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lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper Class Reference

LArMCParticleHelper class. More...

#include <LArMCParticleHelper.h>


class  PrimaryParameters
 PrimaryParameters class. More...

Public Types

typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::MCParticle * > MCRelationMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, int > MCParticleIntMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject * > MCToPfoMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::MCParticle * > CaloHitToMCMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject * > CaloHitToPfoMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
typedef std::vector< MCContributionMapMCContributionMapVector
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList > ClusterContributionMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList > PfoContributionMap
typedef std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, PfoContributionMapMCToPfoMatchingMap
typedef std::pair< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCParticleCaloHitListPair
typedef std::pair< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList > PfoCaloHitListPair
typedef std::pair< const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList > ClusterCaloHitListPair
typedef std::vector< MCParticleCaloHitListPairMCParticleToSharedHitsVector
typedef std::vector< PfoCaloHitListPairPfoToSharedHitsVector
typedef std::map< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, MCParticleToSharedHitsVectorPfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap
typedef std::map< const pandora::MCParticle *, PfoToSharedHitsVectorMCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap

Static Public Member Functions

static bool DoesPrimaryMeetCriteria (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
 Returns true if passed particle whose primary meets the passed criteria. More...
static bool DoesLeadingMeetCriteria (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
 Returns true if passed particle whose leading meets the passed criteria. More...
static bool IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Returns true if passed a primary neutrino final state MCParticle. More...
static bool IsTriggeredBeamParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Returns true if passed a primary triggered beam MCParticle. More...
static bool IsBeamParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle. More...
static bool IsLeadingBeamParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Returns true if passed a leading beam MCParticle. More...
static bool IsCosmicRay (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Return true if passed a primary cosmic ray MCParticle. More...
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Get the nuance code of an MCParticle. More...
static bool IsNeutrino (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Whether a mc particle is a neutrino or antineutrino. More...
static bool IsPrimary (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary. More...
static bool IsLeading (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being leading. More...
static int GetHierarchyTier (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Determine the position in the hierarchy for the MCParticle. More...
static bool IsVisible (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Whether a mc particle is visible (i.e. long-lived charged particle) More...
static void GetTrueNeutrinos (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &trueNeutrinos)
 Get neutrino MC particles from an input MC particle list. More...
static void GetTrueTestBeamParticles (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &trueTestBeamParticles)
 Get triggered test beam MC particles from an input MC particle list. More...
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Get the primary parent mc particle. More...
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetLeadingMCParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, const int hierarchyTierLimit=1)
 Get the leading particle in the hierarchy, for use at ProtoDUNE. More...
static void GetPrimaryMCParticleList (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &mcPrimaryVector)
 Get vector of primary MC particles from an input list of MC particles. More...
static void GetLeadingMCParticleList (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &mcLeadingVector)
 Get vector of leading MC particles from an input list of MC particles. More...
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Get the parent mc particle. More...
static void GetAllDescendentMCParticles (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &descendentMCParticleList)
 Get all descendent mc particles. More...
static void GetAllDescendentMCParticles (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &descendentTrackParticles, pandora::MCParticleList &leadingShowerParticles, pandora::MCParticleList &leadingNeutrons)
 Get all descendent mc particles, separated into track-like, shower-like and neutron branches. This method collects together all track-like particles (i.e. not electron, photon or neutron) downstream of the root particle, stopping at a leading shower or neutron and then storing that leading shower or neutron in a separate list. More...
static void GetAllAncestorMCParticles (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &ancestorMCParticleList)
 Get all ancestor mc particles. More...
static void GetMCPrimaryMap (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcPrimaryMap)
 Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their primary parent mc particles. More...
static void GetMCLeadingMap (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcLeadingMap)
 Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their leading parent mc particles. More...
static void GetMCToSelfMap (const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcToSelfMap)
 Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) to themselves (to be used when not folding particles to their primaries) More...
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetMainMCParticle (const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
 Find the mc particle making the largest contribution to 2D clusters in a specified pfo. More...
static bool SortByMomentum (const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
 Sort mc particles by their momentum. More...
static void GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches (const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, CaloHitToMCMap &hitToMCMap, MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap)
 Match calo hits to their parent particles. More...
static void SelectReconstructableMCParticles (const pandora::MCParticleList *pMCParticleList, const pandora::CaloHitList *pCaloHitList, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria, MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap)
 Select target, reconstructable mc particles that match given criteria. More...
static void SelectReconstructableTestBeamHierarchyMCParticles (const pandora::MCParticleList *pMCParticleList, const pandora::CaloHitList *pCaloHitList, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria, MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap)
 Select target, reconstructable mc particles in the relevant hierarchy that match given criteria. More...
static void GetPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticleToHitsMap, PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 Get mapping from Pfo to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetTestBeamHierarchyPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticleToHitsMap, PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 Get mapping from Pfo in reconstructed test beam hierarchy to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 Get mapping from Pfo to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetTestBeamHierarchyPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 Get mapping from Pfo in reconstructed test beam hierarchy to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList, const MCContributionMap &selectedMCToHitsMap, ClusterContributionMap &clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap)
 Get mapping from cluster to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap (const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCToHitsMaps, ClusterContributionMap &clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap)
 Get mapping from cluster to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void GetPfoMCParticleHitSharingMaps (const PfoContributionMap &pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, PfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap &pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap, MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap &mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap)
 Get the mappings from Pfo -> pair (reconstructable MCparticles, number of reconstructable 2D hits shared with Pfo) reconstructable MCParticle -> pair (Pfo, number of reconstructable 2D hits shared with MCParticle) More...
static void SelectCaloHits (const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, pandora::CaloHitList &selectedCaloHitList, const bool selectInputHits, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
 Select a subset of calo hits representing those that represent "reconstructable" regions of the event. More...
static bool IsDescendentOf (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, const int pdg, const bool isChargeSensitive=false)
 Determine if the MC particle is a descendent of a particle with the given PDG code. More...
static void GetBreadthFirstHierarchyRepresentation (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &mcParticleList)
 Retrieve a linearised representation of the MC particle hierarchy in breadth first order. This iterates over the MC hierarchy in a manor that sees primaries at the front of the list, with progressively deeper tiers later in the list. This is useful for some visualisation cases. More...
static void SelectParticlesByHitCount (const pandora::MCParticleVector &candidateTargets, const MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap)
 Filter an input vector of MCParticles to ensure they have sufficient good hits to be reconstructable. More...
static pandora::CaloHitList GetSharedHits (const pandora::CaloHitList &hitListA, const pandora::CaloHitList &hitListB)
 Get the hits in the intersection of two hit lists. More...
static bool IsBremsstrahlung (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
static bool IsCapture (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a capture process. More...
static bool IsDecay (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a decay process. More...
static bool IsElasticScatter (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle came from an elastic scattering process. More...
static bool IsInelasticScatter (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle came from an inelastic scattering process. More...
static bool IsIonisation (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle comes from an ionisation process. More...
static bool IsNuclear (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a nuclear interaction process. More...
static bool IsPairProduction (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
 Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a pair production process. More...
static bool AreTopologicallyContinuous (const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParent, const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCChild, const float cosAngleTolerance)
 Determine if two MC particles are topologically continuous within a given tolerance. If the parent does not travel any distance, a travelling parent is sought and the comparison made between this and the child. If no travelling parent can be found, the particles are treated as continuous. More...

Static Private Member Functions

static void CollectReconstructable2DHits (const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void CollectReconstructableTestBeamHierarchy2DHits (const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
 For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) and belong in the test beam particle interaction hierarchy. More...
static void CollectReconstructable2DHits (const pandora::PfoList &pfoList, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D)
 For a given Pfo list, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void CollectReconstructable2DHits (const pandora::Cluster *const pCluster, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D)
 For a given cluster, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) More...
static void SelectGoodCaloHits (const pandora::CaloHitList *const pSelectedCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, pandora::CaloHitList &selectedGoodCaloHitList, const bool selectInputHits, const float minHitSharingFraction)
 Apply further selection criteria to end up with a collection of "good" calo hits that can be use to define whether a target mc particle is reconstructable. More...
static void SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria (const pandora::MCParticleVector &inputMCParticles, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria, pandora::MCParticleVector &selectedParticles, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, const bool isTestBeam)
 Select mc particles matching given criteria from an input list. More...
static bool PassMCParticleChecks (const pandora::MCParticle *const pOriginalPrimary, const pandora::MCParticle *const pThisMCParticle, const pandora::MCParticle *const pHitMCParticle, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
 Whether it is possible to navigate from a primary mc particle to a downstream mc particle without "passing through" a neutron. More...

