Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /**
2  * @file RawDataDrawer.cxx
3  * @brief Class to aid in the rendering of RawData objects
4  * @author messier@indiana.edu
5  *
6  * This class prepares the rendering of the raw digits content for the 2D view
7  * of the display. In particular, it fills the 2D view of detected charge
8  * vs. time and wire number for a single TPC.
9  * The code is not ready to support an arbitrary TPC from the detector;
10  * it can be fixed to support that, but a good deal of the calling code also
11  * has to change.
12  *
13  * Notes from Gianluca Petrillo (petrillo@fnal.gov) on August 19, 2015
14  * --------------------------------------------------------------------
15  *
16  * As of August 2015, this class performs some preprocessing for the data to
17  * be displayed.
18  * The main argument here is that the display assigns to each plane a space
19  * of 600x250 pixels, while the amound of data is typically 500x5000 elements.
20  * These numbers vary wildly: while the first number is close to the current
21  * default size for a new window, that window can be resized and windows many
22  * times larger can be obtained; for the data content, a MicroBooNE plane
23  * contains 2400x9600 elements (that's roughly 25 millions, and there is three
24  * of them), each of the two LArIAT planes contains 240x3200 (less than 1
25  * million), and a single TPC of DUNE's 35t prototype about 350x4800 (but it
26  * is larger when extended readout window modes are used).
27  * The code produces TBox'es to be rendered by the nuevdb event display
28  * infrastructure. The code before August 2015 would produce one box for each
29  * of the aggregated charge; charge could be aggregated in time by FHiCL
30  * configuration to merge TDC ticks. This typically bloats rendering time,
31  * since rendering of all boxes is attempted.
32  * The new code performs dynamic aggregation after discovering the actual size
33  * of the graphical viewport, and it submits at most one TBox per pixel.
34  * Additional improvement is caching of the uncompressed raw data, so that
35  * following zooming is faster, and especially a way to bypass the decompression
36  * when the original data is not compressed in the first place, that saves
37  * a bit of time and quite some memory.
38  *
39  * @todo There are probably a number of glitches and shortcuts in the current
40  * preprocessing implementation. If they become a problem, they can probably be
41  * fixed on demand. Examples include:
42  * - no alignment of the boxes with the wire and tick numbers
43  * - possible border effects
44  * - the fact that only the maximum charge is displayed on each box , and no
45  * dynamic charge range detection is in place
46  * - the first drawing is performed with a grid that is not the final one
47  * (because for some reason the frame starts larger than it should and is
48  * resized later)
49  * - the drawing honours the zoom region the user selected, even if the viewport
50  * ends up being larger (that is, if upstream decides that the zoom region is
51  * too small and a larger area will be drawn, the additional area will be
52  * blank)
53  */
54 #include <algorithm> // std::fill(), std::find_if(), ...
55 #include <cmath> // std::abs(), ...
56 #include <cstddef> // std::ptrdiff_t
57 #include <limits> // std::numeric_limits<>
58 #include <memory> // std::unique_ptr()
59 #include <tuple>
60 #include <type_traits> // std::add_const_t<>, ...
61 #include <typeinfo> // to use typeid()
62 #include <utility> // std::move()
64 #include "TBox.h"
65 #include "TFrame.h"
66 #include "TH1F.h"
67 #include "TVirtualPad.h"
71 #include "lardataalg/Utilities/StatCollector.h" // lar::util::MinMaxCollector<>
73 #include "lardataobj/RawData/raw.h"
74 #include "lareventdisplay/EventDisplay/ChangeTrackers.h" // util::PlaneDataChangeTracker_t
82 #include "nuevdb/EventDisplayBase/View2D.h"
90 #include "cetlib_except/demangle.h"
93 namespace {
94  template <typename Stream, typename T>
95  void
96  PrintRange(Stream&& out, std::string header, lar::util::MinMaxCollector<T> const& range)
97  {
98  out << header << ": " << range.min() << " -- " << range.max() << " ("
99  << (range.has_data() ? "valid" : "invalid") << ")";
100  } // PrintRange()
101 } // local namespace
103 // internal use classes declaration;
104 // it can't live in the header because it uses C++11/14
105 namespace details {
106  /// @todo Document this code and make it into a library
107  template <typename T>
109  public:
110  using value_type = T;
111  using const_value_type = std::add_const_t<value_type>;
112  using reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<value_type>;
113  using const_reference = std::add_lvalue_reference_t<const_value_type>;
114  using pointer = std::add_pointer_t<value_type>;
115  using const_pointer = std::add_pointer_t<const_value_type>;
117  /// Destructor: gets rid of the owned data
120  /// @name Dereferencing
121  /// @{
122  const_reference operator*() const { return *pData; }
123  reference operator*() { return *pData; }
125  const_pointer operator->() const { return pData; }
126  pointer operator->() { return pData; }
127  /// @}
129  /// Returns whether we point to something
130  operator bool() const { return hasData(); }
132  /// Returns whether we point to nothing
133  bool operator!() const { return !hasData(); }
135  /// Returns whether we have data
136  bool
137  hasData() const
138  {
139  return bool(pData);
140  }
142  /// Returns whether we have data and we own it
143  bool
144  owned() const
145  {
146  return bOwned && hasData();
147  }
149  /// Sets the data and the ownership
150  void
152  {
153  Clear();
154  bOwned = owned;
155  pData = data;
156  }
157  /// Acquire ownership of the specified data
158  void
160  {
161  SetData(data, true);
162  }
163  /// Point to the specified data, not acquiring ownership
164  void
166  {
167  SetData(data, false);
168  }
169  /// Point to the specified data, not acquiring ownership
170  void
172  {
173  SetData(&data, false);
174  }
175  /// Move data from the specified object, and own it
176  void
177  StealData(std::remove_const_t<T>&& data)
178  {
179  AcquireData(new T(std::move(data)));
180  }
181  /// Create a owned copy of the specified object
182  void
183  NewData(T const& data)
184  {
185  AcquireData(new T(data));
186  }
187  /// Stop pointing to the data; if owned, delete it
188  void
190  {
191  if (bOwned) delete pData;
192  pData = nullptr;
193  bOwned = false;
194  } // Clear()
196  protected:
197  bool bOwned = false; ///< whether we own our data
198  pointer pData = nullptr; ///< pointer to data
199  }; // class PointerToData_t<>
200 }
202 namespace evd {
203  namespace details {
205  /// Information about a RawDigit; may contain uncompressed duplicate of data
207  public:
208  /// Returns an art pointer to the actual digit
210  DigitPtr() const
211  {
212  return digit;
213  }
215  /// Returns an art pointer to the actual digit
216  raw::RawDigit const&
217  Digit() const
218  {
219  return *digit;
220  }
222  /// Returns the channel of this digit (for convenience)
224  Channel() const
225  {
226  return digit ? digit->Channel() : raw::InvalidChannelID;
227  }
229  /// minimum charge
230  short
231  MinCharge() const
232  {
233  return SampleInfo().min_charge;
234  }
236  /// maximum charge
237  short
238  MaxCharge() const
239  {
240  return SampleInfo().max_charge;
241  }
243  /// average charge
244  // short AverageCharge() const { return SampleInfo().average_charge; }
246  /// Returns the uncompressed data
247  raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const& Data() const;
249  /// Parses the specified digit
250  void Fill(art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> const& src);
252  /// Deletes the data
253  void Clear();
255  /// Dumps the content of the digit info
256  template <typename Stream>
257  void Dump(Stream&& out) const;
259  private:
260  typedef struct {
261  short min_charge = std::numeric_limits<short>::max(); ///< minimum charge
262  short max_charge = std::numeric_limits<short>::max(); ///< maximum charge
263  // float average_charge = 0.; ///< average charge
264  } SampleInfo_t; // SampleInfo_t
266  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> digit; ///< a pointer to the actual digit
268  /// Uncompressed data
269  mutable ::details::PointerToData_t<raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const> data;
271  /// Information collected from the uncompressed data
272  mutable std::unique_ptr<SampleInfo_t> sample_info;
274  /// Fills the uncompressed data cache
275  void UncompressData() const;
277  /// Fills the sample info cache
278  void CollectSampleInfo() const;
280  /// Returns the uncompressed data
281  SampleInfo_t const& SampleInfo() const;
283  }; // class RawDigitInfo_t
285  /// Cached set of RawDigitInfo_t
287  public:
288  /// Returns the list of digit info
289  std::vector<RawDigitInfo_t> const&
290  Digits() const
291  {
292  return digits;
293  }
295  /// Returns a pointer to the digit info of given channel, nullptr if none
296  RawDigitInfo_t const* FindChannel(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const;
298  /// Returns the largest number of samples in the unpacked raw digits
299  size_t
300  MaxSamples() const
301  {
302  return max_samples;
303  }
305  /// Returns whether the cache is empty() (STL-like interface)
306  bool
307  empty() const
308  {
309  return digits.empty();
310  }
312  /// Empties the cache
313  void Clear();
315  /// Fills the cache from the specified raw digits product handle
316  void Refill(art::Handle<std::vector<raw::RawDigit>>& rdcol);
318  /// Clears the cache and marks it as invalid (use Update() to fill it)
319  void Invalidate();
321  /// Updates the cache for new_timestamp using the specified event
322  /// @return true if it needed to update (that might have failed)
323  bool Update(art::Event const& evt, CacheID_t const& new_timestamp);
325  /// Dump the content of the cache
326  template <typename Stream>
327  void Dump(Stream&& out) const;
329  private:
332  bool bUpToDate = false;
333  std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const* digits = nullptr;
335  BoolWithUpToDateMetadata() = default;
336  BoolWithUpToDateMetadata(bool uptodate, std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const* newdigits)
337  : bUpToDate(uptodate), digits(newdigits)
338  {}
340  operator bool() const { return bUpToDate; }
341  }; // struct BoolWithUpToDateMetadata
343  std::vector<RawDigitInfo_t> digits; ///< vector of raw digit information
345  CacheID_t timestamp; ///< object expressing validity range of cached data
347  size_t max_samples = 0; ///< the largest number of ticks in any digit
349  /// Checks whether an update is needed; can load digits in the process
350  BoolWithUpToDateMetadata CheckUpToDate(CacheID_t const& ts,
351  art::Event const* evt = nullptr) const;
353  static std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const* ReadProduct(art::Event const& evt,
356  }; // struct RawDigitCacheDataClass
360  {
361  return cache.Digits().cbegin();
362  }
365  {
366  return cache.Digits().cend();
367  }
369  /// Manages a cell-like division of a coordinate
371  public:
372  /// Default constructor: an invalid range
373  GridAxisClass() { Init(0, 0., 0.); }
375  /// Constructor: sets the limits and the number of cells
376  GridAxisClass(size_t nDiv, float new_min, float new_max) { Init(nDiv, new_min, new_max); }
378  //@{
379  /// Returns the index of the specified cell
380  std::ptrdiff_t GetCell(float coord) const;
381  std::ptrdiff_t
382  operator()(float coord) const
383  {
384  return GetCell(coord);
385  }
386  //@}
388  /// Returns whether the cell is present or not
