read_t2k_rootracker.C File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TTree.h>
#include <TBranch.h>
#include <TBits.h>
#include <TObjString.h>

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void read_t2k_rootracker (const char *filename)

Function Documentation

void read_t2k_rootracker ( const char *  filename)

Definition at line 35 of file read_t2k_rootracker.C.

36 {
37  bool using_new_version = false; // StdHepReScat and G2NeutEvtCode branches available only for versions >= 2.5.1
39  const int kNPmax = 100;
41  TFile file(filename, "READ");
42  TTree * tree = (TTree *) file.Get("gRooTracker");
43  assert(tree);
45  TBits* EvtFlags = 0; // generator-specific event flags
46  TObjString* EvtCode = 0; // generator-specific string with 'event code'
47  int EvtNum; // event num.
48  double EvtXSec; // cross section for selected event (1E-38 cm2)
49  double EvtDXSec; // cross section for selected event kinematics (1E-38 cm2 /{K^n})
50  double EvtWght; // weight for that event
51  double EvtProb; // probability for that event (given cross section, path lengths, etc)
52  double EvtVtx[4]; // event vertex position in detector coord syst (in geom units)
53  int StdHepN; // number of particles in particle array
54  int StdHepPdg [kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: pdg codes (& generator specific codes for pseudoparticles)
55  int StdHepStatus[kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: generator-specific status code
56  int StdHepRescat[kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: intranuclear rescattering code [ >= v2.5.1 ]
57  double StdHepX4 [kNPmax][4]; // stdhep-like particle array: 4-x (x, y, z, t) of particle in hit nucleus frame (fm)
58  double StdHepP4 [kNPmax][4]; // stdhep-like particle array: 4-p (px,py,pz,E) of particle in LAB frame (GeV)
59  double StdHepPolz [kNPmax][3]; // stdhep-like particle array: polarization vector
60  int StdHepFd [kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: first daughter
61  int StdHepLd [kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: last daughter
62  int StdHepFm [kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: first mother
63  int StdHepLm [kNPmax]; // stdhep-like particle array: last mother
64  int G2NeutEvtCode; // NEUT code for the current GENIE event [ >= v2.5.1 ]
65  int NuParentPdg; // parent hadron pdg code
66  int NuParentDecMode; // parent hadron decay mode
67  double NuParentDecP4 [4]; // parent hadron 4-momentum at decay
68  double NuParentDecX4 [4]; // parent hadron 4-position at decay
69  double NuParentProP4 [4]; // parent hadron 4-momentum at production
70  double NuParentProX4 [4]; // parent hadron 4-position at production
71  int NuParentProNVtx; // parent hadron vtx id
73  // get branches
74  TBranch * brEvtFlags = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtFlags");
75  TBranch * brEvtCode = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtCode");
76  TBranch * brEvtNum = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtNum");
77  TBranch * brEvtXSec = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtXSec");
78  TBranch * brEvtDXSec = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtDXSec");
79  TBranch * brEvtWght = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtWght");
80  TBranch * brEvtProb = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtProb");
81  TBranch * brEvtVtx = tree -> GetBranch ("EvtVtx");
82  TBranch * brStdHepN = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepN");
83  TBranch * brStdHepPdg = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepPdg");
84  TBranch * brStdHepStatus = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepStatus");
85  TBranch * brStdHepRescat = (using_new_version) ? tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepRescat") : 0;
86  TBranch * brStdHepX4 = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepX4");
87  TBranch * brStdHepP4 = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepP4");
88  TBranch * brStdHepPolz = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepPolz");
89  TBranch * brStdHepFd = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepFd");
90  TBranch * brStdHepLd = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepLd");
91  TBranch * brStdHepFm = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepFm");
92  TBranch * brStdHepLm = tree -> GetBranch ("StdHepLm");
93  TBranch * brG2NeutEvtCode = (using_new_version) ? tree -> GetBranch ("G2NeutEvtCode") : 0;
94  TBranch * brNuParentPdg = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentPdg");
95  TBranch * brNuParentDecMode = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentDecMode");
96  TBranch * brNuParentDecP4 = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentDecP4");
97  TBranch * brNuParentDecX4 = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentDecX4");
98  TBranch * brNuParentProP4 = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentProP4");
99  TBranch * brNuParentProX4 = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentProX4");
100  TBranch * brNuParentProNVtx = tree -> GetBranch ("NuParentProNVtx");
102  // set address
103  brEvtFlags -> SetAddress ( &EvtFlags );
104  brEvtCode -> SetAddress ( &EvtCode );
105  brEvtNum -> SetAddress ( &EvtNum );
106  brEvtXSec -> SetAddress ( &EvtXSec );
