Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **
4 ** Implementation of QDir class
5 **
6 ** Created : 950427
7 **
8 ** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
9 **
10 ** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
11 **
12 ** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
13 ** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
14 ** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
15 **
16 ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
17 ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
18 ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
19 ** packaging of this file.
20 **
21 ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
22 ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
23 ** Agreement provided with the Software.
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25 ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
27 **
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29 ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
30 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
31 ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
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36 **********************************************************************/
38 #include "qglobal.h"
40 #include "qdir.h"
42 #ifndef QT_NO_DIR
43 #include "qfileinfo.h"
44 #include "qfiledefs_p.h"
45 #include "qregexp.h"
46 #include "qstringlist.h"
47 #include <stdlib.h>
48 #include <ctype.h>
51 /*!
52  \class QDir qdir.h
53  \brief Traverses directory structures and contents in a
54  platform-independent way.
56  \ingroup io
58  A QDir can point to a file using either a relative or an absolute file
59  path. Absolute file paths begin with the directory separator ('/') or a
60  drive specification (not applicable to UNIX). Relative file names begin
61  with a directory name or a file name and specify a path relative to the
62  current directory.
64  An example of an absolute path is the string "/tmp/quartz", a relative
65  path might look like "src/fatlib". You can use the function isRelative()
66  to check if a QDir is using a relative or an absolute file path. You can
67  call the function convertToAbs() to convert a relative QDir to an
68  absolute one.
70  The directory "example" under the current directory is checked for existence
71  in the example below:
73  \code
74  QDir d( "example" ); // "./example"
75  if ( !d.exists() )
76  qWarning( "Cannot find the example directory" );
77  \endcode
79  If you always use '/' as a directory separator, Qt will translate your
80  paths to conform to the underlying operating system.
82  cd() and cdUp() can be used to navigate the directory tree. Note that the
83  logical cd and cdUp operations are not performed if the new directory does
84  not exist.
86  Example:
87  \code
88  QDir d = QDir::root(); // "/"
89  if ( !d.cd("tmp") ) { // "/tmp"
90  qWarning( "Cannot find the \"/tmp\" directory" );
91  } else {
92  QFile f( d.filePath("ex1.txt") ); // "/tmp/ex1.txt"
93  if ( !f.open(IO_ReadWrite) )
94  qWarning( "Cannot create the file %s", f.name() );
95  }
96  \endcode
98  To read the contents of a directory you can use the entryList() and
99  entryInfoList() functions.
101  Example:
102  \code
103  #include <stdio.h>
104  #include <qdir.h>
106  //
107  // This program scans the current directory and lists all files
108  // that are not symbolic links, sorted by size with the smallest files
109  // first.
110  //
112  int main( int argc, char **argv )
113  {
114  QDir d;
115  d.setFilter( QDir::Files | QDir::Hidden | QDir::NoSymLinks );
116  d.setSorting( QDir::Size | QDir::Reversed );
118  const QFileInfoList *list = d.entryInfoList();
119  QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); // create list iterator
120  QFileInfo *fi; // pointer for traversing
122  printf( " BYTES FILENAME\n" ); // print header
123  while ( (fi=it.current()) ) { // for each file...
124  printf( "%10li %s\n", fi->size(), fi->fileName().data() );
125  ++it; // goto next list element
126  }
127  }
128  \endcode
129 */
132 /*!
133  Constructs a QDir pointing to the current directory.
134  \sa currentDirPath()
135 */
138 {
139  dPath = QString::fromLatin1(".");
140  init();
141 }
143 /*!
144  Constructs a QDir.
146  \arg \e path is the directory.
147  \arg \e nameFilter is the file name filter.
148  \arg \e sortSpec is the sort specification, which describes how to
149  sort the files in the directory.
150  \arg \e filterSpec is the filter specification, which describes how
151  to filter the files in the directory.
153  Most of these arguments (except \e path) have optional values.
155  Example:
156  \code
157  // lists all files in /tmp
159  QDir d( "/tmp" );
160  for ( int i=0; i<d.count(); i++ )
161  printf( "%s\n", d[i] );
162  \endcode
164  If \e path is "" or null, the directory is set to "." (the current
165  directory). If \e nameFilter is "" or null, it is set to "*" (all
166  files).
168  No check is made to ensure that the directory exists.
170  \sa exists(), setPath(), setNameFilter(), setFilter(), setSorting()
171 */
174  int sortSpec, int filterSpec )
175 {
176  init();
177  dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
178  if ( dPath.isEmpty() )
179  dPath = QString::fromLatin1(".");
181  if ( nameFilt.isEmpty() )
183  filtS = (FilterSpec)filterSpec;
184  sortS = (SortSpec)sortSpec;
185 }
187 /*!