Detailed Description

LArMCParticleHelper class.

Definition at line 24 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::MCParticle *> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CaloHitToMCMap

Definition at line 32 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CaloHitToPfoMap

Definition at line 33 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::pair<const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::ClusterCaloHitListPair

Definition at line 44 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::Cluster *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::ClusterContributionMap

Definition at line 38 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCContributionMap

Definition at line 35 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Definition at line 36 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::pair<const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleCaloHitListPair

Definition at line 42 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::MCParticle *, int> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCParticleIntMap

Definition at line 28 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Definition at line 50 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Definition at line 46 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::MCParticle *> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCRelationMap

Definition at line 27 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCToPfoMap

Definition at line 30 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::MCParticle *, PfoContributionMap> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::MCToPfoMatchingMap

Definition at line 40 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::pair<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::PfoCaloHitListPair

Definition at line 43 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

typedef std::unordered_map<const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList> lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::PfoContributionMap

Definition at line 39 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Definition at line 49 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Definition at line 47 of file LArMCParticleHelper.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::AreTopologicallyContinuous ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParent,
const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCChild,
const float  cosAngleTolerance 

Determine if two MC particles are topologically continuous within a given tolerance. If the parent does not travel any distance, a travelling parent is sought and the comparison made between this and the child. If no travelling parent can be found, the particles are treated as continuous.

pMCParentThe parent MC particle
pMCChildThe child MC particle
cosAngleToleranceThe cosine of the maximum acceptable angular deviation
True if the partiles are topologically continous, false otherwise.

Definition at line 959 of file

960 {
961  CartesianVector childDirection{pMCChild->GetEndpoint() - pMCChild->GetVertex()};
962  if (childDirection.GetMagnitude() < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
963  return true;
964  childDirection = childDirection.GetUnitVector();
966  const MCParticle *pMCUpstream{pMCParent};
967  while (true)
968  {
969  CartesianVector parentDirection{pMCUpstream->GetEndpoint() - pMCUpstream->GetVertex()};
970  if (parentDirection.GetMagnitude() > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
971  {
972  parentDirection = parentDirection.GetUnitVector();
973  return parentDirection.GetDotProduct(childDirection) >= cosAngleTolerance;
974  }
975  else
976  {
977  const MCParticleList &parentList{pMCUpstream->GetParentList()};
978  const size_t size{parentList.size()};
979  if (size == 1)
980  pMCUpstream = parentList.front();
981  else if (size == 0)
982  return true;
983  else
984  return false;
985  }
986  }
988  return false;
989 }
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructable2DHits ( const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const  pPfo,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
pandora::CaloHitList &  reconstructableCaloHitList2D,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pPfothe input pfo
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to hits
reconstructableCaloHitList2Dthe output list of reconstructable 2D calo hits in the input pfo
foldBackHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to primaries
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructable2DHits ( const pandora::PfoList &  pfoList,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
pandora::CaloHitList &  reconstructableCaloHitList2D 

For a given Pfo list, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pfoListthe input pfo list
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to hits
reconstructableCaloHitList2Dthe output list of reconstructable 2D calo hits in the input pfo
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructable2DHits ( const pandora::Cluster *const  pCluster,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
pandora::CaloHitList &  reconstructableCaloHitList2D 

For a given cluster, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pClusterthe input cluster
selectedMCToHitsMapsthe input mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to hits
reconstructableCaloHitList2Dthe output list of reconstructable 2D calo hits in the input pfo

Definition at line 1082 of file

1084 {
1085  const CaloHitList &isolatedCaloHitList{pCluster->GetIsolatedCaloHitList()};
1086  CaloHitList caloHitList;
1087  pCluster->GetOrderedCaloHitList().FillCaloHitList(caloHitList);
1088  for (const CaloHit *pCaloHit : isolatedCaloHitList)
1089  caloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
1091  // Filter for only reconstructable hits
1092  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : caloHitList)
1093  {
1094  bool isTargetHit{false};
1095  for (const MCContributionMap &mcParticleToHitsMap : selectedMCToHitsMaps)
1096  { // ATTN This map is unordered, but this does not impact search for specific target hit
1097  for (const MCContributionMap::value_type &mapEntry : mcParticleToHitsMap)
1098  {
1099  if (std::find(mapEntry.second.begin(), mapEntry.second.end(), pCaloHit) != mapEntry.second.end())
1100  {
1101  isTargetHit = true;
1102  break;
1103  }
1104  }
1105  if (isTargetHit)
1106  break;
1107  }
1109  if (isTargetHit)
1110  reconstructableCaloHitList2D.push_back(pCaloHit);
1111  }
1112 }
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructableTestBeamHierarchy2DHits ( const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const  pPfo,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
pandora::CaloHitList &  reconstructableCaloHitList2D,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle) and belong in the test beam particle interaction hierarchy.

pPfothe input pfo
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to hits
reconstructableCaloHitList2Dthe output list of reconstructable 2D calo hits in the input pfo
foldBackHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to leading particles

Definition at line 1016 of file

1018 {
1020  PfoList pfoList;
1021  // If foldBackHierarchy collect all 2D calo hits in pfo hierarchy
1022  // else collect hits directly belonging to pfo
1023  if (foldBackHierarchy)
1024  {
1025  // ATTN: Only collect downstream pfos for daughter test beam particles & cosmics
1026  if (pPfo->GetParentPfoList().empty() && LArPfoHelper::IsTestBeam(pPfo))
1027  {
1028  pfoList.push_back(pPfo);
1029  }
1030  else
1031  {
1032  LArPfoHelper::GetAllDownstreamPfos(pPfo, pfoList);
1033  }
1034  }
1035  else
1036  {
1037  pfoList.push_back(pPfo);
1038  }
1040  LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructable2DHits(pfoList, selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, reconstructableCaloHitList2D);
1041 }
static bool IsTestBeam(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo)
Whether a pfo is a test beam particle.
static void CollectReconstructable2DHits(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected recon...
static void GetAllDownstreamPfos(const pandora::PfoList &inputPfoList, pandora::PfoList &outputPfoList)
Get a flat list of all pfos, recursively, of all daughters associated with those pfos in an input lis...
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::DoesLeadingMeetCriteria ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria 

Returns true if passed particle whose leading meets the passed criteria.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
fCriteriathe given criteria

Definition at line 61 of file

62 {
63  try
64  {
65  const MCParticle *const pLeadingMCParticle = LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticle(pMCParticle);
66  return fCriteria(pLeadingMCParticle);
67  }
68  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
69  {
70  }
72  return false;
73 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetLeadingMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, const int hierarchyTierLimit=1)
Get the leading particle in the hierarchy, for use at ProtoDUNE.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::DoesPrimaryMeetCriteria ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria 

Returns true if passed particle whose primary meets the passed criteria.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
fCriteriathe given criteria

Definition at line 45 of file

46 {
47  try
48  {
49  const MCParticle *const pPrimaryMCParticle = LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle(pMCParticle);
50  return fCriteria(pPrimaryMCParticle);
51  }
52  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
53  {
54  }
56  return false;
57 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the primary parent mc particle.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetAllAncestorMCParticles ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
pandora::MCParticleList &  ancestorMCParticleList 

Get all ancestor mc particles.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
ancestorMCParticleListthe output ancestor mc particle list

Definition at line 290 of file

291 {
292  const MCParticleList &parentMCParticleList = pMCParticle->GetParentList();
293  if (parentMCParticleList.empty())
294  return;
295  if (parentMCParticleList.size() != 1)
296  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
298  const MCParticle *pParentMCParticle = *parentMCParticleList.begin();
299  if (std::find(ancestorMCParticleList.begin(), ancestorMCParticleList.end(), pParentMCParticle) == ancestorMCParticleList.end())
300  {
301  ancestorMCParticleList.push_back(pParentMCParticle);
302  LArMCParticleHelper::GetAllAncestorMCParticles(pParentMCParticle, ancestorMCParticleList);
303  }
304 }
static void GetAllAncestorMCParticles(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &ancestorMCParticleList)
Get all ancestor mc particles.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetAllDescendentMCParticles ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
pandora::MCParticleList &  descendentMCParticleList 

