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dune Namespace Reference


 Namespace including DUNE-specific testing.


class  AnalysisTree
 Creates a simple ROOT tree with tracking and calorimetry information. More...
class  AnalysisTreeDataStruct
class  AnaRootParser
 Creates a simple ROOT tree with tracking and calorimetry information. More...
class  AnaRootParserDataStruct
class  CalibrationdEdXPDSP
class  ChannelInformation
class  CheckAuxDet
class  CheckGeometry
class  CheckRecoEnergy
struct  ColdataBlock
struct  ColdataHeader
struct  ColdataSegment
struct  ContainerValueType
 Class whose "type" contains the base data type of the container. More...
struct  ContainerValueType< std::vector< AnalysisTreeDataStruct::BoxedArray< A > > >
struct  ContainerValueType< std::vector< AnaRootParserDataStruct::BoxedArray< A > > >
struct  ContainerValueType< std::vector< T > >
class  CounterFilter
class  CTBFragment
class  dEdxcalibration
class  DisambigAlg35t
class  DisambigAlgProtoDUNESP
class  DisambigFromSpacePoints
class  DPChannelId
class  DUNEGeometryHelper
class  EmLikeHits
class  EnergyReco
class  EnergyRecoOutput
class  FelixCompressor
class  FelixDecoder
class  FelixFragment
class  FelixFragmentBase
class  FelixFragmentCompressed
class  FelixFragmentReordered
class  FelixFragmentUnordered
class  FelixFrame
class  FelixIntegrityTest
class  FelixRawDecoder
class  FelixReorder
class  Frame14Fragment
class  Frame14FragmentUnordered
class  HDF5RawInputDetail
class  HitFinder35t
class  HitFinderProtoDUNESP
class  HitInformation
class  HitLineFitAlg
class  HitRepeater
struct  HuffTree
class  IcebergChannelMapService
struct  IndexCrate
struct  IndexCrateCard
struct  IndexCrateCardChan
struct  IndexCrateCardChanHash
struct  IndexCrp
struct  IndexCrpView
struct  IndexCrpViewChan
struct  IndexCrpViewChanHash
struct  IndexRawSeqn
struct  IndexRawSeqnHash
struct  MetaData
class  michelremoving
class  MicroSlice
class  MicroSliceWriter
class  MilliSlice
class  MilliSliceFragment
class  MilliSliceFragmentWriter
class  MilliSliceWriter
class  NanoSlice
class  NanoSliceWriter
class  NeutrinoEnergyRecoAlg
 NeutrinoEnergyRecoAlg class. More...
class  PDDPChannelMap
class  PdspChannelMapService
struct  PdspHDFFileReader
 The PdspHDFFileReader is a class which implements the methods needed by art::Source. More...
class  PennMicroSlice
class  PennMicroSliceWriter
class  PennMilliSlice
class  PennMilliSliceFragment
class  PennMilliSliceWriter
class  PFPEfficiency
class  ProtoDUNETimeStamp
class  protonanalysis
class  RceFragment
class  RceRawDecoder
class  ReorderFacility
class  RMSHitFinderAlg
struct  ROOTTreeCode
 Contains ROOTTreeCode<>::code, ROOT tree character for branch of type T. More...
struct  ROOTTreeCode< Double_t >
struct  ROOTTreeCode< Int_t >
struct  ROOTTreeCode< Short_t >
class  SignalToNoise
class  SlidingAverage
class  SSPFragment
class  SSPFragmentWriter
class  SSPRawDecoder
class  T0Counter
class  TimeBasedDisambig
class  TimingFragment
class  TimingRawDecoder
class  ToyFragment
class  ToyFragmentWriter
class  VDColdboxChannelMapService
class  VDColdboxPDSDecoder
class  VDColdboxTDEChannelMapService
struct  WIBHeader
class  XYZcalibration


