Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // *********************************************************************
2 // Validation of single kaon kinematics - Martti Nirkko (28th Nov 2014)
3 // Compile and run in terminal: root -l -b -q validation.C+g
4 // *********************************************************************
6 #include "code/singlekaon_xsec.cxx"
7 #include <TH1D.h>
8 #include <TCanvas.h>
9 #include <TFile.h>
10 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
11 #include <TVector3.h>
12 #include <TMath.h>
13 #include <TStyle.h>
15 void validation() {
16  // Validate kinematical distributions of single kaon production
17  // Have: E_nu, T_l, T_K, cos(theta_l), phi_Kq (generated randomly)
18  // Want: Generate differential xsec histograms for these variables
20  // ***************************
22  // ***************************
23  const int COMP = 10; // time complexity (runs with O(n^4)...)
24  const int pLeptonIsUsed = 0; // use momentum instead of kinetic energy
25  const int thetaIsUsed = 0; // use angle instead of cosine
26  const double pi = TMath::Pi();
28  // NOTE: To compare with the output of d4sigma_hist.C, use the same input variables above. Here,
29  // for plotting the differential 1D cross-section, I want to use Tlep and costheta.
31  const int type = 2; // lepton: 1=electron, 2=muon, 3=tau
32  const int reac = 3; // reaction: 1=NN, 2=NP, 3=PP
34  const double NEvents = 1e6; // Number of events to generate
36  // Initialise random number seed
37  srand (time(NULL));
39  double Enu; // neutrino energy [GeV]
40  printf("Please enter neutrino energy: ");
41  scanf("%lf", &Enu);
42  printf("Trying to find input file for E_nu = %3.1lf GeV...\n", Enu);
44  inst->init(Enu, type, reac);
46  // Get output from d4sigma_plot.C to compare histograms
47  std::string fname = Form("data/d4sigma_plot_%3.1lfGeV.root", Enu);
48  TFile *infile = new TFile(fname.c_str());
49  if (!infile) {
50  printf("ERROR: File not found!");
51  return;
52  }
53  TH1D *dTl = (TH1D*)infile->Get("dsigma_dTlepton");
54  TH1D *dTk = (TH1D*)infile->Get("dsigma_dTkaon");
55  TH1D *dct = (TH1D*)infile->Get("dsigma_dcostheta");
56  TH1D *dph = (TH1D*)infile->Get("dsigma_dphikq");
58  std::string strl;
59  double ml = 0.; // lepton mass [GeV]
60  if (type==1) { ml = 0.510998928e-3; strl = "e"; }
61  else if (type==2) { ml = 0.1056583715; strl = "#mu"; }
62  else if (type==3) { ml = 1.77682; strl = "#tau"; }
63  else {std::cout<<"ERROR: Invalid lepton type!"<<std::endl; return;}
65  std::string strK;
66  double mK = 0.; // kaon mass [GeV]
67  if (reac==1) { mK = 0.493677; strK = "K^{+}"; }
68  else if (reac==2) { mK = 0.497614; strK = "K^{0}"; }
69  else if (reac==3) { mK = 0.493677; strK = "K^{+}"; }
70  else {std::cout<<"ERROR: Invalid reaction!"<<std::endl; return;}
72  std::string strN0, strN1;
73  double mN = 0.; // nucleon mass [GeV]
74  if (reac==1) { mN = 0.939565379; strN0 = "n"; strN1 = "n"; }
75  else if (reac==2) { mN = 0.939565379; strN0 = "n"; strN1 = "p"; }
76  else if (reac==3) { mN = 0.938272046; strN0 = "p"; strN1 = "p"; }
