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1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*!
4 \class genie::flux::GNuMIFlux
6 \brief A GENIE flux driver encapsulating the NuMI neutrino flux.
7  It reads-in the official GNUMI neutrino flux ntuples.
8  Supports both geant3 and geant4 formats.
10 \ref
12 \author Robert Hatcher <rhatcher \at>
13  Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
15 \created Jun 27, 2008
17 \cpright Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration
18  For the full text of the license visit
20 */
21 //____________________________________________________________________________
26 #include <string>
27 #include <iostream>
28 #include <vector>
29 #include <set>
31 #include <TVector3.h>
32 #include <TLorentzVector.h>
33 #include <TLorentzRotation.h>
40 class TFile;
41 class TChain;
42 class TTree;
43 class TBranch;
45 // MakeClass created classes for handling NuMI flux files
46 class g3numi;
47 class g4numi;
48 class flugg;
50 using std::string;
51 using std::ostream;
53 namespace genie {
54 namespace flux {
56 class GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo;
57 ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, const GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo & info);
59 /// GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo:
60 /// =========================
61 /// A small persistable C-struct -like class that mirrors (some of) the
62 /// structure of the gnumi ntuples. This can then be stored as an extra
63 /// branch of the output event tree -alongside with the generated event
64 /// branch- for use further upstream in the analysis chain - e.g. beam
65 /// reweighting etc.
66 /// To do future x-y reweighting users must retain the info found in:
67 // Ntype Vx Vy Vz
68 // pdPx pdPy pdPz
69 // ppdxdz ppdydz pppz ppenergy ptype
70 // muparpx muparpy muparpz mupare Necm
71 // Nimpwt
72 ///
73 class GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo: public TObject {
74 public:
76  /* allow default copy constructor ... for now nothing special
77  GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo(const GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo & info);
78  */
81  void MakeCopy(const g3numi*); ///< pull in from g3 ntuple
82  void MakeCopy(const g4numi*); ///< pull in from g4 ntuple
83  void MakeCopy(const flugg*); ///< pull in from flugg ntuple
85  void ResetCopy(); // reset portion copied from ntuple
86  void ResetCurrent(); // reset generated xy positioned info
87  void ConvertPartCodes();
88  void Print(const Option_t* opt = "") const;
90  int CalcEnuWgt(const TLorentzVector& xyz, double& enu, double& wgt_xy) const;
92  friend ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, const GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo & info);
94  int pcodes; // 0=original GEANT particle codes, 1=converted to PDG
95  int units; // 0=original GEANT cm, 1=meters
97  // Values for GNuMIFlux chosen x-y-z position, not from flux ntuple
98  int fgPdgC; ///< generated nu pdg-code
99  double fgXYWgt; ///< generated nu x-y weight
100  /// not the same as GNuMIFlux::Weight()
101  /// which include importance wgt and deweighting
102  TLorentzVector fgP4; ///< generated nu 4-momentum beam coord
103  TLorentzVector fgX4; ///< generated nu 4-position beam coord
104  TLorentzVector fgP4User; ///< generated nu 4-momentum user coord
105  TLorentzVector fgX4User; ///< generated nu 4-position user coord
107  // Values copied from gnumi ntuples (generally maintained variable names)
108  // see[/v19/output_gnumi.html]
110  Int_t run;
111  Int_t evtno;
112  Double_t ndxdz;
113  Double_t ndydz;
114  Double_t npz;