Get all descendent mc particles.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
descendentMCParticleListthe output descendent mc particle list

Definition at line 249 of file

250 {
251  for (const MCParticle *pDaughterMCParticle : pMCParticle->GetDaughterList())
252  {
253  if (std::find(descendentMCParticleList.begin(), descendentMCParticleList.end(), pDaughterMCParticle) == descendentMCParticleList.end())
254  {
255  descendentMCParticleList.emplace_back(pDaughterMCParticle);
256  LArMCParticleHelper::GetAllDescendentMCParticles(pDaughterMCParticle, descendentMCParticleList);
257  }
258  }
259 }
static void GetAllDescendentMCParticles(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, pandora::MCParticleList &descendentMCParticleList)
Get all descendent mc particles.
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetAllDescendentMCParticles ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
pandora::MCParticleList &  descendentTrackParticles,
pandora::MCParticleList &  leadingShowerParticles,
pandora::MCParticleList &  leadingNeutrons 

Get all descendent mc particles, separated into track-like, shower-like and neutron branches. This method collects together all track-like particles (i.e. not electron, photon or neutron) downstream of the root particle, stopping at a leading shower or neutron and then storing that leading shower or neutron in a separate list.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
descendentTrackParticlesthe output list of descendent track-like particles
leadingShowerParticlesthe output list of leading shower particles
leadingNeutronsthe output list of leading neutrons
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetBreadthFirstHierarchyRepresentation ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
pandora::MCParticleList &  mcParticleList 

Retrieve a linearised representation of the MC particle hierarchy in breadth first order. This iterates over the MC hierarchy in a manor that sees primaries at the front of the list, with progressively deeper tiers later in the list. This is useful for some visualisation cases.

pMCParticlean MC particle in the hierarchy - can be any particle
mcParticleListthe output MC particle list

Definition at line 1170 of file

1171 {
1172  const MCParticle *const pRoot{LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle(pMCParticle)};
1173  MCParticleList queue;
1174  mcParticleList.emplace_back(pRoot);
1175  queue.emplace_back(pRoot);
1177  while (!queue.empty())
1178  {
1179  const MCParticleList &daughters{queue.front()->GetDaughterList()};
1180  queue.pop_front();
1181  for (const MCParticle *pDaughter : daughters)
1182  {
1183  mcParticleList.emplace_back(pDaughter);
1184  queue.emplace_back(pDaughter);
1185  }
1186  }
1187 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::ClusterList &  clusterList,
const MCContributionMap selectedMCToHitsMap,
ClusterContributionMap clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap 

Get mapping from cluster to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

clusterListthe input list of clusters
selectedMCToHitsMapthe input mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from clusters to their reconstructable 2D hits

Definition at line 736 of file

738 {
739  LArMCParticleHelper::GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap(clusterList, MCContributionMapVector({selectedMCToHitsMap}), clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap);
740 }
std::vector< MCContributionMap > MCContributionMapVector
static void GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap(const pandora::ClusterList &clusterList, const MCContributionMap &selectedMCToHitsMap, ClusterContributionMap &clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap)
Get mapping from cluster to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructab...
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetClusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::ClusterList &  clusterList,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCToHitsMaps,
ClusterContributionMap clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap 

Get mapping from cluster to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

clusterListthe input list of clusters
selectedMCToHitsMapsthe input vector of mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from cluster to their reconstructable 2D hits

Definition at line 744 of file

746 {
747  for (const Cluster *const pCluster : clusterList)
748  {
749  CaloHitList caloHitList;
750  LArMCParticleHelper::CollectReconstructable2DHits(pCluster, selectedMCToHitsMaps, caloHitList);
752  if (!clusterToReconstructable2DHitsMap.insert(ClusterContributionMap::value_type(pCluster, caloHitList)).second)
753  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
754  }
755 }
static void CollectReconstructable2DHits(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, const MCContributionMapVector &selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps, pandora::CaloHitList &reconstructableCaloHitList2D, const bool foldBackHierarchy)
For a given Pfo, collect the hits which are reconstructable (=good hits belonging to a selected recon...
int lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetHierarchyTier ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Determine the position in the hierarchy for the MCParticle.

pMCParticlethe address of the mc particle

Definition at line 173 of file

174 {
175  const MCParticle *pParentMCParticle = pMCParticle;
176  int tier(0);
178  while (pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().empty() == false)
179  {
180  if (1 != pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().size())
181  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
183  pParentMCParticle = *(pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().begin());
184  ++tier;
185  }
187  return tier;
188 }
const MCParticle * lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
const int  hierarchyTierLimit = 1 

Get the leading particle in the hierarchy, for use at ProtoDUNE.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
address of the primary parent mc particle

Definition at line 369 of file

370 {
371  // ATTN: If not beam particle return primary particle
372  const bool isBeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle(pMCParticle)));
374  if (!isBeamParticle)
375  return LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle(pMCParticle);
377  // Navigate upward through MC daughter/parent links - collect this particle and all its parents
378  MCParticleVector mcVector;
380  const MCParticle *pParentMCParticle = pMCParticle;
381  mcVector.push_back(pParentMCParticle);
383  while (!pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().empty())
384  {
385  if (1 != pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().size())
386  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
388  pParentMCParticle = *(pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().begin());
389  mcVector.push_back(pParentMCParticle);
390  }
392  int hierarchyTier(0);
393  const MCParticle *pLeadingMCParticle(nullptr);
395  // Navigate downward through MC parent/daughter links - return the first long-lived charged particle
396  for (MCParticleVector::const_reverse_iterator iter = mcVector.rbegin(), iterEnd = mcVector.rend(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
397  {
398  const MCParticle *const pNextParticle = *iter;
400  // ATTN: Squash any invisible particles (e.g. pizero)
401  if (!LArMCParticleHelper::IsVisible(pNextParticle))
402  continue;
404  if (hierarchyTier <= hierarchyTierLimit)
405  pLeadingMCParticle = pNextParticle;
407  hierarchyTier++;
408  }
410  if (!pLeadingMCParticle)
411  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND);
413  return pLeadingMCParticle;
414 }
static bool IsVisible(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a mc particle is visible (i.e. long-lived charged particle)
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the primary parent mc particle.
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
static bool IsBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticleList ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  mcLeadingVector 

Get vector of leading MC particles from an input list of MC particles.

pMCParticleListthe input mc particle list
mcLeadingVectorthe output mc particle vector

Definition at line 321 of file

322 {
323  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
324  {
325  const bool isBeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle(pMCParticle)));
327  if ((isBeamParticle && LArMCParticleHelper::IsLeading(pMCParticle)) || (!isBeamParticle && LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle)))
328  {
329  mcLeadingVector.push_back(pMCParticle);
330  }
331  }
333  std::sort(mcLeadingVector.begin(), mcLeadingVector.end(), LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum);
334 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
static bool IsLeading(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being leading.
static bool IsBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
const MCParticle * lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetMainMCParticle ( const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const  pPfo)

Find the mc particle making the largest contribution to 2D clusters in a specified pfo.

pPfoaddress of the pfo to examine
address of the main mc particle

Definition at line 462 of file

463 {
464  ClusterList clusterList;
465  LArPfoHelper::GetTwoDClusterList(pPfo, clusterList);
466  return MCParticleHelper::GetMainMCParticle(&clusterList);
467 }
static void GetTwoDClusterList(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo, pandora::ClusterList &clusterList)
Get the list of 2D clusters from an input pfo.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCLeadingMap ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
MCRelationMap mcLeadingMap 

Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their leading parent mc particles.

pMCParticleListthe input mc particle list
mcLeadingMapthe output mapping between mc particles and their leading parent