188  Constructs a QDir that is a copy of the given directory.
189  \sa operator=()
190 */
192 QDir::QDir( const QDir &d )
193 {
194  dPath = d.dPath;
195  fList = 0;
196  fiList = 0;
197  nameFilt = d.nameFilt;
198  dirty = TRUE;
199  allDirs = d.allDirs;
200  filtS = d.filtS;
201  sortS = d.sortS;
202 }
206 {
207  fList = 0;
208  fiList = 0;
210  dirty = TRUE;
211  allDirs = FALSE;
212  filtS = All;
214 }
216 /*!
217  Destructs the QDir and cleans up.
218 */
221 {
222  if ( fList )
223  delete fList;
224  if ( fiList )
225  delete fiList;
226 }
229 /*!
230  Sets the path of the directory. The path is cleaned of redundant ".", ".."
231  and multiple separators. No check is made to ensure that a directory
232  with this path exists.
234  The path can be either absolute or relative. Absolute paths begin with the
235  directory separator ('/') or a drive specification (not
236  applicable to UNIX).
237  Relative file names begin with a directory name or a file name and specify
238  a path relative to the current directory. An example of
239  an absolute path is the string "/tmp/quartz", a relative path might look like
240  "src/fatlib". You can use the function isRelative() to check if a QDir
241  is using a relative or an absolute file path. You can call the function
242  convertToAbs() to convert a relative QDir to an absolute one.
244  \sa path(), absPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(), dirName(),
245  absFilePath(), isRelative(), convertToAbs()
246 */
248 void QDir::setPath( const QString &path )
249 {
250  dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
251  if ( dPath.isEmpty() )
252  dPath = QString::fromLatin1(".");
253  dirty = TRUE;
254 }
256 /*!
257  \fn QString QDir::path() const
258  Returns the path, this may contain symbolic links, but never contains
259  redundant ".", ".." or multiple separators.
261  The returned path can be either absolute or relative (see setPath()).
263  \sa setPath(), absPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(), dirName(),
264  absFilePath(), convertSeparators()
265 */
267 /*!
268  Returns the absolute (a path that starts with '/') path, which may
269  contain symbolic links, but never contains redundant ".", ".." or
270  multiple separators.
272  \sa setPath(), canonicalPath(), exists(), cleanDirPath(), dirName(),
273  absFilePath()
274 */
277 {
278  if ( QDir::isRelativePath(dPath) ) {
280  if ( tmp.right(1) != QString::fromLatin1("/") )
281  tmp += '/';
282  tmp += dPath;
283  return cleanDirPath( tmp );
284  } else {
285  return cleanDirPath( dPath );
286  }
287 }
289 /*!
290  Returns the name of the directory, this is NOT the same as the path, e.g.
291  a directory with the name "mail", might have the path "/var/spool/mail".
292  If the directory has no name (e.g. the root directory) a null string is
293  returned.
295  No check is made to ensure that a directory with this name actually exists.
297  \sa path(), absPath(), absFilePath(), exists(), QString::isNull()
298 */
301 {
302  int pos = dPath.findRev( '/' );
303  if ( pos == -1 )
304  return dPath;
305  return dPath.right( dPath.length() - pos - 1 );
306 }
308 /*!
309  Returns the path name of a file in the directory. Does NOT check if
310  the file actually exists in the directory. If the QDir is relative
311  the returned path name will also be relative. Redundant multiple separators
312  or "." and ".." directories in \e fileName will not be removed (see
313  cleanDirPath()).
315  If \e acceptAbsPath is TRUE a \e fileName starting with a separator
316  ('/') will be returned without change.
317  If \e acceptAbsPath is FALSE an absolute path will be appended to
318  the directory path.
320  \sa absFilePath(), isRelative(), canonicalPath()
321 */
324  bool acceptAbsPath ) const
325 {
326  if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath(fileName) )
327  return QString(fileName);
329  QString tmp = dPath;
330  if ( tmp.isEmpty() || (tmp[(int)tmp.length()-1] != '/' && !!fileName &&
331  fileName[0] != '/') )
332  tmp += '/';
333  tmp += fileName;
334  return tmp;
335 }
337 /*!
338  Returns the absolute path name of a file in the directory. Does NOT check if
339  the file actually exists in the directory. Redundant multiple separators
340  or "." and ".." directories in \e fileName will NOT be removed (see
341  cleanDirPath()).
343  If \e acceptAbsPath is TRUE a \e fileName starting with a separator
344  ('/') will be returned without change.
345  if \e acceptAbsPath is FALSE an absolute path will be appended to
346  the directory path.
348  \sa filePath()
349 */
352  bool acceptAbsPath ) const
353 {
354  if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath( fileName ) )
355  return fileName;
357  QString tmp = absPath();
358  if ( tmp.isEmpty() || (tmp[(int)tmp.length()-1] != '/' && !!fileName &&
359  fileName[0] != '/') )
360  tmp += '/';
361  tmp += fileName;
362  return tmp;
363 }
366 /*!