typedef uint32_t word_t
typedef uint16_t adc_t
typedef std::vector< uint16_t > adc_v
typedef std::vector< dune::RceFragmentRceFragments
using HDF5RawInputSource = art::Source< HDF5RawInputDetail >
typedef multi_index_container< DPChannelId, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag< IndexRawSeqn >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned,&DPChannelId::seqn > >, hashed_unique< tag< IndexRawSeqnHash >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned,&DPChannelId::seqn > >, hashed_non_unique< tag< IndexCrate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crate > >, hashed_non_unique< tag< IndexCrateCard >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::card > > >, ordered_unique< tag< IndexCrateCardChan >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::card >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::cardch > > >, hashed_unique< tag< IndexCrateCardChanHash >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::card >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::cardch > > >, hashed_non_unique< tag< IndexCrp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crp > >, hashed_non_unique< tag< IndexCrpView >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::view > > >, ordered_unique< tag< IndexCrpViewChan >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::view >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::viewch > > >, hashed_unique< tag< IndexCrpViewChanHash >, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::view >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short,&DPChannelId::viewch > > > > > DPChannelTable
typedef std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< size_t > > plane_keymap
typedef std::map< unsigned int, plane_keymaptpc_plane_keymap
typedef std::map< unsigned int, tpc_plane_keymapcryo_tpc_plane_keymap
typedef std::vector< HitInformationHitVec_t
typedef std::map< int, ChannelInformationChanMap_t


enum  TimingCommand {
  TimingCommand::TimeSync = 0x0, TimingCommand::Echo = 0x1, TimingCommand::SpillStart = 0x2, TimingCommand::SpillStop = 0x3,
  TimingCommand::RunStart = 0x4, TimingCommand::RunStop = 0x5, TimingCommand::WibCalib = 0x6, TimingCommand::SSPCalib = 0x7,
  TimingCommand::FakeTrig0 = 0x8, TimingCommand::FakeTrig1 = 0x9, TimingCommand::FakeTrig2 = 0xa, TimingCommand::FakeTrig3 = 0xb,
  TimingCommand::BeamTrig = 0xc, TimingCommand::NoBeamTrig = 0xd, TimingCommand::ExtFakeTrig = 0xe
enum  ProtoDUNETimingCommand {
  ProtoDUNETimingCommand::TimeSync = 0x0, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::Echo = 0x1, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::SpillStart = 0x2, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::SpillStop = 0x3,
  ProtoDUNETimingCommand::RunStart = 0x4, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::RunStop = 0x5, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::WibCalib = 0x6, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::SSPCalib = 0x7,
  ProtoDUNETimingCommand::FakeTrig0 = 0x8, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::FakeTrig1 = 0x9, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::FakeTrig2 = 0xa, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::FakeTrig3 = 0xb,
  ProtoDUNETimingCommand::BeamTrig = 0xc, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::NoBeamTrig = 0xd, ProtoDUNETimingCommand::ExtFakeTrig = 0xe


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, CTBFragment const &f)
std::vector< char > FelixCompress (const dune::FelixFragment &frag)
artdaq::Fragment FelixDecompress (const std::vector< char > &buff)
artdaq::Fragment FelixReorder (const uint8_t *src, const uint16_t &num_frames=6000)
FragmentType toFragmentType (std::string t_string)
std::string fragmentTypeToString (FragmentType val)
std::map< artdaq::Fragment::type_t, std::stringmakeFragmentTypeMap ()
const Frame14FragmentParseFrame14Fragment (const artdaq::Fragment &fragment)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, SSPFragment const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, TimingFragment const &)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, ToyFragment const &)
void display_bits (void *memstart, size_t nbytes, std::string sourcename)
template<typename S , typename T >
S reinterpret_cast_checked (T inptr)
artdaq::Fragments getHandleChecked (const art::Event &evt, const std::string &label, const std::string &fragtype, const bool &inContainer)


static std::vector< std::string > const names
class dune::Frame14Fragmentstruct dune::frame14::__attribute__ aligned

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint16_t dune::adc_t

Definition at line 18 of file FelixFormat.hh.

