Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes | List of all members
StickyCodeMetrics Class Reference

#include <StickyCodeMetrics.h>

Public Types

using Index = unsigned int
using BinCounter = std::map< Index, double >
using HistPtr = std::shared_ptr< TH1 >
using Name = std::string

Public Member Functions

 StickyCodeMetrics ()=default
 StickyCodeMetrics (Name hnam, Name httl, Index nbin, Index lowbin, float sigmaMin, float sigmaMax)
int evaluate (const BinCounter &counts)
int evaluate (const AdcCountVector &adcs)
int evaluate (const TH1 *pha)
void clear ()
Index nsample () const
AdcIndex maxAdc () const
AdcIndex maxAdc2 () const
double meanAdc () const
double meanAdc2 () const
double maxFraction () const
double zeroFraction () const
double oneFraction () const
double highFraction () const
double classicFraction () const
int fitStatus () const
double fitMean () const
double fitSigma () const
double fitExcess () const
const BinCountergetBinCounts ()
DataMap getMetrics (std::string prefix="scm") const
TH1 * getHist ()
HistPtr getSharedHist ()
void print (std::string prefix="") const

Private Member Functions

int evaluateMetrics ()

Private Attributes

Name m_hnam
Name m_httl
int m_nbin =0
Index m_lowbin = 1
float m_sigmaMin = 0.1
float m_sigmaMax = 100.0
Index m_nsample
AdcIndex m_maxAdc
AdcIndex m_maxAdc2
double m_meanAdc
double m_meanAdc2
double m_maxFraction
double m_zeroFraction
double m_oneFraction
double m_highFraction
int m_fitStatus
double m_fitMean
double m_fitSigma
double m_fitExcess
BinCounter m_counts
HistPtr m_ph

Detailed Description

Definition at line 48 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

using StickyCodeMetrics::BinCounter = std::map<Index, double>

Definition at line 53 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

using StickyCodeMetrics::HistPtr = std::shared_ptr<TH1>

Definition at line 54 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

using StickyCodeMetrics::Index = unsigned int

Definition at line 52 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Definition at line 55 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

StickyCodeMetrics::StickyCodeMetrics ( )
StickyCodeMetrics::StickyCodeMetrics ( Name  hnam,
Name  httl,
Index  nbin,
Index  lowbin,
float  sigmaMin,
float  sigmaMax 

Definition at line 28 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

double StickyCodeMetrics::classicFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 87 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

void StickyCodeMetrics::clear ( )

Definition at line 73 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

73  {
74  m_counts.clear();
76 }
int StickyCodeMetrics::evaluate ( const BinCounter counts)

Definition at line 35 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

35  {
36  m_counts = counts;
37  return evaluateMetrics();
38 }
counts_as<> counts
Number of ADC counts, represented by signed short int.
Definition: electronics.h:116
int StickyCodeMetrics::evaluate ( const AdcCountVector adcs)

Definition at line 42 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

42  {
43  m_counts.clear();
44  for ( AdcCount adc : adcs ) {
45  if ( m_counts.find(adc) == m_counts.end() ) m_counts[adc] = 0;
46  ++m_counts[adc];
47  }
48  return evaluateMetrics();
49 }
int16_t adc
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:202
short AdcCount
Definition: AdcTypes.h:18
int StickyCodeMetrics::evaluate ( const TH1 *  pha)

Definition at line 53 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

53  {
54  const string myname = "StickyCodeMetrics::evaluate: ";
55  Index nbin = pha->GetNbinsX();
56  Index iadc0 = pha->GetBinLowEdge(1);
57  Index iadcLast = pha->GetBinLowEdge(nbin);
58  Index nhadc = iadcLast - iadc0 + 1;
59  m_counts.clear();
60  if ( nhadc != nbin ) {
61  cout << myname << "Histogram " << pha->GetName() << " has inconsistent binning." << endl;
62  } else {
63  for ( Index ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ++ibin ) {
64  double count = pha->GetBinContent(ibin+1);
65  if ( count != 0.0 ) m_counts[iadc0+ibin] = count;
66  }
67  }
68  return evaluateMetrics();
69 }
unsigned int Index
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
int StickyCodeMetrics::evaluateMetrics ( )