367  Converts the '/' separators in \a pathName to system native
368  separators. Returns the translated string.
370  On Windows, convertSeparators("c:/winnt/system32") returns
371  "c:\winnt\system32".
373  No conversion is done on UNIX.
374 */
377 {
378  QString n( pathName );
379 #if defined(_OS_FATFS_) || defined(_OS_OS2EMX_)
380  for ( int i=0; i<(int)n.length(); i++ ) {
381  if ( n[i] == '/' )
382  n[i] = '\\';
383  }
384 #endif
385  return n;
386 }
389 /*!
390  Changes directory by descending into the given directory. Returns
391  TRUE if the new directory exists and is readable. Note that the logical
392  cd operation is NOT performed if the new directory does not exist.
394  If \e acceptAbsPath is TRUE a path starting with a separator ('/')
395  will cd to the absolute directory, if \e acceptAbsPath is FALSE
396  any number of separators at the beginning of \e dirName will be removed.
398  Example:
399  \code
400  QDir d = QDir::home(); // now points to home directory
401  if ( !d.cd("c++") ) { // now points to "c++" under home directory if OK
402  QFileInfo fi( d, "c++" );
403  if ( fi.exists() ) {
404  if ( fi.isDir() )
405  qWarning( "Cannot cd into \"%s\".", (char*)d.absFilePath("c++") );
406  else
407  qWarning( "Cannot create directory \"%s\"\n"
408  "A file named \"c++\" already exists in \"%s\"",
409  (const char *)d.absFilePath("c++"),
410  (const char *)d.path() );
411  return;
412  } else {
413  qWarning( "Creating directory \"%s\"",
414  (const char *) d.absFilePath("c++") );
415  if ( !d.mkdir( "c++" ) ) {
416  qWarning("Could not create directory \"%s\"",
417  (const char *)d.absFilePath("c++") );
418  return;
419  }
420  }
421  }
422  \endcode
424  Calling cd( ".." ) is equivalent to calling cdUp().
426  \sa cdUp(), isReadable(), exists(), path()
427 */
429 bool QDir::cd( const QString &dirName, bool acceptAbsPath )
430 {
431  if ( dirName.isEmpty() || dirName==QString::fromLatin1(".") )
432  return TRUE;
433  QString old = dPath;
434  if ( acceptAbsPath && !isRelativePath(dirName) ) {
435  dPath = cleanDirPath( dirName );
436  } else {
437  if ( !isRoot() )
438  dPath += '/';
439  dPath += dirName;
440  if ( dirName.find('/') >= 0
441  || old == QString::fromLatin1(".")
442  || dirName == QString::fromLatin1("..") )
443  dPath = cleanDirPath( dPath );
444  }
445  if ( !exists() ) {
446  dPath = old; // regret
447  return FALSE;
448  }
449  dirty = TRUE;
450  return TRUE;
451 }
453 /*!
454  Changes directory by moving one directory up the path followed to arrive
455  at the current directory.
457  Returns TRUE if the new directory exists and is readable. Note that the
458  logical cdUp() operation is not performed if the new directory does not
459  exist.
461  \sa cd(), isReadable(), exists(), path()
462 */
465 {
466  return cd( QString::fromLatin1("..") );
467 }
469 /*!
470  \fn QString QDir::nameFilter() const
471  Returns the string set by setNameFilter()
472 */
474 /*!
475  Sets the name filter used by entryList() and entryInfoList().
477  The name filter is a wildcarding filter that understands "*" and "?"
478  wildcards, You may specify several filter entries separated by a " " or a ";". If
479  you want entryList() and entryInfoList() to list all files ending with
480  ".cpp" and all files ending with ".h", you simply call
481  dir.setNameFilter("*.cpp *.h") or dir.setNameFilter("*.cpp;*.h")
483  \sa nameFilter(), setFilter()
484 */
487 {
489  if ( nameFilt.isEmpty() )
491  dirty = TRUE;
492 }
494 /*!
495  \fn QDir::FilterSpec QDir::filter() const
496  Returns the value set by setFilter()
497 */
499 /*! \enum QDir::FilterSpec
501  This enum describes how QDir is to select what entries in a
502  directory to return. The filter value is specified by or-ing
503  together values from the following list: <ul>
505  <li> \c Dirs - List directories only
506  <li> \c Files - List files only
508  <li> \c Drives - List disk drives (does nothing under unix)
509  <li> \c NoSymLinks - Do not list symbolic links (where they exist)
510  <li> \c Readable - List files for which the application has read access.
511  <li> \c Writable - List files for which the application has write access.
512  <li> \c Executable - List files for which the application has execute access
513  <li> \c Modified - Only list files that have been modified (does nothing
514  under unix)
515  <li> \c Hidden - List hidden files (on unix, files starting with a .)