107  brEvtDXSec -> SetAddress ( &EvtDXSec );
108  brEvtWght -> SetAddress ( &EvtWght );
109  brEvtProb -> SetAddress ( &EvtProb );
110  brEvtVtx -> SetAddress ( EvtVtx );
111  brStdHepN -> SetAddress ( &StdHepN );
112  brStdHepPdg -> SetAddress ( StdHepPdg );
113  brStdHepStatus -> SetAddress ( StdHepStatus );
114  if(using_new_version) {
115  brStdHepRescat -> SetAddress ( StdHepRescat );
116  }
117  brStdHepX4 -> SetAddress ( StdHepX4 );
118  brStdHepP4 -> SetAddress ( StdHepP4 );
119  brStdHepPolz -> SetAddress ( StdHepPolz );
120  brStdHepFd -> SetAddress ( StdHepFd );
121  brStdHepLd -> SetAddress ( StdHepLd );
122  brStdHepFm -> SetAddress ( StdHepFm );
123  brStdHepLm -> SetAddress ( StdHepLm );
124  if(using_new_version) {
125  brG2NeutEvtCode -> SetAddress ( &G2NeutEvtCode );
126  }
127  brNuParentPdg -> SetAddress ( &NuParentPdg );
128  brNuParentDecMode -> SetAddress ( &NuParentDecMode );
129  brNuParentDecP4 -> SetAddress ( NuParentDecP4 );
130  brNuParentDecX4 -> SetAddress ( NuParentDecX4 );
131  brNuParentProP4 -> SetAddress ( NuParentProP4 );
132  brNuParentProX4 -> SetAddress ( NuParentProX4 );
133  brNuParentProNVtx -> SetAddress ( &NuParentProNVtx );
135  int n = tree->GetEntries();
136  printf("Number of entries: %d", n);
138  // read tree & print some info for each entry
140  for(int i=0; i < tree->GetEntries(); i++) {
141  printf("\n\n ** Current entry: %d \n", i);
142  tree->GetEntry(i);
144  printf("\n -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
145  printf("\n Event code : %s", EvtCode->String().Data());
146  printf("\n Event x-section : %10.5f * 1E-38* cm^2", EvtXSec);
147  printf("\n Event kinematics x-section : %10.5f * 1E-38 * cm^2/{K^n}", EvtDXSec);
148  printf("\n Event weight : %10.8f", EvtWght);
149  printf("\n Event vertex : x = %8.2f mm, y = %8.2f mm, z = %8.2f mm", EvtVtx[0], EvtVtx[1], EvtVtx[2]);
150  printf("\n *Particle list:");
151  printf("\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
152  printf("\n | Idx | Ist | PDG | Rescat | Mother | Daughter | Px | Py | Pz | E | x | y | z |");
153  printf("\n | | | | | | |(GeV/c) |(GeV/c) |(GeV/c) | (GeV) | (fm) | (fm) | (fm) |");
154  printf("\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
156  for(int ip=0; ip<StdHepN; ip++) {
157  printf("\n | %3d | %3d | %10d | %6d | %3d | %3d | %3d | %3d | %6.3f | %6.3f | %6.3f | %6.3f | %6.3f | %6.3f | %6.3f |",
158  ip, StdHepStatus[ip], StdHepPdg[ip], StdHepRescat[ip],
159  StdHepFm[ip], StdHepLm[ip], StdHepFd[ip], StdHepLd[ip],
160  StdHepP4[ip][0], StdHepP4[ip][1], StdHepP4[ip][2], StdHepP4[ip][3],
161  StdHepX4[ip][0], StdHepX4[ip][1], StdHepX4[ip][2]);
162  }
163  printf("\n --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
164  printf("\n *Flux Info:");
165  printf("\n Parent hadron pdg code : %d", NuParentPdg);
166  printf("\n Parent hadron decay mode : %d", NuParentDecMode);
167  printf("\n Parent hadron 4p at decay : Px = %6.3f GeV/c, Py = %6.3f GeV/c, Pz = %6.3f GeV/c, E = %6.3f GeV",
168  NuParentDecP4[0], NuParentDecP4[1], NuParentDecP4[2], NuParentDecP4[3]);
169  printf("\n Parent hadron 4p at prod. : Px = %6.3f GeV/c, Py = %6.3f GeV/c, Pz = %6.3f GeV/c, E = %6.3f GeV",
170  NuParentProP4[0], NuParentProP4[1], NuParentProP4[2], NuParentProP4[3]);
171  printf("\n Parent hadron 4x at decay : x = %6.3f m, y = %6.3f m, z = %6.3f m, t = %6.3f s",
172  NuParentDecX4[0], NuParentDecX4[1], NuParentDecX4[2], NuParentDecX4[3]);
173  printf("\n Parent hadron 4x at prod. : x = %6.3f m, y = %6.3f m, z = %6.3f m, t = %6.3f s",
174  NuParentProX4[0], NuParentProX4[1], NuParentProX4[2], NuParentProX4[3]);
175  printf("\n -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n");
177  } // tree entries
179  file.Close();
180 }
size_t i(0)
const int kNPmax
Definition: gNtpConv.cxx:228
TString ip
Definition: loadincs.C:5
*file AnalysisTree_module cc *brief Module to create a TTree for analysis *authors tjyang fnal sowjanyag phys ksu edu **Taken from uboone code Imported by Karl k warburton sheffield ac uk *with the help of Tingjun Yang **Current implementation with one set of branches for each tracking algorithm *The data structure which hosts the addresses of the tree branches is *dynamically allocated on and it can be optionally destroyed at the *end of each event *The data and it is contained in a C vector of *one per algorithm These structures can also be allocated on demand *Each of these structures is connected to a set of one branch per *data member Data members are vectors of numbers or vectors of fixed size *C arrays The vector index represents the tracks reconstructed by the and each has a fixed size pool for connect to a *ROOT tree(creating the branches they need) and resize.*The AnalysisTreeDataStruct is const ructed with as many tracking algorithms as *there are named in the module configuration(even if they are not backed by *any available tracking data).*By default const ruction
< separator(=)> module_type Type Source location< separator(-)> DummyAnalyzer analyzer< path > DummyAnalyzer_module cc DummyFilter filter< path > DummyFilter_module cc *DummyProducer producer< path > DummyProducer_module cc *DummyProducer producer< path > DummyProducer_module cc< separator(=)> The modules marked *above are degenerate i e specifying the short module_type value leads to an ambiguity In order to use a degenerate in your configuration file