115  Double_t nenergy;
116  Double_t ndxdznea;
117  Double_t ndydznea;
118  Double_t nenergyn;
119  Double_t nwtnear;
120  Double_t ndxdzfar;
121  Double_t ndydzfar;
122  Double_t nenergyf;
123  Double_t nwtfar;
124  Int_t norig;
125  Int_t ndecay;
126  Int_t ntype;
127  Double_t vx;
128  Double_t vy;
129  Double_t vz;
130  Double_t pdpx;
131  Double_t pdpy;
132  Double_t pdpz;
133  Double_t ppdxdz;
134  Double_t ppdydz;
135  Double_t pppz;
136  Double_t ppenergy;
137  Int_t ppmedium;
138  Int_t ptype; // converted to PDG
139  Double_t ppvx;
140  Double_t ppvy;
141  Double_t ppvz;
142  Double_t muparpx;
143  Double_t muparpy;
144  Double_t muparpz;
145  Double_t mupare;
146  Double_t necm;
147  Double_t nimpwt;
148  Double_t xpoint;
149  Double_t ypoint;
150  Double_t zpoint;
151  Double_t tvx;
152  Double_t tvy;
153  Double_t tvz;
154  Double_t tpx;
155  Double_t tpy;
156  Double_t tpz;
157  Int_t tptype; // converted to PDG
158  Int_t tgen;
159  Int_t tgptype; // converted to PDG
160  Double_t tgppx;
161  Double_t tgppy;
162  Double_t tgppz;
163  Double_t tprivx;
164  Double_t tprivy;
165  Double_t tprivz;
166  Double_t beamx;
167  Double_t beamy;
168  Double_t beamz;
169  Double_t beampx;
170  Double_t beampy;
171  Double_t beampz;
174  //=========================================
175  // The following was inserted by MINERvA
176  //=========================================
177  int getProcessID(TString sval);
178  int getVolID(TString sval);
180  static const unsigned int MAX_N_TRAJ = 10; ///< Maximum number of trajectories to store
182  Int_t ntrajectory;
183  Bool_t overflow;
194  double stopx[MAX_N_TRAJ];
195  double stopy[MAX_N_TRAJ];
196  double stopz[MAX_N_TRAJ];
207  //END of minerva additions
208 #endif
211 };
213 /// GNuMIFlux:
214 /// ==========
215 /// An implementation of the GFluxI interface that provides NuMI flux
216 ///
217 class GNuMIFlux
218  : public genie::GFluxI
221 {
223 public :
224  GNuMIFlux();
225  ~GNuMIFlux();
227  // Methods implementing the GENIE GFluxI interface, required for integrating
228  // the NuMI neutrino flux simulations with the GENIE event generation drivers
230  const PDGCodeList & FluxParticles (void) { return *fPdgCList; }
231  double MaxEnergy (void) { return fMaxEv; }
232  bool GenerateNext (void);
233  int PdgCode (void) { return fCurEntry->fgPdgC; }
234  double Weight (void) { return fWeight; }
235  const TLorentzVector & Momentum (void) { return fCurEntry->fgP4User; }
236  const TLorentzVector & Position (void) { return fCurEntry->fgX4User; }
237  bool End (void) { return fEnd; }
238  long int Index (void) { return fIEntry; }
239  void Clear (Option_t * opt);
240  void GenerateWeighted (bool gen_weighted);
242  // Methods specific to the NuMI flux driver,
243  // for configuration/initialization of the flux & event generation drivers
244  // and and for passing-through flux information (e.g. neutrino parent decay
245  // kinematics) not used by the generator but required by analyses/processing
246  // further downstream
248  //
249  // information about or actions on current entry
250  //
252  PassThroughInfo(void) { return *fCurEntry; } ///< GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo
253  Long64_t GetEntryNumber() { return fIEntry; } ///< index in chain
255  double GetDecayDist() const; ///< dist (user units) from dk to current pos
256  void MoveToZ0(double z0); ///< move ray origin to user coord Z0
258  //
259  // information about the current state
260  //
261  virtual double GetTotalExposure() const; // GFluxExposureI interface
262  virtual long int NFluxNeutrinos() const; ///< # of rays generated
264  double POT_curr(void); ///< current average POT (RWH?)
