scintillating material, and save Z for later L calculation, or
129  // return if no valid scintillators are found on this step, which is
130  // protection against G4Exception or seg. fault/violation
131  G4Element *ElementA = NULL, *ElementB = NULL;
132  if (aMaterial) {
133  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector1 =
134  aMaterial->GetElementVector();
135  ElementA = (*theElementVector1)[0];
136  }
137  if (bMaterial) {
138  const G4ElementVector* theElementVector2 =
139  bMaterial->GetElementVector();
140  ElementB = (*theElementVector2)[0];
141  }
142  G4int z1,z2,j=1; G4bool NobleNow=false,NobleLater=false;
143  if (ElementA) z1 = (G4int)(ElementA->GetZ()); else z1 = -1;
144  if (ElementB) z2 = (G4int)(ElementB->GetZ()); else z2 = -1;
145  if ( z1==2 || z1==10 || z1==18 || z1==36 || z1==54 ) {
146  NobleNow = true;
147  // j = (G4int)aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
148  // GetConstProperty("TOTALNUM_INT_SITES"); //get current number
149  //if ( j < 0 ) {
150  if ( aTrack.GetParentID() == 0 && !fElementPropInit[z1] ) {
151  InitMatPropValues(aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable(), z1);
152  j = 0; //no sites yet
153  } //material properties initialized
154  } //end of atomic number check
155  if ( z2==2 || z2==10 || z2==18 || z2==36 || z2==54 ) {
156  NobleLater = true;
157  // j = (G4int)bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
158  // GetConstProperty("TOTALNUM_INT_SITES");
159  //if ( j < 0 ) {
160  if ( aTrack.GetParentID() == 0 && !fElementPropInit[z2] ) {
161  InitMatPropValues(bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable(), z2);
162  j = 0; //no sites yet
163  } //material properties initialized
164  } //end of atomic number check
166  if ( !NobleNow && !NobleLater )
167  return fParticleChange;
169  // retrieval of the particle's position, time, attributes at both the
170  // beginning and the end of the current step along its track
171  G4StepPoint* pPreStepPoint = aStep.GetPreStepPoint();
172  G4StepPoint* pPostStepPoint = aStep.GetPostStepPoint();
173  G4ThreeVector x1 = pPostStepPoint->GetPosition();
174  G4ThreeVector x0 = pPreStepPoint->GetPosition();
175  G4double evtStrt = pPreStepPoint->GetGlobalTime();
176  G4double t0 = pPreStepPoint->GetLocalTime();
177  G4double t1 = pPostStepPoint->GetLocalTime();
179  // now check if we're entering a scintillating material (inside) or
180  // leaving one (outside), in order to determine (later on in the code,
181  // based on the booleans inside & outside) whether to add/subtract
182  // energy that can potentially be deposited from the system
183  G4bool outside = false, inside = false, InsAndOuts = false;
184  G4MaterialPropertiesTable* aMaterialPropertiesTable =
185  aMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
186  if ( NobleNow && !NobleLater ) outside = true;
187  if ( !NobleNow && NobleLater ) {
188  aMaterial = bMaterial; inside = true; z1 = z2;
189  aMaterialPropertiesTable = bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable();
190  }
191  if ( NobleNow && NobleLater &&
192  aMaterial->GetDensity() != bMaterial->GetDensity() )
193  InsAndOuts = true;
195  // retrieve scintillation-related material properties
196  G4double Density = aMaterial->GetDensity()/(CLHEP::g/CLHEP::cm3);
197  G4double nDensity = Density*AVO; //molar mass factor applied below
198  G4int Phase = aMaterial->GetState(); //solid, liquid, or gas?
199  G4double ElectricField(0.), FieldSign(0.); //for field quenching of S1
200  G4bool GlobalFields = false;
202  if ( !WIN && !TOP && !ANE && !SRF && !GAT && !CTH && !BOT && !PMT ) {
203  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELD");
204  GlobalFields = true;
205  }
206  else {
207  if ( x1[2] < WIN && x1[2] > TOP && Phase == kStateGas )
208  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDWINDOW");
209  else if ( x1[2] < TOP && x1[2] > ANE && Phase == kStateGas )
210  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDTOP");
211  else if ( x1[2] < ANE && x1[2] > SRF && Phase == kStateGas )
212  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
213  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDANODE");
214  else if ( x1[2] < SRF && x1[2] > GAT && Phase == kStateLiquid )
215  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
216  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDSURFACE");
217  else if ( x1[2] < GAT && x1[2] > CTH && Phase == kStateLiquid )
218  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
219  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDGATE");
220  else if ( x1[2] < CTH && x1[2] > BOT && Phase == kStateLiquid )
221  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
222  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDCATHODE");
223  else if ( x1[2] < BOT && x1[2] > PMT && Phase == kStateLiquid )
224  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
225  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELDBOTTOM");
226  else
227  ElectricField = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
228  GetConstProperty("ELECTRICFIELD");
229  }
230  if ( ElectricField >= 0 ) FieldSign = 1; else FieldSign = -1;
231  ElectricField = std::abs((1e3*ElectricField)/(CLHEP::kilovolt/CLHEP::cm));
232  G4double Temperature = aMaterial->GetTemperature();
233  G4double ScintillationYield, ResolutionScale, R0 = 1.0*CLHEP::um,
234  DokeBirks[3], ThomasImel = 0.00, delta = 1*CLHEP::mm;
235  DokeBirks[0] = 0.00; DokeBirks[2] = 1.00;
236  G4double PhotMean = 7*CLHEP::eV, PhotWidth = 1.0*CLHEP::eV; //photon properties
237  G4double SingTripRatioR, SingTripRatioX, tau1, tau3, tauR = 0*CLHEP::ns;
238  switch ( z1 ) { //sort prop. by noble element atomic#
239  case 2: //helium
240  ScintillationYield = 1 / (41.3*CLHEP::eV); //all W's from noble gas book
241  fExcitationRatio = 0.00; //nominal (true value unknown)
242  ResolutionScale = 0.2; //Aprile, Bolotnikov, Bolozdynya, Doke
243  PhotMean = 15.9*CLHEP::eV;
244  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,0.0*CLHEP::ns);
245  tau3 = 1.6e3*CLHEP::ns;
246  tauR =*CLHEP::s,2.00*CLHEP::s); //McKinsey et al. 2003
247  break;
248  case 10: //neon
249  ScintillationYield = 1 / (29.2*CLHEP::eV);
250  fExcitationRatio = 0.00; //nominal (true value unknown)
251  ResolutionScale = 0.13; //Aprile et. al book
252  PhotMean = 15.5*CLHEP::eV; PhotWidth = 0.26*CLHEP::eV;
253  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,10.*CLHEP::ns);
254  tau3 =*CLHEP::ns,200*CLHEP::ns); //Nikkel et al. 2008
255  break;
256  case 18: //argon
257  ScintillationYield = 1 / (19.5*CLHEP::eV);
258  fExcitationRatio = 0.21; //Aprile et. al book
259  ResolutionScale = 0.107; //Doke 1976
260  R0 = 1.568*CLHEP::um; //Mozumder 1995
261  if(ElectricField) {
262  ThomasImel = 0.156977*pow(ElectricField,-0.1);
263  DokeBirks[0] = 0.07*pow((ElectricField/1.0e3),-0.85);
264  DokeBirks[2] = 0.00;
265  }
266  else {
267  ThomasImel = 0.099;
268  DokeBirks[0] = 0.0003;
269  DokeBirks[2] = 0.75;
270  } nDensity /= 39.948; //molar mass in grams per mole
271  PhotMean = 9.69*CLHEP::eV; PhotWidth = 0.22*CLHEP::eV;
272  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,0.8*CLHEP::ns); //err from wgted avg.
273  tau3 =*CLHEP::ns,50*CLHEP::ns); //ibid.
