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util.h File Reference

A bunch of utility functions. More...

#include <qlist.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "sortdict.h"
#include "docparser.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  TextGeneratorIntf
class  TextGeneratorOLImpl
class  LetterToIndexMap< T >
 maps a unicode character code to a list of T::ElementType's More...
struct  ColoredImgDataItem


QCString langToString (SrcLangExt lang)
QCString getLanguageSpecificSeparator (SrcLangExt lang, bool classScope=FALSE)
void linkifyText (const TextGeneratorIntf &ol, Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *self, const char *text, bool autoBreak=FALSE, bool external=TRUE, bool keepSpaces=FALSE, int indentLevel=0)
void setAnchors (MemberList *ml)
QCString fileToString (const char *name, bool filter=FALSE, bool isSourceCode=FALSE)
QCString dateToString (bool)
bool getDefs (const QCString &scopeName, const QCString &memberName, const char *, MemberDef *&md, ClassDef *&cd, FileDef *&fd, NamespaceDef *&nd, GroupDef *&gd, bool forceEmptyScope=FALSE, FileDef *currentFile=0, bool checkCV=FALSE, const char *forceTagFile=0)
QCString getFileFilter (const char *name, bool isSourceCode)
bool resolveRef (const char *scName, const char *name, bool inSeeBlock, Definition **resContext, MemberDef **resMember, bool lookForSpecializations=TRUE, FileDef *currentFile=0, bool checkScope=FALSE)
bool resolveLink (const char *scName, const char *lr, bool inSeeBlock, Definition **resContext, QCString &resAnchor)
bool generateLink (OutputDocInterface &od, const char *, const char *, bool inSeeBlock, const char *)
void generateFileRef (OutputDocInterface &od, const char *, const char *linkTxt=0)
void writePageRef (OutputDocInterface &od, const char *cn, const char *mn)
QCString getCanonicalTemplateSpec (Definition *d, FileDef *fs, const QCString &spec)
bool matchArguments2 (Definition *srcScope, FileDef *srcFileScope, ArgumentList *srcAl, Definition *dstScope, FileDef *dstFileScope, ArgumentList *dstAl, bool checkCV)
void mergeArguments (ArgumentList *, ArgumentList *, bool forceNameOverwrite=FALSE)
QCString substituteClassNames (const QCString &s)
QCString substitute (const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
 substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst More...
QCString clearBlock (const char *s, const char *begin, const char *end)
 Clear a text block s from begin to end markers. More...
QCString selectBlock (const QCString &s, const QCString &name, bool which)
QCString resolveDefines (const char *n)
ClassDefgetClass (const char *key)
ClassDefgetResolvedClass (Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *key, MemberDef **pTypeDef=0, QCString *pTemplSpec=0, bool mayBeUnlinkable=FALSE, bool mayBeHidden=FALSE, QCString *pResolvedType=0)
NamespaceDefgetResolvedNamespace (const char *key)
FileDeffindFileDef (const FileNameDict *fnDict, const char *n, bool &ambig)
QCString showFileDefMatches (const FileNameDict *fnDict, const char *n)
int guessSection (const char *name)
bool isId (int c)
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace (const QCString &s)
QCString argListToString (ArgumentList *al, bool useCanonicalType=FALSE, bool showDefVals=TRUE)
QCString tempArgListToString (ArgumentList *al, SrcLangExt lang)
QCString generateMarker (int id)
void writeExample (OutputList &ol, ExampleSDict *el)
QCString stripAnonymousNamespaceScope (const QCString &s)
QCString stripFromPath (const QCString &path)
QCString stripFromIncludePath (const QCString &path)
bool rightScopeMatch (const QCString &scope, const QCString &name)
bool leftScopeMatch (const QCString &scope, const QCString &name)
QCString substituteKeywords (const QCString &s, const char *title, const char *projName, const char *projNum, const char *projBrief)
int getPrefixIndex (const QCString &name)
QCString removeAnonymousScopes (const QCString &s)
QCString replaceAnonymousScopes (const QCString &s, const char *replacement=0)
void initClassHierarchy (ClassSDict *cl)
bool hasVisibleRoot (BaseClassList *bcl)
bool classHasVisibleChildren (ClassDef *cd)
bool namespaceHasVisibleChild (NamespaceDef *nd, bool includeClasses)
bool classVisibleInIndex (ClassDef *cd)
int minClassDistance (const ClassDef *cd, const ClassDef *bcd, int level=0)
Protection classInheritedProtectionLevel (ClassDef *cd, ClassDef *bcd, Protection prot=Public, int level=0)
QCString convertNameToFile (const char *name, bool allowDots=FALSE, bool allowUnderscore=FALSE)
void extractNamespaceName (const QCString &scopeName, QCString &className, QCString &namespaceName, bool allowEmptyClass=FALSE)
QCString insertTemplateSpecifierInScope (const QCString &scope, const QCString &templ)
QCString stripScope (const char *name)
QCString convertToId (const char *s)
QCString convertToHtml (const char *s, bool keepEntities=TRUE)
QCString convertToLaTeX (const QCString &s, bool insideTabbing=FALSE, bool keepSpaces=FALSE)
QCString convertToXML (const char *s)
QCString convertToJSString (const char *s)
QCString getOverloadDocs ()
void addMembersToMemberGroup (MemberList *ml, MemberGroupSDict **ppMemberGroupSDict, Definition *context)
int extractClassNameFromType (const QCString &type, int &pos, QCString &name, QCString &templSpec, SrcLangExt=SrcLangExt_Unknown)
QCString normalizeNonTemplateArgumentsInString (const QCString &name, Definition *context, const ArgumentList *formalArgs)
QCString substituteTemplateArgumentsInString (const QCString &name, ArgumentList *formalArgs, ArgumentList *actualArgs)
QList< ArgumentList > * copyArgumentLists (const QList< ArgumentList > *srcLists)
QCString stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope (const QCString &fullName, bool parentOnly=TRUE, QCString *lastScopeStripped=0)
QCString resolveTypeDef (Definition *d, const QCString &name, Definition **typedefContext=0)
QCString mergeScopes (const QCString &leftScope, const QCString &rightScope)
int getScopeFragment (const QCString &s, int p, int *l)
int filterCRLF (char *buf, int len)
void addRefItem (const QList< ListItemInfo > *sli, const char *prefix, const char *key, const char *name, const char *title, const char *args, Definition *scope)
PageDefaddRelatedPage (const char *name, const QCString &ptitle, const QCString &doc, QList< SectionInfo > *anchors, const char *fileName, int startLine, const QList< ListItemInfo > *sli, GroupDef *gd=0, TagInfo *tagInfo=0, SrcLangExt lang=SrcLangExt_Unknown)
QCString escapeCharsInString (const char *name, bool allowDots, bool allowUnderscore=FALSE)
void addGroupListToTitle (OutputList &ol, Definition *d)
void filterLatexString (FTextStream &t, const char *str, bool insideTabbing=FALSE, bool insidePre=FALSE, bool insideItem=FALSE, bool keepSpaces=FALSE)
QCString latexEscapeLabelName (const char *s, bool insideTabbing)
QCString latexEscapeIndexChars (const char *s, bool insideTabbing)
QCString latexEscapePDFString (const char *s)
QCString rtfFormatBmkStr (const char *name)
QCString linkToText (SrcLangExt lang, const char *link, bool isFileName)
bool checkExtension (const char *fName, const char *ext)
QCString stripExtensionGeneral (const char *fName, const char *ext)
QCString stripExtension (const char *fName)
void replaceNamespaceAliases (QCString &scope, int i)
int isAccessibleFrom (Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
int isAccessibleFromWithExpScope (Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart)
int computeQualifiedIndex (const QCString &name)
void addDirPrefix (QCString &fileName)
QCString relativePathToRoot (const char *name)
void createSubDirs (QDir &d)
QCString stripPath (const char *s)
bool containsWord (const QCString &s, const QCString &word)
bool findAndRemoveWord (QCString &s, const QCString &word)
QCString stripLeadingAndTrailingEmptyLines (const QCString &s, int &docLine)
bool updateLanguageMapping (const QCString &extension, const QCString &parser)
SrcLangExt getLanguageFromFileName (const QCString fileName)
void initDefaultExtensionMapping ()
void addCodeOnlyMappings ()
MemberDefgetMemberFromSymbol (Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n)
bool checkIfTypedef (Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n)
ClassDefnewResolveTypedef (FileDef *fileScope, MemberDef *md, MemberDef **pMemType=0, QCString *pTemplSpec=0, QCString *pResolvedType=0, ArgumentList *actTemplParams=0)
QCString parseCommentAsText (const Definition *scope, const MemberDef *member, const QCString &doc, const QCString &fileName, int lineNr)
QCString transcodeCharacterStringToUTF8 (const QCString &input)
QCString recodeString (const QCString &str, const char *fromEncoding, const char *toEncoding)
QCString extractAliasArgs (const QCString &args, int pos)
int countAliasArguments (const QCString argList)
QCString resolveAliasCmd (const QCString aliasCmd)
QCString expandAlias (const QCString &aliasName, const QCString &aliasValue)
void writeTypeConstraints (OutputList &ol, Definition *d, ArgumentList *al)
QCString convertCharEntitiesToUTF8 (const QCString &s)
void stackTrace ()
bool readInputFile (const char *fileName, BufStr &inBuf, bool filter=TRUE, bool isSourceCode=FALSE)
 read a file name fileName and optionally filter and transcode it More...
QCString filterTitle (const QCString &title)
bool patternMatch (const QFileInfo &fi, const QStrList *patList)
QCString externalLinkTarget ()
QCString externalRef (const QCString &relPath, const QCString &ref, bool href)
int nextUtf8CharPosition (const QCString &utf8Str, int len, int startPos)
const char * writeUtf8Char (FTextStream &t, const char *s)
void writeColoredImgData (const char *dir, ColoredImgDataItem data[])
QCString replaceColorMarkers (const char *str)
bool copyFile (const QCString &src, const QCString &dest)
QCString extractBlock (const QCString text, const QCString marker)
QCString correctURL (const QCString &url, const QCString &relPath)
QCString processMarkup (const QCString &s)
bool protectionLevelVisible (Protection prot)
QCString stripIndentation (const QCString &s)
QCString getDotImageExtension (void)
bool fileVisibleInIndex (FileDef *fd, bool &genSourceFile)
void addDocCrossReference (MemberDef *src, MemberDef *dst)
uint getUtf8Code (const QCString &s, int idx)
 Get one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string. More...
uint getUtf8CodeToLower (const QCString &s, int idx)
 Returns one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string, making the character lower case if it was upper case. More...
uint getUtf8CodeToUpper (const QCString &s, int idx)
 Returns one unicode character as ian unsigned interger from utf-8 string, making the character upper case if it was lower case. More...
QCString extractDirection (QCString &docs)
void convertProtectionLevel (MemberListType inListType, Protection inProt, int *outListType1, int *outListType2)
bool mainPageHasTitle ()
void initFilePattern (void)
bool openOutputFile (const char *outFile, QFile &f)

Detailed Description

A bunch of utility functions.

Definition in file util.h.

Function Documentation

void addCodeOnlyMappings ( )

Definition at line 7056 of file util.cpp.

7057 {
7058  updateLanguageMapping(".xml", "xml");
7059 }
bool updateLanguageMapping(const QCString &extension, const QCString &language)
Definition: util.cpp:6964
void addDirPrefix ( QCString fileName)
void addDocCrossReference ( MemberDef src,
MemberDef dst 

Definition at line 8189 of file util.cpp.

8190 {
8191  static bool referencedByRelation = Config_getBool("REFERENCED_BY_RELATION");
8192  static bool referencesRelation = Config_getBool("REFERENCES_RELATION");
8194  //printf("--> addDocCrossReference src=%s,dst=%s\n",src->name().data(),dst->name().data());
8195  if (dst->isTypedef() || dst->isEnumerate()) return; // don't add types
8196  if ((referencedByRelation || dst->hasCallerGraph()) &&
8197  src->showInCallGraph()
8198  )
8199  {
8200  dst->addSourceReferencedBy(src);
8201  MemberDef *mdDef = dst->memberDefinition();
8202  if (mdDef)
8203  {
8204  mdDef->addSourceReferencedBy(src);
8205  }
8206  MemberDef *mdDecl = dst->memberDeclaration();
8207  if (mdDecl)
8208  {
8209  mdDecl->addSourceReferencedBy(src);
8210  }
8211  }
8212  if ((referencesRelation || src->hasCallGraph()) &&
8213  src->showInCallGraph()
8214  )
8215  {
8216  src->addSourceReferences(dst);
8217  MemberDef *mdDef = src->memberDefinition();
8218  if (mdDef)
8219  {
8220  mdDef->addSourceReferences(dst);
8221  }
8222  MemberDef *mdDecl = src->memberDeclaration();
8223  if (mdDecl)
8224  {
8225  mdDecl->addSourceReferences(dst);
8226  }
8227  }
8228 }
bool hasCallerGraph() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4562
MemberDef * memberDefinition() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4593
bool hasCallGraph() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4557
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
bool showInCallGraph() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4458
MemberDef * memberDeclaration() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4598
void addSourceReferences(MemberDef *d)
void addSourceReferencedBy(MemberDef *d)
bool isTypedef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4155
bool isEnumerate() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4145
void addGroupListToTitle ( OutputList ol,
Definition d 

Definition at line 6528 of file util.cpp.

6529 {
6531 }
bool recursivelyAddGroupListToTitle(OutputList &ol, Definition *d, bool root)
Definition: util.cpp:6495
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
void addMembersToMemberGroup ( MemberList ml,
MemberGroupSDict **  ppMemberGroupSDict,
Definition context 

Definition at line 5867 of file util.cpp.

5870 {
5871  ASSERT(context!=0);
5872  //printf("addMemberToMemberGroup()\n");
5873  if (ml==0) return;
5874  MemberListIterator mli(*ml);
5875  MemberDef *md;
5876  uint index;
5877  for (index=0;(md=mli.current());)
5878  {
5879  if (md->isEnumerate()) // insert enum value of this enum into groups
5880  {
5881  MemberList *fmdl=md->enumFieldList();
5882  if (fmdl!=0)
5883  {
5884  MemberListIterator fmli(*fmdl);
5885  MemberDef *fmd;
5886  for (fmli.toFirst();(fmd=fmli.current());++fmli)
5887  {
5888  int groupId=fmd->getMemberGroupId();
5889  if (groupId!=-1)
5890  {
5892  //QCString *pGrpHeader = Doxygen::memberHeaderDict[groupId];
5893  //QCString *pDocs = Doxygen::memberDocDict[groupId];
5894  if (info)
5895  {
5896  if (*ppMemberGroupSDict==0)
5897  {
5898  *ppMemberGroupSDict = new MemberGroupSDict;
5899  (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
5900  }
5901  MemberGroup *mg = (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->find(groupId);
5902  if (mg==0)
5903  {
5904  mg = new MemberGroup(
5905  context,
5906  groupId,
5907  info->header,
5908  info->doc,
5909  info->docFile,
5910  info->docLine
5911  );
5912  (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->append(groupId,mg);
5913  }
5914  mg->insertMember(fmd); // insert in member group
5915  fmd->setMemberGroup(mg);
5916  }
5917  }
5918  }
5919  }
5920  }
5921  int groupId=md->getMemberGroupId();
5922  if (groupId!=-1)
5923  {
5924  MemberGroupInfo *info = Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict[groupId];
5925  //QCString *pGrpHeader = Doxygen::memberHeaderDict[groupId];
5926  //QCString *pDocs = Doxygen::memberDocDict[groupId];
5927  if (info)
5928  {
5929  if (*ppMemberGroupSDict==0)
5930  {
5931  *ppMemberGroupSDict = new MemberGroupSDict;
5932  (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
5933  }
5934  MemberGroup *mg = (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->find(groupId);
5935  if (mg==0)
5936  {
5937  mg = new MemberGroup(
5938  context,
5939  groupId,
5940  info->header,
5941  info->doc,
5942  info->docFile,
5943  info->docLine
5944  );
5945  (*ppMemberGroupSDict)->append(groupId,mg);
5946  }
5947  md = ml->take(index); // remove from member list
5948  mg->insertMember(md); // insert in member group
5949  mg->setRefItems(info->m_sli);
5950  md->setMemberGroup(mg);
5951  continue;
5952  }
5953  }
5954  ++mli;++index;
5955  }
5956 }
void setMemberGroup(MemberGroup *grp)
Definition: memberdef.cpp:3290
void setRefItems(const QList< ListItemInfo > *sli)
void setAutoDelete(bool val)
Definition: sortdict.h:545
QList< ListItemInfo > * m_sli
Definition: membergroup.h:152
MemberList * enumFieldList() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4497
QCString header
Definition: membergroup.h:147
static constexpr double mg
Definition: Units.h:145
static QIntDict< MemberGroupInfo > memGrpInfoDict
Definition: doxygen.h:126
int getMemberGroupId() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4532
QCString docFile
Definition: membergroup.h:149
type * take(uint i)
Definition: qlist.h:81
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool isEnumerate() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4145
#define ASSERT(x)
Definition: qglobal.h:590
void insertMember(MemberDef *md)
Definition: membergroup.cpp:69
void addRefItem ( const QList< ListItemInfo > *  sli,
const char *  prefix,
const char *  key,
const char *  name,
const char *  title,
const char *  args,
Definition scope 

Definition at line 6456 of file util.cpp.

6459 {
6460  //printf("addRefItem(sli=%p,key=%s,prefix=%s,name=%s,title=%s,args=%s)\n",sli,key,prefix,name,title,args);
6461  if (sli && key && key[0]!='@') // check for @ to skip anonymous stuff (see bug427012)
6462  {
6463  QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*sli);
6464  ListItemInfo *lii;
6465  for (slii.toFirst();(lii=slii.current());++slii)
6466  {
6467  RefList *refList = Doxygen::xrefLists->find(lii->type);
6468  if (refList
6469  &&
6470  (
6471  // either not a built-in list or the list is enabled
6472  (lii->type!="todo" || Config_getBool("GENERATE_TODOLIST")) &&
6473  (lii->type!="test" || Config_getBool("GENERATE_TESTLIST")) &&
6474  (lii->type!="bug" || Config_getBool("GENERATE_BUGLIST")) &&
6475  (lii->type!="deprecated" || Config_getBool("GENERATE_DEPRECATEDLIST"))
6476  )
6477  )
6478  {
6479  RefItem *item = refList->getRefItem(lii->itemId);
6480  ASSERT(item!=0);
6482  item->prefix = prefix;
6483  item->scope = scope;
6484  item->name = name;
6485  item->title = title;
6486  item->args = args;
6488  refList->insertIntoList(key,item);
6490  }
6491  }
6492  }
6493 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QDict< RefList > * xrefLists
Definition: doxygen.h:129
QCString prefix
type prefix for the name
Definition: reflist.h:35
QCString title
display name of the entity
Definition: reflist.h:38
static QCString scope
Definition: declinfo.cpp:668
RefItem * getRefItem(int todoItemId)
Definition: reflist.cpp:74
static QCString args
Definition: declinfo.cpp:674
int itemId
Definition: types.h:101
def key(type, name=None)
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString name
name of the entity containing the reference
Definition: reflist.h:37
Definition * scope
scope to use for references.
Definition: reflist.h:36
QCString type
Definition: types.h:100
QCString args
optional arguments for the entity (if function)
Definition: reflist.h:39
void insertIntoList(const char *key, RefItem *item)
Definition: reflist.cpp:118
#define ASSERT(x)
Definition: qglobal.h:590
PageDef* addRelatedPage ( const char *  name,
const QCString ptitle,
const QCString doc,
QList< SectionInfo > *  anchors,
const char *  fileName,
int  startLine,
const QList< ListItemInfo > *  sli,
GroupDef gd = 0,
TagInfo tagInfo = 0,
SrcLangExt  lang = SrcLangExt_Unknown 

Definition at line 6369 of file util.cpp.

6378 {
6379  PageDef *pd=0;
6380  //printf("addRelatedPage(name=%s gd=%p)\n",name,gd);
6381  if ((pd=Doxygen::pageSDict->find(name)) && !tagInfo)
6382  {
6383  // append documentation block to the page.
6384  pd->setDocumentation(doc,fileName,startLine);
6385  //printf("Adding page docs `%s' pi=%p name=%s\n",,pd,name);
6386  }
6387  else // new page
6388  {
6390  if (baseName.right(4)==".tex")
6391  baseName=baseName.left(baseName.length()-4);
6393  baseName=baseName.left(baseName.length()-Doxygen::htmlFileExtension.length());
6395  QCString title=ptitle.stripWhiteSpace();
6396  pd=new PageDef(fileName,startLine,baseName,doc,title);
6398  pd->setRefItems(sli);
6399  pd->setLanguage(lang);
6401  if (tagInfo)
6402  {
6403  pd->setReference(tagInfo->tagName);
6404  pd->setFileName(tagInfo->fileName);
6405  }
6407  //printf("Appending page `%s'\n",;
6408  Doxygen::pageSDict->append(baseName,pd);
6410  if (gd) gd->addPage(pd);
6412  if (!pd->title().isEmpty())
6413  {
6414  //outputList->writeTitle(pi->name,pi->title);
6416  // a page name is a label as well!
6417  QCString file;
6418  if (gd)
6419  {
6420  file=gd->getOutputFileBase();
6421  }
6422  else
6423  {
6424  file=pd->getOutputFileBase();
6425  }
6426  SectionInfo *si = Doxygen::sectionDict->find(pd->name());
6427  if (si)
6428  {
6429  if (si->lineNr != -1)
6430  {
6431  warn(file,-1,"multiple use of section label '%s', (first occurrence: %s, line %d)",pd->name().data(),si->,si->lineNr);
6432  }
6433  else
6434  {
6435  warn(file,-1,"multiple use of section label '%s', (first occurrence: %s)",pd->name().data(),si->;
6436  }
6437  }
6438  else
6439  {
6440  si=new SectionInfo(
6441  file,-1,pd->name(),pd->title(),SectionInfo::Page,0,pd->getReference());
6442  //printf("si->label=`%s' si->definition=%s si->fileName=`%s'\n",
6443  // si->,si->definition?si->definition->name().data():"<none>",
6444  // si->;
6445  //printf(" SectionInfo: sec=%p sec->fileName=%s\n",si,si->;
6446  //printf("Adding section key=%s si->fileName=%s\n",,si->;
6447  Doxygen::sectionDict->append(pd->name(),si);
6448  }
6449  }
6450  }
6451  return pd;
6452 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
QCString stripWhiteSpace() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:295
virtual QCString getReference() const
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
QCString title() const
Definition: pagedef.h:54
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
static QCString htmlFileExtension
Definition: doxygen.h:130
void setLanguage(SrcLangExt lang)
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
void append(const char *key, const T *d)
Definition: sortdict.h:135
void setFileName(const char *name)
Definition: pagedef.cpp:66
QCString tagName
Definition: entry.h:52
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString fileName
Definition: section.h:61
static SectionDict * sectionDict
Definition: doxygen.h:117
static PageSDict * pageSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:102
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
int lineNr
Definition: section.h:62
void setReference(const char *r)
void addPage(PageDef *def)
Definition: groupdef.cpp:222
void warn(const char *file, int line, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:183
void setRefItems(const QList< ListItemInfo > *sli)
A model of a page symbol.
Definition: pagedef.h:29
QCString fileName
Definition: entry.h:53
virtual void setDocumentation(const char *d, const char *docFile, int docLine, bool stripWhiteSpace=TRUE)
Definition: definition.cpp:612
static QCString baseName
Definition: scanner.cpp:10890
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
Definition: groupdef.cpp:1512
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
Definition: pagedef.cpp:58
QCString argListToString ( ArgumentList al,
bool  useCanonicalType = FALSE,
bool  showDefVals = TRUE 

Definition at line 2151 of file util.cpp.

2152 {
2153  QCString result;
2154  if (al==0) return result;
2155  ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
2156  Argument *a=ali.current();
2157  result+="(";
2158  while (a)
2159  {
2160  QCString type1 = useCanonicalType && !a->canType.isEmpty() ?
2161  a->canType : a->type;
2162  QCString type2;
2163  int i=type1.find(")("); // hack to deal with function pointers
2164  if (i!=-1)
2165  {
2166  type2=type1.mid(i);
2167  type1=type1.left(i);
2168  }
2169  if (!a->attrib.isEmpty())
2170  {
2171  result+=a->attrib+" ";
2172  }
2173  if (!a->name.isEmpty() || !a->array.isEmpty())
2174  {
2175  result+= type1+" "+a->name+type2+a->array;
2176  }
2177  else
2178  {
2179  result+= type1+type2;
2180  }
2181  if (!a->defval.isEmpty() && showDefVals)
2182  {
2183  result+="="+a->defval;
2184  }
2185  ++ali;
2186  a = ali.current();
2187  if (a) result+=", ";
2188  }
2189  result+=")";
2190  if (al->constSpecifier) result+=" const";
2191  if (al->volatileSpecifier) result+=" volatile";
2192  if (!al->trailingReturnType.isEmpty()) result+=" -> "+al->trailingReturnType;
2193  if (al->pureSpecifier) result+=" =0";
2194  return removeRedundantWhiteSpace(result);
2195 }
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
QCString defval
Definition: arguments.h:71
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString canType
Definition: arguments.h:68
bool constSpecifier
Definition: arguments.h:99
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
bool volatileSpecifier
Definition: arguments.h:101
const double a
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:1655
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
bool pureSpecifier
Definition: arguments.h:103
QCString attrib
Definition: arguments.h:66
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
QCString trailingReturnType
Definition: arguments.h:105
if(!yymsg) yymsg
QCString array
Definition: arguments.h:70
bool checkExtension ( const char *  fName,
const char *  ext 

Definition at line 6784 of file util.cpp.

6785 {
6786  return (QCString(fName).right(QCString(ext).length())==ext);
6787 }
bool checkIfTypedef ( Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
const char *  n 

Returns true iff the given name string appears to be a typedef in scope.

Definition at line 7155 of file util.cpp.

7156 {
7157  MemberDef *bestMatch = getMemberFromSymbol(scope,fileScope,n);
7159  if (bestMatch && bestMatch->isTypedef())
7160  return TRUE; // closest matching symbol is a typedef
7161  else
7162  return FALSE;
7163 }
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
MemberDef * getMemberFromSymbol(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:7083
std::void_t< T > n
bool isTypedef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4155
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool classHasVisibleChildren ( ClassDef cd)

Definition at line 5182 of file util.cpp.

5183 {
5184  BaseClassList *bcl;
5186  if (cd->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_VHDL) // reverse baseClass/subClass relation
5187  {
5188  if (cd->baseClasses()==0) return FALSE;
5189  bcl=cd->baseClasses();
5190  }
5191  else
5192  {
5193  if (cd->subClasses()==0) return FALSE;
5194  bcl=cd->subClasses();
5195  }
5197  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bcl);
5198  for ( ; bcli.current() ; ++bcli)
5199  {
5200  if (bcli.current()->classDef->isVisibleInHierarchy())
5201  {
5202  return TRUE;
5203  }
5204  }
5205  return FALSE;
5206 }
BaseClassList * subClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4404
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
SrcLangExt getLanguage() const
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
BaseClassList * baseClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4399
Protection classInheritedProtectionLevel ( ClassDef cd,
ClassDef bcd,
Protection  prot = Public,
int  level = 0 

Definition at line 2556 of file util.cpp.

2557 {
2558  if (bcd->categoryOf()) // use class that is being extended in case of
2559  // an Objective-C category
2560  {
2561  bcd=bcd->categoryOf();
2562  }
2563  if (cd==bcd)
2564  {
2565  goto exit;
2566  }
2567  if (level==256)
2568  {
2569  err("Internal inconsistency: found class %s seem to have a recursive "
2570  "inheritance relation! Please send a bug report to\n",cd->name().data());
2571  }
2572  else if (cd->baseClasses())
2573  {
2574  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->baseClasses());
2575  BaseClassDef *bcdi;
2576  for (;(bcdi=bcli.current()) && prot!=Private;++bcli)
2577  {
2578  Protection baseProt = classInheritedProtectionLevel(bcdi->classDef,bcd,bcdi->prot,level+1);
2579  if (baseProt==Private) prot=Private;
2580  else if (baseProt==Protected) prot=Protected;
2581  }
2582  }
2583 exit:
2584  //printf("classInheritedProtectionLevel(%s,%s)=%d\n",cd->name().data(),bcd->name().data(),prot);
2585  return prot;
2586 }
Definition: types.h:26
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
static Protection baseProt
Definition: scanner.cpp:10857
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
ClassDef * categoryOf() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4514
Protection classInheritedProtectionLevel(ClassDef *cd, ClassDef *bcd, Protection prot, int level)
Definition: util.cpp:2556
Definition: types.h:26
BaseClassList * baseClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4399
bool classVisibleInIndex ( ClassDef cd)

Definition at line 8334 of file util.cpp.

8335 {
8336  static bool allExternals = Config_getBool("ALLEXTERNALS");
8337  return (allExternals && cd->isLinkable()) || cd->isLinkableInProject();
8338 }
bool isLinkableInProject() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2707
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2729
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString clearBlock ( const char *  s,
const char *  begin,
const char *  end 

Clear a text block s from begin to end markers.

Definition at line 106 of file htmlgen.cpp.

107 {
108  if (s==0 || begin==0 || end==0) return s;
109  const char *p, *q;
110  int beginLen = qstrlen(begin);
111  int endLen = qstrlen(end);
112  int resLen = 0;
113  for (p=s; (q=strstr(p,begin))!=0; p=q+endLen)
114  {
115  resLen+=(int)(q-p);
116  p=q+beginLen;
117  if ((q=strstr(p,end))==0)
118  {
119  resLen+=beginLen;
120  break;
121  }
122  }
123  resLen+=qstrlen(p);
124  // resLen is the length of the string without the marked block
126  QCString result(resLen+1);
127  char *r;
128  for (r=result.rawData(), p=s; (q=strstr(p,begin))!=0; p=q+endLen)
129  {
130  int l = (int)(q-p);
131  memcpy(r,p,l);
132  r+=l;
133  p=q+beginLen;
134  if ((q=strstr(p,end))==0)
135  {
136  memcpy(r,begin,beginLen);
137  r+=beginLen;
138  break;
139  }
140  }
141  qstrcpy(r,p);
142  return result;
143 }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
char * rawData() const
Definition: qcstring.h:216
static QCString result
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
Q_EXPORT uint qstrlen(const char *str)
Definition: qcstring.h:81
Q_EXPORT char * qstrcpy(char *dst, const char *src)
Definition: qcstring.h:87
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
int computeQualifiedIndex ( const QCString name)

Definition at line 1203 of file util.cpp.