Definition at line 435 of file

436 {
437  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
438  {
439  try
440  {
441  const MCParticle *const pLeadingMCParticle = LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticle(pMCParticle);
442  mcLeadingMap[pMCParticle] = pLeadingMCParticle;
443  }
444  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
445  {
446  }
447  }
448 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetLeadingMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, const int hierarchyTierLimit=1)
Get the leading particle in the hierarchy, for use at ProtoDUNE.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches ( const pandora::CaloHitList *const  pCaloHitList,
const MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap,
CaloHitToMCMap hitToMCMap,
MCContributionMap mcToTrueHitListMap 

Match calo hits to their parent particles.

pCaloHitListthe input list of calo hits
mcToTargetMCMapthe mc particle to target (primary or self) mc particle map
hitToMCMapoutput mapping between calo hits and their main MC particle
mcToTrueHitListMapoutput mapping between MC particles and their associated hits

Definition at line 497 of file

499 {
500  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *pCaloHitList)
501  {
502  try
503  {
504  const MCParticle *const pHitParticle(MCParticleHelper::GetMainMCParticle(pCaloHit));
505  const MCParticle *pTargetParticle(pHitParticle);
507  // ATTN Do not map back to target if mc to primary mc map or mc to self map not provided
508  if (!mcToTargetMCMap.empty())
509  {
510  MCRelationMap::const_iterator mcIter = mcToTargetMCMap.find(pHitParticle);
512  if (mcToTargetMCMap.end() == mcIter)
513  continue;
515  pTargetParticle = mcIter->second;
516  }
518  mcToTrueHitListMap[pTargetParticle].push_back(pCaloHit);
519  hitToMCMap[pCaloHit] = pTargetParticle;
520  }
521  catch (StatusCodeException &statusCodeException)
522  {
523  if (STATUS_CODE_FAILURE == statusCodeException.GetStatusCode())
524  throw statusCodeException;
525  }
526  }
527 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCPrimaryMap ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
MCRelationMap mcPrimaryMap 

Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their primary parent mc particles.

pMCParticleListthe input mc particle list
mcPrimaryMapthe output mapping between mc particles and their parents

Definition at line 418 of file

419 {
420  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
421  {
422  try
423  {
424  const MCParticle *const pPrimaryMCParticle = LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle(pMCParticle);
425  mcPrimaryMap[pMCParticle] = pPrimaryMCParticle;
426  }
427  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
428  {
429  }
430  }
431 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the primary parent mc particle.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCToSelfMap ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
MCRelationMap mcToSelfMap 

Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) to themselves (to be used when not folding particles to their primaries)

pMCParticleListthe input mc particle list
mcToSelfMapthe output mapping between mc particles and themselves

Definition at line 452 of file

453 {
454  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
455  {
456  mcToSelfMap[pMCParticle] = pMCParticle;
457  }
458 }
unsigned int lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.

Definition at line 119 of file

120 {
121  const LArMCParticle *const pLArMCParticle(dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle));
122  if (pLArMCParticle)
123  return pLArMCParticle->GetNuanceCode();
125  std::cout << "LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode - Error: Can't cast to LArMCParticle" << std::endl;
126  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_NOT_ALLOWED);
127 }
QTextStream & endl(QTextStream &s)
const MCParticle * lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Get the parent mc particle.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
address of the parent mc particle

Definition at line 232 of file

233 {
234  const MCParticle *pParentMCParticle = pMCParticle;
236  while (pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().empty() == false)
237  {
238  if (1 != pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().size())
239  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
241  pParentMCParticle = *(pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().begin());
242  }
244  return pParentMCParticle;
245 }
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetPfoMCParticleHitSharingMaps ( const PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
PfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap,
MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap 

Get the mappings from Pfo -> pair (reconstructable MCparticles, number of reconstructable 2D hits shared with Pfo) reconstructable MCParticle -> pair (Pfo, number of reconstructable 2D hits shared with MCParticle)

pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe input mapping from Pfos to reconstructable 2D hits
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to hits
pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMapthe output mapping from Pfos to selected reconstructable MCParticles and the number hits shared
mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMapthe output mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to Pfos and the number hits shared

Definition at line 671 of file

674 {
675  PfoVector sortedPfos;
676  for (const auto &mapEntry : pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap)
677  sortedPfos.push_back(mapEntry.first);
678  std::sort(sortedPfos.begin(), sortedPfos.end(), LArPfoHelper::SortByNHits);
680  for (const ParticleFlowObject *const pPfo : sortedPfos)
681  {
682  for (const MCContributionMap &mcParticleToHitsMap : selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps)
683  {
684  MCParticleVector sortedMCParticles;
685  for (const auto &mapEntry : mcParticleToHitsMap)
686  sortedMCParticles.push_back(mapEntry.first);
687  std::sort(sortedMCParticles.begin(), sortedMCParticles.end(), PointerLessThan<MCParticle>());
689  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : sortedMCParticles)
690  {
691  // Add map entries for this Pfo & MCParticle if required
692  if (pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap.find(pPfo) == pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap.end())
693  if (!pfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap.insert(PfoToMCParticleHitSharingMap::value_type(pPfo, MCParticleToSharedHitsVector())).second)
694  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT); // ATTN maybe overkill
696  if (mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap.find(pMCParticle) == mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap.end())
697  if (!mcParticleToPfoHitSharingMap.insert(MCParticleToPfoHitSharingMap::value_type(pMCParticle, PfoToSharedHitsVector())).second)
698  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
700  // Check this Pfo & MCParticle pairing hasn't already been checked
701  MCParticleToSharedHitsVector &mcHitPairs(;
702  PfoToSharedHitsVector &pfoHitPairs(;
704  if (std::any_of(mcHitPairs.begin(), mcHitPairs.end(),
705  [&](const MCParticleCaloHitListPair &pair) { return (pair.first == pMCParticle); }))
706  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
708  if (std::any_of(pfoHitPairs.begin(), pfoHitPairs.end(), [&](const PfoCaloHitListPair &pair) { return (pair.first == pPfo); }))
709  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
711  // Add records to maps if there are any shared hits
712  const CaloHitList sharedHits(
713  LArMCParticleHelper::GetSharedHits(,;
715  if (!sharedHits.empty())
716  {
717  mcHitPairs.push_back(MCParticleCaloHitListPair(pMCParticle, sharedHits));
718  pfoHitPairs.push_back(PfoCaloHitListPair(pPfo, sharedHits));
720  std::sort(mcHitPairs.begin(), mcHitPairs.end(), [](const MCParticleCaloHitListPair &a, const MCParticleCaloHitListPair &b) -> bool {
721  return ((a.second.size() != b.second.size()) ? a.second.size() > b.second.size()
722  : LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum(a.first, b.first));
723  });
725  std::sort(pfoHitPairs.begin(), pfoHitPairs.end(), [](const PfoCaloHitListPair &a, const PfoCaloHitListPair &b) -> bool {
726  return ((a.second.size() != b.second.size()) ? a.second.size() > b.second.size() : LArPfoHelper::SortByNHits(a.first, b.first));
727  });
728  }
729  }
730  }
731  }
732 }
static bool SortByNHits(const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pLhs, const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *const pRhs)
Sort pfos by number of constituent hits.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
std::pair< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCParticleCaloHitListPair
std::vector< PfoCaloHitListPair > PfoToSharedHitsVector
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
const double a
std::pair< const pandora::ParticleFlowObject *, pandora::CaloHitList > PfoCaloHitListPair
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
std::vector< MCParticleCaloHitListPair > MCParticleToSharedHitsVector
static pandora::CaloHitList GetSharedHits(const pandora::CaloHitList &hitListA, const pandora::CaloHitList &hitListB)
Get the hits in the intersection of two hit lists.
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::PfoList &  pfoList,
const MCContributionMap selectedMCParticleToHitsMap,
PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

Get mapping from Pfo to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pfoListthe input list of Pfos
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapthe input mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from Pfos to their reconstructable 2D hits
foldBackHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to the primaries
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::PfoList &  pfoList,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

Get mapping from Pfo to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pfoListthe input list of Pfos
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input vector of mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from Pfos to their reconstructable 2D hits
foldToHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to the primaries
const MCParticle * lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Get the primary parent mc particle.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle
address of the primary parent mc particle