274  tauR =*CLHEP::ns,0.2*CLHEP::ns); //Kubota 1979
275  biExc = 0.6; break;
276  case 36: //krypton
277  if ( Phase == kStateGas ) ScintillationYield = 1 / (30.0*CLHEP::eV);
278  else ScintillationYield = 1 / (15.0*CLHEP::eV);
279  fExcitationRatio = 0.08; //Aprile et. al book
280  ResolutionScale = 0.05; //Doke 1976
281  PhotMean = 8.43*CLHEP::eV;
282  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,.04*CLHEP::ns);
283  tau3 =*CLHEP::ns,1.1*CLHEP::ns);
284  tauR =*CLHEP::ns,.76*CLHEP::ns);
285  break;
286  case 54: //xenon
287  default: nDensity /= 131.293;
288  ScintillationYield = 48.814+0.80877*Density+2.6721*pow(Density,2.);
289  ScintillationYield /= CLHEP::keV; //Units: [#quanta(ph/e-) per keV]
290  //W = 13.7 eV for all recoils, Dahl thesis (that's @2.84 g/cm^3)
291  //the exciton-to-ion ratio (~0.06 for LXe at 3 g/cm^3)
292  fExcitationRatio = 0.4-0.11131*Density-0.0026651*pow(Density,2.);
293  ResolutionScale = 1.00 * //Fano factor <<1
294  (0.12724-0.032152*Density-0.0013492*pow(Density,2.));
295  //~0.1 for GXe w/ formula from Bolotnikov et al. 1995
296  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid ) {
297  ResolutionScale *= 1.5; //to get it to be ~0.03 for LXe
298  R0 = 16.6*CLHEP::um; //for zero electric field
299  //length scale above which Doke model used instead of Thomas-Imel
300  if(ElectricField) //change it with field (see NEST paper)
301  R0 = 69.492*pow(ElectricField,-0.50422)*CLHEP::um;
302  if(ElectricField) { //formulae & values all from NEST paper
303  DokeBirks[0]= 19.171*pow(ElectricField+25.552,-0.83057)+0.026772;
304  DokeBirks[2] = 0.00; //only volume recombination (above)
305  }
306  else { //zero electric field magnitude
307  DokeBirks[0] = 0.18; //volume/columnar recombination factor (A)
308  DokeBirks[2] = 0.58; //geminate/Onsager recombination (C)
309  }
310  //"ThomasImel" is alpha/(a^2*v), the recomb. coeff.
311  ThomasImel = 0.05; //aka xi/(4*N_i) from the NEST paper
312  //distance used to determine when one is at a new interaction site
313  delta = 0.4*CLHEP::mm; //distance ~30 keV x-ray travels in LXe
314  PhotMean = 6.97*CLHEP::eV; PhotWidth = 0.23*CLHEP::eV;
315  // 178+/-14nmFWHM, taken from Jortner JchPh 42 '65.
316  //these singlet and triplet times may not be the ones you're
317  //used to, but are the world average: Kubota 79, Hitachi 83 (2
318  //data sets), Teymourian 11, Morikawa 89, and Akimov '02
319  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,.7*CLHEP::ns); //err from wgted avg.
320  tau3 =*CLHEP::ns,1.*CLHEP::ns); //ibid.
321  } //end liquid
322  else if ( Phase == kStateGas ) {
323  if(!fAlpha) fExcitationRatio=0.07; //Nygren NIM A 603 (2009) p. 340
324  else { biExc = 1.00;
325  ScintillationYield = 1 / (12.98*CLHEP::eV); } //Saito 2003
326  R0 = 0.0*CLHEP::um; //all Doke/Birks interactions (except for alphas)
327  G4double Townsend = (ElectricField/nDensity)*1e17;
328  DokeBirks[0] = 0.0000; //all geminate (except at zero, low fields)
329  DokeBirks[2] = 0.1933*pow(Density,2.6199)+0.29754 -
330  (0.045439*pow(Density,2.4689)+0.066034)*log10(ElectricField);
331  if ( ElectricField>6990 ) DokeBirks[2]=0.0;
332  if ( ElectricField<1000 ) DokeBirks[2]=0.2;
333  if ( ElectricField<100. ) { DokeBirks[0]=0.18; DokeBirks[2]=0.58; }
334  if( Density < 0.061 ) ThomasImel = 0.041973*pow(Density,1.8105);
335  else if( Density >= 0.061 && Density <= 0.167 )
336  ThomasImel=5.9583e-5+0.0048523*Density-0.023109*pow(Density,2.);
337  else ThomasImel = 6.2552e-6*pow(Density,-1.9963);
338  if(ElectricField)ThomasImel=1.2733e-5*pow(Townsend/Density,-0.68426);
339  // field\density dependence from Kobayashi 2004 and Saito 2003
340  PhotMean = 7.1*CLHEP::eV; PhotWidth = 0.2*CLHEP::eV;
341  tau1 =*CLHEP::ns,1.55*CLHEP::ns);
342  tau3 =*CLHEP::ns,7.9*CLHEP::ns);
343  } //end gas information (preliminary guesses)
344  else {
345  tau1 = 3.5*CLHEP::ns; tau3 = 20.*CLHEP::ns; tauR = 40.*CLHEP::ns;
346  } //solid Xe
347  }
349  // log present and running tally of energy deposition in this section
350  G4double anExcitationEnergy = ((const G4Ions*)(pDef))->
351  GetExcitationEnergy(); //grab nuclear energy level
352  G4double TotalEnergyDeposit = //total energy deposited so far
353  aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT" );
354  G4bool convert = false, annihil = false;
355  //set up special cases for pair production and positron annihilation
356  if(pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()>=(2*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2) &&
357  !pPostStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy() &&
358  !aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit() && aParticle->GetPDGcode()==22) {
359  convert = true; TotalEnergyDeposit = CLHEP::electron_mass_c2;
360  }
361  if(pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy() &&
362  !pPostStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy() &&
363  aParticle->GetPDGcode()==-11) {
364  annihil = true; TotalEnergyDeposit += aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
365  }
366  G4bool either = false;
367  if(inside || outside || convert || annihil || InsAndOuts) either=true;
368  //conditions for returning when energy deposits too low
369  if( anExcitationEnergy<100*CLHEP::eV && aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit()<1*CLHEP::eV &&
370  !either && !fExcitedNucleus )
371  return fParticleChange;
372  //add current deposit to total energy budget
373  if ( !annihil ) TotalEnergyDeposit += aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
374  if ( !convert ) aMaterialPropertiesTable->
375  AddConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT", TotalEnergyDeposit );
376  //save current deposit for determining number of quanta produced now
377  TotalEnergyDeposit = aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
379  // check what the current "goal" E is for dumping scintillation,
380  // often the initial kinetic energy of the parent particle, and deal
381  // with all other energy-related matters in this block of code
382  G4double InitialKinetEnergy = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
383  GetConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL" );
384  //if zero, add up initial potential and kinetic energies now
385  if ( InitialKinetEnergy == 0 ) {
386  G4double tE = pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()+anExcitationEnergy;
387  if ( (fabs(tE-1.8*CLHEP::keV) < CLHEP::eV || fabs(tE-9.4*CLHEP::keV) < CLHEP::eV) &&
388  Phase == kStateLiquid && z1 == 54 ) tE = 9.4*CLHEP::keV;
389  if ( fKr83m && ElectricField != 0 )
390  DokeBirks[2] = 0.10;
391  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
392  AddConstProperty ( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL", tE );
393  //excited nucleus is special case where accuracy reduced for total
394  //energy deposition because of G4 inaccuracies and scintillation is
395  //forced-dumped when that nucleus is fully de-excited
396  if ( anExcitationEnergy ) fExcitedNucleus = true;
397  }
398  //if a particle is leaving, remove its kinetic energy from the goal
399  //energy, as this will never get deposited (if depositable)
400  if(outside){ aMaterialPropertiesTable->
401  AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",
402  InitialKinetEnergy-pPostStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy());
403  if(aMaterialPropertiesTable->
404  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL")<0)
405  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",0);
406  }
407  //if a particle is coming back into your scintillator, then add its
408  //energy to the goal energy
409  if(inside) { aMaterialPropertiesTable->
410  AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",
411  InitialKinetEnergy+pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy());
412  if ( TotalEnergyDeposit > 0 && InitialKinetEnergy == 0 ) {
413  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",0);
414  TotalEnergyDeposit = .000000;
415  }
416  }
417  if ( InsAndOuts ) {
