Functions | Variables
gSplineXml2Root.cxx File Reference
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <TPostScript.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TPaveText.h>
#include <TString.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include "Framework/ParticleData/BaryonResonance.h"
#include "Framework/ParticleData/BaryonResUtils.h"
#include "Framework/Conventions/XmlParserStatus.h"
#include "Framework/Conventions/Units.h"
#include "Framework/Conventions/Controls.h"
#include "Framework/EventGen/InteractionList.h"
#include "Framework/EventGen/GEVGDriver.h"
#include "Framework/Interaction/Interaction.h"
#include "Framework/Messenger/Messenger.h"
#include "Framework/Numerical/Spline.h"
#include "Framework/ParticleData/PDGCodes.h"
#include "Framework/ParticleData/PDGCodeList.h"
#include "Framework/ParticleData/PDGUtils.h"
#include "Framework/ParticleData/PDGLibrary.h"
#include "Framework/Utils/AppInit.h"
#include "Framework/Utils/RunOpt.h"
#include "Framework/Utils/XSecSplineList.h"
#include "Framework/Utils/StringUtils.h"
#include "Framework/Utils/CmdLnArgParser.h"
#include "Framework/Registry/Registry.h"
#include "Framework/Algorithm/AlgConfigPool.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


void LoadSplines (void)
GEVGDriver GetEventGenDriver (void)
void SaveToPsFile (void)
void SaveGraphsToRootFile (void)
void SaveNtupleToRootFile (void)
void GetCommandLineArgs (int argc, char **argv)
void PrintSyntax (void)
PDGCodeList GetPDGCodeListFromString (std::string s)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
void FormatXSecGraph (TGraph *g)


string gOptXMLFilename
string gOptROOTFilename
PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList
PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList
int gOptProbePdgCode
int gOptTgtPdgCode
bool gWriteOutPlots
double gEmin
double gEmax
bool gInlogE
int kNP = 300
int kNSplineP = 1000
const int kPsType = 111

Function Documentation

void FormatXSecGraph ( TGraph *  g)

Definition at line 516 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

517 {
518  g->SetTitle("GENIE cross section graph");
519  g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
520  g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear} (10^{-38} cm^{2})");
521 }
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
void GetCommandLineArgs ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 1356 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

1357 {
1358  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Parsing command line arguments";
1360  // Common run options. Set defaults and read.
1361  RunOpt::Instance()->ReadFromCommandLine(argc,argv);
1363  // Parse run options for this app
1365  CmdLnArgParser parser(argc,argv);
1367  // input XML file name:
1368  if( parser.OptionExists('f') ) {
1369  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading input XML filename";
1370  gOptXMLFilename = parser.ArgAsString('f');
1371  } else {
1372  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL) << "Unspecified input XML file!";
1373  PrintSyntax();
1374  exit(1);
1375  }
1377  // probe PDG code:
1378  if( parser.OptionExists('p') ) {
1379  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading probe PDG code";
1380  gOptProbePdgList = GetPDGCodeListFromString(parser.ArgAsString('p'));
1381  } else {
1382  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL)
1383  << "Unspecified probe PDG code - Exiting";
1384  PrintSyntax();
1385  exit(1);
1386  }
1388  // target PDG code:
1389  if( parser.OptionExists('t') ) {
1390  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading target PDG code";
1391  gOptTgtPdgList = GetPDGCodeListFromString(parser.ArgAsString('t'));
1392  } else {
1393  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL)
1394  << "Unspecified target PDG code - Exiting";
1395  PrintSyntax();
1396  exit(1);
1397  }
1399  // min,max neutrino energy
1400  if( parser.OptionExists('e') ) {
1401  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading neutrino energy";
1402  string nue = parser.ArgAsString('e');
1403  // is it just a value or a range (comma separated set of values)
1404  if(nue.find(",") != string::npos) {
1405  // split the comma separated list
1406  vector<string> nurange = utils::str::Split(nue, ",");
1407  assert(nurange.size() == 2);
1408  gEmin = atof(nurange[0].c_str());
1409  gEmax = atof(nurange[1].c_str());
1410  } else {
1411  const Registry * val_reg = AlgConfigPool::Instance() -> CommonList( "Param", "Validation" ) ;
1412  gEmin = val_reg -> GetDouble( "GVLD-Emin" ) ;
1413  gEmax = atof(nue.c_str());
1414  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1415  << "Unspecified Emin - Setting to " << gEmin << " GeV as per configuration";
1416  }
1417  } else {
1418  const Registry * val_reg = AlgConfigPool::Instance() -> CommonList("Param", "Validation" ) ;
1419  gEmin = val_reg -> GetDouble( "GVLD-Emin" ) ;
1420  gEmax = 100;
1421  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1422  << "Unspecified Emin,Emax - Setting to " << gEmin << ",100 GeV ";
1424  }
1425  assert(gEmin<gEmax);
1427  // output ROOT file name:
1428  if( parser.OptionExists('o') ) {
1429  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading output ROOT filename";
1430  gOptROOTFilename = parser.ArgAsString('o');
1431  } else {
1432  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1433  << "Unspecified output ROOT file. Using default: gxsec.root";
1434  gOptROOTFilename = "gxsec.root";
1435  }
1437  // write-out a PS file with plots
1438  gWriteOutPlots = parser.OptionExists('w');
1440  // use same abscissa points as splines
1441  //not yet//gKeepSplineKnots = parser.OptionExists('k');
1443  gInlogE = parser.OptionExists('l');
1445  // print the options you got from command line arguments
1446  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Command line arguments:";
1447  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Input XML file = " << gOptXMLFilename;
1448  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Probe PDG code = " << gOptProbePdgCode;
1449  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Target PDG code = " << gOptTgtPdgCode;
1450  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Min neutrino E = " << gEmin;
1451  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Max neutrino E = " << gEmax;
1452  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " In logE = " << gInlogE;
1453  //not yet//LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Keep spline knots = " << (gKeepSplineKnots?"true":"false");
1454 }
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
bool gInlogE
string gOptXMLFilename
PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList
void PrintSyntax(void)
double gEmin
string gOptROOTFilename
int gOptProbePdgCode
int gOptTgtPdgCode
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
double gEmax
PDGCodeList GetPDGCodeListFromString(std::string s)
vector< string > Split(string input, string delim)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:36
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
Command line argument parser.
bool gWriteOutPlots
PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList
double GetDouble(xmlDocPtr xml_doc, string node_path)
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
GEVGDriver GetEventGenDriver ( void  )

