Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService_service.cc
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <sstream>
6 #include <iomanip>
7 #include <algorithm>
19 //**********************************************************************
23  m_pROIBuilderToolFlattening(nullptr),
24  m_pROIBuilderToolCNR(nullptr),
25  m_pROIBuilderToolFinal(nullptr) {
26  fDoTwoPassFilter = pset.get<bool>("DoTwoPassFilter");
27  fCoherent32 = pset.get<bool>("Coherent32");
28  fCoherent16 = pset.get<bool>("Coherent16");
29  fLowPassFlt = pset.get<bool>("LowPassFlt");
30  fLowPassFltSecondPass = pset.get<bool>("LowPassFltSecondPass");
31  fLowPassFltFCut = pset.get<float>("LowPassFltFCut");
32  fLowPassFltExpo = pset.get<float>("LowPassFltExpo");
33  fFlatten = pset.get<bool>("Flatten");
34  fFlattenExtrapolate = pset.get<bool>("FlattenExtrapolate");
35  fCoherent32Groups = pset.get<std::vector<size_t>>("Coherent32Groups");
36  fCoherent16Groups = pset.get<std::vector<size_t>>("Coherent16Groups");
37  fUseBasicROIForCNR = pset.get<bool>("UseBasicROIForCNR");
38  fRoiStartThreshold = pset.get<float>("RoiStartThreshold");
39  fRoiEndThreshold = pset.get<float>("RoiEndThreshold");
40  fRoiPadLow = pset.get<int>("RoiPadLow");
41  fRoiPadHigh = pset.get<int>("RoiPadHigh");
42  fBinsToSkip = pset.get<AdcIndex>("BinsToSkip");
46  // Retrieve tools
47  pset.get_if_present<std::string>("ROIBuilderToolFlattening", m_ROIBuilderToolFlattening);
48  pset.get_if_present<std::string>("ROIBuilderToolCNR", m_ROIBuilderToolCNR);
49  pset.get_if_present<std::string>("ROIBuilderToolFinal", m_ROIBuilderToolFinal);
51  if ( ptm == nullptr ) {
52  std::cout << "ERROR: Unable to retrieve tool manaager." << std::endl;
53  } else {
57  }
58  if (pset.get<std::string>("CorrMode") == "mean") { fMode = 1; }
59  else if (pset.get<std::string>("CorrMode") == "median") { fMode = 2; }
60  else
61  {
62  std::cout << "DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService WARNING: correction set to mean value." << std::endl;
63  fMode = 1;
64  }
66  fLowPassCoeffs.resize(fFFT->FFTSize() / 2 + 1);
68  for (size_t i = 0; i < fLowPassCoeffs.size(); ++i)
69  {
70  float f = 0.0015 * i; // [MHz]
71  fLowPassCoeffs[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + pow(f/fLowPassFltFCut, fLowPassFltExpo));
72  }
73 }
74 //**********************************************************************
77 {
78  const std::string myname = "DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService:update: ";
79  if ( datamap.size() == 0 ) {
80  std::cout << myname << "WARNING: No channels found." << std::endl;
81  return 1;
82  }
84  unsigned int nsig = 0;
85  bool first = true;
86  for (const AdcChannelDataMap::value_type& ent : datamap)
87  {
88  const AdcChannelData& data = ent.second;
89  if (first) { nsig = data.samples.size(); first = false; }
90  else if (data.samples.size() != nsig)
91  {
92  std::cout << myname << "WARNING: Channels have inconsistent sample counts." << std::endl;
93  return 2;
94  }
95  }
97  if (nsig == 0)
98  {
99  std::cout << myname << "WARNING: No ADC samples found." << std::endl;
100  return 3;
101  }
103  if(fDoTwoPassFilter)
104  {
105  //First pass
107  //Use a copy of the data map to determine ROI. Actual datamap is gonna be used in second pass.