Definition at line 338 of file

339 {
340  // Navigate upward through MC daughter/parent links - collect this particle and all its parents
341  MCParticleVector mcVector;
343  const MCParticle *pParentMCParticle = pMCParticle;
344  mcVector.push_back(pParentMCParticle);
346  while (!pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().empty())
347  {
348  if (1 != pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().size())
349  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
351  pParentMCParticle = *(pParentMCParticle->GetParentList().begin());
352  mcVector.push_back(pParentMCParticle);
353  }
355  // Navigate downward through MC parent/daughter links - return the first long-lived charged particle
356  for (MCParticleVector::const_reverse_iterator iter = mcVector.rbegin(), iterEnd = mcVector.rend(); iter != iterEnd; ++iter)
357  {
358  const MCParticle *const pNextParticle = *iter;
360  if (LArMCParticleHelper::IsVisible(pNextParticle))
361  return pNextParticle;
362  }
364  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_NOT_FOUND);
365 }
static bool IsVisible(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a mc particle is visible (i.e. long-lived charged particle)
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticleList ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  mcPrimaryVector 

Get vector of primary MC particles from an input list of MC particles.

pMCParticleListthe input mc particle list
mcPrimaryVectorthe output mc particle vector

Definition at line 308 of file

309 {
310  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
311  {
312  if (LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle))
313  mcPrimaryVector.push_back(pMCParticle);
314  }
316  std::sort(mcPrimaryVector.begin(), mcPrimaryVector.end(), LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum);
317 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
CaloHitList lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetSharedHits ( const pandora::CaloHitList &  hitListA,
const pandora::CaloHitList &  hitListB 

Get the hits in the intersection of two hit lists.

hitListAan input hit list
hitListBanother input hit list
The hits that are found in both hitListA and hitListB

Definition at line 944 of file

945 {
946  CaloHitList sharedHits;
948  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : hitListA)
949  {
950  if (std::find(hitListB.begin(), hitListB.end(), pCaloHit) != hitListB.end())
951  sharedHits.push_back(pCaloHit);
952  }
954  return sharedHits;
955 }
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetTestBeamHierarchyPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::PfoList &  pfoList,
const MCContributionMap selectedMCParticleToHitsMap,
PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

Get mapping from Pfo in reconstructed test beam hierarchy to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pfoListthe input list of Pfos
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapthe input mapping from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from Pfos to their reconstructable 2D hits
foldBackHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to the leading particles
static void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetTestBeamHierarchyPfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap ( const pandora::PfoList &  pfoList,
const MCContributionMapVector selectedMCParticleToHitsMaps,
PfoContributionMap pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMap,
const bool  foldBackHierarchy 

Get mapping from Pfo in reconstructed test beam hierarchy to reconstructable 2D hits (=good hits belonging to a selected reconstructable MCParticle)

pfoListthe input list of Pfos
selectedMCParticleToHitsMapsthe input vector of mappings from selected reconstructable MCParticles to their hits
pfoToReconstructable2DHitsMapthe output mapping from Pfos to their reconstructable 2D hits
foldBackHierarchywhether to fold the particle hierarchy back to the leading particles
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetTrueNeutrinos ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  trueNeutrinos 

Get neutrino MC particles from an input MC particle list.

pMCParticleListthe input MC particle list
trueNeutrinosto receive the vector of neutrino MC particles

Definition at line 206 of file

207 {
208  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
209  {
210  if (LArMCParticleHelper::IsNeutrino(pMCParticle))
211  trueNeutrinos.push_back(pMCParticle);
212  }
214  std::sort(trueNeutrinos.begin(), trueNeutrinos.end(), LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum);
215 }
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
static bool IsNeutrino(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a mc particle is a neutrino or antineutrino.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::GetTrueTestBeamParticles ( const pandora::MCParticleList *const  pMCParticleList,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  trueTestBeamParticles 

Get triggered test beam MC particles from an input MC particle list.

pMCParticleListthe input MC particle list
trueTestBeamParticlesto receive the vector of neutrino MC particles

Definition at line 219 of file

220 {
221  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : *pMCParticleList)
222  {
224  trueTestBeamParticles.push_back(pMCParticle);
225  }
227  std::sort(trueTestBeamParticles.begin(), trueTestBeamParticles.end(), LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum);
228 }
static bool SortByMomentum(const pandora::MCParticle *const pLhs, const pandora::MCParticle *const pRhs)
Sort mc particles by their momentum.
static bool IsTriggeredBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary triggered beam MCParticle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Returns true if passed a primary neutrino final state MCParticle.

Definition at line 77 of file

78 {
79  const MCParticle *const pParentMCParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle(pMCParticle));
80  return (LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle) && LArMCParticleHelper::IsNeutrino(pParentMCParticle));
81 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
static bool IsNeutrino(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a mc particle is a neutrino or antineutrino.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.

Definition at line 93 of file

94 {
95  const int nuance(LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode(pMCParticle));
96  return (LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle) && ((nuance == 2000) || (nuance == 2001)));
97 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsBremsstrahlung ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Definition at line 759 of file

760 {
761  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
762  if (!pLArMCParticle)
763  return false;
765  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
766  {
767  case MC_PROC_E_BREM:
768  case MC_PROC_MU_BREM:
769  case MC_PROC_HAD_BREM:
770  return true;
771  default:
772  return false;
773  }
775  return false;
776 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsCapture ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a capture process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from capture

Definition at line 780 of file

781 {
782  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
783  if (!pLArMCParticle)
784  return false;
786  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
787  {
789  case MC_PROC_N_CAPTURE:
793  return true;
794  default:
795  return false;
796  }
798  return false;
799 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsCosmicRay ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Return true if passed a primary cosmic ray MCParticle.

Definition at line 110 of file

111 {
112  const int nuance(LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode(pMCParticle));
113  return (LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle) &&
114  ((nuance == 3000) || ((nuance == 0) && !LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(pMCParticle))));
115 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
static bool IsBeamNeutrinoFinalState(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary neutrino final state MCParticle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsDecay ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a decay process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from decay

Definition at line 803 of file

804 {
805  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
806  if (!pLArMCParticle)
807  return false;
809  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
810  {
811  case MC_PROC_DECAY:
812  return true;
813  default:
814  return false;
815  }
817  return false;
818 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsDescendentOf ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle,
const int  pdg,
const bool  isChargeSensitive = false 

Determine if the MC particle is a descendent of a particle with the given PDG code.

pMCParticlethe descendent particle
pdgthe PDG code of the ancestor particle
isChargeSensitivewhether or not to consider the sign of the PDG code when looking for the ancestor (default: false)
true if the MC particle has an ancestor with the matching PDG code, false otherwise

Definition at line 1150 of file

1151 {
1152  const MCParticle *pCurrentParticle = pMCParticle;
1153  while (!pCurrentParticle->GetParentList().empty())
1154  {
1155  if (pCurrentParticle->GetParentList().size() > 1)
1156  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_INVALID_PARAMETER);
1158  const MCParticle *pParent = *(pCurrentParticle->GetParentList().begin());
1159  const bool found{isChargeSensitive ? pParent->GetParticleId() == pdg : std::abs(pParent->GetParticleId()) == std::abs(pdg)};
1160  if (found)
1161  return true;
1162  pCurrentParticle = pParent;
1163  }
1165  return false;
1166 }
T abs(T value)
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsElasticScatter ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle came from an elastic scattering process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from an elastic scatter

Definition at line 822 of file

823 {
824  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
825  if (!pLArMCParticle)
826  return false;
828  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
829  {
834  return true;
835  default:
836  return false;
837  }
839  return false;
840 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsInelasticScatter ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle came from an inelastic scattering process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from an inelastic scatter

Definition at line 844 of file

845 {
846  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
847  if (!pLArMCParticle)
848  return false;
850  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
851  {
852  case MC_PROC_COMPT:
871  return true;
872  default:
873  return false;
874  }
876  return false;
877 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsIonisation ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle comes from an ionisation process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from ionisation

Definition at line 881 of file

882 {
883  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
884  if (!pLArMCParticle)
885  return false;
887  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
888  {
889  case MC_PROC_E_IONI:
890  case MC_PROC_MU_IONI:
891  case MC_PROC_HAD_IONI:
892  case MC_PROC_ION_IONI:
893  return true;
894  default:
895  return false;
896  }
898  return false;
899 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsLeading ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being leading.

pMCParticlethe address of the mc particle

Definition at line 158 of file

159 {
160  try
161  {
162  return (LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticle(pMCParticle) == pMCParticle);
163  }
164  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
165  {
166  }
168  return false;
169 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetLeadingMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, const int hierarchyTierLimit=1)
Get the leading particle in the hierarchy, for use at ProtoDUNE.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsLeadingBeamParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Returns true if passed a leading beam MCParticle.