516  <li> \c System - List system files (does nothing under unix)
517  </ul>
519  If you do not set any of \c Readable, \c Writable or \c Executable,
520  QDir will set all three of them. This makes the default easy to
521  write and at the same time useful.
523  Examples: \c Readable|Writable means list all files for which the
524  application has read access, write access or both. \c Dirs|Drives
525  means list drives, directories, all files that the application can
526  read, write or execute, and also symlinks to such files/directories.
527 */
530 /*!
531  Sets the filter used by entryList() and entryInfoList(). The filter is used
532  to specify the kind of files that should be returned by entryList() and
533  entryInfoList().
535  \sa filter(), setNameFilter()
536 */
538 void QDir::setFilter( int filterSpec )
539 {
540  if ( filtS == (FilterSpec) filterSpec )
541  return;
542  filtS = (FilterSpec) filterSpec;
543  dirty = TRUE;
544 }
546 /*!
547  \fn QDir::SortSpec QDir::sorting() const
549  Returns the value set by setSorting()
551  \sa setSorting()
552 */
554 /*! \enum QDir::SortSpec
556  This enum describes how QDir is to sort entries in a directory when
557  it returns a list of them. The sort value is specified by or-ing
558  together values from the following list: <ul>
560  <li> \c Name - sort by name
561  <li> \c Time - sort by time (modification time)
562  <li> \c Size - sort by file size
563  <li> \c Unsorted - do not sort
565  <li> \c DirsFirst - put all directories first in the list
566  <li> \c Reversed - reverse the sort order
567  <li> \c IgnoreCase - sort case-insensitively
569  </ul>
571  You can only specify one of the first four. If you specify both \c
572  DirsFirst and \c Reversed, directories are still put first but the
573  list is otherwise reversed.
574 */
576 // ### Unsorted+DirsFirst ? Unsorted+Reversed?
578 /*!
579  Sets the sorting order used by entryList() and entryInfoList().
581  The \e sortSpec is specified by or-ing values from the enum
582  SortSpec. The different values are:
584  One of these:
585  <dl compact>
586  <dt>Name<dd> Sort by name (alphabetical order).
587  <dt>Time<dd> Sort by time (most recent first).
588  <dt>Size<dd> Sort by size (largest first).
589  <dt>Unsorted<dd> Use the operating system order (UNIX does NOT sort
590  alphabetically).
592  ORed with zero or more of these:
594  <dt>DirsFirst<dd> Always put directory names first.
595  <dt>Reversed<dd> Reverse sort order.
596  <dt>IgnoreCase<dd> Ignore case when sorting by name.
597  </dl>
598 */
600 void QDir::setSorting( int sortSpec )
601 {
602  if ( sortS == (SortSpec) sortSpec )
603  return;
604  sortS = (SortSpec) sortSpec;
605  dirty = TRUE;
606 }
608 /*!
609  \fn bool QDir::matchAllDirs() const
610  Returns the value set by setMatchAllDirs()
612  \sa setMatchAllDirs()
613 */
615 /*!
616  If \e enable is TRUE, all directories will be listed (even if they do not
617  match the filter or the name filter), otherwise only matched directories
618  will be listed.
620  \bug Currently, directories that do not match the filter will not be
621  included (the name filter will be ignored as expected).
623  \sa matchAllDirs()
624 */
626 void QDir::setMatchAllDirs( bool enable )
627 {
628  if ( (bool)allDirs == enable )
629  return;
630  allDirs = enable;
631  dirty = TRUE;
632 }
635 /*!
636  Returns the number of files that was found.
637  Equivalent to entryList().count().
638  \sa operator[](), entryList()
639 */
642 {
643  return entryList().count();
644 }
646 /*!
647  Returns the file name at position \e index in the list of found file
648  names.
649  Equivalent to entryList().at(index).
651  Returns null if the \e index is out of range or if the entryList()
652  function failed.
654  \sa count(), entryList()
655 */
658 {
659  entryList();
660  return fList && index >= 0 && index < (int)fList->count() ?
661  (*fList)[index] : QString::null;
662 }
665 /*!
666  This function is included to easy porting from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.0,
667  it is the same as entryList(), but encodes the filenames as 8-bit
668  strings using QFile::encodedName().
670  It is more efficient to use entryList().
671 */
672 QStrList QDir::encodedEntryList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
673 {
674  QStrList r;
675  QStringList l = entryList(filterSpec,sortSpec);
676  for ( QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
677  r.append( QFile::encodeName(*it) );
678  }
679  return r;
680 }
682 /*!
683  This function is included to easy porting from Qt 1.x to Qt 2.0,
684  it is the same as entryList(), but encodes the filenames as 8-bit
685  strings using QFile::encodedName().
687  It is more efficient to use entryList().
688 */
690  int filterSpec,
691  int sortSpec ) const
692 {
693  QStrList r;
694  QStringList l = entryList(nameFilter,filterSpec,sortSpec);
695  for ( QStringList::Iterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it ) {
696  r.append( QFile::encodeName(*it) );
697  }
698  return r;
699 }
703 /*!