108  AdcChannelDataMap tempdatamap = datamap;
110  if (fLowPassFlt)
111  {
112  removeHighFreq(tempdatamap);
113  }
117  if (fFlatten)
118  {
119  removeSlopePolynomial(tempdatamap);
120  }
122  //Rebuild ROI after low pass and flattening
123  for (auto & entry : tempdatamap)
124  {
125  auto & acd = entry.second;
126  m_pROIBuilderToolFlattening->update(acd);
127  }
129  if (fCoherent16)
130  {
131  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(16, fCoherent16Groups);
132  removeCoherent(ch_groups, tempdatamap);
133  }
135  if (fCoherent32)
136  {
137  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(32, fCoherent32Groups);
138  removeCoherent(ch_groups, tempdatamap);
139  }
141  //Rebuild ROI after CNR
142  for (auto & entry : tempdatamap)
143  {
144  auto & acd = entry.second;
145  m_pROIBuilderToolCNR->update(acd);
146  }
148  //copy the ROI found in tempdatampa to datamap
149  AdcChannelDataMap::iterator ittempdatamap = tempdatamap.begin();
150  for (auto & entry : datamap)
151  {
152  auto & acd = entry.second;
153  auto acdtemp = ittempdatamap->second;
154  acd.signal = acdtemp.signal;
155  acd.rois = acdtemp.rois;
156  ittempdatamap++;
157  }
159  //Second pass
162  {
163  removeHighFreq(datamap);
164  }
166  if (fFlatten)
167  {
168  removeSlopePolynomial(datamap);
169  }
171  if (fCoherent16)
172  {
173  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(16, fCoherent16Groups);
174  removeCoherent(ch_groups, datamap);
175  }
177  if (fCoherent32)
178  {
179  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(32, fCoherent32Groups);
180  removeCoherent(ch_groups, datamap);
181  }
183  //Rebuild ROI after second pass (final ROI)
184  for (auto & entry : datamap)
185  {
186  auto & acd = entry.second;
187  m_pROIBuilderToolFinal->update(acd);
188  }
190  }
191  else
192  {
193  if (fCoherent32)
194  {
195  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(32, fCoherent32Groups);
196  removeCoherent(ch_groups, datamap);
197  }
199  if (fCoherent16)
200  {
201  auto ch_groups = makeDaqGroups(16, fCoherent16Groups);
202  removeCoherent(ch_groups, datamap);
203  }
205  if (fLowPassFlt)
206  {
207  removeHighFreq(datamap);
208  }
210  if (fFlatten)
211  {
212  removeSlope(datamap);
213  }
214  }
215 // std::cout << myname << "...done." << std::endl;
217  return 0;
218 }
219 //**********************************************************************
222  const std::vector<unsigned int> & channels,
223  const AdcChannelDataMap & datamap) const
224 {
225  size_t n_samples = datamap.begin()->second.samples.size();
226  std::vector<size_t> ch_averaged(n_samples, 0);
227  std::vector<float> correction(n_samples, 0);
229  for (unsigned int ch : channels)
230  {
231  auto iacd = datamap.find(ch);
232  if (iacd == datamap.end()) continue;
234  const AdcChannelData & adc = iacd->second;
237  {
238  auto mask = roiMask(adc);
239  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
240  {
241  if (!mask[s]) { continue; }
243  AdcFlag flag = adc.flags.size() ? adc.flags[s] : AdcGood;
244  if (flag != AdcGood) { continue; }
246  correction[s] += adc.samples[s];
247  ch_averaged[s]++;
248  }
249  }
250  else
251  {
252  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
253  {
254  if (adc.signal[s]) { continue; }
256  AdcFlag flag = adc.flags.size() ? adc.flags[s] : AdcGood;
257  if (flag != AdcGood) { continue; }
259  correction[s] += adc.samples[s];
260  ch_averaged[s]++;
