Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //____________________________________________________________________________
2 /*!
4 \program gspl2root
6 \brief Utility to load a GENIE XML cross section spline file and convert
7  splines into a ROOT format.
9  Syntax :
10  gspl2root -f xml_file -p nu -t tgt [-e emax]
11  [-o root_file] [-w] [-k] [-l]
12  [--message-thresholds xml_file]
13  [--event-generator-list list_name]
15  Options :
16  [] denotes an optional argument
18  -f
19  the input XML file containing the cross section spline data
20  -p
21  the neutrino pdg code
22  -t
23  the target pdg code (format: 10LZZZAAAI)
24  -e
25  the minimum and maximum energy (in generated plots -- use it to zoom at low E)
26  -o
27  output ROOT file name
28  -w
29  write out plots in a postscipt file
30  -l
31  energy bins in log10 scale
32  -k
33  keep spline knot points (not yet implemented).
34  --message-thresholds
35  Allows users to customize the message stream thresholds.
36  --event-generator-list
37  List of event generators to load in event generation drivers.
38  [default: "Default"].
40  Example:
42  Extract all numu+n, numu+p, numu+O16 cross section splines from the
43  input XML file `mysplines.xml', convert splines into a ROOT format
44  and save them into a single ROOT file.
46  shell$ gspl2root -f mysplines.xml -p 14 -t 1000000010 -o xsec.root
47  shell$ gspl2root -f mysplines.xml -p 14 -t 1000010010 -o xsec.root
48  shell$ gspl2root -f mysplines.xml -p 14 -t 1000080160 -o xsec.root
50  A large number of graphs (one per simulated process + appropriate
51  totals) will be generated in each case. Each set of plots is saved
52  into its own ROOT TDirectory named after the specified initial state.
54  Important Note:
56  The stored graphs can be used for cross section interpolation.
57  Essentially, this _single_ ROOT file can contain _all_ the GENIE cross
58  section `functions' you may need.
59  For instance, the `xsec.root' file generated in the above example will
60  contain a `nu_mu_O16' directory (generated by the last command)
61  which will include cross section graphs for all numu + O16 processes.
62  To extract the numu+O16 DIS CC cross section graph for hit u valence
63  quarks in a bound proton and evaluate the cross section at energy E,
64  then type:
66  root[0] TDirectory * dir = (TDirectory*) file->Get("nu_mu_O16");
67  root[1] TGraph * graph = (TGraph*) dir->Get("dis_cc_p_uval");
68  root[2] cout << graph->Evaluate(E) << endl;
70  See the User Manual for more details.
72 \author Costas Andreopoulos <constantinos.andreopoulos \at>
73  University of Liverpool & STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
75 \created December 15, 2005
77 \cpright Copyright (c) 2003-2020, The GENIE Collaboration
78  For the full text of the license visit
79 */
80 //____________________________________________________________________________
82 #include <cassert>
83 #include <string>
84 #include <sstream>
85 #include <vector>
87 #include <TSystem.h>
88 #include <TFile.h>
89 #include <TTree.h>
90 #include <TDirectory.h>
91 #include <TPostScript.h>
92 #include <TCanvas.h>
93 #include <TLegend.h>
94 #include <TGraph.h>
95 #include <TPaveText.h>
96 #include <TString.h>
97 #include <TH1F.h>
113 #include "Framework/Utils/AppInit.h"
114 #include "Framework/Utils/RunOpt.h"
122 using std::string;
123 using std::vector;
124 using std::ostringstream;
126 using namespace genie;
127 using namespace genie::utils;
129 //Prototypes:
130 void LoadSplines (void);
132 void SaveToPsFile (void);
133 void SaveGraphsToRootFile (void);
134 void SaveNtupleToRootFile (void);
135 void GetCommandLineArgs (int argc, char ** argv);
136 void PrintSyntax (void);
139 //User-specified options:
140 string gOptXMLFilename; // input XML filename
141 string gOptROOTFilename; // output ROOT filename
142 PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList; // list of probe PDG codes
143 PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList; // list of target PDG codes
144 int gOptProbePdgCode; // probe PDG code (currently being processed)
145 int gOptTgtPdgCode; // target PDG code
146 bool gWriteOutPlots; // write out a postscript file with plots
147 //bool gKeepSplineKnots; // use spline abscissa points rather than equi-spaced
149 //Globals & constants
150 double gEmin;
151 double gEmax;
152 bool gInlogE;
153 int kNP = 300;
154 int kNSplineP = 1000;
155 const int kPsType = 111; // ps type: portrait
157 //____________________________________________________________________________
158 int main(int argc, char ** argv)
159 {
160  GetCommandLineArgs(argc,argv);
162  if ( ! RunOpt::Instance()->Tune() ) {
163  LOG("gslp2root", pFATAL) << " No TuneId in RunOption";
164  exit(-1);
165  }
168  utils::app_init::MesgThresholds(RunOpt::Instance()->MesgThresholdFiles());
170  // load the x-section splines xml file specified by the user
171  LoadSplines();
173  if ( ! XSecSplineList::Instance() -> HasSplineFromTune(RunOpt::Instance() -> Tune() -> Name() ) ) {
174  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "No splines loaded for tune " << RunOpt::Instance() -> Tune() -> Name() ;
175  }
177  for (unsigned int indx_p = 0; indx_p < gOptProbePdgList.size(); ++indx_p ) {
178  for (unsigned int indx_t = 0; indx_t < gOptTgtPdgList.size(); ++indx_t ) {
179  gOptProbePdgCode = gOptProbePdgList[indx_p];
180  gOptTgtPdgCode = gOptTgtPdgList[indx_t];
181  // save the cross section plots in a postscript file
182  SaveToPsFile();
183  // save the cross section graphs at a root file
185  }
186  }
188  return 0;
189 }
190 //____________________________________________________________________________
191 void LoadSplines(void)
192 {
193 // load the cross section splines specified at the cmd line
197  assert(ist == kXmlOK);
198 }
199 //____________________________________________________________________________
201 {
202 // create an event genartion driver configured for the specified initial state
203 // (so that cross section splines will be accessed through that driver as in
204 // event generation mode)
208  GEVGDriver evg_driver;
210  evg_driver.Configure(init_state);
211  evg_driver.CreateSplines();
212  evg_driver.CreateXSecSumSpline (100, gEmin, gEmax);
214  return evg_driver;
215 }
216 //____________________________________________________________________________
217 void SaveToPsFile(void)
218 {
219  if(!gWriteOutPlots) return;
221  //-- get the event generation driver
222  GEVGDriver evg_driver = GetEventGenDriver();
224  //-- define some marker styles / colors
225  const unsigned int kNMarkers = 5;
226  const unsigned int kNColors = 6;
227  unsigned int markers[kNMarkers] = {20, 28, 29, 27, 3};
228  unsigned int colors [kNColors] = {1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 28};
230  //-- create a postscript document for saving cross section plpots
232  TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c","",20,20,500,850);
233  c->SetBorderMode(0);
234  c->SetFillColor(0);
235  TLegend * legend = new TLegend(0.01,0.01,0.99,0.99);
236  legend->SetFillColor(0);
237  legend->SetBorderSize(0);
239  //-- get pdglibrary for mapping pdg codes to names
240  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
241  ostringstream filename;
242  filename << "xsec-splines-"
243  << pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName() << "-"
244  << pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName() << ".ps";
245  TPostScript * ps = new TPostScript(filename.str().c_str(), kPsType);
247  //-- get the list of interactions that can be simulated by the driver
248  const InteractionList * ilist = evg_driver.Interactions();
249  unsigned int nspl = ilist->size();
251  //-- book enough space for xsec plots (last one is the sum)
252  TGraph * gr[nspl+1];
254  //-- loop over all the simulated interactions & create the cross section graphs
255  InteractionList::const_iterator ilistiter = ilist->begin();
256  unsigned int i=0;
257  for(; ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
259  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
260  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