704  Returns a list of the names of all files and directories in the directory
705  indicated by the setSorting(), setFilter() and setNameFilter()
706  specifications.
708  The the filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
709  \e filterSpec and \e sortSpec arguments.
711  Returns an empty list if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
713  \sa entryInfoList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter(),
714  encodedEntryList()
715 */
717 QStringList QDir::entryList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
718 {
719  if ( !dirty && filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter &&
720  sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
721  return *fList;
722  return entryList( nameFilt, filterSpec, sortSpec );
723 }
725 /*!
726  Returns a list of the names of all files and directories in the directory
727  indicated by the setSorting(), setFilter() and setNameFilter()
728  specifications.
730  The the filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
731  \e nameFilter, \e filterSpec and \e sortSpec arguments.
733  Returns and empty list if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
735  \sa entryInfoList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter(),
736  encodedEntryList()
737 */
740  int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
741 {
742  if ( filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter )
743  filterSpec = filtS;
744  if ( sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
745  sortSpec = sortS;
746  QDir *that = (QDir*)this; // mutable function
747  if ( that->readDirEntries(nameFilter, filterSpec, sortSpec) )
748  return *that->fList;
749  else
750  return QStringList();
751 }
753 /*!
754  Returns a list of QFileInfo objects for all files and directories in
755  the directory pointed to using the setSorting(), setFilter() and
756  setNameFilter() specifications.
758  The the filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
759  \e filterSpec and \e sortSpec arguments.
761  Returns 0 if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
763  The returned pointer is a const pointer to a QFileInfoList. The list is
764  owned by the QDir object and will be reused on the next call to
765  entryInfoList() for the same QDir instance. If you want to keep the
766  entries of the list after a subsequent call to this function you will
767  need to copy them.
769  \sa entryList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
770 */
772 const QFileInfoList *QDir::entryInfoList( int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
773 {
774  if ( !dirty && filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter &&
775  sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
776  return fiList;
777  return entryInfoList( nameFilt, filterSpec, sortSpec );
778 }
780 /*!
781  Returns a list of QFileInfo objects for all files and directories in
782  the directory pointed to using the setSorting(), setFilter() and
783  setNameFilter() specifications.
785  The the filter and sorting specifications can be overridden using the
786  \e nameFilter, \e filterSpec and \e sortSpec arguments.
788  Returns 0 if the directory is unreadable or does not exist.
790  The returned pointer is a const pointer to a QFileInfoList. The list is
791  owned by the QDir object and will be reused on the next call to
792  entryInfoList() for the same QDir instance. If you want to keep the
793  entries of the list after a subsequent call to this function you will
794  need to copy them.
796  \sa entryList(), setNameFilter(), setSorting(), setFilter()
797 */
800  int filterSpec, int sortSpec ) const
801 {
802  if ( filterSpec == (int)DefaultFilter )
803  filterSpec = filtS;
804  if ( sortSpec == (int)DefaultSort )
805  sortSpec = sortS;
806  QDir *that = (QDir*)this; // mutable function
807  if ( that->readDirEntries(nameFilter, filterSpec, sortSpec) )
808  return that->fiList;
809  else
810  return 0;
811 }
813 /*!
814  Returns TRUE if the directory exists. (If a file with the same
815  name is found this function will of course return FALSE).
817  \sa QFileInfo::exists(), QFile::exists()
818 */
820 bool QDir::exists() const
821 {
822  QFileInfo fi( dPath );
823  return fi.exists() && fi.isDir();
824 }
826 /*!
827  Returns TRUE if the directory path is relative to the current directory,
828  FALSE if the path is absolute (e.g. under UNIX a path is relative if it
829  does not start with a '/').
831  According to Einstein this function should always return TRUE.
833  \sa convertToAbs()
834 */
836 bool QDir::isRelative() const
837 {
838  return isRelativePath( dPath );
839 }
841 /*!
842  Converts the directory path to an absolute path. If it is already
843  absolute nothing is done.
845  \sa isRelative()
846 */
849 {
850  dPath = absPath();
851 }
853 /*!
854  Makes a copy of d and assigns it to this QDir.
855 */
858 {
859  dPath = d.dPath;
860  delete fList;
861  fList = 0;
862  delete fiList;
863  fiList = 0;
864  nameFilt = d.nameFilt;
865  dirty = TRUE;
866  allDirs = d.allDirs;
867  filtS = d.filtS;
868  sortS = d.sortS;
869  return *this;
870 }
872 /*!
873  Sets the directory path to be the given path.
874 */
877 {
878  dPath = cleanDirPath( path );
879  dirty = TRUE;
880  return *this;
881 }
884 /*!