418  //G4double dribble = pPostStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy() -
419  //pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
420  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
421  AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",(-0.1*CLHEP::keV)+
422  InitialKinetEnergy-pPostStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy());
423  InitialKinetEnergy = bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
424  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL");
425  bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
426  AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",(-0.1*CLHEP::keV)+
427  InitialKinetEnergy+pPreStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy());
428  if(aMaterialPropertiesTable->
429  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL")<0)
430  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",0);
431  if ( bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
432  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL") < 0 )
433  bMaterial->GetMaterialPropertiesTable()->
434  AddConstProperty ( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL", 0 );
435  }
436  InitialKinetEnergy = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
437  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL"); //grab current goal E
438  if ( annihil ) //if an annihilation occurred, add energy of two gammas
439  InitialKinetEnergy += 2*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2;
440  //if pair production occurs, then subtract energy to cancel with the
441  //energy that will be added in the line above when the e+ dies
442  if ( convert )
443  InitialKinetEnergy -= 2*CLHEP::electron_mass_c2;
444  //update the relevant material property (goal energy)
445  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
446  AddConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL",InitialKinetEnergy);
447  if (anExcitationEnergy < 1e-100 && aStep.GetTotalEnergyDeposit()==0 &&
448  aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL")==0 &&
449  aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT")==0)
450  return fParticleChange;
452  G4String procName;
453  if ( aTrack.GetCreatorProcess() )
454  procName = aTrack.GetCreatorProcess()->GetProcessName();
455  else
456  procName = "NULL";
457  if ( procName == "eBrem" && outside && !OutElectrons )
458  fMultipleScattering = true;
460  // next 2 codeblocks deal with position-related things
461  if ( fAlpha ) delta = 1000.*CLHEP::km;
462  G4int i, k, counter = 0; G4double pos[3];
463  if ( outside ) { //leaving
464  if ( aParticle->GetPDGcode() == 11 && !OutElectrons )
465  fMultipleScattering = true;
466  x1 = x0; //prevents generation of quanta outside active volume
467  } //no scint. for e-'s that leave
469  char xCoord[80]; char yCoord[80]; char zCoord[80];
470  G4bool exists = false; //for querying whether set-up of new site needed
471  for(i=0;i<j;i++) { //loop over all saved interaction sites
472  counter = i; //save site# for later use in storing properties
473  sprintf(xCoord,"POS_X_%d",i); sprintf(yCoord,"POS_Y_%d",i);
474  sprintf(zCoord,"POS_Z_%d",i);
475  pos[0] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty(xCoord);
476  pos[1] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty(yCoord);
477  pos[2] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty(zCoord);
478  if ( sqrt(pow(x1[0]-pos[0],2.)+pow(x1[1]-pos[1],2.)+
479  pow(x1[2]-pos[2],2.)) < delta ) {
480  exists = true; break; //we find interaction is close to an old one
481  }
482  }
483  if(!exists && TotalEnergyDeposit) { //current interaction too far away
484  counter = j;
485  sprintf(xCoord,"POS_X_%i",j); sprintf(yCoord,"POS_Y_%i",j);
486  sprintf(zCoord,"POS_Z_%i",j);
487  //save 3-space coordinates of the new interaction site
488  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( xCoord, x1[0] );
489  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( yCoord, x1[1] );
490  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( zCoord, x1[2] );
491  j++; //increment number of sites
492  aMaterialPropertiesTable-> //save
493  AddConstProperty( "TOTALNUM_INT_SITES", j );
494  }
496  // this is where nuclear recoil "L" factor is handled: total yield is
497  // reduced for nuclear recoil as per Lindhard theory
499  //we assume you have a mono-elemental scintillator only
500  //now, grab A's and Z's of current particle and of material (avg)
501  G4double a1 = ElementA->GetA();
502  z2 = pDef->GetAtomicNumber();
503  G4double a2 = (G4double)(pDef->GetAtomicMass());
504  if ( particleName == "alpha" || (z2 == 2 && a2 == 4) )
505  fAlpha = true; //used later to get S1 pulse shape correct for alpha
506  if ( fAlpha || abs(aParticle->GetPDGcode()) == 2112 )
507  a2 = a1; //get average A for element at hand
508  G4double epsilon = 11.5*(TotalEnergyDeposit/CLHEP::keV)*pow(z1,(-7./3.));
509  G4double gamma = 3.*pow(epsilon,0.15)+0.7*pow(epsilon,0.6)+epsilon;
510  G4double kappa = 0.133*pow(z1,(2./3.))*pow(a2,(-1./2.))*(2./3.);
511  //check if we are dealing with nuclear recoil (Z same as material)
512  if ( (z1 == z2 && pDef->GetParticleType() == "nucleus") ||
513  particleName == "neutron" || particleName == "antineutron" ) {
514  fYieldFactor=(kappa*gamma)/(1+kappa*gamma); //Lindhard factor
515  if ( z1 == 18 && Phase == kStateLiquid )
516  fYieldFactor=0.23*(1+exp(-5*epsilon)); //liquid argon L_eff
517  //just a few safety checks, like for recombProb below
518  if ( fYieldFactor > 1 ) fYieldFactor = 1;
519  if ( fYieldFactor < 0 ) fYieldFactor = 0;
520  if ( ElectricField == 0 && Phase == kStateLiquid ) {
521  if ( z1 == 54 ) ThomasImel = 0.19;
522  if ( z1 == 18 ) ThomasImel = 0.25;
523  } //special TIB parameters for nuclear recoil only, in LXe and LAr
524  fExcitationRatio = 0.69337 +
525  0.3065*exp(-0.008806*pow(ElectricField,0.76313));
526  }
527  else fYieldFactor = 1.000; //default
529  // determine ultimate #quanta from current E-deposition (ph+e-)
530  G4double MeanNumberOfQuanta = //total mean number of exc/ions
531  ScintillationYield*TotalEnergyDeposit;
532  //the total number of either quanta produced is equal to product of the
533  //work function, the energy deposited, and yield reduction, for NR
534  G4double sigma = sqrt(ResolutionScale*MeanNumberOfQuanta); //Fano
535  G4int NumQuanta = //stochastic variation in NumQuanta
536  G4int(floor(,sigma)+0.5));
537  G4double LeffVar =,0.25*fYieldFactor);
538  if (LeffVar > 1) LeffVar = 1.00000;
539  else if (LeffVar < 0) LeffVar = 0;
540  if ( fYieldFactor < 1 ) NumQuanta = BinomFluct(NumQuanta,LeffVar);
541  //if E below work function, can't make any quanta, and if NumQuanta
542  //less than zero because Gaussian fluctuated low, update to zero
543  if(TotalEnergyDeposit < 1/ScintillationYield || NumQuanta < 0)
544  NumQuanta = 0;
546  // next section binomially assigns quanta to excitons and ions
547  G4int NumExcitons =
549  G4int NumIons = NumQuanta - NumExcitons;
551  // this section calculates recombination following the modified Birks'
552  // Law of Doke, deposition by deposition, and may be overridden later
553  // in code if a low enough energy necessitates switching to the
554  // Thomas-Imel box model for recombination instead (determined by site)
555  G4double dE, dx=0, LET=0, recombProb;
556  dE = TotalEnergyDeposit/CLHEP::MeV;
557  if ( particleName != "e-" && particleName != "e+" && z1 != z2 &&
558  particleName != "mu-" && particleName != "mu+" ) {
559  //in other words, if it's a gamma,ion,proton,alpha,pion,et al. do not
560  //use the step length provided by Geant4 because it's not relevant,
561  //instead calculate an estimated LET and range of the electrons that
562  //would have been produced if Geant4 could track them
563  LET = CalculateElectronLET( 1000*dE, z1 );
564  if(LET) dx = dE/(Density*LET); //find the range based on the LET
565  if(abs(aParticle->GetPDGcode())==2112) dx=0;
566  }
567  else { //normal case of an e-/+ energy deposition recorded by Geant