261  }
262  }
263  }
264  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
265  {
266  if (ch_averaged[s] > 0) { correction[s] /= ch_averaged[s]; }
267  }
268  return correction;
269 }
272  const std::vector<unsigned int> & channels,
273  const AdcChannelDataMap & datamap) const
274 {
275  size_t n_samples = datamap.begin()->second.samples.size();
276  std::vector< std::vector<float> > samples(n_samples);
278  for (unsigned int ch : channels)
279  {
280  auto iacd = datamap.find(ch);
281  if (iacd == datamap.end()) continue;
283  const AdcChannelData & adc = iacd->second;
286  {
287  auto mask = roiMask(adc);
288  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
289  {
290  if (!mask[s]) { continue; }
292  AdcFlag flag = adc.flags.size() ? adc.flags[s] : AdcGood;
293  if (flag != AdcGood) { continue; }
295  samples[s].push_back(adc.samples[s]);
296  }
297  }
298  else
299  {
300  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
301  {
302  if (adc.signal[s]) { continue; }
304  AdcFlag flag = adc.flags.size() ? adc.flags[s] : AdcGood;
305  if (flag != AdcGood) { continue; }
307  samples[s].push_back(adc.samples[s]);
308  }
309  }
312  }
314  std::vector<float> correction(n_samples);
315  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
316  {
317  size_t n = samples[s].size();
318  if (n < 2) { correction[s] = 0; continue; }
320  std::sort(samples[s].begin(), samples[s].end());
322  if ((n % 2) == 0) { correction[s] = 0.5 * (samples[s][n/2] + samples[s][(n/2)-1]); }
323  else { correction[s] = samples[s][(n-1)/2]; }
324  }
325  return correction;
326 }
329 {
330  if (datamap.empty()) return;
332  size_t n_samples = datamap.begin()->second.samples.size();
333  std::vector<double> correction(n_samples);
335  for (const auto & entry : ch_groups)
336  {
337  const auto & channels = entry.second;
338  std::vector<float> correction;
340  if (fMode == 1) // mean
341  {
342  correction = getMeanCorrection(channels, datamap);
343  }
344  else if (fMode == 2) // median
345  {
346  correction = getMedianCorrection(channels, datamap);
347  }
349  for (unsigned int ch : channels)
350  {
351  auto iacd = datamap.find(ch);
352  if (iacd == datamap.end()) continue;
354  AdcChannelData & adc = iacd->second;
355  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
356  {
357  adc.samples[s] -= correction[s];
358  }
360  if (adc.samples[2] - adc.samples[1] > 20) // ugly fix of the two ticks in plane0
361  {
362  adc.samples[0] = adc.samples[2];
363  adc.samples[1] = adc.samples[2];
364  }
365  }
366  }
367 }
368 //**********************************************************************
371 {
372  auto const & chStatus = art::ServiceHandle< lariov::ChannelStatusService >()->GetProvider();
374  for (auto & entry : datamap)
375  {
376  if (chStatus.IsPresent(entry.first) && !chStatus.IsNoisy(entry.first)) { fftFltInPlace(entry.second.samples, fLowPassCoeffs); }
377  }
378 }
379 //**********************************************************************
382 {
383  size_t n_samples = datamap.begin()->second.samples.size();
384  std::vector< float > slope(n_samples);
386  auto const & chStatus = art::ServiceHandle< lariov::ChannelStatusService >()->GetProvider();
388  for (auto & entry : datamap)
389  {
390  if (!chStatus.IsPresent(entry.first) || chStatus.IsNoisy(entry.first)) { continue; }
392  auto & adc = entry.second.samples;
393  auto mask = roiMask(entry.second);
395  bool start = true;