typedef std::vector<uint16_t> dune::adc_v

Definition at line 19 of file FelixFormat.hh.

typedef std::map<int,ChannelInformation> dune::ChanMap_t

Definition at line 82 of file RobustHitFinderSupport.h.

typedef std::map< unsigned int, tpc_plane_keymap > dune::cryo_tpc_plane_keymap

Definition at line 48 of file

typedef multi_index_container< DPChannelId, indexed_by< ordered_unique< tag<IndexRawSeqn>, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned, &DPChannelId::seqn > >, hashed_unique< tag<IndexRawSeqnHash>, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned, &DPChannelId::seqn > >, hashed_non_unique< tag<IndexCrate>, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crate > >, hashed_non_unique< tag<IndexCrateCard>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::card > > >, ordered_unique< tag<IndexCrateCardChan>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::card >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::cardch > > >, hashed_unique< tag<IndexCrateCardChanHash>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crate >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::card >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::cardch > > >, hashed_non_unique< tag<IndexCrp>, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crp > >, hashed_non_unique< tag<IndexCrpView>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::view > > >, ordered_unique< tag<IndexCrpViewChan>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::view >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::viewch > > >, hashed_unique< tag<IndexCrpViewChanHash>, composite_key< DPChannelId, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::crp >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::view >, const_mem_fun< DPChannelId, const unsigned short, &DPChannelId::viewch > > > > > dune::DPChannelTable

Definition at line 129 of file PDDPChannelMap.h.

Definition at line 130 of file

Definition at line 59 of file RobustHitFinderSupport.h.

typedef std::map< unsigned int, std::vector< size_t > > dune::plane_keymap

Definition at line 46 of file

Definition at line 13 of file RceFragment.hh.

typedef std::map< unsigned int, plane_keymap > dune::tpc_plane_keymap

Definition at line 47 of file

typedef uint32_t dune::word_t

Definition at line 17 of file FelixFormat.hh.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 19 of file ProtoDUNETimeStamp.h.

19  {
20  // From retrieved on 2018-09-07
21  // The 'sync' bus has the following commands at the moment:
22  TimeSync = 0x0,
23  Echo = 0x1,
24  SpillStart = 0x2,
25  SpillStop = 0x3,
26  RunStart = 0x4,
27  RunStop = 0x5,
28  WibCalib = 0x6,
29  SSPCalib = 0x7,
30  FakeTrig0 = 0x8,
31  FakeTrig1 = 0x9,
32  FakeTrig2 = 0xa,
33  FakeTrig3 = 0xb,
34  BeamTrig = 0xc,
35  NoBeamTrig = 0xd,
36  ExtFakeTrig= 0xe
37  };
enum dune::TimingCommand

Definition at line 29 of file TimingFragment.hh.

29  {
30  // From retrieved on 2018-10-02
31  // The 'sync' bus has the following commands at the moment:
32  TimeSync = 0x0,
33  Echo = 0x1,
34  SpillStart = 0x2,
35  SpillStop = 0x3,
36  RunStart = 0x4,
37  RunStop = 0x5,
38  WibCalib = 0x6,
39  SSPCalib = 0x7,
40  FakeTrig0 = 0x8,
41  FakeTrig1 = 0x9,
42  FakeTrig2 = 0xa,
43  FakeTrig3 = 0xb,
44  BeamTrig = 0xc,
45  NoBeamTrig = 0xd,
46  ExtFakeTrig = 0xe
47  };

Function Documentation

void dune::display_bits ( void *  memstart,
size_t  nbytes,
std::string  sourcename 

Definition at line 10 of file

10  {
12  std::stringstream bitstr;
13  bitstr << "The " << nbytes << "-byte chunk of memory beginning at " << static_cast<void*>(memstart) << " is : ";
15  // -- NFB : Nov-20-2015
16  // reversed the order of the bits when printing, so that the msb remain on the left
17  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < nbytes; i++) {
18  // bitstr << std::bitset<8>(*((dune::reinterpret_cast_checked<uint8_t*>(memstart))+(nbytes-i-1))) << " ";
19  bitstr << std::bitset<8>(*((dune::reinterpret_cast_checked<uint8_t*>(memstart))+i)) << " ";
20  }
22  mf::LogInfo(sourcename.c_str()) << bitstr.str();
23 }
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
std::vector<char> dune::FelixCompress ( const dune::FelixFragment frag)

Definition at line 435 of file FelixCompress.hh.