1204 {
1205  int i = name.find('<');
1206  return name.findRev("::",i==-1 ? name.length() : i);
1207 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
bool containsWord ( const QCString s,
const QCString word 

returns TRUE iff string s contains word w

Definition at line 6836 of file util.cpp.

6837 {
6838  static QRegExp wordExp("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF]+");
6839  int p=0,i,l;
6840  while ((i=wordExp.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
6841  {
6842  if (s.mid(i,l)==word) return TRUE;
6843  p=i+l;
6844  }
6845  return FALSE;
6846 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
union ptb::content::word::word word
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString convertCharEntitiesToUTF8 ( const QCString s)

Definition at line 5822 of file util.cpp.

5823 {
5824  QCString result;
5825  static QRegExp entityPat("&[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]*;");
5827  if (s.length()==0) return result;
5828  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5829  growBuf.clear();
5830  int p,i=0,l;
5831  while ((p=entityPat.match(s,i,&l))!=-1)
5832  {
5833  if (p>i)
5834  {
5835  growBuf.addStr(s.mid(i,p-i));
5836  }
5837  QCString entity = s.mid(p,l);
5839  const char *code=0;
5840  if (symType!=DocSymbol::Sym_Unknown && (code=HtmlEntityMapper::instance()->utf8(symType)))
5841  {
5842  growBuf.addStr(code);
5843  }
5844  else
5845  {
5846  growBuf.addStr(s.mid(p,l));
5847  }
5848  i=p+l;
5849  }
5850  growBuf.addStr(s.mid(i,s.length()-i));
5851  growBuf.addChar(0);
5852  //printf("convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(%s)->%s\n",,growBuf.get());
5853  return growBuf.get();
5854 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
static QCString result
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
DocSymbol::SymType name2sym(const QCString &symName) const
Give code of the requested HTML entity name.
Definition: htmlentity.cpp:471
static HtmlEntityMapper * instance()
Definition: htmlentity.cpp:341
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
CodeOutputInterface * code
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
QCString convertNameToFile ( const char *  name,
bool  allowDots,
bool  allowUnderscore 

This function determines the file name on disk of an item given its name, which could be a class name with template arguments, so special characters need to be escaped.

Definition at line 5354 of file util.cpp.

5355 {
5356  static bool shortNames = Config_getBool("SHORT_NAMES");
5357  static bool createSubdirs = Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS");
5358  QCString result;
5359  if (shortNames) // use short names only
5360  {
5361  static QDict<int> usedNames(10007);
5362  usedNames.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
5363  static int count=1;
5365  int *value=usedNames.find(name);
5366  int num;
5367  if (value==0)
5368  {
5369  usedNames.insert(name,new int(count));
5370  num = count++;
5371  }
5372  else
5373  {
5374  num = *value;
5375  }
5376  result.sprintf("a%05d",num);
5377  }
5378  else // long names
5379  {
5380  result=escapeCharsInString(name,allowDots,allowUnderscore);
5381  int resultLen = result.length();
5382  if (resultLen>=128) // prevent names that cannot be created!
5383  {
5384  // third algorithm based on MD5 hash
5385  uchar md5_sig[16];
5386  QCString sigStr(33);
5387  MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *),resultLen,md5_sig);
5388  MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.rawData(),33);
5389  result=result.left(128-32)+sigStr;
5390  }
5391  }
5392  if (createSubdirs)
5393  {
5394  int l1Dir=0,l2Dir=0;
5397  // old algorithm, has the problem that after regeneration the
5398  // output can be located in a different dir.
5399  if (Doxygen::htmlDirMap==0)
5400  {
5401  Doxygen::htmlDirMap=new QDict<int>(100003);
5402  Doxygen::htmlDirMap->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
5403  }
5404  static int curDirNum=0;
5405  int *dirNum = Doxygen::htmlDirMap->find(result);
5406  if (dirNum==0) // new name
5407  {
5408  Doxygen::htmlDirMap->insert(result,new int(curDirNum));
5409  l1Dir = (curDirNum)&0xf; // bits 0-3
5410  l2Dir = (curDirNum>>4)&0xff; // bits 4-11
5411  curDirNum++;
5412  }
5413  else // existing name
5414  {
5415  l1Dir = (*dirNum)&0xf; // bits 0-3
5416  l2Dir = ((*dirNum)>>4)&0xff; // bits 4-11
5417  }
5418 #elif MAP_ALGO==ALGO_CRC16
5419  // second algorithm based on CRC-16 checksum
5420  int dirNum = qChecksum(result,result.length());
5421  l1Dir = dirNum&0xf;
5422  l2Dir = (dirNum>>4)&0xff;
5423 #elif MAP_ALGO==ALGO_MD5
5424  // third algorithm based on MD5 hash
5425  uchar md5_sig[16];
5426  MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *),result.length(),md5_sig);
5427  l1Dir = md5_sig[14]&0xf;
5428  l2Dir = md5_sig[15];
5429 #endif
5430  result.prepend(QCString().sprintf("d%x/d%02x/",l1Dir,l2Dir));
5431  }
5432  //printf("*** convertNameToFile(%s)->%s\n",name,;
5433  return result;
5434 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
QCString escapeCharsInString(const char *name, bool allowDots, bool allowUnderscore)
Definition: util.cpp:5242
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
unsigned char uchar
void MD5Buffer(const unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len, unsigned char sig[16])
Definition: md5.c:275
QCString & prepend(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:387
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString & sprintf(const char *format,...)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:27
void MD5SigToString(unsigned char signature[16], char *str, int len)
Definition: md5.c:285
static QDict< int > * htmlDirMap
Definition: doxygen.h:137
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
void convertProtectionLevel ( MemberListType  inListType,
Protection  inProt,
int *  outListType1,
int *  outListType2 

Computes for a given list type inListType, which are the the corresponding list type(s) in the base class that are to be added to this list.

So for public inheritance, the mapping is 1-1, so outListType1=inListType Private members are to be hidden completely.

For protected inheritance, both protected and public members of the base class should be joined in the protected member section.

For private inheritance, both protected and public members of the base class should be joined in the private member section.

Definition at line 8378 of file util.cpp.

8384 {
8385  static bool extractPrivate = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
8386  // default representing 1-1 mapping
8387  *outListType1=inListType;
8388  *outListType2=-1;
8389  if (inProt==Public)
8390  {
8391  switch (inListType) // in the private section of the derived class,
8392  // the private section of the base class should not
8393  // be visible
8394  {
8401  *outListType1=-1;
8402  *outListType2=-1;
8403  break;
8404  default:
8405  break;
8406  }
8407  }
8408  else if (inProt==Protected) // Protected inheritance
8409  {
8410  switch (inListType) // in the protected section of the derived class,
8411  // both the public and protected members are shown
8412  // as protected
8413  {
8426  *outListType1=-1;
8427  *outListType2=-1;
8428  break;
8431  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubMethods;
8432  break;
8434  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubStaticMethods;
8435  break;
8437  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubSlots;
8438  break;
8440  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubAttribs;
8441  break;
8443  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubStaticAttribs;
8444  break;
8446  *outListType2=MemberListType_pubTypes;
8447  break;
8448  default:
8449  break;
8450  }
8451  }
8452  else if (inProt==Private)
8453  {
8454  switch (inListType) // in the private section of the derived class,
8455  // both the public and protected members are shown
8456  // as private
8457  {
8470  *outListType1=-1;
8471  *outListType2=-1;
8472  break;
8475  if (extractPrivate)
8476  {
8477  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubMethods;
8478  *outListType2=MemberListType_proMethods;
8479  }
8480  else
8481  {
8482  *outListType1=-1;
8483  *outListType2=-1;
8484  }
8485  break;
8487  if (extractPrivate)
8488  {
8489  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubStaticMethods;
8490  *outListType2=MemberListType_proStaticMethods;
8491  }
8492  else
8493  {
8494  *outListType1=-1;
8495  *outListType2=-1;
8496  }
8497  break;
8499  if (extractPrivate)
8500  {
8501  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubSlots;
8502  *outListType2=MemberListType_proSlots;
8503  }
8504  else
8505  {
8506  *outListType1=-1;
8507  *outListType2=-1;
8508  }
8509  break;
8511  if (extractPrivate)
8512  {
8513  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubAttribs;
8514  *outListType2=MemberListType_proAttribs;
8515  }
8516  else
8517  {
8518  *outListType1=-1;
8519  *outListType2=-1;
8520  }
8521  break;
8523  if (extractPrivate)
8524  {
8525  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubStaticAttribs;
8526  *outListType2=MemberListType_proStaticAttribs;
8527  }
8528  else
8529  {
8530  *outListType1=-1;
8531  *outListType2=-1;
8532  }
8533  break;
8535  if (extractPrivate)
8536  {
8537  *outListType1=MemberListType_pubTypes;
8538  *outListType2=MemberListType_proTypes;
8539  }
8540  else
8541  {
8542  *outListType1=-1;
8543  *outListType2=-1;
8544  }
8545  break;
8546  default:
8547  break;
8548  }
8549  }
8550  //printf("convertProtectionLevel(type=%d prot=%d): %d,%d\n",
8551  // inListType,inProt,*outListType1,*outListType2);
8552 }
Definition: types.h:26
Definition: types.h:26
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString convertToHtml ( const char *  s,
bool  keepEntities 

Converts a string to a HTML-encoded string

Definition at line 5746 of file util.cpp.

5747 {
5748  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5749  growBuf.clear();
5750  if (s==0) return "";
5751  const char *p=s;
5752  char c;
5753  while ((c=*p++))
5754  {
5755  switch (c)
5756  {
5757  case '<': growBuf.addStr("&lt;"); break;
5758  case '>': growBuf.addStr("&gt;"); break;
5759  case '&': if (keepEntities)
5760  {
5761  const char *e=p;
5762  char ce;
5763  while ((ce=*e++))
5764  {
5765  if (ce==';' || (!(isId(ce) || ce=='#'))) break;
5766  }
5767  if (ce==';') // found end of an entity
5768  {
5769  // copy entry verbatim
5770  growBuf.addChar(c);
5771  while (p<e) growBuf.addChar(*p++);
5772  }
5773  else
5774  {
5775  growBuf.addStr("&amp;");
5776  }
5777  }
5778  else
5779  {
5780  growBuf.addStr("&amp;");
5781  }
5782  break;
5783  case '\'': growBuf.addStr("&#39;"); break;
5784  case '"': growBuf.addStr("&quot;"); break;
5785  default: growBuf.addChar(c); break;
5786  }
5787  }
5788  growBuf.addChar(0);
5789  return growBuf.get();
5790 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
const double e
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
bool isId(int c)
Definition: util.h:224
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString convertToId ( const char *  s)

Converts a string to a HTML id string

Definition at line 5685 of file util.cpp.

5686 {
5687  static const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
5688  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5689  growBuf.clear();
5690  if (s==0) return "";
5691  const char *p=s;
5692  char c;
5693  bool first=TRUE;
5694  while ((c=*p++))
5695  {
5696  char encChar[4];
5697  if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || c=='-' || c==':' || c=='.')
5698  { // any permissive character except _
5699  if (first && c>='0' && c<='9') growBuf.addChar('a'); // don't start with a digit
5700  growBuf.addChar(c);
5701  }
5702  else
5703  {
5704  encChar[0]='_';
5705  encChar[1]=hex[((unsigned char)c)>>4];
5706  encChar[2]=hex[((unsigned char)c)&0xF];
5707  encChar[3]=0;
5708  growBuf.addStr(encChar);
5709  }
5710  first=FALSE;
5711  }
5712  growBuf.addChar(0);
5713  return growBuf.get();
5714 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QTextStream & hex(QTextStream &s)
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString convertToJSString ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 5792 of file util.cpp.

5793 {
5794  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5795  growBuf.clear();
5796  if (s==0) return "";
5797  const char *p=s;
5798  char c;
5799  while ((c=*p++))
5800  {
5801  switch (c)
5802  {
5803  case '"': growBuf.addStr("\\\""); break;
5804  case '\\': growBuf.addStr("\\\\"); break;
5805  default: growBuf.addChar(c); break;
5806  }
5807  }
5808  growBuf.addChar(0);
5809  return convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(growBuf.get());
5810 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
QCString convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:5822
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString convertToLaTeX ( const QCString s,
bool  insideTabbing = FALSE,
bool  keepSpaces = FALSE 

Definition at line 5812 of file util.cpp.

5813 {
5814  QGString result;
5815  FTextStream t(&result);
5816  filterLatexString(t,s,insideTabbing,FALSE,FALSE,keepSpaces);
5817  return;
5818 }
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
Simplified and optimized version of QTextStream.
Definition: ftextstream.h:11
void filterLatexString(FTextStream &t, const char *str, bool insideTabbing, bool insidePre, bool insideItem, bool keepSpaces)
Definition: util.cpp:6533
QCString convertToXML ( const char *  s)

Converts a string to an XML-encoded string

Definition at line 5717 of file util.cpp.

5718 {
5719  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5720  growBuf.clear();
5721  if (s==0) return "";
5722  const char *p=s;
5723  char c;
5724  while ((c=*p++))
5725  {
5726  switch (c)
5727  {
5728  case '<': growBuf.addStr("&lt;"); break;
5729  case '>': growBuf.addStr("&gt;"); break;
5730  case '&': growBuf.addStr("&amp;"); break;
5731  case '\'': growBuf.addStr("&apos;"); break;
5732  case '"': growBuf.addStr("&quot;"); break;
5733  case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
5734  case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18:
5735  case 19: case 20: case 21: case 22: case 23: case 24: case 25: case 26:
5736  case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31:
5737  break; // skip invalid XML characters (see
5738  default: growBuf.addChar(c); break;
5739  }
5740  }
5741  growBuf.addChar(0);
5742  return growBuf.get();
5743 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QList<ArgumentList>* copyArgumentLists ( const QList< ArgumentList > *  srcLists)

Makes a deep copy of the list of argument lists srcLists. Will allocate memory, that is owned by the caller.

Definition at line 6205 of file util.cpp.

6206 {
6207  ASSERT(srcLists!=0);
6208  QList<ArgumentList> *dstLists = new QList<ArgumentList>;
6209  dstLists->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
6210  QListIterator<ArgumentList> sli(*srcLists);
6211  ArgumentList *sl;
6212  for (;(sl=sli.current());++sli)
6213  {
6214  dstLists->append(sl->deepCopy());
6215  }
6216  return dstLists;
6217 }
This class represents an function or template argument list.
Definition: arguments.h:82
void append(const type *d)
Definition: qlist.h:73
ArgumentList * deepCopy() const
Definition: arguments.cpp:20
void setAutoDelete(bool enable)
Definition: qlist.h:99
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
#define ASSERT(x)
Definition: qglobal.h:590
bool copyFile ( const QCString src,
const QCString dest 

Copies the contents of file with name src to the newly created file with name dest. Returns TRUE if successful.

Definition at line 7966 of file util.cpp.

7967 {
7968  QFile sf(src);
7969  if (
7970  {
7971  QFileInfo fi(src);
7972  QFile df(dest);
7973  if (
7974  {
7975  char *buffer = new char[fi.size()];
7976  sf.readBlock(buffer,fi.size());
7977  df.writeBlock(buffer,fi.size());
7978  df.flush();
7979  delete[] buffer;
7980  }
7981  else
7982  {
7983  err("could not write to file %s\n",;
7984  return FALSE;
7985  }
7986  }
7987  else
7988  {
7989  err("could not open user specified file %s\n",;
7990  return FALSE;
7991  }
7992  return TRUE;
7993 }
#define IO_WriteOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:62
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
#define IO_ReadOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:61
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
The QFile class is an I/O device that operates on files.
Definition: qfile.h:50
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString correctURL ( const QCString url,
const QCString relPath 

Corrects URL url according to the relative path relPath. Returns the corrected URL. For absolute URLs no correction will be done.

Definition at line 8084 of file util.cpp.

8085 {
8086  QCString result = url;
8087  if (!relPath.isEmpty() &&
8088  url.left(5)!="http:" && url.left(6)!="https:" &&
8089  url.left(4)!="ftp:" && url.left(5)!="file:")
8090  {
8091  result.prepend(relPath);
8092  }
8093  return result;
8094 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
QCString & prepend(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:387
int countAliasArguments ( const QCString  argList)

Definition at line 7513 of file util.cpp.

7514 {
7515  int count=1;
7516  int l = argList.length();
7517  int i;
7518  for (i=0;i<l;i++)
7519  {
7520  char c =;
7521  if (c==',' && (i==0 ||!='\\')) count++;
7522  else if (c=='@' || c=='\\')
7523  {
7524  // check if this is the start of another aliased command (see bug704172)
7525  i+=findEndOfCommand(;
7526  }
7527  }
7528  //printf("countAliasArguments=%d\n",count);
7529  return count;
7530 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
static int findEndOfCommand(const char *s)
Definition: util.cpp:7309
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
void createSubDirs ( QDir d)

Definition at line 5458 of file util.cpp.

5459 {
5460  if (Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS"))
5461  {
5462  // create 4096 subdirectories
5463  int l1,l2;
5464  for (l1=0;l1<16;l1++)
5465  {
5466  d.mkdir(QCString().sprintf("d%x",l1));
5467  for (l2=0;l2<256;l2++)
5468  {
5469  d.mkdir(QCString().sprintf("d%x/d%02x",l1,l2));
5470  }
5471  }
5472  }
5473 }
virtual bool mkdir(const QString &dirName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE) const
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:98
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString dateToString ( bool  )

Definition at line 2473 of file util.cpp.

2474 {
2476  QCString sourceDateEpoch = portable_getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH");
2477  if (!sourceDateEpoch.isEmpty())
2478  {
2479  bool ok;
2480  uint64 epoch = sourceDateEpoch.toUInt64(&ok);
2481  if (!ok)
2482  {
2483  static bool warnedOnce=FALSE;
2484  if (!warnedOnce)
2485  {
2486  warn_uncond("Environment variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH does not contain a valid number; value is '%s'\n",
2488  warnedOnce=TRUE;
2489  }
2490  }
2491  else if (epoch>UINT_MAX)
2492  {
2493  static bool warnedOnce=FALSE;
2494  if (!warnedOnce)
2495  {
2496  warn_uncond("Environment variable SOURCE_DATA_EPOCH must have a value smaller than or equal to %llu; actual value %llu\n",UINT_MAX,epoch);
2497  warnedOnce=TRUE;
2498  }
2499  }
2500  else // all ok, replace current time with epoch value
2501  {
2502  current.setTime_t((ulong)epoch); // TODO: add support for 64bit epoch value
2503  }
2504  }
2505  return theTranslator->trDateTime(,
2509  current.time().hour(),
2510  current.time().minute(),
2511  current.time().second(),
2512  includeTime);
2513 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
const char * portable_getenv(const char *variable)
Definition: portable.cpp:317
QTime time() const
Definition: qdatetime.h:172
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int hour() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:648
void setTime_t(uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC)
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:1142
virtual QCString trDateTime(int year, int month, int day, int dayOfWeek, int hour, int minutes, int seconds, bool includeTime)=0
uint64 toUInt64(bool *ok=0) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:463
unsigned long ulong
Definition: qglobal.h:352
static Entry * current
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
int minute() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:657
The QDateTime class provides date and time functions.
Definition: qdatetime.h:161
int dayOfWeek() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:228
QDate date() const
Definition: qdatetime.h:171
static QDateTime currentDateTime()
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:1340
int month() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:202
int year() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:189
Translator * theTranslator
Definition: language.cpp:157
int second() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:666
unsigned long long uint64
Definition: qglobal.h:361
int day() const
Definition: qdatetime.cpp:215
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
void warn_uncond(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:218
QCString escapeCharsInString ( const char *  name,
bool  allowDots,
bool  allowUnderscore = FALSE 

Definition at line 5242 of file util.cpp.

5243 {
5244  static bool caseSenseNames = Config_getBool("CASE_SENSE_NAMES");
5245  static bool allowUnicodeNames = Config_getBool("ALLOW_UNICODE_NAMES");
5246  static GrowBuf growBuf;
5247  growBuf.clear();
5248  char c;
5249  const char *p=name;
5250  while ((c=*p++)!=0)
5251  {
5252  switch(c)
5253  {
5254  case '_': if (allowUnderscore) growBuf.addChar('_'); else growBuf.addStr("__"); break;
5255  case '-': growBuf.addChar('-'); break;
5256  case ':': growBuf.addStr("_1"); break;
5257  case '/': growBuf.addStr("_2"); break;
5258  case '<': growBuf.addStr("_3"); break;
5259  case '>': growBuf.addStr("_4"); break;
5260  case '*': growBuf.addStr("_5"); break;
5261  case '&': growBuf.addStr("_6"); break;
5262  case '|': growBuf.addStr("_7"); break;
5263  case '.': if (allowDots) growBuf.addChar('.'); else growBuf.addStr("_8"); break;
5264  case '!': growBuf.addStr("_9"); break;
5265  case ',': growBuf.addStr("_00"); break;
5266  case ' ': growBuf.addStr("_01"); break;
5267  case '{': growBuf.addStr("_02"); break;
5268  case '}': growBuf.addStr("_03"); break;
5269  case '?': growBuf.addStr("_04"); break;
5270  case '^': growBuf.addStr("_05"); break;
5271  case '%': growBuf.addStr("_06"); break;
5272  case '(': growBuf.addStr("_07"); break;
5273  case ')': growBuf.addStr("_08"); break;
5274  case '+': growBuf.addStr("_09"); break;
5275  case '=': growBuf.addStr("_0A"); break;
5276  case '$': growBuf.addStr("_0B"); break;
5277  case '\\': growBuf.addStr("_0C"); break;
5278  case '@': growBuf.addStr("_0D"); break;
5279  default:
5280  if (c<0)
5281  {
5282  char ids[5];
5283  const unsigned char uc = (unsigned char)c;
5284  bool doEscape = TRUE;
5285  if (allowUnicodeNames && uc <= 0xf7)
5286  {
5287  const char* pt = p;
5288  ids[ 0 ] = c;
5289  int l = 0;
5290  if ((uc&0xE0)==0xC0)
5291  {
5292  l=2; // 11xx.xxxx: >=2 byte character
5293  }
5294  if ((uc&0xF0)==0xE0)
5295  {
5296  l=3; // 111x.xxxx: >=3 byte character
5297  }
5298  if ((uc&0xF8)==0xF0)
5299  {
5300  l=4; // 1111.xxxx: >=4 byte character
5301  }
5302  doEscape = l==0;
5303  for (int m=1; m<l && !doEscape; ++m)
5304  {
5305  unsigned char ct = (unsigned char)*pt;
5306  if (ct==0 || (ct&0xC0)!=0x80) // invalid unicode character
5307  {
5308  doEscape=TRUE;
5309  }
5310  else
5311  {
5312  ids[ m ] = *pt++;
5313  }
5314  }
5315  if ( !doEscape ) // got a valid unicode character
5316  {
5317  ids[ l ] = 0;
5318  growBuf.addStr( ids );
5319  p += l - 1;
5320  }
5321  }
5322  if (doEscape) // not a valid unicode char or escaping needed
5323  {
5324  static char map[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
5325  unsigned char id = (unsigned char)c;
5326  ids[0]='_';
5327  ids[1]='x';
5328  ids[2]=map[id>>4];
5329  ids[3]=map[id&0xF];
5330  ids[4]=0;
5331  growBuf.addStr(ids);
5332  }
5333  }
5334  else if (caseSenseNames || !isupper(c))
5335  {
5336  growBuf.addChar(c);
5337  }
5338  else
5339  {
5340  growBuf.addChar('_');
5341  growBuf.addChar(tolower(c));
5342  }
5343  break;
5344  }
5345  }
5346  growBuf.addChar(0);
5347  return growBuf.get();
5348 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
void addStr(const char *s)
Definition: growbuf.h:19
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString expandAlias ( const QCString aliasName,
const QCString aliasValue 

Definition at line 7572 of file util.cpp.

7573 {
7574  QCString result;
7575  aliasesProcessed.clear();
7576  // avoid expanding this command recursively
7577  aliasesProcessed.insert(aliasName,(void *)0x8);
7578  // expand embedded commands
7579  //printf("Expanding: '%s'->'%s'\n",,;
7580  result = expandAliasRec(aliasValue);
7581  //printf("Expanding result: '%s'->'%s'\n",,;
7582  return result;
7583 }
static QCString result
static QDict< void > aliasesProcessed
Definition: util.cpp:7287
static QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s, bool allowRecursion=FALSE)
Definition: util.cpp:7450
QCString externalLinkTarget ( )

Definition at line 7850 of file util.cpp.

7851 {
7852  static bool extLinksInWindow = Config_getBool("EXT_LINKS_IN_WINDOW");
7853  if (extLinksInWindow) return "target=\"_blank\" "; else return "";
7854 }
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString externalRef ( const QCString relPath,
const QCString ref,
bool  href 

Definition at line 7856 of file util.cpp.

7857 {
7858  QCString result;
7859  if (!ref.isEmpty())
7860  {
7862  if (dest)
7863  {
7864  result = *dest;
7865  int l = result.length();
7866  if (!relPath.isEmpty() && l>0 &&'.')
7867  { // relative path -> prepend relPath.
7868  result.prepend(relPath);
7869  l+=relPath.length();
7870  }
7871  if (!href){
7872  result.prepend("doxygen=\""+ref+":");
7873  l+=10+ref.length();
7874  }
7875  if (l>0 &&!='/') result+='/';
7876  if (!href) result.append("\" ");
7877  }
7878  }
7879  else
7880  {
7881  result = relPath;
7882  }
7883  return result;
7884 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
static StringDict tagDestinationDict
Definition: doxygen.h:124
QCString & prepend(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:387
QCString & append(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:383
QCString extractAliasArgs ( const QCString args,
int  pos 

Definition at line 7532 of file util.cpp.

7533 {
7534  int i;
7535  int bc=0;
7536  char prevChar=0;
7537  if ('{') // alias has argument
7538  {
7539  for (i=pos;i<(int)args.length();i++)
7540  {
7541  if (prevChar!='\\')
7542  {
7543  if ('{') bc++;
7544  if ('}') bc--;
7546  }
7547  else
7548  {
7549  prevChar=0;
7550  }
7552  if (bc==0)
7553  {
7554  //printf("extractAliasArgs('%s')->'%s'\n",,args.mid(pos+1,i-pos-1).data());
7555  return args.mid(pos+1,i-pos-1);
7556  }
7557  }
7558  }
7559  return "";
7560 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString extractBlock ( const QCString  text,
const QCString  marker 

Returns the section of text, in between a pair of markers. Full lines are returned, excluding the lines on which the markers appear.

Definition at line 7998 of file util.cpp.

7999 {
8000  QCString result;
8001  int p=0,i;
8002  bool found=FALSE;
8004  // find the character positions of the markers
8005  int m1 = text.find(marker);
8006  if (m1==-1) return result;
8007  int m2 = text.find(marker,m1+marker.length());
8008  if (m2==-1) return result;
8010  // find start and end line positions for the markers
8011  int l1=-1,l2=-1;
8012  while (!found && (i=text.find('\n',p))!=-1)
8013  {
8014  found = (p<=m1 && m1<i); // found the line with the start marker
8015  p=i+1;
8016  }
8017  l1=p;
8018  int lp=i;
8019  if (found)
8020  {
8021  while ((i=text.find('\n',p))!=-1)
8022  {
8023  if (p<=m2 && m2<i) // found the line with the end marker
8024  {
8025  l2=p;
8026  break;
8027  }
8028  p=i+1;
8029  lp=i;
8030  }
8031  }
8032  if (l2==-1) // marker at last line without newline (see bug706874)
8033  {
8034  l2=lp;
8035  }
8036  //printf("text=[%s]\n",text.mid(l1,l2-l1).data());
8037  return l2>l1 ? text.mid(l1,l2-l1) : QCString();
8038 }
static QCString result
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static constexpr double m2
Definition: Units.h:72
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
int extractClassNameFromType ( const QCString type,
int &  pos,
QCString name,
QCString templSpec,
SrcLangExt  lang 

Extracts a (sub-)string from type starting at pos that could form a class. The index of the match is returned and the found class name and a template argument list templSpec. If -1 is returned there are no more matches.

Definition at line 5963 of file util.cpp.

5964 {
5965  static const QRegExp re_norm("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9:\\x80-\\xFF]*");
5966  static const QRegExp re_ftn("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF][()=_a-z_A-Z0-9:\\x80-\\xFF]*");
5967  QRegExp re;
5969  name.resize(0);
5970  templSpec.resize(0);
5971  int i,l;
5972  int typeLen=type.length();
5973  if (typeLen>0)
5974  {
5975  if (lang == SrcLangExt_Fortran)
5976  {
5977  if (',') return -1;
5978  if (type.left(4).lower()=="type")
5979  {
5980  re = re_norm;
5981  }
5982  else
5983  {
5984  re = re_ftn;
5985  }
5986  }
5987  else
5988  {
5989  re = re_norm;
5990  }
5992  if ((i=re.match(type,pos,&l))!=-1) // for each class name in the type
5993  {
5994  int ts=i+l;
5995  int te=ts;
5996  int tl=0;
5997  while (' ' && ts<typeLen) ts++,tl++; // skip any whitespace
5998  if ('<') // assume template instance
5999  {
6000  // locate end of template
6001  te=ts+1;
6002  int brCount=1;
6003  while (te<typeLen && brCount!=0)
6004  {
6005  if ('<')
6006  {
6007  if (te<typeLen-1 &&'<') te++; else brCount++;
6008  }
6009  if ('>')
6010  {
6011  if (te<typeLen-1 &&'>') te++; else brCount--;
6012  }
6013  te++;
6014  }
6015  }
6016  name = type.mid(i,l);
6017  if (te>ts)
6018  {
6019  templSpec = type.mid(ts,te-ts),tl+=te-ts;
6020  pos=i+l+tl;
6021  }
6022  else // no template part
6023  {
6024  pos=i+l;
6025  }
6026  //printf("extractClassNameFromType([in] type=%s,[out] pos=%d,[out] name=%s,[out] templ=%s)=TRUE\n",
6027  //,pos,,;
6028  return i;
6029  }
6030  }
6031  pos = typeLen;
6032  //printf("extractClassNameFromType([in] type=%s,[out] pos=%d,[out] name=%s,[out] templ=%s)=FALSE\n",
6033  //,pos,,;
6034  return -1;
6035 }
bool resize(uint newlen)
Definition: qcstring.h:225
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
int match(const QCString &str, int index=0, int *len=0, bool indexIsStart=TRUE) const
Definition: qregexp.cpp:649
QCString lower() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:263
QCString extractDirection ( QCString docs)

Definition at line 8342 of file util.cpp.