Definition at line 200 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

201 {
202 // create an event genartion driver configured for the specified initial state
203 // (so that cross section splines will be accessed through that driver as in
204 // event generation mode)
208  GEVGDriver evg_driver;
209  evg_driver.SetEventGeneratorList(RunOpt::Instance()->EventGeneratorList());
210  evg_driver.Configure(init_state);
211  evg_driver.CreateSplines();
212  evg_driver.CreateXSecSumSpline (100, gEmin, gEmax);
214  return evg_driver;
215 }
void CreateXSecSumSpline(int nk, double Emin, double Emax, bool inlogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:440
double gEmin
int gOptProbePdgCode
int gOptTgtPdgCode
void SetEventGeneratorList(string listname)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:348
GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interaction...
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:54
double gEmax
void Configure(int nu_pdgc, int Z, int A)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:137
A vector of EventGeneratorI objects.
void CreateSplines(int nknots=-1, double emax=-1, bool inLogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:577
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
PDGCodeList GetPDGCodeListFromString ( std::string  s)

Definition at line 1465 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

1466 {
1467  vector<string> isvec = utils::str::Split(s,",");
1469  // fill in the PDG code list
1470  PDGCodeList list;
1472  for(iter = isvec.begin(); iter != isvec.end(); ++iter) {
1473  list.push_back( atoi(iter->c_str()) );
1474  }
1475  return list;
1477 }
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:32
vector< string > Split(string input, string delim)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:36
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
void push_back(int pdg_code)
Definition: PDGCodeList.cxx:58
void LoadSplines ( void  )

Definition at line 191 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

192 {
193 // load the cross section splines specified at the cmd line
195  XSecSplineList * splist = XSecSplineList::Instance();
197  assert(ist == kXmlOK);
198 }
string gOptXMLFilename
enum genie::EXmlParseStatus XmlParserStatus_t
List of cross section vs energy splines.
XmlParserStatus_t LoadFromXml(const string &filename, bool keep=false)
int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Definition at line 158 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

159 {
160  GetCommandLineArgs(argc,argv);
162  if ( ! RunOpt::Instance()->Tune() ) {
163  LOG("gslp2root", pFATAL) << " No TuneId in RunOption";
164  exit(-1);
165  }
166  RunOpt::Instance()->BuildTune();
168  utils::app_init::MesgThresholds(RunOpt::Instance()->MesgThresholdFiles());
170  // load the x-section splines xml file specified by the user
171  LoadSplines();
173  if ( ! XSecSplineList::Instance() -> HasSplineFromTune(RunOpt::Instance() -> Tune() -> Name() ) ) {
174  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "No splines loaded for tune " << RunOpt::Instance() -> Tune() -> Name() ;
175  }
177  for (unsigned int indx_p = 0; indx_p < gOptProbePdgList.size(); ++indx_p ) {
178  for (unsigned int indx_t = 0; indx_t < gOptTgtPdgList.size(); ++indx_t ) {
180  gOptTgtPdgCode = gOptTgtPdgList[indx_t];
181  // save the cross section plots in a postscript file
182  SaveToPsFile();
183  // save the cross section graphs at a root file
185  }
186  }
188  return 0;
189 }
void LoadSplines(void)
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
void SaveToPsFile(void)
PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList
int gOptProbePdgCode
int gOptTgtPdgCode
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
size_t size
Definition: lodepng.cpp:55
void SaveGraphsToRootFile(void)
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
void MesgThresholds(string inpfile)
Definition: AppInit.cxx:99
void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char **argv)
PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList
void PrintSyntax ( void  )

Definition at line 1456 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

1457 {
1458  LOG("gspl2root", pNOTICE)
1459  << "\n\n" << "Syntax:" << "\n"
1460  << " gspl2root -f xml_file -p probe_pdg -t target_pdg"
1461  << " [-e emin,emax] [-o output_root_file] [-w] [-l]\n"
1462  << " [--message-thresholds xml_file]\n";
1463 }
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
void SaveGraphsToRootFile ( void  )