77  else {std::cout<<"ERROR: Invalid reaction!"<<std::endl; return;}
79  std::string reaction = Form( "%.2lf GeV #nu_{%s} %s #rightarrow %s^{-} %s %s", Enu, strl.c_str(),
80  strN0.c_str(), strl.c_str(), strN1.c_str(), strK.c_str() );
82  // Number of bins
83  const int NBINS = 10*COMP;
85  // Initialize histograms
86  TH1D *hTK = new TH1D("hTK", "Kaon kinetic energy", NBINS, 0., Enu-mK-ml);
87  TH1D *hTl = new TH1D("hTl", "Lepton kinetic energy", NBINS, 0., Enu-mK-ml);
88  TH1D *hct = new TH1D("hct", "Lepton polar angle", NBINS, -1., 1.);
89  TH1D *hph = new TH1D("hph", "Kaon azimuthal angle", NBINS/5, -pi, pi);
91  TH1D *hQ2 = new TH1D("hQ2", "Momentum transfer", NBINS, 0., Enu-mK-ml);
92  TH1D *hTN = new TH1D("hTN", "Nucleon kinetic energy", NBINS, 0., Enu-mK-ml);
93  TH1D *hcl = new TH1D("hcl", "Lepton polar angle", NBINS, -1., 1.);
94  TH1D *hcK = new TH1D("hcK", "Kaon polar angle", NBINS, -1., 1.);
95  TH1D *hcN = new TH1D("hcN", "Nucleon polar angle", NBINS, -1., 1.);
96  TH1D *hpl = new TH1D("hpl", "Lepton azimuthal angle", NBINS, -pi, pi);
97  TH1D *hpK = new TH1D("hpK", "Kaon azimuthal angle", NBINS, -pi, pi);
98  TH1D *hpN = new TH1D("hpN", "Nucleon azimuthal angle", NBINS, -pi, pi);
100  // Histograms for momenta (measured by detector)
101  double maxmom = sqrt(pow(Enu-mK-ml + mN, 2) - mN*mN);
102  TH1D *hmoml = new TH1D("hmoml", "Lepton momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
103  TH1D *hmomK = new TH1D("hmomK", "Kaon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
104  TH1D *hmomN = new TH1D("hmomN", "Nucleon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
105  TH1D *hmomlx = new TH1D("hmomlx", "Lepton momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
106  TH1D *hmomKx = new TH1D("hmomKx", "Kaon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
107  TH1D *hmomNx = new TH1D("hmomNx", "Nucleon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
108  TH1D *hmomly = new TH1D("hmomly", "Lepton momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
109  TH1D *hmomKy = new TH1D("hmomKy", "Kaon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
110  TH1D *hmomNy = new TH1D("hmomNy", "Nucleon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
111  TH1D *hmomlz = new TH1D("hmomlz", "Lepton momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
112  TH1D *hmomKz = new TH1D("hmomKz", "Kaon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
113  TH1D *hmomNz = new TH1D("hmomNz", "Nucleon momentum", NBINS, 0., maxmom);
115  // Initialise all needed parameters
116  double TK_max, TK, Tl_max, Tl, pl_max, pl, costh_l, phi_l, phi_Kq, xsec;
117  double El, theta, Q2;
118  TLorentzVector P4_nu, P4_lep, q;
119  TVector3 lep3, p_l, p_Q, p_K, p_N, p_Kq, p_Nq;
120  double TN, EK, pK, pN;
121  double pQ, costh_Kq, theta_Kq, rot_Z, rot_X;
122  double costh_K, costh_N, phi_K, phi_N;
123  int sign;
125  // Unit 3-vectors and neutrino momentum
126  const TVector3 e1(1,0,0);
127  const TVector3 e2(0,1,0);
128  const TVector3 e3(0,0,1);
129  const TVector3 p_nu = Enu*e3;
131  // Generate large number of events
132  for (int i=0; i<(int)NEvents; i++) {
133  xsec = -999.;