435  {
436  FelixCompressor compressor(frag);
437  std::vector<char> result;
438  compressor.compress_copy(result);
440  return result;
441 }
static QCString result
artdaq::Fragment dune::FelixDecompress ( const std::vector< char > &  buff)

Definition at line 445 of file FelixCompress.hh.

445  {
446  artdaq::Fragment result;
447  const char* src =;
449  // Read metadata and apply to fragment.
450  const MetaData* meta = reinterpret_cast<MetaData const*>(src);
451  size_t num_frames = meta->num_frames;
452  uint16_t unique_values = meta->unique_values;
453  result.resizeBytes(num_frames * sizeof(FelixFrame));
454  src += sizeof(MetaData);
456  // Handle for filling fragment data.
457  FelixFrame* frame = reinterpret_cast<FelixFrame*>(result.dataBeginBytes());
459  // Access error frames field.
460  std::vector<uint8_t> bad_headers(num_frames/8+1);
461  memcpy(&bad_headers[0], src, num_frames/8+1);
462  src += num_frames / 8 + 1;
464  // Access saved headers and generate headers.
465  unsigned sizeof_header_set = sizeof(WIBHeader) + 4 * sizeof(ColdataHeader);
466  const WIBHeader* whead = reinterpret_cast<WIBHeader const*>(src);
467  std::vector<const ColdataHeader*> chead(4);
468  for(unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
469  chead[i] = reinterpret_cast<ColdataHeader const*>(
470  src + sizeof(WIBHeader) + i * sizeof(ColdataHeader));
471  }
472  size_t bad_header_counter = 0;
473  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_frames; ++i) {
474  const WIBHeader* curr_whead;
475  std::vector<const ColdataHeader*> curr_chead(4);
476  // See if the current headers were bad.
477  bool bad_header = (bad_headers[i / 8] >> (7 - (1 % 8))) & 1;
478  if(bad_header) {
479  ++bad_header_counter;
480  // Set current headers to be the bad one.
481  std::cout << "BAD HEADER\n";
482  curr_whead = reinterpret_cast<WIBHeader const*>(
483  src + bad_header_counter * sizeof_header_set);
484  for (unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
485  curr_chead[j] = reinterpret_cast<ColdataHeader const*>(
486  src + bad_header_counter * sizeof_header_set +
487  sizeof(WIBHeader) + j * sizeof(ColdataHeader));
488  }
489  } else {
490  // Set current headers to be the first.
491  curr_whead = whead;
492  for(unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
493  curr_chead[j] = chead[j];
494  }
495  }
496  // Assign header fields.
497  (frame + i)->set_sof(curr_whead->sof);
498  (frame + i)->set_version(curr_whead->version);
499  (frame + i)->set_fiber_no(curr_whead->fiber_no);
500  (frame + i)->set_crate_no(curr_whead->crate_no);
501  (frame + i)->set_slot_no(curr_whead->slot_no);
502  (frame + i)->set_mm(curr_whead->mm);
503  (frame + i)->set_oos(curr_whead->oos);
504  (frame + i)->set_wib_errors(curr_whead->wib_errors);
505  (frame + i)->set_timestamp(curr_whead->timestamp() + i * 25);
506  (frame + i)->set_wib_counter(curr_whead->wib_counter());
507  (frame + i)->set_z(curr_whead->z);
508  for(unsigned j = 0; j < 4; ++j) {
509  (frame + i)->set_s1_error(j, curr_chead[j]->s1_error);
510  (frame + i)->set_s2_error(j, curr_chead[j]->s2_error);
511  (frame + i)->set_coldata_convert_count(
512  j, curr_chead[j]->coldata_convert_count + i * 25);
513  (frame + i)->set_error_register(j, curr_chead[j]->error_register);
514  }
515  }
516  src += (bad_header_counter+1) * sizeof_header_set;
518  // Read frequency table and generate a Huffman tree.
519  std::unordered_map<uint16_t, unsigned> freq_table;
520  for (unsigned i = 0; i < unique_values; ++i) {
521  const uint16_t* v = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t const*>(src);
522  const uint32_t* f =
523  reinterpret_cast<uint32_t const*>(src + sizeof(uint16_t));
524  freq_table[*v] = *f;
525  src += sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint32_t);
526  }
527  std::vector<HuffTree::Node> nodes;
528  for (auto p : freq_table) {
529  HuffTree::Node curr_node;
530  curr_node.value = p.first;
531  curr_node.frequency = p.second;
532  nodes.push_back(curr_node);
533  }
534  HuffTree hufftree;
535  hufftree.make_tree(nodes);
537  // Read ADC values from the buffer.
538  size_t bits_read = 0;
539  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_frames * 256; ++i) {
540  // Pointer to walk through the tree.
541  HuffTree::Node* pnode = hufftree.root;
542  while (pnode->left != NULL) {
543  if (*src >> (bits_read % 8) & 1) { // Next bit is 1.
544  pnode = pnode->right;
545  } else { // Next bit is 0.
546  pnode = pnode->left;
547  }
548  // Increment bits read and possibly the source pointer.
549  ++bits_read;
550  if (bits_read % 8 == 0) {
551  ++src; // Next byte reached.
552  }
553  }
554  // Value reached.
555  adc_t found_val = pnode->value;
556 #ifdef PREV
557  if (i % num_frames != 0) {
558  found_val += (frame + i % num_frames - 1)->channel(i / num_frames);
559  }
560 #endif
561  (frame + i % num_frames)->set_channel(i / num_frames, found_val);
562  }
564  return result;
565 }
uint16_t adc_t
Definition: FelixFormat.hh:18
QMapNodeBase * left
Definition: qmap.h:51
static QCString result
QMapNodeBase Node
Definition: qmap.cpp:41
uint8_t channel
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:201
#define nodes
QMapNodeBase * right
Definition: qmap.h:52
artdaq::Fragment dune::FelixReorder ( const uint8_t *  src,
const uint16_t &  num_frames = 6000 