265  double UsedPOTs(void) const; ///< # of protons-on-target used
267  double SumWeight(void) const { return fSumWeight; } ///< integrated weight for flux neutrinos looped so far
269  void PrintCurrent(void); ///< print current entry from leaves
270  void PrintConfig(); ///< print the current configuration
272  std::vector<std::string> GetFileList(); ///< list of files currently part of chain
274  //
275  // GFluxFileConfigI interface
276  //
277  virtual void LoadBeamSimData(const std::vector<std::string>& filenames,
278  const std::string& det_loc);
279  using GFluxFileConfigI::LoadBeamSimData; // inherit the rest
280  virtual void GetBranchInfo(std::vector<std::string>& branchNames,
281  std::vector<std::string>& branchClassNames,
282  std::vector<void**>& branchObjPointers);
283  virtual TTree* GetMetaDataTree();
285  //
286  // configuration of GNuMIFlux
287  //
289  bool LoadConfig(string cfg); ///< load a named configuration
290  void SetMaxEnergy(double Ev); ///< specify maximum flx neutrino energy
292  void SetGenWeighted(bool genwgt=false) { fGenWeighted = genwgt; } ///< toggle whether GenerateNext() returns weight=1 flux (initial default false)
294  void SetEntryReuse(long int nuse=1); ///< # of times to use entry before moving to next
296  void SetTreeName(string name); ///< set input tree name (default: "h10")
297  void ScanForMaxWeight(void); ///< scan for max flux weight (before generating unweighted flux neutrinos)
298  void SetMaxWgtScan(double fudge = 1.05, long int nentries = 2500000) ///< configuration when estimating max weight
299  { fMaxWgtFudge = fudge; fMaxWgtEntries = nentries; }
300  void SetMaxEFudge(double fudge = 1.05) ///< extra fudge factor in estimating maximum energy
301  { fMaxEFudge = fudge; }
302  void SetApplyWindowTiltWeight(bool apply = true) ///< apply wgt due to tilt of flux window relative to beam
303  { fApplyTiltWeight = apply; }
306  // GNuMIFlux uses "cm" as the length unit consistently internally (this is
307  // the length units used by both the g3 and g4 ntuples). User interactions
308  // setting the beam-to-detector coordinate transform, flux window, and the
309  // returned position might need to be in other units. Use:
310  // double scale = genie::utils::units::UnitFromString("cm");
311  // ( #include "Utils/UnitUtils.h for declaration )
312  // to get the correct scale factor to pass in. This should get set
313  // FIRST before setting detector position/rotation
315  void SetLengthUnits(double user_units); ///< Set units assumed by user
316  double LengthUnits(void) const; ///< Return user units
318  // set relative orientation of user coords vs. beam system, i.e.
319  // x3_user = ( beamrot * x3_beam ) + x0beam_user
320  // p3_user = beamrot * p3_beam
322  ///< beam (0,0,0) relative to user frame, beam direction in user frame
323  void SetBeamRotation(TRotation beamrot);
324  void SetBeamCenter(TVector3 beam0);
325  TRotation GetBeamRotation() const; ///< rotation to apply from beam->user
326  TVector3 GetBeamCenter() const; ///< beam origin in user frame
328  // configure a flux window (or point) where E_nu and weight are evaluated
330  typedef enum EStdFluxWindow {
331  kMinosNearDet, // appropriate for Near Detector
332  kMinosFarDet, // appropriate for Far Detector
333  kMinosNearRock, // appropriate for Near rock generation
334  kMinosFarRock, // appropriate for Far rock generation
335  kMinosNearCenter, // point location mimic near value in ntuple
336  kMinosFarCenter // point location mimic far value in ntuple
337  } StdFluxWindow_t;