568  dx = aStep.GetStepLength()/CLHEP::cm;
569  if(dx) LET = (dE/dx)*(1/Density); //lin. energy xfer (prop. to dE/dx)
570  if ( LET > 0 && dE > 0 && dx > 0 ) {
571  G4double ratio = CalculateElectronLET(dE*1e3,z1)/LET;
572  if ( j == 1 && ratio < 0.7 && !ThomasImelTail &&
573  particleName == "e-" ) {
574  dx /= ratio; LET *= ratio; }}
575  }
576  DokeBirks[1] = DokeBirks[0]/(1-DokeBirks[2]); //B=A/(1-C) (see paper)
577  //Doke/Birks' Law as spelled out in the NEST paper
578  recombProb = (DokeBirks[0]*LET)/(1+DokeBirks[1]*LET)+DokeBirks[2];
579  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid ) {
580  if ( z1 == 54 ) recombProb *= (Density/Density_LXe);
581  if ( z1 == 18 ) recombProb *= (Density/Density_LAr);
582  }
583  //check against unphysicality resulting from rounding errors
584  if(recombProb<0) recombProb=0;
585  if(recombProb>1) recombProb=1;
586  //use binomial distribution to assign photons, electrons, where photons
587  //are excitons plus recombined ionization electrons, while final
588  //collected electrons are the "escape" (non-recombined) electrons
589  G4int NumPhotons = NumExcitons + BinomFluct(NumIons,recombProb);
590  G4int NumElectrons = NumQuanta - NumPhotons;
592  fEnergyDep = TotalEnergyDeposit;
593  fNumIonElectrons = NumElectrons;
594  fNumScintPhotons = NumPhotons;
596  // next section increments the numbers of excitons, ions, photons, and
597  // electrons for the appropriate interaction site; it only appears to
598  // be redundant by saving seemingly no longer needed exciton and ion
599  // counts, these having been already used to calculate the number of ph
600  // and e- above, whereas it does need this later for Thomas-Imel model
601  char numExc[80]; char numIon[80]; char numPho[80]; char numEle[80];
602  sprintf(numExc,"N_EXC_%i",counter); sprintf(numIon,"N_ION_%i",counter);
603  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numExc, NumExcitons );
604  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numIon, NumIons );
605  sprintf(numPho,"N_PHO_%i",counter); sprintf(numEle,"N_ELE_%i",counter);
606  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numPho, NumPhotons );
607  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numEle, NumElectrons );
609  // increment and save the total track length, and save interaction
610  // times for later, when generating the scintillation quanta
611  char trackL[80]; char time00[80]; char time01[80]; char energy[80];
612  sprintf(trackL,"TRACK_%i",counter); sprintf(energy,"ENRGY_%i",counter);
613  sprintf(time00,"TIME0_%i",counter); sprintf(time01,"TIME1_%i",counter);
614  delta = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( trackL );
615  G4double energ = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( energy );
616  delta += dx*CLHEP::cm; energ += dE*CLHEP::MeV;
617  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( trackL, delta );
618  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( energy, energ );
619  if ( TotalEnergyDeposit > 0 ) {
620  G4double deltaTime = aMaterialPropertiesTable->
621  GetConstProperty( time00 );
622  //for charged particles, which continuously lose energy, use initial
623  //interaction time as the minimum time, otherwise use only the final
624  if (aParticle->GetCharge() != 0) {
625  if (t0 < deltaTime)
626  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( time00, t0 );
627  }
628  else {
629  if (t1 < deltaTime)
630  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( time00, t1 );
631  }
632  deltaTime = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( time01 );
633  //find the maximum possible scintillation "birth" time
634  if (t1 > deltaTime)
635  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( time01, t1 );
636  }
638  // begin the process of setting up creation of scint./ionization
639  TotalEnergyDeposit=aMaterialPropertiesTable->
640  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT"); //get the total E deposited
641  InitialKinetEnergy=aMaterialPropertiesTable->
642  GetConstProperty("ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL"); //E that should have been
643  if(InitialKinetEnergy > HIENLIM &&
644  abs(aParticle->GetPDGcode()) != 2112) fVeryHighEnergy=true;
645  G4double safety; //margin of error for TotalE.. - InitialKinetEnergy
646  if (fVeryHighEnergy && !fExcitedNucleus) safety = 0.2*CLHEP::keV;
647  else safety = 2.*CLHEP::eV;
649  //force a scintillation dump for NR and for full nuclear de-excitation
650  if( !anExcitationEnergy && pDef->GetParticleType() == "nucleus" &&
651  aTrack.GetTrackStatus() != fAlive && !fAlpha )
652  InitialKinetEnergy = TotalEnergyDeposit;
653  if ( particleName == "neutron" || particleName == "antineutron" )
654  InitialKinetEnergy = TotalEnergyDeposit;
656  //force a dump of all saved scintillation under the following
657  //conditions: energy goal reached, and current particle dead, or an
658  //error has occurred and total has exceeded goal (shouldn't happen)
659  if( std::abs(TotalEnergyDeposit-InitialKinetEnergy)<safety ||
660  TotalEnergyDeposit>=InitialKinetEnergy ){
661  dx = 0; dE = 0;
662  //calculate the total number of quanta from all sites and all
663  //interactions so that the number of secondaries gets set correctly
664  NumPhotons = 0; NumElectrons = 0;
665  for(i=0;i<j;i++) {
666  sprintf(numPho,"N_PHO_%d",i); sprintf(numEle,"N_ELE_%d",i);
667  sprintf(trackL,"TRACK_%d",i); sprintf(energy,"ENRGY_%d",i);
668  //add up track lengths of all sites, for a total LET calc (later)
669  dx += aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty(trackL);
670  dE += aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty(energy);
671  }
673  G4int buffer = 100; if ( fVeryHighEnergy ) buffer = 1;
674  fParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(buffer*(NumPhotons+NumElectrons));
676  if (fTrackSecondariesFirst) {
677  if (aTrack.GetTrackStatus() == fAlive )
678  fParticleChange.ProposeTrackStatus(fSuspend);
679  }
682  // begin the loop over all sites which generates all the quanta
683  for(i=0;i<j;i++) {
684  // get the position X,Y,Z, exciton and ion numbers, total track
685  // length of the site, and interaction times
686  sprintf(xCoord,"POS_X_%d",i); sprintf(yCoord,"POS_Y_%d",i);
687  sprintf(zCoord,"POS_Z_%d",i);
688  sprintf(numExc,"N_EXC_%d",i); sprintf(numIon,"N_ION_%d",i);
689  sprintf(numPho,"N_PHO_%d",i); sprintf(numEle,"N_ELE_%d",i);
690  NumExcitons = (G4int)aMaterialPropertiesTable->
691  GetConstProperty( numExc );
692  NumIons = (G4int)aMaterialPropertiesTable->
693  GetConstProperty( numIon );
694  sprintf(trackL,"TRACK_%d",i); sprintf(energy,"ENRGY_%d",i);
695  sprintf(time00,"TIME0_%d",i); sprintf(time01,"TIME1_%d",i);
696  delta = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( trackL );
697  energ = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( energy );
698  t0 = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( time00 );
699  t1 = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( time01 );
701  //if site is small enough, override the Doke/Birks' model with
702  //Thomas-Imel, but not if we're dealing with super-high energy
703  //particles, and if it's NR force Thomas-Imel (though NR should be
704  //already short enough in track even up to O(100) keV)
705  if ( (delta < R0 && !fVeryHighEnergy) || z2 == z1 || fAlpha ) {
706  if( z1 == 54 && ElectricField && //see NEST paper for ER formula
707  Phase == kStateLiquid ) {
708  if ( abs ( z1 - z2 ) && //electron recoil
709  abs ( aParticle->GetPDGcode() ) != 2112 ) {
710  ThomasImel = 0.056776*pow(ElectricField,-0.11844);
711  if ( fAlpha ) //technically ER, but special
712  ThomasImel=0.057675*pow(ElectricField,-0.49362);
713  } //end electron recoil (ER)
714  else { //nuclear recoil
715  // spline of NR data of C.E. Dahl PhD Thesis Princeton '09
716  // functions found using
717  ThomasImel =
718  -0.15169*pow((ElectricField+215.25),0.01811)+0.20952;
719  } //end NR information
720  // Never let LY exceed 0-field yield!