Definition at line 91 of file FelixReordererFacility.hh.

92  {
93  artdaq::Fragment result;
94  dune::FelixFragmentBase::Metadata meta = {0xabc, 1, 1, 0, num_frames, 0, num_frames};
95  result.setMetadata(meta);
96  result.resizeBytes(num_frames * (256*sizeof(adc_t) + sizeof(WIBHeader) + 4*sizeof(ColdataHeader))+ (num_frames+7)/8);
97  uint8_t *dest = result.dataBeginBytes();
99  ReorderFacility facility(false);
100  facility.do_reorder_start(num_frames);
101  facility.do_reorder(dest, src, num_frames);
102  std::cout << "INFO: " << facility.get_info() << '\n';
103  unsigned size = facility.reorder_final_size();
104  result.resizeBytes(size);
106  return result;
107 }
uint16_t adc_t
Definition: FelixFormat.hh:18
static QCString result
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
std::string dune::fragmentTypeToString ( FragmentType  val)

Definition at line 24 of file

25 {
26  if (val < FragmentType::INVALID) {
27  return names[val - FragmentType::MISSED];
28  }
29  else {
30  return "INVALID/UNKNOWN";
31  }
32 }
static std::vector< std::string > const names
Definition: FragmentType.hh:8
artdaq::Fragments dune::getHandleChecked ( const art::Event evt,
const std::string label,
const std::string fragtype,
const bool inContainer 