885  \fn bool QDir::operator!=( const QDir &d ) const
886  Returns TRUE if the \e d and this dir have different path or
887  different sort/filter settings, otherwise FALSE.
888 */
890 /*!
891  Returns TRUE if the \e d and this dir have the same path and all sort
892  and filter settings are equal, otherwise FALSE.
893 */
895 bool QDir::operator==( const QDir &d ) const
896 {
897  return dPath == d.dPath &&
898  nameFilt == d.nameFilt &&
899  allDirs == d.allDirs &&
900  filtS == d.filtS &&
901  sortS == d.sortS;
902 }
905 /*!
906  Removes a file.
908  If \e acceptAbsPath is TRUE a path starting with a separator ('/')
909  will remove the file with the absolute path, if \e acceptAbsPath is FALSE
910  any number of separators at the beginning of \e fileName will be removed.
912  Returns TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
913 */
915 bool QDir::remove( const QString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath )
916 {
917  if ( fileName.isEmpty() ) {
918 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
919  qWarning( "QDir::remove: Empty or null file name" );
920 #endif
921  return FALSE;
922  }
923  QString p = filePath( fileName, acceptAbsPath );
924  return QFile::remove( p );
925 }
927 /*!
928  Checks for existence of a file.
930  If \e acceptAbsPaths is TRUE a path starting with a separator ('/')
931  will check the file with the absolute path, if \e acceptAbsPath is FALSE
932  any number of separators at the beginning of \e name will be removed.
934  Returns TRUE if the file exists, otherwise FALSE.
936  \sa QFileInfo::exists(), QFile::exists()
937 */
939 bool QDir::exists( const QString &name, bool acceptAbsPath )
940 {
941  if ( name.isEmpty() ) {
942 #if defined(CHECK_NULL)
943  qWarning( "QDir::exists: Empty or null file name" );
944 #endif
945  return FALSE;
946  }
947  QString tmp = filePath( name, acceptAbsPath );
948  return QFile::exists( tmp );
949 }
951 /*!
952  Returns the native directory separator; '/' under UNIX and '\' under
953  MS-DOS, Windows NT and OS/2.
955  You do not need to use this function to build file paths. If you always
956  use '/', Qt will translate your paths to conform to the underlying
957  operating system.
958 */
961 {
962 #if defined(_OS_UNIX_)
963  return '/';
964 #elif defined (_OS_FATFS_)
965  return '\\';
966 #elif defined (_OS_MAC_)
967  return ':';
968 #else
969  return '/';
970 #endif
971 }
973 /*!
974  Returns the current directory.
975  \sa currentDirPath(), QDir::QDir()
976 */
979 {
980  return QDir( currentDirPath() );
981 }
983 /*!
984  Returns the home directory.
985  \sa homeDirPath()
986 */
989 {
990  return QDir( homeDirPath() );
991 }
993 /*!
994  Returns the root directory.
995  \sa rootDirPath() drives()
996 */
999 {
1000  return QDir( rootDirPath() );
1001 }
1003 /*!
1004  \fn QString QDir::homeDirPath()
1006  Returns the absolute path for the user's home directory,
1007  \sa home()
1008 */
1011 {
1012  if ( filter.isEmpty() )
1013  return QStringList();
1015  QChar sep( ';' );
1016  int i = filter.find( sep, 0 );
1017  if ( i == -1 && filter.find( ' ', 0 ) != -1 )
1018  sep = QChar( ' ' );
1020  QStringList lst = QStringList::split( sep, filter );
1021  QStringList lst2;
1022  QStringList::Iterator it = lst.begin();
1024  for ( ; it != lst.end(); ++it ) {
1025  QString s = *it;
1026  lst2 << s.stripWhiteSpace();
1027  }
1028  return lst2;
1029 }
1031 /*!
1032  Returns TRUE if the \e fileName matches one of the wildcards in the list \e filters.
1033  \sa QRegExp
1034 */
1037 {
1038  QStringList::ConstIterator sit = filters.begin();
1039  bool matched = FALSE;
1040  for ( ; sit != filters.end(); ++sit ) {
1041  QRegExp regexp( (*sit).data(), FALSE, TRUE );
1042  if ( regexp.match( fileName.data() ) != -1 ) {
1043  matched = TRUE;
1044  break;
1045  }
1046  }
1048  return matched;
1049 }
1051 /*!
1052  Returns TRUE if the \e fileName matches the wildcard \e filter.
1053  \a Filter may also contain multiple wildcards separated by spaces or
1054  semicolons.
1055  \sa QRegExp
1056 */
1059 {
1060  QStringList lst = qt_makeFilterList( filter );
1061  return match( lst, fileName );
1062 }
1065 /*!
1066  Removes all multiple directory separators ('/') and resolves
1067  any "." or ".." found in the path.
1069  Symbolic links are kept. This function does not return the
1070  canonical path, but rather the most simplified version of the input.