396  float i = 0, s0 = 0, s1 = 0;
397  while (i < n_samples)
398  {
399  if (mask[i])
400  {
401  if (start) { s0 = adc[i]; start = false; }
402  else { s0 = 0.8 * s0 + 0.2 * adc[i]; } // average over some past adc
403  slope[i] = adc[i]; ++i;
404  }
405  else
406  {
407  size_t j = i;
408  while ((j < n_samples) && !mask[j]) { ++j; }
409  if (j < n_samples)
410  {
411  size_t k = 1;
412  float f = 1, g = f;
413  s1 = adc[j];
414  while ((k < 25) && (j+k < n_samples) && mask[j+k])
415  {
416  f *= 0.8; g += f; s1 += f * adc[j+k]; ++k;
417  }
418  s1 /= g; // average ofer following adc
419  }
420  else { s1 = s0; }
422  float ds = (s1 - s0) / (j - i + 1);
424  j = i;
425  while ((j < n_samples) && !mask[j])
426  {
427  slope[j] = s0 + (j - i + 1) * ds;
428  ++j;
429  }
430  start = true;
431  i = j;
432  }
433  }
435  double y, sx = 0, sy = 0, sxy = 0, sx2 = 0, sy2 = 0;
436  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s)
437  {
438  y = slope[s]; sx += s; sy += y; sxy += s*y; sx2 += s*s; sy2 += y*y;
439  }
441  double ssx = sx2 - ((sx * sx) / n_samples);
442  double c = sxy - ((sx * sy) / n_samples);
443  double mx = sx / n_samples;
444  double my = sy / n_samples;
445  double b = my - ((c / ssx) * mx);
446  double a = c / ssx;
447  for (size_t s = 0; s < n_samples; ++s) { adc[s] -= (a*s + b); }
448  }
449 }
450 //**********************************************************************
453 {
454  AdcIndex n_samples = datamap.begin()->second.samples.size(); //1667
455 // std::vector< float > slope(n_samples);
457  auto const & chStatus = art::ServiceHandle< lariov::ChannelStatusService >()->GetProvider();
459  for (auto & entry : datamap)
460  {
461  if (!chStatus.IsPresent(entry.first) || chStatus.IsNoisy(entry.first)) { continue; }
463  auto & adc = entry.second.samples;
464  auto & signal = entry.second.signal;
465 // auto & channel = entry.second.channel;
467  //preparation for polynomial fit
468  int fOrder = 3; //order of the polynomial to be fitted to baseline
469  std::vector<long double> line(fOrder+2,0.);
470  std::vector< std::vector< long double> > matrix(fOrder+1,line);
472  for(int i = 0; i < fOrder+1; i++)
473  {
474  for(int j = 0; j < fOrder+2; j++)
475  {
476  matrix[i][j] = 0.;
477  }
478  }
480 // double x, y;
481  std::vector<double> x, y;
482  x.resize(n_samples, 0.);
483  y.resize(n_samples, 0.);
484  AdcIndex np = 0;
485  std::vector<double> sol;
486  sol.resize(fOrder+1, 0.);
489  {
490  // check if ROI at beginning of waveform
491  if(signal[fBinsToSkip])
492  {
493 // std::cout << "ROI at fBinsToSkip. Channel: " << channel << std::endl;
494  AdcIndex ROIStart = fBinsToSkip;
495  AdcIndex ROIEnd = fBinsToSkip;
496  for( AdcIndex a = ROIStart; a < n_samples; a++)
497  {
498  if(!signal[a])
499  {
500  ROIEnd = a-1;
501  break;
502  }
503  }
505 // std::cout << "ROIStart: " << ROIStart << std::endl;
506 // std::cout << "ROIEnd: " << ROIEnd << std::endl;
508  // do linear regression for following 200 bins
509  double sx = 0., sy = 0., sxy = 0., sx2 = 0.;
510  AdcIndex a = ROIEnd+1;
511  AdcIndex aCount = 0;
512  while( aCount < 200 && a < n_samples )
513  {
514  if(!signal[a])
515  {
516  sx += a; sy += adc[a]; sxy += a*adc[a]; sx2 += a*a;
517  aCount++;
518  }
519  a++;
520  }
521  double c = (sy*sx2 - sx*sxy)/((double)aCount*sx2 - sx*sx);
522  double d = ((double)aCount*sxy - sx*sy)/((double)aCount*sx2 - sx*sx);
524 /*
525  std::cout << "sx: " << sx << std::endl;