Definition at line 523 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

524 {
525  //-- get the event generation driver
526  GEVGDriver evg_driver = GetEventGenDriver();
528  //-- get the list of interactions that can be simulated by the driver
529  const InteractionList * ilist = evg_driver.Interactions();
531  //-- check whether the splines will be saved in a ROOT file - if not, exit now
532  bool save_in_root = gOptROOTFilename.size()>0;
533  if(!save_in_root) {
535  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "No Interaction List available" ;
536  return;
537  }
539  //-- get pdglibrary for mapping pdg codes to names
540  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
542  //-- check whether the requested filename exists
543  // if yes, then open the file in 'update' mode
544  bool exists = !(gSystem->AccessPathName(gOptROOTFilename.c_str()));
546  TFile * froot = 0;
547  if(exists) froot = new TFile(gOptROOTFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
548  else froot = new TFile(gOptROOTFilename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
549  assert(froot);
551  //-- create directory
552  ostringstream dptr;
554  string probe_name = pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName();
555  string tgt_name = (gOptTgtPdgCode==1000000010) ?
556  "n" : pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName();
558  dptr << probe_name << "_" << tgt_name;
559  ostringstream dtitle;
560  dtitle << "Cross sections for: "
561  << pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName() << "+"
562  << pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName();
564  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
565  << "Will store graphs in root directory = " << dptr.str();
566  TDirectory * topdir =
567  dynamic_cast<TDirectory *> (froot->Get(dptr.str().c_str()));
568  if(topdir) {
569  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
570  << "Directory: " << dptr.str() << " already exists!! Exiting";
571  froot->Close();
572  delete froot;
573  return;
574  }
576  topdir = froot->mkdir(dptr.str().c_str(),dtitle.str().c_str());
577  topdir->cd();
579  double de = (gInlogE) ? (TMath::Log(gEmax)-TMath::Log(gEmin))/(kNSplineP-1) : (gEmax-gEmin)/(kNSplineP-1);
580  double * e = new double[kNSplineP];
581  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) { e[i] = (gInlogE) ? TMath::Exp(TMath::Log(gEmin) + i*de) : gEmin + i*de; }
583  double * xs = new double[kNSplineP];
585  InteractionList::const_iterator ilistiter = ilist->begin();
587  for(; ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
589  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
591  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
592  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
593  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
594  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
596  // graph title
597  ostringstream title;
599  if (proc.IsQuasiElastic() ) { title << "qel"; }
600  else if (proc.IsMEC() ) { title << "mec"; }
601  else if (proc.IsResonant() ) { title << "res"; }
602  else if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() ) { title << "dis"; }
603  else if (proc.IsDiffractive() ) { title << "dfr"; }
604  else if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() ) {
605  title << "coh";
606  if ( xcls.NSingleGammas() > 0 ) title << "_gamma" ;
607  else if ( xcls.NPions() > 0 ) title << "_pion" ;
608  else if ( xcls.NRhos() > 0 ) title << "_rho" ;
609  else title << "_other" ;
610  }
611  else if (proc.IsCoherentElastic() ) { title << "cevns"; }
612  else if (proc.IsInverseMuDecay() ) { title << "imd"; }
613  else if (proc.IsIMDAnnihilation() ) { title << "imdanh";}
614  else if (proc.IsNuElectronElastic()) { title << "ve"; }
615  else if (proc.IsGlashowResonance() ) { title << "glres"; }
616  else {
617  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Process " << proc
618  << " scattering type not recognised: spline not added" ;
619  continue; }
621  if (proc.IsWeakCC()) { title << "_cc"; }
622  else if (proc.IsWeakNC()) { title << "_nc"; }
623  else if (proc.IsWeakMix()) { title << "_ccncmix"; }
624  else if (proc.IsEM() ) { title << "_em"; }
625  else if (proc.IsDarkNeutralCurrent() ) { title << "_dark"; }
626  else {
627  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Process " << proc
628  << " interaction type has not recongnised: spline not added " ;
629  continue; }
631  if(tgt.HitNucIsSet()) {
632  int hitnuc = tgt.HitNucPdg();
633  if ( pdg::IsProton (hitnuc) ) { title << "_p"; }
634  else if ( pdg::IsNeutron(hitnuc) ) { title << "_n"; }
635  else if ( pdg::Is2NucleonCluster(hitnuc) )
636  {
637  if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterNN) { title << "_nn"; }
638  else if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterNP) { title << "_np"; }
639  else if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterPP) { title << "_pp"; }
640  else {
641  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Can't handle hit 2-nucleon cluster PDG = " << hitnuc;
642  }
643  }
644  else {
645  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Can't handle hit nucleon PDG = " << hitnuc;
646  }
648  if(tgt.HitQrkIsSet()) {
649  int qrkpdg = tgt.HitQrkPdg();
650  bool insea = tgt.HitSeaQrk();
652  if ( pdg::IsUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_u"; }
653  else if ( pdg::IsDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_d"; }
654  else if ( pdg::IsSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_s"; }
655  else if ( pdg::IsCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_c"; }
656  else if ( pdg::IsBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_b"; }
657  else if ( pdg::IsAntiUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_ubar"; }
658  else if ( pdg::IsAntiDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_dbar"; }
659  else if ( pdg::IsAntiSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_sbar"; }
660  else if ( pdg::IsAntiCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_cbar"; }
661  else if ( pdg::IsAntiBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_bbar"; }
663  if(insea) { title << "sea"; }
664  else { title << "val"; }
665  }
666  }
667  if(proc.IsResonant()) {
668  Resonance_t res = xcls.Resonance();
669  string resname = res::AsString(res);
670  resname = str::FilterString(")", resname);
671  resname = str::FilterString("(", resname);
672  title << "_" << resname.substr(3,4) << resname.substr(0,3);
673  }
675  if(xcls.IsStrangeEvent()) {
676  title << "_strange";
677  if(!xcls.IsInclusiveStrange()) { title << xcls.StrangeHadronPdg(); }
678  }
680  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) {
681  title << "_charm";
682  if(!xcls.IsInclusiveCharm()) { title << xcls.CharmHadronPdg(); }
683  }
685  if(xcls.IsFinalQuarkEvent()) {
686  int qrkpdg = xcls.FinalQuarkPdg();
687  if ( pdg::IsUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_u"; }
688  else if ( pdg::IsDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_d"; }
689  else if ( pdg::IsSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_s"; }
690  else if ( pdg::IsCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_c"; }
691  else if ( pdg::IsBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_b"; }
692  else if ( pdg::IsTQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_t"; }
693  else if ( pdg::IsAntiUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_ubar"; }
694  else if ( pdg::IsAntiDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_dbar"; }
695  else if ( pdg::IsAntiSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_sbar"; }
696  else if ( pdg::IsAntiCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_cbar"; }
697  else if ( pdg::IsAntiBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_bbar"; }
698  else if ( pdg::IsAntiTQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_tbar"; }
699  }
700  if(xcls.IsFinalLeptonEvent()) {
701  int leppdg = xcls.FinalLeptonPdg();
702  if ( pdg::IsMuon(leppdg) ) { title << "_mu"; }
703  else if ( pdg::IsElectron(leppdg) ) { title << "_e"; }
704  else if ( pdg::IsTau(leppdg) ) { title << "_tau"; }
705  else if ( pdg::IsPion(leppdg) ) { title << "_had"; }
706  }
708  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
709  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
710  xs[i] = spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2);
711  }
713  TGraph * gr = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xs);
714  gr->SetName(title.str().c_str());
715  FormatXSecGraph(gr);
716  gr->SetTitle(spl->GetName());
718  topdir->Add(gr);
719  }
722  //
723  // totals for (anti-)neutrino scattering
724  //
726  bool is_neutrino = pdg::IsNeutralLepton(gOptProbePdgCode);
728  if(is_neutrino) {
730  //
731  // add-up all res channels
732  //
734  double * xsresccp = new double[kNSplineP];
735  double * xsresccn = new double[kNSplineP];
736  double * xsresncp = new double[kNSplineP];