8343 {
8344  QRegExp re("\\[[^\\]]+\\]"); // [...]
8345  int l=0;
8346  if (re.match(docs,0,&l)==0)
8347  {
8348  int inPos = docs.find("in", 1,FALSE);
8349  int outPos = docs.find("out",1,FALSE);
8350  bool input = inPos!=-1 && inPos<l;
8351  bool output = outPos!=-1 && outPos<l;
8352  if (input || output) // in,out attributes
8353  {
8354  docs = docs.mid(l); // strip attributes
8355  if (input && output) return "[in,out]";
8356  else if (input) return "[in]";
8357  else if (output) return "[out]";
8358  }
8359  }
8360  return QCString();
8361 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
static int input(void)
Definition: code.cpp:15695
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
void extractNamespaceName ( const QCString scopeName,
QCString className,
QCString namespaceName,
bool  allowEmptyClass 

Input is a scopeName, output is the scopename split into a namespace part (as large as possible) and a classname part.

Definition at line 5478 of file util.cpp.

5481 {
5482  int i,p;
5483  QCString clName=scopeName;
5484  NamespaceDef *nd = 0;
5485  if (!clName.isEmpty() && (nd=getResolvedNamespace(clName)) && getClass(clName)==0)
5486  { // the whole name is a namespace (and not a class)
5487  namespaceName=nd->name().copy();
5488  className.resize(0);
5489  goto done;
5490  }
5491  p=clName.length()-2;
5492  while (p>=0 && (i=clName.findRev("::",p))!=-1)
5493  // see if the first part is a namespace (and not a class)
5494  {
5495  //printf("Trying %s\n",clName.left(i).data());
5496  if (i>0 && (nd=getResolvedNamespace(clName.left(i))) && getClass(clName.left(i))==0)
5497  {
5498  //printf("found!\n");
5499  namespaceName=nd->name().copy();
5500  className=clName.right(clName.length()-i-2);
5501  goto done;
5502  }
5503  p=i-2; // try a smaller piece of the scope
5504  }
5505  //printf("not found!\n");
5507  // not found, so we just have to guess.
5508  className=scopeName.copy();
5509  namespaceName.resize(0);
5511 done:
5512  if (className.isEmpty() && !namespaceName.isEmpty() && !allowEmptyClass)
5513  {
5514  // class and namespace with the same name, correct to return the class.
5515  className=namespaceName.copy();
5516  namespaceName.resize(0);
5517  }
5518  //printf("extractNamespace `%s' => `%s|%s'\n",,
5519  //,;
5520  if (/*className.right(2)=="-g" ||*/ className.right(2)=="-p")
5521  {
5522  className = className.left(className.length()-2);
5523  }
5524  return;
5525 }
bool resize(uint newlen)
Definition: qcstring.h:225
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QCString copy() const
Definition: qcstring.h:250
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
NamespaceDef * getResolvedNamespace(const char *name)
Definition: util.cpp:489
QCString fileToString ( const char *  name,
bool  filter,
bool  isSourceCode 

reads a file with name name and returns it as a string. If filter is TRUE the file will be filtered by any user specified input filter. If name is "-" the string will be read from standard input.

Definition at line 2418 of file util.cpp.

2419 {
2420  if (name==0 || name[0]==0) return 0;
2421  QFile f;
2423  bool fileOpened=FALSE;
2424  if (name[0]=='-' && name[1]==0) // read from stdin
2425  {
2427  if (fileOpened)
2428  {
2429  const int bSize=4096;
2430  QCString contents(bSize);
2431  int totalSize=0;
2432  int size;
2433  while ((size=f.readBlock(contents.rawData()+totalSize,bSize))==bSize)
2434  {
2435  totalSize+=bSize;
2436  contents.resize(totalSize+bSize);
2437  }
2438  totalSize = filterCRLF(contents.rawData(),totalSize+size)+2;
2439  contents.resize(totalSize);
2440'\n'; // to help the scanner
2442  return contents;
2443  }
2444  }
2445  else // read from file
2446  {
2447  QFileInfo fi(name);
2448  if (!fi.exists() || !fi.isFile())
2449  {
2450  err("file `%s' not found\n",name);
2451  return "";
2452  }
2453  BufStr buf(fi.size());
2454  fileOpened=readInputFile(name,buf,filter,isSourceCode);
2455  if (fileOpened)
2456  {
2457  int s = buf.size();
2458  if (s>1 &&!='\n')
2459  {
2461  buf.addChar(0);
2462  }
2463  return;
2464  }
2465  }
2466  if (!fileOpened)
2467  {
2468  err("cannot open file `%s' for reading\n",name);
2469  }
2470  return "";
2471 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
bool readInputFile(const char *fileName, BufStr &inBuf, bool filter, bool isSourceCode)
read a file name fileName and optionally filter and transcode it
Definition: util.cpp:7673
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int readBlock(char *data, uint len)
Definition: qfile_unix.cpp:473
#define IO_ReadOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:61
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
bool open(int)
Definition: qfile_unix.cpp:134
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
Buffer used to store strings.
Definition: bufstr.h:30
The QFile class is an I/O device that operates on files.
Definition: qfile.h:50
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
UWORD32 buf[4]
Definition: md5.h:42
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
int filterCRLF(char *buf, int len)
Definition: util.cpp:2284
bool fileVisibleInIndex ( FileDef fd,
bool genSourceFile 

Definition at line 8177 of file util.cpp.

8178 {
8179  static bool allExternals = Config_getBool("ALLEXTERNALS");
8180  bool isDocFile = fd->isDocumentationFile();
8181  genSourceFile = !isDocFile && fd->generateSourceFile();
8182  return ( ((allExternals && fd->isLinkable()) ||
8183  fd->isLinkableInProject()
8184  ) &&
8185  !isDocFile
8186  );
8187 }
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: filedef.h:117
bool generateSourceFile() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1396
bool isLinkableInProject() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1877
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
bool isDocumentationFile() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1728
int filterCRLF ( char *  buf,
int  len 

takes the buf of the given length len and converts CR LF (DOS) or CR (MAC) line ending to LF (Unix). Returns the length of the converted content (i.e. the same as len (Unix, MAC) or smaller (DOS).

Definition at line 2284 of file util.cpp.

2285 {
2286  int src = 0; // source index
2287  int dest = 0; // destination index
2288  char c; // current character
2290  while (src<len)
2291  {
2292  c = buf[src++]; // Remember the processed character.
2293  if (c == '\r') // CR to be solved (MAC, DOS)
2294  {
2295  c = '\n'; // each CR to LF
2296  if (src<len && buf[src] == '\n')
2297  ++src; // skip LF just after CR (DOS)
2298  }
2299  else if ( c == '\0' && src<len-1) // filter out internal \0 characters, as it will confuse the parser
2300  {
2301  c = ' '; // turn into a space
2302  }
2303  buf[dest++] = c; // copy the (modified) character to dest
2304  }
2305  return dest; // length of the valid part of the buf
2306 }
UWORD32 buf[4]
Definition: md5.h:42
void filterLatexString ( FTextStream t,
const char *  str,
bool  insideTabbing = FALSE,
bool  insidePre = FALSE,
bool  insideItem = FALSE,
bool  keepSpaces = FALSE 

Definition at line 6533 of file util.cpp.

6535 {
6536  if (str==0) return;
6537  //if (strlen(str)<2) stackTrace();
6538  const unsigned char *p=(const unsigned char *)str;
6539  const unsigned char *q;
6540  int cnt;
6541  unsigned char c;
6542  unsigned char pc='\0';
6543  while (*p)
6544  {
6545  c=*p++;
6547  if (insidePre)
6548  {
6549  switch(c)
6550  {
6551  case '\\': t << "\\(\\backslash\\)"; break;
6552  case '{': t << "\\{"; break;
6553  case '}': t << "\\}"; break;
6554  case '_': t << "\\_"; break;
6555  case ' ': if (keepSpaces) t << "~"; else t << ' ';
6556  break;
6557  default:
6558  t << (char)c;
6559  break;
6560  }
6561  }
6562  else
6563  {
6564  switch(c)
6565  {
6566  case '#': t << "\\#"; break;
6567  case '$': t << "\\$"; break;
6568  case '%': t << "\\%"; break;
6569  case '^': t << "$^\\wedge$"; break;
6570  case '&': // possibility to have a special symbol
6571  q = p;
6572  cnt = 2; // we have to count & and ; as well
6573  while ((*q >= 'a' && *q <= 'z') || (*q >= 'A' && *q <= 'Z') || (*q >= '0' && *q <= '9'))
6574  {
6575  cnt++;
6576  q++;
6577  }
6578  if (*q == ';')
6579  {
6580  --p; // we need & as well
6582  if (res == DocSymbol::Sym_Unknown)
6583  {
6584  p++;
6585  t << "\\&";
6586  }
6587  else
6588  {
6589  t << HtmlEntityMapper::instance()->latex(res);
6590  q++;
6591  p = q;
6592  }
6593  }
6594  else
6595  {
6596  t << "\\&";
6597  }
6598  break;
6599  case '*': t << "$\\ast$"; break;
6600  case '_': if (!insideTabbing) t << "\\+";
6601  t << "\\_";
6602  if (!insideTabbing) t << "\\+";
6603  break;
6604  case '{': t << "\\{"; break;
6605  case '}': t << "\\}"; break;
6606  case '<': t << "$<$"; break;
6607  case '>': t << "$>$"; break;
6608  case '|': t << "$\\vert$"; break;
6609  case '~': t << "$\\sim$"; break;
6610  case '[': if (Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS") || insideItem)
6611  t << "\\mbox{[}";
6612  else
6613  t << "[";
6614  break;
6615  case ']': if (pc=='[') t << "$\\,$";
6616  if (Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS") || insideItem)
6617  t << "\\mbox{]}";
6618  else
6619  t << "]";
6620  break;
6621  case '-': t << "-\\/";
6622  break;
6623  case '\\': t << "\\textbackslash{}";
6624  break;
6625  case '"': t << "\\char`\\\"{}";
6626  break;
6627  case '\'': t << "\\textquotesingle{}";
6628  break;
6629  case ' ': if (keepSpaces) { if (insideTabbing) t << "\\>"; else t << '~'; } else t << ' ';
6630  break;
6632  default:
6633  //if (!insideTabbing && forceBreaks && c!=' ' && *p!=' ')
6634  if (!insideTabbing &&
6635  ((c>='A' && c<='Z' && pc!=' ' && pc!='\0' && *p) || (c==':' && pc!=':') || (pc=='.' && isId(c)))
6636  )
6637  {
6638  t << "\\+";
6639  }
6640  t << (char)c;
6641  }
6642  }
6643  pc = c;
6644  }
6645 }
DocSymbol::SymType name2sym(const QCString &symName) const
Give code of the requested HTML entity name.
Definition: htmlentity.cpp:471
static HtmlEntityMapper * instance()
Definition: htmlentity.cpp:341
const char * latex(DocSymbol::SymType symb) const
Access routine to the LaTeX code of the HTML entity.
Definition: htmlentity.cpp:426
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
bool isId(int c)
Definition: util.h:224
static bool insidePre
static QCString str
QCString filterTitle ( const QCString title)

Definition at line 7765 of file util.cpp.

7766 {
7767  QCString tf;
7768  static QRegExp re("%[A-Z_a-z]");
7769  int p=0,i,l;
7770  while ((i=re.match(title,p,&l))!=-1)
7771  {
7772  tf+=title.mid(p,i-p);
7773  tf+=title.mid(i+1,l-1); // skip %
7774  p=i+l;
7775  }
7776  tf+=title.right(title.length()-p);
7777  return tf;
7778 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
bool findAndRemoveWord ( QCString s,
const QCString word 

Definition at line 6848 of file util.cpp.

6849 {
6850  static QRegExp wordExp("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF]+");
6851  int p=0,i,l;
6852  while ((i=wordExp.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
6853  {
6854  if (s.mid(i,l)==word)
6855  {
6856  if (i>0 && isspace((uchar)
6857  i--,l++;
6858  else if (i+l<(int)s.length() && isspace(
6859  l++;
6860  s = s.left(i)+s.mid(i+l); // remove word + spacing
6861  return TRUE;
6862  }
6863  p=i+l;
6864  }
6865  return FALSE;
6866 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
unsigned char uchar
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
union ptb::content::word::word word
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
FileDef* findFileDef ( const FileNameDict fnDict,
const char *  n,
bool ambig 

Definition at line 4963 of file util.cpp.

4964 {
4965  ambig=FALSE;
4966  if (n==0) return 0;
4968  const int maxAddrSize = 20;
4969  char addr[maxAddrSize];
4970  qsnprintf(addr,maxAddrSize,"%p:",fnDict);
4971  QCString key = addr;
4972  key+=n;
4974  g_findFileDefCache.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
4975  FindFileCacheElem *cachedResult = g_findFileDefCache.find(key);
4976  //printf("key=%s cachedResult=%p\n",,cachedResult);
4977  if (cachedResult)
4978  {
4979  ambig = cachedResult->isAmbig;
4980  //printf("cached: fileDef=%p\n",cachedResult->fileDef);
4981  return cachedResult->fileDef;
4982  }
4983  else
4984  {
4985  cachedResult = new FindFileCacheElem(0,FALSE);
4986  }
4989  QCString path;
4990  int slashPos;
4991  FileName *fn;
4992  if (name.isEmpty()) goto exit;
4993  slashPos=QMAX(name.findRev('/'),name.findRev('\\'));
4994  if (slashPos!=-1)
4995  {
4996  path=name.left(slashPos+1);
4997  name=name.right(name.length()-slashPos-1);
4998  //printf("path=%s name=%s\n",,;
4999  }
5000  if (name.isEmpty()) goto exit;
5001  if ((fn=(*fnDict)[name]))
5002  {
5003  //printf("fn->count()=%d\n",fn->count());
5004  if (fn->count()==1)
5005  {
5006  FileDef *fd = fn->getFirst();
5007 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MACOSX__) // Windows or MacOSX
5008  bool isSamePath = fd->getPath().right(path.length()).lower()==path.lower();
5009 #else // Unix
5010  bool isSamePath = fd->getPath().right(path.length())==path;
5011 #endif
5012  if (path.isEmpty() || isSamePath)
5013  {
5014  cachedResult->fileDef = fd;
5015  g_findFileDefCache.insert(key,cachedResult);
5016  //printf("=1 ===> add to cache %p\n",fd);
5017  return fd;
5018  }
5019  }
5020  else // file name alone is ambiguous
5021  {
5022  int count=0;
5023  FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
5024  FileDef *fd;
5025  FileDef *lastMatch=0;
5026  QCString pathStripped = stripFromIncludePath(path);
5027  for (fni.toFirst();(fd=fni.current());++fni)
5028  {
5029  QCString fdStripPath = stripFromIncludePath(fd->getPath());
5030  if (path.isEmpty() || fdStripPath.right(pathStripped.length())==pathStripped)
5031  {
5032  count++;
5033  lastMatch=fd;
5034  }
5035  }
5036  //printf(">1 ===> add to cache %p\n",fd);
5038  ambig=(count>1);
5039  cachedResult->isAmbig = ambig;
5040  cachedResult->fileDef = lastMatch;
5041  g_findFileDefCache.insert(key,cachedResult);
5042  return lastMatch;
5043  }
5044  }
5045  else
5046  {
5047  //printf("not found!\n");
5048  }
5049 exit:
5050  //printf("0 ===> add to cache %p: %s\n",cachedResult,n);
5051  g_findFileDefCache.insert(key,cachedResult);
5052  //delete cachedResult;
5053  return 0;
5054 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QString cleanDirPath(const QString &dirPath)
Definition: qdir.cpp:1077
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
#define qsnprintf
Definition: qcstring.h:73
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
uint count() const
Definition: qlist.h:66
QAsciiDict< Entry > fn
FileDef * fileDef
Definition: util.cpp:4957
#define QMAX(a, b)
Definition: qglobal.h:390
def key(type, name=None)
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::void_t< T > n
type * getFirst() const
Definition: qlist.h:95
static QCache< FindFileCacheElem > g_findFileDefCache(5000)
QCString getPath() const
Definition: filedef.h:110
QCString lower() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:263
QCString utf8() const
Definition: qstring.cpp:14507
QCString stripFromIncludePath(const QCString &path)
Definition: util.cpp:306
constexpr std::enable_if_t< are_cv_compatible< TO, FROM >::value, std::add_pointer_t< std::remove_pointer_t< TO > > > addr(FROM &from)
Definition: ensurePointer.h:35
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
void generateFileRef ( OutputDocInterface od,
const char *  ,
const char *  linkTxt = 0 

Definition at line 4908 of file util.cpp.

4909 {
4910  //printf("generateFileRef(%s,%s)\n",name,text);
4911  QCString linkText = text ? text : name;
4912  //FileInfo *fi;
4913  FileDef *fd;
4914  bool ambig;
4915  if ((fd=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameDict,name,ambig)) &&
4916  fd->isLinkable())
4917  // link to documented input file
4918  od.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,linkText);
4919  else
4920  od.docify(linkText);
4921 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
virtual QCString getReference() const
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: filedef.h:117
static FileNameDict * inputNameDict
Definition: doxygen.h:108
virtual void docify(const char *s)=0
FileDef * findFileDef(const FileNameDict *fnDict, const char *n, bool &ambig)
Definition: util.cpp:4963
virtual void writeObjectLink(const char *ref, const char *file, const char *anchor, const char *name)=0
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
Definition: filedef.h:83
bool generateLink ( OutputDocInterface od,
const char *  ,
const char *  ,
bool  inSeeBlock,
const char *   

Definition at line 4866 of file util.cpp.

4868 {
4869  //printf("generateLink(clName=%s,lr=%s,lr=%s)\n",clName,lr,lt);
4870  Definition *compound;
4871  //PageDef *pageDef=0;
4872  QCString anchor,linkText=linkToText(SrcLangExt_Unknown,lt,FALSE);
4873  //printf("generateLink linkText=%s\n",;
4874  if (resolveLink(clName,lr,inSeeBlock,&compound,anchor))
4875  {
4876  if (compound) // link to compound
4877  {
4878  if (lt==0 && anchor.isEmpty() && /* compound link */
4879  compound->definitionType()==Definition::TypeGroup /* is group */
4880  )
4881  {
4882  linkText=((GroupDef *)compound)->groupTitle(); // use group's title as link
4883  }
4884  else if (compound->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile)
4885  {
4886  linkText=linkToText(compound->getLanguage(),lt,TRUE);
4887  }
4888  od.writeObjectLink(compound->getReference(),
4889  compound->getOutputFileBase(),anchor,linkText);
4890  if (!compound->isReference())
4891  {
4892  writePageRef(od,compound->getOutputFileBase(),anchor);
4893  }
4894  }
4895  else
4896  {
4897  err("%s:%d: Internal error: resolveLink successful but no compound found!",__FILE__,__LINE__);
4898  }
4899  return TRUE;
4900  }
4901  else // link could not be found
4902  {
4903  od.docify(linkText);
4904  return FALSE;
4905  }
4906 }
virtual QCString getReference() const
bool resolveLink(const char *scName, const char *lr, bool, Definition **resContext, QCString &resAnchor)
Definition: util.cpp:4753
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
void writePageRef(OutputDocInterface &od, const char *cn, const char *mn)
Definition: util.cpp:247
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
virtual bool isReference() const
virtual QCString getOutputFileBase() const =0
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
QCString linkToText(SrcLangExt lang, const char *link, bool isFileName)
Definition: util.cpp:4659
SrcLangExt getLanguage() const
virtual void docify(const char *s)=0
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
virtual void writeObjectLink(const char *ref, const char *file, const char *anchor, const char *name)=0
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString generateMarker ( int  id)

Generate a place holder for a position in a list. Used for translators to be able to specify different elements orders depending on whether text flows from left to right or visa versa.

Definition at line 266 of file util.cpp.

267 {
268  const int maxMarkerStrLen = 20;
269  char result[maxMarkerStrLen];
270  qsnprintf(result,maxMarkerStrLen,"@%d",id);
271  return result;
272 }
static QCString result
#define qsnprintf
Definition: qcstring.h:73
QCString getCanonicalTemplateSpec ( Definition d,
FileDef fs,
const QCString spec 

Definition at line 3335 of file util.cpp.

3336 {
3338  QCString templSpec = spec.stripWhiteSpace();
3339  // this part had been commented out before... but it is needed to match for instance
3340  // std::list<std::string> against list<string> so it is now back again!
3341  if (!templSpec.isEmpty() && == '<')
3342  {
3343  templSpec = "< " + extractCanonicalType(d,fs,templSpec.right(templSpec.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace());
3344  }
3345  QCString resolvedType = resolveTypeDef(d,templSpec);
3346  if (!resolvedType.isEmpty()) // not known as a typedef either
3347  {
3348  templSpec = resolvedType;
3349  }
3350  //printf("getCanonicalTemplateSpec(%s)=%s\n",,;
3351  return templSpec;
3352 }
QCString stripWhiteSpace() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:295
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString resolveTypeDef(Definition *context, const QCString &qualifiedName, Definition **typedefContext)
Definition: util.cpp:346
static QCString extractCanonicalType(Definition *d, FileDef *fs, QCString type)
Definition: util.cpp:3492
ClassDef* getClass ( const char *  n)

Get a class definition given its name. Returns 0 if the class is not found.

Definition at line 472 of file util.cpp.

473 {
474  if (n==0 || n[0]=='\0') return 0;
475  QCString name=n;
477  //if (result==0 && !exact) // also try generic and protocol versions
478  //{
479  // result = Doxygen::classSDict->find(name+"-g");
480  // if (result==0)
481  // {
482  // result = Doxygen::classSDict->find(name+"-p");
483  // }
484  //}
485  //printf("getClass(%s)=%s\n",n,result?result->name().data():"<none>");
486  return result;
487 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
std::void_t< T > n
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
static ClassSDict * classSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:99
bool getDefs ( const QCString scName,
const QCString mbName,
const char *  args,
MemberDef *&  md,
ClassDef *&  cd,
FileDef *&  fd,
NamespaceDef *&  nd,
GroupDef *&  gd,
bool  forceEmptyScope,
FileDef currentFile,
bool  checkCV,
const char *  forceTagFile 

Searches for a member definition given its name `memberName' as a string. memberName may also include a (partial) scope to indicate the scope in which the member is located.

The parameter `scName' is a string representing the name of the scope in which the link was found.

In case of a function args contains a string representation of the argument list. Passing 0 means the member has no arguments. Passing "()" means any argument list will do, but "()" is preferred.

The function returns TRUE if the member is known and documented or FALSE if it is not. If TRUE is returned parameter `md' contains a pointer to the member definition. Furthermore exactly one of the parameter `cd', `nd', or `fd' will be non-zero:

  • if `cd' is non zero, the member was found in a class pointed to by cd.
  • if `nd' is non zero, the member was found in a namespace pointed to by nd.
  • if `fd' is non zero, the member was found in the global namespace of file fd.

Definition at line 3932 of file util.cpp.