389  bool
390  hasCell(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
391  {
392  return (iCell >= 0) && ((size_t)iCell < NCells());
393  }
395  /// Returns whether the coordinate is included in the range or not
396  bool
397  hasCoord(float coord) const
398  {
399  return (coord >= Min()) && (coord < Max());
400  }
402  //@{
403  /// Returns the extremes of the axis
404  float
405  Min() const
406  {
407  return min;
408  }
409  float
410  Max() const
411  {
412  return max;
413  }
414  //@}
416  /// Returns the length of the axis
417  float
418  Length() const
419  {
420  return max - min;
421  }
423  /// Returns the length of the axis
424  size_t
425  NCells() const
426  {
427  return n_cells;
428  }
430  /// Returns whether minimum and maximum match
431  bool
432  isEmpty() const
433  {
434  return max == min;
435  }
437  /// Returns the cell size
438  float
439  CellSize() const
440  {
441  return cell_size;
442  }
444  /// Returns the lower edge of the cell
445  float
446  LowerEdge(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
447  {
448  return Min() + CellSize() * iCell;
449  }
451  /// Returns the upper edge of the cell
452  float
453  UpperEdge(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
454  {
455  return LowerEdge(iCell + 1);
456  }
458  /// Initialize the axis, returns whether cell size is finite
459  bool Init(size_t nDiv, float new_min, float new_max);
461  /// Initialize the axis limits, returns whether cell size is finite
462  bool SetLimits(float new_min, float new_max);
464  /// Expands the cell (at fixed range) to meet minimum cell size
465  /// @return Whether the cell size was changed
466  bool SetMinCellSize(float min_size);
468  /// Expands the cell (at fixed range) to meet maximum cell size
469  /// @return Whether the cell size was changed
470  bool SetMaxCellSize(float max_size);
472  /// Expands the cell (at fixed range) to meet maximum cell size
473  /// @return Whether the cell size was changed
474  bool
475  SetCellSizeBoundary(float min_size, float max_size)
476  {
477  return SetMinCellSize(min_size) || SetMaxCellSize(max_size);
478  }
480  template <typename Stream>
481  void Dump(Stream&& out) const;
483  private:
484  size_t n_cells; ///< number of cells in the axis
485  float min, max; ///< extremes of the axis
487  float cell_size; ///< size of each cell
489  }; // GridAxisClass
491  /// Manages a grid-like division of 2D space
493  public:
494  /// Default constructor: invalid ranges
495  CellGridClass() : wire_axis(), tdc_axis() {}
497  /// Constructor: sets the extremes and assumes one cell for each element
498  CellGridClass(unsigned int nWires, unsigned int nTDC);
500  /// Constructor: sets the wire and TDC ranges in detail
501  CellGridClass(float min_wire,
502  float max_wire,
503  unsigned int nWires,
504  float min_tdc,
505  float max_tdc,
506  unsigned int nTDC);
508  /// Returns the total number of cells in the grid
509  size_t
510  NCells() const
511  {
512  return wire_axis.NCells() * tdc_axis.NCells();
513  }
515  /// Return the information about the wires
516  GridAxisClass const&
517  WireAxis() const
518  {
519  return wire_axis;
520  }
522  /// Return the information about the TDCs
523  GridAxisClass const&
524  TDCAxis() const
525  {
526  return tdc_axis;
527  }
529  /// Returns the index of specified cell, or -1 if out of range
530  std::ptrdiff_t GetCell(float wire, float tick) const;
532  /// Returns the coordinates { w1, t1, w2, t2 } of specified cell
533  std::tuple<float, float, float, float> GetCellBox(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const;
535  //@{
536  /// Returns whether the range includes the specified wire
537  bool
538  hasWire(float wire) const
539  {
540  return wire_axis.hasCoord(wire);
541  }
542  bool
543  hasWire(int wire) const
544  {
545  return hasWire((float)wire);
546  }
547  //@}
549  //@{
550  /// Returns whether the range includes the specified wire
551  bool
552  hasTick(float tick) const
553  {
554  return tdc_axis.hasCoord(tick);
555  }
556  bool
557  hasTick(int tick) const
558  {
559  return hasTick((float)tick);
560  }
561  //@}
563  /// Increments the specified cell of cont with the value v
564  /// @return whether there was such a cell
565  template <typename CONT>
566  bool
567  Add(CONT& cont, float wire, float tick, typename CONT::value_type v)
568  {
569  std::ptrdiff_t cell = GetCell(wire, tick);
570  if (cell < 0) return false;
571  cont[(size_t)cell] += v;
572  return true;
573  } // Add()
575  /// @name Setters
576  /// @{
577  /// Sets a simple wire range: all the wires, one cell per wire
578  void
579  SetWireRange(unsigned int nWires)
580  {
581  SetWireRange(0., (float)nWires, nWires);
582  }
584  /// Sets the wire range, leaving the number of wire cells unchanged
585  void
586  SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire)
587  {
588  wire_axis.SetLimits(min_wire, max_wire);
589  }
591  /// Sets the complete wire range
592  void
593  SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire, unsigned int nWires)
594  {
595  wire_axis.Init(nWires, min_wire, max_wire);
596  }
598  /// Sets the complete wire range, with minimum cell size
599  void
600  SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire, unsigned int nWires, float min_size)
601  {
602  wire_axis.Init(nWires, min_wire, max_wire);
603  wire_axis.SetMinCellSize(min_size);
604  }
606  /// Sets a simple TDC range: all the ticks, one cell per tick
607  void
608  SetTDCRange(unsigned int nTDC)
609  {
610  SetTDCRange(0., (float)nTDC, nTDC);
611  }
613  /// Sets the complete TDC range
614  void
615  SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc, unsigned int nTDC)
616  {
617  tdc_axis.Init(nTDC, min_tdc, max_tdc);
618  }
620  /// Sets the TDC range, leaving the number of ticks unchanged
621  void
622  SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc)
623  {
624  tdc_axis.SetLimits(min_tdc, max_tdc);
625  }
627  /// Sets the complete TDC range, with minimum cell size
628  void
629  SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc, unsigned int nTDC, float min_size)
630  {
631  tdc_axis.Init(nTDC, min_tdc, max_tdc);
632  tdc_axis.SetMinCellSize(min_size);
633  }
635  /// @}
637  /// Sets the minimum size for wire cells
638  bool
639  SetMinWireCellSize(float min_size)
640  {
641  return wire_axis.SetMinCellSize(min_size);
642  }
644  /// Sets the minimum size for TDC cells
645  bool
646  SetMinTDCCellSize(float min_size)
647  {
648  return tdc_axis.SetMinCellSize(min_size);
649  }
651  /// Prints the current axes on the specified stream
652  template <typename Stream>
653  void Dump(Stream&& out) const;
655  private:
658  }; // CellGridClass
660  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
661  /// Applies Birks correction
663  public:
665  : detProp{dp}
666  , wirePitch{art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry const>()->WirePitch(pid)}
667  , electronsToADC{dp.ElectronsToADC()}
668  {}
670  /// Applies Birks correction to the specified pedestal-subtracted charge
671  double
672  operator()(float adc) const
673  {
674  if (adc < 0.) return 0.;
675  double const dQdX = adc / wirePitch / electronsToADC;
676  return detProp.BirksCorrection(dQdX);
677  }
679  private:
681  double wirePitch; ///< wire pitch
682  double electronsToADC; ///< conversion constant
684  }; // ADCCorrectorClass
685  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
686  } // namespace details
687 } // namespace evd
689 namespace evd {
691  // empty vector
692  std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const RawDataDrawer::EmptyRawDigits;
694  //......................................................................
695  RawDataDrawer::RawDataDrawer()
696  : digit_cache(new details::RawDigitCacheDataClass)
697  , fStartTick(0)
698  , fTicks(2048)
699  , fCacheID(new details::CacheID_t)
700  , fDrawingRange(new details::CellGridClass)
701  {
705  geo::TPCID tpcid(rawopt->fCryostat, rawopt->fTPC);
707  fStartTick = rawopt->fStartTick;
708  fTicks = rawopt->fTicks;
710  // set the list of bad channels in this detector
711  unsigned int nplanes = geo->Nplanes(tpcid);
712  fWireMin.resize(nplanes, -1);
713  fWireMax.resize(nplanes, -1);
714  fTimeMin.resize(nplanes, -1);
715  fTimeMax.resize(nplanes, -1);
716  fRawCharge.resize(nplanes, 0);
717  fConvertedCharge.resize(nplanes, 0);
718  }
720  //......................................................................
722  {
723  delete digit_cache;
724  delete fDrawingRange;
725  delete fCacheID;
726  }
728  //......................................................................
729  void
730  RawDataDrawer::SetDrawingLimits(float low_wire, float high_wire, float low_tdc, float high_tdc)
731  {
732  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << __func__ << "() setting drawing range as wires ( " << low_wire
733  << " - " << high_wire << " ), ticks ( " << low_tdc << " - "
734  << high_tdc << " )";
736  // we need to set the minimum cell size to 1, otherwise some cell will not
737  // cover any wire/tick and they will be always empty
738  if (PadResolution) {
739  // TODO implement support for swapping axes here
740  unsigned int wire_pixels = PadResolution.width;
741  unsigned int tdc_pixels = PadResolution.height;
742  fDrawingRange->SetWireRange(low_wire, high_wire, wire_pixels, 1.F);
743  fDrawingRange->SetTDCRange(low_tdc, high_tdc, tdc_pixels, 1.F);
744  }
745  else {
746  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "Pad size not available -- using existing cell size";
747  fDrawingRange->SetWireRange(low_wire, high_wire);
749  fDrawingRange->SetTDCRange(low_tdc, high_tdc);
751  }
753  } // RawDataDrawer::SetDrawingLimits()
755  void
757  {
758  SetDrawingLimits(fWireMin[plane], fWireMax[plane], fTimeMin[plane], fTimeMax[plane]);
759  } // RawDataDrawer::SetDrawingLimitsFromRoI()
761  void
762  RawDataDrawer::ExtractRange(TVirtualPad* pPad, std::vector<double> const* zoom /* = nullptr */)
763  {
764  mf::LogDebug log("RawDataDrawer");
765  log << "ExtractRange() on pad '" << pPad->GetName() << "'";
767  TFrame const* pFrame = pPad->GetFrame();
768  if (pFrame) {
769  // these coordinates are used to find the actual extent of pad in pixels
770  double low_wire = pFrame->GetX1(), high_wire = pFrame->GetX2();
771  double low_tdc = pFrame->GetY1(), high_tdc = pFrame->GetY2();
772  double const wire_pixels = pPad->XtoAbsPixel(high_wire) - pPad->XtoAbsPixel(low_wire);
773  double const tdc_pixels = -(pPad->YtoAbsPixel(high_tdc) - pPad->YtoAbsPixel(low_tdc));
775  PadResolution.width = (unsigned int)wire_pixels;
776  PadResolution.height = (unsigned int)tdc_pixels;
778  log << "\n frame window is " << PadResolution.width << "x" << PadResolution.height
779  << " pixel big and";
780  // those coordinates also are a (unreliable) estimation of the zoom;
781  // if we have a better one, let's use it
782  // (this does not change the size of the window in terms of pixels)
783  if (zoom) {
784  log << ", from external source,";
785  low_wire = (*zoom)[0];
786  high_wire = (*zoom)[1];
787  low_tdc = (*zoom)[2];
788  high_tdc = (*zoom)[3];
789  }
791  log << " spans wires " << low_wire << "-" << high_wire << " and TDC " << low_tdc << "-"
792  << high_tdc;
794  // TODO support swapping axes here:
795  // if (rawopt.fAxisOrientation < 1) { normal ; } else { swapped; }
797  fDrawingRange->SetWireRange(low_wire, high_wire, (unsigned int)wire_pixels, 1.0);
798  fDrawingRange->SetTDCRange(low_tdc, high_tdc, (unsigned int)tdc_pixels, 1.0);
799  }
800  else {
801  // keep the old frame (if any)
802  log << "\n no frame!";
803  }
805  } // RawDataDrawer::ExtractRange()
807  //......................................................................