721  if (ThomasImel > 0.19) ThomasImel = 0.19;
722  if (ThomasImel < 0.00) ThomasImel = 0.00;
723  } //end non-zero E-field segment
724  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid ) {
725  if ( z1 == 54 ) ThomasImel *= pow((Density/2.84),0.3);
726  if ( z1 == 18 ) ThomasImel *= pow((Density/Density_LAr),0.3);
727  }
728  //calculate the Thomas-Imel recombination probability, which
729  //depends on energy via NumIons, but not on dE/dx, and protect
730  //against seg fault by ensuring a positive number of ions
731  if (NumIons > 0) {
732  G4double xi;
733  xi = (G4double(NumIons)/4.)*ThomasImel;
734  if ( InitialKinetEnergy == 9.4*CLHEP::keV ) {
735  G4double NumIonsEff = 1.066e7*pow(t0/CLHEP::ns,-1.303)*
736  (0.17163+162.32/(ElectricField+191.39));
737  if ( NumIonsEff > 1e6 ) NumIonsEff = 1e6;
738  xi = (G4double(NumIonsEff)/4.)*ThomasImel;
739  }
740  if ( fKr83m && ElectricField==0 )
741  xi = (G4double(1.3*NumIons)/4.)*ThomasImel;
742  recombProb = 1-log(1+xi)/xi;
743  if(recombProb<0) recombProb=0;
744  if(recombProb>1) recombProb=1;
745  }
746  //just like Doke: simple binomial distribution
747  NumPhotons = NumExcitons + BinomFluct(NumIons,recombProb);
748  NumElectrons = (NumExcitons + NumIons) - NumPhotons;
749  //override Doke NumPhotons and NumElectrons
750  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
751  AddConstProperty( numPho, NumPhotons );
752  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
753  AddConstProperty( numEle, NumElectrons );
754  }
756  // grab NumPhotons/NumElectrons, which come from Birks if
757  // the Thomas-Imel block of code above was not executed
758  NumPhotons = (G4int)aMaterialPropertiesTable->
759  GetConstProperty( numPho );
760  NumElectrons =(G4int)aMaterialPropertiesTable->
761  GetConstProperty( numEle );
762  // extra Fano factor caused by recomb. fluct.
763  G4double FanoFactor =0; //ionization channel
764  if(Phase == kStateLiquid && fYieldFactor == 1) {
765  FanoFactor =
766  2575.9*pow((ElectricField+15.154),-0.64064)-1.4707;
767  if ( fKr83m ) TotalEnergyDeposit = 4*CLHEP::keV;
768  if ( (dE/CLHEP::keV) <= 100 && ElectricField >= 0 ) {
769  G4double keVee = (TotalEnergyDeposit/(100.*CLHEP::keV));
770  if ( keVee <= 0.06 )
771  FanoFactor *= -0.00075+0.4625*keVee+34.375*pow(keVee,2.);
772  else
773  FanoFactor *= 0.069554+1.7322*keVee-.80215*pow(keVee,2.);
774  }
775  }
776  if ( Phase == kStateGas && Density>0.5 ) FanoFactor =
777  0.42857-4.7857*Density+7.8571*pow(Density,2.);
778  if( FanoFactor <= 0 || fVeryHighEnergy ) FanoFactor = 0;
779  NumQuanta = NumPhotons + NumElectrons;
780  if(z1==54 && FanoFactor) NumElectrons = G4int(
781  floor(,
782  sqrt(FanoFactor*NumElectrons))+0.5));
783  NumPhotons = NumQuanta - NumElectrons;
784  if ( NumElectrons <= 0 ) NumElectrons = 0;
785  if ( NumPhotons <= 0 ) NumPhotons = 0;
786  else { //other effects
787  if ( fAlpha ) //bi-excitonic quenching due to high dE/dx
788  NumPhotons = BinomFluct(NumPhotons,biExc);
789  NumPhotons = BinomFluct(NumPhotons,QE_EFF);
790  } NumElectrons = G4int(floor(NumElectrons*phe_per_e+0.5));
795  // new stuff to make Kr-83m work properly
796  if(fKr83m || InitialKinetEnergy==9.4*CLHEP::keV) fKr83m += dE/CLHEP::keV;
797  if(fKr83m > 41) fKr83m = 0;
798  if ( SinglePhase ) //for a 1-phase det. don't propagate e-'s
799  NumElectrons = 0; //saves simulation time
801  // reset material properties numExc, numIon, numPho, numEle, as
802  // their values have been used or stored elsewhere already
803  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numExc, 0 );
804  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numIon, 0 );
805  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numPho, 0 );
806  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( numEle, 0 );
808  // start particle creation loop
809  if( InitialKinetEnergy < MAX_ENE && InitialKinetEnergy > MIN_ENE &&
810  !fMultipleScattering )
811  NumQuanta = NumPhotons + NumElectrons;
812  else NumQuanta = 0;
813  for(k = 0; k < NumQuanta; k++) {
814  G4double sampledEnergy;
815  G4DynamicParticle* aQuantum;
817  // Generate random direction
818  G4double cost = 1. - 2.*;
819  G4double sint = std::sqrt((1.-cost)*(1.+cost));
820  G4double phi = CLHEP::twopi*;
821  G4double sinp = std::sin(phi); G4double cosp = std::cos(phi);
822  G4double px = sint*cosp; G4double py = sint*sinp;
823  G4double pz = cost;
825  // Create momentum direction vector
826  G4ParticleMomentum photonMomentum(px, py, pz);
828  // case of photon-specific stuff
829  if (k < NumPhotons) {
830  // Determine polarization of new photon
831  G4double sx = cost*cosp;
832  G4double sy = cost*sinp;
833  G4double sz = -sint;
834  G4ThreeVector photonPolarization(sx, sy, sz);
835  G4ThreeVector perp = photonMomentum.cross(photonPolarization);
836  phi = CLHEP::twopi*;
837  sinp = std::sin(phi);
838  cosp = std::cos(phi);
839  photonPolarization = cosp * photonPolarization + sinp * perp;
840  photonPolarization = photonPolarization.unit();
842  // Generate a new photon or electron:
843  sampledEnergy =,PhotWidth);
844  aQuantum = new G4DynamicParticle(G4OpticalPhoton::OpticalPhoton(),
845  photonMomentum);
846  aQuantum->SetPolarization(photonPolarization.x(),
847  photonPolarization.y(),
848  photonPolarization.z());
849  }
851  else { // this else statement is for ionization electrons
852  if(ElectricField) {
853  // point all electrons straight up, for drifting
854  G4ParticleMomentum electronMomentum(0, 0, -FieldSign);
855  aQuantum =
856  new G4DynamicParticle(G4ThermalElectron::ThermalElectron(),
857  electronMomentum);
858  if ( Phase == kStateGas ) {
859  sampledEnergy = GetGasElectronDriftSpeed(ElectricField,nDensity);
860  }
861  else
862  sampledEnergy = GetLiquidElectronDriftSpeed(Temperature,ElectricField,MillerDriftSpeed,z1);
863  }
864  else {
865  // use "photonMomentum" for the electrons in the case of zero
866  // electric field, which is just randomized vector we made
867  aQuantum =
868  new G4DynamicParticle(G4ThermalElectron::ThermalElectron(),
869  photonMomentum);
870  sampledEnergy = 1.38e-23*(CLHEP::joule/CLHEP::kelvin)*Temperature;
871  }
872  }
874  //assign energy to make particle real
875  aQuantum->SetKineticEnergy(sampledEnergy);
877  // Generate new G4Track object:
878  // emission time distribution
880  // first an initial birth time is provided that is typically
881  // <<1 ns after the initial interaction in the simulation, then
882  // singlet, triplet lifetimes, and recombination time, are
883  // handled here, to create a realistic S1 pulse shape/timing
884  G4double aSecondaryTime =*(t1-t0)+evtStrt;
885  if (tau1<0) tau1=0;
886  if (tau3<0) tau3=0;
887  if (tauR<0) tauR=0;
888  if ( aQuantum->GetDefinition()->
889  GetParticleName()=="opticalphoton" ) {
890  if ( abs(z2-z1) && !fAlpha && //electron recoil
891  abs(aParticle->GetPDGcode()) != 2112 ) {
892  LET = (energ/CLHEP::MeV)/(delta/CLHEP::cm)*(1/Density); //avg LET over all
893  //in future, this will be done interaction by interaction
894  // Next, find the recombination time, which is LET-dependent
895  // via ionization density (Kubota et al. Phys. Rev. B 20
896  // (1979) 3486). We find the LET-dependence by fitting to the
897  // E-dependence (Akimov et al. Phys. Lett. B 524 (2002) 245).