261  << "Current interaction: " << interaction->AsString();
264  //-- access the cross section spline
265  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
266  if(!spl) {
267  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN)
268  << "Can't get spline for: " << interaction->AsString();
269  exit(2);
270  }
272  //-- set graph color/style
273  int icol = TMath::Min( i % kNColors, kNColors-1 );
274  int isty = TMath::Min( i / kNMarkers, kNMarkers-1 );
275  int col = colors[icol];
276  int sty = markers[isty];
278  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
279  << "color = " << col << ", marker = " << sty;
281  //-- export Spline as TGraph / set color & stype
282  gr[i] = spl->GetAsTGraph(kNP,true,true,1.,1./units::cm2);
283  gr[i]->SetLineColor(col);
284  gr[i]->SetMarkerColor(col);
285  gr[i]->SetMarkerStyle(sty);
286  gr[i]->SetMarkerSize(0.5);
288  i++;
289  }
291  //-- now, get the sum...
292  const Spline * splsum = evg_driver.XSecSumSpline();
293  if(!splsum) {
294  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN)
295  << "Can't get the cross section sum spline";
296  exit(2);
297  }
298  gr[nspl] = splsum->GetAsTGraph(kNP,true,true,1.,1./units::cm2);
300  //-- figure out the minimum / maximum xsec in plotted range
301  double XSmax = -9999;
302  double XSmin = 9999;
303  double x=0, y=0;
304  for(int j=0; j<kNP; j++) {
305  gr[nspl]->GetPoint(j,x,y);
306  XSmax = TMath::Max(XSmax,y);
307  }
308  XSmin = XSmax/100000.;
309  XSmax = XSmax*1.2;
311  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Drawing frame: E = (" << gEmin << ", " << gEmax << ")";
312  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Drawing frame: XSec = (" << XSmin << ", " << XSmax << ")";
314  //-- ps output: add the 1st page with _all_ xsec spline plots
315  //
316  //c->Draw();
317  TH1F * h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
318  for(unsigned int ispl = 0; ispl <= nspl; ispl++) if(gr[ispl]) { gr[ispl]->Draw("LP"); }
319  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
320  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
321  c->SetLogx();
322  c->SetLogy();
323  c->SetGridx();
324  c->SetGridy();
325  c->Update();
327  //-- plot QEL xsecs only
328  //
329  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
330  i=0;
331  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
332  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
333  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsQuasiElastic() && ! interaction->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
334  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
335  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
336  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
337  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
338  }
339  i++;
340  }
341  legend->SetHeader("QEL Cross Sections");
342  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
343  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
344  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
345  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
346  c->SetLogx();
347  c->SetLogy();
348  c->SetGridx();
349  c->SetGridy();
350  c->Update();
351  c->Clear();
352  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
353  legend->Draw();
354  c->Update();
356  //-- plot RES xsecs only
357  //
358  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
359  legend->Clear();
360  i=0;
361  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
362  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
363  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsResonant()) {
364  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
365  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
366  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
367  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
368  }
369  i++;
370  }
371  legend->SetHeader("RES Cross Sections");
372  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
373  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
374  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
375  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
376  c->SetLogx();
377  c->SetLogy();
378  c->SetGridx();
379  c->SetGridy();
380  c->Update();
381  c->Clear();
382  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
383  legend->Draw();
384  c->Update();
386  //-- plot DIS xsecs only
387  //
388  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
389  legend->Clear();
390  i=0;
391  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
392  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
393  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsDeepInelastic()) {
394  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
395  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
396  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
397  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
398  }
399  i++;
400  }
401  legend->SetHeader("DIS Cross Sections");
402  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
403  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
404  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
405  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
406  c->SetLogx();
407  c->SetLogy();
408  c->SetGridx();
409  c->SetGridy();
410  c->Update();
411  c->Clear();
412  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
413  legend->Draw();
414  c->Update();
416  //-- plot COH xsecs only
417  //
418  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
419  legend->Clear();
420  i=0;
421  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
422  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
423  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsCoherentProduction()) {
424  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
425  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
426  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
427  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
428  }
429  i++;
430  }
431  legend->SetHeader("COH Cross Sections");
432  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
433  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
434  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
435  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
436  c->SetLogx();
437  c->SetLogy();
438  c->SetGridx();
439  c->SetGridy();
440  c->Update();
441  c->Clear();
442  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
443  legend->Draw();
444  c->Update();
446  //-- plot charm xsecs only
447  //
448  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
449  i=0;
450  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
451  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
452  if(interaction->ExclTag().IsCharmEvent()) {
453  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
454  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
455  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
456  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
457  }
458  i++;
459  }
460  legend->SetHeader("Charm Prod. Cross Sections");
461  //gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
462  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
463  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
464  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
465  c->SetLogx();
466  c->SetLogy();
467  c->SetGridx();
468  c->SetGridy();
469  c->Update();
470  c->Clear();
471  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
472  legend->Draw();
473  c->Update();
475  //-- plot ve xsecs only
476  //
477  h = (TH1F*) c->DrawFrame(gEmin, XSmin, gEmax, XSmax);
478  legend->Clear();
479  i=0;
480  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
481  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
482  if(interaction->ProcInfo().IsInverseMuDecay() ||
483  interaction->ProcInfo().IsIMDAnnihilation() ||
484  interaction->ProcInfo().IsNuElectronElastic()) {
485  gr[i]->Draw("LP");
486  TString spltitle(interaction->AsString());
487  spltitle = spltitle.ReplaceAll(";",1," ",1);
488  legend->AddEntry(gr[i], spltitle.Data(),"LP");
489  }
490  i++;
491  }