Definition at line 80 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

80  {
81  const string myname = "StickyCodeMetrics::evaluateMetrics: ";
82  const int dbg = 0; // Nonzero give debug logging.
83  if ( dbg ) cout << myname << "Debugging level: " << dbg << endl;
84  const BinCounter& counts = m_counts;
85  m_nsample = 0;
86  Index badadc = 999999;
87  Index maxadc = badadc;
88  Index maxCount = 0;
89  Index maxCount2 = 0;
90  Index nmod0 = 0;
91  Index nmod1 = 0;
92  Index nmod63 = 0;
93  double adcSum = 0.0;
94  double countSum = 0.0;
95  for ( BinCounter::value_type ibco : counts ) {
96  Index iadc = ibco.first;
97  double count = ibco.second;
98  m_nsample += count;
99  if ( count > maxCount ) {
100  maxCount = count;
101  maxadc = iadc;
102  }
103  AdcCount adcmod = iadc%64;
104  if ( adcmod == 0 ) nmod0 += count;
105  if ( adcmod == 1 ) nmod1 += count;
106  if ( adcmod == 63 ) nmod63 += count;
107  countSum += count;
108  adcSum += count*iadc;
109  }
110  double countSum2 = 0;
111  double adcSum2 = 0;
112  Index maxadc2 = badadc;
113  for ( BinCounter::value_type ibco : counts ) {
114  Index iadc = ibco.first;
115  double count = ibco.second;
116  if ( iadc != maxadc ) {
117  countSum2 += count;
118  adcSum2 += count*iadc;
119  if ( count > maxCount2 ) {
120  maxCount2 = count;
121  maxadc2 = iadc;
122  }
123  }
124  }
125  m_maxAdc = maxadc;
126  m_maxAdc2 = maxadc2;
127  m_meanAdc = countSum>0 ? adcSum/countSum : -1.0;
128  m_meanAdc2 = countSum2>0 ? adcSum2/countSum2 : -1.0;
129  m_maxFraction = maxCount/countSum;
130  m_zeroFraction = nmod0/countSum;
131  m_oneFraction = nmod1/countSum;
132  m_highFraction = nmod63/countSum;
133  // Create the histogram if configured.
134  if ( counts.size() == 0 ) return 0;
135  if ( m_hnam.size() == 0 ) return 0;
136  if ( m_nbin == 0 ) return 1;
137  if ( m_lowbin == 0 ) return 2;
138  Index nbinHist = m_nbin; // # bins in the histogram
139  // Create vectors with counts and rebinned counts.
140  // binCounts[ibin] holds the count for iadc = binOffset + ibin
141  // rebinCounts[ireb] holds the count sum for nrebin bins starting at
142  // iadc = binOffset + ireb*rebin
143  // Not use of fabs in case someone passes negative values.
144  Index idadc1 = counts.begin()->first;
145  Index idadc2 = counts.rbegin()->first;
146  Index nrebin = m_lowbin;
147  vector<double> binCounts;
148  // Pad the count vector with half the histo range so we can center the
149  // data in the histogram.
150  Index halfHist = nbinHist/2;
151  Index iadc1 = idadc1 < halfHist ? 0 : idadc1 - halfHist;
152  iadc1 = nrebin*(iadc1/nrebin);
153  Index binOffset = iadc1;
154  Index iadc2= idadc2 + halfHist;
155  if ( iadc2 > 4096 && idadc2 < 4096 ) iadc2 = 4096;
156  countSum = 0.0;
157  for ( Index iadc=iadc1; iadc<=iadc2; ++iadc ) {
158  BinCounter::const_iterator icnt = counts.find(iadc);
159  double count = icnt != counts.end() ? fabs(icnt->second) : 0;
160  countSum += count;
161  binCounts.push_back(count);
162  }
163  Index nbin = binCounts.size();
164  Index nreb = (nbin+nrebin-1)/nrebin;
165  vector<double> rebinCounts(nreb, 0.0);
166  vector<double> rebinAdcCounts(nreb, 0.0);
167  for ( Index ibin=0; ibin<nbin; ++ibin ) {
168  double count = binCounts[ibin];
169  Index iadc = binOffset + ibin;
170  if ( count > 0 ) {
171  Index ireb = ibin/nrebin;
172  rebinCounts[ireb] += count;
173  rebinAdcCounts[ireb] += iadc*count;
174  }
175  }
176  if ( dbg >= 2 ) {
177  cout << myname << " Data ADC range: [" << idadc1 << ", " << idadc2 << "]" << endl;
178  cout << myname << " Bin offset: " << binOffset << endl;
179  cout << myname << " Data bin count: " << nbin << endl;
180  cout << myname << " Data rebin count: " << rebinCounts.size() << endl;
181  cout << myname << " Hist bin count: " << nbinHist << endl;
182  }
183  // Initialize the histogram under and overflows.
184  double countUnder = 0.0;
185  double countOver = 0.0;
186  // Evaluate the hist ADC range [ihadc1, ihadc2)
187  // First check if all data fit in histogram.
188  Index ihadc1 = binOffset;