737  double * xsresncn = new double[kNSplineP];
738  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
739  xsresccp[i] = 0;
740  xsresccn[i] = 0;
741  xsresncp[i] = 0;
742  xsresncn[i] = 0;
743  }
745  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
746  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
747  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
748  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
749  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
751  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
753  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
754  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
755  xsresccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
756  }
757  }
758  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
759  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
760  xsresccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
761  }
762  }
763  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
764  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
765  xsresncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
766  }
767  }
768  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
769  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
770  xsresncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
771  }
772  }
773  }
775  TGraph * gr_resccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresccp);
776  gr_resccp->SetName("res_cc_p");
777  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resccp);
778  topdir->Add(gr_resccp);
779  TGraph * gr_resccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresccn);
780  gr_resccn->SetName("res_cc_n");
781  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resccn);
782  topdir->Add(gr_resccn);
783  TGraph * gr_resncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresncp);
784  gr_resncp->SetName("res_nc_p");
785  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resncp);
786  topdir->Add(gr_resncp);
787  TGraph * gr_resncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresncn);
788  gr_resncn->SetName("res_nc_n");
789  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resncn);
790  topdir->Add(gr_resncn);
792  //
793  // add-up all dis channels
794  //
796  double * xsdisccp = new double[kNSplineP];
797  double * xsdisccn = new double[kNSplineP];
798  double * xsdisncp = new double[kNSplineP];
799  double * xsdisncn = new double[kNSplineP];
800  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
801  xsdisccp[i] = 0;
802  xsdisccn[i] = 0;
803  xsdisncp[i] = 0;
804  xsdisncn[i] = 0;
805  }
806  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
807  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
808  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
809  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
810  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
811  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
813  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
815  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
817  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
818  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
819  xsdisccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
820  }
821  }
822  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
823  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
824  xsdisccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
825  }
826  }
827  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
828  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
829  xsdisncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
830  }
831  }
832  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
833  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
834  xsdisncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
835  }
836  }
837  }
838  TGraph * gr_disccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccp);
839  gr_disccp->SetName("dis_cc_p");
840  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccp);
841  topdir->Add(gr_disccp);
842  TGraph * gr_disccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccn);
843  gr_disccn->SetName("dis_cc_n");
844  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccn);
845  topdir->Add(gr_disccn);
846  TGraph * gr_disncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncp);
847  gr_disncp->SetName("dis_nc_p");
848  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncp);
849  topdir->Add(gr_disncp);
850  TGraph * gr_disncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncn);
851  gr_disncn->SetName("dis_nc_n");
852  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncn);
853  topdir->Add(gr_disncn);
855  //
856  // add-up all charm dis channels
857  //
859  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
860  xsdisccp[i] = 0;
861  xsdisccn[i] = 0;
862  xsdisncp[i] = 0;
863  xsdisncn[i] = 0;
864  }
865  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
866  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
867  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
868  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
869  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
870  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
872  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
874  if(!xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
876  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
877  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
878  xsdisccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
879  }
880  }
881  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
882  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
883  xsdisccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
884  }
885  }
886  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
887  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
888  xsdisncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
889  }
890  }
891  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
892  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
893  xsdisncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
894  }
895  }
896  }
897  TGraph * gr_disccp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccp);
898  gr_disccp_charm->SetName("dis_cc_p_charm");
899  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccp_charm);
900  topdir->Add(gr_disccp_charm);
901  TGraph * gr_disccn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccn);
902  gr_disccn_charm->SetName("dis_cc_n_charm");
903  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccn_charm);
904  topdir->Add(gr_disccn_charm);
905  TGraph * gr_disncp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncp);
906  gr_disncp_charm->SetName("dis_nc_p_charm");
907  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncp_charm);
908  topdir->Add(gr_disncp_charm);
909  TGraph * gr_disncn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncn);
910  gr_disncn_charm->SetName("dis_nc_n_charm");
911  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncn_charm);
912  topdir->Add(gr_disncn_charm);
914  //
915  // add-up all mec channels
916  //
918  double * xsmeccc = new double[kNSplineP];
919  double * xsmecnc = new double[kNSplineP];
920  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
921  xsmeccc[i] = 0;
922  xsmecnc[i] = 0;
923  }
925  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
926  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
927  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
929  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
931  if (proc.IsMEC() && proc.IsWeakCC()) {
932  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
933  xsmeccc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
934  }
935  }
936  if (proc.IsMEC() && proc.IsWeakNC()) {
937  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
938  xsmecnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
939  }
940  }
941  }
943  TGraph * gr_meccc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsmeccc);
944  gr_meccc->SetName("mec_cc");
945  FormatXSecGraph(gr_meccc);
946  topdir->Add(gr_meccc);
947  TGraph * gr_mecnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsmecnc);
948  gr_mecnc->SetName("mec_nc");
949  FormatXSecGraph(gr_mecnc);
950  topdir->Add(gr_mecnc);
952  //
953  // add-up all COH channels
954  //
956  double * xscohcc = new double[kNSplineP];
957  double * xscohnc = new double[kNSplineP];
958  double * xscohtot = new double[kNSplineP];
959  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
960  xscohcc[i] = 0;
961  xscohnc[i] = 0;
962  xscohtot[i] = 0;
963  }
965  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
967  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
968  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
970  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
972  if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() && proc.IsWeakCC()) {