134  while(xsec <= 0) { // retry until valid kinematics are found
135  TK_max = Enu - mK - ml; // maximal allowed kaon kinetic energy
136  TK = TK_max*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX); // kaon kinetic energy [0, TK_max]
137  Tl_max = Enu - mK - ml; // maximal allowed lepton kinetic energy (uncorrelated!)
138  pl_max = sqrt((Tl_max+ml)*(Tl_max+ml)-ml*ml); // maximal allowed lepton momentum
139  if (pLeptonIsUsed) {
140  pl = pl_max*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX); // lepton momentum [0, pl_max]
141  Tl = sqrt(pl*pl+ml*ml)-ml;
142  } else {
143  Tl = Tl_max*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX); // lepton kinetic energy [0, Tl_max]
144  }
145  if (thetaIsUsed) {
146  theta = pi*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX); // lepton polar angle [0, pi]
147  costh_l = cos(theta);
148  } else {
149  costh_l = 2.*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)-1.; // cosine of lepton polar angle [-1, 1]
150  theta = acos(costh_l);
151  }
152  phi_l = pi*(2.*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)-1.); // lepton azimuthal angle [-pi, pi]
153  phi_Kq = pi*(2.*(rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)-1.); // kaon azimuthal angle [-pi, pi]
154  xsec = inst->diffxsec(Tl,TK,theta,phi_Kq); // 4D-differential cross-section
155  }
157  // INFO: In dsig_dQ2.f, the value for cos(theta) is changed to the following:
158  // cos(theta)=(2.0*Enu*El-aml*aml+aq2)/(2.0*Enu*alepvec);
159  // aq2 is the (negative) integration variable for Q^2, going from 0 to -Enu
161  // Calculate total energy and momentum of particles
162  El = Tl + ml; pl = sqrt(El*El - ml*ml);
163  EK = TK + mK; pK = sqrt(EK*EK - mK*mK);
165  // Calculate Q^2 from lepton kinematics
166  P4_nu = TLorentzVector(0.,0.,Enu,Enu);
167  lep3 = TVector3(0.,0.,0.);
168  lep3.SetMagThetaPhi(pl,theta,0.);
169  P4_lep = TLorentzVector(lep3,El);
170  q = P4_nu - P4_lep;
171  Q2 = -q.Mag2(); // --> Q^2 histogram
173  // Calculate 3-momentum of lepton
174  p_l[0] = pl*sin(theta)*cos(phi_l);
175  p_l[1] = pl*sin(theta)*sin(phi_l);
176  p_l[2] = pl*costh_l;
178  // Calculate 3-momentum of momentum transfer to hadronic system
179  p_Q = -p_l;
180  p_Q[2] += Enu;
181  pQ = p_Q.Mag();
182  TVector3 dirQ = p_Q.Unit();
184  // In the momentum transfer plane, new angles... (see eq.17 of notes)
185  costh_Kq = (pQ*pQ + pK*pK + mN*mN - (Enu-El-EK+mN)*(Enu-El-EK+mN))/(2.*pQ*pK);
186  theta_Kq = acos(costh_Kq);
188  // Get rotation angle from z-axis to Q^2-direction
189  rot_Z = acos(e3*(p_Q.Unit())); // rotate counter-clockwise, towards x-axis by [0,pi]
191  // Get rotation angle from x-axis to Q^2-direction (projected to transverse plane)
192  sign = 0;
193  if (p_Q[1] > 0) sign = +1;
194  else sign = -1;
195  TVector3 p_Qt(p_Q[0],p_Q[1],0);
196  rot_X = sign*acos(e1*(p_Qt.Unit())); // rotate around z-axis by [-pi,pi]
198  // Calculate 3-momentum of kaon (in Q-frame)