3945 {
3946  fd=0, md=0, cd=0, nd=0, gd=0;
3947  if (mbName.isEmpty()) return FALSE; /* empty name => nothing to link */
3949  QCString scopeName=scName;
3950  QCString memberName=mbName;
3951  scopeName = substitute(scopeName,"\\","::"); // for PHP
3952  memberName = substitute(memberName,"\\","::"); // for PHP
3953  //printf("Search for name=%s args=%s in scope=%s forceEmpty=%d\n",
3954  //,args,,forceEmptyScope);
3956  int is,im=0,pm=0;
3957  // strip common part of the scope from the scopeName
3958  while ((is=scopeName.findRev("::"))!=-1 &&
3959  (im=memberName.find("::",pm))!=-1 &&
3960  (scopeName.right(scopeName.length()-is-2)==memberName.mid(pm,im-pm))
3961  )
3962  {
3963  scopeName=scopeName.left(is);
3964  pm=im+2;
3965  }
3966  //printf("result after scope corrections scope=%s name=%s\n",
3967  //,;
3969  QCString mName=memberName;
3970  QCString mScope;
3971  if (memberName.left(9)!="operator " && // treat operator conversion methods
3972  // as a special case
3973  (im=memberName.findRev("::"))!=-1 &&
3974  im<(int)memberName.length()-2 // not A::
3975  )
3976  {
3977  mScope=memberName.left(im);
3978  mName=memberName.right(memberName.length()-im-2);
3979  }
3981  // handle special the case where both scope name and member scope are equal
3982  if (mScope==scopeName) scopeName.resize(0);
3984  //printf("mScope=`%s' mName=`%s'\n",,;
3987  //printf("mName=%s mn=%p\n",,mn);
3989  if ((!forceEmptyScope || scopeName.isEmpty()) && // this was changed for bug638856, forceEmptyScope => empty scopeName
3990  mn && !(scopeName.isEmpty() && mScope.isEmpty()))
3991  {
3992  //printf(" >member name '%s' found\n",;
3993  int scopeOffset=scopeName.length();
3994  do
3995  {
3996  QCString className = scopeName.left(scopeOffset);
3997  if (!className.isEmpty() && !mScope.isEmpty())
3998  {
3999  className+="::"+mScope;
4000  }
4001  else if (!mScope.isEmpty())
4002  {
4003  className=mScope;
4004  }
4006  MemberDef *tmd=0;
4007  ClassDef *fcd=getResolvedClass(Doxygen::globalScope,0,className,&tmd);
4008  if (fcd==0 && className.find('<')!=-1) // try without template specifiers as well
4009  {
4010  QCString nameWithoutTemplates = stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(className,FALSE);
4011  fcd=getResolvedClass(Doxygen::globalScope,0,nameWithoutTemplates,&tmd);
4012  }
4013  //printf("Trying class scope %s: fcd=%p tmd=%p\n",,fcd,tmd);
4014  // todo: fill in correct fileScope!
4015  if (fcd && // is it a documented class
4016  fcd->isLinkable()
4017  )
4018  {
4019  //printf(" Found fcd=%p\n",fcd);
4020  MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
4021  MemberDef *mmd;
4022  int mdist=maxInheritanceDepth;
4023  ArgumentList *argList=0;
4024  if (args)
4025  {
4026  argList=new ArgumentList;
4027  stringToArgumentList(args,argList);
4028  }
4029  for (mmli.toFirst();(mmd=mmli.current());++mmli)
4030  {
4031  if (!mmd->isStrongEnumValue())
4032  {
4033  ArgumentList *mmdAl = mmd->argumentList();
4034  bool match=args==0 ||
4035  matchArguments2(mmd->getOuterScope(),mmd->getFileDef(),mmdAl,
4036  fcd,fcd->getFileDef(),argList,
4037  checkCV
4038  );
4039  //printf("match=%d\n",match);
4040  if (match)
4041  {
4042  ClassDef *mcd=mmd->getClassDef();
4043  if (mcd)
4044  {
4045  int m=minClassDistance(fcd,mcd);
4046  if (m<mdist && mcd->isLinkable())
4047  {
4048  mdist=m;
4049  cd=mcd;
4050  md=mmd;
4051  }
4052  }
4053  }
4054  }
4055  }
4056  if (argList)
4057  {
4058  delete argList; argList=0;
4059  }
4060  if (mdist==maxInheritanceDepth && args && qstrcmp(args,"()")==0)
4061  // no exact match found, but if args="()" an arbitrary member will do
4062  {
4063  //printf(" >Searching for arbitrary member\n");
4064  for (mmli.toFirst();(mmd=mmli.current());++mmli)
4065  {
4066  //if (mmd->isLinkable())
4067  //{
4068  ClassDef *mcd=mmd->getClassDef();
4069  //printf(" >Class %s found\n",mcd->name().data());
4070  if (mcd)
4071  {
4072  int m=minClassDistance(fcd,mcd);
4073  if (m<mdist /* && mcd->isLinkable()*/ )
4074  {
4075  //printf("Class distance %d\n",m);
4076  mdist=m;
4077  cd=mcd;
4078  md=mmd;
4079  }
4080  }
4081  //}
4082  }
4083  }
4084  //printf(" >Succes=%d\n",mdist<maxInheritanceDepth);
4085  if (mdist<maxInheritanceDepth)
4086  {
4087  if (!md->isLinkable() || md->isStrongEnumValue())
4088  {
4089  md=0; // avoid returning things we cannot link to
4090  cd=0;
4091  return FALSE; // match found, but was not linkable
4092  }
4093  else
4094  {
4095  gd=md->getGroupDef();
4096  if (gd) cd=0;
4097  return TRUE; /* found match */
4098  }
4099  }
4100  }
4101  if (tmd && tmd->isEnumerate() && tmd->isStrong()) // scoped enum
4102  {
4103  //printf("Found scoped enum!\n");
4104  MemberList *tml = tmd->enumFieldList();
4105  if (tml)
4106  {
4107  MemberListIterator tmi(*tml);
4108  MemberDef *emd;
4109  for (;(emd=tmi.current());++tmi)
4110  {
4111  if (emd->localName()==mName)
4112  {
4113  if (emd->isLinkable())
4114  {
4115  cd=tmd->getClassDef();
4116  md=emd;
4117  return TRUE;
4118  }
4119  else
4120  {
4121  cd=0;
4122  md=0;
4123  return FALSE;
4124  }
4125  }
4126  }
4127  }
4128  }
4129  /* go to the parent scope */
4130  if (scopeOffset==0)
4131  {
4132  scopeOffset=-1;
4133  }
4134  else if ((scopeOffset=scopeName.findRev("::",scopeOffset-1))==-1)
4135  {
4136  scopeOffset=0;
4137  }
4138  } while (scopeOffset>=0);
4140  }
4141  if (mn && scopeName.isEmpty() && mScope.isEmpty()) // Maybe a related function?
4142  {
4143  //printf("Global symbol\n");
4144  MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
4145  MemberDef *mmd, *fuzzy_mmd = 0;
4146  ArgumentList *argList = 0;
4147  bool hasEmptyArgs = args && qstrcmp(args, "()") == 0;
4149  if (args)
4150  stringToArgumentList(args, argList = new ArgumentList);
4152  for (mmli.toFirst(); (mmd = mmli.current()); ++mmli)
4153  {
4154  if (!mmd->isLinkable() || (!mmd->isRelated() && !mmd->isForeign()) ||
4155  !mmd->getClassDef())
4156  continue;
4158  if (!args) break;
4160  ArgumentList *mmdAl = mmd->argumentList();
4161  if (matchArguments2(mmd->getOuterScope(),mmd->getFileDef(),mmdAl,
4162  Doxygen::globalScope,mmd->getFileDef(),argList,
4163  checkCV
4164  )
4165  ) break;
4167  if (!fuzzy_mmd && hasEmptyArgs)
4168  fuzzy_mmd = mmd;
4169  }
4171  if (argList) delete argList, argList = 0;
4173  mmd = mmd ? mmd : fuzzy_mmd;
4175  if (mmd && !mmd->isStrongEnumValue())
4176  {
4177  md = mmd;
4178  cd = mmd->getClassDef();
4179  return TRUE;
4180  }
4181  }
4184  // maybe an namespace, file or group member ?
4185  //printf("Testing for global symbol scopeName=`%s' mScope=`%s' :: mName=`%s'\n",
4186  //,,;
4187  if ((mn=Doxygen::functionNameSDict->find(mName))) // name is known
4188  {
4189  //printf(" >symbol name found\n");
4190  NamespaceDef *fnd=0;
4191  int scopeOffset=scopeName.length();
4192  do
4193  {
4194  QCString namespaceName = scopeName.left(scopeOffset);
4195  if (!namespaceName.isEmpty() && !mScope.isEmpty())
4196  {
4197  namespaceName+="::"+mScope;
4198  }
4199  else if (!mScope.isEmpty())
4200  {
4201  namespaceName=mScope.copy();
4202  }
4203  //printf("Trying namespace %s\n",;
4204  if (!namespaceName.isEmpty() &&
4205  (fnd=Doxygen::namespaceSDict->find(namespaceName)) &&
4206  fnd->isLinkable()
4207  )
4208  {
4209  //printf("Symbol inside existing namespace `%s' count=%d\n",
4210  //,mn->count());
4211  bool found=FALSE;
4212  MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
4213  MemberDef *mmd;
4214  for (mmli.toFirst();((mmd=mmli.current()) && !found);++mmli)
4215  {
4216  //printf("mmd->getNamespaceDef()=%p fnd=%p\n",
4217  // mmd->getNamespaceDef(),fnd);
4218  MemberDef *emd = mmd->getEnumScope();
4219  if (emd && emd->isStrong())
4220  {
4221  //printf("yes match %s<->%s!\n",,emd->localName().data());
4222  if (emd->getNamespaceDef()==fnd &&
4223  rightScopeMatch(mScope,emd->localName()))
4224  {
4225  //printf("found it!\n");
4226  nd=fnd;
4227  md=mmd;
4228  found=TRUE;
4229  }
4230  else
4231  {
4232  md=0;
4233  cd=0;
4234  return FALSE;
4235  }
4236  }
4237  else if (mmd->getNamespaceDef()==fnd /* && mmd->isLinkable() */ )
4238  { // namespace is found
4239  bool match=TRUE;
4240  ArgumentList *argList=0;
4241  if (args && qstrcmp(args,"()")!=0)
4242  {
4243  argList=new ArgumentList;
4244  ArgumentList *mmdAl = mmd->argumentList();
4245  stringToArgumentList(args,argList);
4246  match=matchArguments2(
4247  mmd->getOuterScope(),mmd->getFileDef(),mmdAl,
4248  fnd,mmd->getFileDef(),argList,
4249  checkCV);
4250  }
4251  if (match)
4252  {
4253  nd=fnd;
4254  md=mmd;
4255  found=TRUE;
4256  }
4257  if (args)
4258  {
4259  delete argList; argList=0;
4260  }
4261  }
4262  }
4263  if (!found && args && !qstrcmp(args,"()"))
4264  // no exact match found, but if args="()" an arbitrary
4265  // member will do
4266  {
4267  for (mmli.toFirst();((mmd=mmli.current()) && !found);++mmli)
4268  {
4269  if (mmd->getNamespaceDef()==fnd /*&& mmd->isLinkable() */ )
4270  {
4271  nd=fnd;
4272  md=mmd;
4273  found=TRUE;
4274  }
4275  }
4276  }
4277  if (found)
4278  {
4279  if (!md->isLinkable())
4280  {
4281  md=0; // avoid returning things we cannot link to
4282  nd=0;
4283  return FALSE; // match found but not linkable
4284  }
4285  else
4286  {
4287  gd=md->getGroupDef();
4288  if (gd && gd->isLinkable()) nd=0; else gd=0;
4289  return TRUE;
4290  }
4291  }
4292  }
4293  else
4294  {
4295  //printf("not a namespace\n");
4296  bool found=FALSE;
4297  MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
4298  MemberDef *mmd;
4299  for (mmli.toFirst();(mmd=mmli.current());++mmli)
4300  {
4301  MemberDef *tmd = mmd->getEnumScope();
4302  //printf("try member %s tmd=%s\n",mmd->name().data(),tmd?tmd->name().data():"<none>");
4303  int ni=namespaceName.findRev("::");
4304  //printf("namespaceName=%s ni=%d\n",,ni);
4305  bool notInNS = tmd && ni==-1 && tmd->getNamespaceDef()==0 && (mScope.isEmpty() || mScope==tmd->name());
4306  bool sameNS = tmd && tmd->getNamespaceDef() && namespaceName.left(ni)==tmd->getNamespaceDef()->name();
4307  //printf("notInNS=%d sameNS=%d\n",notInNS,sameNS);
4308  if (tmd && tmd->isStrong() && // C++11 enum class
4309  (notInNS || sameNS) &&
4310  namespaceName.length()>0 // enum is part of namespace so this should not be empty
4311  )
4312  {
4313  md=mmd;
4314  fd=mmd->getFileDef();
4315  gd=mmd->getGroupDef();
4316  if (gd && gd->isLinkable()) fd=0; else gd=0;
4317  //printf("Found scoped enum %s fd=%p gd=%p\n",
4318  // mmd->name().data(),fd,gd);
4319  return TRUE;
4320  }
4321  }
4322  }
4323  if (scopeOffset==0)
4324  {
4325  scopeOffset=-1;
4326  }
4327  else if ((scopeOffset=scopeName.findRev("::",scopeOffset-1))==-1)
4328  {
4329  scopeOffset=0;
4330  }
4331  } while (scopeOffset>=0);
4333  //else // no scope => global function
4334  {
4335  QList<MemberDef> members;
4336  // search for matches with strict static checking
4337  findMembersWithSpecificName(mn,args,TRUE,currentFile,checkCV,forceTagFile,members);
4338  if (members.count()==0) // nothing found
4339  {
4340  // search again without strict static checking
4341  findMembersWithSpecificName(mn,args,FALSE,currentFile,checkCV,forceTagFile,members);
4342  }
4343  //printf("found %d members\n",members.count());
4344  if (members.count()!=1 && args && !qstrcmp(args,"()"))
4345  {
4346  // no exact match found, but if args="()" an arbitrary
4347  // member will do
4348  MemberListIterator mni(*mn);
4349  for (mni.toLast();(md=mni.current());--mni)
4350  {
4351  //printf("Found member `%s'\n",md->name().data());
4352  //printf("member is linkable md->name()=`%s'\n",md->name().data());
4353  fd=md->getFileDef();
4354  gd=md->getGroupDef();
4355  MemberDef *tmd = md->getEnumScope();
4356  if (
4357  (gd && gd->isLinkable()) || (fd && fd->isLinkable()) ||
4358  (tmd && tmd->isStrong())
4359  )
4360  {
4361  members.append(md);
4362  }
4363  }
4364  }
4365  //printf("found %d candidate members\n",members.count());
4366  if (members.count()>0) // at least one match
4367  {
4368  if (currentFile)
4369  {
4370  //printf("multiple results; pick one from file:%s\n", currentFile->name().data());
4371  QListIterator<MemberDef> mit(members);
4372  for (mit.toFirst();(md=mit.current());++mit)
4373  {
4374  if (md->getFileDef() && md->getFileDef()->name() == currentFile->name())
4375  {
4376  break; // found match in the current file
4377  }
4378  }
4379  if (!md) // member not in the current file
4380  {
4381  md=members.getLast();
4382  }
4383  }
4384  else
4385  {
4386  md=members.getLast();
4387  }
4388  }
4389  if (md && (md->getEnumScope()==0 || !md->getEnumScope()->isStrong()))
4390  // found a matching global member, that is not a scoped enum value (or uniquely matches)
4391  {
4392  fd=md->getFileDef();
4393  gd=md->getGroupDef();
4394  //printf("fd=%p gd=%p gd->isLinkable()=%d\n",fd,gd,gd->isLinkable());
4395  if (gd && gd->isLinkable()) fd=0; else gd=0;
4396  return TRUE;
4397  }
4398  }
4399  }
4401  // no nothing found
4402  return FALSE;
4403 }
bool resize(uint newlen)
Definition: qcstring.h:225
static MemberNameSDict * functionNameSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:116
FileDef * getFileDef() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4429
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: groupdef.cpp:1645
This class represents an function or template argument list.
Definition: arguments.h:82
bool matchArguments2(Definition *srcScope, FileDef *srcFileScope, ArgumentList *srcAl, Definition *dstScope, FileDef *dstFileScope, ArgumentList *dstAl, bool checkCV)
Definition: util.cpp:3647
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: filedef.h:117
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
void append(const type *d)
Definition: qlist.h:73
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
MemberList * enumFieldList() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4497
static QCString className
Definition: declinfo.cpp:669
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static QCString args
Definition: declinfo.cpp:674
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QCString copy() const
Definition: qcstring.h:250
FileDef * getFileDef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4075
static NamespaceSDict * namespaceSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:120
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
bool rightScopeMatch(const QCString &scope, const QCString &name)
Definition: util.cpp:1893
QCString stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(const QCString &fullName, bool parentOnly, QCString *pLastScopeStripped)
Definition: util.cpp:6226
uint count() const
Definition: qlist.h:66
MemberDef * getEnumScope() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4487
type * getLast() const
Definition: qlist.h:96
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
QCString name() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1193
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
bool isForeign() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4200
void stringToArgumentList(const char *argsString, ArgumentList *al, QCString *extraTypeChars)
Definition: defargs.cpp:2922
bool isLinkable() const
static void findMembersWithSpecificName(MemberName *mn, const char *args, bool checkStatics, FileDef *currentFile, bool checkCV, const char *forceTagFile, QList< MemberDef > &members)
Definition: util.cpp:3863
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2729
bool isStrong() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4345
bool isStrongEnumValue() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4350
ClassDef * getClassDef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4070
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
GroupDef * getGroupDef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4095
ArgumentList * argumentList() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4512
static MemberNameSDict * memberNameSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:115
const int maxInheritanceDepth
Definition: util.cpp:148
NamespaceDef * getNamespaceDef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4080
bool isRelated() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4195
Q_EXPORT int qstrcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
Definition: qcstring.h:95
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
ClassDef * getResolvedClass(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n, MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, bool mayBeUnlinkable, bool mayBeHidden, QCString *pResolvedType)
Definition: util.cpp:1563
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1161
QCString localName() const
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
bool isEnumerate() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4145
int minClassDistance(const ClassDef *cd, const ClassDef *bcd, int level)
Definition: util.cpp:2527
QCString getDotImageExtension ( void  )

Definition at line 8562 of file util.cpp.

8563 {
8564  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
8565  imgExt = imgExt.replace( QRegExp(":.*"), "" );
8566  return imgExt;
8567 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
#define Config_getEnum(val)
Definition: config.cpp:663
QCString & replace(uint index, uint len, const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:411
QCString getFileFilter ( const char *  name,
bool  isSourceCode 

looks for a filter for the file name. Returns the name of the filter if there is a match for the file name, otherwise an empty string. In case inSourceCode is TRUE then first the source filter list is considered.

Definition at line 2345 of file util.cpp.

2346 {
2347  // sanity check
2348  if (name==0) return "";
2350  QStrList& filterSrcList = Config_getList("FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS");
2351  QStrList& filterList = Config_getList("FILTER_PATTERNS");
2353  QCString filterName;
2354  bool found=FALSE;
2355  if (isSourceCode && !filterSrcList.isEmpty())
2356  { // first look for source filter pattern list
2357  filterName = getFilterFromList(name,filterSrcList,found);
2358  }
2359  if (!found && filterName.isEmpty())
2360  { // then look for filter pattern list
2361  filterName = getFilterFromList(name,filterList,found);
2362  }
2363  if (!found)
2364  { // then use the generic input filter
2365  return Config_getString("INPUT_FILTER");
2366  }
2367  else
2368  {
2369  return filterName;
2370  }
2371 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
#define Config_getList(val)
Definition: config.cpp:662
static QCString getFilterFromList(const char *name, const QStrList &filterList, bool &found)
Definition: util.cpp:2308
#define Config_getString(val)
Definition: config.cpp:660
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qinternallist.h:57
SrcLangExt getLanguageFromFileName ( const QCString  fileName)

Definition at line 7061 of file util.cpp.

7062 {
7063  int i = fileName.findRev('.');
7064  if (i!=-1) // name has an extension
7065  {
7066  QCString extStr=fileName.right(fileName.length()-i).lower();
7067  if (!extStr.isEmpty()) // non-empty extension
7068  {
7069  int *pVal=g_extLookup.find(extStr);
7070  if (pVal) // listed extension
7071  {
7072  //printf("getLanguageFromFileName(%s)=%x\n",,*pVal);
7073  return (SrcLangExt)*pVal;
7074  }
7075  }
7076  }
7077  //printf("getLanguageFromFileName(%s) not found!\n",;
7078  return SrcLangExt_Cpp; // not listed => assume C-ish language.
7079 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
Definition: types.h:41
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
static QDict< int > g_extLookup
Definition: util.cpp:6933
QCString getLanguageSpecificSeparator ( SrcLangExt  lang,
bool  classScope 

Returns the scope separator to use given the programming language lang

Definition at line 8065 of file util.cpp.

8066 {
8067  if (lang==SrcLangExt_Java || lang==SrcLangExt_CSharp || lang==SrcLangExt_VHDL || lang==SrcLangExt_Python)
8068  {
8069  return ".";
8070  }
8071  else if (lang==SrcLangExt_PHP && !classScope)
8072  {
8073  return "\\";
8074  }
8075  else
8076  {
8077  return "::";
8078  }
8079 }
MemberDef* getMemberFromSymbol ( Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
const char *  n 

Definition at line 7083 of file util.cpp.

7085 {
7086  if (scope==0 ||
7089  )
7090  )
7091  {
7092  scope=Doxygen::globalScope;
7093  }
7095  QCString name = n;
7096  if (name.isEmpty())
7097  return 0; // no name was given
7099  DefinitionIntf *di = Doxygen::symbolMap->find(name);
7100  if (di==0)
7101  return 0; // could not find any matching symbols
7103  // mostly copied from getResolvedClassRec()
7104  QCString explicitScopePart;
7105  int qualifierIndex = computeQualifiedIndex(name);
7106  if (qualifierIndex!=-1)
7107  {
7108  explicitScopePart = name.left(qualifierIndex);
7109  replaceNamespaceAliases(explicitScopePart,explicitScopePart.length());
7110  name = name.mid(qualifierIndex+2);
7111  }
7112  //printf("explicitScopePart=%s\n",;
7114  int minDistance = 10000;
7115  MemberDef *bestMatch = 0;
7118  {
7119  //printf("multiple matches!\n");
7120  // find the closest closest matching definition
7122  Definition *d;
7123  for (dli.toFirst();(d=dli.current());++dli)
7124  {
7126  {
7127  g_visitedNamespaces.clear();
7128  int distance = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope,fileScope,d,explicitScopePart);
7129  if (distance!=-1 && distance<minDistance)
7130  {
7131  minDistance = distance;
7132  bestMatch = (MemberDef *)d;
7133  //printf("new best match %s distance=%d\n",bestMatch->qualifiedName().data(),distance);
7134  }
7135  }
7136  }
7137  }
7138  else if (di->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember)
7139  {
7140  //printf("unique match!\n");
7141  Definition *d = (Definition *)di;
7142  g_visitedNamespaces.clear();
7143  int distance = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope,fileScope,d,explicitScopePart);
7144  if (distance!=-1 && distance<minDistance)
7145  {
7146  minDistance = distance;
7147  bestMatch = (MemberDef *)d;
7148  //printf("new best match %s distance=%d\n",bestMatch->qualifiedName().data(),distance);
7149  }
7150  }
7151  return bestMatch;
7152 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QDict< Definition > g_visitedNamespaces
Definition: util.cpp:515
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
std::void_t< T > n
static QDict< DefinitionIntf > * symbolMap
Definition: doxygen.h:134
double distance(double x1, double y1, double z1, double x2, double y2, double z2)
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
int computeQualifiedIndex(const QCString &name)
Definition: util.cpp:1203
void replaceNamespaceAliases(QCString &scope, int i)
Definition: util.cpp:6804
int isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart)
Definition: util.cpp:1051
QCString getOverloadDocs ( )

Returns the standard string that is generated when the \overload command is used.

Definition at line 5859 of file util.cpp.

5860 {
5861  return theTranslator->trOverloadText();
5862  //"This is an overloaded member function, "
5863  // "provided for convenience. It differs from the above "
5864  // "function only in what argument(s) it accepts.";
5865 }
virtual QCString trOverloadText()=0
Translator * theTranslator
Definition: language.cpp:157
int getPrefixIndex ( const QCString name)

Returns the character index within name of the first prefix in Config_getList("IGNORE_PREFIX") that matches name at the left hand side, or zero if no match was found

Definition at line 5144 of file util.cpp.

5145 {
5146  if (name.isEmpty()) return 0;
5147  static QStrList &sl = Config_getList("IGNORE_PREFIX");
5148  char *s = sl.first();
5149  while (s)
5150  {
5151  const char *ps=s;
5152  const char *;
5153  int i=0;
5154  while (*ps!=0 && *pd!=0 && *ps==*pd) ps++,pd++,i++;
5155  if (*ps==0 && *pd!=0)
5156  {
5157  return i;
5158  }
5159  s =;
5160  }
5161  return 0;
5162 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
type * first()
Definition: qinternallist.h:87
#define Config_getList(val)
Definition: config.cpp:662
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
type * next()
Definition: qinternallist.h:89
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
ClassDef* getResolvedClass ( Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
const char *  key,
MemberDef **  pTypeDef = 0,
QCString pTemplSpec = 0,
bool  mayBeUnlinkable = FALSE,
bool  mayBeHidden = FALSE,
QCString pResolvedType = 0 

Definition at line 1563 of file util.cpp.

1572 {
1573  static bool optimizeOutputVhdl = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
1574  g_resolvedTypedefs.clear();
1575  if (scope==0 ||
1576  (scope->definitionType()!=Definition::TypeClass &&
1578  ) ||
1579  (scope->getLanguage()==SrcLangExt_Java && QCString(n).find("::")!=-1)
1580  )
1581  {
1582  scope=Doxygen::globalScope;
1583  }
1584  //printf("------------ getResolvedClass(scope=%s,file=%s,name=%s,mayUnlinkable=%d)\n",
1585  // scope?scope->name().data():"<global>",
1586  // fileScope?fileScope->name().data():"<none>",
1587  // n,
1588  // mayBeUnlinkable
1589  // );
1590  ClassDef *result;
1591  if (optimizeOutputVhdl)
1592  {
1593  result = getClass(n);
1594  }
1595  else
1596  {
1597  result = getResolvedClassRec(scope,fileScope,n,pTypeDef,pTemplSpec,pResolvedType);
1598  }
1599  if (result==0) // for nested classes imported via tag files, the scope may not
1600  // present, so we check the class name directly as well.
1601  // See also bug701314
1602  {
1603  result = getClass(n);
1604  }
1605  if (!mayBeUnlinkable && result && !result->isLinkable())
1606  {
1607  if (!mayBeHidden || !result->isHidden())
1608  {
1609  //printf("result was %s\n",result?result->name().data():"<none>");
1610  result=0; // don't link to artificial/hidden classes unless explicitly allowed
1611  }
1612  }
1613  //printf("getResolvedClass(%s,%s)=%s\n",scope?scope->name().data():"<global>",
1614  // n,result?result->name().data():"<none>");
1615  return result;
1616 }
static QCString result
static QDict< MemberDef > g_resolvedTypedefs
Definition: util.cpp:514
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
static ClassDef * getResolvedClassRec(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n, MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, QCString *pResolvedType)
Definition: util.cpp:1374
SrcLangExt getLanguage() const
std::void_t< T > n
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2729
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
bool isHidden() const
NamespaceDef* getResolvedNamespace ( const char *  key)

Definition at line 489 of file util.cpp.

490 {
491  if (name==0 || name[0]=='\0') return 0;
493  if (subst)
494  {
495  int count=0; // recursion detection guard
496  QCString *newSubst;
497  while ((newSubst=Doxygen::namespaceAliasDict[*subst]) && count<10)
498  {
499  subst=newSubst;
500  count++;
501  }
502  if (count==10)
503  {
504  warn_uncond("possible recursive namespace alias detected for %s!\n",name);
505  }
506  return Doxygen::namespaceSDict->find(subst->data());
507  }
508  else
509  {
511  }
512 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static NamespaceSDict * namespaceSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:120
static StringDict namespaceAliasDict
Definition: doxygen.h:118
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
void warn_uncond(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:218
int getScopeFragment ( const QCString s,
int  p,
int *  l 

Returns a fragment from scope s, starting at position p.

sthe scope name as a string.
pthe start position (0 is the first).
lthe resulting length of the fragment.
the location of the fragment, or -1 if non is found.

Definition at line 6322 of file util.cpp.

6323 {
6324  int sl=s.length();
6325  int sp=p;
6326  int count=0;
6327  bool done;
6328  if (sp>=sl) return -1;
6329  while (sp<sl)
6330  {
6331  char;
6332  if (c==':') sp++,p++; else break;
6333  }
6334  while (sp<sl)
6335  {
6336  char;
6337  switch (c)
6338  {
6339  case ':': // found next part
6340  goto found;
6341  case '<': // skip template specifier
6342  count=1;sp++;
6343  done=FALSE;
6344  while (sp<sl && !done)
6345  {
6346  // TODO: deal with << and >> operators!
6347  char;
6348  switch(c)
6349  {
6350  case '<': count++; break;
6351  case '>': count--; if (count==0) done=TRUE; break;
6352  default: break;
6353  }
6354  }
6355  break;
6356  default:
6357  sp++;
6358  break;
6359  }
6360  }
6361 found:
6362  *l=sp-p;
6363  //printf("getScopeFragment(%s,%d)=%s\n",,p,s.mid(p,*l).data());
6364  return p;
6365 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
uint getUtf8Code ( const QCString s,
int  idx 

Get one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string.

sutf-8 encoded string
idxbyte position of given string s.
the unicode codepoint, 0 - MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT
See also

Definition at line 8240 of file util.cpp.

8241 {
8242  const int length = s.length();
8243  if (idx >= length) { return 0; }
8244  const uint c0 = (uchar);
8245  if ( c0 < 0xC2 || c0 >= 0xF8 ) // 1 byte character
8246  {
8247  return c0;
8248  }
8249  if (idx+1 >= length) { return 0; }
8250  const uint c1 = ((uchar) & 0x3f;
8251  if ( c0 < 0xE0 ) // 2 byte character
8252  {
8253  return ((c0 & 0x1f) << 6) | c1;
8254  }
8255  if (idx+2 >= length) { return 0; }
8256  const uint c2 = ((uchar) & 0x3f;
8257  if ( c0 < 0xF0 ) // 3 byte character
8258  {
8259  return ((c0 & 0x0f) << 12) | (c1 << 6) | c2;
8260  }
8261  if (idx+3 >= length) { return 0; }
8262  // 4 byte character
8263  const uint c3 = ((uchar) & 0x3f;
8264  return ((c0 & 0x07) << 18) | (c1 << 12) | (c2 << 6) | c3;
8265 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
unsigned char uchar
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
uint getUtf8CodeToLower ( const QCString s,
int  idx 

Returns one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string, making the character lower case if it was upper case.

sutf-8 encoded string
idxbyte position of given string s.
the unicode codepoint, 0 - MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT, excludes 'A'-'Z'
See also

Definition at line 8276 of file util.cpp.

8277 {
8278  const uint v = getUtf8Code( s, idx );
8279  return v < 0x7f ? tolower( v ) : v;
8280 }
uint getUtf8Code(const QCString &s, int idx)
Get one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string.
Definition: util.cpp:8240
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
uint getUtf8CodeToUpper ( const QCString s,
int  idx 

Returns one unicode character as ian unsigned interger from utf-8 string, making the character upper case if it was lower case.

sutf-8 encoded string
idxbyte position of given string s.
the unicode codepoint, 0 - MAX_UNICODE_CODEPOINT, excludes 'A'-'Z'
See also

Definition at line 8291 of file util.cpp.

8292 {
8293  const uint v = getUtf8Code( s, idx );
8294  return v < 0x7f ? toupper( v ) : v;
8295 }
uint getUtf8Code(const QCString &s, int idx)
Get one unicode character as an unsigned integer from utf-8 string.
Definition: util.cpp:8240
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
int guessSection ( const char *  name)

try to determine if name is a source or a header file name by looking at the extension. A number of variations is allowed in both upper and lower case) If anyone knows or uses another extension please let me know :-)

Definition at line 315 of file util.cpp.

316 {
317  QCString n=((QCString)name).lower();
318  if (n.right(2)==".c" || // source
319  n.right(3)==".cc" ||
320  n.right(4)==".cxx" ||
321  n.right(4)==".cpp" ||
322  n.right(4)==".c++" ||
323  n.right(5)==".java" ||
324  n.right(2)==".m" ||
325  n.right(2)==".M" ||
326  n.right(3)==".mm" ||
327  n.right(3)==".ii" || // inline
328  n.right(4)==".ixx" ||
329  n.right(4)==".ipp" ||
330  n.right(4)==".i++" ||
331  n.right(4)==".inl" ||
332  n.right(4)==".xml"
333  ) return Entry::SOURCE_SEC;
334  if (n.right(2)==".h" || // header
335  n.right(3)==".hh" ||
336  n.right(4)==".hxx" ||
337  n.right(4)==".hpp" ||
338  n.right(4)==".h++" ||
339  n.right(4)==".idl" ||
340  n.right(4)==".ddl" ||
341  n.right(5)==".pidl"
342  ) return Entry::HEADER_SEC;
343  return 0;
344 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::void_t< T > n
bool hasVisibleRoot ( BaseClassList bcl)

Definition at line 5224 of file util.cpp.

5225 {
5226  if (bcl)
5227  {
5228  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bcl);
5229  for ( ; bcli.current(); ++bcli)
5230  {
5231  ClassDef *cd=bcli.current()->classDef;
5232  if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy()) return TRUE;
5233  hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses());
5234  }
5235  }
5236  return FALSE;
5237 }
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool isVisibleInHierarchy()
Definition: classdef.cpp:2743
bool hasVisibleRoot(BaseClassList *bcl)
Definition: util.cpp:5224
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
BaseClassList * baseClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4399
void initClassHierarchy ( ClassSDict cl)

Definition at line 5211 of file util.cpp.

5212 {
5214  ClassDef *cd;
5215  for ( ; (cd=cli.current()); ++cli)
5216  {
5217  cd->visited=FALSE;
5219  }
5220 }
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
def cli(ctx)
bool visited
Definition: classdef.h:402
friend class Iterator
Definition: sortdict.h:289
static void initBaseClassHierarchy(BaseClassList *bcl)
Definition: util.cpp:5166
BaseClassList * baseClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4399
void initDefaultExtensionMapping ( )

Definition at line 6999 of file util.cpp.

7000 {
7001  // NOTE: when adding an extension, also add the extension in config.xml
7002  g_extLookup.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
7003  // extension parser id
7004  updateLanguageMapping(".dox", "c");
7005  updateLanguageMapping(".txt", "c");
7006  updateLanguageMapping(".doc", "c");
7007  updateLanguageMapping(".c", "c");
7008  updateLanguageMapping(".C", "c");
7009  updateLanguageMapping(".cc", "c");
7010  updateLanguageMapping(".CC", "c");
7011  updateLanguageMapping(".cxx", "c");
7012  updateLanguageMapping(".cpp", "c");
7013  updateLanguageMapping(".c++", "c");
7014  updateLanguageMapping(".ii", "c");
7015  updateLanguageMapping(".ixx", "c");
7016  updateLanguageMapping(".ipp", "c");
7017  updateLanguageMapping(".i++", "c");
7018  updateLanguageMapping(".inl", "c");
7019  updateLanguageMapping(".h", "c");
7020  updateLanguageMapping(".H", "c");
7021  updateLanguageMapping(".hh", "c");
7022  updateLanguageMapping(".HH", "c");
7023  updateLanguageMapping(".hxx", "c");
7024  updateLanguageMapping(".hpp", "c");
7025  updateLanguageMapping(".h++", "c");
7026  updateLanguageMapping(".idl", "idl");
7027  updateLanguageMapping(".ddl", "idl");
7028  updateLanguageMapping(".odl", "idl");
7029  updateLanguageMapping(".java", "java");
7030  updateLanguageMapping(".as", "javascript");
7031  updateLanguageMapping(".js", "javascript");
7032  updateLanguageMapping(".cs", "csharp");
7033  updateLanguageMapping(".d", "d");
7034  updateLanguageMapping(".php", "php");
7035  updateLanguageMapping(".php4", "php");
7036  updateLanguageMapping(".php5", "php");
7037  updateLanguageMapping(".inc", "php");
7038  updateLanguageMapping(".phtml", "php");
7039  updateLanguageMapping(".m", "objective-c");
7040  updateLanguageMapping(".M", "objective-c");
7041  updateLanguageMapping(".mm", "c"); // see bug746361
7042  updateLanguageMapping(".py", "python");
7043  updateLanguageMapping(".pyw", "python");
7044  updateLanguageMapping(".f", "fortran");
7045  updateLanguageMapping(".for", "fortran");
7046  updateLanguageMapping(".f90", "fortran");
7047  updateLanguageMapping(".vhd", "vhdl");
7048  updateLanguageMapping(".vhdl", "vhdl");
7049  updateLanguageMapping(".tcl", "tcl");
7050  updateLanguageMapping(".ucf", "vhdl");
7051  updateLanguageMapping(".qsf", "vhdl");
7052  updateLanguageMapping(".md", "md");
7053  updateLanguageMapping(".markdown", "md");
7054 }
bool updateLanguageMapping(const QCString &extension, const QCString &language)
Definition: util.cpp:6964
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
static QDict< int > g_extLookup
Definition: util.cpp:6933
void initFilePattern ( void  )

Definition at line 8569 of file util.cpp.