809  public:
810  OperationBaseClass(geo::PlaneID const& pid, RawDataDrawer* data_drawer = nullptr)
811  : pRawDataDrawer(data_drawer), planeID(pid)
812  {}
814  virtual ~OperationBaseClass() = default;
816  virtual bool
818  {
819  return true;
820  }
822  virtual bool
824  {
825  return true;
826  }
827  virtual bool ProcessTick(size_t) { return true; }
829  virtual bool Operate(geo::WireID const& wireID, size_t tick, float adc) = 0;
831  virtual bool
833  {
834  return true;
835  }
837  virtual std::string
838  Name() const
839  {
840  return cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(*this).name());
841  }
843  bool
844  operator()(geo::WireID const& wireID, size_t tick, float adc)
845  {
846  return Operate(wireID, tick, adc);
847  }
849  geo::PlaneID const&
850  PlaneID() const
851  {
852  return planeID;
853  }
856  {
857  return pRawDataDrawer;
858  }
860  protected:
861  RawDataDrawer* pRawDataDrawer = nullptr;
863  private:
865  }; // class RawDataDrawer::OperationBaseClass
867  //......................................................................
869  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RawDataDrawer::OperationBaseClass>> operations;
871  public:
872  ManyOperations(geo::PlaneID const& pid, RawDataDrawer* data_drawer = nullptr)
873  : OperationBaseClass(pid, data_drawer)
874  {}
876  bool
877  Initialize() override
878  {
879  bool bAllOk = true;
880  for (std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> const& op : operations)
881  if (!op->Initialize()) bAllOk = false;
882  return bAllOk;
883  }
885  bool
886  ProcessWire(geo::WireID const& wireID) override
887  {
888  for (std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> const& op : operations)
889  if (op->ProcessWire(wireID)) return true;
890  return false;
891  }
892  bool
893  ProcessTick(size_t tick) override
894  {
895  for (std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> const& op : operations)
896  if (op->ProcessTick(tick)) return true;
897  return false;
898  }
900  bool
901  Operate(geo::WireID const& wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
902  {
903  for (std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> const& op : operations)
904  if (!op->Operate(wireID, tick, adc)) return false;
905  return true;
906  }
908  bool
909  Finish() override
910  {
911  bool bAllOk = true;
912  for (std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> const& op : operations)
913  if (!op->Finish()) bAllOk = false;
914  return bAllOk;
915  }
918  Name() const override
919  {
920  std::string msg = cet::demangle_symbol(typeid(*this).name());
921  msg += (" [running " + std::to_string(operations.size()) + " operations:");
922  for (auto const& op : operations) { // it's unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass>
923  if (op)
924  msg += " " + op->Name();
925  else
926  msg += " <invalid>";
927  }
928  return msg + " ]";
929  }
932  Operator(size_t iOp)
933  {
934  return operations.at(iOp).get();
935  }
936  OperationBaseClass const*
937  Operator(size_t iOp) const
938  {
939  return operations.at(iOp).get();
940  }
942  void
943  AddOperation(std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> new_op)
944  {
945  if (!new_op) return;
946  if (PlaneID() != new_op->PlaneID()) {
948  << "RawDataDrawer::ManyOperations(): trying to run operations on "
949  << std::string(PlaneID()) << " and " << std::string(new_op->PlaneID())
950  << " at the same time";
951  }
952  if (RawDataDrawerPtr() && (RawDataDrawerPtr() != new_op->RawDataDrawerPtr())) {
954  << "RawDataDrawer::ManyOperations(): "
955  "trying to run operations on different RawDataDrawer"; // possible, but very unlikely
956  }
957  operations.emplace_back(std::move(new_op));
958  }
960  }; // class RawDataDrawer::ManyOperations
962  //......................................................................
963  bool
965  {
966  geo::PlaneID const& pid = operation->PlaneID();
969  if (digit_cache->empty()) return true;
971  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "RawDataDrawer::RunOperation() running " << operation->Name();
973  // if we have an initialization failure, return false immediately;
974  // but it's way better if the failure throws an exception
975  if (!operation->Initialize()) return false;
977  lariov::ChannelStatusProvider const& channelStatus =
980  //get pedestal conditions
981  const lariov::DetPedestalProvider& pedestalRetrievalAlg =
982  *(lar::providerFrom<lariov::DetPedestalService>());
984  geo::GeometryCore const& geom = *(lar::providerFrom<geo::Geometry>());
986  // loop over all the channels/raw digits
987  for (evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t const& digit_info : *digit_cache) {
988  raw::RawDigit const& hit = digit_info.Digit();
989  raw::ChannelID_t const channel = hit.Channel();
991  // skip the bad channels
992  if (!channelStatus.IsPresent(channel)) continue;
993  // The following test is meant to be temporary until the "correct" solution is implemented
994  if (!ProcessChannelWithStatus(channelStatus.Status(channel))) continue;
996  // we have a list of all channels, but we are drawing only on one plane;
997  // most of the channels will not contribute to this plane,
998  // and before we start querying databases, unpacking data etc.
999  // we want to know it's for something
1001  std::vector<geo::WireID> WireIDs = geom.ChannelToWire(channel);
1003  bool bDrawChannel = false;
1004  for (geo::WireID const& wireID : WireIDs) {
1005  if (wireID.planeID() != pid) continue; // not us!
1006  bDrawChannel = true;
1007  break;
1008  } // for wires
1009  if (!bDrawChannel) continue;
1011  // collect bad channels
1012  bool const bGood = rawopt->fSeeBadChannels || !channelStatus.IsBad(channel);
1014  // nothing else to be done if the channel is not good:
1015  // cells are marked bad by default and if any good channel falls in any of
1016  // them, they become good
1017  if (!bGood) continue;
1019  // at this point we know we have to process this channel
1020  raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const& uncompressed = digit_info.Data();
1022  // recover the pedestal
1023  float pedestal = 0;
1024  if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 0) { pedestal = pedestalRetrievalAlg.PedMean(channel); }
1025  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 1) {
1026  pedestal = hit.GetPedestal();
1027  }
1028  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 2) {
1029  pedestal = 0;
1030  }
1031  else {
1032  mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer")
1033  << " PedestalOption is not understood: " << rawopt->fPedestalOption
1034  << ". Pedestals not subtracted.";
1035  }
1037  // loop over all the wires that are covered by this channel;
1038  // without knowing better, we have to draw into all of them
1039  for (geo::WireID const& wireID : WireIDs) {
1040  // check that the plane and tpc are the correct ones to draw
1041  if (wireID.planeID() != pid) continue; // not us!
1043  // do we have anything to do with this wire?
1044  if (!operation->ProcessWire(wireID)) continue;
1046  // get an iterator over the adc values
1047  // accumulate all the data of this wire in our "cells"
1048  size_t const max_tick = std::min({uncompressed.size(), size_t(fStartTick + fTicks)});
1050  for (size_t iTick = fStartTick; iTick < max_tick; ++iTick) {
1052  // do we have anything to do with this wire?
1053  if (!operation->ProcessTick(iTick)) continue;
1055  float const adc = uncompressed[iTick] - pedestal;
1056  //std::cout << "adc, pedestal: " << adc << " " << pedestal << std::endl;
1058  if (!operation->Operate(wireID, iTick, adc)) return false;
1060  } // if good
1061  } // for wires
1062  } // for channels
1064  return operation->Finish();
1065  } // ChannelLooper()
1067  //......................................................................
1069  public:
1071  geo::PlaneID const& pid,
1072  RawDataDrawer* dataDrawer,
1073  evdb::View2D* new_view)
1074  : OperationBaseClass(pid, dataDrawer)
1075  , view(new_view)
1076  , rawCharge(0.)
1077  , convertedCharge(0.)
1078  , drawingRange(*(dataDrawer->fDrawingRange))
1079  , ADCCorrector(detProp, PlaneID())
1080  {}
1082  bool
1083  Initialize() override
1084  {
1087  // set up the size of the grid to be visualized;
1088  // the information on the size has to be already there:
1089  // caller should have user ExtractRange(), or similar, first.
1090  // set the minimum cell in ticks to at least match fTicksPerPoint
1091  drawingRange.SetMinTDCCellSize((float)rawopt->fTicksPerPoint);
1092  // also set the minimum wire cell size to 1,
1093  // otherwise there will be cells represented by no wire.