189  while ( ihadc1 + nrebin <= idadc1 ) ihadc1 += nrebin;
190  Index ihadc2 = ihadc1 + nbinHist;
191  // Data fits in histogram range.
192  if ( ihadc2 > idadc2 ) {
193  Index nbinLeft = idadc1 - ihadc1;
194  Index nbinRight = ihadc2 - idadc2 - 1;
195  if ( dbg >= 3 ) cout << myname << "All data are in histogram range." << endl;
196  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << myname << "nl, nr, hleft: " << nbinLeft << ", "
197  << nbinRight << ", " << ihadc1 << endl;
198  while ( nbinRight > nbinLeft + nrebin ) {
199  ihadc1 -= nrebin;
200  ihadc2 -= nrebin;
201  nbinRight -= nrebin;
202  nbinLeft += nrebin;
203  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << myname << "nl, nr, hleft: " << nbinLeft << ", "
204  << nbinRight << ", " << ihadc1 << endl;
205  if ( ihadc1 < nrebin ) break;
206  }
207  // Data extends beyond histogram range.
208  } else {
209  ihadc1 = binOffset;
210  ihadc2 = ihadc1 + nbinHist;
211  if ( dbg >= 3 ) cout << myname << "Some data are outside histogram range." << endl;
212  // Preferred ADC count for the center of the histogram.
213  double adcHistCenter = maxAdc();
214  if ( fabs(maxAdc2() - maxAdc()) > 0.1*nbinHist ) {
215  adcHistCenter = 0.5*(maxAdc2() + maxAdc());
216  }
217  if ( dbg >= 3 ) {
218  cout << myname << " max ADC: " << maxAdc() << endl;
219  cout << myname << " max ADC2: " << maxAdc() << endl;
220  cout << myname << " mean ADC: " << meanAdc() << endl;
221  cout << myname << " Preferred hist center: " << adcHistCenter << endl;
222  }
223  // Get the total counts in the starting histogram range.
224  double countSumHist = 0.0;
225  double adcSumHist = 0.0;
226  for ( Index iadc=ihadc1; iadc<ihadc2; ++iadc ) {
227  Index ibin = iadc - binOffset;
228  countSumHist += binCounts[ibin];
229  adcSumHist += binCounts[ibin]*iadc;
230  }
231  // Find the value of ihadc1 that gives the maximum area.
232  // If areas are similar, center the distribution.
233  Index ihadc1Selected = ihadc1;
234  double countSumHistSelected = countSumHist;
235  double hmean = countSumHist == 0.0 ? 0.0 : adcSumHist/countSumHist;
236  double hmeanSelected = hmean;
237  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << " hleft, hmean, area: " << ihadc1 << ", " << hmean
238  << ", " << countSumHist << endl;
239  while ( ihadc1 <= idadc2 ) {
240  // Add the new area to the right.
241  for ( Index iadc=ihadc2; iadc<ihadc2+nrebin; ++iadc ) {
242  if ( iadc > idadc2 ) break;
243  Index ibin = iadc - binOffset;
244  countSumHist += binCounts[ibin];
245  adcSumHist += iadc*binCounts[ibin];
246  }
247  // Subtract the area to the left.
248  Index ireb = (ihadc1-binOffset)/nrebin;
249  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << " ireb/nreb: " << ireb << "/" << nrebin << endl;
250  countSumHist -= rebinCounts[ireb];
251  adcSumHist -= rebinAdcCounts[ireb];
252  hmean = countSumHist == 0.0 ? 0.0 : adcSumHist/countSumHist;
253  // Update the range.
254  ihadc1 += nrebin;
255  ihadc2 += nrebin;
256  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << " hleft, hmean, area: " << ihadc1 << ", " << hmean
257  << ", " << countSumHist << endl;
258  // Update the histogram range if this area is bigger or
259  // if it is about the same and is closer to the mean.
260  double diffCount = countSumHist - countSumHistSelected;
261  bool sameCount = diffCount == 0.0;
262  if ( ! sameCount ) {
263  double rat = diffCount/(countSumHist + countSumHistSelected);
264  sameCount = fabs(rat) < 0.001;
265  }
266  if ( ihadc1Selected > ihadc1 ) {
267  cout << myname << "Unexpected value for ihadc1Selected: " << ihadc1Selected << endl;
268  cout << myname << " with ihadc1: " << ihadc1 << endl;
269  abort();
270  }
271  bool haveOverlap = ihadc1Selected + nbinHist > ihadc1;
272  bool updateSel = false;
273  if ( sameCount && haveOverlap ) {
274  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << " Same count." << endl;
275  if ( true ) {
276  double diffOld = fabs(ihadc1Selected + nbinHist/2 - hmeanSelected);
277  double diffNew = fabs(ihadc1 + nbinHist/2 - hmean);