Definition at line 101 of file

102 {
103  // ATTN: Only the parent triggered beam particle has nuance code 2001
105  return (LArMCParticleHelper::IsLeading(pMCParticle) && (parentNuance == 2001 || parentNuance == 2000));
106 }
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
static bool IsLeading(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being leading.
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsNeutrino ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Whether a mc particle is a neutrino or antineutrino.

pMCParticlethe input mc particle

Definition at line 131 of file

132 {
133  const int nuance(LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode(pMCParticle));
134  if ((nuance == 0) || (nuance == 2000) || (nuance == 2001) || (nuance == 3000))
135  return false;
137  const int absoluteParticleId(std::abs(pMCParticle->GetParticleId()));
138  return ((NU_E == absoluteParticleId) || (NU_MU == absoluteParticleId) || (NU_TAU == absoluteParticleId));
139 }
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
T abs(T value)
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsNuclear ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a nuclear interaction process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from nuclear interaction

Definition at line 903 of file

904 {
905  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
906  if (!pLArMCParticle)
907  return false;
909  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
910  {
914  return true;
915  default:
916  return false;
917  }
919  return false;
920 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsPairProduction ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Check whether or not an MC particle comes from a pair production process.

pMCParticleThe MC particle to consider
Whether or not the MC particle came from pair production

Definition at line 924 of file

925 {
926  const LArMCParticle *pLArMCParticle{dynamic_cast<const LArMCParticle *>(pMCParticle)};
927  if (!pLArMCParticle)
928  return false;
930  switch (pLArMCParticle->GetProcess())
931  {
934  return true;
935  default:
936  return false;
937  }
939  return false;
940 }
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.

pMCParticlethe address of the mc particle

Definition at line 143 of file

144 {
145  try
146  {
147  return (LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle(pMCParticle) == pMCParticle);
148  }
149  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
150  {
151  }
153  return false;
154 }
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the primary parent mc particle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsTriggeredBeamParticle ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Returns true if passed a primary triggered beam MCParticle.

Definition at line 85 of file

86 {
87  const int nuance(LArMCParticleHelper::GetNuanceCode(pMCParticle));
88  return (LArMCParticleHelper::IsPrimary(pMCParticle) && (nuance == 2001));
89 }
static bool IsPrimary(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Whether a provided mc particle matches the implemented definition of being primary.
static unsigned int GetNuanceCode(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the nuance code of an MCParticle.
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::IsVisible ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pMCParticle)

Whether a mc particle is visible (i.e. long-lived charged particle)

pMCParticlethe input mc particle

Definition at line 192 of file

193 {
194  const int absoluteParticleId(std::abs(pMCParticle->GetParticleId()));
196  if ((E_MINUS == absoluteParticleId) || (MU_MINUS == absoluteParticleId) || (PI_PLUS == absoluteParticleId) || (K_PLUS == absoluteParticleId) ||
197  (SIGMA_MINUS == absoluteParticleId) || (SIGMA_PLUS == absoluteParticleId) || (HYPERON_MINUS == absoluteParticleId) ||
198  (PROTON == absoluteParticleId) || (PHOTON == absoluteParticleId) || (NEUTRON == absoluteParticleId))
199  return true;
201  return false;
202 }
T abs(T value)
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::PassMCParticleChecks ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pOriginalPrimary,
const pandora::MCParticle *const  pThisMCParticle,
const pandora::MCParticle *const  pHitMCParticle,
const float  maxPhotonPropagation 

Whether it is possible to navigate from a primary mc particle to a downstream mc particle without "passing through" a neutron.

pOriginalPrimarythe address of the original primary mc particle
pThisMCParticlethe address of the current mc particle in the primary decay chain
pHitMCParticlethe address of the mc particle associated to a calo hit
maxPhotonPropagationthe maximum photon propagation length

Definition at line 1316 of file

1318 {
1319  if (NEUTRON == std::abs(pThisMCParticle->GetParticleId()))
1320  return false;
1322  if ((PHOTON == pThisMCParticle->GetParticleId()) && (PHOTON != pOriginalPrimary->GetParticleId()) &&
1323  (E_MINUS != std::abs(pOriginalPrimary->GetParticleId())))
1324  {
1325  if ((pThisMCParticle->GetEndpoint() - pThisMCParticle->GetVertex()).GetMagnitude() > maxPhotonPropagation)
1326  return false;
1327  }
1329  if (pThisMCParticle == pHitMCParticle)
1330  return true;
1332  for (const MCParticle *const pDaughterMCParticle : pThisMCParticle->GetDaughterList())
1333  {
1334  if (PassMCParticleChecks(pOriginalPrimary, pDaughterMCParticle, pHitMCParticle, maxPhotonPropagation))
1335  return true;
1336  }
1338  return false;
1339 }
static bool PassMCParticleChecks(const pandora::MCParticle *const pOriginalPrimary, const pandora::MCParticle *const pThisMCParticle, const pandora::MCParticle *const pHitMCParticle, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
Whether it is possible to navigate from a primary mc particle to a downstream mc particle without "pa...
T abs(T value)
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectCaloHits ( const pandora::CaloHitList *const  pCaloHitList,
const MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap,
pandora::CaloHitList &  selectedCaloHitList,
const bool  selectInputHits,
const float  maxPhotonPropagation 

Select a subset of calo hits representing those that represent "reconstructable" regions of the event.

pCaloHitListthe address of the input calo hit list
mcToTargetMCMapthe mc particle to target (primary or self) mc particle map
selectedCaloHitListto receive the populated selected calo hit list
selectInputHitswhether to select input hits
maxPhotonPropagationthe maximum photon propagation length

Definition at line 1116 of file

1118 {
1119  if (!selectInputHits)
1120  {
1121  selectedCaloHitList.insert(selectedCaloHitList.end(), pCaloHitList->begin(), pCaloHitList->end());
1122  return;
1123  }
1125  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *pCaloHitList)
1126  {
1127  try
1128  {
1129  const MCParticle *const pHitParticle(MCParticleHelper::GetMainMCParticle(pCaloHit));
1131  LArMCParticleHelper::MCRelationMap::const_iterator mcIter = mcToTargetMCMap.find(pHitParticle);
1133  if (mcToTargetMCMap.end() == mcIter)
1134  continue;
1136  // ATTN With folding on or off, still require primary particle to review hierarchy details
1137  const MCParticle *const pPrimaryParticle = LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticle(pHitParticle);
1139  if (PassMCParticleChecks(pPrimaryParticle, pPrimaryParticle, pHitParticle, maxPhotonPropagation))
1140  selectedCaloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
1141  }
1142  catch (const StatusCodeException &)
1143  {
1144  }
1145  }
1146 }
static bool PassMCParticleChecks(const pandora::MCParticle *const pOriginalPrimary, const pandora::MCParticle *const pThisMCParticle, const pandora::MCParticle *const pHitMCParticle, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
Whether it is possible to navigate from a primary mc particle to a downstream mc particle without "pa...
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetPrimaryMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the primary parent mc particle.
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectGoodCaloHits ( const pandora::CaloHitList *const  pSelectedCaloHitList,
const MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap,
pandora::CaloHitList &  selectedGoodCaloHitList,
const bool  selectInputHits,
const float  minHitSharingFraction 

Apply further selection criteria to end up with a collection of "good" calo hits that can be use to define whether a target mc particle is reconstructable.

pSelectedCaloHitListthe address of the calo hit list (typically already been through some selection procedure)
mcToTargetMCMapthe mc particle to target (primary or self) mc particle map
selectedGoodCaloHitListto receive the populated good selected calo hit list
selectInputHitswhether to select input hits
minHitSharingFractionthe minimum Hit sharing fraction