898  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid && z1 == 54 )
899  tauR = 3.5*((1+0.41*LET)/(0.18*LET))*CLHEP::ns
900  *exp(-0.00900*ElectricField);
901  //field dependence based on fitting Fig. 9 of Dawson et al.
902  //NIM A 545 (2005) 690
903  //singlet-triplet ratios adapted from Kubota 1979, converted
904  //into correct units to work here, and separately done for
905  //excitation and recombination processes for electron recoils
906  //and assumed same for all LET (may vary)
907  SingTripRatioX =,0.05);
908  SingTripRatioR =,0.2);
909  if ( z1 == 18 ) {
910  SingTripRatioR = 0.2701+0.003379*LET-4.7338e-5*pow(LET,2.)
911  +8.1449e-6*pow(LET,3.); SingTripRatioX = SingTripRatioR;
912  if( LET < 3 ) {
913  SingTripRatioX =,0.06);
914  SingTripRatioR =,0.2); }
915  }
916  }
917  else if ( fAlpha ) { //alpha particles
918  SingTripRatioR =,0.51);
919  //currently based on Dawson 05 and Tey. 11 (arXiv:1103.3689)
920  //real ratio is likely a gentle function of LET
921  if (z1==18) SingTripRatioR = (-0.065492+1.9996
922  *exp(-dE/CLHEP::MeV))/(1+0.082154/pow(dE/CLHEP::MeV,2.)) + 2.1811;
923  SingTripRatioX = SingTripRatioR;
924  }
925  else { //nuclear recoil
926  //based loosely on Hitachi et al. Phys. Rev. B 27 (1983) 5279
927  //with an eye to reproducing Akimov 2002 Fig. 9
928  SingTripRatioR =,1.5);
929  if (z1==18) SingTripRatioR = 0.22218*pow(energ/CLHEP::keV,0.48211);
930  SingTripRatioX = SingTripRatioR;
931  }
932  // now, use binomial distributions to determine singlet and
933  // triplet states (and do separately for initially excited guys
934  // and recombining)
935  if ( k > NumExcitons ) {
936  //the recombination time is non-exponential, but approximates
937  //to exp at long timescales (see Kubota '79)
938  aSecondaryTime += tauR*(1./;
939  if(<SingTripRatioR/(1+SingTripRatioR))
940  aSecondaryTime -= tau1*log(;
941  else aSecondaryTime -= tau3*log(;
942  }
943  else {
944  if(<SingTripRatioX/(1+SingTripRatioX))
945  aSecondaryTime -= tau1*log(;
946  else aSecondaryTime -= tau3*log(;
947  }
948  }
949  else { //electron trapping at the liquid/gas interface
950  G4double gainField = 12;
951  G4double tauTrap = 884.83-62.069*gainField;
952  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid )
953  aSecondaryTime -= tauTrap*CLHEP::ns*log(;
954  }
956  // emission position distribution --
957  // Generate the position of a new photon or electron, with NO
958  // stochastic variation because that could lead to particles
959  // being mistakenly generated outside of your active region by
960  // Geant4, but real-life finite detector position resolution
961  // wipes out any effects from here anyway...
962  std::string sx(xCoord);
963  std::string sy(yCoord);
964  std::string sz(zCoord);
965  x0[0] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( xCoord );
966  x0[1] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( yCoord );
967  x0[2] = aMaterialPropertiesTable->GetConstProperty( zCoord );
968  G4double radius = sqrt(pow(x0[0],2.)+pow(x0[1],2.));
969  //re-scale radius to ensure no generation of quanta outside
970  //the active volume of your simulation due to Geant4 rounding
971  if ( radius >= R_TOL ) {
972  if (x0[0] == 0) x0[0] = 1*CLHEP::nm;
973  if (x0[1] == 0) x0[1] = 1*CLHEP::nm;
974  radius -= R_TOL; phi = atan ( x0[1] / x0[0] );
975  x0[0] = fabs(radius*cos(phi))*((fabs(x0[0]))/(x0[0]));
976  x0[1] = fabs(radius*sin(phi))*((fabs(x0[1]))/(x0[1]));
977  }
978  //position of the new secondary particle is ready for use
979  G4ThreeVector aSecondaryPosition = x0;
980  if ( k >= NumPhotons && diffusion && ElectricField > 0 ) {
981  G4double D_T = 64*pow(1e-3*ElectricField,-.17);
982  //fit to Aprile and Doke 2009, arXiv:0910.4956 (Fig. 12)
983  G4double D_L = 13.859*pow(1e-3*ElectricField,-0.58559);
984  //fit to Aprile and Doke and Sorensen 2011, arXiv:1102.2865
985  if ( Phase == kStateLiquid && z1 == 18 ) {
986  D_T = 93.342*pow(ElectricField/nDensity,0.041322);
987  D_L = 0.15 * D_T; }
988  if ( Phase == kStateGas && z1 == 54 ) {
989  D_L=4.265+19097/ElectricField-1.7397e6/pow(ElectricField,2.)+
990  1.2477e8/pow(ElectricField,3.); D_T *= 0.01;
991  } D_T *= CLHEP::cm2/CLHEP::s; D_L *= CLHEP::cm2/CLHEP::s;
992  if (ElectricField<100 && Phase == kStateLiquid) D_L = 8*CLHEP::cm2/CLHEP::s;
993  G4double vDrift = sqrt((2*sampledEnergy)/(EMASS));
994  if ( BORDER == 0 ) x0[2] = 0;
995  G4double sigmaDT = sqrt(2*D_T*fabs(BORDER-x0[2])/vDrift);
996  G4double sigmaDL = sqrt(2*D_L*fabs(BORDER-x0[2])/vDrift);
997  G4double dr = std::abs(,sigmaDT));
998  phi = CLHEP::twopi *;
999  aSecondaryPosition[0] += cos(phi) * dr;
1000  aSecondaryPosition[1] += sin(phi) * dr;
1001  aSecondaryPosition[2] +=,sigmaDL);
1002  radius = std::sqrt(std::pow(aSecondaryPosition[0],2.)+
1003  std::pow(aSecondaryPosition[1],2.));
1004  if(aSecondaryPosition[2] >= BORDER && Phase == kStateLiquid) {
1005  if ( BORDER != 0 ) aSecondaryPosition[2] = BORDER - R_TOL; }
1006  if(aSecondaryPosition[2] <= PMT && !GlobalFields)
1007  aSecondaryPosition[2] = PMT + R_TOL;
1008  } //end of electron diffusion code
1010  // GEANT4 business: stuff you need to make a new track
1011  if ( aSecondaryTime < 0 ) aSecondaryTime = 0; //no neg. time
1012  /*
1013  G4Track * aSecondaryTrack =
1014  new G4Track(aQuantum,aSecondaryTime,aSecondaryPosition);
1015  if ( k < NumPhotons || radius < R_MAX )
1016  {
1018  */
1019  }
1021  //reset bunch of things when done with an interaction site
1022  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( xCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1023  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( yCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1024  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( zCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1025  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( trackL, 0*CLHEP::um );
1026  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( energy, 0*CLHEP::eV );
1027  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( time00, DBL_MAX );
1028  aMaterialPropertiesTable->AddConstProperty( time01, -1*CLHEP::ns );
1030  } //end of interaction site loop
1032  //more things to reset...