492  legend->SetHeader("IMD and ve Elastic Cross Sections");
493  gr[nspl]->Draw("LP");
494  legend->AddEntry(gr[nspl], "sum","LP");
495  h->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
496  h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear}/Ev (cm^{2}/GeV)");
497  c->SetLogx();
498  c->SetLogy();
499  c->SetGridx();
500  c->SetGridy();
501  c->Update();
502  c->Clear();
503  c->Range(0,0,1,1);
504  legend->Draw();
505  c->Update();
507  //-- close the postscript document
508  ps->Close();
510  //-- clean-up
511  for(unsigned int j=0; j<=nspl; j++) { if(gr[j]) delete gr[j]; }
512  delete c;
513  delete ps;
514 }
515 //____________________________________________________________________________
516 void FormatXSecGraph(TGraph * g)
517 {
518  g->SetTitle("GENIE cross section graph");
519  g->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Ev (GeV)");
520  g->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{nuclear} (10^{-38} cm^{2})");
521 }
522 //____________________________________________________________________________
524 {
525  //-- get the event generation driver
526  GEVGDriver evg_driver = GetEventGenDriver();
528  //-- get the list of interactions that can be simulated by the driver
529  const InteractionList * ilist = evg_driver.Interactions();
531  //-- check whether the splines will be saved in a ROOT file - if not, exit now
532  bool save_in_root = gOptROOTFilename.size()>0;
533  if(!save_in_root) {
535  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "No Interaction List available" ;
536  return;
537  }
539  //-- get pdglibrary for mapping pdg codes to names
540  PDGLibrary * pdglib = PDGLibrary::Instance();
542  //-- check whether the requested filename exists
543  // if yes, then open the file in 'update' mode
544  bool exists = !(gSystem->AccessPathName(gOptROOTFilename.c_str()));
546  TFile * froot = 0;
547  if(exists) froot = new TFile(gOptROOTFilename.c_str(), "UPDATE");
548  else froot = new TFile(gOptROOTFilename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
549  assert(froot);
551  //-- create directory
552  ostringstream dptr;
554  string probe_name = pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName();
555  string tgt_name = (gOptTgtPdgCode==1000000010) ?
556  "n" : pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName();
558  dptr << probe_name << "_" << tgt_name;
559  ostringstream dtitle;
560  dtitle << "Cross sections for: "
561  << pdglib->Find(gOptProbePdgCode)->GetName() << "+"
562  << pdglib->Find(gOptTgtPdgCode)->GetName();
564  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
565  << "Will store graphs in root directory = " << dptr.str();
566  TDirectory * topdir =
567  dynamic_cast<TDirectory *> (froot->Get(dptr.str().c_str()));
568  if(topdir) {
569  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO)
570  << "Directory: " << dptr.str() << " already exists!! Exiting";
571  froot->Close();
572  delete froot;
573  return;
574  }
576  topdir = froot->mkdir(dptr.str().c_str(),dtitle.str().c_str());
577  topdir->cd();
579  double de = (gInlogE) ? (TMath::Log(gEmax)-TMath::Log(gEmin))/(kNSplineP-1) : (gEmax-gEmin)/(kNSplineP-1);
580  double * e = new double[kNSplineP];
581  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) { e[i] = (gInlogE) ? TMath::Exp(TMath::Log(gEmin) + i*de) : gEmin + i*de; }
583  double * xs = new double[kNSplineP];
585  InteractionList::const_iterator ilistiter = ilist->begin();
587  for(; ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
589  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
591  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
592  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
593  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
594  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
596  // graph title
597  ostringstream title;
599  if (proc.IsQuasiElastic() ) { title << "qel"; }
600  else if (proc.IsMEC() ) { title << "mec"; }
601  else if (proc.IsResonant() ) { title << "res"; }
602  else if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() ) { title << "dis"; }
603  else if (proc.IsDiffractive() ) { title << "dfr"; }
604  else if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() ) {
605  title << "coh";
606  if ( xcls.NSingleGammas() > 0 ) title << "_gamma" ;
607  else if ( xcls.NPions() > 0 ) title << "_pion" ;
608  else if ( xcls.NRhos() > 0 ) title << "_rho" ;
609  else title << "_other" ;
610  }
611  else if (proc.IsCoherentElastic() ) { title << "cevns"; }
612  else if (proc.IsInverseMuDecay() ) { title << "imd"; }
613  else if (proc.IsIMDAnnihilation() ) { title << "imdanh";}
614  else if (proc.IsNuElectronElastic()) { title << "ve"; }
615  else if (proc.IsGlashowResonance() ) { title << "glres"; }
616  else {
617  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Process " << proc
618  << " scattering type not recognised: spline not added" ;
619  continue; }
621  if (proc.IsWeakCC()) { title << "_cc"; }
622  else if (proc.IsWeakNC()) { title << "_nc"; }
623  else if (proc.IsWeakMix()) { title << "_ccncmix"; }
624  else if (proc.IsEM() ) { title << "_em"; }
625  else if (proc.IsDarkNeutralCurrent() ) { title << "_dark"; }
626  else {
627  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Process " << proc
628  << " interaction type has not recongnised: spline not added " ;
629  continue; }
631  if(tgt.HitNucIsSet()) {
632  int hitnuc = tgt.HitNucPdg();
633  if ( pdg::IsProton (hitnuc) ) { title << "_p"; }
634  else if ( pdg::IsNeutron(hitnuc) ) { title << "_n"; }
635  else if ( pdg::Is2NucleonCluster(hitnuc) )
636  {
637  if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterNN) { title << "_nn"; }
638  else if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterNP) { title << "_np"; }
639  else if (hitnuc == kPdgClusterPP) { title << "_pp"; }
640  else {
641  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Can't handle hit 2-nucleon cluster PDG = " << hitnuc;
642  }
643  }
644  else {
645  LOG("gspl2root", pWARN) << "Can't handle hit nucleon PDG = " << hitnuc;
646  }
648  if(tgt.HitQrkIsSet()) {
649  int qrkpdg = tgt.HitQrkPdg();
650  bool insea = tgt.HitSeaQrk();
652  if ( pdg::IsUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_u"; }
653  else if ( pdg::IsDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_d"; }
654  else if ( pdg::IsSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_s"; }
655  else if ( pdg::IsCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_c"; }
656  else if ( pdg::IsBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_b"; }
657  else if ( pdg::IsAntiUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_ubar"; }
658  else if ( pdg::IsAntiDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_dbar"; }
659  else if ( pdg::IsAntiSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_sbar"; }
660  else if ( pdg::IsAntiCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_cbar"; }
661  else if ( pdg::IsAntiBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_bbar"; }
663  if(insea) { title << "sea"; }
664  else { title << "val"; }
665  }
666  }
667  if(proc.IsResonant()) {
668  Resonance_t res = xcls.Resonance();
669  string resname = res::AsString(res);
670  resname = str::FilterString(")", resname);
671  resname = str::FilterString("(", resname);
672  title << "_" << resname.substr(3,4) << resname.substr(0,3);
673  }
675  if(xcls.IsStrangeEvent()) {
676  title << "_strange";
677  if(!xcls.IsInclusiveStrange()) { title << xcls.StrangeHadronPdg(); }
678  }
680  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) {
681  title << "_charm";
682  if(!xcls.IsInclusiveCharm()) { title << xcls.CharmHadronPdg(); }
683  }
685  if(xcls.IsFinalQuarkEvent()) {
686  int qrkpdg = xcls.FinalQuarkPdg();
687  if ( pdg::IsUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_u"; }
688  else if ( pdg::IsDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_d"; }
689  else if ( pdg::IsSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_s"; }
690  else if ( pdg::IsCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_c"; }
691  else if ( pdg::IsBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_b"; }