Definition at line 1231 of file

1233 {
1234  if (!selectInputHits)
1235  {
1236  selectedGoodCaloHitList.insert(selectedGoodCaloHitList.end(), pSelectedCaloHitList->begin(), pSelectedCaloHitList->end());
1237  return;
1238  }
1240  for (const CaloHit *const pCaloHit : *pSelectedCaloHitList)
1241  {
1242  MCParticleVector mcParticleVector;
1243  for (const auto &mapEntry : pCaloHit->GetMCParticleWeightMap())
1244  mcParticleVector.push_back(mapEntry.first);
1245  std::sort(mcParticleVector.begin(), mcParticleVector.end(), PointerLessThan<MCParticle>());
1247  MCParticleWeightMap targetWeightMap;
1249  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : mcParticleVector)
1250  {
1251  const float weight(pCaloHit->GetMCParticleWeightMap().at(pMCParticle));
1252  LArMCParticleHelper::MCRelationMap::const_iterator mcIter = mcToTargetMCMap.find(pMCParticle);
1254  if (mcToTargetMCMap.end() != mcIter)
1255  targetWeightMap[mcIter->second] += weight;
1256  }
1258  MCParticleVector mcTargetVector;
1259  for (const auto &mapEntry : targetWeightMap)
1260  mcTargetVector.push_back(mapEntry.first);
1261  std::sort(mcTargetVector.begin(), mcTargetVector.end(), PointerLessThan<MCParticle>());
1263  const MCParticle *pBestTargetParticle(nullptr);
1264  float bestTargetWeight(0.f), targetWeightSum(0.f);
1266  for (const MCParticle *const pTargetMCParticle : mcTargetVector)
1267  {
1268  const float targetWeight(;
1269  targetWeightSum += targetWeight;
1271  if (targetWeight > bestTargetWeight)
1272  {
1273  bestTargetWeight = targetWeight;
1274  pBestTargetParticle = pTargetMCParticle;
1275  }
1276  }
1278  if (!pBestTargetParticle || (targetWeightSum < std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon()) || ((bestTargetWeight / targetWeightSum) < minHitSharingFraction))
1279  continue;
1281  selectedGoodCaloHitList.push_back(pCaloHit);
1282  }
1283 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesByHitCount ( const pandora::MCParticleVector &  candidateTargets,
const MCContributionMap mcToTrueHitListMap,
const MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap,
const PrimaryParameters parameters,
MCContributionMap selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap 

Filter an input vector of MCParticles to ensure they have sufficient good hits to be reconstructable.

candidateTargetscandidate reconstructable MCParticles
mcToTrueHitListMapmapping from candidates reconstructable MCParticles to their true hits
mcToTargetMCMapthe mc particle to target (primary or self) mc particle map
parametersvalidation parameters to decide when an MCParticle is considered reconstructable
selectedMCParticlesToHitsMapthe output mapping from selected mcparticles to their hits

Definition at line 1191 of file

1193 {
1194  // Apply restrictions on the number of good hits associated with the MCParticles
1195  for (const MCParticle *const pMCTarget : candidateTargets)
1196  {
1197  MCContributionMap::const_iterator trueHitsIter = mcToTrueHitListMap.find(pMCTarget);
1198  if (mcToTrueHitListMap.end() == trueHitsIter)
1199  continue;
1201  const CaloHitList &caloHitList(trueHitsIter->second);
1203  // Remove shared hits where target particle deposits below threshold energy fraction
1204  CaloHitList goodCaloHitList;
1206  &caloHitList, mcToTargetMCMap, goodCaloHitList, parameters.m_selectInputHits, parameters.m_minHitSharingFraction);
1208  if (goodCaloHitList.size() < parameters.m_minPrimaryGoodHits)
1209  continue;
1211  unsigned int nGoodViews(0);
1212  if (LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_U, goodCaloHitList) >= parameters.m_minHitsForGoodView)
1213  ++nGoodViews;
1215  if (LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_V, goodCaloHitList) >= parameters.m_minHitsForGoodView)
1216  ++nGoodViews;
1218  if (LArMonitoringHelper::CountHitsByType(TPC_VIEW_W, goodCaloHitList) >= parameters.m_minHitsForGoodView)
1219  ++nGoodViews;
1221  if (nGoodViews < parameters.m_minPrimaryGoodViews)
1222  continue;
1224  if (!selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap.insert(MCContributionMap::value_type(pMCTarget, caloHitList)).second)
1225  throw StatusCodeException(STATUS_CODE_ALREADY_PRESENT);
1226  }
1227 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
static void SelectGoodCaloHits(const pandora::CaloHitList *const pSelectedCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, pandora::CaloHitList &selectedGoodCaloHitList, const bool selectInputHits, const float minHitSharingFraction)
Apply further selection criteria to end up with a collection of "good" calo hits that can be use to d...
static unsigned int CountHitsByType(const pandora::HitType hitType, const pandora::CaloHitList &caloHitList)
Count the number of calo hits, in a provided list, of a specified type.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria ( const pandora::MCParticleVector &  inputMCParticles,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria,
pandora::MCParticleVector &  selectedParticles,
const PrimaryParameters parameters,
const bool  isTestBeam 

Select mc particles matching given criteria from an input list.

inputMCParticlesinput vector of MCParticles
fCriteriaa function which returns a bool (= shouldSelect) for a given input MCParticle
selectedParticlesthe output vector of particles selected
parametersvalidation parameters to decide when an MCParticle is considered reconstructable
isTestBeamwhether the mc particles correspond to the test beam case or the neutrino case

Definition at line 1287 of file

1289 {
1290  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : inputMCParticles)
1291  {
1292  if (parameters.m_foldBackHierarchy)
1293  {
1294  if (!fCriteria(pMCParticle))
1295  continue;
1296  }
1297  else
1298  {
1299  if (isTestBeam)
1300  {
1301  if (!LArMCParticleHelper::DoesLeadingMeetCriteria(pMCParticle, fCriteria))
1302  continue;
1303  }
1304  else
1305  {
1306  if (!LArMCParticleHelper::DoesPrimaryMeetCriteria(pMCParticle, fCriteria))
1307  continue;
1308  }
1309  }
1310  selectedParticles.push_back(pMCParticle);
1311  }
1312 }
static bool DoesPrimaryMeetCriteria(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
Returns true if passed particle whose primary meets the passed criteria.
static bool DoesLeadingMeetCriteria(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria)
Returns true if passed particle whose leading meets the passed criteria.
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectReconstructableMCParticles ( const pandora::MCParticleList *  pMCParticleList,
const pandora::CaloHitList *  pCaloHitList,
const PrimaryParameters parameters,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria,
MCContributionMap selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap 

Select target, reconstructable mc particles that match given criteria.

pMCParticleListthe address of the list of MCParticles
pCaloHitListthe address of the list of CaloHits
parametersvalidation parameters to decide when an MCParticle is considered reconstructable
fCriteriaa function which returns a bool (= shouldSelect) for a given input MCParticle
selectedMCParticlesToHitsMapthe output mapping from selected mcparticles to their hits