526  std::cout << "sy: " << sy << std::endl;
527  std::cout << "sxy: " << sxy << std::endl;
528  std::cout << "sx2: " << sx2 << std::endl;
529  std::cout << "c: " << c << std::endl;
530  std::cout << "d: " << d << std::endl;
531  std::cout << std::endl;
532 */
533  for( AdcIndex a = ROIStart; a <= ROIEnd; a++)
534  {
535  x[a] = a;
536  y[a] = c + d*a;
537 // std::cout << "x: " << x[a] << "\t" << "y: " << y[a] << std::endl;
538  }
539  }
541  // check if ROI at end of waveform
542  if(signal[n_samples-1])
543  {
544 // std::cout << "ROI at n_samples-1. Channel: " << channel << std::endl;
545  AdcIndex ROIStart = n_samples-1;
546  AdcIndex ROIEnd = n_samples-1;
547  for( AdcIndex a = ROIStart; a >= fBinsToSkip; a--)
548  {
549  if(!signal[a])
550  {
551  ROIStart = a+1;
552  break;
553  }
554  }
555 // std::cout << "ROIStart: " << ROIStart << std::endl;
556 // std::cout << "ROIEnd: " << ROIEnd << std::endl;
558  // do linear regression for previous 200 bins
559  double sx = 0., sy = 0., sxy = 0., sx2 = 0.;
560  AdcIndex a = ROIEnd-1;
561  AdcIndex aCount = 0;
562  while( aCount < 200 && a >= fBinsToSkip)
563  {
564  if(!signal[a])
565  {
566  sx += a; sy += adc[a]; sxy += a*adc[a]; sx2 += a*a;
567  aCount++;
568  }
569  a--;
570  }
571 // std::cout << "aCount: " << aCount << std::endl;
573  double c = (sy*sx2 - sx*sxy)/((double)aCount*sx2 - sx*sx);
574  double d = ((double)aCount*sxy - sx*sy)/((double)aCount*sx2 - sx*sx);
575 /*
576  std::cout << "sx: " << sx << std::endl;
577  std::cout << "sy: " << sy << std::endl;
578  std::cout << "sxy: " << sxy << std::endl;
579  std::cout << "sx2: " << sx2 << std::endl;
580  std::cout << "c: " << c << std::endl;
581  std::cout << "d: " << d << std::endl;
582  std::cout << std::endl;
583 */
584  for( AdcIndex a = ROIEnd; a >= ROIStart; a--)
585  {
586  x[a] = a;
587  y[a] = c + d*a;
588 // std::cout << "x: " << x[a] << "\t" << "y: " << y[a] << std::endl;
589  }
590  }
591  } //if fFlattenExtrapolate
593  for(AdcIndex i = fBinsToSkip; i < n_samples; i++)
594  {
595  if(signal[i])
596  {
597  x[i] = i;
598  y[i] = 0;
599  }
600  else
601  {
602  x[i] = i;
603  y[i] = adc[i];
604  }
606  int j = 0;
607  for( int l = 1; l <= fOrder+1; l++)
608  {
609  long double wt = pow(x[i], l-1);
610  int k = 0;
612  for(int m=1; m <= l; m++)
613  {
614  matrix[j][k] += wt*pow(x[i],m-1);
615  k++;
616  }
618  matrix[j][fOrder+1] += y[i]*wt;
619  j++;
620  }
621  np++;
622  }
625  for(int i = 1; i < fOrder+1; i++){
626  for(int j = 0; j<i; j++){
627  matrix[j][i] = matrix[i][j];
628  }
629  }
631  //get parameters for polynomial with Gauss-Jordan
632  if(np > n_samples/10) //need minimum number of bins for fit
633  {
634  sol = GaussJordanSolv(matrix);
636  //subtract fit from waveform
637  for(AdcIndex i = fBinsToSkip; i < n_samples; i++)
638  {
639  double corr = 0.;
640  for(size_t a = 0; a < sol.size(); a++)
641  {
642  corr += sol[a]*pow(i,a);
643  }
644  adc[i] -= corr;
645  }
646  }
647  }
648 }
649 //**********************************************************************
652 void DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::fftFltInPlace(std::vector< float > & adc, const std::vector< float > & coeffs) const
653 {
654  std::vector< TComplex > ch_spectrum(fFFT->FFTSize() / 2 + 1);
655  std::vector< float > ch_waveform(fFFT->FFTSize(), 0);
657  size_t n_samples = adc.size();
659  std::copy(adc.begin(), adc.end(), ch_waveform.begin());