692  else if ( pdg::IsTQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_t"; }
693  else if ( pdg::IsAntiUQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_ubar"; }
694  else if ( pdg::IsAntiDQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_dbar"; }
695  else if ( pdg::IsAntiSQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_sbar"; }
696  else if ( pdg::IsAntiCQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_cbar"; }
697  else if ( pdg::IsAntiBQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_bbar"; }
698  else if ( pdg::IsAntiTQuark(qrkpdg) ) { title << "_tbar"; }
699  }
700  if(xcls.IsFinalLeptonEvent()) {
701  int leppdg = xcls.FinalLeptonPdg();
702  if ( pdg::IsMuon(leppdg) ) { title << "_mu"; }
703  else if ( pdg::IsElectron(leppdg) ) { title << "_e"; }
704  else if ( pdg::IsTau(leppdg) ) { title << "_tau"; }
705  else if ( pdg::IsPion(leppdg) ) { title << "_had"; }
706  }
708  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
709  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
710  xs[i] = spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2);
711  }
713  TGraph * gr = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xs);
714  gr->SetName(title.str().c_str());
715  FormatXSecGraph(gr);
716  gr->SetTitle(spl->GetName());
718  topdir->Add(gr);
719  }
722  //
723  // totals for (anti-)neutrino scattering
724  //
726  bool is_neutrino = pdg::IsNeutralLepton(gOptProbePdgCode);
728  if(is_neutrino) {
730  //
731  // add-up all res channels
732  //
734  double * xsresccp = new double[kNSplineP];
735  double * xsresccn = new double[kNSplineP];
736  double * xsresncp = new double[kNSplineP];
737  double * xsresncn = new double[kNSplineP];
738  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
739  xsresccp[i] = 0;
740  xsresccn[i] = 0;
741  xsresncp[i] = 0;
742  xsresncn[i] = 0;
743  }
745  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
746  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
747  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
748  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
749  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
751  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
753  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
754  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
755  xsresccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
756  }
757  }
758  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
759  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
760  xsresccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
761  }
762  }
763  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
764  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
765  xsresncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
766  }
767  }
768  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
769  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
770  xsresncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
771  }
772  }
773  }
775  TGraph * gr_resccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresccp);
776  gr_resccp->SetName("res_cc_p");
777  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resccp);
778  topdir->Add(gr_resccp);
779  TGraph * gr_resccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresccn);
780  gr_resccn->SetName("res_cc_n");
781  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resccn);
782  topdir->Add(gr_resccn);
783  TGraph * gr_resncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresncp);
784  gr_resncp->SetName("res_nc_p");
785  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resncp);
786  topdir->Add(gr_resncp);
787  TGraph * gr_resncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresncn);
788  gr_resncn->SetName("res_nc_n");
789  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resncn);
790  topdir->Add(gr_resncn);
792  //
793  // add-up all dis channels
794  //
796  double * xsdisccp = new double[kNSplineP];
797  double * xsdisccn = new double[kNSplineP];
798  double * xsdisncp = new double[kNSplineP];
799  double * xsdisncn = new double[kNSplineP];
800  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
801  xsdisccp[i] = 0;
802  xsdisccn[i] = 0;
803  xsdisncp[i] = 0;
804  xsdisncn[i] = 0;
805  }
806  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
807  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
808  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
809  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
810  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
811  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
813  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
815  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
817  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
818  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
819  xsdisccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
820  }
821  }
822  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
823  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
824  xsdisccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
825  }
826  }
827  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
828  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
829  xsdisncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
830  }
831  }
832  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
833  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
834  xsdisncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
835  }
836  }
837  }
838  TGraph * gr_disccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccp);
839  gr_disccp->SetName("dis_cc_p");
840  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccp);
841  topdir->Add(gr_disccp);
842  TGraph * gr_disccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccn);
843  gr_disccn->SetName("dis_cc_n");
844  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccn);
845  topdir->Add(gr_disccn);
846  TGraph * gr_disncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncp);
847  gr_disncp->SetName("dis_nc_p");
848  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncp);
849  topdir->Add(gr_disncp);
850  TGraph * gr_disncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncn);
851  gr_disncn->SetName("dis_nc_n");
852  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncn);
853  topdir->Add(gr_disncn);
855  //
856  // add-up all charm dis channels
857  //
859  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
860  xsdisccp[i] = 0;
861  xsdisccn[i] = 0;
862  xsdisncp[i] = 0;
863  xsdisncn[i] = 0;
864  }
865  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
866  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
867  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
868  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
869  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
870  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
872  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
874  if(!xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
876  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
877  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
878  xsdisccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
879  }
880  }
881  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakCC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
882  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
883  xsdisccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
884  }
885  }
886  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
887  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
888  xsdisncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
889  }
890  }
891  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsWeakNC() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
892  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
893  xsdisncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
894  }
895  }
896  }
897  TGraph * gr_disccp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccp);
898  gr_disccp_charm->SetName("dis_cc_p_charm");
899  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccp_charm);