199  p_Kq[0] = pK*sin(theta_Kq)*cos(phi_Kq);
200  p_Kq[1] = pK*sin(theta_Kq)*sin(phi_Kq);
201  p_Kq[2] = pK*costh_Kq;
203  // Calculate 3-momentum of nucleon (in Q-frame)
204  p_Nq = -p_Kq;
205  p_Nq[2] += pQ;
207  // Rotate particles into correct frame
208  p_K = p_Kq;
209  p_K.RotateY(rot_Z);
210  p_K.RotateZ(rot_X);
211  p_N = p_Nq;
212  p_N.RotateY(rot_Z);
213  p_N.RotateZ(rot_X);
215  // Kinetic energy of nucleon
216  pN = p_N.Mag();
217  TN = sqrt(pN*pN+mN*mN) - mN; // --> TN histogram
219  // Momenta of particles
220  hmoml->Fill(pl, xsec);
221  hmomK->Fill(pK, xsec);
222  hmomN->Fill(pN, xsec);
223  hmomlx->Fill(p_l[0], xsec);
224  hmomKx->Fill(p_K[0], xsec);
225  hmomNx->Fill(p_N[0], xsec);
226  hmomly->Fill(p_l[1], xsec);
227  hmomKy->Fill(p_K[1], xsec);
228  hmomNy->Fill(p_N[1], xsec);
229  hmomlz->Fill(p_l[2], xsec);
230  hmomKz->Fill(p_K[2], xsec);
231  hmomNz->Fill(p_N[2], xsec);
233  // Calculate polar angles w.r.t. neutrino
234  costh_l = p_l.CosTheta();
235  costh_K = p_K.CosTheta();
236  costh_N = p_N.CosTheta();
239  // Rotate to lepton frame
240  p_l.RotateUz(p_l.Unit());
241  p_K.RotateUz(p_l.Unit());
242  p_N.RotateUz(p_l.Unit());
244  // Calculate azimuthal angles w.r.t. neutrino (z-axis)
245  phi_l = p_l.Phi() - p_l.Phi();
246  phi_K = p_K.Phi() - p_l.Phi();
247  phi_N = p_N.Phi() - p_l.Phi();
249  // Multiply Jacobians, if needed
250  //if (thetaIsUsed) xsec *= sin(theta); // costh -> theta
251  if (!pLeptonIsUsed) xsec *= El/pl; // pl -> Tlep
253  // Weight entries by xsec
254  hTK->Fill(TK, xsec);
255  hTl->Fill(Tl, xsec);
256  hct->Fill(costh_l, xsec);
257  hph->Fill(phi_Kq, xsec);
259  hQ2->Fill(Q2, xsec);
260  hTN->Fill(TN, xsec);
261  hcl->Fill(costh_l, xsec);
262  hcK->Fill(costh_K, xsec);
263  hcN->Fill(costh_N, xsec);
264  hpl->Fill(phi_l, xsec); // should always be zero
265  hpK->Fill(phi_K, xsec);
266  hpN->Fill(phi_N, xsec);
268  if (i%((int)NEvents/20)==0) cout << "Processing... (" << i/((int)NEvents/100) << "%)" << endl;
269  }
271  // Scale histograms to cross-section
272  double totalxsec = dTk->Integral();
273  hTK->Scale(totalxsec/hTK->Integral());
274  hTl->Scale(totalxsec/hTl->Integral());
275  hct->Scale(totalxsec/hct->Integral());
276  hph->Scale(totalxsec/hph->Integral());
277  hQ2->Scale(totalxsec/hQ2->Integral());
278  hTN->Scale(totalxsec/hTN->Integral());
279  hcl->Scale(totalxsec/hcl->Integral());
280  hcK->Scale(totalxsec/hcK->Integral());
281  hcN->Scale(totalxsec/hcN->Integral());
282  hpl->Scale(totalxsec/hpl->Integral());
283  hpK->Scale(totalxsec/hpK->Integral());
284  hpN->Scale(totalxsec/hpN->Integral());
286  // Make lines thicker & colourful
287  hTK->SetLineWidth(2); hTK->SetLineColor(kRed);
288  hTl->SetLineWidth(2); hTl->SetLineColor(kRed);
289  hct->SetLineWidth(2); hct->SetLineColor(kRed);
290  hph->SetLineWidth(2); hph->SetLineColor(kRed);
291  hQ2->SetLineWidth(2); //hQ2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
292  hTN->SetLineWidth(2); hTN->SetLineColor(kOrange);
