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1 /**
2  * @file TrackTrajectory.h
3  * @brief Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space
4  * @date December 9, 2016
5  * @version 2.4 (20170119)
6  *
7  * Changes
8  * --------
9  *
10  * - 20170119 [v2.4]
11  * taken from recob::Trajectory, with added flags
12  *
13  */
18 // ROOT libraries
22 // C/C++ standard libraries
23 #include <vector>
24 #include <iosfwd> // std::ostream
25 #include <limits> // std::numeric_limits<>
28 namespace recob {
31  /** **************************************************************************
32  * @brief A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
33  * @see recob::Trajectory, recob::Track,
34  * recob::trackutil::makeTrajectory()
35  *
36  * The track trajectory class contains a trajectory in 6D space representing
37  * the path walked by a particle. A trajectory point is made of a 3D position
38  * component (measured in centimeters) and a momentum component (measured in
39  * GeV/c); for a discussion on the object type for coordinates see recob::tracking::Coord_t.
40  * The associated hits are integral part of the track trajectory.
41  * To store additional point-by-point information, the track trajectory
42  * augments `recob::Trajectory`, of which it presents most of the interface,
43  * with point metadata called for convenience "flags".
44  *
45  * Each point is formally associated to a reconstructed hit, as for
46  * `recob::Trajectory` requirements. One flag set is provided for each point,
47  * whose flags describe the point and/or the hit.
48  *
49  * The meaning of the flags is documented also in the flags class
50  * `recob::TrajectoryPointFlagTraits`, which can be accessed as typedef
51  * `flags` in this class (e.g. `recob::TrackTrajectory::flag::NoPoint`).
52  *
53  *
54  * Invariants
55  * -----------
56  *
57  * The same as `recob::Trajectory`, plus:
58  * * there must be one flag set per trajectory point
59  * * there must be at least two points with the flag `NoPoint` not set
60  *
61  */
65  public:
66  /// Type used for coordinates and values in general.
69  /// Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
72  /// Type for representation of momenta in 3D space.
75  /// Type for flags of a point/hit
78  /// Flag traits (including the definition of flag mnemonics).
81  /// Type of trajectory point list.
84  /// Type of momentum list.
87  /// Type of point flag list.
88  using Flags_t = std::vector<PointFlags_t>;
90  /// Mnemonics for the access to begin and end of trajectory.
93  /// A point in the trajectory, with position and momentum.
96  /// Type for representation of space rotations.
100  /// Default constructor; do not use it! it's needed by ROOT I/O.
101  TrackTrajectory() = default;
104  /**
105  * @brief Constructor: specifies all the data for the trajectory.
106  * @param positions (_moved_) trajectory as a sorted list of points
107  * @param momenta (_moved_) momentum along the trajectory, one per point
108  * @param flags (_moved_) flag sets, one flag set per point
109  * @param hasMomenta whether the information on momentum modulus is provided
110  * @throws std::runtime_error if the invariants are violated
111  * @see recob::trackutil::makeTrackTrajectory()
112  *
113  * The most convenient way to create a recob::Trajectory is to use
114  * `recob::trackutil::makeTrackTrajectory()`.
115  *
116  *
117  * Requirements
118  * -------------
119  *
120  * - one momentum is required for each trajectory point
121  * - one flag is required for each trajectory point
122  * - at least two points must be provided
123  *
124  */
126  Positions_t&& positions,
127  Momenta_t&& momenta,
128  Flags_t&& flags,
129  bool hasMomenta
130  );
133  /**
134  * @brief Constructor: copies positions and momenta from an existing Trajectory, adds the flags.
135  * @param traj existing Trajectory
136  * @param flags (_moved_) flag sets, one flag set per point
137  * @throw std::runtime_error if the invariants are violated
138  */
139  TrackTrajectory(const Trajectory& traj, Flags_t&& flags)
140  : TrackTrajectory(Positions_t(traj.Positions()),Momenta_t(traj.Momenta()),std::move(flags),traj.HasMomentum()) {}
143  /// Returns the plain trajectory of this object
144  Trajectory_t const& Trajectory() const
145  { return static_cast<Trajectory_t const&>(*this); }
150  using Trajectory_t::NPoints;
158  /**
159  * @brief Returns the flags for the specified trajectory point.
160  * @param i index of the point in the trajectory
161  * @return flags for the specified trajectory point [cm]
162  *
163  * If the point index is invalid, the result is undefined.