973  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
974  xscohcc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
975  }
976  }
977  if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() && proc.IsWeakNC()) {
978  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
979  xscohnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
980  }
981  }
982  if ( proc.IsCoherentProduction() ) {
983  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
984  xscohtot[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
985  }
986  }
988  }
990  TGraph * gr_cohcc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohcc);
991  gr_cohcc->SetName("coh_cc");
992  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohcc);
993  topdir->Add(gr_cohcc);
995  TGraph * gr_cohnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohnc);
996  gr_cohnc->SetName("coh_nc");
997  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohnc);
998  topdir->Add(gr_cohnc);
1000  TGraph * gr_cohtot = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohtot);
1001  gr_cohtot->SetName("coh");
1002  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohtot);
1003  topdir->Add(gr_cohtot);
1005  //
1006  // total cross sections
1007  //
1008  double * xstotcc = new double[kNSplineP];
1009  double * xstotccp = new double[kNSplineP];
1010  double * xstotccn = new double[kNSplineP];
1011  double * xstotnc = new double[kNSplineP];
1012  double * xstotncp = new double[kNSplineP];
1013  double * xstotncn = new double[kNSplineP];
1014  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1015  xstotcc [i] = 0;
1016  xstotccp[i] = 0;
1017  xstotccn[i] = 0;
1018  xstotnc [i] = 0;
1019  xstotncp[i] = 0;
1020  xstotncn[i] = 0;
1021  }
1022  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1023  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1024  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1025  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1026  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1028  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1030  bool iscc = proc.IsWeakCC();
1031  bool isnc = proc.IsWeakNC();
1032  bool offp = pdg::IsProton (tgt.HitNucPdg());
1033  bool offn = pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg());
1035  if (iscc && offp) {
1036  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1037  xstotccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1038  }
1039  }
1040  if (iscc && offn) {
1041  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1042  xstotccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1043  }
1044  }
1045  if (isnc && offp) {
1046  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1047  xstotncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1048  }
1049  }
1050  if (isnc && offn) {
1051  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1052  xstotncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1053  }
1054  }
1056  if (iscc) {
1057  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1058  xstotcc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1059  }
1060  }
1061  if (isnc) {
1062  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1063  xstotnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1068  TGraph * gr_totcc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotcc);
1069  gr_totcc->SetName("tot_cc");
1070  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totcc);
1071  topdir->Add(gr_totcc);
1072  TGraph * gr_totccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotccp);
1073  gr_totccp->SetName("tot_cc_p");
1074  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totccp);
1075  topdir->Add(gr_totccp);
1076  TGraph * gr_totccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotccn);
1077  gr_totccn->SetName("tot_cc_n");
1078  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totccn);
1079  topdir->Add(gr_totccn);
1080  TGraph * gr_totnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotnc);
1081  gr_totnc->SetName("tot_nc");
1082  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totnc);
1083  topdir->Add(gr_totnc);
1084  TGraph * gr_totncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotncp);
1085  gr_totncp->SetName("tot_nc_p");
1086  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totncp);
1087  topdir->Add(gr_totncp);
1088  TGraph * gr_totncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotncn);
1089  gr_totncn->SetName("tot_nc_n");
1090  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totncn);
1091  topdir->Add(gr_totncn);
1093  delete [] e;
1094  delete [] xs;
1095  delete [] xsresccp;
1096  delete [] xsresccn;
1097  delete [] xsresncp;
1098  delete [] xsresncn;
1099  delete [] xsdisccp;
1100  delete [] xsdisccn;
1101  delete [] xsdisncp;
1102  delete [] xsdisncn;
1103  delete [] xscohcc;
1104  delete [] xscohnc;
1105  delete [] xscohtot;
1106  delete [] xstotcc;
1107  delete [] xstotccp;
1108  delete [] xstotccn;
1109  delete [] xstotnc;
1110  delete [] xstotncp;
1111  delete [] xstotncn;
1113  }// neutrinos
1116  //
1117  // totals for charged lepton scattering
1118  //
1120  bool is_charged_lepton = pdg::IsChargedLepton(gOptProbePdgCode);
1122  if(is_charged_lepton) {
1124  //
1125  // add-up all res channels
1126  //
1128  double * xsresemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1129  double * xsresemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1130  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1131  xsresemp[i] = 0;
1132  xsresemn[i] = 0;
1133  }
1135  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1136  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1137  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1138  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1139  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1141  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1143  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1144  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1145  xsresemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1146  }
1147  }
1148  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1149  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1150  xsresemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1151  }
1152  }
1153  }
1155  TGraph * gr_resemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresemp);
1156  gr_resemp->SetName("res_em_p");
1157  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resemp);
1158  topdir->Add(gr_resemp);
1159  TGraph * gr_resemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresemn);
1160  gr_resemn->SetName("res_em_n");
1161  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resemn);
1162  topdir->Add(gr_resemn);
1164  //
1165  // add-up all dis channels
1166  //
1168  double * xsdisemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1169  double * xsdisemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1170  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1171  xsdisemp[i] = 0;
1172  xsdisemn[i] = 0;
1173  }
1174  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1175  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1176  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1177  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
1178  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1179  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1181  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1183  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
1185  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1186  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1187  xsdisemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1188  }
1189  }
1190  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1191  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1192  xsdisemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1193  }
1194  }
1195  }
1196  TGraph * gr_disemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemp);
1197  gr_disemp->SetName("dis_em_p");
1198  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemp);
1199  topdir->Add(gr_disemp);
1200  TGraph * gr_disemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemn);
1201  gr_disemn->SetName("dis_em_n");
1202  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemn);
1203  topdir->Add(gr_disemn);
1205  //
1206  // add-up all charm dis channels
1207  //
1209  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1210  xsdisemp[i] = 0;
1211  xsdisemn[i] = 0;
1212  }
1213  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1214  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1215  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1216  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
1217  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1218  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1220  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1222  if(!xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