293  hcl->SetLineWidth(2); hcl->SetLineColor(kRed);
294  hcK->SetLineWidth(2); hcK->SetLineColor(kBlack);
295  hcN->SetLineWidth(2); hcN->SetLineColor(kOrange);
296  hpl->SetLineWidth(2); hpl->SetLineColor(kRed);
297  hpK->SetLineWidth(2); hpK->SetLineColor(kBlack);
298  hpN->SetLineWidth(2); hpN->SetLineColor(kOrange);
299  hmoml->SetLineWidth(2); hmoml->SetLineColor(kRed);
300  hmomK->SetLineWidth(2); hmomK->SetLineColor(kBlack);
301  hmomN->SetLineWidth(2); hmomN->SetLineColor(kOrange);
303  hmomlx->SetLineWidth(2); hmomlx->SetLineColor(kRed);
304  hmomKx->SetLineWidth(2); hmomKx->SetLineColor(kBlack);
305  hmomNx->SetLineWidth(2); hmomNx->SetLineColor(kOrange);
306  hmomly->SetLineWidth(2); hmomly->SetLineColor(kRed);
307  hmomKy->SetLineWidth(2); hmomKy->SetLineColor(kBlack);
308  hmomNy->SetLineWidth(2); hmomNy->SetLineColor(kOrange);
309  hmomlz->SetLineWidth(2); hmomlz->SetLineColor(kRed);
310  hmomKz->SetLineWidth(2); hmomKz->SetLineColor(kBlack);
311  hmomNz->SetLineWidth(2); hmomNz->SetLineColor(kOrange);
313  // Play with stat box
314  gStyle->SetOptStat(0);
315  //gStyle->SetStatX(0.5);
316  //gStyle->SetStatY(0.88);
318  // Set logarithmic scale on/off
319  int logscale = 0;
320  if(!logscale) {
321  hTK->SetMinimum(0);
322  hTl->SetMinimum(0);
323  hct->SetMinimum(0);
324  hph->SetMinimum(0);
326  hQ2->SetMinimum(0);
327  hTN->SetMinimum(0);
328  hcl->SetMinimum(0); hcK->SetMinimum(0); hcN->SetMinimum(0);
329  hpl->SetMinimum(0); hpK->SetMinimum(0); hpN->SetMinimum(0);
331  hmoml->SetMinimum(0); hmomK->SetMinimum(0); hmomN->SetMinimum(0);
332  }
334  hTK->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hTK->GetMaximum(),dTk->GetMaximum()));
335  hTl->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hTl->GetMaximum(),dTl->GetMaximum()));
336  hct->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hct->GetMaximum(),dct->GetMaximum()));
337  hph->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hph->GetMaximum(),dph->GetMaximum()));
339  std::string outname = Form("%3.1lfGeV_", Enu);
341  // Plot distributions of primary variables
342  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "Kinematics of single kaon production", 1200, 900);
343  c1->SetTitle(reaction.c_str());
344  c1->Divide(2,2);
345  TPad* p[4];
346  for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
347  p[k] = (TPad*)c1->GetPad(k+1);
348  if (logscale) p[k]->SetLogy();
349  }
350  c1->cd(1);
351  hTl->SetXTitle("T_{#mu} [GeV]");
352  hTl->Draw(); dTl->Draw("same");
353  c1->cd(2);
354  hTK->SetXTitle("T_{K} [GeV]");
355  hTK->Draw(); dTk->Draw("same");
356  c1->cd(3);
357  hct->SetXTitle("cos(#theta_{#mu}) [ ]");
358  hct->Draw(); dct->Draw("same");
359  c1->cd(4);
360  hph->SetXTitle("#phi_{Kq} [rad]");
361  hph->Draw(); dph->Draw("same");
362  c1->Print(("images/kinematics_"+outname+"01_input.png").c_str()); c1->Close();
364  // Plot distributions of secondary variables (e.g. Q^2, cos(theta_kaon), ...)