164  */
165  PointFlags_t const& FlagsAtPoint(size_t i) const
166  { return fFlags[i]; }
168  /**
169  * @brief Returns all flags.
170  */
171  Flags_t const& Flags() const
172  { return fFlags; }
174  /**
175  * @brief Returns whether the specified point has `NoPoint` flag unset.
176  * @return whether the specified point has `NoPoint` flag unset
177  *
178  * A point with flag `NoPoint` set is actually an invalid point, that the
179  * algorithm could not at all set, but it has still a hit associated with
180  * it.
181  *
182  * If the point index is invalid, false is returned.
183  */
184  bool HasValidPoint(size_t i) const
185  {
186  return Trajectory().HasPoint(i)
188  }
190  /**
191  * @brief Returns the index of the first valid point in the trajectory.
192  * @return index of the first point in the trajectory, or `InvalidIndex`
193  *
194  * Returns the index of the first point with the flag `NoPoint` unset.
195  * It never returns `InvalidIndex` unless the track trajectory is invalid.
196  */
197  size_t FirstValidPoint() const
198  { return NextValidPoint(0U); }
200  /**
201  * @brief Returns the index of the next valid point in the trajectory.
202  * @param index starting index
203  * @return index of next valid point in the trajectory, or `InvalidIndex`
204  *
205  * Returns the index of the first point with the flag `NoPoint` unset,
206  * starting with the point with the specified index (included), and moving
207  * forward toward the end of the trajectory.
208  * It returns `InvalidIndex` if point at index is invalid and there are no
209  * valid points left after it.
210  */
211  size_t NextValidPoint(size_t index) const
212  { return ToValidPoint<+1>(index); }
214  /**
215  * @brief Returns the index of the previous valid point in the trajectory.
216  * @param index starting index
217  * @return index of previous valid point in trajectory, or `InvalidIndex`
218  *
219  * Returns the index of the first point with the flag `NoPoint` unset,
220  * starting with the point with the specified index (included), and moving
221  * backward toward the start of the trajectory.
222  * It returns `InvalidIndex` if point at index is invalid and there are no
223  * valid points before it.
224  */
225  size_t PreviousValidPoint(size_t index) const
226  { return ToValidPoint<-1>(index); }
228  /**
229  * @brief Returns the index of the last valid point in the trajectory.
230  * @return index of the last point in the trajectory, or `InvalidIndex`
231  *
232  * Returns the index of the last point with the flag `NoPoint` unset.
233  * It never returns `InvalidIndex` unless the track trajectory is invalid.
234  */
235  size_t LastValidPoint() const
236  { return PreviousValidPoint(LastPoint()); }
238  /**
239  * @brief Computes and returns the number of points with valid location.
240  * @return number of points in the trajectory with valid location
241  *
242  * This method is slow, taking O(NPoints()) time.
243  */
244  unsigned int CountValidPoints() const;
248  /// Returns the position of the first valid point of the trajectory [cm].
249  Point_t const& Vertex() const
250  { return Start(); }
252  /// Returns the position of the first valid point of the trajectory [cm].
253  Point_t const& Start() const
254  { return LocationAtPoint(FirstValidPoint()); }
256  /// Returns the position of the last valid point of the trajectory [cm].
257  Point_t const& End() const
258  { return LocationAtPoint(LastValidPoint()); }
262  /**
263  * @brief Fills the first and last valid point in the trajectory.
264  * @param start (_output_) position of the beginning of the trajectory
265  * @param end (_output_) position of the end of the trajectory
266  *
267  * The labelling of start and end is consistent within the trajectory but is
268  * not guaranteed to be physically correct.
269  */
270  template<typename T> std::pair<T,T> Extent( ) const { return { Vertex<T>(), End<T>() }; }
272  /**
273  * @brief Returns a copy of the first and last valid point in the
274  * trajectory.
275  * @return a pair: the first and last point in the trajectory
276  *
277  * The labelling of start and end is consistent within the trajectory but is
278  * not guaranteed to be physically correct.
279  *
280  * Example:
281  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.cpp}
282  *
283  * recob::TrackTrajectory::Point_t start, end;
284  *
285  * std::tie(start, end) = traj.Extent(); // assign both start and end
286  *
287  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
288  */
289  std::pair<Point_t, Point_t> Extent() const
290  { return { Start(), End() }; }
293  /**
294  * @brief Returns the approximate length of the trajectory.