Definition at line 14 of file

15  {
17  artdaq::Fragments fragments;
19 /*
20  art::Handle<artdaq::Fragments> handleFragments;
22  if (expectFragsInContainer) {
23  art::InputTag itag1(label, "Container");
24  handleFragments = evt.getHandle<artdaq::Fragments>(itag1);
25  }
26  else {
27  art::inputTag itag2(label, fragtype);
28  handleFragments = evt.getHandle<artdaq::Fragments>(itag2);
29  }
31  if(!handleFragments.isValid()) {
32  std::cerr << "Run: " <<
33  << ", SubRun: " << evt.subRun()
34  << ", Event: " << evt.event()
35  << " is NOT VALID" << std::endl;
37  if (expectFragsInContainer) {
38  //throw cet::exception("getHandleChecked") << "getHandle call for fragments of type \"Container\" NOT VALID";
39  throw std::runtime_error("(THIS SHOULD BE CHANGED TO A cet::exception) getHandle call for fragments NOT VALID");
40  } else {
41  // throw cet::exception("getHandleChecked") << "getHandle call for fragments of type \"" << fragtype << "\" NOT VALID";
42  throw std::runtime_error("(THIS SHOULD BE CHANGED TO A cet::exception) getHandle call for fragments NOT VALID");
43  }
44  }
45  if (expectFragsInContainer) {
47  for (auto cont : *handleFragments)
48  {
49  artdaq::ContainerFragment contf(cont);
51  for (size_t ii = 0; ii < contf.block_count(); ++ii)
52  {
53  size_t fragSize = contf.fragSize(ii);
54  artdaq::Fragment thisfrag;
55  thisfrag.resizeBytes(fragSize);
57  std::cout << "Copying " << fragSize << " bytes from " << << " to " << thisfrag.headerAddress() << std::endl;
58  memcpy(thisfrag.headerAddress(),, fragSize);
60  std::cout << "Putting new fragment into output vector" << std::endl;
61  fragments.emplace_back(thisfrag);
62  }
63  }
64  } else {
66  for(auto const& frag: *handleFragments){
67  fragments.emplace_back( frag );
68  }
69  }
70 */
71  // C++11 will move, rather than copy, a vector on return
72  return fragments;
73 }
std::vector< Fragment > Fragments
Definition: HDF5Utils.h:57
std::map< artdaq::Fragment::type_t, std::string > dune::makeFragmentTypeMap ( )

Definition at line 35 of file

36 {
37  auto output = artdaq::Fragment::MakeSystemTypeMap();
38  for (auto name : names)
39  {
41  }
42  return output;
43 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
FragmentType toFragmentType(std::string t_string)
static std::vector< std::string > const names
Definition: FragmentType.hh:8
std::ostream& dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
CTBFragment const &  f 

Definition at line 6 of file

6  {
8  out << "Fragment size: " << f.artdaq_Fragment_.dataSizeBytes() << " -> " << f._n_words << " words" << std::endl ;
10  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < f.NWords() ; ++i ) {
12  if ( f.Trigger(i) ) {
13  out << "Trigger word " << std::hex << f.Trigger(i) -> word_type
14  << ", payload: " << f.Trigger(i) -> trigger_word
15  << ", TS: " << f.Trigger(i) -> timestamp << std::dec << std::endl ;
16  }
17  else if ( f.ChStatus(i) ) {
18  out << "Check Status word " << std::hex
19  << " PDS " << f.ChStatus(i) -> get_pds()
20  << ", CRT: " << f.ChStatus(i) -> get_crt()
21  << ", Beam: " << f.ChStatus(i) -> get_beam()
22  << ", TS: " << f.ChStatus(i) -> timestamp
23  << std::dec << std::endl ;
25  }
26  else if ( f.Feedback(i) ) {
27  out << "Feedback word " << std::hex
28  << ", Padding: " << f.Feedback(i) -> padding
29  << ", Source: " << f.Feedback(i) -> source
30  << ", Code: " << f.Feedback(i) -> code
31  << ", TS: " << f.Feedback(i) -> timestamp << std::dec << std::endl ;
33  }
34  else {
35  out << "type: " << std::hex << f.Word(i) -> word_type
36  << ", payload: " << f.Word(i) -> payload
37  << ", TS: " << f.Word(i) -> timestamp << std::dec << std::endl ;
38  }
40  }
43  return out ;
44  }
QTextStream & hex(QTextStream &s)
CodeOutputInterface * code
QTextStream & dec(QTextStream &s)
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
std::ostream & dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
ToyFragment const &  f 