8570 {
8571  // add default pattern if needed
8572  QStrList &filePatternList = Config_getList("FILE_PATTERNS");
8573  if (filePatternList.isEmpty())
8574  {
8575  QDictIterator<int> it( g_extLookup );
8576  QCString pattern;
8577  bool caseSens = portable_fileSystemIsCaseSensitive();
8578  for (;it.current();++it)
8579  {
8580  pattern = "*";
8581  pattern += it.currentKey();
8582  filePatternList.append(;
8583  if (caseSens) filePatternList.append(pattern.upper().data());
8584  }
8585  }
8586 }
#define Config_getList(val)
Definition: config.cpp:662
QCString upper() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:279
void append(const type *d)
Definition: qinternallist.h:61
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
bool portable_fileSystemIsCaseSensitive()
Definition: portable.cpp:391
std::string pattern
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qinternallist.h:57
static QDict< int > g_extLookup
Definition: util.cpp:6933
QCString insertTemplateSpecifierInScope ( const QCString scope,
const QCString templ 

Definition at line 5527 of file util.cpp.

5528 {
5529  QCString result=scope.copy();
5530  if (!templ.isEmpty() && scope.find('<')==-1)
5531  {
5532  int si,pi=0;
5533  ClassDef *cd=0;
5534  while (
5535  (si=scope.find("::",pi))!=-1 && !getClass(scope.left(si)+templ) &&
5536  ((cd=getClass(scope.left(si)))==0 || cd->templateArguments()==0)
5537  )
5538  {
5539  //printf("Tried `%s'\n",(scope.left(si)+templ).data());
5540  pi=si+2;
5541  }
5542  if (si==-1) // not nested => append template specifier
5543  {
5544  result+=templ;
5545  }
5546  else // nested => insert template specifier before after first class name
5547  {
5548  result=scope.left(si) + templ + scope.right(scope.length()-si);
5549  }
5550  }
5551  //printf("insertTemplateSpecifierInScope(`%s',`%s')=%s\n",
5552  //,,;
5553  return result;
5554 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
ArgumentList * templateArguments() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4419
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString copy() const
Definition: qcstring.h:250
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
float pi
int isAccessibleFrom ( Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
Definition item 

Definition at line 948 of file util.cpp.

949 {
950  //printf("<isAccesibleFrom(scope=%s,item=%s itemScope=%s)\n",
951  // scope->name().data(),item->name().data(),item->getOuterScope()->name().data());
953  static AccessStack accessStack;
954  if (accessStack.find(scope,fileScope,item))
955  {
956  return -1;
957  }
958  accessStack.push(scope,fileScope,item);
960  int result=0; // assume we found it
961  int i;
963  Definition *itemScope=item->getOuterScope();
964  bool memberAccessibleFromScope =
965  (item->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember && // a member
966  itemScope && itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // of a class
967  scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // accessible
968  ((ClassDef*)scope)->isAccessibleMember((MemberDef *)item) // from scope
969  );
970  bool nestedClassInsideBaseClass =
971  (item->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // a nested class
972  itemScope && itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // inside a base
973  scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass && // class of scope
974  ((ClassDef*)scope)->isBaseClass((ClassDef*)itemScope,TRUE)
975  );
977  if (itemScope==scope || memberAccessibleFromScope || nestedClassInsideBaseClass)
978  {
979  //printf("> found it\n");
980  if (nestedClassInsideBaseClass) result++; // penalty for base class to prevent
981  // this is preferred over nested class in this class
982  // see bug 686956
983  }
984  else if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope)
985  {
986  if (fileScope)
987  {
988  SDict<Definition> *cl = fileScope->getUsedClasses();
989  if (accessibleViaUsingClass(cl,fileScope,item))
990  {
991  //printf("> found via used class\n");
992  goto done;
993  }
994  NamespaceSDict *nl = fileScope->getUsedNamespaces();
995  if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(nl,fileScope,item))
996  {
997  //printf("> found via used namespace\n");
998  goto done;
999  }
1000  }
1001  //printf("> reached global scope\n");
1002  result=-1; // not found in path to globalScope
1003  }
1004  else // keep searching
1005  {
1006  // check if scope is a namespace, which is using other classes and namespaces
1008  {
1009  NamespaceDef *nscope = (NamespaceDef*)scope;
1010  //printf(" %s is namespace with %d used classes\n",nscope->name().data(),nscope->getUsedClasses());
1011  SDict<Definition> *cl = nscope->getUsedClasses();
1012  if (accessibleViaUsingClass(cl,fileScope,item))
1013  {
1014  //printf("> found via used class\n");
1015  goto done;
1016  }
1017  NamespaceSDict *nl = nscope->getUsedNamespaces();
1018  if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(nl,fileScope,item))
1019  {
1020  //printf("> found via used namespace\n");
1021  goto done;
1022  }
1023  }
1024  // repeat for the parent scope
1025  i=isAccessibleFrom(scope->getOuterScope(),fileScope,item);
1026  //printf("> result=%d\n",i);
1027  result= (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2;
1028  }
1029 done:
1030  accessStack.pop();
1031  //Doxygen::lookupCache.insert(key,new int(result));
1032  return result;
1033 }
int isAccessibleFrom(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:948
static QCString result
NamespaceSDict * getUsedNamespaces() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1251
NamespaceSDict * getUsedNamespaces() const
QAsciiDict< Entry > cl
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
bool find(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:905
bool accessibleViaUsingNamespace(const NamespaceSDict *nl, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart="")
Definition: util.cpp:831
SDict< Definition > * getUsedClasses() const
Definition: filedef.h:123
SDict< Definition > * getUsedClasses() const
Definition: namespacedef.h:66
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
bool accessibleViaUsingClass(const SDict< Definition > *cl, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart="")
Definition: util.cpp:808
void push(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:880
void pop()
Definition: util.cpp:901
std::string nl(std::size_t i=1)
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
int isAccessibleFromWithExpScope ( Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
Definition item,
const QCString explicitScopePart 

Definition at line 1051 of file util.cpp.

1053 {
1054  if (explicitScopePart.isEmpty())
1055  {
1056  // handle degenerate case where there is no explicit scope.
1057  return isAccessibleFrom(scope,fileScope,item);
1058  }
1060  static AccessStack accessStack;
1061  if (accessStack.find(scope,fileScope,item,explicitScopePart))
1062  {
1063  return -1;
1064  }
1065  accessStack.push(scope,fileScope,item,explicitScopePart);
1068  //printf(" <isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(%s,%s,%s)\n",scope?scope->name().data():"<global>",
1069  // item?item->name().data():"<none>",
1070  //;
1071  int result=0; // assume we found it
1072  Definition *newScope = followPath(scope,fileScope,explicitScopePart);
1073  if (newScope) // explicitScope is inside scope => newScope is the result
1074  {
1075  Definition *itemScope = item->getOuterScope();
1076  //printf(" scope traversal successful %s<->%s!\n",itemScope->name().data(),newScope->name().data());
1077  //if (newScope && newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
1078  //{
1079  // ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef *)newScope;
1080  // printf("---> Class %s: bases=%p\n",cd->name().data(),cd->baseClasses());
1081  //}
1082  if (itemScope==newScope) // exact match of scopes => distance==0
1083  {
1084  //printf("> found it\n");
1085  }
1086  else if (itemScope && newScope &&
1087  itemScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass &&
1088  newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass &&
1089  ((ClassDef*)newScope)->isBaseClass((ClassDef*)itemScope,TRUE,0)
1090  )
1091  {
1092  // inheritance is also ok. Example: looking for B::I, where
1093  // class A { public: class I {} };
1094  // class B : public A {}
1095  // but looking for B::I, where
1096  // class A { public: class I {} };
1097  // class B { public: class I {} };
1098  // will find A::I, so we still prefer a direct match and give this one a distance of 1
1099  result=1;
1101  //printf("scope(%s) is base class of newScope(%s)\n",
1102  // scope->name().data(),newScope->name().data());
1103  }
1104  else
1105  {
1106  int i=-1;
1107  if (newScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace)
1108  {
1109  g_visitedNamespaces.insert(newScope->name(),newScope);
1110  // this part deals with the case where item is a class
1111  // A::B::C but is explicit referenced as A::C, where B is imported
1112  // in A via a using directive.
1113  //printf("newScope is a namespace: %s!\n",newScope->name().data());
1114  NamespaceDef *nscope = (NamespaceDef*)newScope;
1115  SDict<Definition> *cl = nscope->getUsedClasses();
1116  if (cl)
1117  {
1119  Definition *cd;
1120  for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
1121  {
1122  //printf("Trying for class %s\n",cd->name().data());
1123  if (cd==item)
1124  {
1125  //printf("> class is used in this scope\n");
1126  goto done;
1127  }
1128  }
1129  }
1130  NamespaceSDict *nl = nscope->getUsedNamespaces();
1131  if (nl)
1132  {
1133  NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*nl);
1134  NamespaceDef *nd;
1135  for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
1136  {
1137  if (g_visitedNamespaces.find(nd->name())==0)
1138  {
1139  //printf("Trying for namespace %s\n",nd->name().data());
1140  i = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope,fileScope,item,nd->name());
1141  if (i!=-1)
1142  {
1143  //printf("> found via explicit scope of used namespace\n");
1144  goto done;
1145  }
1146  }
1147  }
1148  }
1149  }
1150  // repeat for the parent scope
1151  if (scope!=Doxygen::globalScope)
1152  {
1153  i = isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope->getOuterScope(),fileScope,
1154  item,explicitScopePart);
1155  }
1156  //printf(" | result=%d\n",i);
1157  result = (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2;
1158  }
1159  }
1160  else // failed to resolve explicitScope
1161  {
1162  //printf(" failed to resolve: scope=%s\n",scope->name().data());
1164  {
1165  NamespaceDef *nscope = (NamespaceDef*)scope;
1166  NamespaceSDict *nl = nscope->getUsedNamespaces();
1167  if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(nl,fileScope,item,explicitScopePart))
1168  {
1169  //printf("> found in used namespace\n");
1170  goto done;
1171  }
1172  }
1173  if (scope==Doxygen::globalScope)
1174  {
1175  if (fileScope)
1176  {
1177  NamespaceSDict *nl = fileScope->getUsedNamespaces();
1178  if (accessibleViaUsingNamespace(nl,fileScope,item,explicitScopePart))
1179  {
1180  //printf("> found in used namespace\n");
1181  goto done;
1182  }
1183  }
1184  //printf("> not found\n");
1185  result=-1;
1186  }
1187  else // continue by looking into the parent scope
1188  {
1189  int i=isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(scope->getOuterScope(),fileScope,
1190  item,explicitScopePart);
1191  //printf("> result=%d\n",i);
1192  result= (i==-1) ? -1 : i+2;
1193  }
1194  }
1196 done:
1197  //printf(" > result=%d\n",result);
1198  accessStack.pop();
1199  //Doxygen::lookupCache.insert(key,new int(result));
1200  return result;
1201 }
static Definition * followPath(Definition *start, FileDef *fileScope, const QCString &path)
Definition: util.cpp:752
int isAccessibleFrom(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:948
static QDict< Definition > g_visitedNamespaces
Definition: util.cpp:515
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
NamespaceSDict * getUsedNamespaces() const
Definition: filedef.cpp:1251
NamespaceSDict * getUsedNamespaces() const
QAsciiDict< Entry > cl
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
def cli(ctx)
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
bool find(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:905
bool accessibleViaUsingNamespace(const NamespaceSDict *nl, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart="")
Definition: util.cpp:831
SDict< Definition > * getUsedClasses() const
Definition: namespacedef.h:66
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
void push(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:880
friend class Iterator
Definition: sortdict.h:289
void pop()
Definition: util.cpp:901
std::string nl(std::size_t i=1)
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
int isAccessibleFromWithExpScope(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item, const QCString &explicitScopePart)
Definition: util.cpp:1051
bool isId ( int  c)

Definition at line 224 of file util.h.

225 {
226  return c=='_' || c>=128 || c<0 || isalnum(c);
227 }
QCString langToString ( SrcLangExt  lang)

Returns a string representation of lang.

Definition at line 8041 of file util.cpp.

8042 {
8043  switch(lang)
8044  {
8045  case SrcLangExt_Unknown: return "Unknown";
8046  case SrcLangExt_IDL: return "IDL";
8047  case SrcLangExt_Java: return "Java";
8048  case SrcLangExt_CSharp: return "C#";
8049  case SrcLangExt_D: return "D";
8050  case SrcLangExt_PHP: return "PHP";
8051  case SrcLangExt_ObjC: return "Objective-C";
8052  case SrcLangExt_Cpp: return "C++";
8053  case SrcLangExt_JS: return "Javascript";
8054  case SrcLangExt_Python: return "Python";
8055  case SrcLangExt_Fortran: return "Fortran";
8056  case SrcLangExt_VHDL: return "VHDL";
8057  case SrcLangExt_XML: return "XML";
8058  case SrcLangExt_Tcl: return "Tcl";
8059  case SrcLangExt_Markdown: return "Markdown";
8060  }
8061  return "Unknown";
8062 }
QCString latexEscapeIndexChars ( const char *  s,
bool  insideTabbing 

Definition at line 6683 of file util.cpp.

6684 {
6685  QGString result;
6686  QCString tmp(qstrlen(s)+1);
6687  FTextStream t(&result);
6688  const char *p=s;
6689  char c;
6690  int i;
6691  while ((c=*p++))
6692  {
6693  switch (c)
6694  {
6695  case '!': t << "\"!"; break;
6696  case '"': t << "\"\""; break;
6697  case '@': t << "\"@"; break;
6698  case '|': t << "\\texttt{\"|}"; break;
6699  case '[': t << "["; break;
6700  case ']': t << "]"; break;
6701  case '{': t << "\\lcurly{}"; break;
6702  case '}': t << "\\rcurly{}"; break;
6703  // NOTE: adding a case here, means adding it to while below as well!
6704  default:
6705  i=0;
6706  // collect as long string as possible, before handing it to docify
6707  tmp[i++]=c;
6708  while ((c=*p) && c!='"' && c!='@' && c!='[' && c!=']' && c!='!' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!='|')
6709  {
6710  tmp[i++]=c;
6711  p++;
6712  }
6713  tmp[i]=0;
6714  filterLatexString(t,,insideTabbing);
6715  break;
6716  }
6717  }
6718  return;
6719 }
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
Simplified and optimized version of QTextStream.
Definition: ftextstream.h:11
Q_EXPORT uint qstrlen(const char *str)
Definition: qcstring.h:81
string tmp
void filterLatexString(FTextStream &t, const char *str, bool insideTabbing, bool insidePre, bool insideItem, bool keepSpaces)
Definition: util.cpp:6533
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString latexEscapeLabelName ( const char *  s,
bool  insideTabbing 

Definition at line 6647 of file util.cpp.

6648 {
6649  QGString result;
6650  QCString tmp(qstrlen(s)+1);
6651  FTextStream t(&result);
6652  const char *p=s;
6653  char c;
6654  int i;
6655  while ((c=*p++))
6656  {
6657  switch (c)
6658  {
6659  case '|': t << "\\texttt{\"|}"; break;
6660  case '!': t << "\"!"; break;
6661  case '%': t << "\\%"; break;
6662  case '{': t << "\\lcurly{}"; break;
6663  case '}': t << "\\rcurly{}"; break;
6664  case '~': t << "````~"; break; // to get it a bit better in index together with other special characters
6665  // NOTE: adding a case here, means adding it to while below as well!
6666  default:
6667  i=0;
6668  // collect as long string as possible, before handing it to docify
6669  tmp[i++]=c;
6670  while ((c=*p) && c!='|' && c!='!' && c!='%' && c!='{' && c!='}' && c!='~')
6671  {
6672  tmp[i++]=c;
6673  p++;
6674  }
6675  tmp[i]=0;
6676  filterLatexString(t,,insideTabbing);
6677  break;
6678  }
6679  }
6680  return;
6681 }
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
Simplified and optimized version of QTextStream.
Definition: ftextstream.h:11
Q_EXPORT uint qstrlen(const char *str)
Definition: qcstring.h:81
string tmp
void filterLatexString(FTextStream &t, const char *str, bool insideTabbing, bool insidePre, bool insideItem, bool keepSpaces)
Definition: util.cpp:6533
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString latexEscapePDFString ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 6721 of file util.cpp.

6722 {
6723  QGString result;
6724  FTextStream t(&result);
6725  const char *p=s;
6726  char c;
6727  int i;
6728  while ((c=*p++))
6729  {
6730  switch (c)
6731  {
6732  case '\\': t << "\\textbackslash{}"; break;
6733  case '{': t << "\\{"; break;
6734  case '}': t << "\\}"; break;
6735  default:
6736  t << c;
6737  break;
6738  }
6739  }
6740  return;
6741 }
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
Simplified and optimized version of QTextStream.
Definition: ftextstream.h:11
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
bool leftScopeMatch ( const QCString scope,
const QCString name 

Definition at line 1904 of file util.cpp.

1905 {
1906  int sl=scope.length();
1907  int nl=name.length();
1908  return (name==scope || // equal
1909  (scope.left(nl)==name && // substring
1910  sl>nl+1 &&':' &&':' // scope
1911  )
1912  );
1913 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
std::string nl(std::size_t i=1)
void linkifyText ( const TextGeneratorIntf ol,
Definition scope,
FileDef fileScope,
Definition self,
const char *  text,
bool  autoBreak = FALSE,
bool  external = TRUE,
bool  keepSpaces = FALSE,
int  indentLevel = 0 

Definition at line 1916 of file util.cpp.

1920 {
1921  //printf("linkify=`%s'\n",text);
1922  static QRegExp regExp("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF][~!a-z_A-Z0-9$\\\\.:\\x80-\\xFF]*");
1923  static QRegExp regExpSplit("(?!:),");
1924  QCString txtStr=text;
1925  int strLen = txtStr.length();
1926  //printf("linkifyText scope=%s fileScope=%s strtxt=%s strlen=%d external=%d\n",
1927  // scope?scope->name().data():"<none>",
1928  // fileScope?fileScope->name().data():"<none>",
1929  //,strLen,external);
1930  int matchLen;
1931  int index=0;
1932  int newIndex;
1933  int skipIndex=0;
1934  int floatingIndex=0;
1935  if (strLen==0) return;
1936  // read a word from the text string
1937  while ((newIndex=regExp.match(txtStr,index,&matchLen))!=-1 &&
1938  (newIndex==0 || !(>='0' &&<='9')) // avoid matching part of hex numbers
1939  )
1940  {
1941  // add non-word part to the result
1942  floatingIndex+=newIndex-skipIndex+matchLen;
1943  bool insideString=FALSE;
1944  int i;
1945  for (i=index;i<newIndex;i++)
1946  {
1947  if ('"') insideString=!insideString;
1948  }
1950  //printf("floatingIndex=%d strlen=%d autoBreak=%d\n",floatingIndex,strLen,autoBreak);
1951  if (strLen>35 && floatingIndex>30 && autoBreak) // try to insert a split point
1952  {
1953  QCString splitText = txtStr.mid(skipIndex,newIndex-skipIndex);
1954  int splitLength = splitText.length();
1955  int offset=1;
1956  i=splitText.find(regExpSplit,0);
1957  if (i==-1) { i=splitText.find('<'); if (i!=-1) offset=0; }
1958  if (i==-1) i=splitText.find('>');
1959  if (i==-1) i=splitText.find(' ');
1960  //printf("splitText=[%s] len=%d i=%d offset=%d\n",,splitLength,i,offset);
1961  if (i!=-1) // add a link-break at i in case of Html output
1962  {
1963  out.writeString(splitText.left(i+offset),keepSpaces);
1964  out.writeBreak(indentLevel==0 ? 0 : indentLevel+1);
1965  out.writeString(splitText.right(splitLength-i-offset),keepSpaces);
1966  floatingIndex=splitLength-i-offset+matchLen;
1967  }
1968  else
1969  {
1970  out.writeString(splitText,keepSpaces);
1971  }
1972  }
1973  else
1974  {
1975  //ol.docify(txtStr.mid(skipIndex,newIndex-skipIndex));
1976  out.writeString(txtStr.mid(skipIndex,newIndex-skipIndex),keepSpaces);
1977  }
1978  // get word from string
1979  QCString word=txtStr.mid(newIndex,matchLen);
1980  QCString matchWord = substitute(substitute(word,"\\","::"),".","::");
1981  //printf("linkifyText word=%s matchWord=%s scope=%s\n",
1982  //,,scope?scope->name().data():"<none>");
1983  bool found=FALSE;
1984  if (!insideString)
1985  {
1986  ClassDef *cd=0;
1987  FileDef *fd=0;
1988  MemberDef *md=0;
1989  NamespaceDef *nd=0;
1990  GroupDef *gd=0;
1991  //printf("** Match word '%s'\n",;
1993  MemberDef *typeDef=0;
1994  cd=getResolvedClass(scope,fileScope,matchWord,&typeDef);
1995  if (typeDef) // First look at typedef then class, see bug 584184.
1996  {
1997  //printf("Found typedef %s\n",typeDef->name().data());
1998  if (external ? typeDef->isLinkable() : typeDef->isLinkableInProject())
1999  {
2000  if (typeDef->getOuterScope()!=self)
2001  {
2002  out.writeLink(typeDef->getReference(),
2003  typeDef->getOutputFileBase(),
2004  typeDef->anchor(),
2005  word);
2006  found=TRUE;
2007  }
2008  }
2009  }
2010  if (!found && (cd || (cd=getClass(matchWord))))
2011  {
2012  //printf("Found class %s\n",cd->name().data());
2013  // add link to the result
2014  if (external ? cd->isLinkable() : cd->isLinkableInProject())
2015  {
2016  if (cd!=self)
2017  {
2018  out.writeLink(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),cd->anchor(),word);
2019  found=TRUE;
2020  }
2021  }
2022  }
2023  else if ((cd=getClass(matchWord+"-p"))) // search for Obj-C protocols as well
2024  {
2025  // add link to the result
2026  if (external ? cd->isLinkable() : cd->isLinkableInProject())
2027  {
2028  if (cd!=self)
2029  {
2030  out.writeLink(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),cd->anchor(),word);
2031  found=TRUE;
2032  }
2033  }
2034  }
2035 // else if ((cd=getClass(matchWord+"-g"))) // C# generic as well
2036 // {
2037 // // add link to the result
2038 // if (external ? cd->isLinkable() : cd->isLinkableInProject())
2039 // {
2040 // if (cd!=self)
2041 // {
2042 // out.writeLink(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),cd->anchor(),word);
2043 // found=TRUE;
2044 // }
2045 // }
2046 // }
2047  else
2048  {
2049  //printf(" -> nothing\n");
2050  }
2052  int m = matchWord.findRev("::");
2053  QCString scopeName;
2054  if (scope &&
2055  (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass ||
2057  )
2058  )
2059  {
2060  scopeName=scope->name();
2061  }
2062  else if (m!=-1)
2063  {
2064  scopeName = matchWord.left(m);
2065  matchWord = matchWord.mid(m+2);
2066  }
2068  //printf("ScopeName=%s\n",;
2069  //if (!found) printf("Trying to link %s in %s\n",,;
2070  if (!found &&
2071  getDefs(scopeName,matchWord,0,md,cd,fd,nd,gd) &&
2072  //(md->isTypedef() || md->isEnumerate() ||
2073  // md->isReference() || md->isVariable()
2074  //) &&
2075  (external ? md->isLinkable() : md->isLinkableInProject())
2076  )
2077  {
2078  //printf("Found ref scope=%s\n",d?d->name().data():"<global>");
2079  //ol.writeObjectLink(d->getReference(),d->getOutputFileBase(),
2080  // md->anchor(),word);
2081  if (md!=self && (self==0 || md->name()!=self->name()))
2082  // name check is needed for overloaded members, where getDefs just returns one
2083  {
2084  out.writeLink(md->getReference(),md->getOutputFileBase(),
2085  md->anchor(),word);
2086  //printf("found symbol %s\n",;
2087  found=TRUE;
2088  }
2089  }
2090  }
2092  if (!found) // add word to the result
2093  {
2094  out.writeString(word,keepSpaces);
2095  }
2096  // set next start point in the string
2097  //printf("index=%d/%d\n",index,txtStr.length());
2098  skipIndex=index=newIndex+matchLen;
2099  }
2100  // add last part of the string to the result.
2101  //ol.docify(txtStr.right(txtStr.length()-skipIndex));
2102  out.writeString(txtStr.right(txtStr.length()-skipIndex),keepSpaces);
2103 }
bool isLinkableInProject() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2707
QCString getReference() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1001
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool isLinkableInProject() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1150
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString getReference() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:3814
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
bool getDefs(const QCString &scName, const QCString &mbName, const char *args, MemberDef *&md, ClassDef *&cd, FileDef *&fd, NamespaceDef *&nd, GroupDef *&gd, bool forceEmptyScope, FileDef *currentFile, bool checkCV, const char *forceTagFile)
Definition: util.cpp:3932
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString anchor() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4606
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:2729
QCString anchor() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1031
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:3533
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
QCString getOutputFileBase() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:941
ClassDef * getResolvedClass(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n, MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, bool mayBeUnlinkable, bool mayBeHidden, QCString *pResolvedType)
Definition: util.cpp:1563
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1161
union ptb::content::word::word word
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
QCString linkToText ( SrcLangExt  lang,
const char *  link,
bool  isFileName 

Definition at line 4659 of file util.cpp.

4660 {
4661  //static bool optimizeOutputJava = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA");
4662  QCString result=link;
4663  if (!result.isEmpty())
4664  {
4665  // replace # by ::
4666  result=substitute(result,"#","::");
4667  // replace . by ::
4668  if (!isFileName && result.find('<')==-1) result=substitute(result,".","::");
4669  // strip leading :: prefix if present
4670  if (':' &&':')
4671  {
4672  result=result.right(result.length()-2);
4673  }
4675  if (sep!="::")
4676  {
4677  result=substitute(result,"::",sep);
4678  }
4679  }
4680  return result;
4681 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString getLanguageSpecificSeparator(SrcLangExt lang, bool classScope)
Definition: util.cpp:8065
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
bool mainPageHasTitle ( )

Definition at line 8554 of file util.cpp.

8555 {
8556  if (Doxygen::mainPage==0) return FALSE;
8557  if (Doxygen::mainPage->title().isEmpty()) return FALSE;
8558  if (Doxygen::mainPage->title().lower()=="notitle") return FALSE;
8559  return TRUE;
8560 }
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static PageDef * mainPage
Definition: doxygen.h:103
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool matchArguments2 ( Definition srcScope,
FileDef srcFileScope,
ArgumentList srcAl,
Definition dstScope,
FileDef dstFileScope,
ArgumentList dstAl,
bool  checkCV 

Definition at line 3647 of file util.cpp.

3651 {
3652  //printf("*** matchArguments2\n");
3653  ASSERT(srcScope!=0 && dstScope!=0);
3655  if (srcAl==0 || dstAl==0)
3656  {
3657  bool match = srcAl==dstAl; // at least one of the members is not a function
3658  if (match)
3659  {
3660  MATCH
3661  return TRUE;
3662  }
3663  else
3664  {
3666  return FALSE;
3667  }
3668  }
3670  // handle special case with void argument
3671  if ( srcAl->count()==0 && dstAl->count()==1 &&
3672  dstAl->getFirst()->type=="void" )
3673  { // special case for finding match between func() and func(void)
3674  Argument *a=new Argument;
3675  a->type = "void";
3676  srcAl->append(a);
3677  MATCH
3678  return TRUE;
3679  }
3680  if ( dstAl->count()==0 && srcAl->count()==1 &&
3681  srcAl->getFirst()->type=="void" )
3682  { // special case for finding match between func(void) and func()
3683  Argument *a=new Argument;
3684  a->type = "void";
3685  dstAl->append(a);
3686  MATCH
3687  return TRUE;
3688  }
3690  if (srcAl->count() != dstAl->count())
3691  {
3693  return FALSE; // different number of arguments -> no match
3694  }
3696  if (checkCV)
3697  {
3698  if (srcAl->constSpecifier != dstAl->constSpecifier)
3699  {
3701  return FALSE; // one member is const, the other not -> no match
3702  }
3703  if (srcAl->volatileSpecifier != dstAl->volatileSpecifier)
3704  {
3706  return FALSE; // one member is volatile, the other not -> no match
3707  }
3708  }
3710  // so far the argument list could match, so we need to compare the types of
3711  // all arguments.
3712  ArgumentListIterator srcAli(*srcAl),dstAli(*dstAl);
3713  Argument *srcA,*dstA;
3714  for (;(srcA=srcAli.current()) && (dstA=dstAli.current());++srcAli,++dstAli)
3715  {
3716  if (!matchArgument2(srcScope,srcFileScope,srcA,
3717  dstScope,dstFileScope,dstA)
3718  )
3719  {
3721  return FALSE;
3722  }
3723  }
3724  MATCH
3725  return TRUE; // all arguments match
3726 }
#define MATCH
Definition: util.cpp:2918
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
void append(const type *d)
Definition: qlist.h:73
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool constSpecifier
Definition: arguments.h:99
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
uint count() const
Definition: qlist.h:66
bool volatileSpecifier
Definition: arguments.h:101
const double a
static bool matchArgument2(Definition *srcScope, FileDef *srcFileScope, Argument *srcA, Definition *dstScope, FileDef *dstFileScope, Argument *dstA)
Definition: util.cpp:3585
type * getFirst() const
Definition: qlist.h:95
#define NOMATCH
Definition: util.cpp:2919
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
#define ASSERT(x)
Definition: qglobal.h:590
void mergeArguments ( ArgumentList ,
ArgumentList ,
bool  forceNameOverwrite = FALSE 

Definition at line 3732 of file util.cpp.