295  * @param startAt (_default: 0, from beginning_) point to start from
296  * @return the approximate length of the trajectory [cm]
297  *
298  * The residual length from the trajectory point startAt to the end of the
299  * trajectory is computed and returned. By default, the whole trajectory
300  * length is returned.
301  * All invalid points are skipped. If after skipping, less than two valid
302  * points are left, 0 is returned.
303  *
304  * The length approximation is just the sum of Euclidean distances between
305  * each valid trajectory point and the next (starting from the first valid
306  * one with index `startAt` or larger).
307  *
308  * This operation is slow, and the result should be stored in a variable.
309  */
310  double Length (size_t startAt = 0) const;
312  /// Returns the direction of the trajectory at the first point.
314  { return StartDirection(); }
316  /// Returns the direction of the trajectory at the first point.
318  { return DirectionAtPoint(FirstValidPoint()); }
320  /// Returns the direction of the trajectory at the last point.
322  { return DirectionAtPoint(LastValidPoint()); }
325  /**
326  * @brief Trajectory angle at point, with respect to positive _z_ direction.
327  * @param p the index point to extract the angle from (_no default!_)
328  * @return angle with respect to positive _z_, in @f$ [0,\pi] @f$ [radians]
329  *
330  * The angle @f$ \vartheta @f$ is returned, as defined in
331  * `recob::Trajectory::Theta()`, for point with the specified index `p`.
332  *
333  * If the point is invalid, the behaviour is undefined.
334  *
335  * @note This function has no default value for `p`; if `p` is not specified
336  * at all, the method `Theta()` is called instead.
337  *
338  */
339  double Theta(size_t p) const
340  { return Trajectory().Theta(p); }
342  /**
343  * @brief Trajectory angle at start, with respect to positive _z_ direction.
344  * @return angle with respect to positive _z_, in @f$ [0,\pi] @f$ [radians]
345  *
346  * The angle @f$ \vartheta @f$ is returned, as defined in
347  * `recob::Trajectory::Theta()`, for the first valid point in the
348  * trajectory.
349  *
350  * @note This is _not_ equivalent to `Theta(0)`, but instead to
351  * `Theta(FirstValidPoint())`.
352  */
353  double Theta() const
354  { return Theta(FirstValidPoint()); }
356  /**
357  * @brief Azimuthal angle at a point on the trajectory, with respect to _z_.
358  * @param p the index point to extract the angle from (_no default!_)
359  * @return the azimuthal angle, in @f$ [-\pi,\pi[ @f$ [radians]
360  * @see Phi(), Theta(size_t), ZenithAngle(size_t)
361  *
362  * The angle @f$ \phi @f$ is returned, as defined in
363  * `recob::Trajectory::Phi()`, for point with the specified index `p`.
364  *
365  * If the point is invalid, the behaviour is undefined.
366  *
367  * @note This function has no default value for `p`; if `p` is not specified
368  * at all, the method `Phi()` is called instead.
369  *
370  */
371  double Phi(size_t p) const
372  { return Trajectory().Phi(p); }
374  /**
375  * @brief Azimuthal angle at a first valid point, with respect to _z_.
376  * @return angle with respect to positive _z_, in @f$ [0,\pi] @f$ [radians]
377  * @see Phi(size_t), Theta(), ZenithAngle()
378  *
379  * The angle @f$ \phi @f$ is returned, as defined in
380  * `recob::Trajectory::Phi()`, for the first valid point in the trajectory.
381  *
382  * @note This is _not_ equivalent to `Phi(0)`, but instead to
383  * `Phi(FirstValidPoint())`.
384  */
385  double Phi() const
386  { return Phi(FirstValidPoint()); }
389  /**
390  * @brief "Zenith" angle of trajectory, with respect to the vertical axis.
391  * @param p the index point to extract the angle from (_no default!_)
392  * @return opposite of the actual zenith angle, in @f$ [0,\pi] @f$ [radians]
393  * @see AzimuthAngle(size_t)
394  *
395  * The zenith is returned, as defined in `recob::Trajectory::Zenith()`,
396  * for point with the specified index `p`.
397  *
398  * If the point is invalid, the behaviour is undefined.
399  *
400  * @note This function has no default value for `p`; if `p` is not specified
401  * at all, the method `Zenith()` is called instead.