900  topdir->Add(gr_disccp_charm);
901  TGraph * gr_disccn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisccn);
902  gr_disccn_charm->SetName("dis_cc_n_charm");
903  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disccn_charm);
904  topdir->Add(gr_disccn_charm);
905  TGraph * gr_disncp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncp);
906  gr_disncp_charm->SetName("dis_nc_p_charm");
907  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncp_charm);
908  topdir->Add(gr_disncp_charm);
909  TGraph * gr_disncn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisncn);
910  gr_disncn_charm->SetName("dis_nc_n_charm");
911  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disncn_charm);
912  topdir->Add(gr_disncn_charm);
914  //
915  // add-up all mec channels
916  //
918  double * xsmeccc = new double[kNSplineP];
919  double * xsmecnc = new double[kNSplineP];
920  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
921  xsmeccc[i] = 0;
922  xsmecnc[i] = 0;
923  }
925  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
926  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
927  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
929  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
931  if (proc.IsMEC() && proc.IsWeakCC()) {
932  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
933  xsmeccc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
934  }
935  }
936  if (proc.IsMEC() && proc.IsWeakNC()) {
937  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
938  xsmecnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
939  }
940  }
941  }
943  TGraph * gr_meccc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsmeccc);
944  gr_meccc->SetName("mec_cc");
945  FormatXSecGraph(gr_meccc);
946  topdir->Add(gr_meccc);
947  TGraph * gr_mecnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsmecnc);
948  gr_mecnc->SetName("mec_nc");
949  FormatXSecGraph(gr_mecnc);
950  topdir->Add(gr_mecnc);
952  //
953  // add-up all COH channels
954  //
956  double * xscohcc = new double[kNSplineP];
957  double * xscohnc = new double[kNSplineP];
958  double * xscohtot = new double[kNSplineP];
959  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
960  xscohcc[i] = 0;
961  xscohnc[i] = 0;
962  xscohtot[i] = 0;
963  }
965  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
967  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
968  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
970  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
972  if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() && proc.IsWeakCC()) {
973  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
974  xscohcc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
975  }
976  }
977  if (proc.IsCoherentProduction() && proc.IsWeakNC()) {
978  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
979  xscohnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
980  }
981  }
982  if ( proc.IsCoherentProduction() ) {
983  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
984  xscohtot[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
985  }
986  }
988  }
990  TGraph * gr_cohcc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohcc);
991  gr_cohcc->SetName("coh_cc");
992  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohcc);
993  topdir->Add(gr_cohcc);
995  TGraph * gr_cohnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohnc);
996  gr_cohnc->SetName("coh_nc");
997  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohnc);
998  topdir->Add(gr_cohnc);
1000  TGraph * gr_cohtot = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xscohtot);
1001  gr_cohtot->SetName("coh");
1002  FormatXSecGraph(gr_cohtot);
1003  topdir->Add(gr_cohtot);
1005  //
1006  // total cross sections
1007  //
1008  double * xstotcc = new double[kNSplineP];
1009  double * xstotccp = new double[kNSplineP];
1010  double * xstotccn = new double[kNSplineP];
1011  double * xstotnc = new double[kNSplineP];
1012  double * xstotncp = new double[kNSplineP];
1013  double * xstotncn = new double[kNSplineP];
1014  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1015  xstotcc [i] = 0;
1016  xstotccp[i] = 0;
1017  xstotccn[i] = 0;
1018  xstotnc [i] = 0;
1019  xstotncp[i] = 0;
1020  xstotncn[i] = 0;
1021  }
1022  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1023  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1024  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1025  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1026  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1028  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1030  bool iscc = proc.IsWeakCC();
1031  bool isnc = proc.IsWeakNC();
1032  bool offp = pdg::IsProton (tgt.HitNucPdg());
1033  bool offn = pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg());
1035  if (iscc && offp) {
1036  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1037  xstotccp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1038  }
1039  }
1040  if (iscc && offn) {
1041  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1042  xstotccn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1043  }
1044  }
1045  if (isnc && offp) {
1046  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1047  xstotncp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1048  }
1049  }
1050  if (isnc && offn) {
1051  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1052  xstotncn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1053  }
1054  }
1056  if (iscc) {
1057  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1058  xstotcc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1059  }
1060  }
1061  if (isnc) {
1062  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1063  xstotnc[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1064  }
1065  }
1066  }
1068  TGraph * gr_totcc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotcc);
1069  gr_totcc->SetName("tot_cc");
1070  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totcc);
1071  topdir->Add(gr_totcc);
1072  TGraph * gr_totccp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotccp);
1073  gr_totccp->SetName("tot_cc_p");
1074  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totccp);
1075  topdir->Add(gr_totccp);
1076  TGraph * gr_totccn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotccn);
1077  gr_totccn->SetName("tot_cc_n");
1078  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totccn);
1079  topdir->Add(gr_totccn);
1080  TGraph * gr_totnc = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotnc);
1081  gr_totnc->SetName("tot_nc");
1082  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totnc);
1083  topdir->Add(gr_totnc);
1084  TGraph * gr_totncp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotncp);
1085  gr_totncp->SetName("tot_nc_p");
1086  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totncp);
1087  topdir->Add(gr_totncp);
1088  TGraph * gr_totncn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotncn);
1089  gr_totncn->SetName("tot_nc_n");
1090  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totncn);
1091  topdir->Add(gr_totncn);
1093  delete [] e;
1094  delete [] xs;
1095  delete [] xsresccp;
1096  delete [] xsresccn;
1097  delete [] xsresncp;
1098  delete [] xsresncn;
1099  delete [] xsdisccp;
1100  delete [] xsdisccn;
1101  delete [] xsdisncp;
1102  delete [] xsdisncn;
1103  delete [] xscohcc;
1104  delete [] xscohnc;
1105  delete [] xscohtot;
1106  delete [] xstotcc;
1107  delete [] xstotccp;
1108  delete [] xstotccn;
1109  delete [] xstotnc;
1110  delete [] xstotncp;
1111  delete [] xstotncn;
1113  }// neutrinos
1116  //
1117  // totals for charged lepton scattering
1118  //
1120  bool is_charged_lepton = pdg::IsChargedLepton(gOptProbePdgCode);
1122  if(is_charged_lepton) {
1124  //
1125  // add-up all res channels
1126  //
1128  double * xsresemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1129  double * xsresemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1130  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1131  xsresemp[i] = 0;
1132  xsresemn[i] = 0;
1133  }