3733 {
3734  //printf("mergeArguments `%s', `%s'\n",
3735  // argListToString(srcAl).data(),argListToString(dstAl).data());
3737  if (srcAl==0 || dstAl==0 || srcAl->count()!=dstAl->count())
3738  {
3739  return; // invalid argument lists -> do not merge
3740  }
3742  ArgumentListIterator srcAli(*srcAl),dstAli(*dstAl);
3743  Argument *srcA,*dstA;
3744  for (;(srcA=srcAli.current()) && (dstA=dstAli.current());++srcAli,++dstAli)
3745  {
3746  if (srcA->defval.isEmpty() && !dstA->defval.isEmpty())
3747  {
3748  //printf("Defval changing `%s'->`%s'\n",srcA->,dstA->;
3749  srcA->defval=dstA->defval.copy();
3750  }
3751  else if (!srcA->defval.isEmpty() && dstA->defval.isEmpty())
3752  {
3753  //printf("Defval changing `%s'->`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3754  dstA->defval=srcA->defval.copy();
3755  }
3757  // fix wrongly detected const or volatile specifiers before merging.
3758  // example: "const A *const" is detected as type="const A *" name="const"
3759  if (srcA->name=="const" || srcA->name=="volatile")
3760  {
3761  srcA->type+=" "+srcA->name;
3762  srcA->name.resize(0);
3763  }
3764  if (dstA->name=="const" || dstA->name=="volatile")
3765  {
3766  dstA->type+=" "+dstA->name;
3767  dstA->name.resize(0);
3768  }
3770  if (srcA->type==dstA->type)
3771  {
3772  //printf("1. merging %s:%s <-> %s:%s\n",srcA->,srcA->,dstA->,dstA->;
3773  if (srcA->name.isEmpty() && !dstA->name.isEmpty())
3774  {
3775  //printf("type: `%s':=`%s'\n",srcA->,dstA->;
3776  //printf("name: `%s':=`%s'\n",srcA->,dstA->;
3777  srcA->type = dstA->type.copy();
3778  srcA->name = dstA->name.copy();
3779  }
3780  else if (!srcA->name.isEmpty() && dstA->name.isEmpty())
3781  {
3782  //printf("type: `%s':=`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3783  //printf("name: `%s':=`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3784  dstA->type = srcA->type.copy();
3785  dstA->name = dstA->name.copy();
3786  }
3787  else if (!srcA->name.isEmpty() && !dstA->name.isEmpty())
3788  {
3789  //printf("srcA->name=%s dstA->name=%s\n",srcA->,dstA->;
3790  if (forceNameOverwrite)
3791  {
3792  srcA->name = dstA->name;
3793  }
3794  else
3795  {
3796  if (srcA->docs.isEmpty() && !dstA->docs.isEmpty())
3797  {
3798  srcA->name = dstA->name;
3799  }
3800  else if (!srcA->docs.isEmpty() && dstA->docs.isEmpty())
3801  {
3802  dstA->name = srcA->name;
3803  }
3804  }
3805  }
3806  }
3807  else
3808  {
3809  //printf("2. merging '%s':'%s' <-> '%s':'%s'\n",srcA->,srcA->,dstA->,dstA->;
3810  srcA->type=srcA->type.stripWhiteSpace();
3811  dstA->type=dstA->type.stripWhiteSpace();
3812  if (srcA->type+" "+srcA->name==dstA->type) // "unsigned long:int" <-> "unsigned long int:bla"
3813  {
3814  srcA->type+=" "+srcA->name;
3815  srcA->name=dstA->name;
3816  }
3817  else if (dstA->type+" "+dstA->name==srcA->type) // "unsigned long int bla" <-> "unsigned long int"
3818  {
3819  dstA->type+=" "+dstA->name;
3820  dstA->name=srcA->name;
3821  }
3822  else if (srcA->name.isEmpty() && !dstA->name.isEmpty())
3823  {
3824  srcA->name = dstA->name;
3825  }
3826  else if (dstA->name.isEmpty() && !srcA->name.isEmpty())
3827  {
3828  dstA->name = srcA->name;
3829  }
3830  }
3831  int i1=srcA->type.find("::"),
3832  i2=dstA->type.find("::"),
3833  j1=srcA->type.length()-i1-2,
3834  j2=dstA->type.length()-i2-2;
3835  if (i1!=-1 && i2==-1 && srcA->type.right(j1)==dstA->type)
3836  {
3837  //printf("type: `%s':=`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3838  //printf("name: `%s':=`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3839  dstA->type = srcA->type.left(i1+2)+dstA->type;
3840  dstA->name = dstA->name.copy();
3841  }
3842  else if (i1==-1 && i2!=-1 && dstA->type.right(j2)==srcA->type)
3843  {
3844  //printf("type: `%s':=`%s'\n",srcA->,dstA->;
3845  //printf("name: `%s':=`%s'\n",dstA->,srcA->;
3846  srcA->type = dstA->type.left(i2+2)+srcA->type;
3847  srcA->name = dstA->name.copy();
3848  }
3849  if (srcA->docs.isEmpty() && !dstA->docs.isEmpty())
3850  {
3851  srcA->docs = dstA->docs.copy();
3852  }
3853  else if (dstA->docs.isEmpty() && !srcA->docs.isEmpty())
3854  {
3855  dstA->docs = srcA->docs.copy();
3856  }
3857  //printf("Merge argument `%s|%s' `%s|%s'\n",
3858  // srcA->,srcA->,
3859  // dstA->,dstA->;
3860  }
3861 }
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
bool resize(uint newlen)
Definition: qcstring.h:225
QCString stripWhiteSpace() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:295
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString defval
Definition: arguments.h:71
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString copy() const
Definition: qcstring.h:250
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
QCString docs
Definition: arguments.h:72
QCString mergeScopes ( const QCString leftScope,
const QCString rightScope 

Merges two scope parts together. The parts may (partially) overlap. Example1: A::B and B::C will result in A::B::C
Example2: A and B will be A::B
Example3: A::B and B will be A::B

leftScopethe left hand part of the scope.
rightScopethe right hand part of the scope.
the merged scope.

Definition at line 6287 of file util.cpp.

6288 {
6289  // case leftScope=="A" rightScope=="A::B" => result = "A::B"
6290  if (leftScopeMatch(rightScope,leftScope)) return rightScope;
6291  QCString result;
6292  int i=0,p=leftScope.length();
6294  // case leftScope=="A::B" rightScope=="B::C" => result = "A::B::C"
6295  // case leftScope=="A::B" rightScope=="B" => result = "A::B"
6296  bool found=FALSE;
6297  while ((i=leftScope.findRev("::",p))!=-1)
6298  {
6299  if (leftScopeMatch(rightScope,leftScope.right(leftScope.length()-i-2)))
6300  {
6301  result = leftScope.left(i+2)+rightScope;
6302  found=TRUE;
6303  }
6304  p=i-1;
6305  }
6306  if (found) return result;
6308  // case leftScope=="A" rightScope=="B" => result = "A::B"
6309  result=leftScope.copy();
6310  if (!result.isEmpty() && !rightScope.isEmpty()) result+="::";
6311  result+=rightScope;
6312  return result;
6313 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool leftScopeMatch(const QCString &scope, const QCString &name)
Definition: util.cpp:1904
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QCString copy() const
Definition: qcstring.h:250
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
int minClassDistance ( const ClassDef cd,
const ClassDef bcd,
int  level = 0 

Definition at line 2527 of file util.cpp.

2528 {
2529  if (bcd->categoryOf()) // use class that is being extended in case of
2530  // an Objective-C category
2531  {
2532  bcd=bcd->categoryOf();
2533  }
2534  if (cd==bcd) return level;
2535  if (level==256)
2536  {
2537  warn_uncond("class %s seem to have a recursive "
2538  "inheritance relation!\n",cd->name().data());
2539  return -1;
2540  }
2541  int m=maxInheritanceDepth;
2542  if (cd->baseClasses())
2543  {
2544  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->baseClasses());
2545  BaseClassDef *bcdi;
2546  for (;(bcdi=bcli.current());++bcli)
2547  {
2548  int mc=minClassDistance(bcdi->classDef,bcd,level+1);
2549  if (mc<m) m=mc;
2550  if (m<0) break;
2551  }
2552  }
2553  return m;
2554 }
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
ClassDef * categoryOf() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4514
const int maxInheritanceDepth
Definition: util.cpp:148
BaseClassList * baseClasses() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4399
int minClassDistance(const ClassDef *cd, const ClassDef *bcd, int level)
Definition: util.cpp:2527
void warn_uncond(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:218
bool namespaceHasVisibleChild ( NamespaceDef nd,
bool  includeClasses 

Definition at line 8299 of file util.cpp.

8300 {
8301  if (nd->getNamespaceSDict())
8302  {
8304  NamespaceDef *cnd;
8305  for (cnli.toFirst();(cnd=cnli.current());++cnli)
8306  {
8307  if (cnd->isLinkableInProject() && cnd->localName().find('@')==-1)
8308  {
8309  return TRUE;
8310  }
8311  else if (namespaceHasVisibleChild(cnd,includeClasses))
8312  {
8313  return TRUE;
8314  }
8315  }
8316  }
8317  if (includeClasses && nd->getClassSDict())
8318  {
8320  ClassDef *cd;
8321  for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
8322  {
8323  if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0)
8324  {
8325  return TRUE;
8326  }
8327  }
8328  }
8329  return FALSE;
8330 }
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool namespaceHasVisibleChild(NamespaceDef *nd, bool includeClasses)
Definition: util.cpp:8299
def cli(ctx)
NamespaceSDict * getNamespaceSDict() const
Definition: namespacedef.h:101
friend class Iterator
Definition: sortdict.h:289
ClassSDict * getClassSDict() const
Definition: namespacedef.h:98
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
ClassDef* newResolveTypedef ( FileDef fileScope,
MemberDef md,
MemberDef **  pMemType,
QCString pTemplSpec,
QCString pResolvedType,
ArgumentList actTemplParams 

Returns the class representing the value of the typedef represented by md within file fileScope.

Example: typedef A T; will return the class representing A if it is a class.

Example: typedef int T; will return 0, since "int" is not a class.

Definition at line 535 of file util.cpp.

539 {
540  //printf("newResolveTypedef(md=%p,cachedVal=%p)\n",md,md->getCachedTypedefVal());
541  bool isCached = md->isTypedefValCached(); // value already cached
542  if (isCached)
543  {
544  //printf("Already cached %s->%s [%s]\n",
545  // md->name().data(),
546  // md->getCachedTypedefVal()?md->getCachedTypedefVal()->name().data():"<none>",
547  // md->getCachedResolvedTypedef()?md->getCachedResolvedTypedef().data():"<none>");
549  if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = md->getCachedTypedefTemplSpec();
550  if (pResolvedType) *pResolvedType = md->getCachedResolvedTypedef();
551  return md->getCachedTypedefVal();
552  }
553  //printf("new typedef\n");
554  QCString qname = md->qualifiedName();
555  if (g_resolvedTypedefs.find(qname)) return 0; // typedef already done
557  g_resolvedTypedefs.insert(qname,md); // put on the trace list
559  ClassDef *typeClass = md->getClassDef();
560  QCString type = md->typeString(); // get the "value" of the typedef
561  if (typeClass && typeClass->isTemplate() &&
562  actTemplParams && actTemplParams->count()>0)
563  {
565  typeClass->templateArguments(),actTemplParams);
566  }
567  QCString typedefValue = type;
568  int tl=type.length();
569  int ip=tl-1; // remove * and & at the end
570  while (ip>=0 && ('*' ||'&' ||' '))
571  {
572  ip--;
573  }
574  type=type.left(ip+1);
575  type.stripPrefix("const "); // strip leading "const"
576  type.stripPrefix("struct "); // strip leading "struct"
577  type.stripPrefix("union "); // strip leading "union"
578  int sp=0;
579  tl=type.length(); // length may have been changed
580  while (sp<tl &&' ') sp++;
581  MemberDef *memTypeDef = 0;
583  fileScope,type,&memTypeDef,0,pResolvedType);
584  // if type is a typedef then return what it resolves to.
585  if (memTypeDef && memTypeDef->isTypedef())
586  {
587  result=newResolveTypedef(fileScope,memTypeDef,pMemType,pTemplSpec);
588  goto done;
589  }
590  else if (memTypeDef && memTypeDef->isEnumerate() && pMemType)
591  {
592  *pMemType = memTypeDef;
593  }
595  //printf("type=%s result=%p\n",,result);
596  if (result==0)
597  {
598  // try unspecialized version if type is template
599  int si=type.findRev("::");
600  int i=type.find('<');
601  if (si==-1 && i!=-1) // typedef of a template => try the unspecialized version
602  {
603  if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = type.mid(i);
604  result = getResolvedClassRec(md->getOuterScope(),fileScope,
605  type.left(i),0,0,pResolvedType);
606  //printf("result=%p pRresolvedType=%s sp=%d ip=%d tl=%d\n",
607  // result,pResolvedType?pResolvedType->data():"<none>",sp,ip,tl);
608  }
609  else if (si!=-1) // A::B
610  {
611  i=type.find('<',si);
612  if (i==-1) // Something like A<T>::B => lookup A::B
613  {
614  i=type.length();
615  }
616  else // Something like A<T>::B<S> => lookup A::B, spec=<S>
617  {
618  if (pTemplSpec) *pTemplSpec = type.mid(i);
619  }
620  result = getResolvedClassRec(md->getOuterScope(),fileScope,
621  stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(type.left(i),FALSE),0,0,
622  pResolvedType);
623  }
625  //if (result) ip=si+sp+1;
626  }
628 done:
629  if (pResolvedType)
630  {
631  if (result)
632  {
633  *pResolvedType=result->qualifiedName();
634  //printf("*pResolvedType=%s\n",pResolvedType->data());
635  if (sp>0) pResolvedType->prepend(typedefValue.left(sp));
636  if (ip<tl-1) pResolvedType->append(typedefValue.right(tl-ip-1));
637  }
638  else
639  {
640  *pResolvedType=typedefValue;
641  }
642  }
644  // remember computed value for next time
645  if (result && result->getDefFileName()!="<code>")
646  // this check is needed to prevent that temporary classes that are
647  // introduced while parsing code fragments are being cached here.
648  {
649  //printf("setting cached typedef %p in result %p\n",md,result);
650  //printf("==> %s (%s,%d)\n",result->name().data(),result->getDefFileName().data(),result->getDefLine());
651  //printf("*pResolvedType=%s\n",pResolvedType?pResolvedType->data():"<none>");
652  md->cacheTypedefVal(result,
653  pTemplSpec ? *pTemplSpec : QCString(),
654  pResolvedType ? *pResolvedType : QCString()
655  );
656  }
658  g_resolvedTypedefs.remove(qname); // remove from the trace list
660  return result;
661 }
bool isTypedefValCached() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4572
static QCString result
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
ArgumentList * templateArguments() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4419
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static QDict< MemberDef > g_resolvedTypedefs
Definition: util.cpp:514
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
bool stripPrefix(const char *prefix)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:201
QCString getDefFileName() const
QCString substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(const QCString &name, ArgumentList *formalArgs, ArgumentList *actualArgs)
Definition: util.cpp:6099
QCString stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(const QCString &fullName, bool parentOnly, QCString *pLastScopeStripped)
Definition: util.cpp:6226
const char * typeString() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4035
uint count() const
Definition: qlist.h:66
static ClassDef * getResolvedClassRec(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n, MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, QCString *pResolvedType)
Definition: util.cpp:1374
QCString getCachedTypedefTemplSpec() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4582
bool isTemplate() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4444
QCString & prepend(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:387
ClassDef * getClassDef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4070
virtual QCString qualifiedName() const
ClassDef * getCachedTypedefVal() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4577
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
QCString qualifiedName() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:3968
QCString getCachedResolvedTypedef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4587
static QCString type
Definition: declinfo.cpp:672
void cacheTypedefVal(ClassDef *val, const QCString &templSpec, const QCString &resolvedType)
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4827
ClassDef * newResolveTypedef(FileDef *fileScope, MemberDef *md, MemberDef **pMemType, QCString *pTemplSpec, QCString *pResolvedType, ArgumentList *actTemplParams)
Definition: util.cpp:535
QCString & append(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:383
int nextUtf8CharPosition ( const QCString utf8Str,
int  len,
int  startPos 

Definition at line 7195 of file util.cpp.

7196 {
7197  int bytes=1;
7198  if (startPos>=len) return len;
7199  char c = utf8Str[startPos];
7200  if (c<0) // multibyte utf-8 character
7201  {
7202  if (((uchar)c&0xE0)==0xC0)
7203  {
7204  bytes++; // 11xx.xxxx: >=2 byte character
7205  }
7206  if (((uchar)c&0xF0)==0xE0)
7207  {
7208  bytes++; // 111x.xxxx: >=3 byte character
7209  }
7210  if (((uchar)c&0xF8)==0xF0)
7211  {
7212  bytes++; // 1111.xxxx: >=4 byte character
7213  }
7214  if (((uchar)c&0xFC)==0xF8)
7215  {
7216  bytes++; // 1111.1xxx: >=5 byte character
7217  }
7218  if (((uchar)c&0xFE)==0xFC)
7219  {
7220  bytes++; // 1111.1xxx: 6 byte character
7221  }
7222  }
7223  else if (c=='&') // skip over character entities
7224  {
7225  static QRegExp re1("&#[0-9]+;"); // numerical entity
7226  static QRegExp re2("&[A-Z_a-z]+;"); // named entity
7227  int l1,l2;
7228  int i1 = re1.match(utf8Str,startPos,&l1);
7229  int i2 = re2.match(utf8Str,startPos,&l2);
7230  if (i1!=-1)
7231  {
7232  bytes=l1;
7233  }
7234  else if (i2!=-1)
7235  {
7236  bytes=l2;
7237  }
7238  }
7239  return startPos+bytes;
7240 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
unsigned char uchar
byte bytes
Alias for common language habits.
Definition: datasize.h:101
QCString normalizeNonTemplateArgumentsInString ( const QCString name,
Definition context,
const ArgumentList formalArgs 

Definition at line 6037 of file util.cpp.

6041 {
6042  // skip until <
6043  int p=name.find('<');
6044  if (p==-1) return name;
6045  p++;
6046  QCString result = name.left(p);
6048  static QRegExp re("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\\x80-\\xFF]*");
6049  int l,i;
6050  // for each identifier in the template part (e.g. B<T> -> T)
6051  while ((i=re.match(name,p,&l))!=-1)
6052  {
6053  result += name.mid(p,i-p);
6054  QCString n = name.mid(i,l);
6055  bool found=FALSE;
6056  if (formalArgs) // check that n is not a formal template argument
6057  {
6058  ArgumentListIterator formAli(*formalArgs);
6059  Argument *formArg;
6060  for (formAli.toFirst();
6061  (formArg=formAli.current()) && !found;
6062  ++formAli
6063  )
6064  {
6065  found = formArg->name==n;
6066  }
6067  }
6068  if (!found)
6069  {
6070  // try to resolve the type
6071  ClassDef *cd = getResolvedClass(context,0,n);
6072  if (cd)
6073  {
6074  result+=cd->name();
6075  }
6076  else
6077  {
6078  result+=n;
6079  }
6080  }
6081  else
6082  {
6083  result+=n;
6084  }
6085  p=i+l;
6086  }
6087  result+=name.right(name.length()-p);
6088  //printf("normalizeNonTemplateArgumentInString(%s)=%s\n",,;
6089  return removeRedundantWhiteSpace(result);
6090 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::void_t< T > n
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:1655
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
ClassDef * getResolvedClass(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, const char *n, MemberDef **pTypeDef, QCString *pTemplSpec, bool mayBeUnlinkable, bool mayBeHidden, QCString *pResolvedType)
Definition: util.cpp:1563
bool openOutputFile ( const char *  outFile,
QFile f 

Definition at line 8588 of file util.cpp.

8589 {
8590  bool fileOpened=FALSE;
8591  bool writeToStdout=(outFile[0]=='-' && outFile[1]=='\0');
8592  if (writeToStdout) // write to stdout
8593  {
8594  fileOpened =,stdout);
8595  }
8596  else // write to file
8597  {
8598  QFileInfo fi(outFile);
8599  if (fi.exists()) // create a backup
8600  {
8601  QDir dir=fi.dir();
8602  QFileInfo backup(fi.fileName()+".bak");
8603  if (backup.exists()) // remove existing backup
8604  dir.remove(backup.fileName());
8605  dir.rename(fi.fileName(),fi.fileName()+".bak");
8606  }
8607  f.setName(outFile);
8608  fileOpened =|IO_Translate);
8609  }
8610  return fileOpened;
8611 }
Traverses directory structures and contents in a platform-independent way.
Definition: qdir.h:52
virtual bool remove(const QString &fileName, bool acceptAbsPath=TRUE)
Definition: qdir.cpp:915
#define IO_WriteOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:62
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
TFile * outFile
Definition: makeDST.cxx:36
string dir
void setName(const QString &name)
Definition: qfile.cpp:167
#define IO_Translate
Definition: qiodevice.h:66
virtual bool rename(const QString &name, const QString &newName, bool acceptAbsPaths=TRUE)
Definition: qdir_unix.cpp:119
bool open(int)
Definition: qfile_unix.cpp:134
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
QCString parseCommentAsText ( const Definition scope,
const MemberDef member,
const QCString doc,
const QCString fileName,
int  lineNr 

Definition at line 7242 of file util.cpp.

7244 {
7245  QGString s;
7246  if (doc.isEmpty()) return;
7247  FTextStream t(&s);
7248  DocNode *root = validatingParseDoc(fileName,lineNr,
7249  (Definition*)scope,(MemberDef*)md,doc,FALSE,FALSE);
7250  TextDocVisitor *visitor = new TextDocVisitor(t);
7251  root->accept(visitor);
7252  delete visitor;
7253  delete root;
7255  int i=0;
7256  int charCnt=0;
7257  int l=result.length();
7258  bool addEllipsis=FALSE;
7259  while ((i=nextUtf8CharPosition(result,l,i))<l)
7260  {
7261  charCnt++;
7262  if (charCnt>=80) break;
7263  }
7264  if (charCnt>=80) // try to truncate the string
7265  {
7266  while ((i=nextUtf8CharPosition(result,l,i))<l && charCnt<100)
7267  {
7268  charCnt++;
7269  if (>=0 && isspace(
7270  {
7271  addEllipsis=TRUE;
7272  }
7273  else if (',' ||
7274'.' ||
7276  {
7277  break;
7278  }
7279  }
7280  }
7281  if (addEllipsis || charCnt==100) result=result.left(i)+"...";
7282  return;
7283 }
Concrete visitor implementation for TEXT output.
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString convertCharEntitiesToUTF8(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:5822
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
DocRoot * validatingParseDoc(const char *fileName, int startLine, Definition *ctx, MemberDef *md, const char *input, bool indexWords, bool isExample, const char *exampleName, bool singleLine, bool linkFromIndex)
Definition: docparser.cpp:7179
Simplified and optimized version of QTextStream.
Definition: ftextstream.h:11
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
int nextUtf8CharPosition(const QCString &utf8Str, int len, int startPos)
Definition: util.cpp:7195
virtual void accept(DocVisitor *v)=0
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool patternMatch ( const QFileInfo fi,
const QStrList patList 

Definition at line 7784 of file util.cpp.

7785 {
7786  bool found=FALSE;
7787  if (patList)
7788  {
7789  QStrListIterator it(*patList);
7790  QCString pattern;
7792  QCString fn = fi.fileName().data();
7793  QCString fp = fi.filePath().data();
7794  QCString afp= fi.absFilePath().data();
7796  for (it.toFirst();(pattern=it.current());++it)
7797  {
7798  if (!pattern.isEmpty())
7799  {
7800  int i=pattern.find('=');
7801  if (i!=-1) pattern=pattern.left(i); // strip of the extension specific filter name
7803 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MACOSX__) // Windows or MacOSX
7804  QRegExp re(pattern,FALSE,TRUE); // case insensitive match
7805 #else // unix
7806  QRegExp re(pattern,TRUE,TRUE); // case sensitive match
7807 #endif
7808  found = re.match(fn)!=-1 ||
7809  re.match(fp)!=-1 ||
7810  re.match(afp)!=-1;
7811  if (found) break;
7812  //printf("Matching `%s' against pattern `%s' found=%d\n",
7813  // fi->fileName().data(),,found);
7814  }
7815  }
7816  }
7817  return found;
7818 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QString filePath() const
Definition: qfileinfo.cpp:321
QString absFilePath() const
const char * data() const
Definition: qstring.h:542
QAsciiDict< Entry > fn
std::string pattern
QString fileName() const
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString processMarkup ( const QCString s)
bool protectionLevelVisible ( Protection  prot)

Definition at line 8098 of file util.cpp.

8099 {
8100  static bool extractPrivate = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
8101  static bool extractPackage = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PACKAGE");
8103  return (prot!=Private && prot!=Package) ||
8104  (prot==Private && extractPrivate) ||
8105  (prot==Package && extractPackage);
8106 }
Definition: types.h:26
Definition: types.h:26
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
bool readInputFile ( const char *  fileName,
BufStr inBuf,
bool  filter = TRUE,
bool  isSourceCode = FALSE 

read a file name fileName and optionally filter and transcode it

Definition at line 7673 of file util.cpp.

7674 {
7675  // try to open file
7676  int size=0;
7677  //uint oldPos = dest.curPos();
7678  //printf(".......oldPos=%d\n",oldPos);
7680  QFileInfo fi(fileName);
7681  if (!fi.exists()) return FALSE;
7682  QCString filterName = getFileFilter(fileName,isSourceCode);
7683  if (filterName.isEmpty() || !filter)
7684  {
7685  QFile f(fileName);
7686  if (!
7687  {
7688  err("could not open file %s\n",fileName);
7689  return FALSE;
7690  }
7691  size=fi.size();
7692  // read the file
7693  inBuf.skip(size);
7694  if (f.readBlock(*+oldPos*/,size)!=size)
7695  {
7696  err("problems while reading file %s\n",fileName);
7697  return FALSE;
7698  }
7699  }
7700  else
7701  {
7702  QCString cmd=filterName+" \""+fileName+"\"";
7703  Debug::print(Debug::ExtCmd,0,"Executing popen(`%s`)\n",qPrint(cmd));
7704  FILE *f=portable_popen(cmd,"r");
7705  if (!f)
7706  {
7707  err("could not execute filter %s\n",;
7708  return FALSE;
7709  }
7710  const int bufSize=1024;
7711  char buf[bufSize];
7712  int numRead;
7713  while ((numRead=(int)fread(buf,1,bufSize,f))>0)
7714  {
7715  //printf(">>>>>>>>Reading %d bytes\n",numRead);
7716  inBuf.addArray(buf,numRead),size+=numRead;
7717  }
7718  portable_pclose(f);
7719 ='\0';
7720  Debug::print(Debug::FilterOutput, 0, "Filter output\n");
7721  Debug::print(Debug::FilterOutput,0,"-------------\n%s\n-------------\n",qPrint(inBuf));
7722  }
7724  int start=0;
7725  if (size>=2 &&
7726  (( && || // Litte endian BOM
7727  ( && // big endian BOM
7728  )
7729  ) // UCS-2 encoded file
7730  {
7731  transcodeCharacterBuffer(fileName,inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
7732  "UCS-2","UTF-8");
7733  }
7734  else if (size>=3 &&
7735  (uchar) &&
7736  (uchar) &&
7737  (uchar)
7738  ) // UTF-8 encoded file
7739  {
7740  inBuf.dropFromStart(3); // remove UTF-8 BOM: no translation needed
7741  }
7742  else // transcode according to the INPUT_ENCODING setting
7743  {
7744  // do character transcoding if needed.
7745  transcodeCharacterBuffer(fileName,inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
7746  Config_getString("INPUT_ENCODING"),"UTF-8");
7747  }
7749  //inBuf.addChar('\n'); /* to prevent problems under Windows ? */
7751  // and translate CR's
7752  size=inBuf.curPos()-start;
7753  int newSize=filterCRLF(,size);
7754  //printf("filter char at %p size=%d newSize=%d\n",,size,newSize);
7755  if (newSize!=size) // we removed chars
7756  {
7757  inBuf.shrink(newSize); // resize the array
7758  //printf(".......resizing from %d to %d result=[%s]\n",oldPos+size,oldPos+newSize,;
7759  }
7760  inBuf.addChar(0);
7761  return TRUE;
7762 }
char * data() const
Definition: bufstr.h:81
static int transcodeCharacterBuffer(const char *fileName, BufStr &srcBuf, int size, const char *inputEncoding, const char *outputEncoding)
Definition: util.cpp:7635
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
FILE * portable_popen(const char *name, const char *type)
Definition: portable.cpp:400
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
void addChar(char c)
Definition: bufstr.h:42
uint curPos() const
Definition: bufstr.h:97
QCString getFileFilter(const char *name, bool isSourceCode)
Definition: util.cpp:2345
unsigned char uchar
void shrink(uint newlen)
Definition: bufstr.h:58
#define IO_ReadOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:61
decltype(auto) constexpr size(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::size.
Definition: StdUtils.h:92
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: bufstr.h:85
void addArray(const char *a, int len)
Definition: bufstr.h:47
static void print(DebugMask mask, int prio, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: debug.cpp:84
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
#define Config_getString(val)
Definition: config.cpp:660
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
The QFile class is an I/O device that operates on files.
Definition: qfile.h:50
void skip(uint s)
Definition: bufstr.h:53
int portable_pclose(FILE *stream)
Definition: portable.cpp:405
static unsigned filter(unsigned char *out, const unsigned char *in, unsigned w, unsigned h, const LodePNG_InfoColor *info)
Definition: lodepng.cpp:3576
list cmd
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
UWORD32 buf[4]
Definition: md5.h:42
const char * qPrint(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.h:797
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
void dropFromStart(uint bytes)
Definition: bufstr.h:101
int filterCRLF(char *buf, int len)
Definition: util.cpp:2284
QCString recodeString ( const QCString str,
const char *  fromEncoding,
const char *  toEncoding 
QCString relativePathToRoot ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 5436 of file util.cpp.