Definition at line 30 of file

30  {
31  os << "ToyFragment event size: "
32  << f.hdr_event_size()
33  << ", run number: "
34  << f.hdr_run_number()
35  << "\n";
37  return os;
38 }
std::ostream & dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
SSPFragment const &  f 

Definition at line 21 of file

21  {
22  os << "SSPFragment event size: "
23  << f.hdr_event_size()
24  << ", run number: "
25  << f.hdr_run_number()
26  << "\n";
28  return os;
29 }
std::ostream & dune::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
TimingFragment const &  f 

Definition at line 3 of file

3  {
4  os << "TimingFragment size=" << std::dec << f.size()
5  << ", cookie 0x" << std::hex << f.get_cookie()
6  << ", scmd 0x" << std::hex << f.get_scmd()
7  << ", tcmd 0x" << std::hex << f.get_tcmd()
8  << ", timestamp 0x" << std::hex << f.get_tstamp()
9  << ", evtctr=" << std::dec << f.get_evtctr()
10  << ", cksum 0x" << std::hex << f.get_cksum()
11  << ", last_run_start 0x" << std::hex << f.get_last_runstart_timestamp()
12  << ", last_spill_start 0x"<< std::hex << f.get_last_spillstart_timestamp()
13  << ", last_spill_end 0x" << std::hex << f.get_last_spillend_timestamp()
15  << std::dec << "\n";
17  return os;
18 }
QTextStream & hex(QTextStream &s)
QTextStream & dec(QTextStream &s)
const Frame14Fragment* dune::ParseFrame14Fragment ( const artdaq::Fragment &  fragment)

Definition at line 187 of file Frame14Fragment.hh.

187  {
188  // const Frame14Fragment::Metadata *meta = fragment.metadata<Frame14Fragment::Metadata>();
189  // Check meta and potentially return a different unpacker
190  return new Frame14FragmentUnordered(fragment);
191 }
template<typename S , typename T >
S dune::reinterpret_cast_checked ( inptr)

Definition at line 28 of file Utilities.hh.

28  {
30  S outptr = reinterpret_cast<S>( inptr );
32  const void* inptr_void = static_cast<const void*>( inptr );
33  const void* outptr_void = static_cast<const void*>( outptr );
35  if ( inptr_void != outptr_void ) {
36  throw cet::exception("reinterpret_cast_checked") << "Error: reinterpret_cast casted " << inptr_void << " to " << outptr_void << " => results of the cast can't be trusted";
37  }
39  return outptr;
40 }
Definition: 044_section.h:5
cet::coded_exception< error, detail::translate > exception
Definition: exception.h:33
dune::FragmentType dune::toFragmentType ( std::string  t_string)

Definition at line 10 of file

11 {
12  std::transform(t_string.begin(),
13  t_string.end(),
14  t_string.begin(),
15  toupper);
16  auto it = std::find(names.begin(), names.end(), t_string);
17  return (it == names.end()) ?
19  static_cast<FragmentType>(artdaq::Fragment::FirstUserFragmentType +
20  (it - names.begin()));
21 }
static std::vector< std::string > const names
Definition: FragmentType.hh:8

Variable Documentation

class dune::Frame14Fragmentstruct dune::frame14::__attribute__ dune::aligned
std::vector<std::string> const dune::names
Initial value:

Definition at line 8 of file FragmentType.hh.