1033  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
1034  AddConstProperty( "TOTALNUM_INT_SITES", 0 );
1035  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
1036  AddConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT", 0*CLHEP::keV );
1037  aMaterialPropertiesTable->
1038  AddConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL", 0*CLHEP::MeV );
1039  fExcitedNucleus = false;
1040  fAlpha = false;
1041  }
1043  //don't do anything when you're not ready to scintillate
1044  else {
1045  fParticleChange.SetNumberOfSecondaries(0);
1046  return fParticleChange;
1047  }
1049  return fParticleChange;
1050  }
1052  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1053  G4double NestAlg::GetGasElectronDriftSpeed(G4double /*efieldinput*/,
1054  G4double /*density*/)
1055  {
1056  std::cout << "WARNING: NestAlg::GetGasElectronDriftSpeed(G4double, G4double) "
1057  << "is not defined, returning bogus value of -999." << std::endl;
1059  return -999.;
1060  }
1063  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1064  G4double NestAlg::GetLiquidElectronDriftSpeed(G4double tempinput,
1065  G4double efieldinput,
1066  G4bool Miller,
1067  G4int Z) {
1068  if(efieldinput<0) efieldinput *= (-1);
1069  //Liquid equation one (165K) coefficients
1070  G4double onea=144623.235704015,
1071  oneb=850.812714257629,
1072  onec=1192.87056676815,
1073  oned=-395969.575204061,
1074  onef=-355.484170008875,
1075  oneg=-227.266219627672,
1076  oneh=223831.601257495,
1077  onei=6.1778950907965,
1078  onej=18.7831533426398,
1079  onek=-76132.6018884368;
1080  //Liquid equation two (200K) coefficients
1081  G4double twoa=17486639.7118995,
1082  twob=-113.174284723134,
1083  twoc=28.005913193763,
1084  twod=167994210.094027,
1085  twof=-6766.42962575088,
1086  twog=901.474643115395,
1087  twoh=-185240292.471665,
1088  twoi=-633.297790813084,
1089  twoj=87.1756135457949;
1090  //Liquid equation three (230K) coefficients
1091  G4double thra=10626463726.9833,
1092  thrb=224025158.134792,
1093  thrc=123254826.300172,
1094  thrd=-4563.5678061122,
1095  thrf=-1715.269592063,
1096  thrg=-694181.921834368,
1097  thrh=-50.9753281079838,
1098  thri=58.3785811395493,
1099  thrj=201512.080026704;
1100  G4double y1=0,y2=0,f1=0,f2=0,f3=0,edrift=0,
1101  t1=0,t2=0,slope=0,intercept=0;
1103  //Equations defined
1104  f1=onea/(1+exp(-(efieldinput-oneb)/onec))+oned/
1105  (1+exp(-(efieldinput-onef)/oneg))+
1106  oneh/(1+exp(-(efieldinput-onei)/onej))+onek;
1107  f2=twoa/(1+exp(-(efieldinput-twob)/twoc))+twod/
1108  (1+exp(-(efieldinput-twof)/twog))+
1109  twoh/(1+exp(-(efieldinput-twoi)/twoj));
1110  f3=thra*exp(-thrb*efieldinput)+thrc*exp(-(pow(efieldinput-thrd,2))/
1111  (thrf*thrf))+
1112  thrg*exp(-(pow(efieldinput-thrh,2)/(thri*thri)))+thrj;
1114  if(efieldinput<20 && efieldinput>=0) {
1115  f1=2951*efieldinput;
1116  f2=5312*efieldinput;
1117  f3=7101*efieldinput;
1118  }
1119  //Cases for tempinput decides which 2 equations to use lin. interpolation
1120  if(tempinput<200.0 && tempinput>165.0) {
1121  y1=f1;
1122  y2=f2;
1123  t1=165.0;
1124  t2=200.0;
1125  }
1126  if(tempinput<230.0 && tempinput>200.0) {
1127  y1=f2;
1128  y2=f3;
1129  t1=200.0;
1130  t2=230.0;
1131  }
1132  if((tempinput>230.0 || tempinput<165.0) && !Miller) {
1133  G4cout << "\nWARNING: TEMPERATURE OUT OF RANGE (165-230 K)\n";
1134  return 0;
1135  }
1136  if (tempinput == 165.0) edrift = f1;
1137  else if (tempinput == 200.0) edrift = f2;
1138  else if (tempinput == 230.0) edrift = f3;
1139  else { //Linear interpolation
1140  //frac=(tempinput-t1)/(t2-t1);
1141  slope = (y1-y2)/(t1-t2);
1142  intercept=y1-slope*t1;
1143  edrift=slope*tempinput+intercept;
1144  }
1146  if ( Miller ) {
1147  if ( efieldinput <= 40. )
1148  edrift = -0.13274+0.041082*efieldinput-0.0006886*pow(efieldinput,2.)+
1149  5.5503e-6*pow(efieldinput,3.);
1150  else
1151  edrift = 0.060774*efieldinput/pow(1+0.11336*pow(efieldinput,0.5218),2.);
1152  if ( efieldinput >= 1e5 ) edrift = 2.7;
1153  if ( efieldinput >= 100 )
1154  edrift -= 0.017 * ( tempinput - 163 );
1155  else
1156  edrift += 0.017 * ( tempinput - 163 );
1157  edrift *= 1e5; //put into units of cm/sec. from mm/usec.