5437 {
5438  QCString result;
5439  if (Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS"))
5440  {
5441  if (name==0)
5442  {
5443  return REL_PATH_TO_ROOT;
5444  }
5445  else
5446  {
5447  QCString n = name;
5448  int i = n.findRev('/');
5449  if (i!=-1)
5450  {
5451  result=REL_PATH_TO_ROOT;
5452  }
5453  }
5454  }
5455  return result;
5456 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
Definition: util.cpp:91
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
std::void_t< T > n
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
QCString removeAnonymousScopes ( const QCString s)

Removes all anonymous scopes from string s Possible examples:

   "bla::@10::blep"      => "bla::blep"
   "bla::@10::@11::blep" => "bla::blep"
   "@10::blep"           => "blep"
   " @10::blep"          => "blep"
   "@9::@10::blep"       => "blep"
   "bla::@1"             => "bla"
   "bla::@1::@2"         => "bla"
   "bla @1"              => "bla"

Definition at line 164 of file util.cpp.

165 {
167  if (s.isEmpty()) return result;
168  static QRegExp re("[ :]*@[0-9]+[: ]*");
169  int i,l,sl=s.length();
170  int p=0;
171  while ((i=re.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
172  {
173  result+=s.mid(p,i-p);
174  int c=i;
175  bool b1=FALSE,b2=FALSE;
176  while (c<i+l &&!='@') if (':') b1=TRUE;
177  c=i+l-1;
178  while (c>=i &&!='@') if (':') b2=TRUE;
179  if (b1 && b2)
180  {
181  result+="::";
182  }
183  p=i+l;
184  }
185  result+=s.right(sl-p);
186  //printf("removeAnonymousScopes(`%s')=`%s'\n",,;
187  return result;
188 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace ( const QCString s)

Definition at line 1655 of file util.cpp.

1656 {
1657  static bool cliSupport = Config_getBool("CPP_CLI_SUPPORT");
1658  static bool vhdl = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
1660  if (s.isEmpty() || vhdl) return s;
1661  static GrowBuf growBuf;
1662  //int resultLen = 1024;
1663  //int resultPos = 0;
1664  //QCString result(resultLen);
1665  // we use growBuf.addChar(c) instead of result+=c to
1666  // improve the performance of this function
1667  growBuf.clear();
1668  uint i;
1669  uint l=s.length();
1670  uint csp=0;
1671  uint vsp=0;
1672  char c;
1673  for (i=0;i<l;i++)
1674  {
1675 nextChar:
1678  // search for "const"
1679  if (csp<6 && c==constScope[csp] && // character matches substring "const"
1680  (csp>0 || // if it is the first character
1681  i==0 || // the previous may not be a digit
1682  !isId(
1683  )
1684  )
1685  csp++;
1686  else // reset counter
1687  csp=0;
1689  // search for "virtual"
1690  if (vsp<8 && c==virtualScope[vsp] && // character matches substring "virtual"
1691  (vsp>0 || // if it is the first character
1692  i==0 || // the previous may not be a digit
1693  !isId(
1694  )
1695  )
1696  vsp++;
1697  else // reset counter
1698  vsp=0;
1700  if (c=='"') // quoted string
1701  {
1702  i++;
1703  growBuf.addChar(c);
1704  while (i<l)
1705  {
1706  char;
1707  growBuf.addChar(cc);
1708  if (cc=='\\') // escaped character
1709  {
1710  growBuf.addChar(;
1711  i+=2;
1712  }
1713  else if (cc=='"') // end of string
1714  { i++; goto nextChar; }
1715  else // any other character
1716  { i++; }
1717  }
1718  }
1719  else if (i<l-2 && c=='<' && // current char is a <
1720  (isId( || isspace((uchar) && // next char is an id char or space
1721  (i<8 || !findOperator(s,i)) // string in front is not "operator"
1722  )
1723  {
1724  growBuf.addChar('<');
1725  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1726  }
1727  else if (i>0 && c=='>' && // current char is a >
1728  (isId( || isspace((uchar) ||'*' ||'&' ||'.') && // prev char is an id char or space
1729  (i<8 || !findOperator(s,i)) // string in front is not "operator"
1730  )
1731  {
1732  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1733  growBuf.addChar('>');
1734  }
1735  else if (i>0 && c==',' && !isspace((uchar)
1736  && ((i<l-1 && (isId( ||'[')) // the [ is for attributes (see bug702170)
1737  || (i<l-2 &&'$' && isId( // for PHP
1738  || (i<l-3 &&'&' &&'$' && isId( // for PHP
1739  {
1740  growBuf.addChar(',');
1741  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1742  }
1743  else if (i>0 &&
1744  (
1745  (')' && isId(c)) // ")id" -> ") id"
1746  ||
1747  (c=='\'' &&' ') // "'id" -> "' id"
1748  ||
1749  (i>1 &&' ' &&' ') // " id" -> " id"
1750  )
1751  )
1752  {
1753  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1754  growBuf.addChar(c);
1755  }
1756  else if (c=='t' && csp==5 /*&& (i<5 || !isId(*/ &&
1757  !(isId( /*||' '*/ ||
1758')' ||
1759',' ||
1761  )
1762  )
1763  // prevent const ::A from being converted to const::A
1764  {
1765  growBuf.addChar('t');
1766  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1767  if (' ') i++;
1768  csp=0;
1769  }
1770  else if (c==':' && csp==6 /*&& (i<6 || !isId(*/)
1771  // replace const::A by const ::A
1772  {
1773  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1774  growBuf.addChar(':');
1775  csp=0;
1776  }
1777  else if (c=='l' && vsp==7 /*&& (i<7 || !isId(*/ &&
1778  !(isId( /*||' '*/ ||
1779')' ||
1780',' ||
1782  )
1783  )
1784  // prevent virtual ::A from being converted to virtual::A
1785  {
1786  growBuf.addChar('l');
1787  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1788  if (' ') i++;
1789  vsp=0;
1790  }
1791  else if (c==':' && vsp==8 /*&& (i<8 || !isId(*/)
1792  // replace virtual::A by virtual ::A
1793  {
1794  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1795  growBuf.addChar(':');
1796  vsp=0;
1797  }
1798  else if (!isspace((uchar)c) || // not a space
1799  ( i>0 && i<l-1 && // internal character
1800  (isId( ||')' ||',' ||'>' ||']') &&
1801  (isId( ||
1802  (i<l-2 &&'$' && isId( ||
1803  (i<l-3 &&'&' &&'$' && isId(
1804  )
1805  )
1806  )
1807  {
1808  if (c=='\t') c=' ';
1809  if (c=='*' || c=='&' || c=='@' || c=='$')
1810  {
1811  //uint rl=result.length();
1812  uint rl=growBuf.getPos();
1813  if ((rl>0 && (isId( ||'>')) &&
1814  ((c!='*' && c!='&') || !findOperator2(s,i)) // avoid splitting operator* and operator->* and operator&
1815  )
1816  {
1817  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1818  }
1819  }
1820  else if (c=='-')
1821  {
1822  uint rl=growBuf.getPos();
1823  if (rl>0 &&')' && i<l-1 &&'>') // trailing return type ')->' => ') ->'
1824  {
1825  growBuf.addChar(' ');
1826  }
1827  }
1828  growBuf.addChar(c);
1829  if (cliSupport &&
1830  (c=='^' || c=='%') && i>1 && isId( &&
1831  !findOperator(s,i)
1832  )
1833  {
1834  growBuf.addChar(' '); // C++/CLI: Type^ name and Type% name
1835  }
1836  }
1837  }
1838  growBuf.addChar(0);
1839  //printf("removeRedundantWhiteSpace(`%s')=`%s'\n",,growBuf.get());
1840  //result.resize(resultPos);
1841  return growBuf.get();
1842 }
void clear()
Definition: growbuf.h:15
static bool findOperator(const QCString &s, int i)
Definition: util.cpp:1623
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
unsigned char uchar
void addChar(char c)
Definition: growbuf.h:16
static const char constScope[]
Definition: util.cpp:1651
static bool findOperator2(const QCString &s, int i)
Definition: util.cpp:1637
static const char virtualScope[]
Definition: util.cpp:1652
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
const char * get()
Definition: growbuf.h:38
char at(int i) const
Definition: growbuf.h:40
bool isId(int c)
Definition: util.h:224
int getPos() const
Definition: growbuf.h:39
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
QCString replaceAnonymousScopes ( const QCString s,
const char *  replacement = 0 

Definition at line 191 of file util.cpp.

192 {
194  if (s.isEmpty()) return result;
195  static QRegExp re("@[0-9]+");
196  int i,l,sl=s.length();
197  int p=0;
198  while ((i=re.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
199  {
200  result+=s.mid(p,i-p);
201  if (replacement)
202  {
203  result+=replacement;
204  }
205  else
206  {
207  result+="__anonymous__";
208  }
209  p=i+l;
210  }
211  result+=s.right(sl-p);
212  //printf("replaceAnonymousScopes(`%s')=`%s'\n",,;
213  return result;
214 }
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString replaceColorMarkers ( const char *  str)

Replaces any markers of the form ##AA in input string str by new markers of the form #AABBCC, where #AABBCC represents a valid color, based on the intensity represented by hex number AA and the current HTML_COLORSTYLE_* settings.

Definition at line 7919 of file util.cpp.

7920 {
7921  QCString result;
7922  QCString s=str;
7923  if (s.isEmpty()) return result;
7924  static QRegExp re("##[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]");
7925  static const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
7926  static int hue = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE");
7927  static int sat = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT");
7928  static int gamma = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA");
7929  int i,l,sl=s.length(),p=0;
7930  while ((i=re.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
7931  {
7932  result+=s.mid(p,i-p);
7933  QCString lumStr = s.mid(i+2,l-2);
7934 #define HEXTONUM(x) (((x)>='0' && (x)<='9') ? ((x)-'0') : \
7935  ((x)>='a' && (x)<='f') ? ((x)-'a'+10) : \
7936  ((x)>='A' && (x)<='F') ? ((x)-'A'+10) : 0)
7938  double r,g,b;
7939  int red,green,blue;
7940  int level = HEXTONUM(lumStr[0])*16+HEXTONUM(lumStr[1]);
7941  ColoredImage::hsl2rgb(hue/360.0,sat/255.0,
7942  pow(level/255.0,gamma/100.0),&r,&g,&b);
7943  red = (int)(r*255.0);
7944  green = (int)(g*255.0);
7945  blue = (int)(b*255.0);
7946  char colStr[8];
7947  colStr[0]='#';
7948  colStr[1]=hex[red>>4];
7949  colStr[2]=hex[red&0xf];
7950  colStr[3]=hex[green>>4];
7951  colStr[4]=hex[green&0xf];
7952  colStr[5]=hex[blue>>4];
7953  colStr[6]=hex[blue&0xf];
7954  colStr[7]=0;
7955  //printf("replacing %s->%s (level=%d)\n",,colStr,level);
7956  result+=colStr;
7957  p=i+l;
7958  }
7959  result+=s.right(sl-p);
7960  return result;
7961 }
static constexpr double g
Definition: Units.h:144
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
constexpr T pow(T x)
Definition: pow.h:72
static void hsl2rgb(double h, double s, double l, double *pRed, double *pGreen, double *pBlue)
Definition: image.cpp:428
QTextStream & hex(QTextStream &s)
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
#define Config_getInt(val)
Definition: config.cpp:661
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
#define HEXTONUM(x)
double gamma(double KE, const simb::MCParticle *part)
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
static QCString str
void replaceNamespaceAliases ( QCString scope,
int  i 

Definition at line 6804 of file util.cpp.

6805 {
6806  while (i>0)
6807  {
6808  QCString ns = scope.left(i);
6810  if (s)
6811  {
6812  scope=*s+scope.right(scope.length()-i);
6813  i=s->length();
6814  }
6815  if (i>0 && ns==scope.left(i)) break;
6816  }
6817 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
static StringDict namespaceAliasDict
Definition: doxygen.h:118
QAsciiDict< Entry > ns
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString resolveAliasCmd ( const QCString  aliasCmd)

Definition at line 7562 of file util.cpp.

7563 {
7564  QCString result;
7565  aliasesProcessed.clear();
7566  //printf("Expanding: '%s'\n",;
7567  result = expandAliasRec(aliasCmd);
7568  //printf("Expanding result: '%s'->'%s'\n",,;
7569  return result;
7570 }
static QCString result
static QDict< void > aliasesProcessed
Definition: util.cpp:7287
static QCString expandAliasRec(const QCString s, bool allowRecursion=FALSE)
Definition: util.cpp:7450
QCString resolveDefines ( const char *  n)
bool resolveLink ( const char *  scName,
const char *  lr,
bool  inSeeBlock,
Definition **  resContext,
QCString resAnchor 

Definition at line 4753 of file util.cpp.

4759 {
4760  *resContext=0;
4762  QCString linkRef=lr;
4763  QCString linkRefWithoutTemplates = stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(linkRef,FALSE);
4764  //printf("ResolveLink linkRef=%s\n",lr);
4765  FileDef *fd;
4766  GroupDef *gd;
4767  PageDef *pd;
4768  ClassDef *cd;
4769  DirDef *dir;
4770  NamespaceDef *nd;
4771  SectionInfo *si=0;
4772  bool ambig;
4773  if (linkRef.isEmpty()) // no reference name!
4774  {
4775  return FALSE;
4776  }
4777  else if ((pd=Doxygen::pageSDict->find(linkRef))) // link to a page
4778  {
4779  GroupDef *gd = pd->getGroupDef();
4780  if (gd)
4781  {
4782  if (!pd->name().isEmpty()) si=Doxygen::sectionDict->find(pd->name());
4783  *resContext=gd;
4784  if (si) resAnchor = si->label;
4785  }
4786  else
4787  {
4788  *resContext=pd;
4789  }
4790  return TRUE;
4791  }
4792  else if ((si=Doxygen::sectionDict->find(linkRef)))
4793  {
4794  *resContext=si->definition;
4795  resAnchor = si->label;
4796  return TRUE;
4797  }
4798  else if ((pd=Doxygen::exampleSDict->find(linkRef))) // link to an example
4799  {
4800  *resContext=pd;
4801  return TRUE;
4802  }
4803  else if ((gd=Doxygen::groupSDict->find(linkRef))) // link to a group
4804  {
4805  *resContext=gd;
4806  return TRUE;
4807  }
4808  else if ((fd=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameDict,linkRef,ambig)) // file link
4809  && fd->isLinkable())
4810  {
4811  *resContext=fd;
4812  return TRUE;
4813  }
4814  else if ((cd=getClass(linkRef))) // class link
4815  {
4816  *resContext=cd;
4817  resAnchor=cd->anchor();
4818  return TRUE;
4819  }
4820  else if ((cd=getClass(linkRefWithoutTemplates))) // C#/Java generic class link
4821  {
4822  *resContext=cd;
4823  resAnchor=cd->anchor();
4824  return TRUE;
4825  }
4826  else if ((cd=getClass(linkRef+"-p"))) // Obj-C protocol link
4827  {
4828  *resContext=cd;
4829  resAnchor=cd->anchor();
4830  return TRUE;
4831  }
4832 // else if ((cd=getClass(linkRef+"-g"))) // C# generic link
4833 // {
4834 // *resContext=cd;
4835 // resAnchor=cd->anchor();
4836 // return TRUE;
4837 // }
4838  else if ((nd=Doxygen::namespaceSDict->find(linkRef)))
4839  {
4840  *resContext=nd;
4841  return TRUE;
4842  }
4843  else if ((dir=Doxygen::directories->find(QFileInfo(linkRef).absFilePath().utf8()+"/"))
4844  && dir->isLinkable()) // TODO: make this location independent like filedefs
4845  {
4846  *resContext=dir;
4847  return TRUE;
4848  }
4849  else // probably a member reference
4850  {
4851  MemberDef *md;
4852  bool res = resolveRef(scName,lr,TRUE,resContext,&md);
4853  if (md) resAnchor=md->anchor();
4854  return res;
4855  }
4856 }
static GroupSDict * groupSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:119
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: filedef.h:117
static PageSDict * exampleSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:101
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString label
Definition: section.h:56
static FileNameDict * inputNameDict
Definition: doxygen.h:108
string dir
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
static NamespaceSDict * namespaceSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:120
QCString stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope(const QCString &fullName, bool parentOnly, QCString *pLastScopeStripped)
Definition: util.cpp:6226
const QCString & name() const
Definition: definition.h:114
static DirSDict * directories
Definition: doxygen.h:139
QCString anchor() const
Definition: classdef.cpp:4606
FileDef * findFileDef(const FileNameDict *fnDict, const char *n, bool &ambig)
Definition: util.cpp:4963
static SectionDict * sectionDict
Definition: doxygen.h:117
static PageSDict * pageSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:102
Definition: dirdef.h:44
QCString anchor() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:1031
A model of a page symbol.
Definition: pagedef.h:29
The QFileInfo class provides system-independent file information.
Definition: qfileinfo.h:51
Definition * definition
Definition: section.h:60
bool isLinkable() const
Definition: dirdef.cpp:63
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool resolveRef(const char *scName, const char *name, bool inSeeBlock, Definition **resContext, MemberDef **resMember, bool lookForSpecialization, FileDef *currentFile, bool checkScope)
Definition: util.cpp:4479
GroupDef * getGroupDef() const
Definition: pagedef.cpp:52
bool resolveRef ( const char *  scName,
const char *  name,
bool  inSeeBlock,
Definition **  resContext,
MemberDef **  resMember,
bool  lookForSpecialization,
FileDef currentFile,
bool  checkScope 

Returns an object to reference to given its name and context

return value TRUE implies *resContext!=0 or *resMember!=0

Definition at line 4479 of file util.cpp.

4488 {
4489  //printf("resolveRef(scope=%s,name=%s,inSeeBlock=%d)\n",scName,name,inSeeBlock);
4490  QCString tsName = name;
4491  //bool memberScopeFirst = tsName.find('#')!=-1;
4492  QCString fullName = substitute(tsName,"#","::");
4493  if (fullName.find("anonymous_namespace{")==-1)
4494  {
4495  fullName = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(fullName,".","::"));
4496  }
4497  else
4498  {
4499  fullName = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(fullName);
4500  }
4502  int bracePos=findParameterList(fullName);
4503  int endNamePos=bracePos!=-1 ? bracePos : fullName.length();
4504  int scopePos=fullName.findRev("::",endNamePos);
4505  bool explicitScope = fullName.left(2)=="::" && // ::scope or #scope
4506  (scopePos>2 || // ::N::A
4507  tsName.left(2)=="::" || // ::foo in local scope
4508  scName==0 // #foo in global scope
4509  );
4511  // default result values
4512  *resContext=0;
4513  *resMember=0;
4515  if (bracePos==-1) // simple name
4516  {
4517  ClassDef *cd=0;
4518  NamespaceDef *nd=0;
4520  // the following if() was commented out for releases in the range
4521  // 1.5.2 to 1.6.1, but has been restored as a result of bug report 594787.
4522  if (!inSeeBlock && scopePos==-1 && isLowerCase(tsName))
4523  { // link to lower case only name => do not try to autolink
4524  return FALSE;
4525  }
4527  //printf("scName=%s fullName=%s\n",scName,;
4529  // check if this is a class or namespace reference
4530  if (scName!=fullName && getScopeDefs(scName,fullName,cd,nd))
4531  {
4532  if (cd) // scope matches that of a class
4533  {
4534  *resContext = cd;
4535  }
4536  else // scope matches that of a namespace
4537  {
4538  ASSERT(nd!=0);
4539  *resContext = nd;
4540  }
4541  return TRUE;
4542  }
4543  else if (scName==fullName || (!inSeeBlock && scopePos==-1))
4544  // nothing to link => output plain text
4545  {
4546  //printf("found scName=%s fullName=%s scName==fullName=%d "
4547  // "inSeeBlock=%d scopePos=%d!\n",
4548  // scName,,scName==fullName,inSeeBlock,scopePos);
4549  return FALSE;
4550  }
4551  // continue search...
4552  }
4554  // extract userscope+name
4555  QCString nameStr=fullName.left(endNamePos);
4556  if (explicitScope) nameStr=nameStr.mid(2);
4558  // extract arguments
4559  QCString argsStr;
4560  if (bracePos!=-1) argsStr=fullName.right(fullName.length()-bracePos);
4562  // strip template specifier
4563  // TODO: match against the correct partial template instantiation
4564  int templPos=nameStr.find('<');
4565  bool tryUnspecializedVersion = FALSE;
4566  if (templPos!=-1 && nameStr.find("operator")==-1)
4567  {
4568  int endTemplPos=nameStr.findRev('>');
4569  if (endTemplPos!=-1)
4570  {
4571  if (!lookForSpecialization)
4572  {
4573  nameStr=nameStr.left(templPos)+nameStr.right(nameStr.length()-endTemplPos-1);
4574  }
4575  else
4576  {
4577  tryUnspecializedVersion = TRUE;
4578  }
4579  }
4580  }
4582  QCString scopeStr=scName;
4584  MemberDef *md = 0;
4585  ClassDef *cd = 0;
4586  FileDef *fd = 0;
4587  NamespaceDef *nd = 0;
4588  GroupDef *gd = 0;
4590  // check if nameStr is a member or global.
4591  //printf("getDefs(scope=%s,name=%s,args=%s checkScope=%d)\n",
4592  //,,,checkScope);
4593  if (getDefs(scopeStr,nameStr,argsStr,
4594  md,cd,fd,nd,gd,
4595  //scopePos==0 && !memberScopeFirst, // forceEmptyScope
4596  explicitScope, // replaces prev line due to bug 600829
4597  currentFile,
4598  TRUE // checkCV
4599  )
4600  )
4601  {
4602  //printf("after getDefs checkScope=%d nameStr=%s cd=%p nd=%p\n",checkScope,,cd,nd);
4603  if (checkScope && md && md->getOuterScope()==Doxygen::globalScope &&
4604  !md->isStrongEnumValue() &&
4605  (!scopeStr.isEmpty() || nameStr.find("::")>0))
4606  {
4607  // we did find a member, but it is a global one while we were explicitly
4608  // looking for a scoped variable. See bug 616387 for an example why this check is needed.
4609  // note we do need to support autolinking to "::symbol" hence the >0
4610  //printf("not global member!\n");
4611  *resContext=0;
4612  *resMember=0;
4613  return FALSE;
4614  }
4615  //printf("after getDefs md=%p cd=%p fd=%p nd=%p gd=%p\n",md,cd,fd,nd,gd);
4616  if (md) { *resMember=md; *resContext=md; }
4617  else if (cd) *resContext=cd;
4618  else if (nd) *resContext=nd;
4619  else if (fd) *resContext=fd;
4620  else if (gd) *resContext=gd;
4621  else { *resContext=0; *resMember=0; return FALSE; }
4622  //printf("member=%s (md=%p) anchor=%s linkable()=%d context=%s\n",
4623  // md->name().data(),md,md->anchor().data(),md->isLinkable(),(*resContext)->name().data());
4624  return TRUE;
4625  }
4626  else if (inSeeBlock && !nameStr.isEmpty() && (gd=Doxygen::groupSDict->find(nameStr)))
4627  { // group link
4628  *resContext=gd;
4629  return TRUE;
4630  }
4631  else if (tsName.find('.')!=-1) // maybe a link to a file
4632  {
4633  bool ambig;
4634  fd=findFileDef(Doxygen::inputNameDict,tsName,ambig);
4635  if (fd && !ambig)
4636  {
4637  *resContext=fd;
4638  return TRUE;
4639  }
4640  }
4642  if (tryUnspecializedVersion)
4643  {
4644  return resolveRef(scName,name,inSeeBlock,resContext,resMember,FALSE,0,checkScope);
4645  }
4646  if (bracePos!=-1) // Try without parameters as well, could be a contructor invocation
4647  {
4648  *resContext=getClass(fullName.left(bracePos));
4649  if (*resContext)
4650  {
4651  return TRUE;
4652  }
4653  }
4654  //printf("resolveRef: %s not found!\n",name);
4656  return FALSE;
4657 }
int findParameterList(const QCString &name)
Definition: util.cpp:1848
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static GroupSDict * groupSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:119
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static FileNameDict * inputNameDict
Definition: doxygen.h:108
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
static NamespaceDef * globalScope
Definition: doxygen.h:128
bool getDefs(const QCString &scName, const QCString &mbName, const char *args, MemberDef *&md, ClassDef *&cd, FileDef *&fd, NamespaceDef *&nd, GroupDef *&gd, bool forceEmptyScope, FileDef *currentFile, bool checkCV, const char *forceTagFile)
Definition: util.cpp:3932
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
FileDef * findFileDef(const FileNameDict *fnDict, const char *n, bool &ambig)
Definition: util.cpp:4963
bool isStrongEnumValue() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4350
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:1655
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
static bool isLowerCase(QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:4467
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
static bool getScopeDefs(const char *docScope, const char *scope, ClassDef *&cd, NamespaceDef *&nd)
Definition: util.cpp:4419
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
bool resolveRef(const char *scName, const char *name, bool inSeeBlock, Definition **resContext, MemberDef **resMember, bool lookForSpecialization, FileDef *currentFile, bool checkScope)
Definition: util.cpp:4479
#define ASSERT(x)
Definition: qglobal.h:590
QCString resolveTypeDef ( Definition d,
const QCString name,
Definition **  typedefContext = 0 

Definition at line 346 of file util.cpp.

348 {
349  //printf("<<resolveTypeDef(%s,%s)\n",
350  // context ? context->name().data() : "<none>",;
352  if (qualifiedName.isEmpty())
353  {
354  //printf(" qualified name empty!\n");
355  return result;
356  }
358  Definition *mContext=context;
359  if (typedefContext) *typedefContext=context;
361  // see if the qualified name has a scope part
362  int scopeIndex = qualifiedName.findRev("::");
363  QCString resName=qualifiedName;
364  if (scopeIndex!=-1) // strip scope part for the name
365  {
366  resName=qualifiedName.right(qualifiedName.length()-scopeIndex-2);
367  if (resName.isEmpty())
368  {
369  // qualifiedName was of form A:: !
370  //printf(" qualified name of form A::!\n");
371  return result;
372  }
373  }
374  MemberDef *md=0;
375  while (mContext && md==0)
376  {
377  // step 1: get the right scope
378  Definition *resScope=mContext;
379  if (scopeIndex!=-1)
380  {
381  // split-off scope part
382  QCString resScopeName = qualifiedName.left(scopeIndex);
383  //printf("resScopeName=`%s'\n",;
385  // look-up scope in context
386  int is,ps=0;
387  int l;
388  while ((is=getScopeFragment(resScopeName,ps,&l))!=-1)
389  {
390  QCString qualScopePart = resScopeName.mid(is,l);
391  QCString tmp = resolveTypeDef(mContext,qualScopePart);
392  if (!tmp.isEmpty()) qualScopePart=tmp;
393  resScope = resScope->findInnerCompound(qualScopePart);
394  //printf("qualScopePart=`%s' resScope=%p\n",,resScope);
395  if (resScope==0) break;
396  ps=is+l;
397  }
398  }
399  //printf("resScope=%s\n",resScope?resScope->name().data():"<none>");
401  // step 2: get the member
402  if (resScope) // no scope or scope found in the current context
403  {
404  //printf("scope found: %s, look for typedef %s\n",
405  // resScope->qualifiedName().data(),;
406  MemberNameSDict *mnd=0;
407  if (resScope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
408  {
410  }
411  else
412  {
414  }
415  MemberName *mn=mnd->find(resName);
416  if (mn)
417  {
418  MemberNameIterator mni(*mn);
419  MemberDef *tmd=0;
420  int minDist=-1;
421  for (;(tmd=mni.current());++mni)
422  {
423  //printf("Found member %s resScope=%s outerScope=%s mContext=%p\n",
424  // tmd->name().data(), resScope->name().data(),
425  // tmd->getOuterScope()->name().data(), mContext);
426  if (tmd->isTypedef() /*&& tmd->getOuterScope()==resScope*/)
427  {
428  int dist=isAccessibleFrom(resScope,0,tmd);
429  if (dist!=-1 && (md==0 || dist<minDist))
430  {
431  md = tmd;
432  minDist = dist;
433  }
434  }
435  }
436  }
437  }
438  mContext=mContext->getOuterScope();
439  }
441  // step 3: get the member's type
442  if (md)
443  {
444  //printf(">>resolveTypeDef: Found typedef name `%s' in scope `%s' value=`%s' args='%s'\n",
445  //,context->name().data(),md->typeString(),md->argsString()
446  // );
447  result=md->typeString();
448  QCString args = md->argsString();
449  if (args.find(")(")!=-1) // typedef of a function/member pointer
450  {
451  result+=args;
452  }
453  else if (args.find('[')!=-1) // typedef of an array
454  {
455  result+=args;
456  }
457  if (typedefContext) *typedefContext=md->getOuterScope();
458  }
459  else
460  {
461  //printf(">>resolveTypeDef: Typedef `%s' not found in scope `%s'!\n",
462  //,context ? context->name().data() : "<global>");
463  }
464  return result;
466 }
static MemberNameSDict * functionNameSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:116
int isAccessibleFrom(Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *item)
Definition: util.cpp:948
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static QCString args
Definition: declinfo.cpp:674
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
virtual DefType definitionType() const =0
const char * typeString() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4035
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
string tmp
static constexpr double ps
Definition: Units.h:99
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
virtual Definition * getOuterScope() const
virtual Definition * findInnerCompound(const char *name)
static MemberNameSDict * memberNameSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:115
constexpr double dist(const TReal *x, const TReal *y, const unsigned int dimension)
QCString resolveTypeDef(Definition *context, const QCString &qualifiedName, Definition **typedefContext)
Definition: util.cpp:346
int getScopeFragment(const QCString &s, int p, int *l)
Definition: util.cpp:6322
const char * argsString() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4040
bool isTypedef() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:4155
T * find(const char *key)
Definition: sortdict.h:232
bool rightScopeMatch ( const QCString scope,
const QCString name 

Definition at line 1893 of file util.cpp.