278  updateSel = diffNew < diffOld;
279  } else {
280  double diffOld = fabs(ihadc1Selected + nbinHist/2 - adcHistCenter);
281  double diffNew = fabs(ihadc1 + nbinHist/2 - adcHistCenter);
282  updateSel = diffNew < diffOld;
283  }
284  } else {
285  updateSel = diffCount > 0.0;
286  }
287  if ( updateSel ) {
288  countSumHistSelected = countSumHist;
289  hmeanSelected = hmean;
290  ihadc1Selected = ihadc1;
291  if ( dbg >= 4 ) cout << " Updated selected hleft, hmean to " << ihadc1Selected
292  << ", " << hmeanSelected << endl;
293  }
294  }
295  ihadc1 = ihadc1Selected;
296  ihadc2 = ihadc1 + nbinHist;
297  // Get the under and overflows.
298  for ( BinCounter::value_type icnt : counts ) {
299  Index iadc = icnt.first;
300  double count = icnt.second;
301  if ( iadc < ihadc1 ) countUnder += count;
302  if ( iadc >= ihadc2 ) countOver += count;
303  }
304  }
305  // Create histogram.
306  TH1* ph = new TH1F(m_hnam.c_str(), m_httl.c_str(), nbinHist, ihadc1, ihadc2);
307  string::size_type iposx = m_httl.find(";");
308  bool haveXlab = iposx != string::npos;
309  bool haveYlab = haveXlab && m_httl.find(";", iposx+1) != string::npos;
310  if ( ! haveXlab ) ph->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("ADC count");
311  if ( ! haveYlab ) ph->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("# samples");
312  ph->SetDirectory(0);
313  ph->Sumw2(); // Likelihood fit wants histogram to be weighted
314  ph->SetStats(0);
315  ph->SetLineWidth(2);
316  for ( Index iadc=binOffset; iadc<=idadc2; ++iadc ) {
317  BinCounter::const_iterator icnt = counts.find(iadc);
318  Index count = icnt != counts.end() ? fabs(icnt->second) : 0;
319  ph->SetBinContent(iadc+1-ihadc1, count);
320  }
321  ph->SetBinContent(0, countUnder);
322  ph->SetBinContent(nbinHist+1, countOver);
323  m_ph.reset(ph);
324  // Fit the histogram.
325  TF1 fitter("pedgaus", "gaus", ihadc1, ihadc2, TF1::EAddToList::kNo);
326  fitter.SetParameters(0.1*ph->Integral(), ph->GetMean(), 5.0);
327  if ( m_sigmaMax > m_sigmaMin ) {
328  fitter.SetParLimits(2, m_sigmaMin, m_sigmaMax);
329  } else if ( m_sigmaMax == m_sigmaMin ) {
330  fitter.FixParameter(2, m_sigmaMin);
331  } else {
332  fitter.SetParLimits(2, 0.1, 100.0);
333  }
334  TF1* pfinit = dynamic_cast<TF1*>(fitter.Clone("pedgaus0"));
335  pfinit->SetLineColor(3);
336  pfinit->SetLineStyle(2);
337  string fopt = "0";
338  fopt = "WWBQ";
339  fopt = "LWBQ"; // Use likelihood fit to include empty bins
340  // Block Root info message for new Canvas produced in fit.
341  int levelSave = gErrorIgnoreLevel;
342  gErrorIgnoreLevel = 1001;
343  gErrorIgnoreLevel = 2001; // Block warnings in Fit
344  // Block non-default (e.g. art) from handling the Root "error".
345  // We switch to the Root default handler while making the call to Print.
346  ErrorHandlerFunc_t pehSave = nullptr;
347  ErrorHandlerFunc_t pehDefault = DefaultErrorHandler;
348  if ( GetErrorHandler() != pehDefault ) {
349  pehSave = SetErrorHandler(pehDefault);
350  }
351  //TFitResultPtr pres = ph->Fit(&fitter, fopt.c_str());
352  //m_fitStatus = pres->Status();
353  m_fitStatus = ph->Fit(&fitter, fopt.c_str());
354  if ( pehSave != nullptr ) SetErrorHandler(pehSave);
355  gErrorIgnoreLevel = levelSave;
356  ph->GetListOfFunctions()->AddLast(pfinit, "0");
357  ph->GetListOfFunctions()->Last()->SetBit(TF1::kNotDraw, true);
358  m_fitMean = fitter.GetParameter(1);
359  m_fitSigma = fitter.GetParameter(2);
360  m_fitExcess = (maxCount - fitter.Eval(maxAdc()))/countSum;
361  return 0;
362 }
AdcIndex maxAdc2() const
double meanAdc() const
bool dbg
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
unsigned int Index
counts_as<> counts
Number of ADC counts, represented by signed short int.
Definition: electronics.h:116
size_t size
Definition: lodepng.cpp:55
AdcIndex maxAdc() const
short AdcCount
Definition: AdcTypes.h:18
StickyCodeMetrics::BinCounter BinCounter
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
double StickyCodeMetrics::fitExcess ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