1071  "../stuff" becomes "stuff", "stuff/../nonsense" becomes "nonsense"
1072  and "\\stuff\\more\\..\\nonsense" becomes "\\stuff\\nonsense".
1074  \sa absPath() canonicalPath()
1075 */
1078 {
1079  QString name = filePath;
1080  QString newPath;
1082  if ( name.isEmpty() )
1083  return name;
1085  slashify( name );
1087  bool addedSeparator;
1088  if ( isRelativePath(name) ) {
1089  addedSeparator = TRUE;
1090  name.insert( 0, '/' );
1091  } else {
1092  addedSeparator = FALSE;
1093  }
1095  int ePos, pos, upLevel;
1097  pos = ePos = name.length();
1098  upLevel = 0;
1099  int len;
1101  while ( pos && (pos = name.findRev('/',--pos)) != -1 ) {
1102  len = ePos - pos - 1;
1103  if ( len == 2 && name.at(pos + 1) == '.'
1104  && name.at(pos + 2) == '.' ) {
1105  upLevel++;
1106  } else {
1107  if ( len != 0 && (len != 1 || name.at(pos + 1) != '.') ) {
1108  if ( !upLevel )
1109  newPath = QString::fromLatin1("/")
1110  + name.mid(pos + 1, len) + newPath;
1111  else
1112  upLevel--;
1113  }
1114  }
1115  ePos = pos;
1116  }
1117  if ( addedSeparator ) {
1118  while ( upLevel-- )
1119  newPath.insert( 0, QString::fromLatin1("/..") );
1120  if ( !newPath.isEmpty() )
1121  newPath.remove( 0, 1 );
1122  else
1123  newPath = QString::fromLatin1(".");
1124  } else {
1125  if ( newPath.isEmpty() )
1126  newPath = QString::fromLatin1("/");
1127 #if defined(_OS_FATFS_) || defined(_OS_OS2EMX_)
1128  if ( name[0] == '/' ) {
1129  if ( name[1] == '/' ) // "\\machine\x\ ..."
1130  newPath.insert( 0, '/' );
1131  } else {
1132  newPath = name.left(2) + newPath;
1133  }
1134 #endif
1135  }
1136  return newPath;
1137 }
1141 #if defined(Q_C_CALLBACKS)
1142 extern "C" {
1143 #endif
1145 int qt_cmp_si( const void *n1, const void *n2 )
1146 {
1147  if ( !n1 || !n2 )
1148  return 0;
1150  QDirSortItem* f1 = (QDirSortItem*)n1;
1151  QDirSortItem* f2 = (QDirSortItem*)n2;
1154  if ( f1->item->isDir() != f2->item->isDir() )
1155  return f1->item->isDir() ? -1 : 1;
1157  int r = 0;
1158  int sortBy = qt_cmp_si_sortSpec & QDir::SortByMask;
1160  switch ( sortBy ) {
1161  case QDir::Time:
1162  r = f1->item->lastModified().secsTo(f2->item->lastModified());
1163  break;
1164  case QDir::Size:
1165  r = f2->item->size() - f1->item->size();
1166  break;
1167  default:
1168  ;
1169  }
1171  if ( r == 0 && sortBy != QDir::Unsorted ) {
1172  // Still not sorted - sort by name
1175  if ( f1->filename_cache.isNull() )
1176  f1->filename_cache = ic ? f1->item->fileName().lower()
1177  : f1->item->fileName();
1178  if ( f2->filename_cache.isNull() )
1179  f2->filename_cache = ic ? f2->item->fileName().lower()
1180  : f2->item->fileName();
1182  r = f1->filename_cache.compare(f2->filename_cache);
1183  }
1185  if ( r == 0 ) {
1186  // Enforce an order - the order the items appear in the array
1187  r = (int)((char*)n1 - (char*)n2);
1188  }
1191  return -r;
1192  else
1193  return r;
1194 }
1196 #if defined(Q_C_CALLBACKS)
1197 }
1198 #endif
1200 #endif // QT_NO_DIR
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
Traverses directory structures and contents in a platform-independent way.
Definition: qdir.h:52
QString nameFilt
Definition: qdir.h:190
static void slashify(QString &)
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:65
int qt_cmp_si(const void *n1, const void *n2)
Definition: qdir.cpp:1145
static QString cleanDirPath(const QString &dirPath)
Definition: qdir.cpp:1077
virtual ~QDir()
Definition: qdir.cpp:220
QString operator[](int) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:657
QString nameFilter() const
Definition: qdir.h:203
static bool match(const QStringList &filters, const QString &fileName)
Definition: qdir.cpp:1036
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qstring.h:682
QString lower() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13375
virtual bool remove(const QString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE)
Definition: qdir.cpp:915
Definition: qdir.h:59
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
static QString homeDirPath()
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:69
SortSpec sortS
Definition: qdir.h:192
virtual void setPath(const QString &path)
Definition: qdir.cpp:248
Iterator end()
Definition: qvaluelist.h:363
virtual QString dirName() const
Definition: qdir.cpp:300
FilterSpec filtS
Definition: qdir.h:191
QString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13265
Definition: qdir.h:74
void init()
Definition: qdir.cpp:205
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
QString dPath
Definition: qdir.h:187
static bool isRelativePath(const QString &path)
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:169
The QString class provides an abstraction of Unicode text and the classic C null-terminated char arra...