1224  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1225  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1226  xsdisemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1227  }
1228  }
1229  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1230  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1231  xsdisemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1232  }
1233  }
1234  }
1235  TGraph * gr_disemp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemp);
1236  gr_disemp_charm->SetName("dis_em_p_charm");
1237  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemp_charm);
1238  topdir->Add(gr_disemp_charm);
1239  TGraph * gr_disemn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemn);
1240  gr_disemn_charm->SetName("dis_em_n_charm");
1241  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemn_charm);
1242  topdir->Add(gr_disemn_charm);
1244  //
1245  // total cross sections
1246  //
1247  double * xstotem = new double[kNSplineP];
1248  double * xstotemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1249  double * xstotemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1250  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1251  xstotem [i] = 0;
1252  xstotemp[i] = 0;
1253  xstotemn[i] = 0;
1254  }
1255  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1256  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1257  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1258  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1259  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1261  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1263  bool isem = proc.IsEM();
1264  bool offp = pdg::IsProton (tgt.HitNucPdg());
1265  bool offn = pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg());
1267  if (isem && offp) {
1268  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1269  xstotemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1270  }
1271  }
1272  if (isem && offn) {
1273  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1274  xstotemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1275  }
1276  }
1277  if (isem) {
1278  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1279  xstotem[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1280  }
1281  }
1282  }
1284  TGraph * gr_totem = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotem);
1285  gr_totem->SetName("tot_em");
1286  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totem);
1287  topdir->Add(gr_totem);
1288  TGraph * gr_totemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotemp);
1289  gr_totemp->SetName("tot_em_p");
1290  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totemp);
1291  topdir->Add(gr_totemp);
1292  TGraph * gr_totemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotemn);
1293  gr_totemn->SetName("tot_em_n");
1294  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totemn);
1295  topdir->Add(gr_totemn);
1297  delete [] e;
1298  delete [] xs;
1299  delete [] xsresemp;
1300  delete [] xsresemn;
1301  delete [] xsdisemp;
1302  delete [] xsdisemn;
1303  delete [] xstotem;
1304  delete [] xstotemp;
1305  delete [] xstotemn;
1307  }// charged leptons
1309  topdir->Write();
1311  if(froot) {
1312  froot->Close();
1313  delete froot;
1314  }
1315 }
bool IsResonant(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:94
bool IsBQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:283
bool IsPion(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:323
bool IsFinalLeptonEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:73
bool IsWeakMix(void) const
bool HitSeaQrk(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:299
bool IsWeakCC(void) const
bool IsFinalQuarkEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:71
int FinalLeptonPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:74
bool IsUQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:263
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:304
bool IsDarkNeutralCurrent(void) const
int HitQrkPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:242
int NPions(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:62
bool IsInverseMuDecay(void) const
const int kPdgClusterNP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:215
bool IsQuasiElastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:69
void FormatXSecGraph(TGraph *g)
A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions.
Definition: Spline.h:46
int CharmHadronPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:52
bool IsStrangeEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:53
bool IsChargedLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:98
bool gInlogE
bool IsTQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:288
bool IsSQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:273
bool IsDiffractive(void) const
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
bool IsCoherentProduction(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:99
bool IsIMDAnnihilation(void) const
bool IsAntiSQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:303
double Evaluate(double x) const
Definition: Spline.cxx:361
enum genie::EResonance Resonance_t
bool IsAntiDQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:298
double gEmin
Contains minimal information for tagging exclusive processes.
Definition: XclsTag.h:39
const int kPdgClusterNN
Definition: PDGCodes.h:214
bool IsCharmEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:50
string gOptROOTFilename
bool exists(std::string path)
int NSingleGammas(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:64
bool IsNeutron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:338
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
int gOptProbePdgCode
bool IsProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:333
bool IsWeakNC(void) const
const double e
int StrangeHadronPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:55
int gOptTgtPdgCode
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
bool IsCoherentElastic(void) const
bool IsNuElectronElastic(void) const
const InteractionList * Interactions(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:334
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
A class encapsulating an enumeration of interaction types (EM, Weak-CC, Weak-NC) and scattering types...
Definition: ProcessInfo.h:46
A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems suc...
Definition: Target.h:40
bool IsAntiTQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:318
bool IsTau(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:205
bool IsAntiBQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:313
GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interaction...
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:54
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
bool IsMuon(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:195
GEVGDriver GetEventGenDriver(void)
Resonance_t Resonance(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:69
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
double gEmax
bool IsMEC(void) const
bool IsEM(void) const
int FinalQuarkPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:72
bool IsNeutralLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:92
bool IsDeepInelastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:84
bool Is2NucleonCluster(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:399
string FilterString(string filt, string input)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:79
bool IsInclusiveStrange(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.cxx:71
bool IsCQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:278
const Spline * XSecSpline(const Interaction *interaction) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:488
Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:32
bool HitNucIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:283
bool HitQrkIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:292
bool IsAntiCQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:308
const XclsTag & ExclTag(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:72
bool IsInclusiveCharm(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.cxx:54
bool IsDQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:268
A vector of Interaction objects.
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:69
const char * AsString(Resonance_t res)
resonance id -> string
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:70
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:75
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:66
bool IsGlashowResonance(void) const
int NRhos(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:63
bool IsElectron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:185
int kNSplineP
bool IsAntiUQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:293
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
const int kPdgClusterPP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:216
void SaveNtupleToRootFile ( void  )