660  for (size_t s = n_samples; s < ch_waveform.size(); ++s)
661  {
662  ch_waveform[s] = ch_waveform[2*n_samples - s - 1];
663  }
664  fFFT->DoFFT(ch_waveform, ch_spectrum);
665  for (size_t c = 0; c < coeffs.size(); ++c)
666  {
667  ch_spectrum[c] *= coeffs[c];
668  }
669  fFFT->DoInvFFT(ch_spectrum, ch_waveform);
671  std::copy(ch_waveform.begin(), ch_waveform.begin()+n_samples, adc.begin());
672 }
673 //**********************************************************************
675 std::vector< float > DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::fftFlt(const std::vector< float > & adc, const std::vector< float > & coeffs) const
676 {
677  std::vector< TComplex > ch_spectrum(fFFT->FFTSize() / 2 + 1);
678  std::vector< float > ch_waveform(fFFT->FFTSize(), 0);
680  size_t n_samples = adc.size();
682  std::copy(adc.begin(), adc.end(), ch_waveform.begin());
683  for (size_t s = n_samples; s < ch_waveform.size(); ++s)
684  {
685  ch_waveform[s] = ch_waveform[2*n_samples - s - 1];
686  }
687  fFFT->DoFFT(ch_waveform, ch_spectrum);
688  for (size_t c = 0; c < coeffs.size(); ++c)
689  {
690  ch_spectrum[c] *= coeffs[c];
691  }
692  fFFT->DoInvFFT(ch_spectrum, ch_waveform);
694  std::vector< float > flt_adc(n_samples);
695  std::copy(ch_waveform.begin(), ch_waveform.begin()+n_samples, flt_adc.begin());
696  return flt_adc;
697 }
698 //**********************************************************************
701 {
702  std::vector<bool> mask(adc.samples.size(), true);
704  auto adc_flt = fftFlt(adc.samples, fLowPassCoeffs);
706  bool inroi = false;
707  for (int i = 0; i < (int)adc_flt.size(); ++i)
708  {
709  auto sig = adc_flt[i];
710  if (inroi)
711  {
712  if (sig > fRoiEndThreshold) { mask[i] = false; }
713  else
714  {
715  for (int p = 0; p <= fRoiPadHigh; ++p) { if ((i + p) < (int)mask.size()) { mask[i + p] = false; } }
716  inroi = false;
717  }
718  }
719  else
720  {
721  if (sig > fRoiStartThreshold )
722  {
723  for (int p = fRoiPadLow; p >= 0; --p) { if (i - p >= 0) { mask[i - p] = false; } }
724  inroi = true;
725  }
726  }
727  }
728  return mask;
729 }
730 //**********************************************************************
732 GroupChannelMap DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::makeDaqGroups(size_t gsize, const std::vector< size_t > & gidx) const
733 {
734  GroupChannelMap groups;
736  auto const & chStatus = art::ServiceHandle< lariov::ChannelStatusService >()->GetProvider();
738  const unsigned int nchan = fGeometry->Nchannels();
739  for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < nchan; ++ch)
740  {
741  size_t g = get311Chan(ch) / gsize;
742  //std::cout << "p:" << fGeometry->View(raw::ChannelID_t(ch)) << " g:" << g << " ch:" << ch << std::endl;
743  if (gidx.empty() || has(gidx, g))
744  {
745  if (chStatus.IsPresent(ch) && !chStatus.IsNoisy(ch)) { groups[g].push_back(ch); }
746  }
747  }
749  return groups;
750 }
751 //**********************************************************************
753 GroupChannelMap DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::makeGroups(size_t gsize, const std::vector< size_t > & gidx) const
754 {
755  GroupChannelMap groups;
757  auto const & chStatus = art::ServiceHandle< lariov::ChannelStatusService >()->GetProvider();
759  const unsigned int nchan = fGeometry->Nchannels();
760  for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < nchan; ++ch)
761  {
762  size_t g = ch / gsize;