402  *
403  */
404  double ZenithAngle(size_t p) const
405  { return Trajectory().ZenithAngle(p); }
407  /**
408  * @brief "Zenith" angle of trajectory, with respect to the vertical axis.
409  * @return opposite of the actual zenith angle, in @f$ [0,\pi] @f$ [radians]
410  * @see Zenith(size_t), Theta()
411  *
412  * The zenith angle is returned, as defined in
413  * `recob::Trajectory::Zenith()`, for the first valid point in the
414  * trajectory.
415  *
416  * @note This is _not_ equivalent to `Zenith(0)`, but instead to
417  * `Zenith(FirstValidPoint())`.
418  */
419  double ZenithAngle() const
420  { return ZenithAngle(FirstValidPoint()); }
422  /**
423  * @brief "Azimuth" angle of trajectory, with respect to the sky.
424  * @param p the index point to extract the angle from (_no default!_)
425  * @return the azimuth angle, in @f$ [-\pi,\pi[ @f$ [radians]
426  * @see AzimuthAngle(), ZenithAngle(size_t), Phi(size_t)
427  *
428  * The azimuth is returned, as defined in `recob::Trajectory::Azimuth()`,
429  * for point with the specified index `p`.
430  *
431  * If the point is invalid, the behaviour is undefined.
432  *
433  * @note This function has no default value for `p`; if `p` is not specified
434  * at all, the method `Azimuth()` is called instead.
435  *
436  */
437  double AzimuthAngle(size_t p) const
438  { return Trajectory().AzimuthAngle(p); }
440  /**
441  * @brief "Azimuth" angle of trajectory, with respect to the sky.
442  * @return the azimuth angle, in @f$ [-\pi,\pi[ @f$ [radians]
443  * @see AzimuthAngle(size_t), ZenithAngle(), Phi()
444  * @see Zenith(size_t), Theta()
445  *
446  * The azimuth angle is returned, as defined in
447  * `recob::Trajectory::Azimuth()`, for the first valid point in the
448  * trajectory.
449  *
450  * @note This is _not_ equivalent to `Azimuth(0)`, but instead to
451  * `Azimuth(FirstValidPoint())`.
452  */
453  double AzimuthAngle() const
454  { return AzimuthAngle(FirstValidPoint()); }
457  /// Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the first valid point [GeV/c].
459  { return StartMomentumVector(); }
461  /// Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the first valid point [GeV/c].
465  /// Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the last valid point [GeV/c].
470  /// Computes and returns the modulus of momentum at the first point [GeV/c].
471  /// @see StartMomentum()
472  double VertexMomentum() const
473  { return StartMomentum(); }
475  /// Computes and returns the modulus of momentum at the first point [GeV/c].
476  /// @see StartMomentumVector()
477  double StartMomentum() const
478  { return StartMomentumVector().R(); }
480  /// Computes and returns the modulus of momentum at the last point [GeV/c].
481  /// @see EndMomentumVector()
482  double EndMomentum() const
483  { return EndMomentumVector().R(); }
494  /**
495  * @brief Fills the starting and ending direction of the trajectory.
496  * @param start (_output_) direction at the beginning of the trajectory
497  * @param end (_output_) direction at the end of the trajectory
498  *
499  * The two arguments are expected to point each one to an area with room for
500  * at least three `double` numbers.
501  * The two filled vectors have norm 1.
502  *
503  * The labelling of start and end is consistent within the trajectory but is
504  * not guaranteed to be physically correct.
505  */
506  template<typename T> std::pair<T,T> Direction() const { return { VertexDirection<T>(), EndDirection<T>() }; }
509  /**
510  * @brief Returns the trajectory directions at first and last valid points.
511  * @return a pair with the first and last direction
512  *
513  * The two returned vectors have norm 1.
514  * The labelling of start and end is consistent within the trajectory but is
515  * not guaranteed to be physically correct.
516  *
517  * Example:
518  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.cpp}
519  *
520  * recob::Trajectory::Vector_t startDir, endDir;
521  *
522  * std::tie(startDir, endDir) = traj.Direction(); // assign start and end
523  *
524  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
525  */
526  std::pair<Vector_t, Vector_t> Direction() const
527  { return { StartDirection(), EndDirection() }; }
534  /// @{
535  /// @name Templated version of homonymous functions to access to position, direction, and momentum information.
537  /// Start position. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 start = tracktraj.Start<TVector3>(); @endcode.