Definition at line 1317 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

1318 {
1319 /*
1320  //-- create cross section ntuple
1321  //
1322  double brXSec;
1323  double brEv;
1324  bool brIsQel;
1325  bool brIsRes;
1326  bool brIsDis;
1327  bool brIsCoh;
1328  bool brIsImd;
1329  bool brIsNuEEl;
1330  bool brIsCC;
1331  bool brIsNC;
1332  int brNucleon;
1333  int brQrk;
1334  bool brIsSeaQrk;
1335  int brRes;
1336  bool brCharm;
1337  TTree * xsecnt = new TTree("xsecnt",dtitle.str().c_str());
1338  xsecnt->Branch("xsec", &brXSec, "xsec/D");
1339  xsecnt->Branch("e", &brEv, "e/D");
1340  xsecnt->Branch("qel", &brIsQel, "qel/O");
1341  xsecnt->Branch("res", &brIsRes, "res/O");
1342  xsecnt->Branch("dis", &brIsDis, "dis/O");
1343  xsecnt->Branch("coh", &brIsCoh, "coh/O");
1344  xsecnt->Branch("imd", &brIsImd, "imd/O");
1345  xsecnt->Branch("veel", &brIsNuEEl, "veel/O");
1346  xsecnt->Branch("cc", &brIsCC, "cc/O");
1347  xsecnt->Branch("nc", &brIsNC, "nc/O");
1348  xsecnt->Branch("nuc", &brNucleon, "nuc/I");
1349  xsecnt->Branch("qrk", &brQrk, "qrk/I");
1350  xsecnt->Branch("sea", &brIsSeaQrk, "sea/O");
1351  xsecnt->Branch("res", &brRes, "res/I");
1352  xsecnt->Branch("charm", &brCharm, "charm/O");
1353 */
1354 }
void SaveToPsFile ( void  )