365  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "Q^2", 1200, 900);
366  c2->SetTitle(reaction.c_str());
367  c2->Divide(2,2);
368  //TPad* p[4];
369  for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
370  p[k] = (TPad*)c2->GetPad(k+1);
371  if (logscale) p[k]->SetLogy();
372  }
373  c2->cd(1);
374  hQ2->SetTitle("Momentum transfer to nucleon"); hQ2->SetXTitle("Q^{2} [GeV^{2}]");
375  hQ2->SetMaximum(1.2*hQ2->GetMaximum());
376  hQ2->Draw();
377  c2->cd(2);
378  hTl->SetTitle("Kinetic energy of particle"); hTl->SetXTitle("T_{x} [GeV]");
379  hTl->SetLineColor(kRed); hTK->SetLineColor(kBlack);
380  hTl->SetMaximum(max(1.2*hTN->GetMaximum(),max(hTl->GetMaximum(),hTK->GetMaximum())));
381  hTl->Draw(); hTK->Draw("same"); hTN->Draw("same");
382  c2->cd(3);
383  hcl->SetTitle("Polar angle w.r.t. neutrino"); hcl->SetXTitle("cos(#theta_{#nux}) [ ]");
384  hcl->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hcN->GetMaximum(),max(hcl->GetMaximum(),hcK->GetMaximum())));
385  hcl->Draw(); hcK->Draw("same"); hcN->Draw("same");
386  c2->cd(4);
387  hpl->SetTitle("Azimuthal angle w.r.t. lepton"); hpl->SetXTitle("#phi_{lx} [rad]");
388  hpl->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hpK->GetMaximum(),hpN->GetMaximum()));
389  hpl->Draw(); hpK->Draw("same"); hpN->Draw("same");
390  c2->Print(("images/kinematics_"+outname+"02_output.png").c_str()); c2->Close();
392  // Plot momenta of final state particles (measured by the detectors)
393  TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas("c3", "Momenta in lab frame", 1200, 900);
394  c3->SetTitle(reaction.c_str());
395  c3->Divide(2,2);
396  for (int k=0; k<4; k++) {
397  p[k] = (TPad*)c3->GetPad(k+1);
398  if (logscale) p[k]->SetLogy();
399  }
400  c3->cd(1);
401  hmomlx->SetTitle("X-momentum"); hmomlx->SetXTitle("p_{x} [GeV/c]");
402  hmomlx->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hmomKx->GetMaximum(),hmomlx->GetMaximum()));
403  hmomlx->Draw(); hmomKx->Draw("same"); hmomNx->Draw("same");
404  c3->cd(2);
405  hmomly->SetTitle("Y-momentum"); hmomly->SetXTitle("p_{y} [GeV/c]");
406  hmomly->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hmomKy->GetMaximum(),hmomly->GetMaximum()));
407  hmomly->Draw(); hmomKy->Draw("same"); hmomNy->Draw("same");
408  c3->cd(3);
409  hmomlz->SetTitle("Z-momentum"); hmomlz->SetXTitle("p_{z} [GeV/c]");
410  hmomlz->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hmomKz->GetMaximum(),hmomlz->GetMaximum()));
411  hmomlz->Draw(); hmomKz->Draw("same"); hmomNz->Draw("same");
412  c3->cd(4);
413  hmoml->SetTitle("Total momentum"); hmoml->SetXTitle("|p| [GeV/c]");
414  hmoml->SetMaximum(1.2*max(hmomK->GetMaximum(),hmoml->GetMaximum()));
415  hmoml->Draw(); hmomK->Draw("same"); hmomN->Draw("same");
416  c3->Print(("images/kinematics_"+outname+"03_momenta.png").c_str()); c3->Close();
418  // Generate rootfile for GENIE comparison
419  TFile* outfile = new TFile(("data/kinematics_"+outname+"validation.root").c_str(), "RECREATE");
420  // Kinetic energies of final state particles
421  hTl->Write("T_lepton");
422  hTK->Write("T_kaon");
423  hTN->Write("T_nucleon");
424  // Azimuthal angles w.r.t. neutrino
425  hct->Write("cos(theta_lepton)");
426  hcK->Write("cos(theta_kaon)");
427  hcN->Write("cos(theta_nucleon)");
428  // Radial angles w.r.t. neutrino (z-axis) and lepton (x-axis)
429  hpl->Write("phi_l");
430  hpK->Write("phi_kaon");
431  hpN->Write("phi_nucleon");
432  // Other variables related to momentum transfer to nucleus
433  hph->Write("phi_Kq");
434  hQ2->Write("Q_squared");
435  outfile->Close();
437  if (hTl) delete hTl;
438  if (hTK) delete hTK;
439  if (hTN) delete hTN;
440  if (hct) delete hct;
441  if (hcK) delete hcK;
442  if (hcN) delete hcN;
443  if (hph) delete hph;
444  if (hpl) delete hpl;
445  if (hpK) delete hpK;
446  if (hpN) delete hpN;
447  if (hQ2) delete hQ2;
448  if (hmoml) delete hmoml;
449  if (hmomK) delete hmomK;
450  if (hmomN) delete hmomN;
451  if (hmomlx) delete hmomlx;
452  if (hmomKx) delete hmomKx;
453  if (hmomNx) delete hmomNx;
454  if (hmomly) delete hmomly;
455  if (hmomKy) delete hmomKy;
456  if (hmomNy) delete hmomNy;
457  if (hmomlz) delete hmomlz;
458  if (hmomKz) delete hmomKz;
459  if (hmomNz) delete hmomNz;
460  if (inst) delete inst;
461 }
TCanvas * c2
Definition: drawXsec.C:3
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:642
size_t i(0)
std::string string
const double pi
Definition: LAr.C:31
constexpr T pow(T x)
Definition: pow.h:75