538  template<typename T> inline T Start() const { auto& loc = Start(); return T(loc.X(),loc.Y(),loc.Z()); }
540  /// Start position. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 vertex = tracktraj.Vertex<TVector3>(); @endcode.
541  template<typename T> inline T Vertex() const { auto& loc = Vertex(); return T(loc.X(),loc.Y(),loc.Z()); }
543  /// End position. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 end = tracktraj.End<TVector3>(); @endcode.
544  template<typename T> inline T End() const { auto& loc = End(); return T(loc.X(),loc.Y(),loc.Z()); }
546  /// Position at point p. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 pos = tracktraj.LocationAtPoint<TVector3>(p); @endcode.
547  template<typename T> inline T LocationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const { auto& loc = LocationAtPoint(p); return T(loc.X(),loc.Y(),loc.Z()); }
549  /// Start direction. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 startdir = tracktraj.StartDirection<TVector3>(); @endcode.
550  template<typename T> inline T StartDirection() const { auto dir = StartDirection(); return T(dir.X(),dir.Y(),dir.Z()); }
552  /// Start direction. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 vertexdir = tracktraj.VertexDirection<TVector3>(); @endcode.
553  template<typename T> inline T VertexDirection() const { auto dir = VertexDirection(); return T(dir.X(),dir.Y(),dir.Z()); }
555  /// End direction. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 enddir = tracktraj.EndDirection<TVector3>(); @endcode.
556  template<typename T> inline T EndDirection() const { auto dir = EndDirection(); return T(dir.X(),dir.Y(),dir.Z()); }
558  /// Direction at point p. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 dir = tracktraj.DirectionAtPoint<TVector3>(p); @endcode.
559  template<typename T> inline T DirectionAtPoint(unsigned int p) const { auto dir = DirectionAtPoint(p); return T(dir.X(),dir.Y(),dir.Z()); }
561  /// Momentum vector at start point. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 startmom = tracktraj.StartMomentumVector<TVector3>(); @endcode.
562  template<typename T> inline T StartMomentumVector() const { auto mom = StartMomentumVector(); return T(mom.X(),mom.Y(),mom.Z()); }
564  /// Momentum vector at start point. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 vertexmom = tracktraj.VertexMomentumVector<TVector3>(); @endcode.
565  template<typename T> inline T VertexMomentumVector() const { auto mom = VertexMomentumVector(); return T(mom.X(),mom.Y(),mom.Z()); }
567  /// Momentum vector at end point. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 endmom = tracktraj.EndMomentumVector<TVector3>(); @endcode.
568  template<typename T> inline T EndMomentumVector() const { auto mom = EndMomentumVector(); return T(mom.X(),mom.Y(),mom.Z()); }
570  /// Momentum vector at point p. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TVector3 mom = tracktraj.MomentumVectorAtPoint<TVector3>(p); @endcode.
571  template<typename T> inline T MomentumVectorAtPoint(unsigned int p) const { auto mom = MomentumVectorAtPoint(p); return T(mom.X(),mom.Y(),mom.Z()); }
573  /// Returns a rotation matrix that brings trajectory direction along _z_. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TMatrixD rot = tracktraj.GlobalToLocalRotationAtPoint<TMatrixD>(p); @endcode.
574  template<typename T> inline T GlobalToLocalRotationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const {
575  T rot(3,3);
576  GlobalToLocalRotationAtPoint(p).GetRotationMatrix(rot);
577  return rot;
578  }
580  /// Returns a rotation matrix bringing relative directions to global. Use e.g. as: @code{.cpp} TMatrixD rot = tracktraj.LocalToGlobalRotationAtPoint<TMatrixD>(p); @endcode.
581  template<typename T> inline T LocalToGlobalRotationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const {
582  T rot(3,3);
583  LocalToGlobalRotationAtPoint(p).GetRotationMatrix(rot);
584  return rot;
585  }
586  /// @}
588  /**
589  * @brief Prints trajectory content into a stream.
590  * @tparam Stream type of the output stream
591  * @param out stream to output the information into
592  * @param verbosity verbosity level (default: `1`)
593  * @param indent indentation string (default: none)
594  * @param indentFirst indentation for first output line (default: as indent)
595  *
596  * The amount of information dumped to screen is regulated by the
597  * Indentation string is prepended to each line, and the first line has its
598  * own special indentation string (`indentFirst`).
599  *
600  * The output can be multi-line, it ends with no end-of-line and it does not
601  * inserts an end-of-line at its beginning (unless that is explicitly inside
602  * `indentFirst`).