Definition at line 217 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

218 {
219  if(!gWriteOutPlots) return;
221  //-- get the event generation driver
222  GEVGDriver evg_driver = GetEventGenDriver();
224  //-- define some marker styles / colors
225  const unsigned int kNMarkers = 5;
226  const unsigned int kNColors = 6;
227  unsigned int markers[kNMarkers] = {20, 28, 29, 27, 3};
228  unsigned int colors [kNColors] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 28};
230  //-- create a postscript document for saving cross section plpots
232  TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c","",20,20,500,850);
233  c->SetBorderMode(0);
234  c->SetFillColor(0);
235  TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.01,0.01,0.99,0.99);
236  legend->SetFillColor(0);
237  legend->SetBorderSize(0);
239  //-- get pdglibrary for mapping pdg codes to names
240  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
241  ostringstream filename;
242  filename << "xsec-splines-"
243  << pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName() << "-"
244  << pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName() << ".ps";
245  TPostScript * ps = new TPostScript(filename.str().c_str(), kPsType);
247  //-- get the list of interactions that can be simulated by the driver
248  const InteractionList * ilist = evg_driver.Interactions();
249  unsigned int nspl = ilist->size();
251  //-- book enough space for xsec plots (last one is the sum)
252  TGraph * gr[nspl+1];
254  //-- loop over all the simulated interactions & create the cross section graphs
255  InteractionList::const_iterator ilistiter = ilist->begin();
256  unsigned int i=0;
257  for(; ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
259  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
260  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
261  << "Current interaction: " << interaction->AsString();
264  //-- access the cross section spline
265  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
266  if(!spl) {
267  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN)
268  << "Can't get spline for: " << interaction->AsString();
269  exit(2);
270  }
272  //-- set graph color/style
273  int icol = TMath::Min( i % kNColors, kNColors-1 );
274  int isty = TMath::Min( i / kNMarkers, kNMarkers-1 );
275  int col = colors[icol];
276  int sty = markers[isty];
278  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
279  << "color = " << col << ", marker = " << sty;
281  //-- export Spline as TGraph / set color & stype
282  gr[i] = spl->GetAsTGraph(kNP,true,true,1.,1./units::cm2);
283  gr[i]->SetLineColor(col);
284  gr[i]->SetMarkerColor(col);
285  gr[i]->SetMarkerStyle(sty);
286  gr[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
288  i++;
289  }
291  //-- now, get the sum...
292  const Spline * splsum = evg_driver.XSecSumSpline();
293  if(!splsum) {
294  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN)
295  << "Can't get the cross section sum spline";
296  exit(2);
297  }
298  gr[nspl] = splsum->GetAsTGraph(kNP,true,true,1.,1./units::cm2);
300  //-- figure out the minimum / maximum xsec in plotted range
301  double XSmax = -9999;
302  double XSmin = 9999;
303  double x=0, y=0;
304  for(int j=0; j<kNP; j++) {
305  gr[nspl]->GetPoint(j,x,y);
306  XSmax = TMath::Max(XSmax,y);
307  }
308  XSmin = XSmax/100000.;
309  XSmax = XSmax*1.2;
311  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Drawing frame: E = (" << gEmin << ", " << gEmax << ")";
312  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Drawing frame: XSec = (" << XSmin << ", " << XSmax << ")";
314  //-- ps output: add the 1st page with _all_ xsec spline plots
315  //
316  //c->Draw();
317  TH1F * h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
318  for(unsigned int ispl = 0; ispl <= nspl; ispl++) if(gr[ispl]) { gr[ispl]->Draw("LP"); }
319  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
320  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
321  c->SetLogx();
322  c->SetLogy();
323  c->SetGridx();
324  c->SetGridy();
325  c->Update();
327  //-- plot QEL xsecs only
328  //
329  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
330  i=0;
331  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
332  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
333  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsQuasiElastic() && ! interaction->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
334  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
335  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
336  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
337  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
338  }
339  i++;
340  }
341  legend->SetHeader("QEL Cross Sections");
342  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
343  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
344  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
345  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
346  c->SetLogx();
347  c->SetLogy();
348  c->SetGridx();
349  c->SetGridy();
350  c->Update();
351  c->Clear();
352  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
353  legend->Draw();
354  c->Update();
356  //-- plot RES xsecs only
357  //
358  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
359  legend->Clear();
360  i=0;
361  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
362  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
363  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsResonant()) {
364  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
365  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
366  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
367  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
368  }
369  i++;
370  }
371  legend->SetHeader("RES Cross Sections");
372  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
373  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
374  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
375  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
376  c->SetLogx();
377  c->SetLogy();
378  c->SetGridx();
379  c->SetGridy();
380  c->Update();
381  c->Clear();
382  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
383  legend->Draw();
384  c->Update();
386  //-- plot DIS xsecs only
387  //
388  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
389  legend->Clear();
390  i=0;
391  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
392  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
393  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsDeepInelastic()) {
394  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
395  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
396  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
397  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
398  }
399  i++;
400  }
401  legend->SetHeader("DIS Cross Sections");
402  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
403  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
404  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
405  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
406  c->SetLogx();
407  c->SetLogy();
408  c->SetGridx();
409  c->SetGridy();
410  c->Update();
411  c->Clear();
412  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
413  legend->Draw();
414  c->Update();
416  //-- plot COH xsecs only
417  //
418  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
419  legend->Clear();
420  i=0;
421  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
422  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
423  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsCoherentProduction()) {
424  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
425  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
426  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
427  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
428  }
429  i++;
430  }
431  legend->SetHeader("COH Cross Sections");
432  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
433  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
434  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
435  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
436  c->SetLogx();
437  c->SetLogy();
438  c->SetGridx();
439  c->SetGridy();
440  c->Update();
441  c->Clear();
442  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
443  legend->Draw();
444  c->Update();
446  //-- plot charm xsecs only
447  //
448  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
449  i=0;
450  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
451  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
452  if(interaction->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
453  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
454  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
455  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
456  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
457  }
458  i++;
459  }
460  legend->SetHeader("Charm Prod. Cross Sections");
461  //gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
462  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
463  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
464  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
465  c->SetLogx();
466  c->SetLogy();
467  c->SetGridx();
468  c->SetGridy();
469  c->Update();
470  c->Clear();
471  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
472  legend->Draw();
473  c->Update();
475  //-- plot ve xsecs only
476  //
477  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
478  legend->Clear();
479  i=0;
480  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
481  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
482  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsInverseMuDecay() ||
483  interaction->ProcInfo().IsIMDAnnihilation() ||
484  interaction->ProcInfo().IsNuElectronElastic()) {
485  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
486  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
487  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
488  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
489  }
490  i++;
491  }
492  legend->SetHeader("IMD and ve Elastic Cross Sections");
493  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
494  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
495  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
496  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
497  c->SetLogx();
498  c->SetLogy();
499  c->SetGridx();
500  c->SetGridy();
501  c->Update();
502  c->Clear();
503  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
504  legend->Draw();
505  c->Update();
507  //-- close the postscript document
508  ps->Close();
510  //-- clean-up
511  for(unsigned int j=0; j<=nspl; j++) { if(gr[j]) delete gr[j]; }
512  delete c;
513  delete ps;
514 }
bool IsResonant(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:94
int kNP
TGraph * GetAsTGraph(int np=500, bool xscaling=false, bool inlog=false, double fx=1., double fy=1.) const
Definition: Spline.cxx:489
bool IsInverseMuDecay(void) const
bool IsQuasiElastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:69
const int kPsType
A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions.
Definition: Spline.h:46
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
bool IsCoherentProduction(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:99
bool IsIMDAnnihilation(void) const
const Spline * XSecSumSpline(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:87
string filename
string AsString(void) const
double gEmin
bool IsCharmEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:50
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
int gOptProbePdgCode
int gOptTgtPdgCode
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
bool IsNuElectronElastic(void) const
const InteractionList * Interactions(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:334
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interaction...
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:54
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
GEVGDriver GetEventGenDriver(void)
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
double gEmax
bool IsDeepInelastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:84
const Spline * XSecSpline(const Interaction *interaction) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:488
Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:32
const XclsTag & ExclTag(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:72
A vector of Interaction objects.
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:70
list x
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:75
bool gWriteOutPlots

Variable Documentation

double gEmax

Definition at line 151 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

double gEmin

Definition at line 150 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

bool gInlogE

Definition at line 152 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

int gOptProbePdgCode

Definition at line 144 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList

Definition at line 142 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

string gOptROOTFilename

Definition at line 141 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

int gOptTgtPdgCode

Definition at line 145 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList

Definition at line 143 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

string gOptXMLFilename

Definition at line 140 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

bool gWriteOutPlots

Definition at line 146 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

int kNP = 300

Definition at line 153 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

int kNSplineP = 1000

Definition at line 154 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.

const int kPsType = 111

Definition at line 155 of file gSplineXml2Root.cxx.