339  // set both flux window in user coord and coordinate transform
340  // for some standard conditions
341  bool SetFluxWindow(StdFluxWindow_t stdwindow, double padding=0); ///< return false if unhandled
343  // rwh: potential upgrade: allow flux window set/get in beam coords
344  // as optional flag to *etFluxWindow
345  void SetFluxWindow(TVector3 p1, TVector3 p2, TVector3 p3); ///< 3 points define a plane (by default in user coordinates)
346  void GetFluxWindow(TVector3& p1, TVector3& p2, TVector3& p3) const; ///< 3 points define a plane in beam coordinate
348  /// force weights at MINOS detector "center" as found in ntuple
349  void UseFluxAtNearDetCenter(void);
350  void UseFluxAtFarDetCenter(void);
352  //
353  // Actual coordinate transformations b=beam, u=user (e.g. detector)
354  //
355  void Beam2UserPos(const TLorentzVector& beamxyz,
356  TLorentzVector& usrxyz ) const;
357  void Beam2UserDir(const TLorentzVector& beamdir,
358  TLorentzVector& usrdir ) const;
359  void Beam2UserP4 (const TLorentzVector& beamp4,
360  TLorentzVector& usrp4 ) const;
361  void User2BeamPos(const TLorentzVector& usrxyz,
362  TLorentzVector& beamxyz ) const;
363  void User2BeamDir(const TLorentzVector& usrdir,
364  TLorentzVector& beamdir ) const;
365  void User2BeamP4 (const TLorentzVector& usrp4,
366  TLorentzVector& beamp4 ) const;
368  TVector3 FluxWindowNormal() { return fWindowNormal; }
370 private:
372  // Private methods
373  //
374  bool GenerateNext_weighted (void);
375  void Initialize (void);
376  void SetDefaults (void);
377  void CleanUp (void);
378  void ResetCurrent (void);
379  void AddFile (TTree* tree, string fname);
380  void CalcEffPOTsPerNu (void);
382  // Private data members
383  //
384  double fMaxEv; ///< maximum energy
385  bool fEnd; ///< end condition reached
387  std::vector<string> fNuFluxFilePatterns; ///< (potentially wildcarded) path(s)
388  string fNuFluxTreeName; ///< Tree name "h10" (g3) or "nudata" (g4)
389  TChain* fNuFluxTree; ///< TTree in g3numi or g4numi // REF ONLY!
390  string fNuFluxGen; ///< "g3numi" "g4numi" or "flugg"
391  g3numi* fG3NuMI; ///< g3numi ntuple
392  g4numi* fG4NuMI; ///< g4numi ntuple
393  flugg* fFlugg; ///< flugg ntuple
394  int fNFiles; ///< number of files in chain
395  Long64_t fNEntries; ///< number of flux ntuple entries
396  Long64_t fIEntry; ///< current flux ntuple entry
397  Long64_t fNuTot; ///< cummulative # of entries (=fNEntries)
398  Long64_t fFilePOTs; ///< # of protons-on-target represented by all files
400  double fWeight; ///< current neutrino weight, =1 if generating unweighted entries
401  double fMaxWeight; ///< max flux neutrino weight in input file
402  double fMaxWgtFudge; ///< fudge factor for estimating max wgt
403  long int fMaxWgtEntries; ///< # of entries in estimating max wgt
404  double fMaxEFudge; ///< fudge factor for estmating max enu (0=> use fixed 120GeV)
406  long int fNUse; ///< how often to use same entry in a row
407  long int fIUse; ///< current # of times an entry has been used
408  double fSumWeight; ///< sum of weights for nus thrown so far
409  long int fNNeutrinos; ///< number of flux neutrinos thrown so far
410  double fEffPOTsPerNu; ///< what a entry is worth ...
411  double fAccumPOTs; ///< POTs used so far
413  bool fGenWeighted; ///< does GenerateNext() give weights?
414  bool fApplyTiltWeight; ///< wgt due to window normal not || beam
415  bool fDetLocIsSet; ///< is a flux location (near/far) set?
416  int fUseFluxAtDetCenter; ///< use flux at near (-1) or far (+1) det center from ntuple?