91 { return m_fitExcess; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::fitMean ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

89 { return m_fitMean; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::fitSigma ( ) const

Definition at line 90 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

90 { return m_fitSigma; }
int StickyCodeMetrics::fitStatus ( ) const

Definition at line 88 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

88 { return m_fitStatus; }
const BinCounter& StickyCodeMetrics::getBinCounts ( )

Definition at line 94 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

94 { return m_counts; }
TH1* StickyCodeMetrics::getHist ( )

Definition at line 102 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

102 { return getSharedHist().get(); };
DataMap StickyCodeMetrics::getMetrics ( std::string  prefix = "scm") const

Definition at line 366 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

366  {
367  DataMap res;
368  res.setInt( prefix + "MaxAdc", maxAdc());
369  res.setInt( prefix + "MaxAdc2", maxAdc2());
370  res.setFloat(prefix + "MeanAdc", meanAdc());
371  res.setFloat(prefix + "MeanAdc2", meanAdc2());
372  res.setFloat(prefix + "MaxFraction", maxFraction());
373  res.setFloat(prefix + "ZeroFraction", zeroFraction());
374  res.setFloat(prefix + "OneFraction", oneFraction());
375  res.setFloat(prefix + "HighFraction", highFraction());
376  res.setFloat(prefix + "ClassicFraction", classicFraction());
377  res.setInt(prefix + "FitStatus", fitStatus());
378  res.setFloat(prefix + "FitMean", fitMean());
379  res.setFloat(prefix + "FitSigma", fitSigma());
380  res.setFloat(prefix + "FitExcess", fitExcess());
381  return res;
382 }
AdcIndex maxAdc2() const
double meanAdc() const
void setFloat(Name name, float val)
Definition: DataMap.h:133
int fitStatus() const
double fitExcess() const
void setInt(Name name, int val)
Definition: DataMap.h:131
double fitMean() const
double oneFraction() const
double classicFraction() const
AdcIndex maxAdc() const
double highFraction() const
double maxFraction() const
double fitSigma() const
double zeroFraction() const
double meanAdc2() const
HistPtr StickyCodeMetrics::getSharedHist ( )

