Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include "WireCellUtil/Persist.h"
2 #include "WireCellUtil/Testing.h"
5 #include <string>
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include <cmath>
8 #include <cstdlib> // for getenv
10 using namespace std;
11 using namespace WireCell;
13 // from Jsonnet docs
14 const std::string give1 = R"(
15 std.mergePatch({
16  person1: {
17  name: "Alice",
18  welcome: "Hello " + self.name + "!",
19  },
20  person2: self.person1 { name: "Bob" },
21  person3: self.person1 { name: std.extVar("person") },
22 }, std.extVar("override"))
23 )";
24 const std::string want1 = R"({
25  "person1": {
26  "name": "Alice",
27  "welcome": "Hello Alice!"
28  },
29  "person2": {
30  "name": "Bob",
31  "welcome": "Hello Bob!"
32  },
33  "person3": {
34  "name": "Malory",
35  "welcome": "Hello Malory!"
36  },
37  "person4": {
38  "name": "Surley",
39  "welcome": "Don't call my Shirley"
40  }
41 }
42 )";
43 //' <-- make emacs c++ mode happy about matched quotes
45 int main()
46 {
47  Persist::externalvars_t extravars{ {"person", "Malory"} };
48  Persist::externalvars_t extracode{ {"override",
49  "{person4: {name: \"Surley\", welcome:\"Don't call my Shirley\"}}"} };
51  string got1 = Persist::evaluate_jsonnet_text(give1, extravars, extracode);
52  cerr << "------give:\n";
53  cerr << give1 << endl;
54  cerr << "------got:\n";
55  cerr << got1 << endl;
56  cerr << "------want:\n";
57  cerr << want1 << endl;
58  cerr << "------\n";
59  Assert(got1 == want1);
61  try {
62  cerr << "There should be errors following:\n";
63  string what = Persist::evaluate_jsonnet_text("[ std.extVar(\"doesnoteexists\") ]");
64  cerr << what << endl;
65  }
66  catch (Exception& e) {
67  cerr << "Properly caught reference to nonexistent extVar\n";
68  }
71  if (!std::getenv("WIRECELL_PATH")) {
72  cerr << "test_jsonnet requires setting WIRECELL_PATH to point to where 'wirecell.jsonnet' exists\n";
73  return 0;
74  }
75  string text = Persist::evaluate_jsonnet_text("local wc = import \"wirecell.jsonnet\"; [ wc.pi ]");
76  //cerr << text << endl;
77  auto res = Persist::loads(text);
79  const double mypi = 2*std::acos(0.0);
80  const double jspi = res[0].asDouble();
81  Assert (std::abs(jspi - mypi) < 1.0e-16);
83  {
84  cerr << "Exercise Parser class:\n";
85  Persist::Parser p({}, extravars, extracode);
86  auto j = p.loads(give1);
87  cerr << j << endl;
88  }
90  return 0;
91 }
const std::string want1
std::string evaluate_jsonnet_text(const std::string &text, const externalvars_t &extvar=externalvars_t(), const externalvars_t &extcode=externalvars_t())
Definition: Persist.cxx:205
std::string string
Definition: nybbler.cc:12
STL namespace.
std::map< std::string, std::string > externalvars_t
Definition: Persist.h:69
#define Assert
Definition: Testing.h:7
T abs(T value)
int main()
const double e
const std::string give1
std::string getenv(std::string const &name)
Definition: getenv.cc:15
Definition: Main.h:22
Definition: test.py:223
The base wire cell exception.
Definition: Exceptions.h:31
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)