Definition: qstring.h:350
void qWarning(const char *msg,...)
Definition: qglobal.cpp:409
virtual bool isRoot() const
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:114
static QDir home()
Definition: qdir.cpp:988
static char separator()
Definition: qdir.cpp:960
static QString fromLatin1(const char *, int len=-1)
Definition: qstring.cpp:14539
The QChar class provides a light-weight Unicode character.
Definition: qstring.h:56
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
virtual QString absPath() const
Definition: qdir.cpp:276
uint count() const
Definition: qvaluelist.h:394
QString & remove(uint index, uint len)
Definition: qstring.cpp:13633
virtual bool cdUp()
Definition: qdir.cpp:464
int compare(const QString &s) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:14838
virtual void convertToAbs()
Definition: qdir.cpp:848
Definition: qdir.cpp:137
virtual bool isRelative() const
Definition: qdir.cpp:836
const char * data() const
Definition: qstring.h:542
static QString convertSeparators(const QString &pathName)
Definition: qdir.cpp:376
bool exists() const
Definition: qfile.cpp:183
Definition: dumpTree.py:9
QChar at(uint i) const
Definition: qstring.h:492
static QDir current()
Definition: qdir.cpp:978
virtual void setFilter(int filterSpec)
Definition: qdir.cpp:538
int secsTo(const QDateTime &) const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:1260
A list of strings.
Definition: qstringlist.h:51
QString left(uint len) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13199
virtual bool readDirEntries(const QString &nameFilter, int FilterSpec, int SortSpec)
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:177
uint length() const
Definition: qstring.h:679
std::void_t< T > n
static QString currentDirPath()
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:141
static QString rootDirPath()
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:163
Definition: test.py:223
void append(const type *d)
Definition: qinternallist.h:61
string tmp
Definition: languages.py:63
QDir & operator=(const QDir &)
Definition: qdir.cpp:857
static QCString encodeName(const QString &fileName)
Definition: qfile.cpp:494
uint count() const
Definition: qdir.cpp:641
int findRev(QChar c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13021
virtual bool cd(const QString &dirName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE)
Definition: qdir.cpp:429
QString stripWhiteSpace() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13438
QStringList * fList
Definition: qdir.h:188
virtual QString absFilePath(const QString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:351
QString filename_cache
Definition: qdir.h:230
uint size() const
QFileInfo * item
Definition: qdir.h:231
QDateTime lastModified() const
int find(QChar c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:12902
virtual void setSorting(int sortSpec)
Definition: qdir.cpp:600
virtual const QFileInfoList * entryInfoList(int filterSpec=DefaultFilter, int sortSpec=DefaultSort) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:772
virtual QString path() const
Definition: qdir.h:198
bool remove()
Definition: qfile.cpp:205
QString fileName() const
uint allDirs
Definition: qdir.h:194
Iterator begin()
Definition: qvaluelist.h:361
bool isNull() const
Definition: qstring.h:379
virtual QString filePath(const QString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:323
virtual QStrList encodedEntryList(int filterSpec=DefaultFilter, int sortSpec=DefaultSort) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:672
static const Null null
Definition: qstring.h:376
virtual void setNameFilter(const QString &nameFilter)
Definition: qdir.cpp:486
uint dirty
Definition: qdir.h:193
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
static QStringList split(const QString &sep, const QString &str, bool allowEmptyEntries=FALSE)
Definition: qdir.h:55
virtual bool operator==(const QDir &) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:895
def filters(nticks=9600, tick=0.5 *units.us, npitches=3000, pitch=1.0)
Definition: __init__.py:555
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
virtual QStringList entryList(int filterSpec=DefaultFilter, int sortSpec=DefaultSort) const
Definition: qdir.cpp:717
QStringList qt_makeFilterList(const QString &filter)
Definition: qdir.cpp:1010
QString & insert(uint index, const QString &)
Definition: qstring.cpp:13523
virtual void setMatchAllDirs(bool)
Definition: qdir.cpp:626
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
bool isDir() const
virtual bool exists() const
Definition: qdir.cpp:820
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QFileInfoList * fiList
Definition: qdir.h:189
static QDir root()
Definition: qdir.cpp:998
QString right(uint len) const
Definition: qstring.cpp:13231
bool exists() const
Definition: qfileinfo.cpp:265
int qt_cmp_si_sortSpec
Definition: qdir.cpp:1139