Definition at line 531 of file

533 {
534  // Obtain map: [mc particle -> target mc particle]
535  LArMCParticleHelper::MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap;
536  parameters.m_foldBackHierarchy ? LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCPrimaryMap(pMCParticleList, mcToTargetMCMap)
537  : LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCToSelfMap(pMCParticleList, mcToTargetMCMap);
539  // Remove non-reconstructable hits, e.g. those downstream of a neutron
540  // Unless selectInputHits == false
541  CaloHitList selectedCaloHitList;
542  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectCaloHits(pCaloHitList, mcToTargetMCMap, selectedCaloHitList, parameters.m_selectInputHits, parameters.m_maxPhotonPropagation);
544  // Obtain maps: [hit -> target mc particle], [target mc particle -> list of hits]
545  CaloHitToMCMap trueHitToTargetMCMap;
546  MCContributionMap targetMCToTrueHitListMap;
547  LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches(&selectedCaloHitList, mcToTargetMCMap, trueHitToTargetMCMap, targetMCToTrueHitListMap);
549  // Obtain vector: target mc particles
550  MCParticleVector targetMCVector;
551  if (parameters.m_foldBackHierarchy)
552  {
553  LArMCParticleHelper::GetPrimaryMCParticleList(pMCParticleList, targetMCVector);
554  }
555  else
556  {
557  std::copy(pMCParticleList->begin(), pMCParticleList->end(), std::back_inserter(targetMCVector));
558  }
560  // Select MCParticles matching criteria
561  MCParticleVector candidateTargets;
562  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria(targetMCVector, fCriteria, candidateTargets, parameters, false);
564  // Ensure the MCParticles have enough "good" hits to be reconstructed
565  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesByHitCount(candidateTargets, targetMCToTrueHitListMap, mcToTargetMCMap, parameters, selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap);
566 }
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
std::unordered_map< const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::MCParticle * > CaloHitToMCMap
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
static void GetMCPrimaryMap(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcPrimaryMap)
Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their primary parent mc particles...
static void SelectParticlesByHitCount(const pandora::MCParticleVector &candidateTargets, const MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap)
Filter an input vector of MCParticles to ensure they have sufficient good hits to be reconstructable...
static void GetMCToSelfMap(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcToSelfMap)
Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) to themselves (to be used when not fold...
static void GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches(const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, CaloHitToMCMap &hitToMCMap, MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap)
Match calo hits to their parent particles.
static void GetPrimaryMCParticleList(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &mcPrimaryVector)
Get vector of primary MC particles from an input list of MC particles.
T copy(T const &v)
static void SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria(const pandora::MCParticleVector &inputMCParticles, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria, pandora::MCParticleVector &selectedParticles, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, const bool isTestBeam)
Select mc particles matching given criteria from an input list.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::MCParticle * > MCRelationMap
static void SelectCaloHits(const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, pandora::CaloHitList &selectedCaloHitList, const bool selectInputHits, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
Select a subset of calo hits representing those that represent "reconstructable" regions of the event...
void lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SelectReconstructableTestBeamHierarchyMCParticles ( const pandora::MCParticleList *  pMCParticleList,
const pandora::CaloHitList *  pCaloHitList,
const PrimaryParameters parameters,
std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)>  fCriteria,
MCContributionMap selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap 

Select target, reconstructable mc particles in the relevant hierarchy that match given criteria.

pMCParticleListthe address of the list of MCParticles
pCaloHitListthe address of the list of CaloHits
parametersvalidation parameters to decide when an MCParticle is considered reconstructable
fCriteriaa function which returns a bool (= shouldSelect) for a given input MCParticle
selectedMCParticlesToHitsMapthe output mapping from selected mcparticles to their hits

Definition at line 570 of file

572 {
573  // Obtain map: [mc particle -> target mc particle]
574  LArMCParticleHelper::MCRelationMap mcToTargetMCMap;
575  parameters.m_foldBackHierarchy ? LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCLeadingMap(pMCParticleList, mcToTargetMCMap)
576  : LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCToSelfMap(pMCParticleList, mcToTargetMCMap);
578  // Remove non-reconstructable hits, e.g. those downstream of a neutron
579  // Unless selectInputHits == false
580  CaloHitList selectedCaloHitList;
581  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectCaloHits(pCaloHitList, mcToTargetMCMap, selectedCaloHitList, parameters.m_selectInputHits, parameters.m_maxPhotonPropagation);
583  // Obtain maps: [hit -> target mc particle], [target mc particle -> list of hits]
584  CaloHitToMCMap trueHitToTargetMCMap;
585  MCContributionMap targetMCToTrueHitListMap;
586  LArMCParticleHelper::GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches(&selectedCaloHitList, mcToTargetMCMap, trueHitToTargetMCMap, targetMCToTrueHitListMap);
588  // Obtain vector: target mc particles
589  MCParticleVector targetMCVector;
590  if (parameters.m_foldBackHierarchy)
591  {
592  LArMCParticleHelper::GetLeadingMCParticleList(pMCParticleList, targetMCVector);
593  }
594  else
595  {
596  std::copy(pMCParticleList->begin(), pMCParticleList->end(), std::back_inserter(targetMCVector));
597  }
599  // Select MCParticles matching criteria
600  MCParticleVector candidateTargets;
601  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria(targetMCVector, fCriteria, candidateTargets, parameters, true);
603  // Ensure the MCParticles have enough "good" hits to be reconstructed
604  LArMCParticleHelper::SelectParticlesByHitCount(candidateTargets, targetMCToTrueHitListMap, mcToTargetMCMap, parameters, selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap);
606  // ATTN: The parent particle must be in the hierarchy map, event if not reconstructable
607  for (const MCParticle *const pMCParticle : candidateTargets)
608  {
609  if (!LArMCParticleHelper::IsBeamParticle(pMCParticle))
610  continue;
612  const MCParticle *const pParentMCParticle(LArMCParticleHelper::GetParentMCParticle(pMCParticle));
613  if (selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap.find(pParentMCParticle) == selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap.end())
614  {
615  CaloHitList caloHitList;
616  selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap.insert(MCContributionMap::value_type(pParentMCParticle, caloHitList));
617  }
618  }
619 }
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, pandora::CaloHitList > MCContributionMap
static void GetLeadingMCParticleList(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, pandora::MCParticleVector &mcLeadingVector)
Get vector of leading MC particles from an input list of MC particles.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::CaloHit *, const pandora::MCParticle * > CaloHitToMCMap
std::vector< art::Ptr< simb::MCParticle > > MCParticleVector
static void SelectParticlesByHitCount(const pandora::MCParticleVector &candidateTargets, const MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, MCContributionMap &selectedMCParticlesToHitsMap)
Filter an input vector of MCParticles to ensure they have sufficient good hits to be reconstructable...
static void GetMCToSelfMap(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcToSelfMap)
Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) to themselves (to be used when not fold...
static void GetMCParticleToCaloHitMatches(const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, CaloHitToMCMap &hitToMCMap, MCContributionMap &mcToTrueHitListMap)
Match calo hits to their parent particles.
static bool IsBeamParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Returns true if passed a primary beam MCParticle.
static const pandora::MCParticle * GetParentMCParticle(const pandora::MCParticle *const pMCParticle)
Get the parent mc particle.
static void GetMCLeadingMap(const pandora::MCParticleList *const pMCParticleList, MCRelationMap &mcLeadingMap)
Get mapping from individual mc particles (in a provided list) and their leading parent mc particles...
T copy(T const &v)
static void SelectParticlesMatchingCriteria(const pandora::MCParticleVector &inputMCParticles, std::function< bool(const pandora::MCParticle *const)> fCriteria, pandora::MCParticleVector &selectedParticles, const PrimaryParameters &parameters, const bool isTestBeam)
Select mc particles matching given criteria from an input list.
std::unordered_map< const pandora::MCParticle *, const pandora::MCParticle * > MCRelationMap
static void SelectCaloHits(const pandora::CaloHitList *const pCaloHitList, const MCRelationMap &mcToTargetMCMap, pandora::CaloHitList &selectedCaloHitList, const bool selectInputHits, const float maxPhotonPropagation)
Select a subset of calo hits representing those that represent "reconstructable" regions of the event...
bool lar_content::LArMCParticleHelper::SortByMomentum ( const pandora::MCParticle *const  pLhs,
const pandora::MCParticle *const  pRhs 

Sort mc particles by their momentum.

pLhsaddress of first mc particle
pRhsaddress of second mc particle

Definition at line 471 of file

472 {
473  // Sort by momentum (prefer higher momentum)
474  const float momentumLhs(pLhs->GetMomentum().GetMagnitudeSquared());
475  const float momentumRhs(pRhs->GetMomentum().GetMagnitudeSquared());
477  if (std::fabs(momentumLhs - momentumRhs) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
478  return (momentumLhs > momentumRhs);
480  // Sort by energy (prefer lighter particles)
481  if (std::fabs(pLhs->GetEnergy() - pRhs->GetEnergy()) > std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
482  return (pLhs->GetEnergy() < pRhs->GetEnergy());
484  // Sort by PDG code (prefer smaller numbers)
485  if (pLhs->GetParticleId() != pRhs->GetParticleId())
486  return (pLhs->GetParticleId() < pRhs->GetParticleId());
488  // Sort by vertex position (tie-breaker)
489  const float positionLhs(pLhs->GetVertex().GetMagnitudeSquared());
490  const float positionRhs(pRhs->GetVertex().GetMagnitudeSquared());
492  return (positionLhs < positionRhs);
493 }

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