1094  drawingRange.SetMinWireCellSize(1.F);
1095  boxInfo.clear();
1096  boxInfo.resize(drawingRange.NCells());
1097  return true;
1098  }
1100  bool
1101  ProcessWire(geo::WireID const& wire) override
1102  {
1103  return drawingRange.hasWire((int)wire.Wire);
1104  }
1106  bool
1107  ProcessTick(size_t tick) override
1108  {
1109  return drawingRange.hasTick((float)tick);
1110  }
1112  bool
1113  Operate(geo::WireID const& wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
1114  {
1115  geo::WireID::WireID_t const wire = wireID.Wire;
1116  std::ptrdiff_t cell = drawingRange.GetCell(wire, tick);
1117  if (cell < 0) return true;
1119  BoxInfo_t& info = boxInfo[cell];
1120  info.good = true; // if in range, we mark this cell as good
1122  rawCharge += adc;
1123  convertedCharge += ADCCorrector(adc);
1125  // draw maximum digit in the cell
1126  if (std::abs(info.adc) <= std::abs(adc)) info.adc = adc;
1128  return true;
1129  }
1131  bool
1132  Finish() override
1133  {
1134  // write the information back
1135  geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t const plane = PlaneID().Plane;
1136  RawDataDrawerPtr()->fRawCharge[plane] = rawCharge;
1137  RawDataDrawerPtr()->fConvertedCharge[plane] = convertedCharge;
1139  // the cell size might have changed because of minimum size settings
1140  // from configuration (see Initialize())
1141  *(RawDataDrawerPtr()->fDrawingRange) = drawingRange;
1143  // complete the drawing
1144  RawDataDrawerPtr()->QueueDrawingBoxes(view, PlaneID(), boxInfo);
1146  return true;
1147  }
1149  private:
1150  evdb::View2D* view;
1152  double rawCharge = 0., convertedCharge = 0.;
1154  std::vector<BoxInfo_t> boxInfo;
1156  }; // class RawDataDrawer::BoxDrawer
1158  void
1160  geo::PlaneID const& pid,
1161  std::vector<BoxInfo_t> const& BoxInfo)
1162  {
1163  //
1164  // All the information is now collected in BoxInfo.
1165  // Make boxes out of it.
1166  //
1169  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "Filling " << BoxInfo.size() << " boxes to be rendered";
1171  // drawing options:
1172  float const MinSignal = rawopt.fMinSignal;
1173  bool const bScaleDigitsByCharge = rawopt.fScaleDigitsByCharge;
1178  geo::SigType_t const sigType = geom.SignalType(pid);
1179  evdb::ColorScale const& ColorSet = cst->RawQ(sigType);
1180  size_t const nBoxes = BoxInfo.size();
1181  unsigned int nDrawnBoxes = 0;
1182  for (size_t iBox = 0; iBox < nBoxes; ++iBox) {
1183  BoxInfo_t const& info = BoxInfo[iBox];
1185  // too little signal, don't bother drawing
1186  if (info.good && (std::abs(info.adc) < MinSignal)) continue;
1188  // skip the bad cells
1189  if (!info.good) continue;
1191  // box color, proportional to the ADC count
1192  int const color = ColorSet.GetColor(info.adc);
1194  // scale factor, proportional to ADC count (optional)
1195  constexpr float q0 = 1000.;
1196  float const sf = bScaleDigitsByCharge ? std::min(std::sqrt((float)info.adc / q0), 1.0F) : 1.;
1198  // coordinates of the cell box
1199  float min_wire, max_wire, min_tick, max_tick;
1200  std::tie(min_wire, min_tick, max_wire, max_tick) = fDrawingRange->GetCellBox(iBox);
1201  /*
1202  MF_LOG_TRACE("RawDataDrawer")
1203  << "Wires ( " << min_wire << " - " << max_wire << " ) ticks ("
1204  << min_tick << " - " << max_tick << " ) for cell " << iBox;
1205  */
1206  if (sf != 1.) { // need to shrink the box
1207  float const nsf = 1. - sf; // negation of scale factor
1208  float const half_box_wires = (max_wire - min_wire) / 2.,
1209  half_box_ticks = (max_tick - min_tick) / 2.;
1211  // shrink the box:
1212  min_wire += nsf * half_box_wires;
1213  max_wire -= nsf * half_box_wires;
1214  min_tick += nsf * half_box_ticks;
1215  max_tick -= nsf * half_box_ticks;
1216  } // if scaling
1218  // allocate the box on the view;
1219  // the order of the coordinates depends on the orientation
1220  TBox* pBox;
1221  if (rawopt.fAxisOrientation < 1)
1222  pBox = &(view->AddBox(min_wire, min_tick, max_wire, max_tick));
1223  else
1224  pBox = &(view->AddBox(min_tick, min_wire, max_tick, max_wire));
1226  pBox->SetFillStyle(1001);
1227  pBox->SetFillColor(color);
1228  pBox->SetBit(kCannotPick);
1230  ++nDrawnBoxes;
1231  } // for (iBox)
1233  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "Sent " << nDrawnBoxes << "/" << BoxInfo.size()
1234  << " boxes to be rendered";
1235  } // RawDataDrawer::QueueDrawingBoxes()
1237  void
1239  detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const& detProp,
1240  evdb::View2D* view,
1241  unsigned int plane)
1242  {
1244  // Check if we're supposed to draw raw hits at all
1246  if (rawopt->fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires == 1) return;
1248  geo::PlaneID const pid(rawopt->CurrentTPC(), plane);
1249  BoxDrawer drawer(detProp, pid, this, view);
1250  if (!RunOperation(evt, &drawer)) {
1251  throw art::Exception(art::errors::Unknown) << "RawDataDrawer::RunDrawOperation(): "
1252  "somewhere something went somehow wrong";
1253  }
1255  } // RawDataDrawer::RunDrawOperation()
1257  //......................................................................
1259  public:
1260  float const RoIthreshold;
1263  : OperationBaseClass(pid, data_drawer)
1264  , RoIthreshold(art::ServiceHandle<evd::RawDrawingOptions const>()->RoIthreshold(PlaneID()))
1265  {}
1267  bool
1268  Operate(geo::WireID const& wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
1269  {
1270  if (std::abs(adc) < RoIthreshold) return true;
1271  WireRange.add(wireID.Wire);
1272  TDCrange.add(tick);
1273  return true;
1274  } // Operate()
1276  bool
1277  Finish() override
1278  {
1279  geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t const plane = PlaneID().Plane;
1280  int& WireMin = pRawDataDrawer->fWireMin[plane];
1281  int& WireMax = pRawDataDrawer->fWireMax[plane];
1282  int& TimeMin = pRawDataDrawer->fTimeMin[plane];
1283  int& TimeMax = pRawDataDrawer->fTimeMax[plane];
1285  if ((WireMin == WireMax) && WireRange.has_data()) {
1287  mf::LogInfo("RawDataDrawer")
1288  << "Region of interest for " << std::string(PlaneID()) << " detected to be within wires "
1289  << WireRange.min() << " to " << WireRange.max() << " (plane has "
1290  << geom.Nwires(PlaneID()) << " wires)";
1291  WireMax = WireRange.max() + 1;
1292  WireMin = WireRange.min();
1293  }
1294  if ((TimeMin == TimeMax) && TDCrange.has_data()) {
1295  mf::LogInfo("RawDataDrawer")
1296  << "Region of interest for " << std::string(PlaneID()) << " detected to be within ticks "
1297  << TDCrange.min() << " to " << TDCrange.max();
1298  TimeMax = TDCrange.max() + 1;
1299  TimeMin = TDCrange.min();
1300  }
1301  return true;
1302  } // Finish()
1304  private:
1306  }; // class RawDataDrawer::RoIextractorClass
1308  void
1309  RawDataDrawer::RunRoIextractor(art::Event const& evt, unsigned int plane)
1310  {
1312  geo::PlaneID const pid(rawopt->CurrentTPC(), plane);
1314  // if we have no region of interest, prepare to extract it
1315  bool const bExtractRoI = !hasRegionOfInterest(plane);
1316  MF_LOG_TRACE("RawDataDrawer") << "Region of interest for " << pid
1317  << (bExtractRoI ? " extracted" : " not extracted")
1318  << " on this draw";
1320  if (!bExtractRoI) return;
1322  RoIextractorClass Extractor(pid, this);
1323  if (!RunOperation(evt, &Extractor)) {
1324  throw std::runtime_error(
1325  "RawDataDrawer::RunRoIextractor(): somewhere something went somehow wrong");
1326  }
1328  } // RawDataDrawer::RunRoIextractor()
1330  //......................................................................
1332  void
1334  detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const& detProp,
1335  evdb::View2D* view,
1336  unsigned int plane,
1337  bool bZoomToRoI /* = false */
1338  )
1339  {
1341  geo::PlaneID const pid(rawopt->CurrentTPC(), plane);
1343  bool const bDraw = (rawopt->fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires != 1);
1344  // if we don't need to draw, don't bother doing anything;
1345  // if the region of interest is required, RunRoIextractor() should be called
1346  // (ok, now it's private, but it could be exposed)
1347  if (!bDraw) return;
1351  // Need to loop over the labels, but we don't want to zap existing cached RawDigits that are valid
1352  // So... do the painful search to make sure the RawDigits we recover at those we are searching for.
1353  bool theDroidIAmLookingFor = false;
1355  // Loop over labels
1356  for (const auto& rawDataLabel : rawopt->fRawDataLabels) {
1357  // make sure we reset what needs to be reset
1358  // before the operations are initialized;
1359  // we call for reading raw digits; they will be cached, so it's not a waste
1360  details::CacheID_t NewCacheID(evt, rawDataLabel, pid);
1361  GetRawDigits(evt, NewCacheID);
1363  // Painful check to see if these RawDigits contain the droids we are looking for
1364  for (const auto& rawDigit : digit_cache->Digits()) {
1365  std::vector<geo::WireID> WireIDs = geom->ChannelToWire(rawDigit.Channel());
1367  for (geo::WireID const& wireID : WireIDs) {
1368  if (wireID.planeID() != pid) continue; // not us!