418  double fLengthUnits; ///< units for coord in user exchanges
419  double fLengthScaleB2U; ///< scale factor beam (cm) --> user
420  double fLengthScaleU2B; ///< scale factor beam user --> (cm)
422  TLorentzVector fBeamZero; ///< beam origin in user coords
423  TLorentzRotation fBeamRot; ///< rotation applied beam --> user coord
424  TLorentzRotation fBeamRotInv;
426  TVector3 fFluxWindowPtUser[3]; ///< user points of flux window
427  TLorentzVector fFluxWindowBase; ///< base point for flux window - beam coord
428  TLorentzVector fFluxWindowDir1; ///< extent for flux window (direction 1)
429  TLorentzVector fFluxWindowDir2; ///< extent for flux window (direction 2)
432  TVector3 fWindowNormal; ///< normal direction for flux window
434  TLorentzVector fgX4dkvtx; ///< decay 4-position beam coord
436  GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo* fCurEntry; ///< copy of current ntuple entry info (owned structure)
438 };
440 //#define GNUMI_TEST_XY_WGT
441 #ifdef GNUMI_TEST_XY_WGT
442 class xypartials {
443  // intermediate partial info from xy reweighting for comparison w/ f77 version
444  friend ostream & operator << (ostream & stream, const xypartials & info);
445 public:
446  xypartials() { ; }
447  void ReadStream(std::ifstream& myfile);
448  int Compare(const xypartials& other) const;
449  void Print(const Option_t* opt = "") const;
450  static xypartials& GetStaticInstance(); // copy used by CalcEnuWgt()
451  // actual data
452  double xdet, ydet, zdet;
453  double parent_mass, parentp, parent_energy;
454  double gamma, beta_mag, enuzr, rad;
455  double costh_pardet, theta_pardet, emrat, eneu;
456  double sangdet, wgt;
457  double betanu[3], p_nu[3], partial1, p_dcm_nu[4];
458  double muparent_px, muparent_py, muparent_pz;
459  double gammamp, betamp[3], partial2, p_pcm_mp[3], p_pcm;
460  double costhmu, wgt_ratio;
461  int ptype, ntype;
463 };
464 #endif
466 } // flux namespace
467 } // genie namespace
469 #endif // _GNUMI_NEUTRINO_FLUX_H_
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
double fSumWeight
sum of weights for nus thrown so far
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:408
Definition: g3numi.h:15
long int Index(void)
returns corresponding index for current flux neutrino (e.g. for a flux ntuple returns the current ent...
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:238
static constexpr double rad
Definition: Units.h:164
TLorentzVector fgP4
generated nu 4-momentum beam coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:102
virtual void LoadBeamSimData(const std::vector< std::string > &filenames, const std::string &det_loc)=0
double fLengthUnits
units for coord in user exchanges
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:418
void SetApplyWindowTiltWeight(bool apply=true)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:302
long int fIUse
current # of times an entry has been used
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:407
Long64_t fFilePOTs
of protons-on-target represented by all files
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:398
static const unsigned int MAX_N_TRAJ
Maximum number of trajectories to store.
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:180
Definition: AlgCmp.h:25
Long64_t GetEntryNumber()
index in chain
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:253
std::string string
Long64_t fIEntry
current flux ntuple entry
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:396
bool fGenWeighted
does GenerateNext() give weights?
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:413
double fMaxEFudge
fudge factor for estmating max enu (0=> use fixed 120GeV)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:404
TLorentzVector fgX4User
generated nu 4-position user coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:105
bool fApplyTiltWeight
wgt due to window normal not || beam
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:414
TLorentzVector fFluxWindowDir2
extent for flux window (direction 2)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:429
Definition: g4numi.h:18
Long64_t fNEntries
number of flux ntuple entries
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:395
double SumWeight(void) const
integrated weight for flux neutrinos looped so far
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:267
bool fEnd
end condition reached
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:385
TLorentzVector fBeamZero
beam origin in user coords
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:422
void MakeCopy(const g3numi *)
pull in from g3 ntuple
Definition: GNuMIFlux.cxx:1476
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:32
double fMaxWgtFudge
fudge factor for estimating max wgt
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:402
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, const GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo &info)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.cxx:2053
TChain * fNuFluxTree
TTree in g3numi or g4numi // REF ONLY!