1135  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1136  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1137  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1138  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1139  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1141  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1143  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1144  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1145  xsresemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1146  }
1147  }
1148  if (proc.IsResonant() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1149  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1150  xsresemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1151  }
1152  }
1153  }
1155  TGraph * gr_resemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresemp);
1156  gr_resemp->SetName("res_em_p");
1157  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resemp);
1158  topdir->Add(gr_resemp);
1159  TGraph * gr_resemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsresemn);
1160  gr_resemn->SetName("res_em_n");
1161  FormatXSecGraph(gr_resemn);
1162  topdir->Add(gr_resemn);
1164  //
1165  // add-up all dis channels
1166  //
1168  double * xsdisemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1169  double * xsdisemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1170  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1171  xsdisemp[i] = 0;
1172  xsdisemn[i] = 0;
1173  }
1174  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1175  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1176  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1177  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
1178  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1179  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1181  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1183  if(xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
1185  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1186  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1187  xsdisemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1188  }
1189  }
1190  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1191  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1192  xsdisemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1193  }
1194  }
1195  }
1196  TGraph * gr_disemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemp);
1197  gr_disemp->SetName("dis_em_p");
1198  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemp);
1199  topdir->Add(gr_disemp);
1200  TGraph * gr_disemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemn);
1201  gr_disemn->SetName("dis_em_n");
1202  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemn);
1203  topdir->Add(gr_disemn);
1205  //
1206  // add-up all charm dis channels
1207  //
1209  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1210  xsdisemp[i] = 0;
1211  xsdisemn[i] = 0;
1212  }
1213  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1214  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1215  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1216  const XclsTag & xcls = interaction->ExclTag();
1217  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1218  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1220  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1222  if(!xcls.IsCharmEvent()) continue;
1224  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsProton(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1225  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1226  xsdisemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1227  }
1228  }
1229  if (proc.IsDeepInelastic() && proc.IsEM() && pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg())) {
1230  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1231  xsdisemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1232  }
1233  }
1234  }
1235  TGraph * gr_disemp_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemp);
1236  gr_disemp_charm->SetName("dis_em_p_charm");
1237  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemp_charm);
1238  topdir->Add(gr_disemp_charm);
1239  TGraph * gr_disemn_charm = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xsdisemn);
1240  gr_disemn_charm->SetName("dis_em_n_charm");
1241  FormatXSecGraph(gr_disemn_charm);
1242  topdir->Add(gr_disemn_charm);
1244  //
1245  // total cross sections
1246  //
1247  double * xstotem = new double[kNSplineP];
1248  double * xstotemp = new double[kNSplineP];
1249  double * xstotemn = new double[kNSplineP];
1250  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1251  xstotem [i] = 0;
1252  xstotemp[i] = 0;
1253  xstotemn[i] = 0;
1254  }
1255  for(ilistiter = ilist->begin(); ilistiter != ilist->end(); ++ilistiter) {
1256  const Interaction * interaction = *ilistiter;
1257  const ProcessInfo & proc = interaction->ProcInfo();
1258  const InitialState & init = interaction->InitState();
1259  const Target & tgt = init.Tgt();
1261  const Spline * spl = evg_driver.XSecSpline(interaction);
1263  bool isem = proc.IsEM();
1264  bool offp = pdg::IsProton (tgt.HitNucPdg());
1265  bool offn = pdg::IsNeutron(tgt.HitNucPdg());
1267  if (isem && offp) {
1268  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1269  xstotemp[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1270  }
1271  }
1272  if (isem && offn) {
1273  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1274  xstotemn[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1275  }
1276  }
1277  if (isem) {
1278  for(int i=0; i<kNSplineP; i++) {
1279  xstotem[i] += (spl->Evaluate(e[i]) * (1E+38/units::cm2));
1280  }
1281  }
1282  }
1284  TGraph * gr_totem = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotem);
1285  gr_totem->SetName("tot_em");
1286  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totem);
1287  topdir->Add(gr_totem);
1288  TGraph * gr_totemp = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotemp);
1289  gr_totemp->SetName("tot_em_p");
1290  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totemp);
1291  topdir->Add(gr_totemp);
1292  TGraph * gr_totemn = new TGraph(kNSplineP, e, xstotemn);
1293  gr_totemn->SetName("tot_em_n");
1294  FormatXSecGraph(gr_totemn);
1295  topdir->Add(gr_totemn);
1297  delete [] e;
1298  delete [] xs;
1299  delete [] xsresemp;
1300  delete [] xsresemn;
1301  delete [] xsdisemp;
1302  delete [] xsdisemn;
1303  delete [] xstotem;
1304  delete [] xstotemp;
1305  delete [] xstotemn;
1307  }// charged leptons
1309  topdir->Write();
1311  if(froot) {
1312  froot->Close();
1313  delete froot;
1314  }
1315 }
1316 //____________________________________________________________________________
1318 {
1319 /*
1320  //-- create cross section ntuple
1321  //
1322  double brXSec;
1323  double brEv;
1324  bool brIsQel;
1325  bool brIsRes;
1326  bool brIsDis;
1327  bool brIsCoh;
1328  bool brIsImd;
1329  bool brIsNuEEl;
1330  bool brIsCC;
1331  bool brIsNC;
1332  int brNucleon;
1333  int brQrk;
1334  bool brIsSeaQrk;
1335  int brRes;
1336  bool brCharm;
1337  TTree * xsecnt = new TTree("xsecnt",dtitle.str().c_str());
1338  xsecnt->Branch("xsec", &brXSec, "xsec/D");
1339  xsecnt->Branch("e", &brEv, "e/D");
1340  xsecnt->Branch("qel", &brIsQel, "qel/O");
1341  xsecnt->Branch("res", &brIsRes, "res/O");
1342  xsecnt->Branch("dis", &brIsDis, "dis/O");
1343  xsecnt->Branch("coh", &brIsCoh, "coh/O");
1344  xsecnt->Branch("imd", &brIsImd, "imd/O");
1345  xsecnt->Branch("veel", &brIsNuEEl, "veel/O");
1346  xsecnt->Branch("cc", &brIsCC, "cc/O");
1347  xsecnt->Branch("nc", &brIsNC, "nc/O");
1348  xsecnt->Branch("nuc", &brNucleon, "nuc/I");
1349  xsecnt->Branch("qrk", &brQrk, "qrk/I");
1350  xsecnt->Branch("sea", &brIsSeaQrk, "sea/O");
1351  xsecnt->Branch("res", &brRes, "res/I");
1352  xsecnt->Branch("charm", &brCharm, "charm/O");
1353 */
1354 }
1355 //____________________________________________________________________________
1356 void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char ** argv)
1357 {
1358  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Parsing command line arguments";
1360  // Common run options. Set defaults and read.