763  //std::cout << "p:" << fGeometry->View(raw::ChannelID_t(ch)) << " g:" << g << " ch:" << ch << std::endl;
764  if (gidx.empty() || has(gidx, g))
765  {
766  if (chStatus.IsPresent(ch) && !chStatus.IsNoisy(ch)) { groups[g].push_back(ch); }
767  }
768  }
770  return groups;
771 }
772 //**********************************************************************
775 {
776  size_t crate = LAr_chan / 320;
777  size_t Chan311;
779  LAr_chan = 8*(LAr_chan/8+1)-LAr_chan%8 -1;
781  if(crate == 0)
782  {
783  LAr_chan = 32*(LAr_chan/32+1)-LAr_chan%32 -1;
784  size_t card = 4 - ((LAr_chan / 32) % 5);
785  if(LAr_chan > 159)
786  {
787  size_t shift = 31 - (LAr_chan % 32);
788  Chan311 = (2*card)*32 + shift;
789  }
790  else
791  {
792  size_t shift = 31 - (LAr_chan % 32);
793  Chan311 = (2*card + 1)*32 + shift;
794  }
795  }
796  else
797  {
798  size_t new_LAr_chan = LAr_chan - crate*320;
799  size_t card = ((new_LAr_chan / 32) % 5);
800  if(new_LAr_chan > 159)
801  {
802  size_t shift = new_LAr_chan % 32;
803  Chan311 = (2*card)*32 + shift;
804  }
805  else
806  {
807  size_t shift = new_LAr_chan % 32;
808  Chan311 = (2*card + 1)*32 + shift;
809  }
810  Chan311 = Chan311 + crate*320;
811  } // end of if/else statementi
813  return Chan311;
814 }
815 //**********************************************************************
817 std::vector<double> DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::GaussJordanSolv(std::vector< std::vector<long double> > matrix) const
818 {
820  int n = matrix.size();
822  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
823  // Search for maximum in this column
824  double maxEl = std::abs(matrix[i][i]);
825  int maxRow = i;
826  for (int k=i+1; k<n; k++) {
827  if (std::abs(matrix[k][i]) > maxEl) {
828  maxEl = std::abs(matrix[k][i]);
829  maxRow = k;
830  }
831  }
833  // Swap maximum row with current row (column by column)
834  for (int k=i; k<n+1;k++) {
835  double tmp = matrix[maxRow][k];
836  matrix[maxRow][k] = matrix[i][k];
837  matrix[i][k] = tmp;
838  }
840  // Make all rows below this one 0 in current column
841  for (int k=i+1; k<n; k++) {
842  double c = -matrix[k][i]/matrix[i][i];
843  for (int j=i; j<n+1; j++) {
844  if (i==j) {
845  matrix[k][j] = 0;
846  } else {
847  matrix[k][j] += c * matrix[i][j];
848  }
849  }
850  }
851  }
853  // Solve equation Ax=b for an upper triangular matrix A
854  std::vector<double> x(n);
855  for (int i=n-1; i>=0; i--) {
856  x[i] = matrix[i][n]/matrix[i][i];
857  for (int k=i-1;k>=0; k--) {
858  matrix[k][n] -= matrix[k][i] * x[i];
859  }
860  }
861  return x;
862 }
864 std::ostream& DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService::print(std::ostream& out, std::string prefix) const
865 {
866  out << prefix << "DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService: ...info" << std::endl;
867  return out;
868 }
869 //**********************************************************************
873 //**********************************************************************
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
intermediate_table::iterator iterator
QList< Entry > entry
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
short AdcFlag
Definition: AdcTypes.h:29
std::string string
Definition: nybbler.cc:12
constexpr T pow(T x)
Definition: pow.h:72
struct vector vector
static size_t get311Chan(size_t LAr_chan)
Get 3x1x1 DAQ channel number from the LArSoft&#39;s channel index.