603  * The lowest verbosity is guaranteed to be on a single line.
604  *
605  *
606  * Information printed out (`verbosity` argument)
607  * -----------------------------------------------
608  *
609  * * level `0`: start position, direction, momentum modulus and number of
610  * points
611  * * level `1`: also end position, direction and momentum modulus
612  * * level `2`: also trajectory length
613  * * level `3`: also angles at start
614  * * level `4`: also 9 intermediate valid trajectory points
615  * * level `5`: also 10 more intermediate valid trajectory points (19 total)
616  * * level `6`: all valid trajectory points
617  * * level `7`: all trajectory points
618  *
619  * @internal Default values are implemented in a different method.
620  *
621  */
622  template <typename Stream>
623  void Dump(
624  Stream&& out,
625  unsigned int verbosity,
626  std::string indent, std::string indentFirst
627  ) const;
629  /**
630  * @brief Prints trajectory content into a stream.
631  * @tparam Stream type of the output stream
632  * @param out stream to output the information into
633  * @param verbosity verbosity level (default: `1`)
634  * @param indent indentation string (default: none)
635  * @see Dump(Stream&&, unsigned int, std::string, std::string)
636  *
637  * Implementation detail for Dump(Stream&&, unsigned int, std::string).
638  */
639  template <typename Stream>
640  void Dump
641  (Stream&& out, unsigned int verbosity = 1, std::string indent = {})
642  const
643  { Dump(std::forward<Stream>(out), verbosity, indent, indent); }
645  /**
646  * @brief Prints low-level trajectory content into a stream.
647  * @tparam Stream type of the output stream
648  * @param out stream to output the information into
649  * @param indent indentation string (default: none)
650  * @param indentFirst indentation for first output line (default: as indent)
651  */
652  template <typename Stream>
653  void LowLevelDump
654  (Stream&& out, std::string indent, std::string indentFirst) const;
657  /// Largest verbosity level supported by Dump().
658  static constexpr unsigned int MaxDumpVerbosity = 7;
660  /// Value returned on failed index queries
661  static constexpr size_t InvalidIndex = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
663  private:
665  Flags_t fFlags; ///< Flags of each of the points in trajectory
668  /**
669  * @brief Returns the index of the first valid point from index on.
670  * @tparam Dir the direction to move when an index has an invalid point
671  * @param index the starting index
672  * @return index of the first valid point from index on (or InvalidIndex)
673  *
674  * The valid direction `Dir` values are only +1 and -1.
675  * The first point considered is always the one at `index`.
676  * If no valid point is found, `InvalidIndex` is returned.
677  * The invariant guarantees that all these calls return a valid index:
678  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.cpp}
679  * if (!(
680  * (ToValidPoint<+1>(0) != InvalidIndex) // FirstValidPoint()
681  * && (ToValidPoint<-1>(LastPoint()) != InvalidIndex) // LastValidPoint()
682  * && (ToValidPoint<+1>(FirstValidPoint()) != InvalidIndex) // LastValidPoint()
683  * && (ToValidPoint<-1>(LastValidPoint()) != InvalidIndex) // FirstValidPoint()
684  * )) throw std::logic_error("Invalid TrackTrajectory!");
685  * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
686  */
687  template <int Dir>
688  size_t ToValidPoint(size_t index) const;
690  /// Returns whether there are at least `min` valid points in the trajectory.
691  bool AtLeastValidTrajectoryPoints(unsigned int left) const;
693  }; // class TrackTrajectory
696  /**
697  * @brief Prints trajectory content into a stream.
698  * @tparam Stream type of the output stream
699  * @param out stream to output the information into
700  * @param traj trajectory to be printed
701  * @return a reference to stream
702  *
703  * See `recob::Trajectory::Dump()` for details.
704  */
705  std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream&& out, TrackTrajectory const& traj);
708 } // namespace recob
711 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
712 //--- Inline implementation
713 //---
715 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
716 //--- Template implementation
717 //---
718 #include "TrackTrajectory.tcc"
720 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Double32_t Coord_t
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:23
void Dump(Stream &&out, unsigned int verbosity, std::string indent, std::string indentFirst) const
Prints trajectory content into a stream.
double Phi(size_t p=0) const
Azimuthal angle at a point on the trajectory, with respect to z.
Definition: Trajectory.h:337
Data product for reconstructed trajectory in space.