1361  RunOpt::Instance()->ReadFromCommandLine(argc,argv);
1363  // Parse run options for this app
1365  CmdLnArgParser parser(argc,argv);
1367  // input XML file name:
1368  if( parser.OptionExists('f') ) {
1369  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading input XML filename";
1370  gOptXMLFilename = parser.ArgAsString('f');
1371  } else {
1372  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL) << "Unspecified input XML file!";
1373  PrintSyntax();
1374  exit(1);
1375  }
1377  // probe PDG code:
1378  if( parser.OptionExists('p') ) {
1379  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading probe PDG code";
1380  gOptProbePdgList = GetPDGCodeListFromString(parser.ArgAsString('p'));
1381  } else {
1382  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL)
1383  << "Unspecified probe PDG code - Exiting";
1384  PrintSyntax();
1385  exit(1);
1386  }
1388  // target PDG code:
1389  if( parser.OptionExists('t') ) {
1390  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading target PDG code";
1391  gOptTgtPdgList = GetPDGCodeListFromString(parser.ArgAsString('t'));
1392  } else {
1393  LOG("gspl2root", pFATAL)
1394  << "Unspecified target PDG code - Exiting";
1395  PrintSyntax();
1396  exit(1);
1397  }
1399  // min,max neutrino energy
1400  if( parser.OptionExists('e') ) {
1401  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading neutrino energy";
1402  string nue = parser.ArgAsString('e');
1403  // is it just a value or a range (comma separated set of values)
1404  if(nue.find(",") != string::npos) {
1405  // split the comma separated list
1406  vector<string> nurange = utils::str::Split(nue, ",");
1407  assert(nurange.size() == 2);
1408  gEmin = atof(nurange[0].c_str());
1409  gEmax = atof(nurange[1].c_str());
1410  } else {
1411  const Registry * val_reg = AlgConfigPool::Instance() -> CommonList( "Param", "Validation" ) ;
1412  gEmin = val_reg -> GetDouble( "GVLD-Emin" ) ;
1413  gEmax = atof(nue.c_str());
1414  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1415  << "Unspecified Emin - Setting to " << gEmin << " GeV as per configuration";
1416  }
1417  } else {
1418  const Registry * val_reg = AlgConfigPool::Instance() -> CommonList("Param", "Validation" ) ;
1419  gEmin = val_reg -> GetDouble( "GVLD-Emin" ) ;
1420  gEmax = 100;
1421  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1422  << "Unspecified Emin,Emax - Setting to " << gEmin << ",100 GeV ";
1424  }
1425  assert(gEmin<gEmax);
1427  // output ROOT file name:
1428  if( parser.OptionExists('o') ) {
1429  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Reading output ROOT filename";
1430  gOptROOTFilename = parser.ArgAsString('o');
1431  } else {
1432  LOG("gspl2root", pDEBUG)
1433  << "Unspecified output ROOT file. Using default: gxsec.root";
1434  gOptROOTFilename = "gxsec.root";
1435  }
1437  // write-out a PS file with plots
1438  gWriteOutPlots = parser.OptionExists('w');
1440  // use same abscissa points as splines
1441  //not yet//gKeepSplineKnots = parser.OptionExists('k');
1443  gInlogE = parser.OptionExists('l');
1445  // print the options you got from command line arguments
1446  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << "Command line arguments:";
1447  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Input XML file = " << gOptXMLFilename;
1448  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Probe PDG code = " << gOptProbePdgCode;
1449  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Target PDG code = " << gOptTgtPdgCode;
1450  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Min neutrino E = " << gEmin;
1451  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Max neutrino E = " << gEmax;
1452  LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " In logE = " << gInlogE;
1453  //not yet//LOG("gspl2root", pINFO) << " Keep spline knots = " << (gKeepSplineKnots?"true":"false");
1454 }
1455 //____________________________________________________________________________
1456 void PrintSyntax(void)
1457 {
1458  LOG("gspl2root", pNOTICE)
1459  << "\n\n" << "Syntax:" << "\n"
1460  << " gspl2root -f xml_file -p probe_pdg -t target_pdg"
1461  << " [-e emin,emax] [-o output_root_file] [-w] [-l]\n"
1462  << " [--message-thresholds xml_file]\n";
1463 }
1464 //____________________________________________________________________________
1466 {
1467  vector<string> isvec = utils::str::Split(s,",");
1469  // fill in the PDG code list
1470  PDGCodeList list;
1472  for(iter = isvec.begin(); iter != isvec.end(); ++iter) {
1473  list.push_back( atoi(iter->c_str()) );
1474  }
1475  return list;
1477 }
1478 //____________________________________________________________________________
bool IsResonant(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:94
bool IsBQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:283
int kNP
bool IsPion(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:323
void CreateXSecSumSpline(int nk, double Emin, double Emax, bool inlogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:440
bool IsFinalLeptonEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:73
bool IsWeakMix(void) const
bool HitSeaQrk(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:299
bool IsWeakCC(void) const
TGraph * GetAsTGraph(int np=500, bool xscaling=false, bool inlog=false, double fx=1., double fy=1.) const
Definition: Spline.cxx:489
bool IsFinalQuarkEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:71
int FinalLeptonPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:74
string ArgAsString(char opt)
Definition: AlgCmp.h:25
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
bool IsUQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:263
int HitNucPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:304
bool IsDarkNeutralCurrent(void) const
std::string string
int HitQrkPdg(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:242
int NPions(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:62
bool IsInverseMuDecay(void) const
const int kPdgClusterNP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:215
void ReadFromCommandLine(int argc, char **argv)
Definition: RunOpt.cxx:99
void LoadSplines(void)
bool IsQuasiElastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:69
void FormatXSecGraph(TGraph *g)
const int kPsType
A numeric analysis tool class for interpolating 1-D functions.