int16_t adc
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:202
void DoFFT(std::vector< T > &input, std::vector< TComplex > &output)
Definition: LArFFT.h:98
uint size() const
Definition: qcstring.h:201
void removeCoherent(const GroupChannelMap &ch_groups, AdcChannelDataMap &datamap) const
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
std::vector< float > getMedianCorrection(const std::vector< unsigned int > &channels, const AdcChannelDataMap &datamap) const
art framework interface to geometry description
const AdcFlag AdcGood
Definition: AdcTypes.h:32
void DoInvFFT(std::vector< TComplex > &input, std::vector< T > &output)
Definition: LArFFT.h:120
unsigned int Nchannels() const
Returns the number of TPC readout channels in the detector.
void fftFltInPlace(std::vector< float > &adc, const std::vector< float > &coeffs) const
QCollection::Item first()
Definition: qglist.cpp:807
T abs(T value)
int FFTSize() const
Definition: LArFFT.h:69
struct dune::tde::crate crate
std::void_t< T > n
const double a
T get(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:271
GroupChannelMap makeGroups(size_t gsize, const std::vector< size_t > &gidx) const
Make groups of channels using LArSoft numbering. Channels tagged as noisy are excluded at this stage...
std::vector< double > GaussJordanSolv(std::vector< std::vector< long double > > matrix) const
Definition: test.py:223
string tmp
Definition: languages.py:63
unsigned int AdcIndex
Definition: AdcTypes.h:15
std::vector< float > getMeanCorrection(const std::vector< unsigned int > &channels, const AdcChannelDataMap &datamap) const
void removeHighFreq(AdcChannelDataMap &datamap) const
std::unordered_map< unsigned int, std::vector< unsigned int > > GroupChannelMap
AdcFilterVector signal
DuneDPhase3x1x1NoiseRemovalService(fhicl::ParameterSet const &pset, art::ActivityRegistry &)
std::optional< T > get_if_present(std::string const &key) const
Definition: ParameterSet.h:224
void line(double t, double *p, double &x, double &y, double &z)
std::vector< float > fftFlt(const std::vector< float > &adc, const std::vector< float > &coeffs) const
bool has(const std::vector< size_t > &v, size_t idx) const
Interface for experiment-specific channel quality info provider.
T copy(T const &v)
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
list x
Definition: train.py:276
std::map< AdcChannel, AdcChannelData > AdcChannelDataMap
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
std::vector< bool > roiMask(const AdcChannelData &adc) const
Interface for experiment-specific service for channel quality info.
void removeSlopePolynomial(AdcChannelDataMap &datamap) const
std::ostream & print(std::ostream &out=std::cout, std::string prefix="") const
GroupChannelMap makeDaqGroups(size_t gsize, const std::vector< size_t > &gidx) const
Make groups of channels using 3x1x1 DAQ numbering. Channels tagged as noisy are excluded at this stag...
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
static DuneToolManager * instance(std::string fclname="", int dbg=1)
AdcSignalVector samples
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
AdcFlagVector flags