T VertexDirection() const
Start direction. Use e.g. as:
bool HasPoint(size_t i) const
Returns whether the specified trajectory point is available.
Definition: Trajectory.h:183
A point in the trajectory, with position and momentum.
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:63
Trajectory_t const & Trajectory() const
Returns the plain trajectory of this object.
T Vertex() const
Start position. Use e.g. as:
TrajectoryPointFlagTraits flag
Type of flag traits (indices and meaning of flags).
Reconstruction base classes.
Default constructor; do not use it! it&#39;s needed by ROOT I/O.
Flags_t const & Flags() const
Returns all flags.
static constexpr Flag_t NoPoint
The trajectory point is not defined.
T DirectionAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Direction at point p. Use e.g. as:
T EndDirection() const
End direction. Use e.g. as:
std::string string
bool isSet(Flag_t flag) const
Returns true if the flag exists and is set.
size_t LastValidPoint() const
Returns the index of the last valid point in the trajectory.
Mnemonics for the access to begin and end of trajectory.
Definition: Trajectory.h:85
T GlobalToLocalRotationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Returns a rotation matrix that brings trajectory direction along z. Use e.g. as:
T Start() const
Start position. Use e.g. as:
tracking::Positions_t Positions_t
Type of trajectory point list.
double ZenithAngle(size_t p) const
"Zenith" angle of trajectory, with respect to the vertical axis.
Vector_t const & StartMomentumVector() const
Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the first valid point [GeV/c].
T VertexMomentumVector() const
Momentum vector at start point. Use e.g. as:
Vector_t const & VertexMomentumVector() const
Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the first valid point [GeV/c].
T StartDirection() const
Start direction. Use e.g. as:
Namespace for the trajectory point flags.
double AzimuthAngle(size_t p=0) const
"Azimuth" angle of trajectory, with respect to the sky.
Definition: Trajectory.cxx:96
T LocalToGlobalRotationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Returns a rotation matrix bringing relative directions to global. Use e.g. as:
STL namespace.
double ZenithAngle(size_t p=0) const
"Zenith" angle of trajectory, with respect to the vertical axis.
Definition: Trajectory.cxx:82
double EndMomentum() const
T StartMomentumVector() const
Momentum vector at start point. Use e.g. as:
string dir
Rotation_t LocalToGlobalRotationAtPoint(size_t p) const
Returns a rotation matrix bringing relative directions to global.
Definition: Trajectory.cxx:136
unsigned int CountValidPoints() const
Computes and returns the number of points with valid location.
tracking::Momenta_t Momenta_t
Type of momentum list.
Definition of vertex object for LArSoft.
Definition: Vertex.h:35
std::pair< T, T > Extent() const
Fills the first and last valid point in the trajectory.
Flags_t fFlags
Flags of each of the points in trajectory.
Vector_t DirectionAtPoint(size_t i) const
Computes and returns the direction of the trajectory at a point.
Definition: Trajectory.cxx:117
Rotation_t GlobalToLocalRotationAtPoint(size_t p) const
Returns a rotation matrix that brings trajectory direction along z.
Definition: Trajectory.cxx:128
double AzimuthAngle() const
"Azimuth" angle of trajectory, with respect to the sky.
T EndMomentumVector() const
Momentum vector at end point. Use e.g. as:
Vector_t VertexDirection() const
Returns the direction of the trajectory at the first point.
std::pair< T, T > Direction() const
Fills the starting and ending direction of the trajectory.
ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< Coord_t >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Vector_t
Type for representation of momenta in 3D space. See recob::tracking::Coord_t for more details on the ...
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:29
double Length(size_t startAt=0) const
Returns the approximate length of the trajectory.
size_t LastPoint() const
Returns the index of the last point in the trajectory.
Definition: Trajectory.h:175
size_t PreviousValidPoint(size_t index) const
Returns the index of the previous valid point in the trajectory.
const Positions_t & Positions() const
Returns reference to stored vector of positions.
Definition: Trajectory.h:190
TrajectoryPoint_t TrajectoryPoint(size_t i) const
Returns position and momentum at the specified trajectory point.
Definition: Trajectory.h:213
PointFlags_t const & FlagsAtPoint(size_t i) const
Returns the flags for the specified trajectory point.
size_t NPoints() const
Returns the number of stored trajectory points.
