The MuELoss utility package that computes muon energy losses in the energy range from 1 GeV to 10 TeV due to ionization, direct e-e+ pair production, bremsstrahlung and photonuclear interactions. Very handy in neutrino-induced upgoing-muon calculations. More...
Namespaces | |
gsl | |
Classes | |
class | BetheBlochMaterialParams |
Bethe Bloch parameters for various materials. More... | |
class | BetheBlochModel |
Bethe-Bloch model for muon energy loss due to Ionization Concrete implementation of the MuELossI interface. More... | |
class | BezrukovBugaevIntegrand |
Auxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Bezrukov Bugaev model. More... | |
class | BezrukovBugaevModel |
Bezrukov-Bugaev model for the energy loss of high energy muons due to photonuclear interactions. Concrete implementation of the MuELossI interface. More... | |
class | KokoulinPetrukhinIntegrand |
Auxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Kokulin Petrukhin model. More... | |
class | KokoulinPetrukhinModel |
Kokoulin-Petrukhin model for the energy loss of muons due to direct e+e- pair production. Concrete implementation of the MuELossI interface. More... | |
class | MuELMaterial |
Enumeration of materials for which the MuELoss package knows how to calculate muon energy losses. More... | |
class | MuELossI |
class | MuELProcess |
Enumeration of muon energy loss processes. More... | |
class | PetrukhinShestakovIntegrand |
Auxiliary scalar function for the internal integration in Petrukhin Shestakov model. More... | |
class | PetrukhinShestakovModel |
Bethe-Heitler, Petrukhin-Shestakov model for the energy loss of muons due to bremsstrahlung. Concrete implementation of the MuELossI interface. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum genie::mueloss::EMuELMaterial | MuELMaterial_t |
typedef enum genie::mueloss::EMuELProcess | MuELProcess_t |
Variables | |
const double | kMaxMuE = 10000 |
The MuELoss utility package that computes muon energy losses in the energy range from 1 GeV to 10 TeV due to ionization, direct e-e+ pair production, bremsstrahlung and photonuclear interactions. Very handy in neutrino-induced upgoing-muon calculations.
Definition at line 29 of file MuELMaterial.h.
Enumerator | |
eMupUndefined | |
eMupIonization | |
eMupPairProduction | |
eMupBremsstrahlung | |
eMupNuclearInteraction | |
eMupSum |
Definition at line 29 of file MuELProcess.h.
const double genie::mueloss::kMaxMuE = 10000 |
Definition at line 29 of file MuELossI.h.