the ParameterSet object passed in for the configuration of a destination should be the only source that can affect the behavior of that destination This is to eliminate the dependencies of configuring a destination from multiple mostly from the defaults It suppresses possible glitches about changing the configuration file somewhere outside of a destination segament might still affect the behavior of that destination In the previous configuration for a specific the value of a certain e may come from following and have been suppressed It the configuring ParameterSet object for each destination will be required to carry a parameter list as complete as possible If a parameter still cannot be found in the ParameterSet the configuration code will go look for a hardwired default directly The model is a great simplicity comparing with the previous especially when looking for default values Another great advantage is most of the parameters now have very limited places that allows to appear Usually they can only appear at one certain level in a configuration file For in the old configuring model or in a default ParameterSet object inside of a or in a category or in a severity object This layout of multiple sources for a single parameter brings great confusion in both writing a configuration and in processing the configuration file Under the new the only allowed place for the parameter limit to appear is inside of a category which is inside of a destination object Other improvements simplify the meaning of a destination name In the old a destination name has multiple folds of meanings the e cout and cerr have the special meaning of logging messages to standard output or standard error the name also serves as the output filename if the destination is a file these names are also references to look up for detailed configurations in configuring the MessageFacility The multi purpose of the destination name might cause some unwanted behavior in either writing or parsing the configuration file To amend in the new model the destination name is now merely a name for a which might represent the literal purpose of this or just an id All other meanings of the destinations names now go into the destination ParameterSet as individual such as the type parameter and filename parameter Following is the deatiled rule for the new configuring Everything that is related with MessageFacility configuration must be wrapped in a single ParameterSet object with the name MessageFacility The MessageFacility ParameterSet object contains a series of top level parameters These parameters can be chosen a vector of string listing the name of debug enabled models Or use *to enable debug messages in all modules a vector of string a vector of string a vector of string a ParameterSet object containing the list of all destinations The destinations ParameterSet object is a combination of ParameterSet objects for individual destinations There are two types of destinations that you can insert in the destinations ParameterSet ordinary including cout
string infile
double diffxsec(double Tlep, double Tkaon, double theta, double phikq)
these are called *plugin *libraries Plugin libraries are loaded by the *LibraryManager *see above The source file in which a module is implemented must be named< module > _plugin cc It must contain an invocation of the *DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN *macro The *DEFINE_EDM_PLUGIN *macro is responsible for writing the appropriate *factory **function and that takes a const reference to a *ParameterSet *and that returns a newly created instance of the associated module type
Double_t xsec[nknots]
Definition: testXsec.C:47
int sign(double val)
Definition: UtilFunc.cxx:106
operation and maintenance manual for MessageLogger MessageService General Work Flow of a Message The effect of a user issuing a which has been configured to filter these in some way and to dispatch the messages to one or more destinations This section will outline the steps involved The user code may be running in opne or more each of which might issue messages We will call these the client side In any a single the picks up on these messages and forwards them to the looger one at a time
void validation()
Definition: validation.C:15
ParameterSet &ps const ParameterSet const * p
ServiceRegistry * inst
void init(double Etot, int type, int reac)
T max(sqlite3 *const db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
Definition: statistics.h:68