Definition: Trajectory.h:167
A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
T LocationAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Position at point p. Use e.g. as:
def move(depos, offset)
double MomentumAtPoint(size_t i) const
Computes and returns the modulus of the momentum at a point.
Definition: Trajectory.h:442
bool HasValidPoint(size_t i) const
Returns whether the specified point has NoPoint flag unset.
std::pair< Vector_t, Vector_t > Direction() const
Returns the trajectory directions at first and last valid points.
double StartMomentum() const
Point_t const & LocationAtPoint(size_t i) const
Returns the position at the specified trajectory point.
Definition: Trajectory.h:236
tracking::Rotation_t Rotation_t
Type for representation of space rotations.
std::vector< Vector_t > Momenta_t
Type of momentum list.
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:35
double ZenithAngle() const
"Zenith" angle of trajectory, with respect to the vertical axis.
tracking::Vector_t Vector_t
Type for representation of momenta in 3D space.
static int max(int a, int b)
std::vector< PointFlags_t > Flags_t
Type of point flag list.
size_t FirstPoint() const
Returns the index of the first point in the trajectory (yep, it&#39;s 0).
Definition: Trajectory.h:171
size_t NumberTrajectoryPoints() const
Returns the number of stored trajectory points.
Definition: Trajectory.h:156
Set of flags pertaining a point of the track.
double Phi(size_t p) const
Azimuthal angle at a point on the trajectory, with respect to z.
Point_t const & Vertex() const
Returns the position of the first valid point of the trajectory [cm].
ROOT::Math::Rotation3D Rotation_t
Type for representation of space rotations.
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:38
Vector_t const & MomentumVectorAtPoint(size_t i) const
Returns the momentum vector at a point.
Definition: Trajectory.h:457
Vector_t EndDirection() const
Returns the direction of the trajectory at the last point.
tracking::Coord_t Coord_t
Type used for coordinates and values in general.
A trajectory in space reconstructed from hits.
Definition: Trajectory.h:67
double Theta(size_t p) const
Trajectory angle at point, with respect to positive z direction.
size_t ToValidPoint(size_t index) const
Returns the index of the first valid point from index on.
std::vector< Point_t > Positions_t
Type of trajectory point list.
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:32
size_t FirstValidPoint() const
Returns the index of the first valid point in the trajectory.
static constexpr size_t InvalidIndex
Value returned on failed index queries.
bool HasMomentum() const
Returns whether information about the momentum is available.
Definition: Trajectory.h:425
Vector_t const & EndMomentumVector() const
Returns the momentum of the trajectory at the last valid point [GeV/c].
static constexpr unsigned int MaxDumpVerbosity
Largest verbosity level supported by Dump().
Point_t const & End() const
Returns the position of the last valid point of the trajectory [cm].
TrackTrajectory(const Trajectory &traj, Flags_t &&flags)
Constructor: copies positions and momenta from an existing Trajectory, adds the flags.
const Momenta_t & Momenta() const
Returns reference to stored vector of momenta.
Definition: Trajectory.h:196
size_t NextValidPoint(size_t index) const
Returns the index of the next valid point in the trajectory.
double Phi() const
Azimuthal angle at a first valid point, with respect to z.
double AzimuthAngle(size_t p) const
"Azimuth" angle of trajectory, with respect to the sky.
bool AtLeastValidTrajectoryPoints(unsigned int left) const
Returns whether there are at least min valid points in the trajectory.
double Theta(size_t p=0) const
Trajectory angle at point, with respect to positive z direction.
Definition: Trajectory.h:320
tracking::Point_t Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space.
double VertexMomentum() const
T MomentumVectorAtPoint(unsigned int p) const
Momentum vector at point p. Use e.g. as:
Vector_t StartDirection() const
Returns the direction of the trajectory at the first point.
Point_t const & Start() const
Returns the position of the first valid point of the trajectory [cm].
ROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< Coord_t >, ROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag > Point_t
Type for representation of position in physical 3D space. See recob::tracking::Coord_t for more detai...
Definition: TrackingTypes.h:26
std::pair< Point_t, Point_t > Extent() const
Returns a copy of the first and last valid point in the trajectory.
double Theta() const
Trajectory angle at start, with respect to positive z direction.
Set of flags pertaining a point of the track.
T End() const
End position. Use e.g. as:
void LowLevelDump(Stream &&out, std::string indent, std::string indentFirst) const
Prints low-level trajectory content into a stream.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &o, Cluster const &c)
Definition: Cluster.cxx:173