1158  }
1159  if ( Z == 18 ) edrift = 1e5 * (.097384*pow(log10(efieldinput),3.0622)-.018614*sqrt(efieldinput) );
1160  if ( edrift < 0 ) edrift = 0.;
1161  edrift = 0.5*EMASS*pow(edrift*CLHEP::cm/CLHEP::s,2.);
1162  return edrift;
1163  }
1165  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1166  G4double NestAlg::CalculateElectronLET ( G4double E, G4int Z ) {
1167  G4double LET;
1168  switch ( Z ) {
1169  case 54:
1170  //use a spline fit to online ESTAR data
1171  if ( E >= 1 ) LET = 58.482-61.183*log10(E)+19.749*pow(log10(E),2)+
1172  2.3101*pow(log10(E),3)-3.3469*pow(log10(E),4)+
1173  0.96788*pow(log10(E),5)-0.12619*pow(log10(E),6)+0.0065108*pow(log10(E),7);
1174  //at energies <1 keV, use a different spline, determined manually by
1175  //generating sub-keV electrons in Geant4 and looking at their ranges, since
1176  //ESTAR does not go this low
1177  else if ( E>0 && E<1 ) LET = 6.9463+815.98*E-4828*pow(E,2)+17079*pow(E,3)-
1178  36394*pow(E,4)+44553*pow(E,5)-28659*pow(E,6)+7483.8*pow(E,7);
1179  else
1180  LET = 0;
1181  break;
1182  case 18: default:
1183  if ( E >= 1 ) LET = 116.70-162.97*log10(E)+99.361*pow(log10(E),2)-
1184  33.405*pow(log10(E),3)+6.5069*pow(log10(E),4)-
1185  0.69334*pow(log10(E),5)+.031563*pow(log10(E),6);
1186  else if ( E>0 && E<1 ) LET = 100;
1187  else
1188  LET = 0;
1189  }
1190  return LET;
1191  }
1193  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1194  G4int NestAlg::BinomFluct ( G4int N0, G4double prob ) {
1195  CLHEP::RandGauss GaussGen(fEngine);
1196  CLHEP::RandFlat UniformGen(fEngine);
1198  G4double mean = N0*prob;
1199  G4double sigma = sqrt(N0*prob*(1-prob));
1200  G4int N1 = 0;
1201  if ( prob == 0.00 ) return N1;
1202  if ( prob == 1.00 ) return N0;
1204  if ( N0 < 10 ) {
1205  for(G4int i = 0; i < N0; i++) {
1206  if( < prob) N1++;
1207  }
1208  }
1209  else {
1210  N1 = G4int(floor(,sigma)+0.5));
1211  }
1212  if ( N1 > N0 ) N1 = N0;
1213  if ( N1 < 0 ) N1 = 0;
1214  return N1;
1215  }
1217  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1218  void NestAlg::InitMatPropValues ( G4MaterialPropertiesTable *nobleElementMat,
1219  int z) {
1220  char xCoord[80]; char yCoord[80]; char zCoord[80];
1221  char numExc[80]; char numIon[80]; char numPho[80]; char numEle[80];
1222  char trackL[80]; char time00[80]; char time01[80]; char energy[80];
1224  // for loop to initialize the interaction site mat'l properties
1225  for( G4int i=0; i<10000; i++ ) {
1226  sprintf(xCoord,"POS_X_%d",i); sprintf(yCoord,"POS_Y_%d",i);
1227  sprintf(zCoord,"POS_Z_%d",i);
1228  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( xCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1229  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( yCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1230  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( zCoord, 999*CLHEP::km );
1231  sprintf(numExc,"N_EXC_%d",i); sprintf(numIon,"N_ION_%d",i);
1232  sprintf(numPho,"N_PHO_%d",i); sprintf(numEle,"N_ELE_%d",i);
1233  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( numExc, 0 );
1234  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( numIon, 0 );
1235  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( numPho, 0 );
1236  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( numEle, 0 );
1237  sprintf(trackL,"TRACK_%d",i); sprintf(energy,"ENRGY_%d",i);
1238  sprintf(time00,"TIME0_%d",i); sprintf(time01,"TIME1_%d",i);
1239  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( trackL, 0*CLHEP::um );
1240  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( energy, 0*CLHEP::eV );
1241  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( time00, DBL_MAX );
1242  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( time01,-1*CLHEP::ns );
1243  }
1245  // we initialize the total number of interaction sites, a variable for
1246  // updating the amount of energy deposited thus far in the medium, and a
1247  // variable for storing the amount of energy expected to be deposited
1248  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( "TOTALNUM_INT_SITES", 0 );
1249  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_TOT", 0*CLHEP::keV );
1250  nobleElementMat->AddConstProperty( "ENERGY_DEPOSIT_GOL", 0*CLHEP::MeV );
1252  fElementPropInit[z] = true;
1254  return;
1255  }
1257  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1258  G4double UnivScreenFunc ( G4double E, G4double Z, G4double A ) {
1259  G4double a_0 = 5.29e-11*CLHEP::m; G4double a = 0.626*a_0*pow(Z,(-1./3.));
1260  G4double epsilon_0 = 8.854e-12*(CLHEP::farad/CLHEP::m);
1261  G4double epsilon = (a*E*2.*CLHEP::twopi*epsilon_0)/(2*pow(CLHEP::eplus,2.)*pow(Z,2.));
1262  G4double zeta_0 = pow(Z,(1./6.)); G4double m_N = A*1.66e-27*CLHEP::kg;
1263  G4double hbar = 6.582e-16*CLHEP::eV*CLHEP::s;
1264  if ( Z == 54 ) {
1265  epsilon *= 1.068; //zeta_0 = 1.63;
1266  } //special case for LXe from Bezrukov et al. 2011
1267  G4double s_n = log(1+1.1383*epsilon)/(2.*(epsilon +
1268  0.01321*pow(epsilon,0.21226) +
1269  0.19593*sqrt(epsilon)));
1270  G4double s_e = (a_0*zeta_0/a)*hbar*sqrt(8*epsilon*2.*CLHEP::twopi*epsilon_0/
1271  (a*m_N*pow(CLHEP::eplus,2.)));
1272  return 1.38e5*0.5*(1+tanh(50*epsilon-0.25))*epsilon*(s_e/s_n);
1273  }
1275 } // gar
static constexpr double cm
Definition: Units.h:68
#define phe_per_e
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:9
code to link reconstructed objects back to the MC truth information
#define EMASS
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:2
#define BOT
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:18
static constexpr double keV
Definition: Units.h:128
G4VParticleChange fParticleChange
pointer to G4VParticleChange
Definition: NestAlg.h:45
#define CTH
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:17
const double hbar
#define ANE
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:14
#define QE_EFF
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:8
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
double fYieldFactor
turns scint. on/off
Definition: NestAlg.h:39
std::string string
static constexpr double cm3
Definition: Units.h:70
constexpr T pow(T x)
Definition: pow.h:72
#define HIENLIM
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:22
int kelvin
static constexpr double kg
Definition: Units.h:143
#define WIN
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:12
#define MIN_ENE
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:20
G4double tau1[100]
int fNumIonElectrons
number of ionization electrons produced by step
Definition: NestAlg.h:43
static constexpr double MeV
Definition: Units.h:129
G4double tau3[100]
static constexpr double km
Definition: Units.h:64
CLHEP::HepRandomEngine & fEngine
random engine
Definition: NestAlg.h:49
kilovolt_as<> kilovolt
Type of potential stored in kilovolt, in double precision.
bool exists(std::string path)
#define a2
T abs(T value)
const double e
static G4ThermalElectron * ThermalElectron()
static constexpr double eV
Definition: Units.h:127
G4bool diffusion
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:43
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
#define SRF
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:15
const double a
def convert(inputfile, outputfile="wire-cell-garfield-fine-response.json.bz2", average=False, shaped=False)
G4double GetLiquidElectronDriftSpeed(double T, double F, G4bool M, G4int Z)
G4bool OutElectrons
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:45
#define TOP
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:13
G4double biExc
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:47
double gamma(double KE, const simb::MCParticle *part)
#define AVO
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:1
std::map< int, bool > fElementPropInit
Definition: NestAlg.h:46
int fNumScintPhotons
number of photons produced by the step
Definition: NestAlg.h:42
int twopi
#define Density_LXe
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:25
General GArSoft Utilities.
double fEnergyDep
energy deposited by the step
Definition: NestAlg.h:44
#define Density_LAr
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:26
const G4VParticleChange & CalculateIonizationAndScintillation(G4Track const &aTrack, G4Step const &aStep)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:84
Definition: group.cpp:53
#define BORDER
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:6
G4bool ThomasImelTail
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:45
static constexpr double mm
Definition: Units.h:65
NestAlg(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine &engine)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:52
G4double GetGasElectronDriftSpeed(G4double efieldinput, G4double density)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:1053
#define GAT
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:16
#define MillerDriftSpeed
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:3
G4bool SinglePhase
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:45
#define PMT
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:19
G4int BinomFluct(G4int N0, G4double prob)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:1194
G4double CalculateElectronLET(G4double E, G4int Z)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:1166
#define R_TOL
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:23
void InitMatPropValues(G4MaterialPropertiesTable *nobleElementMat, int z)
Definition: NestAlg.cxx:1218
QAsciiDict< Entry > ns
double mean(sqlite3 *db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
double Density(double r)
Definition: PREM.cxx:18
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
G4double UnivScreenFunc(G4double E, G4double Z, G4double A)
#define a1
double fExcitationRatio
excitons to ions
Definition: NestAlg.h:40