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:389
bool End(void)
true if no more flux nu&#39;s can be thrown (eg reaching end of beam sim ntuples)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:237
ostream & operator<<(ostream &stream, const genie::flux::GJPARCNuFluxPassThroughInfo &info)
A GENIE flux driver encapsulating the NuMI neutrino flux. It reads-in the official GNUMI neutrino flu...
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:217
double Weight(void)
returns the flux neutrino weight (if any)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:234
string fNuFluxTreeName
Tree name "h10" (g3) or "nudata" (g4)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:388
TLorentzVector fgX4
generated nu 4-position beam coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:103
double MaxEnergy(void)
declare the max flux neutrino energy that can be generated (for init. purposes)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:231
g4numi * fG4NuMI
g4numi ntuple
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:392
TLorentzVector fgX4dkvtx
decay 4-position beam coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:434
std::vector< string > fNuFluxFilePatterns
(potentially wildcarded) path(s)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:387
TLorentzVector fFluxWindowDir1
extent for flux window (direction 1)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:428
const TLorentzVector & Position(void)
returns the flux neutrino 4-position (note: expect SI rather than physical units) ...
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:236
const GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo & PassThroughInfo(void)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:252
int PdgCode(void)
returns the flux neutrino pdg code
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:233
void SetMaxWgtScan(double fudge=1.05, long int nentries=2500000)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:298
GENIE interface for uniform flux exposure iterface.
int CalcEnuWgt(const TLorentzVector &xyz, double &enu, double &wgt_xy) const
Definition: GNuMIFlux.cxx:1729
void Initialize(void)
const PDGCodeList & FluxParticles(void)
declare list of flux neutrinos that can be generated (for init. purposes)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:230
Definition: flugg.h:15
bool fDetLocIsSet
is a flux location (near/far) set?
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:415
int fNFiles
number of files in chain
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:394
flugg * fFlugg
flugg ntuple
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:393
GNuMIFluxPassThroughInfo * fCurEntry
copy of current ntuple entry info (owned structure)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:436
double fAccumPOTs
POTs used so far.
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:411
double gamma(double KE, const simb::MCParticle *part)
void Print(const Option_t *opt="") const
Definition: GNuMIFlux.cxx:1470
double fMaxWeight
max flux neutrino weight in input file
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:401
double fLengthScaleB2U
scale factor beam (cm) –> user
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:419
long int fMaxWgtEntries
of entries in estimating max wgt
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:403
int fgPdgC
generated nu pdg-code
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:98
enum genie::flux::GNuMIFlux::EStdFluxWindow StdFluxWindow_t
g3numi * fG3NuMI
g3numi ntuple
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:391
const TLorentzVector & Momentum(void)
returns the flux neutrino 4-momentum
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:235
TVector3 fWindowNormal
normal direction for flux window
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:432
double fLengthScaleU2B
scale factor beam user –> (cm)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:420
void SetMaxEFudge(double fudge=1.05)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:300
int fUseFluxAtDetCenter
use flux at near (-1) or far (+1) det center from ntuple?
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:416
double fEffPOTsPerNu
what a entry is worth ...
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:410
TLorentzRotation fBeamRotInv
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:424
TVector3 FluxWindowNormal()
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:368
TLorentzVector fgP4User
generated nu 4-momentum user coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:104
string fNuFluxGen
"g3numi" "g4numi" or "flugg"
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:390
double fWeight
current neutrino weight, =1 if generating unweighted entries
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:400
TLorentzRotation fBeamRot
rotation applied beam –> user coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:423
long int fNUse
how often to use same entry in a row
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:406
Long64_t fNuTot
cummulative # of entries (=fNEntries)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:397
double fMaxEv
maximum energy
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:384
TLorentzVector fFluxWindowBase
base point for flux window - beam coord
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:427
long int fNNeutrinos
number of flux neutrinos thrown so far
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:409
void SetGenWeighted(bool genwgt=false)
toggle whether GenerateNext() returns weight=1 flux (initial default false)
Definition: GNuMIFlux.h:292
GENIE Interface for user-defined flux classes.
Definition: GFluxI.h:29