1369  theDroidIAmLookingFor = true;
1370  break;
1371  } // for wires
1373  if (theDroidIAmLookingFor) break;
1374  }
1376  if (theDroidIAmLookingFor) break;
1377  }
1379  if (!theDroidIAmLookingFor) return;
1381  bool const hasRoI = hasRegionOfInterest(plane);
1383  // - if we don't have a RoI yet, we want to get it while we draw
1384  // * if we are zooming into it now, we have to extract it first, then draw
1385  // * if we are not zooming, we can do both at the same time
1386  // - if we have a RoI, we don't want to extract it again
1387  if (!bZoomToRoI) { // we are not required to zoom to the RoI
1389  std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> operation;
1391  // we will do the drawing in one pass
1392  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << __func__ << "() setting up one-pass drawing";
1393  operation.reset(new BoxDrawer(detProp, pid, this, view));
1395  if (!hasRoI) { // we don't have any RoI; since it's cheap, let's get it
1396  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << __func__ << "() adding RoI extraction";
1398  // swap cards: operation becomes a multiple operation:
1399  // - prepare the two operations (one is there already, somehow)
1400  std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> drawer(std::move(operation));
1401  std::unique_ptr<OperationBaseClass> extractor(new RoIextractorClass(pid, this));
1402  // - create a new composite operation and give it the sub-ops
1403  operation.reset(new ManyOperations(pid, this));
1404  ManyOperations* pManyOps = static_cast<ManyOperations*>(operation.get());
1405  pManyOps->AddOperation(std::move(drawer));
1406  pManyOps->AddOperation(std::move(extractor));
1407  }
1409  if (!RunOperation(evt, operation.get())) {
1410  throw art::Exception(art::errors::Unknown) << "RawDataDrawer::RunDrawOperation(): "
1411  "somewhere something went somehow wrong";
1412  }
1413  }
1414  else { // we are zooming to RoI
1415  // first, we want the RoI extracted; the extractor will update this object
1416  if (!hasRoI) {
1417  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << __func__ << "() setting up RoI extraction for " << pid;
1418  RoIextractorClass extractor(pid, this);
1419  if (!RunOperation(evt, &extractor)) {
1421  << "RawDataDrawer::RunDrawOperation():"
1422  " something went somehow wrong while extracting RoI";
1423  }
1424  }
1425  else {
1426  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer")
1427  << __func__ << "() using existing RoI for " << pid << ": wires ( " << fWireMin[plane]
1428  << " - " << fWireMax[plane] << " ), ticks ( " << fTimeMin[plane] << " - "
1429  << fTimeMax[plane] << " )";
1430  }
1432  // adopt the drawing limits information from the wire/time limits
1435  // then we draw
1436  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << __func__ << "() setting up drawing";
1437  BoxDrawer drawer(detProp, pid, this, view);
1438  if (!RunOperation(evt, &drawer)) {
1439  throw art::Exception(art::errors::Unknown) << "RawDataDrawer::RunDrawOperation():"
1440  " something went somehow wrong while drawing";
1441  }
1442  }
1443  } // RawDataDrawer::RawDigit2D()
1445  //........................................................................
1446  int
1447  RawDataDrawer::GetRegionOfInterest(int plane, int& minw, int& maxw, int& mint, int& maxt)
1448  {
1451  if ((unsigned int)plane >= fWireMin.size()) {
1452  mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer")
1453  << " Requested plane " << plane << " is larger than those available " << std::endl;
1454  return -1;
1455  }
1457  minw = fWireMin[plane];
1458  maxw = fWireMax[plane];
1459  mint = fTimeMin[plane];
1460  maxt = fTimeMax[plane];
1462  if ((minw == maxw) || (mint == maxt)) return 1;
1464  //make values a bit larger, but make sure they don't go out of bounds
1465  minw = (minw - 30 < 0) ? 0 : minw - 30;
1466  mint = (mint - 10 < 0) ? 0 : mint - 10;
1468  maxw = (maxw + 10 > (int)geo->Nwires(plane)) ? geo->Nwires(plane) : maxw + 10;
1469  maxt = (maxt + 10 > TotalClockTicks()) ? TotalClockTicks() : maxt + 10;
1471  return 0;
1472  }
1474  //......................................................................
1475  void
1476  RawDataDrawer::GetChargeSum(int plane, double& charge, double& convcharge)
1477  {
1478  charge = fRawCharge[plane];
1479  convcharge = fConvertedCharge[plane];
1480  }
1482  //......................................................................
1483  void
1484  RawDataDrawer::FillQHisto(const art::Event& evt, unsigned int plane, TH1F* histo)
1485  {
1487  // Check if we're supposed to draw raw hits at all
1489  if (rawopt->fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires == 1) return;
1493  geo::PlaneID const pid(rawopt->CurrentTPC(), plane);
1495  for (const auto& rawDataLabel : rawopt->fRawDataLabels) {
1496  details::CacheID_t NewCacheID(evt, rawDataLabel, pid);
1497  GetRawDigits(evt, NewCacheID);
1499  lariov::ChannelStatusProvider const& channelStatus =
1502  //get pedestal conditions
1503  const lariov::DetPedestalProvider& pedestalRetrievalAlg =
1506  for (evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t const& digit_info : *digit_cache) {
1507  raw::RawDigit const& hit = digit_info.Digit();
1508  raw::ChannelID_t const channel = hit.Channel();
1510  if (!channelStatus.IsPresent(channel)) continue;
1512  // The following test is meant to be temporary until the "correct" solution is implemented
1513  if (!ProcessChannelWithStatus(channelStatus.Status(channel))) continue;
1515  // to be explicit: we don't cound bad channels in
1516  if (!rawopt->fSeeBadChannels && channelStatus.IsBad(channel)) continue;
1518  std::vector<geo::WireID> wireids = geo->ChannelToWire(channel);
1519  for (auto const& wid : wireids) {
1520  // check that the plane and tpc are the correct ones to draw
1521  if (wid.planeID() != pid) continue;
1523  raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const& uncompressed = digit_info.Data();
1525  //float const pedestal = pedestalRetrievalAlg.PedMean(channel);
1526  // recover the pedestal
1527  float pedestal = 0;
1528  if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 0) { pedestal = pedestalRetrievalAlg.PedMean(channel); }
1529  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 1) {
1530  pedestal = hit.GetPedestal();
1531  }
1532  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 2) {
1533  pedestal = 0;
1534  }
1535  else {
1536  mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer")
1537  << " PedestalOption is not understood: " << rawopt->fPedestalOption
1538  << ". Pedestals not subtracted.";
1539  }
1541  for (short d : uncompressed)
1542  histo->Fill(float(d) - pedestal); //pedestals[plane]); //hit.GetPedestal());
1544  // this channel is on the correct plane, don't double count the raw signal
1545  // if there are more than one wids for the channel
1546  break;
1547  } // end loop over wids
1548  } //end loop over raw hits
1549  } //end loop over labels
1550  }
1552  //......................................................................
1553  void
1555  unsigned int plane,
1556  unsigned int wire,
1557  TH1F* histo)
1558  {
1560  // Check if we're supposed to draw raw hits at all
1562  if (rawopt->fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires == 1) return;
1564  // make sure we have the raw digits cached
1565  geo::PlaneID const pid(rawopt->CurrentTPC(), plane);
1567  // loop over labels
1568  for (const auto& rawDataLabel : rawopt->fRawDataLabels) {
1569  details::CacheID_t NewCacheID(evt, rawDataLabel, pid);
1570  GetRawDigits(evt, NewCacheID);
1572  if (digit_cache->empty()) return;
1574  geo::WireID const wireid(pid, wire);
1576  // find the channel
1578  raw::ChannelID_t const channel = geom->PlaneWireToChannel(wireid);
1579  if (!raw::isValidChannelID(channel)) { // no channel, empty histogram
1580  mf::LogError("RawDataDrawer")
1581  << __func__ << ": no channel associated to " << std::string(wireid);
1582  return;
1583  } // if no channel
1585  // check the channel status; bad channels are still ok.
1586  lariov::ChannelStatusProvider const& channelStatus =
1589  if (!channelStatus.IsPresent(channel)) return;
1591  // The following test is meant to be temporary until the "correct" solution is implemented
1592  if (!ProcessChannelWithStatus(channelStatus.Status(channel))) return;
1594  // we accept to see the content of a bad channel, so this is commented out:
1595  if (!rawopt->fSeeBadChannels && channelStatus.IsBad(channel)) return;
1597  //get pedestal conditions
1598  const lariov::DetPedestalProvider& pedestalRetrievalAlg =
1601  // find the raw digit
1602  // (iDigit is an iterator to a evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t)
1603  evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t const* pDigit = digit_cache->FindChannel(channel);
1605  if (
1606  !pDigit) { // this is weird... actually no, this can happen if the RawDigits are per TPC (or something)
1607  // mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer") << __func__
1608  // << ": can't find raw digit for channel #" << channel
1609  // << " (" << std::string(wireid) << ")";
1610  continue;
1611  }
1613  raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const& uncompressed = pDigit->Data();
1615  // recover the pedestal
1616  float pedestal = 0;
1617  if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 0) { pedestal = pedestalRetrievalAlg.PedMean(channel); }
1618  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 1) {
1619  pedestal = pDigit->DigitPtr()->GetPedestal();
1620  }
1621  else if (rawopt->fPedestalOption == 2) {
1622  pedestal = 0;
1623  }
1624  else {
1625  mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer")
1626  << " PedestalOption is not understood: " << rawopt->fPedestalOption
1627  << ". Pedestals not subtracted.";
1628  }
1630  for (size_t j = 0; j < uncompressed.size(); ++j)
1631  histo->Fill(float(j),
1632  float(uncompressed[j]) - pedestal); //pedestals[plane]); //hit.GetPedestal());
1633  }
1635  } // RawDataDrawer::FillTQHisto()
1637  //......................................................................
1639  // void RawDataDrawer::RawDigit3D(const art::Event& evt,
1640  // evdb::View3D* view)
1641  // {
1642  // // Check if we're supposed to draw raw hits at all
1643  // art::ServiceHandle<evd::RawDrawingOptions const> rawopt;
1644  // if (rawopt->fDrawRawOrCalibHits!=0) return;
1646  // art::ServiceHandle<geo::Geometry const> geom;
1648  // HitTower tower;
1649  // tower.fQscale = 0.01;
1651  // for (unsigned int imod=0; imod<rawopt->fRawDigitModules.size(); ++imod) {
1652  // const char* which = rawopt->fRawDigitModules[imod].c_str();
1654  // std::vector<raw::RawDigit> rawhits;
1655  // GetRawDigits(evt, which, rawhits);
1657  // for (unsigned int i=0; i<rawhits.size(); ++i) {
1658  // double t = 0;
1659  // double q = 0;
1660  // t = rawhits[i]->fTDC[0];
1661  // for (unsigned int j=0; j<rawhits[i]->NADC(); ++j) {
1662  // q += rawhits[i]->ADC(j);
1663  // }
1664  // // Hack for now...
1665  // if (q<=0.0) q = 1+i%10;
1667  // // Get the cell geometry for the hit
1668  // int iplane = cmap->GetPlane(rawhits[i].get());
1669  // int icell = cmap->GetCell(rawhits[i].get());
1670  // double xyz[3];
1671  // double dpos[3];
1672  // geo::View_t v;
1673  // geom->CellInfo(iplane, icell, &v, xyz, dpos);
1675  // switch (rawopt->fRawDigit3DStyle) {
1676  // case 1:
1677  // //
1678  // // Render digits as towers
1679  // //
1680  // if (v==geo::kX) {
1681  // tower.AddHit(v, iplane, icell, xyz[0], xyz[2], q, t);
1682  // }
1683  // else if (v==geo::kY) {
1684  // tower.AddHit(v, iplane, icell, xyz[1], xyz[2], q, t);
1685  // }
1686  // else abort();
1687  // break;
1688  // default:
1689  // //
1690  // // Render Digits as boxes
1691  // //
1692  // TPolyLine3D& p = view->AddPolyLine3D(5,kGreen+1,1,2);
1693  // double sf = std::sqrt(0.01*q);
1694  // if (v==geo::kX) {
1695  // double x1 = xyz[0] - sf*dpos[0];
1696  // double x2 = xyz[0] + sf*dpos[0];
1697  // double z1 = xyz[2] - sf*dpos[2];
1698  // double z2 = xyz[2] + sf*dpos[2];
1699  // p.SetPoint(0, x1, geom->DetHalfHeight(), z1);
1700  // p.SetPoint(1, x2, geom->DetHalfHeight(), z1);
1701  // p.SetPoint(2, x2, geom->DetHalfHeight(), z2);
1702  // p.SetPoint(3, x1, geom->DetHalfHeight(), z2);
1703  // p.SetPoint(4, x1, geom->DetHalfHeight(), z1);
1704  // }
1705  // else if (v==geo::kY) {
1706  // double y1 = xyz[1] - sf*dpos[1];
1707  // double y2 = xyz[1] + sf*dpos[1];
1708  // double z1 = xyz[2] - sf*dpos[2];
1709  // double z2 = xyz[2] + sf*dpos[2];
1710  // p.SetPoint(0, geom->DetHalfWidth(), y1, z1);
1711  // p.SetPoint(1, geom->DetHalfWidth(), y2, z1);
1712  // p.SetPoint(2, geom->DetHalfWidth(), y2, z2);
1713  // p.SetPoint(3, geom->DetHalfWidth(), y1, z2);
1714  // p.SetPoint(4, geom->DetHalfWidth(), y1, z1);
1715  // }
1716  // else abort();
1717  // break;
1718  // } // switch fRawDigit3DStyle
1719  // }//end loop over raw digits
1720  // }// end loop over RawDigit modules
1722  // // Render the towers for that style choice
1723  // if (rawopt->fRawDigit3DStyle==1) tower.Draw(view);
1724  // }
1726  //......................................................................
1727  bool
1729  {
1731  return (fWireMax[plane] != -1) && (fTimeMax[plane] != -1);
1733  } // RawDataDrawer::hasRegionOfInterest()
1735  //......................................................................
1736  void
1738  {
1740  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "RawDataDrawer[" << ((void*)this)
1741  << "]: resetting the region of interest";
1743  std::fill(fWireMin.begin(), fWireMin.end(), -1);
1744  std::fill(fWireMax.begin(), fWireMax.end(), -1);
1745  std::fill(fTimeMin.begin(), fTimeMin.end(), -1);
1746  std::fill(fTimeMax.begin(), fTimeMax.end(), -1);
1748  } // RawDataDrawer::ResetRegionOfInterest()
1750  //......................................................................
1752  void
1754  {
1755  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "GetRawDigits() for " << new_timestamp
1756  << " (last for: " << *fCacheID << ")";
1758  // update cache
1759  digit_cache->Update(evt, new_timestamp);
1761  // if time stamp is changing, we want to reconsider which region is
1762  // interesting
1763  if (!fCacheID->sameTPC(new_timestamp)) ResetRegionOfInterest();
1765  // all the caches have been properly updated or invalidated;
1766  // we are now on a new cache state
1767  *fCacheID = new_timestamp;
1769  } // RawDataDrawer::GetRawDigits()
1771  //......................................................................
1772  bool
1774  lariov::ChannelStatusProvider::Status_t channel_status) const
1775  {
1776  // if we don't have a valid status, we can't reject the channel
1777  if (!lariov::ChannelStatusProvider::IsValidStatus(channel_status)) return true;
1779  // is the status "too bad"?
1781  if (channel_status > drawopt->fMaxChannelStatus) return false;
1782  if (channel_status < drawopt->fMinChannelStatus) return false;
1784  // no reason to reject it...
1785  return true;
1786  } // RawDataDrawer::ProcessChannel()
1788  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1789  namespace details {
1791  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1792  //--- RawDigitInfo_t
1793  //---
1796  {
1797  if (!data.hasData()) UncompressData();
1798  return *data;
1799  } // RawDigitInfo_t::Data()
1801  void
1802  RawDigitInfo_t::Fill(art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> const& src)
1803  {
1804  data.Clear();
1805  digit = src;
1806  } // RawDigitInfo_t::Fill()
1808  void
1809  RawDigitInfo_t::Clear()
1810  {
1811  data.Clear();
1812  sample_info.reset();
1813  }
1815  void
1816  RawDigitInfo_t::UncompressData() const
1817  {
1818  data.Clear();
1820  if (!digit) return; // no original data, can't do anything
1824  if (digit->Compression() == kNone) {
1825  // no compression, we can refer to the original data directly
1826  data.PointToData(digit->ADCs());
1827  }
1828  else {
1829  // data is compressed, need to do the real work
1830  if (drawopt->fUncompressWithPed) { //Use pedestal in uncompression
1831  int pedestal = (int)digit->GetPedestal();
1833  samples.resize(digit->Samples());
1834  Uncompress(digit->ADCs(), samples, pedestal, digit->Compression());
1835  data.StealData(std::move(samples));
1836  }
1837  else {
1839  samples.resize(digit->Samples());
1840  Uncompress(digit->ADCs(), samples, digit->Compression());
1841  data.StealData(std::move(samples));
1842  }
1843  }
1844  } // RawDigitInfo_t::UncompressData()
1846  void
1847  RawDigitInfo_t::CollectSampleInfo() const
1848  {
1849  raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const& samples = Data();
1851  // lar::util::StatCollector<double> stat;
1852  // stat.add(samples.begin(), samples.end());
1855  samples.end());
1857  sample_info.reset(new SampleInfo_t);
1858  sample_info->min_charge = stat.min();
1859  sample_info->max_charge = stat.max();
1860  // sample_info->average_charge = stat.Average();
1862  } // RawDigitInfo_t::CollectSampleInfo()
1865  RawDigitInfo_t::SampleInfo() const
1866  {
1867  if (!sample_info) CollectSampleInfo();
1868  return *sample_info;
1869  } // SampleInfo()
1871  template <typename Stream>
1872  void
1873  RawDigitInfo_t::Dump(Stream&& out) const
1874  {
1875  out << " digit at " << ((void*)digit.get()) << " on channel #" << digit->Channel()
1876  << " with " << digit->NADC();
1877  if (digit->Compression() == kNone)
1878  out << " uncompressed data";
1879  else
1880  out << " data items compressed with <" << digit->Compression() << ">";
1881  if (data.hasData())
1882  out << " with data (" << data->size() << " samples)";
1883  else
1884  out << " without data";
1885  } // RawDigitInfo_t::Dump()
1887  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
1888  //--- RawDigitCacheDataClass
1889  //---
1891  RawDigitInfo_t const*
1892  RawDigitCacheDataClass::FindChannel(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const
1893  {
1894  auto iDigit = std::find_if(
1895  digits.cbegin(), digits.cend(), [channel](evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t const& digit) {
1896  return digit.Channel() == channel;
1897  });
1898  return (iDigit == digits.cend()) ? nullptr : &*iDigit;
1899  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::FindChannel()
1901  std::vector<raw::RawDigit> const*
1902  RawDigitCacheDataClass::ReadProduct(art::Event const& evt, art::InputTag label)
1903  {
1905  if (!evt.getByLabel(label, rdcol)) return nullptr;
1906  return &*rdcol;
1907  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::ReadProduct()
1909  void
1910  RawDigitCacheDataClass::Refill(art::Handle<std::vector<raw::RawDigit>>& rdcol)
1911  {
1912  digits.resize(rdcol->size());
1913  for (size_t iDigit = 0; iDigit < rdcol->size(); ++iDigit) {
1914  art::Ptr<raw::RawDigit> pDigit(rdcol, iDigit);
1915  digits[iDigit].Fill(pDigit);
1916  size_t samples = pDigit->Samples();
1917  if (samples > max_samples) max_samples = samples;
1918  } // for
1919  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::Refill()
1921  void
1922  RawDigitCacheDataClass::Invalidate()
1923  {
1924  timestamp.clear();
1925  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::Invalidate()
1927  void
1928  RawDigitCacheDataClass::Clear()
1929  {
1930  Invalidate();
1931  digits.clear();
1932  max_samples = 0;
1933  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::Clear()
1936  RawDigitCacheDataClass::CheckUpToDate(CacheID_t const& ts,
1937  art::Event const* evt /* = nullptr */) const
1938  {
1939  BoolWithUpToDateMetadata res{false, nullptr};
1941  // normally only if either the event or the product label have changed,
1942  // cache becomes invalid:
1943  if (!ts.sameProduct(timestamp)) return res; // outdated cache
1945  // But: our cache stores pointers to the original data, and on a new TPC
1946  // the event display may reload the event anew, removing the "old" data
1947  // from memory.
1948  // Since TPC can change with or without the data being invalidated,
1949  // a more accurate verification is needed.
1951  // if the cache is empty, well, it does not make much difference;
1952  // we invalidate it to be sure
1953  if (empty()) return res; // outdated cache
1955  if (!evt) return res; // outdated, since we can't know better without the event
1957  // here we force reading of the product
1958  res.digits = ReadProduct(*evt, ts.inputLabel());
1959  if (!res.digits) return res; // outdated cache; this is actually an error
1961  if (res.digits->empty())
1962  return res; // outdated; no digits (strange!), invalidate just in case
1964  // use the first digit as test
1965  raw::ChannelID_t channel = res.digits->front().Channel();
1966  RawDigitInfo_t const* pInfo = FindChannel(channel);
1967  if (!pInfo) return res; // outdated: we don't even have this channel in cache!
1969  if (&(pInfo->Digit()) != &(res.digits->front()))
1970  return res; // outdated: different memory address for data
1972  res.bUpToDate = true;
1973  return res; // cache still valid
1974  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::CheckUpToDate()
1976  bool
1978  {
1979  BoolWithUpToDateMetadata update_info = CheckUpToDate(new_timestamp, &evt);
1981  if (update_info) return false; // already up to date: move on!
1983  MF_LOG_DEBUG("RawDataDrawer") << "Refilling raw digit cache RawDigitCacheDataClass["
1984  << ((void*)this) << "] for " << new_timestamp;
1986  Clear();
1989  if (!evt.getByLabel(new_timestamp.inputLabel(), rdcol)) {
1990  mf::LogWarning("RawDataDrawer")
1991  << "no RawDigit collection '" << new_timestamp.inputLabel() << "' found";
1992  return true;
1993  }
1995  Refill(rdcol);
1997  timestamp = new_timestamp;
1998  return true;
1999  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::Update()
2001  template <typename Stream>
2002  void
2003  RawDigitCacheDataClass::Dump(Stream&& out) const
2004  {
2005  out << "Cache at " << ((void*)this) << " with time stamp " << std::string(timestamp)
2006  << " and " << digits.size() << " entries (maximum sample: " << max_samples << ");"
2007  << " data at " << ((void*)digits.data());
2008  for (RawDigitInfo_t const& digitInfo : digits) {
2009  out << "\n ";
2010  digitInfo.Dump(out);
2011  } // for
2012  out << "\n";
2013  } // RawDigitCacheDataClass::Dump()
2015  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016  //--- GridAxisClass
2017  //---
2018  std::ptrdiff_t
2019  GridAxisClass::GetCell(float coord) const
2020  {
2021  return std::ptrdiff_t((coord - min) / cell_size); // truncate
2022  } // GridAxisClass::GetCell()
2024  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2025  bool
2026  GridAxisClass::Init(size_t nDiv, float new_min, float new_max)
2027  {
2029  n_cells = std::max(nDiv, size_t(1));
2030  return SetLimits(new_min, new_max);
2032  } // GridAxisClass::Init()
2034  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2035  bool
2036  GridAxisClass::SetLimits(float new_min, float new_max)
2037  {
2038  min = new_min;
2039  max = new_max;
2040  cell_size = Length() / float(n_cells);
2042  return std::isnormal(cell_size);
2043  } // GridAxisClass::SetLimits()
2045  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2046  bool
2047  GridAxisClass::SetMinCellSize(float min_size)
2048  {
2049  if (cell_size >= min_size) return false;
2051  // n_cells gets truncated
2052  n_cells = (size_t)std::max(std::floor(Length() / min_size), 1.0F);
2054  // reevaluate cell size, that might be different than min_size
2055  // because of n_cells truncation or minimum value
2056  cell_size = Length() / float(n_cells);
2057  return true;
2058  } // GridAxisClass::SetMinCellSize()
2060  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2061  bool
2062  GridAxisClass::SetMaxCellSize(float max_size)
2063  {
2064  if (cell_size <= max_size) return false;
2066  // n_cells gets rounded up
2067  n_cells = (size_t)std::max(std::ceil(Length() / max_size), 1.0F);
2069  // reevaluate cell size, that might be different than max_size
2070  // because of n_cells rounding or minimum value
2071  cell_size = Length() / float(n_cells);
2072  return true;
2073  } // GridAxisClass::SetMaxCellSize()
2075  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2076  template <typename Stream>
2077  void
2078  GridAxisClass::Dump(Stream&& out) const
2079  {
2080  out << NCells() << " cells from " << Min() << " to " << Max() << " (length: " << Length()
2081  << ")";
2082  } // GridAxisClass::Dump()
2084  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2085  //--- CellGridClass
2086  //---
2087  CellGridClass::CellGridClass(unsigned int nWires, unsigned int nTDC)
2088  : wire_axis((size_t)nWires, 0., float(nWires)), tdc_axis((size_t)nTDC, 0., float(nTDC))
2089  {} // CellGridClass::CellGridClass(int, int)
2091  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2093  float max_wire,
2094  unsigned int nWires,
2095  float min_tdc,
2096  float max_tdc,
2097  unsigned int nTDC)
2098  : wire_axis((size_t)nWires, min_wire, max_wire), tdc_axis((size_t)nTDC, min_tdc, max_tdc)
2099  {} // CellGridClass::CellGridClass({ float, float, int } x 2)
2101  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2102  std::ptrdiff_t
2103  CellGridClass::GetCell(float wire, float tick) const
2104  {
2105  std::ptrdiff_t iWireCell = wire_axis.GetCell(wire);
2106  if (!wire_axis.hasCell(iWireCell)) return std::ptrdiff_t(-1);
2107  std::ptrdiff_t iTDCCell = tdc_axis.GetCell(tick);
2108  if (!tdc_axis.hasCell(iTDCCell)) return std::ptrdiff_t(-1);
2109  return iWireCell * TDCAxis().NCells() + iTDCCell;
2110  } // CellGridClass::GetCell()
2112  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2113  std::tuple<float, float, float, float>
2114  CellGridClass::GetCellBox(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
2115  {
2116  // { w1, t1, w2, t2 }
2117  size_t const nTDCCells = TDCAxis().NCells();
2118  std::ptrdiff_t iWireCell = (std::ptrdiff_t)(iCell / nTDCCells),
2119  iTDCCell = (std::ptrdiff_t)(iCell % nTDCCells);
2121  return std::tuple<float, float, float, float>(WireAxis().LowerEdge(iWireCell),
2122  TDCAxis().LowerEdge(iTDCCell),
2123  WireAxis().UpperEdge(iWireCell),
2124  TDCAxis().UpperEdge(iTDCCell));
2125  } // CellGridClass::GetCellBox()
2127  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2128  template <typename Stream>
2129  void
2130  CellGridClass::Dump(Stream&& out) const
2131  {
2132  out << "Wire axis: ";
2133  WireAxis().Dump(out);
2134  out << "; time axis: ";
2135  TDCAxis().Dump(out);
2136  } // CellGridClass::Dump()
2138  //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2140  } // details
2142 } // namespace evd
2144 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
virtual bool IsBad(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const =0
Returns whether the specified channel is bad in the current run.
int GetRegionOfInterest(int plane, int &minw, int &maxw, int &mint, int &maxt)
float GetPedestal() const
Definition: RawDigit.h:214
Data_t max() const
Returns the accumulated maximum, or a very small number if no values.
const_pointer operator->() const
bool Operate(geo::WireID const &wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
details::CellGridClass drawingRange
float Length(const PFPStruct &pfp)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:3303
short MaxCharge() const
maximum charge
bool has_data() const
Returns whether at least one datum has been added.
Destructor: gets rid of the owned data.
int fScaleDigitsByCharge
scale the size of the digit by the charge
bool Update(art::Event const &evt, CacheID_t const &new_timestamp)
BoxDrawer(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, geo::PlaneID const &pid, RawDataDrawer *dataDrawer, evdb::View2D *new_view)
bool sameProduct(PlaneDataChangeTracker_t const &as) const
Returns whether we are in the same event (the rest could differ)
BoolWithUpToDateMetadata(bool uptodate, std::vector< raw::RawDigit > const *newdigits)
bool SetCellSizeBoundary(float min_size, float max_size)
ULong64_t Samples() const
Number of samples in the uncompressed ADC data.
Definition: RawDigit.h:213
bool ProcessTick(size_t tick) override
unsigned int fTPC
TPC number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView.
Collection of charge vs time digitized from a single readout channel.
Definition: RawDigit.h:69
void SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire)
Sets the wire range, leaving the number of wire cells unchanged.
void FillTQHisto(const art::Event &evt, unsigned int plane, unsigned int wire, TH1F *histo)
int adc
total ADC count in this box
raw::RawDigit const & Digit() const
Returns an art pointer to the actual digit.
void SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc, unsigned int nTDC, float min_size)
Sets the complete TDC range, with minimum cell size.
void SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire, unsigned int nWires, float min_size)
Sets the complete wire range, with minimum cell size.
void msg(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:107
bool Operate(geo::WireID const &wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
OperationBaseClass(geo::PlaneID const &pid, RawDataDrawer *data_drawer=nullptr)
void RunDrawOperation(art::Event const &evt, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, evdb::View2D *view, unsigned int plane)
void SetWireRange(unsigned int nWires)
Display parameters for the raw data.
std::string string
Definition: nybbler.cc:12
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_info, false > LogInfo
float Min() const
Returns the extremes of the axis.
int fDrawRawDataOrCalibWires
0 for raw
const_reference operator*() const
auto coord(Vector &v, unsigned int n) noexcept
Returns an object to manage the coordinate n of a vector.
void Dump(Stream &&out) const
Prints the current axes on the specified stream.
void SetDrawingLimitsFromRoI(geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t plane)
double fStartTick
low tick
unsigned int PlaneID_t
Type for the ID number.
Definition: geo_types.h:473
The data type to uniquely identify a Plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:472
details::CacheID_t * fCacheID
information about the last processed plane
GridAxisClass const & WireAxis() const
Return the information about the wires.
std::unique_ptr< SampleInfo_t > sample_info
Information collected from the uncompressed data.
CacheID_t timestamp
object expressing validity range of cached data
ChannelID_t Channel() const
DAQ channel this raw data was read from.
Definition: RawDigit.h:212
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< RawDataDrawer::OperationBaseClass > > operations
Classes detecting configuration changes.
float cell_size
size of each cell
std::vector< short > ADCvector_t
Type representing a (compressed) vector of ADC counts.
Definition: RawDigit.h:73
bool SetMinTDCCellSize(float min_size)
Sets the minimum size for TDC cells.
std::ptrdiff_t GetCell(float wire, float tick) const
Returns the index of specified cell, or -1 if out of range.
Default constructor: an invalid range.
std::vector< geo::WireID > ChannelToWire(raw::ChannelID_t const channel) const
Returns a list of wires connected to the specified TPC channel.
void SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc)
Sets the TDC range, leaving the number of ticks unchanged.
int16_t adc
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:202
std::vector< BoxInfo_t > boxInfo
Definition of basic raw digits.
void RawDigit2D(art::Event const &evt, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, evdb::View2D *view, unsigned int plane, bool bZoomToRoI=false)
Draws raw digit content in 2D wire plane representation.
bool hasTick(int tick) const
bool operator!() const
Returns whether we point to nothing.
WireID_t Wire
Index of the wire within its plane.
Definition: geo_types.h:580
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
ManyOperations(geo::PlaneID const &pid, RawDataDrawer *data_drawer=nullptr)
bool hasTick(float tick) const
Returns whether the range includes the specified wire.
uint8_t channel
Definition: CRTFragment.hh:201
SigType_t SignalType(geo::PlaneID const &pid) const
Returns the type of signal on the channels of specified TPC plane.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_error, false > LogError
void PointToData(pointer data)
Point to the specified data, not acquiring ownership.
raw::ChannelID_t Channel() const
Returns the channel of this digit (for convenience)
lar::util::MinMaxCollector< float > WireRange
bool ProcessChannelWithStatus(lariov::ChannelStatusProvider::Status_t channel_status) const
Returns whether a channel with the specified status should be processed.
Classes gathering simple statistics.
no compression
Definition: RawTypes.h:9
std::vector< double > fRawCharge
Sum of Raw Charge.
unsigned int Nwires(unsigned int p, unsigned int tpc=0, unsigned int cstat=0) const
Returns the total number of wires in the specified plane.
std::vector< int > fWireMin
lowest wire in interesting region for each plane
art framework interface to geometry description
double electronsToADC
conversion constant
Manages a cell-like division of a coordinate.
std::add_pointer_t< value_type > pointer
void SetDrawingLimits(float low_wire, float high_wire, float low_tdc, float high_tdc)
Fills the viewport borders from the specified extremes.
size_t n_cells
number of cells in the axis
friend class RoIextractorClass
def update_info(flist, md)
details::ADCCorrectorClass ADCCorrector
unsigned short Status_t
type representing channel status
std::vector< int > fTimeMax
highest time in interesting region for each plane
The color scales used by the event display.