Definition: Spline.h:46
int CharmHadronPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:52
#define pFATAL
Definition: Messenger.h:56
bool IsStrangeEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:53
struct vector vector
ChannelGroupService::Name Name
bool IsChargedLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:98
bool gInlogE
string gOptXMLFilename
bool IsTQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:288
void SaveToPsFile(void)
bool IsSQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:273
bool IsDiffractive(void) const
intermediate_table::const_iterator const_iterator
bool IsCoherentProduction(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:99
bool IsIMDAnnihilation(void) const
const Spline * XSecSumSpline(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:87
bool IsAntiSQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:303
static XSecSplineList * Instance()
PDGCodeList gOptProbePdgList
double Evaluate(double x) const
Definition: Spline.cxx:361
string filename
enum genie::EResonance Resonance_t
void PrintSyntax(void)
string AsString(void) const
bool IsAntiDQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:298
double gEmin
Contains minimal information for tagging exclusive processes.
Definition: XclsTag.h:39
A list of PDG codes.
Definition: PDGCodeList.h:32
const int kPdgClusterNN
Definition: PDGCodes.h:214
bool IsCharmEvent(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:50
string gOptROOTFilename
bool exists(std::string path)
int NSingleGammas(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:64
bool IsNeutron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:338
Summary information for an interaction.
Definition: Interaction.h:56
int gOptProbePdgCode
bool IsProton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:333
bool IsWeakNC(void) const
const double e
int StrangeHadronPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:55
int gOptTgtPdgCode
#define LOG(stream, priority)
A macro that returns the requested log4cpp::Category appending a string (using the FILE...
Definition: Messenger.h:96
bool IsCoherentElastic(void) const
void SetEventGeneratorList(string listname)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:348
bool IsNuElectronElastic(void) const
const InteractionList * Interactions(void) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:334
static constexpr double cm2
Definition: Units.h:69
A class encapsulating an enumeration of interaction types (EM, Weak-CC, Weak-NC) and scattering types...
Definition: ProcessInfo.h:46
A Neutrino Interaction Target. Is a transparent encapsulation of quite different physical systems suc...
Definition: Target.h:40
size_t size
Definition: lodepng.cpp:55
bool IsAntiTQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:318
bool IsTau(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:205
bool IsAntiBQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:313
GENIE Event Generation Driver. A minimalist user interface object for generating neutrino interaction...
Definition: GEVGDriver.h:54
#define pINFO
Definition: Messenger.h:62
bool IsMuon(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:195
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
GEVGDriver GetEventGenDriver(void)
Resonance_t Resonance(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:69
void BuildTune()
build tune and inform XSecSplineList
Definition: RunOpt.cxx:92
void SaveGraphsToRootFile(void)
#define pWARN
Definition: Messenger.h:60
double gEmax
bool IsMEC(void) const
bool IsEM(void) const
int FinalQuarkPdg(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:72
bool IsNeutralLepton(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:92
bool IsDeepInelastic(void) const
Definition: ProcessInfo.cxx:84
bool Is2NucleonCluster(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:399
PDGCodeList GetPDGCodeListFromString(std::string s)
string FilterString(string filt, string input)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:79
bool IsInclusiveStrange(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.cxx:71
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static PDGLibrary * Instance(void)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:57
static RunOpt * Instance(void)
Definition: RunOpt.cxx:54
vector< string > Split(string input, string delim)
Definition: StringUtils.cxx:36
bool IsCQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:278
const Spline * XSecSpline(const Interaction *interaction) const
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:488
Singleton class to load & serve a TDatabasePDG.
Definition: PDGLibrary.h:32
bool HitNucIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:283
bool HitQrkIsSet(void) const
Definition: Target.cxx:292
A registry. Provides the container for algorithm configuration parameters.
Definition: Registry.h:65
bool IsAntiCQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:308
const XclsTag & ExclTag(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:72
bool IsInclusiveCharm(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.cxx:54
bool IsDQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:268
void Configure(int nu_pdgc, int Z, int A)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:137
A vector of Interaction objects.
const InitialState & InitState(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:69
const char * AsString(Resonance_t res)
resonance id -> string
A vector of EventGeneratorI objects.
const ProcessInfo & ProcInfo(void) const
Definition: Interaction.h:70
void CreateSplines(int nknots=-1, double emax=-1, bool inLogE=true)
Definition: GEVGDriver.cxx:577
list x
void MesgThresholds(string inpfile)
Definition: AppInit.cxx:99
void GetCommandLineArgs(int argc, char **argv)
TParticlePDG * Find(int pdgc, bool must_exist=true)
Definition: PDGLibrary.cxx:75
void SaveNtupleToRootFile(void)
Command line argument parser.
#define pNOTICE
Definition: Messenger.h:61
const Target & Tgt(void) const
Definition: InitialState.h:66
bool gWriteOutPlots
enum genie::EXmlParseStatus XmlParserStatus_t
PDGCodeList gOptTgtPdgList
bool IsGlashowResonance(void) const
List of cross section vs energy splines.
double GetDouble(xmlDocPtr xml_doc, string node_path)
int NRhos(void) const
Definition: XclsTag.h:63
Most commonly used PDG codes. A set of utility functions to handle PDG codes is provided in PDGUtils...
XmlParserStatus_t LoadFromXml(const string &filename, bool keep=false)
bool OptionExists(char opt)
was option set?
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
Root of GENIE utility namespaces.
bool IsElectron(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:185
int kNSplineP
void push_back(int pdg_code)
Definition: PDGCodeList.cxx:58
static AlgConfigPool * Instance()
bool IsAntiUQuark(int pdgc)
Definition: PDGUtils.cxx:293
Initial State information.
Definition: InitialState.h:48
#define pDEBUG
Definition: Messenger.h:63
const int kPdgClusterPP
Definition: PDGCodes.h:216