Definition at line 103 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

103 { return m_ph; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::highFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 86 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

86 { return m_highFraction; }
AdcIndex StickyCodeMetrics::maxAdc ( ) const

Definition at line 79 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

79 { return m_maxAdc; }
AdcIndex StickyCodeMetrics::maxAdc2 ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

80 { return m_maxAdc2; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::maxFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 83 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

83 { return m_maxFraction; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::meanAdc ( ) const

Definition at line 81 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

81 { return m_meanAdc; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::meanAdc2 ( ) const

Definition at line 82 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

82 { return m_meanAdc2; }
Index StickyCodeMetrics::nsample ( ) const

Definition at line 78 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

78 { return m_nsample; }
double StickyCodeMetrics::oneFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

85 { return m_oneFraction; }
void StickyCodeMetrics::print ( std::string  prefix = "") const

Definition at line 386 of file StickyCodeMetrics.cxx.

386  {
387  ostringstream sout;
388  sout.precision(2);
389  sout << prefix << " # samples: " << nsample();
390  sout << "\n";
391  sout << prefix << " Most common ADC code: " << maxAdc();
392  sout << "\n";
393  sout << prefix << " Next most common code: " << maxAdc2();
394  sout << "\n";
395  sout << prefix << " Mean ADC: " << std::fixed << meanAdc();
396  sout << "\n";
397  sout << prefix << " Mean ADC w/o max: " << std::fixed << meanAdc2();
398  sout << "\n";
399  sout.precision(3);
400  sout << prefix << " Frac in max bin: " << maxFraction();
401  sout << "\n";
402  sout << prefix << " Frac LSB=0: " << zeroFraction();
403  sout << "\n";
404  sout << prefix << " Frac LSB=1: " << oneFraction();
405  sout << "\n";
406  sout << prefix << " Frac LSB=64: " << highFraction();
407  sout << "\n";
408  sout << prefix << " Frac LSB=0,64: " << classicFraction();
409  sout << "\n";
410  sout << prefix << " Fit status: " << fitStatus();
411  sout << "\n";
412  sout << prefix << " Fit mean: " << fitMean();
413  sout << "\n";
414  sout << prefix << " Fit sigma: " << fitSigma();
415  sout << "\n";
416  sout << prefix << " Fit excess: " << fitExcess();
417  cout << sout.str() << endl;
418 }
AdcIndex maxAdc2() const
double meanAdc() const
int fitStatus() const
double fitExcess() const
double fitMean() const
double oneFraction() const
double classicFraction() const
Index nsample() const
AdcIndex maxAdc() const
double highFraction() const
double maxFraction() const
double fitSigma() const
double zeroFraction() const
double meanAdc2() const
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
double StickyCodeMetrics::zeroFraction ( ) const

Definition at line 84 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

84 { return m_zeroFraction; }

Member Data Documentation

BinCounter StickyCodeMetrics::m_counts

Definition at line 133 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_fitExcess

Definition at line 131 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_fitMean

Definition at line 129 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_fitSigma

Definition at line 130 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

int StickyCodeMetrics::m_fitStatus

Definition at line 128 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_highFraction

Definition at line 127 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Name StickyCodeMetrics::m_hnam

Definition at line 111 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Name StickyCodeMetrics::m_httl

Definition at line 112 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Index StickyCodeMetrics::m_lowbin = 1

Definition at line 114 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

AdcIndex StickyCodeMetrics::m_maxAdc

Definition at line 120 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

AdcIndex StickyCodeMetrics::m_maxAdc2

Definition at line 121 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_maxFraction

Definition at line 124 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_meanAdc

Definition at line 122 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_meanAdc2

Definition at line 123 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

int StickyCodeMetrics::m_nbin =0

Definition at line 113 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

Index StickyCodeMetrics::m_nsample

Definition at line 119 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_oneFraction

Definition at line 126 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

HistPtr StickyCodeMetrics::m_ph

Definition at line 134 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

float StickyCodeMetrics::m_sigmaMax = 100.0

Definition at line 116 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

float StickyCodeMetrics::m_sigmaMin = 0.1

Definition at line 115 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

double StickyCodeMetrics::m_zeroFraction

Definition at line 125 of file StickyCodeMetrics.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: