Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*
3  Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration
4  For the full text of the license visit
6  Igor Kakorin <>
7  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
9  adapted from fortran code provided by:
11  Konstantin Kuzmin <>
12  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
14  Vladimir Lyubushkin
15  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
17  Vadim Naumov <>
18  Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
20  based on code of:
21  Costas Andreopoulos <constantinos.andreopoulos \at>
22  University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
23 */
24 //____________________________________________________________________________
26 #include <sstream>
28 #include <TMath.h>
29 #include <Math/IFunction.h>
30 #include <Math/RootFinder.h>
32 #include "Framework/Conventions/GBuild.h"
41 #include "Framework/Utils/Range1.h"
44 using namespace genie;
45 using namespace genie::constants;
46 using std::ostringstream;
48 //____________________________________________________________________________
50 Algorithm("genie::SmithMonizUtils")
51 {
53 }
54 //____________________________________________________________________________
56 Algorithm("genie::SmithMonizUtils", config)
57 {
59 }
60 //____________________________________________________________________________
62 {
64 }
65 //____________________________________________________________________________
67 {
68  Algorithm::Configure(config);
69  this->LoadConfig();
70 }
71 //____________________________________________________________________________
73 {
74  Algorithm::Configure(config);
75  this->LoadConfig();
76 }
77 //____________________________________________________________________________
79 {
82  GetParam( "FermiMomentumTable", fKFTable);
83  GetParam( "RFG-UseParametrization", fUseParametrization);
86  // Load removal energy for specific nuclei from either the algorithm's
87  // configuration file or the UserPhysicsOptions file.
88  // If none is used use Wapstra's semi-empirical formula.
89  const std::string keyStart = "RFG-NucRemovalE@Pdg=";
91  RgIMap entries = GetConfig().GetItemMap();
93  for(RgIMap::const_iterator it = entries.begin(); it != entries.end(); ++it)
94  {
95  const std::string& key = it->first;
96  int pdg = 0;
97  int Z = 0;
98  if (0 ==, keyStart.size(), keyStart.c_str()))
99  {
100  pdg = atoi(key.c_str() + keyStart.size());
101  Z = pdg::IonPdgCodeToZ(pdg);
102  }
103  if (0 != pdg && 0 != Z)
104  {
105  ostringstream key_ss ;
106  key_ss << keyStart << pdg;
107  RgKey rgkey = key_ss.str();
108  double eb;
109  GetParam( rgkey, eb ) ;
110  eb = TMath::Max(eb, 0.);
111  fNucRmvE.insert(map<int,double>::value_type(Z,eb));
112  }
113  }
116 }
117 //____________________________________________________________________________
118 // Set the variables necessary for further calculations
120 {
123  // Get kinematics & init-state parameters
124  // unused // const Kinematics & kinematics = interaction -> Kine();
125  const InitialState & init_state = interaction -> InitState();
126  const Target & target = init_state.Tgt();
127  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
129  E_nu = interaction->InitState().ProbeE(kRfLab); // Neutrino energy (GeV)
131  assert(target.HitNucIsSet());
132  // get lepton&nuclear masses (init & final state nucleus)
133  m_lep = interaction->FSPrimLepton()->Mass(); // Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
134  mm_lep = TMath::Power(m_lep, 2);
135  int nucl_pdg_ini = target.HitNucPdg();
136  m_ini = target.HitNucMass();
137  mm_ini = TMath::Power(m_ini, 2);
138  int nucl_pdg_fin = genie::pdg::SwitchProtonNeutron(nucl_pdg_ini);
139  TParticlePDG * nucl_fin = pdglib->Find( nucl_pdg_fin );
140  m_fin = nucl_fin -> Mass(); // Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
141  mm_fin = TMath::Power(m_fin, 2);
142  m_tar = target.Mass(); // Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
143  mm_tar = TMath::Power(m_tar, 2);
145  // For hydrogen and deuterium RFG is not applied
146  if (target.A()<3)
147  {
148  E_BIN = P_Fermi = m_rnu = mm_rnu = 0;
149  return;
150  }
152  bool is_p = pdg::IsProton(nucl_pdg_ini);
153  int Zi = target.Z();
154  int Ai = target.A();
155  int Zf = (is_p) ? Zi-1 : Zi;
156  int Af = Ai-1;
157  TParticlePDG * nucl_f = pdglib->Find( pdg::IonPdgCode(Af, Zf) );
158  if(!nucl_f)
159  {
160  LOG("SmithMoniz", pFATAL)
161  << "Unknwown nuclear target! No target with code: "
162  << pdg::IonPdgCode(Af, Zf) << " in PDGLibrary!";
163  exit(1);
164  }
166  m_rnu = nucl_f -> Mass(); // Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
167  mm_rnu = TMath::Power(m_rnu, 2);
169  int Z = target.Z();
170  int A = target.A();
171  int N = A-Z;
174  // Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
175  if (A < 6 || !fUseParametrization)
176  {
177  //-- look up the Fermi momentum for this Target
179  const FermiMomentumTable * kft = kftp->GetTable(fKFTable);
180  P_Fermi = kft->FindClosestKF(pdg::IonPdgCode(A, Z), nucl_pdg_ini);
181  }
182  else
183  {
184  //-- define the Fermi momentum for this Target
185  //
187  //-- correct the Fermi momentum for the struck nucleon
188  if(is_p) P_Fermi *= TMath::Power( 2.*Z/A, 1./3);
189  else
190  P_Fermi *= TMath::Power( 2.*N/A, 1./3);
191  }
193  // Neutrino binding energy (GeV)
194  if (target.A() < 6 || !fUseParametrization)
195  {
197  if(it != fNucRmvE.end()) E_BIN = it->second;
199  }
200  else
206 }
207 //____________________________________________________________________________
208 // Get the neutrino energy threshold
210 {
215  const int MFC = 10000; // Maximum of function call
216  const double EPSABS = 0;
217  const double EPSREL = 1.0e-08;
218  double E_min = ((m_lep + m_rnu + m_fin)*(m_lep + m_rnu + m_fin) - mm_tar)/(2*m_tar);
219  double Enu_2 = 5.0e+00;
220  double Enu_rf;
221  if (QEL_EnuMin_SM(E_min) > 0)
222  {
223  // C++ analog of fortran function Enu_rf= DZEROX(E_min,Enu_2,EPS,MFC,QEL_EnuMin_SM,1)
224  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
225  rfgb.Solve(QEL_EnuMin_SM_, E_min, Enu_2, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL); //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
226  Enu_rf = rfgb.Root();
227  }
228  else
229  {
230  Enu_rf = -1.0e+01;
231  }
232  E_min = TMath::Max(E_min,Enu_rf);
233  if(E_min < 0)
234  {
235  E_min = 0;
236  LOG("SmithMoniz", pDEBUG) << "E_min = " << E_min;
237  }
238  return E_min;
240 }
241 //____________________________________________________________________________
242 // The auxiliary function for determining energy threshold
243 double SmithMonizUtils::QEL_EnuMin_SM(double Enu) const
244 {
245  const double EPS = 1.0e-06;
246  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
247  const double Precision = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
248  Enu_in = Enu;
249  double s = 2*Enu*m_tar+mm_tar;
250  double W2 = (m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin);
251  double c = 0.5*(W2+mm_lep-mm_tar*(W2-mm_lep)/s);
252  double sqrtD = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(Precision,LambdaFUNCTION(1.0, mm_lep/s, W2/s)));
253  double tmp = 0.5*(s-mm_tar);
254  double Q2_lim1= tmp*(1.0-sqrtD)-c;
255  double Q2_lim2= tmp*(1.0+sqrtD)-c;
256  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_lim1,Q2_lim2,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
258  double Q2_0,F_MIN;
259  bool LLM;
260  DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM_,Q2_lim1,Q2_lim2,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
261  return F_MIN;
262 }
263 //____________________________________________________________________________
264 // The auxiliary function for determining Q2-range
265 double SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim1_SM(double Q2) const
266 {
267  double s = 2*Enu_in*m_tar+mm_tar;
268  double nu_max = (s-mm_tar-mm_lep*(s-mm_tar)/(Q2+mm_lep)-mm_tar*(Q2+mm_lep)/(s-mm_tar))/(2*m_tar);
269  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
270  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
271  double a = 0.5*(Q2+mm_fin-b);
272  double nu_1 = (a*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
273  return nu_1-nu_max;
275 }
276 //____________________________________________________________________________
277 // The auxiliary function for determining Q2-range
278 double SmithMonizUtils::Q2lim2_SM(double Q2) const
279 {
280  double nu_min = ((m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin)+Q2-mm_tar)/(2*m_tar);
281  double E = sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
282  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
283  double a = (Q2+mm_fin-b)*0.5;
284  double nu_2 = (a*(E-E_BIN)+P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b))/b;
285  return nu_min-nu_2;
287 }
288 //____________________________________________________________________________
289 // Return allowed Q2-range
291 {
294  const int MFC = 1000; // Maximum of function call
295  const double EPS = 1.0e-08;
296  const double Delta= 1.0e-14;
297  const double EPSABS = 0;
298  const double EPSREL = 1.0e-08;
300  Enu_in = E_nu;
301  double s = 2*E_nu*m_tar+mm_tar;
302  double W2 = (m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin);
303  double c = 0.5*(W2+mm_lep-mm_tar*(W2-mm_lep)/s);
304  double sqrtD = TMath::Sqrt(LambdaFUNCTION(1.0, mm_lep/s, W2/s));
305  double tmp = 0.5*(s-mm_tar);
306  double Q2_min = tmp*(1.0-sqrtD)-c;
307  double Q2_max = tmp*(1.0+sqrtD)-c;
308  // if the nucleus is hydrogen or deuterium then there is no need in further calculation
309  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
310  {
311  Q2_min= TMath::Max(Q2_min,0.0);
312  Range1D_t R(Q2_min,Q2_max);
313  return R;
314  }
315  double F_MIN, Q2_0;
316  bool LLM;
317  // C++ analog of fortran function DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM)
319  DMINFC(Q2lim1_SM_,Q2_min,Q2_max,EPS,Delta,Q2_0,F_MIN,LLM);
320  if (F_MIN>0)
321  {
322  LOG("SmithMoniz", pFATAL)
323  << "No overlapped area for energy " << E_nu << "\n" <<
324  "Q2_min=" << Q2_min << " Q2_max=" << Q2_max << "\n" <<
325  "Q2_0=" << Q2_0 << " F_MIN=" << F_MIN;
326  exit(1);
327  }
328  if (Q2lim1_SM(Q2_min)>0)
329  {
330  //C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF=DZEROX(Q2_min,Q2_0,EPS,MFC,Q2lim1_SM,1)
331  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
332  rfgb.Solve(Q2lim1_SM_, Q2_min, Q2_0, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL); //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
333  double Q2_RF = rfgb.Root();
334  Q2_min= TMath::Max(Q2_min,Q2_RF);
335  }
336  if(Q2lim1_SM(Q2_max)>0)
337  {
338  // C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF=DZEROX(Q2_0,Q2_max,Eps,MFC,Q2lim1_SM,1)
339  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
340  rfgb.Solve(Q2lim1_SM_, Q2_0, Q2_max, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL); //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
341  double Q2_RF = rfgb.Root();
342  Q2_max= TMath::Min(Q2_max,Q2_RF);
343  }
345  if (Q2lim2_SM(Q2_min)>0)
346  {
347  if(Q2lim2_SM(Q2_max)>0)
348  {
349  LOG("SmithMoniz", pWARN) << "The RFG model is not applicable! The cross section is set zero!";
350  Q2_min = Q2_max;
351  }
352  else
353  {
354  // C++ analog of fortran function Q2_RF = DZEROX(Q2_min,Q2_max,Eps,MFC,Q2lim2_SM,1)
355  ROOT::Math::RootFinder rfgb(ROOT::Math::RootFinder::kGSL_BRENT);
356  rfgb.Solve(Q2lim2_SM_, Q2_min,Q2_max, MFC, EPSABS, EPSREL); //convergence is reached using tolerance = 2 *( epsrel * abs(x) + epsabs)
357  double Q2_RF = rfgb.Root();
358  Q2_min= TMath::Max(Q2_min,Q2_RF);
359  }
360  }
362  Q2_min= TMath::Max(Q2_min,0.0);
363  Range1D_t R(Q2_min,Q2_max);
364  return R;
366 }
367 //____________________________________________________________________________
368 // Return allowed v-range for given Q2
370 {
371  double s = 2*E_nu*m_tar+mm_tar;
372  double nu_min= ((m_rnu+m_fin)*(m_rnu+m_fin)+Q2-mm_tar)/(2*m_tar);
373  double nu_max= (s-mm_tar-mm_lep*(s-mm_tar)/(Q2+mm_lep)-mm_tar*(Q2+mm_lep)/(s-mm_tar))/(2*m_tar);
374  double E = TMath::Sqrt(P_Fermi*P_Fermi+mm_ini);
375  double b = (E-E_BIN)*(E-E_BIN)-P_Fermi*P_Fermi;
376  double a = (Q2+mm_fin-b)*0.5;
377  double tmp1 = a*(E-E_BIN);
378  double tmp2 = P_Fermi*TMath::Sqrt(a*a+Q2*b);
379  double nu_1 = (tmp1-tmp2)/b;
380  double nu_2 = (tmp1+tmp2)/b;
381  nu_min= TMath::Max(nu_min,nu_1);
382  nu_max= TMath::Min(nu_max,nu_2);
383  Range1D_t R;
384  if (E_BIN == 0 && P_Fermi == 0)
385  nu_max=nu_min;
386  if (nu_min<=nu_max)
387  R = Range1D_t(nu_min,nu_max);
388  else
389  R = Range1D_t(0.5*(nu_min+nu_max),0.5*(nu_min+nu_max));
390  return R;
392 }
393 //____________________________________________________________________________
394 // Return allowed Fermi momentum range for given Q2 and v
396 {
397  double qv = TMath::Sqrt(nu*nu+Q2);
398  double c_f = (nu-E_BIN)/qv;
399  double d_f = (E_BIN*E_BIN-2*nu*E_BIN-Q2+mm_ini-mm_fin)/(2*qv*m_ini);
400  double Ef_min= m_ini*(c_f*d_f+TMath::Sqrt(1.0-c_f*c_f+d_f*d_f))/(1.0-c_f*c_f);
401  double kF_min= TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Max(Ef_min*Ef_min-mm_ini,0.0));
402  double kF_max= P_Fermi;
403  Range1D_t R;
404  if (kF_min<=kF_max)
405  R = Range1D_t(kF_min,kF_max);
406  else
407  R = Range1D_t(0.5*(kF_min+kF_max),0.5*(kF_min+kF_max));
408  return R;
410 }
411 //____________________________________________________________________________
412 double SmithMonizUtils::LambdaFUNCTION(double a, double b, double c) const
413 {
414  return a*a+b*b+c*c-2*(a*b+b*c+a*c);
415 }
416 //____________________________________________________________________________
417 // C++ implementation of DMINC function from CERN library
418 void SmithMonizUtils::DMINFC(Func1D<SmithMonizUtils> &F, double A,double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
419 {
420  const double W5 = TMath::Sqrt(5);
421  const double HV = (3-W5)/2;
422  const double HW = (W5-1)/2;
423  const double R1 = 1.0;
424  const double HF = R1/2;
426  int N = -1;
427  if(A!=B) N = TMath::Nint(2.08*TMath::Log(TMath::Abs((A-B)/EPS)));
428  double C = A;
429  double D = B;
430  if(A>B)
431  {
432  C = B;
433  D = A;
434  }
435  bool LLT = true;
436  bool LGE = true;
437  double V, FV, W, FW, H;
438  while(true)
439  {
440  H = D-C;
441  if(N<0)
442  {
443  X = HF*(C+D);
444  Y = F(X);
445  LLM = TMath::Abs(X-A)>DELTA && TMath::Abs(X-B)>DELTA;
446  return;
447  }
448  if(LLT)
449  {
450  V = C+HV*H;
451  FV = F(V);
452  }
453  if(LGE)
454  {
455  W = C+HW*H;
456  FW = F(W);
457  }
458  if(FV<FW)
459  {
460  LLT = true;
461  LGE = false;
462  D = W;
463  W = V;
464  FW = FV;
465  }
466  else
467  {
468  LLT = false;
469  LGE = true;
470  C = V;
471  V = W;
472  FV = FW;
473  }
474  N = N-1;
475  }
476 }
477 //____________________________________________________________________________
478 // Density of Fermi gas, for case T_Fermi=0 is a step functio, which is blurred at T_Fermi!=0
479 double SmithMonizUtils::rho(double P_Fermi, double T_Fermi, double p)
480 {
482  if (T_Fermi==0) //Pure Fermi gaz with T_Fermi=0
483  if(p<=P_Fermi)
484  return 1.0;
485  else
486  return 0.0;
487  else //Fermi-Dirac distribution
488  return 1.0/(1.0 + TMath::Exp(-(P_Fermi-p)/T_Fermi));
491 }
492 //____________________________________________________________________________
494 {
495  return E_BIN;
496 }
497 //____________________________________________________________________________
499 {
500  return P_Fermi;
501 }
502 //____________________________________________________________________________
503 double SmithMonizUtils::GetTheta_k(double v, double qv) const
504 {
505  return TMath::ACos((v + (mm_lep-v*v+qv*qv)/2/E_nu)/qv);
506 }
507 //____________________________________________________________________________
508 double SmithMonizUtils::GetTheta_p(double pv, double v, double qv, double &E_p) const
509 {
510  E_p = TMath::Sqrt(mm_ini+pv*pv)-E_BIN;
511  if (pv != 0)
512  return TMath::ACos(((v-E_BIN)*(2*E_p+v+E_BIN)-qv*qv+mm_ini-mm_fin)/(2*pv*qv));
513  else
514  return 0;
515 }
516 //____________________________________________________________________________
518 {
519  return vQES_SM_lim(Q2).min;
520 }
521 //____________________________________________________________________________
523 {
524  return -1.0*vQES_SM_lim(Q2).max;
525 }
526 //____________________________________________________________________________
528 {
529  double vol = 0.0;
530  if (ps == kPSQ2fE)
531  {
532  Range1D_t rQ2 = Q2QES_SM_lim();
533  vol = rQ2.max - rQ2.min;
534  return vol;
535  }
536  else if (ps == kPSQ2vfE)
537  {
538  Range1D_t rQ2 = Q2QES_SM_lim();
539  const int kNQ2 = 101;
540  double dQ2 = (rQ2.max-rQ2.min)/(kNQ2-1);
541  for(int iq2=0; iq2<kNQ2; iq2++)
542  {
543  double Q2 = (rQ2.min + iq2*dQ2);
544  Range1D_t rvlims = vQES_SM_lim(Q2);
545  double dv = (rvlims.max-rvlims.min);
546  vol += (dQ2*dv);
547  }
548  return vol;
549  }
550  else
551  return 0;
552 }
void SetInteraction(const Interaction *i)
Range1D_t Q2QES_SM_lim(void) const
double mm_lep
Squared mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
Basic constants.
double m_ini
Mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
Definition: AlgCmp.h:25
double Q2(const Interaction *const i)
Definition: KineUtils.cxx:1064
double E_BIN
Binding energy (GeV)
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:304
std::string string
double E_nu_thr_SM(void) const
int A(void) const
Definition: Target.h:70
A simple [min,max] interval for doubles.
Definition: Range1.h:42
double HitNucMass(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:233
double m_lep
Mass of final charged lepton (GeV)
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
double mm_fin
Squared mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double vQES_SM_low_bound(double Q2) const
static FermiMomentumTablePool * Instance(void)
int SwitchProtonNeutron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:353
double E_nu
Neutrino energy (GeV)
map< int, double > fNucRmvE
Algorithm abstract base class.
Definition: Algorithm.h:53
double mm_ini
Sqared mass of initial hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double Mass(Resonance_t res)
resonance mass (GeV)
A table of Fermi momentum constants.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
double GetTheta_k(double v, double qv) const
#define D
Debug message.
Definition: tclscanner.cpp:775
enum genie::EKinePhaseSpace KinePhaseSpace_t
double Mass(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:224
Range1D_t vQES_SM_lim(double Q2) const
virtual const Registry & GetConfig(void) const
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:246
double GetBindingEnergy(void) const
double Q2lim1_SM(double Q2) const
double mm_rnu
Squared mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
const Interaction * fInteraction
Range1D_t kFQES_SM_lim(double nu, double Q2) const
double BindEnergyPerNucleon(const Target &target)
bool IsProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:333
Singleton class to load & serve tables of Fermi momentum constants.
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
const RgIMap & GetItemMap(void) const
Definition: Registry.h:161
def key(type, name=None)
const FermiMomentumTable * GetTable(string name)
static Config * config
Definition: config.cpp:1054
double Q2lim2_SM(double Q2) const
const double a
double P_Fermi
Maximum value of Fermi momentum of target nucleon (GeV)
double BindEnergyPerNucleonParametrization(const Target &target)
A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems suc...
Definition: Target.h:40
virtual void Configure(const Registry &config)
Definition: Algorithm.cxx:62
double m_rnu
Mass of residual nucleus (GeV)
int Z(void) const
Definition: Target.h:68
double m_tar
Mass of target nucleus (GeV)
string tmp
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
double vQES_SM_upper_bound(double Q2) const
double QEL_EnuMin_SM(double E_nu) const
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
TParticlePDG * FSPrimLepton(void) const
final state primary lepton
double Enu_in
Running neutrino energy (GeV)
double FermiMomentumForIsoscalarNucleonParametrization(const Target &target)
double max
Definition: Range1.h:53
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:57
static double rho(double P_Fermi, double T_Fermi, double p)
Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:32
bool HitNucIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:283
double PhaseSpaceVolume(KinePhaseSpace_t ps) const
string RgKey
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
int IonPdgCode(int A, int Z)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:68
#define A
Definition: memgrp.cpp:38
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:69
double min
Definition: Range1.h:52
int IonPdgCodeToZ(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:52
double GetTheta_p(double pv, double v, double qv, double &E_p) const
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:75
double FindClosestKF(int target_pdgc, int nucleon_pdgc) const
bool GetParam(const RgKey &name, T &p, bool is_top_call=true) const
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:66
double mm_tar
Squared mass of target nucleus (GeV)
void Configure(const Registry &config)
double ProbeE(RefFrame_t rf) const
double LambdaFUNCTION(double a, double b, double c) const
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
void DMINFC(Func1D< SmithMonizUtils > &F, double A, double B, double EPS, double DELTA, double &X, double &Y, bool &LLM) const
double m_fin
Mass of final hadron or hadron system (GeV)
double GetFermiMomentum(void) const
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
map< RgKey, RegistryItemI * > RgIMap
Definition: Registry.h:45