Keeps track of the minimum and maximum value we observed.
Information about a RawDigit; may contain uncompressed duplicate of data.
art::InputTag const & inputLabel() const
T abs(T value)
OperationBaseClass const * Operator(size_t iOp) const
std::add_lvalue_reference_t< value_type > reference
Data_t min() const
Returns the accumulated minimum, or a very large number if no values.
bool getByLabel(std::string const &label, std::string const &instance, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: DataViewImpl.h:633
unsigned int Nplanes(unsigned int tpc=0, unsigned int cstat=0) const
Returns the total number of wire planes in the specified TPC.
constexpr ChannelID_t InvalidChannelID
ID of an invalid channel.
Definition: RawTypes.h:32
detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const & detProp
float Length() const
Returns the length of the axis.
double fTicks
number of ticks of the clock
mutable::details::PointerToData_t< raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const > data
Uncompressed data.
bool ProcessWire(geo::WireID const &wire) override
LArSoft includes.
void AcquireData(pointer data)
Acquire ownership of the specified data.
PadResolution_t PadResolution
stored pad resolution
short MinCharge() const
minimum charge
raw::RawDigit::ADCvector_t const & Data() const
average charge
bool SetMinWireCellSize(float min_size)
Sets the minimum size for wire cells.
double operator()(float adc) const
Applies Birks correction to the specified pedestal-subtracted charge.
bool Add(CONT &cont, float wire, float tick, typename CONT::value_type v)
const evdb::ColorScale & RawQ(geo::SigType_t st) const
unsigned int fCryostat
Cryostat number to draw, typically set by TWQProjectionView.
enum geo::_plane_sigtype SigType_t
std::string Name() const override
bool hasWire(int wire) const
std::ptrdiff_t operator()(float coord) const
ADCCorrectorClass(detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &dp, geo::PlaneID const &pid)
unsigned int fMaxChannelStatus
Display channels with this status and below.
def move(depos, offset)
Definition: depos.py:107
Cached set of RawDigitInfo_t.
Collect all the RawData header files together.
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator begin(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
float UpperEdge(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
Returns the upper edge of the cell.
float LowerEdge(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
Returns the lower edge of the cell.
void FillQHisto(const art::Event &evt, unsigned int plane, TH1F *histo)
void GetChargeSum(int plane, double &charge, double &convcharge)
double fMinSignal
minimum ADC count to display a time bin
#define MF_LOG_TRACE(id)
void RunRoIextractor(art::Event const &evt, unsigned int plane)
std::vector< int > fWireMax
highest wire in interesting region for each plane
double fTicks
number of TDC ticks to display, ie # fTicks past fStartTick
std::add_lvalue_reference_t< const_value_type > const_reference
tick_as<> tick
Tick number, represented by std::ptrdiff_t.
Definition: electronics.h:75
constexpr bool isValidChannelID(raw::ChannelID_t channel)
Definition: RawTypes.h:37
void GetRawDigits(art::Event const &evt)
Reads raw::RawDigits; also triggers Reset()
virtual Status_t Status(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const
Returns a status integer with arbitrary meaning.
geo::TPCID CurrentTPC() const
Returns the current TPC as a TPCID.
bool hasCell(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
Returns whether the cell is present or not.
double TotalClockTicks() const
Definition: RawDataDrawer.h:82
Class providing information about the quality of channels.
static int max(int a, int b)
The data type to uniquely identify a TPC.
Definition: geo_types.h:386
Description of geometry of one entire detector.
virtual bool Operate(geo::WireID const &wireID, size_t tick, float adc)=0
bool operator()(geo::WireID const &wireID, size_t tick, float adc)
void Init(void)
Definition: gXSecComp.cxx:138
bool isEmpty() const
Returns whether minimum and maximum match.
bool bOwned
whether we own our data
Class to aid in the rendering of RawData objects.
Detector simulation of raw signals on wires.
void SetTDCRange(float min_tdc, float max_tdc, unsigned int nTDC)
Sets the complete TDC range.
float CellSize() const
Returns the cell size.
Detects the presence of a new event, data product or wire plane.
std::vector< RawDigitInfo_t > const & Digits() const
Returns the list of digit info.
Default constructor: invalid ranges.
bool empty() const
Returns whether the cache is empty() (STL-like interface)
cet::coded_exception< errors::ErrorCodes, ExceptionDetail::translate > Exception
Definition: Exception.h:66
geo::PlaneID const & PlaneID() const
std::size_t color(std::string const &procname)
Fw2dFFT::Data Data
void NewData(T const &data)
Create a owned copy of the specified object.
raw::ChannelID_t PlaneWireToChannel(WireID const &wireid) const
Returns the ID of the TPC channel connected to the specified wire.
RawDigitInfo_t const * FindChannel(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const
Returns a pointer to the digit info of given channel, nullptr if none.
int fTicksPerPoint
number of ticks to include in one point
virtual bool IsPresent(raw::ChannelID_t channel) const =0
Returns whether the specified channel is physical and connected to wire.
virtual bool ProcessWire(geo::WireID const &)
T min(sqlite3 *const db, std::string const &table_name, std::string const &column_name)
Definition: statistics.h:55
def fill(s)
Definition: translator.py:93
bool fSeeBadChannels
Allow "bad" channels to be viewed.
bool hasCoord(float coord) const
Returns whether the coordinate is included in the range or not.
bool hasRegionOfInterest(geo::PlaneID::PlaneID_t plane) const
friend class BoxDrawer
void SetWireRange(float min_wire, float max_wire, unsigned int nWires)
Sets the complete wire range.
void PointToData(reference data)
Point to the specified data, not acquiring ownership.
MaybeLogger_< ELseverityLevel::ELsev_warning, false > LogWarning
#define MF_LOG_DEBUG(id)
pointer pData
pointer to data
bool hasWire(float wire) const
Returns whether the range includes the specified wire.
size_t NCells() const
Returns the length of the axis.
void QueueDrawingBoxes(evdb::View2D *view, geo::PlaneID const &pid, std::vector< BoxInfo_t > const &BoxInfo)
int fAxisOrientation
0 = TDC values on y-axis, wire number on x-axis, 1 = swapped
void Clear()
Stop pointing to the data; if owned, delete it.
std::vector< art::InputTag > fRawDataLabels
module label that made the raw digits, default is daq
Aid in the rendering of RawData objects.
Definition: RawDataDrawer.h:40
Interface for experiment-specific channel quality info provider.
art::Ptr< raw::RawDigit > digit
a pointer to the actual digit
virtual float PedMean(raw::ChannelID_t ch) const =0
Retrieve pedestal information.
GridAxisClass(size_t nDiv, float new_min, float new_max)
Constructor: sets the limits and the number of cells.
bool ProcessTick(size_t tick) override
double fStartTick
Starting tick for the display.
bool good
whether the channel is not bad
void Dump(Stream &&out) const
unsigned int WireID_t
Type for the ID number.
Definition: geo_types.h:561
bool owned() const
Returns whether we have data and we own it.
detail::Node< FrameID, bool > PlaneID
Definition: CRTID.h:125
RawDataDrawer * RawDataDrawerPtr() const
size_t MaxSamples() const
Returns the largest number of samples in the unpacked raw digits.
std::vector< evd::details::RawDigitInfo_t >::const_iterator end(RawDigitCacheDataClass const &cache)
RoIextractorClass(geo::PlaneID const &pid, RawDataDrawer *data_drawer)
void ResetRegionOfInterest()
Forgets about the current region of interest.
details::CellGridClass * fDrawingRange
information about the viewport
std::vector< int > fTimeMin
lowest time in interesting region for each plane
::util::PlaneDataChangeTracker_t CacheID_t
Definition: RawDataDrawer.h:35
std::add_const_t< value_type > const_value_type
Manages a grid-like division of 2D space.
TCEvent evt
Definition: DataStructs.cxx:7
bool ProcessWire(geo::WireID const &wireID) override
unsigned int ChannelID_t
Type representing the ID of a readout channel.
Definition: RawTypes.h:28
Applies Birks correction.
Interface for experiment-specific service for channel quality info.
OperationBaseClass * Operator(size_t iOp)
virtual std::string Name() const
void Uncompress(const std::vector< short > &adc, std::vector< short > &uncompressed, raw::Compress_t compress)
Uncompresses a raw data buffer.
Definition: raw.cxx:776
evd::details::RawDigitCacheDataClass * digit_cache
Cache of raw digits.
int fPedestalOption
0: use DetPedestalService; 1: Use pedestal in raw::RawDigt; 2: no ped subtraction ...
void SetTDCRange(unsigned int nTDC)
Sets a simple TDC range: all the ticks, one cell per tick.
void StealData(std::remove_const_t< T > &&data)
Move data from the specified object, and own it.
Verifies that the geometry check information is available.
std::vector< RawDigitInfo_t > digits
vector of raw digit information
GridAxisClass const & TDCAxis() const
Return the information about the TDCs.
int bool
Definition: qglobal.h:345
std::string to_string(ModuleType const mt)
Definition: ModuleType.h:34
bool hasData() const
Returns whether we have data.
art::Ptr< raw::RawDigit > DigitPtr() const
Returns an art pointer to the actual digit.
bool RunOperation(art::Event const &evt, OperationBaseClass *operation)
std::tuple< float, float, float, float > GetCellBox(std::ptrdiff_t iCell) const
Returns the coordinates { w1, t1, w2, t2 } of specified cell.
size_t NCells() const
Returns the total number of cells in the grid.
void SetData(pointer data, bool owned)
Sets the data and the ownership.
bool Operate(geo::WireID const &wireID, size_t tick, float adc) override
bool Update(detinfo::DetectorClocksData const &clockData, detinfo::DetectorPropertiesData const &detProp, const TCSlice &slc, PFPStruct &pfp, bool prt)
Definition: PFPUtils.cxx:1056
decltype(auto) constexpr empty(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::empty.
Definition: StdUtils.h:97
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
bool fUncompressWithPed
Option to uncompress with pedestal. Turned off by default.
std::add_pointer_t< const_value_type > const_pointer
static bool IsValidStatus(Status_t status)
Returns whether the specified status is a valid one.
std::ptrdiff_t GetCell(float coord) const
Returns the index of the specified cell.
void AddOperation(std::unique_ptr< OperationBaseClass > new_op)
std::vector< double > fConvertedCharge
Sum of Charge Converted using Birks&#39; formula.
void ExtractRange(TVirtualPad *pPad, std::vector< double > const *zoom=nullptr)
Fills the viewport information from the specified pad.