1894 {
1895  int sl=scope.length();
1896  int nl=name.length();
1897  return (name==scope || // equal
1898  (scope.right(nl)==name && // substring
1899  sl-nl>1 &&':' &&':' // scope
1900  )
1901  );
1902 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::string nl(std::size_t i=1)
QCString rtfFormatBmkStr ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 6744 of file util.cpp.

6745 {
6746  static QCString g_nextTag( "AAAAAAAAAA" );
6747  static QDict<QCString> g_tagDict( 5003 );
6749  g_tagDict.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
6751  // To overcome the 40-character tag limitation, we
6752  // substitute a short arbitrary string for the name
6753  // supplied, and keep track of the correspondence
6754  // between names and strings.
6755  QCString key( name );
6756  QCString* tag = g_tagDict.find( key );
6757  if ( !tag )
6758  {
6759  // This particular name has not yet been added
6760  // to the list. Add it, associating it with the
6761  // next tag value, and increment the next tag.
6762  tag = new QCString( g_nextTag.copy() ); // Make sure to use a deep copy!
6763  g_tagDict.insert( key, tag );
6765  // This is the increment part
6766  char* nxtTag = g_nextTag.rawData() + g_nextTag.length() - 1;
6767  for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < g_nextTag.length(); ++i, --nxtTag )
6768  {
6769  if ( ( ++(*nxtTag) ) > 'Z' )
6770  {
6771  *nxtTag = 'A';
6772  }
6773  else
6774  {
6775  // Since there was no carry, we can stop now
6776  break;
6777  }
6778  }
6779  }
6781  return *tag;
6782 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
char * rawData() const
Definition: qcstring.h:216
def key(type, name=None)
QCString & insert(uint index, const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:355
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString selectBlock ( const QCString s,
const QCString name,
bool  which 

Definition at line 146 of file htmlgen.cpp.

147 {
148  // TODO: this is an expensive function that is called a lot -> optimize it
149  const QCString begin = "<!--BEGIN " + name + "-->";
150  const QCString end = "<!--END " + name + "-->";
151  const QCString nobegin = "<!--BEGIN !" + name + "-->";
152  const QCString noend = "<!--END !" + name + "-->";
154  QCString result = s;
155  if (enable)
156  {
157  result = substitute(result, begin, "");
158  result = substitute(result, end, "");
159  result = clearBlock(result, nobegin, noend);
160  }
161  else
162  {
163  result = substitute(result, nobegin, "");
164  result = substitute(result, noend, "");
165  result = clearBlock(result, begin, end);
166  }
168  return result;
169 }
while True: pbar.update(maxval-len(onlies[E][S])) #print iS, "/", len(onlies[E][S]) found = False for...
static QCString result
QCString clearBlock(const char *s, const char *begin, const char *end)
Clear a text block s from begin to end markers.
Definition: htmlgen.cpp:106
decltype(auto) constexpr begin(T &&obj)
ADL-aware version of std::begin.
Definition: StdUtils.h:72
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
void setAnchors ( MemberList ml)

Definition at line 2254 of file util.cpp.

2255 {
2256  //int count=0;
2257  if (ml==0) return;
2258  MemberListIterator mli(*ml);
2259  MemberDef *md;
2260  for (;(md=mli.current());++mli)
2261  {
2262  if (!md->isReference())
2263  {
2264  //QCString anchor;
2265  //if (groupId==-1)
2266  // anchor.sprintf("%c%d",id,count++);
2267  //else
2268  // anchor.sprintf("%c%d_%d",id,groupId,count++);
2269  //if (cd) anchor.prepend(escapeCharsInString(cd->name(),FALSE));
2270  md->setAnchor();
2271  //printf("setAnchors(): Member %s outputFileBase=%s anchor %s result %s\n",
2272  // md->name().data(),md->getOutputFileBase().data(),,md->anchor().data());
2273  }
2274  }
2275 }
bool isReference() const
Definition: memberdef.cpp:5127
void setAnchor()
Definition: memberdef.cpp:3334
QCString showFileDefMatches ( const FileNameDict fnDict,
const char *  n 

Definition at line 5058 of file util.cpp.

5059 {
5060  QCString result;
5061  QCString name=n;
5062  QCString path;
5063  int slashPos=QMAX(name.findRev('/'),name.findRev('\\'));
5064  if (slashPos!=-1)
5065  {
5066  path=name.left(slashPos+1);
5067  name=name.right(name.length()-slashPos-1);
5068  }
5069  FileName *fn;
5070  if ((fn=(*fnDict)[name]))
5071  {
5072  FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
5073  FileDef *fd;
5074  for (fni.toFirst();(fd=fni.current());++fni)
5075  {
5076  if (path.isEmpty() || fd->getPath().right(path.length())==path)
5077  {
5078  result+=" "+fd->absFilePath()+"\n";
5079  }
5080  }
5081  }
5082  return result;
5083 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QAsciiDict< Entry > fn
#define QMAX(a, b)
Definition: qglobal.h:390
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::void_t< T > n
QCString absFilePath() const
Definition: filedef.h:96
QCString getPath() const
Definition: filedef.h:110
void stackTrace ( )

Definition at line 7608 of file util.cpp.

7609 {
7611  void *backtraceFrames[128];
7612  int frameCount = backtrace(backtraceFrames, 128);
7613  static char cmd[40960];
7614  char *p = cmd;
7615  p += sprintf(p,"/usr/bin/atos -p %d ", (int)getpid());
7616  for (int x = 0; x < frameCount; x++)
7617  {
7618  p += sprintf(p,"%p ", backtraceFrames[x]);
7619  }
7620  fprintf(stderr,"========== STACKTRACE START ==============\n");
7621  if (FILE *fp = popen(cmd, "r"))
7622  {
7623  char resBuf[512];
7624  while (size_t len = fread(resBuf, 1, sizeof(resBuf), fp))
7625  {
7626  fwrite(resBuf, 1, len, stderr);
7627  }
7628  pclose(fp);
7629  }
7630  fprintf(stderr,"============ STACKTRACE END ==============\n");
7631  //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", frameStrings[x]);
7632 #endif
7633 }
list x
list cmd
QCString stripAnonymousNamespaceScope ( const QCString s)

Definition at line 218 of file util.cpp.

219 {
220  int i,p=0,l;
221  QCString newScope;
222  int sl = s.length();
223  while ((i=getScopeFragment(s,p,&l))!=-1)
224  {
225  //printf("Scope fragment %s\n",s.mid(i,l).data());
226  if (Doxygen::namespaceSDict->find(s.left(i+l))!=0)
227  {
228  if (!='@')
229  {
230  if (!newScope.isEmpty()) newScope+="::";
231  newScope+=s.mid(i,l);
232  }
233  }
234  else if (i<sl)
235  {
236  if (!newScope.isEmpty()) newScope+="::";
237  newScope+=s.right(sl-i);
238  goto done;
239  }
240  p=i+l;
241  }
242 done:
243  //printf("stripAnonymousNamespaceScope(`%s')=`%s'\n",,;
244  return newScope;
245 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
static NamespaceSDict * namespaceSDict
Definition: doxygen.h:120
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
int getScopeFragment(const QCString &s, int p, int *l)
Definition: util.cpp:6322
QCString stripExtension ( const char *  fName)

Definition at line 6799 of file util.cpp.

6800 {
6802 }
static QCString htmlFileExtension
Definition: doxygen.h:130
QCString stripExtensionGeneral(const char *fName, const char *ext)
Definition: util.cpp:6789
QCString stripExtensionGeneral ( const char *  fName,
const char *  ext 

Definition at line 6789 of file util.cpp.

6790 {
6791  QCString result=fName;
6792  if (result.right(QCString(ext).length())==QCString(ext))
6793  {
6794  result=result.left(result.length()-QCString(ext).length());
6795  }
6796  return result;
6797 }
static QCString result
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString stripFromIncludePath ( const QCString path)

strip part of path if it matches one of the paths in the Config_getList("INCLUDE_PATH") list

Definition at line 306 of file util.cpp.

307 {
308  return stripFromPath(path,Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_INC_PATH"));
309 }
#define Config_getList(val)
Definition: config.cpp:662
static QCString stripFromPath(const QCString &path, QStrList &l)
Definition: util.cpp:274
QCString stripFromPath ( const QCString path)

strip part of path if it matches one of the paths in the Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH") list

Definition at line 298 of file util.cpp.

299 {
300  return stripFromPath(path,Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH"));
301 }
#define Config_getList(val)
Definition: config.cpp:662
static QCString stripFromPath(const QCString &path, QStrList &l)
Definition: util.cpp:274
QCString stripIndentation ( const QCString s)

Definition at line 8110 of file util.cpp.

8111 {
8112  if (s.isEmpty()) return s; // empty string -> we're done
8114  //printf("stripIndentation:\n%s\n------\n",;
8115  // compute minimum indentation over all lines
8116  const char *;
8117  char c;
8118  int indent=0;
8119  int minIndent=1000000; // "infinite"
8120  bool searchIndent=TRUE;
8121  static int tabSize=Config_getInt("TAB_SIZE");
8122  while ((c=*p++))
8123  {
8124  if (c=='\t') indent+=tabSize - (indent%tabSize);
8125  else if (c=='\n') indent=0,searchIndent=TRUE;
8126  else if (c==' ') indent++;
8127  else if (searchIndent)
8128  {
8129  searchIndent=FALSE;
8130  if (indent<minIndent) minIndent=indent;
8131  }
8132  }
8134  // no indent to remove -> we're done
8135  if (minIndent==0) return s;
8137  // remove minimum indentation for each line
8138  QGString result;
8140  indent=0;
8141  while ((c=*p++))
8142  {
8143  if (c=='\n') // start of new line
8144  {
8145  indent=0;
8146  result+=c;
8147  }
8148  else if (indent<minIndent) // skip until we reach minIndent
8149  {
8150  if (c=='\t')
8151  {
8152  int newIndent = indent+tabSize-(indent%tabSize);
8153  int i=newIndent;
8154  while (i>minIndent) // if a tab crosses the minIndent boundary fill the rest with spaces
8155  {
8156  result+=' ';
8157  i--;
8158  }
8159  indent=newIndent;
8160  }
8161  else // space
8162  {
8163  indent++;
8164  }
8165  }
8166  else // copy anything until the end of the line
8167  {
8168  result+=c;
8169  }
8170  }
8172  result+='\0';
8173  return;
8174 }
char * data() const
Definition: qgstring.h:42
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
#define Config_getInt(val)
Definition: config.cpp:661
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString stripLeadingAndTrailingEmptyLines ( const QCString s,
int &  docLine 

Special version of QCString::stripWhiteSpace() that only strips completely blank lines.

sthe string to be stripped
docLinethe line number corresponding to the start of the string. This will be adjusted based on the number of lines stripped from the start.
The stripped string.

Definition at line 6876 of file util.cpp.

6877 {
6878  const char *p =;
6879  if (p==0) return 0;
6881  // search for leading empty lines
6882  int i=0,li=-1,l=s.length();
6883  char c;
6884  while ((c=*p++))
6885  {
6886  if (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\r') i++;
6887  else if (c=='\n') i++,li=i,docLine++;
6888  else break;
6889  }
6891  // search for trailing empty lines
6892  int b=l-1,bi=-1;
6894  while (b>=0)
6895  {
6896  c=*p; p--;
6897  if (c==' ' || c=='\t' || c=='\r') b--;
6898  else if (c=='\n') bi=b,b--;
6899  else break;
6900  }
6902  // return whole string if no leading or trailing lines where found
6903  if (li==-1 && bi==-1) return s;
6905  // return substring
6906  if (bi==-1) bi=l;
6907  if (li==-1) li=0;
6908  if (bi<=li) return 0; // only empty lines
6909  return s.mid(li,bi-li);
6910 }
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
static bool * b
Definition: config.cpp:1043
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString stripPath ( const char *  s)

Definition at line 6819 of file util.cpp.

6820 {
6821  QCString result=s;
6822  int i=result.findRev('/');
6823  if (i!=-1)
6824  {
6825  result=result.mid(i+1);
6826  }
6827  i=result.findRev('\\');
6828  if (i!=-1)
6829  {
6830  result=result.mid(i+1);
6831  }
6832  return result;
6833 }
static QCString result
int findRev(char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:95
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString stripScope ( const char *  name)

Definition at line 5605 of file util.cpp.

5606 {
5607  QCString result = name;
5608  int l=result.length();
5609  int p;
5610  bool done = FALSE;
5611  bool skipBracket=FALSE; // if brackets do not match properly, ignore them altogether
5612  int count=0;
5614  do
5615  {
5616  p=l-1; // start at the end of the string
5617  while (p>=0 && count>=0)
5618  {
5619  char;
5620  switch (c)
5621  {
5622  case ':':
5623  // only exit in the case of ::
5624  //printf("stripScope(%s)=%s\n",name,result.right(l-p-1).data());
5625  if (p>0 &&':') return result.right(l-p-1);
5626  p--;
5627  break;
5628  case '>':
5629  if (skipBracket) // we don't care about brackets
5630  {
5631  p--;
5632  }
5633  else // count open/close brackets
5634  {
5635  if (p>0 &&'>') // skip >> operator
5636  {
5637  p-=2;
5638  break;
5639  }
5640  count=1;
5641  //printf("pos < = %d\n",p);
5642  p--;
5643  bool foundMatch=false;
5644  while (p>=0 && !foundMatch)
5645  {
5647  switch (c)
5648  {
5649  case '>':
5650  count++;
5651  break;
5652  case '<':
5653  if (p>0)
5654  {
5655  if ( == '<') // skip << operator
5656  {
5657  p--;
5658  break;
5659  }
5660  }
5661  count--;
5662  foundMatch = count==0;
5663  break;
5664  default:
5665  //printf("c=%c count=%d\n",c,count);
5666  break;
5667  }
5668  }
5669  }
5670  //printf("pos > = %d\n",p+1);
5671  break;
5672  default:
5673  p--;
5674  }
5675  }
5676  done = count==0 || skipBracket; // reparse if brackets do not match
5677  skipBracket=TRUE;
5678  }
5679  while (!done); // if < > unbalanced repeat ignoring them
5680  //printf("stripScope(%s)=%s\n",name,name);
5681  return name;
5682 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
static QCString result
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString stripTemplateSpecifiersFromScope ( const QCString fullName,
bool  parentOnly,
QCString pLastScopeStripped 

Strips template specifiers from scope fullName, except those that make up specialized classes. The switch parentOnly determines whether or not a template "at the end" of a scope should be considered, e.g. with parentOnly is TRUE, A<T>::B<S> will try to strip <T> and not <S>, while parentOnly is FALSE will strip both unless A<T> or B<S> are specialized template classes.

Definition at line 6226 of file util.cpp.

6229 {
6230  QCString result;
6231  int p=0;
6232  int l=fullName.length();
6233  int i=fullName.find('<');
6234  while (i!=-1)
6235  {
6236  //printf("1:result+=%s\n",fullName.mid(p,i-p).data());
6237  int e=i+1;
6238  bool done=FALSE;
6239  int count=1;
6240  while (e<l && !done)
6241  {
6242  char;
6243  if (c=='<')
6244  {
6245  count++;
6246  }
6247  else if (c=='>')
6248  {
6249  count--;
6250  done = count==0;
6251  }
6252  }
6253  int si= fullName.find("::",e);
6255  if (parentOnly && si==-1) break;
6256  // we only do the parent scope, so we stop here if needed
6258  result+=fullName.mid(p,i-p);
6259  //printf(" trying %s\n",(result+fullName.mid(i,e-i)).data());
6260  if (getClass(result+fullName.mid(i,e-i))!=0)
6261  {
6262  result+=fullName.mid(i,e-i);
6263  //printf(" 2:result+=%s\n",fullName.mid(i,e-i-1).data());
6264  }
6265  else if (pLastScopeStripped)
6266  {
6267  //printf(" last stripped scope '%s'\n",fullName.mid(i,e-i).data());
6268  *pLastScopeStripped=fullName.mid(i,e-i);
6269  }
6270  p=e;
6271  i=fullName.find('<',p);
6272  }
6273  result+=fullName.right(l-p);
6274  //printf("3:result+=%s\n",fullName.right(l-p).data());
6275  return result;
6276 }
static QCString result
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
ClassDef * getClass(const char *n)
Definition: util.cpp:472
const double e
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString substitute ( const QCString s,
const QCString src,
const QCString dst 

substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst

Definition at line 5088 of file util.cpp.

5089 {
5090  if (s.isEmpty() || src.isEmpty()) return s;
5091  const char *p, *q;
5092  int srcLen = src.length();
5093  int dstLen = dst.length();
5094  int resLen;
5095  if (srcLen!=dstLen)
5096  {
5097  int count;
5098  for (count=0,; (q=strstr(p,src))!=0; p=q+srcLen) count++;
5099  resLen = s.length()+count*(dstLen-srcLen);
5100  }
5101  else // result has same size as s
5102  {
5103  resLen = s.length();
5104  }
5105  QCString result(resLen+1);
5106  char *r;
5107  for (r=result.rawData(), p=s; (q=strstr(p,src))!=0; p=q+srcLen)
5108  {
5109  int l = (int)(q-p);
5110  memcpy(r,p,l);
5111  r+=l;
5112  if (dst) memcpy(r,dst,dstLen);
5113  r+=dstLen;
5114  }
5115  qstrcpy(r,p);
5116  //printf("substitute(%s,%s,%s)->%s\n",s,src,dst,;
5117  return result;
5118 }
char * rawData() const
Definition: qcstring.h:216
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
Q_EXPORT char * qstrcpy(char *dst, const char *src)
Definition: qcstring.h:87
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
QCString substituteClassNames ( const QCString s)
QCString substituteKeywords ( const QCString s,
const char *  title,
const char *  projName,
const char *  projNum,
const char *  projBrief 

Definition at line 5122 of file util.cpp.

5124 {
5125  QCString result = s;
5126  if (title) result = substitute(result,"$title",title);
5127  result = substitute(result,"$datetime",dateToString(TRUE));
5128  result = substitute(result,"$date",dateToString(FALSE));
5129  result = substitute(result,"$year",yearToString());
5130  result = substitute(result,"$doxygenversion",versionString);
5131  result = substitute(result,"$projectname",projName);
5132  result = substitute(result,"$projectnumber",projNum);
5133  result = substitute(result,"$projectbrief",projBrief);
5134  result = substitute(result,"$projectlogo",stripPath(Config_getString("PROJECT_LOGO")));
5135  return result;
5136 }
static QCString result
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
QCString yearToString()
Definition: util.cpp:2515
char versionString[]
Definition: version.cpp:1
QCString dateToString(bool includeTime)
Definition: util.cpp:2473
#define Config_getString(val)
Definition: config.cpp:660
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString substitute(const QCString &s, const QCString &src, const QCString &dst)
substitute all occurrences of src in s by dst
Definition: util.cpp:5088
QCString stripPath(const char *s)
Definition: util.cpp:6819
QCString substituteTemplateArgumentsInString ( const QCString name,
ArgumentList formalArgs,
ArgumentList actualArgs 

Substitutes any occurrence of a formal argument from argument list formalArgs in name by the corresponding actual argument in argument list actualArgs. The result after substitution is returned as a string. The argument name is used to prevent recursive substitution.

Definition at line 6099 of file util.cpp.

6103 {
6104  //printf("substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(name=%s formal=%s actualArg=%s)\n",
6105  //,argListToString(formalArgs).data(),argListToString(actualArgs).data());
6106  if (formalArgs==0) return name;
6107  QCString result;
6108  static QRegExp re("[a-z_A-Z\\x80-\\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\\x80-\\xFF]*");
6109  int p=0,l,i;
6110  // for each identifier in the base class name (e.g. B<T> -> B and T)
6111  while ((i=re.match(name,p,&l))!=-1)
6112  {
6113  result += name.mid(p,i-p);
6114  QCString n = name.mid(i,l);
6115  ArgumentListIterator formAli(*formalArgs);
6116  ArgumentListIterator actAli(*actualArgs);
6117  Argument *formArg;
6118  Argument *actArg;
6120  // if n is a template argument, then we substitute it
6121  // for its template instance argument.
6122  bool found=FALSE;
6123  for (formAli.toFirst();
6124  (formArg=formAli.current()) && !found;
6125  ++formAli,++actAli
6126  )
6127  {
6128  actArg = actAli.current();
6129  if (formArg->type.left(6)=="class " && formArg->name.isEmpty())
6130  {
6131  formArg->name = formArg->type.mid(6);
6132  formArg->type = "class";
6133  }
6134  if (formArg->type.left(9)=="typename " && formArg->name.isEmpty())
6135  {
6136  formArg->name = formArg->type.mid(9);
6137  formArg->type = "typename";
6138  }
6139  if (formArg->type=="class" || formArg->type=="typename" || formArg->type.left(8)=="template")
6140  {
6141  //printf("n=%s formArg->type='%s' formArg->name='%s' formArg->defval='%s'\n",
6142  //,formArg->,formArg->,formArg->;
6143  //printf(">> formArg->name='%s' actArg->type='%s' actArg->name='%s'\n",
6144  // formArg->,actArg ? actArg-> : "",actArg ? actArg-> : ""
6145  // );
6146  if (formArg->name==n && actArg && !actArg->type.isEmpty()) // base class is a template argument
6147  {
6148  // replace formal argument with the actual argument of the instance
6149  if (!leftScopeMatch(actArg->type,n))
6150  // the scope guard is to prevent recursive lockup for
6151  // template<class A> class C : public<A::T>,
6152  // where A::T would become A::T::T here,
6153  // since n==A and actArg->type==A::T
6154  // see bug595833 for an example
6155  {
6156  if (actArg->name.isEmpty())
6157  {
6158  result += actArg->type+" ";
6159  found=TRUE;
6160  }
6161  else
6162  // for case where the actual arg is something like "unsigned int"
6163  // the "int" part is in actArg->name.
6164  {
6165  result += actArg->type+" "+actArg->name+" ";
6166  found=TRUE;
6167  }
6168  }
6169  }
6170  else if (formArg->name==n &&
6171  actArg==0 &&
6172  !formArg->defval.isEmpty() &&
6173  formArg->defval!=name /* to prevent recursion */
6174  )
6175  {
6176  result += substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(formArg->defval,formalArgs,actualArgs)+" ";
6177  found=TRUE;
6178  }
6179  }
6180  else if (formArg->name==n &&
6181  actArg==0 &&
6182  !formArg->defval.isEmpty() &&
6183  formArg->defval!=name /* to prevent recursion */
6184  )
6185  {
6186  result += substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(formArg->defval,formalArgs,actualArgs)+" ";
6187  found=TRUE;
6188  }
6189  }
6190  if (!found)
6191  {
6192  result += n;
6193  }
6194  p=i+l;
6195  }
6196  result+=name.right(name.length()-p);
6197  //printf(" Inheritance relation %s -> %s\n",
6198  //,;
6199  return result.stripWhiteSpace();
6200 }
static QCString name
Definition: declinfo.cpp:673
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
QCString stripWhiteSpace() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:295
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
QCString defval
Definition: arguments.h:71
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
bool leftScopeMatch(const QCString &scope, const QCString &name)
Definition: util.cpp:1904
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
static QStrList * l
Definition: config.cpp:1044
QCString substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(const QCString &name, ArgumentList *formalArgs, ArgumentList *actualArgs)
Definition: util.cpp:6099
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
std::void_t< T > n
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString tempArgListToString ( ArgumentList al,
SrcLangExt  lang 

Definition at line 2197 of file util.cpp.

2198 {
2199  QCString result;
2200  if (al==0) return result;
2201  result="<";
2202  ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
2203  Argument *a=ali.current();
2204  while (a)
2205  {
2206  if (!a->name.isEmpty()) // add template argument name
2207  {
2208  if (a->type.left(4)=="out") // C# covariance
2209  {
2210  result+="out ";
2211  }
2212  else if (a->type.left(3)=="in") // C# contravariance
2213  {
2214  result+="in ";
2215  }
2216  if (lang==SrcLangExt_Java || lang==SrcLangExt_CSharp)
2217  {
2218  result+=a->type+" ";
2219  }
2220  result+=a->name;
2221  }
2222  else // extract name from type
2223  {
2224  int i=a->type.length()-1;
2225  while (i>=0 && isId(a-> i--;
2226  if (i>0)
2227  {
2228  result+=a->type.right(a->type.length()-i-1);
2229  if (a->type.find("...")!=-1)
2230  {
2231  result+="...";
2232  }
2233  }
2234  else // nothing found -> take whole name
2235  {
2236  result+=a->type;
2237  }
2238  }
2239  if (!a->typeConstraint.isEmpty() && lang==SrcLangExt_Java)
2240  {
2241  result+=" extends "; // TODO: now Java specific, C# has where...
2242  result+=a->typeConstraint;
2243  }
2244  ++ali;
2245  a=ali.current();
2246  if (a) result+=", ";
2247  }
2248  result+=">";
2249  return removeRedundantWhiteSpace(result);
2250 }
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
static QCString result
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
QCString left(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:213
int find(char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:41
QCString typeConstraint
Definition: arguments.h:73
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
const double a
QCString removeRedundantWhiteSpace(const QCString &s)
Definition: util.cpp:1655
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
bool isId(int c)
Definition: util.h:224
QCString transcodeCharacterStringToUTF8 ( const QCString input)

Definition at line 2374 of file util.cpp.

2375 {
2376  bool error=FALSE;
2377  static QCString inputEncoding = Config_getString("INPUT_ENCODING");
2378  const char *outputEncoding = "UTF-8";
2379  if (inputEncoding.isEmpty() || qstricmp(inputEncoding,outputEncoding)==0) return input;
2380  int inputSize=input.length();
2381  int outputSize=inputSize*4+1;
2382  QCString output(outputSize);
2383  void *cd = portable_iconv_open(outputEncoding,inputEncoding);
2384  if (cd==(void *)(-1))
2385  {
2386  err("unsupported character conversion: '%s'->'%s'\n",
2388  error=TRUE;
2389  }
2390  if (!error)
2391  {
2392  size_t iLeft=inputSize;
2393  size_t oLeft=outputSize;
2394  char *inputPtr = input.rawData();
2395  char *outputPtr = output.rawData();
2396  if (!portable_iconv(cd, &inputPtr, &iLeft, &outputPtr, &oLeft))
2397  {
2398  outputSize-=(int)oLeft;
2399  output.resize(outputSize+1);
2401  //printf("iconv: input size=%d output size=%d\n[%s]\n",size,newSize,;
2402  }
2403  else
2404  {
2405  err("failed to translate characters from %s to %s: check INPUT_ENCODING\ninput=[%s]\n",
2407  error=TRUE;
2408  }
2409  }
2411  return error ? input : output;
2412 }
char * rawData() const
Definition: qcstring.h:216
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
size_t portable_iconv(void *cd, char **inbuf, size_t *inbytesleft, char **outbuf, size_t *outbytesleft)
Definition: portable_c.c:24
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
int portable_iconv_close(void *cd)
Definition: portable_c.c:30
int qstricmp(const char *str1, const char *str2)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:567
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
#define Config_getString(val)
Definition: config.cpp:660
void * portable_iconv_open(const char *tocode, const char *fromcode)
Definition: portable_c.c:19
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
bool updateLanguageMapping ( const QCString extension,
const QCString parser 

Definition at line 6964 of file util.cpp.

6965 {
6966  const Lang2ExtMap *p = g_lang2extMap;
6967  QCString langName = language.lower();
6968  while (p->langName)
6969  {
6970  if (langName==p->langName) break;
6971  p++;
6972  }
6973  if (!p->langName) return FALSE;
6975  // found the language
6976  SrcLangExt parserId = p->parserId;
6977  QCString extName = extension.lower();
6978  if (extName.isEmpty()) return FALSE;
6979  if (!='.') extName.prepend(".");
6980  if (g_extLookup.find(extension)!=0) // language was already register for this ext
6981  {
6982  g_extLookup.remove(extension);
6983  }
6984  //printf("registering extension %s\n",;
6985  g_extLookup.insert(extName,new int(parserId));
6986  if (!Doxygen::parserManager->registerExtension(extName,p->parserName))
6987  {
6988  err("Failed to assign extension %s to parser %s for language %s\n",
6990  }
6991  else
6992  {
6993  //msg("Registered extension %s to language parser %s...\n",
6994  //,;
6995  }
6996  return TRUE;
6997 }
bool isEmpty() const
Definition: qcstring.h:189
char & at(uint i) const
Definition: qcstring.h:326
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
Definition: types.h:41
static ParserManager * parserManager
Definition: doxygen.h:141
static SrcLangExt language
Definition: scanner.cpp:10895
SrcLangExt parserId
Definition: util.cpp:6939
QCString & prepend(const char *s)
Definition: qcstring.cpp:387
const char * data() const
Definition: qcstring.h:207
void err(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: message.cpp:226
static struct Lang2ExtMap g_lang2extMap[]
const char * parserName
Definition: util.cpp:6938
QCString lower() const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:263
const char * langName
Definition: util.cpp:6937
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
static QDict< int > g_extLookup
Definition: util.cpp:6933
void writeColoredImgData ( const char *  dir,
ColoredImgDataItem  data[] 

Writes the intensity only bitmap representated by data as an image to directory dir using the colors defined by HTML_COLORSTYLE_*.

Definition at line 7889 of file util.cpp.

7890 {
7891  static int hue = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_HUE");
7892  static int sat = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_SAT");
7893  static int gamma = Config_getInt("HTML_COLORSTYLE_GAMMA");
7894  while (data->name)
7895  {
7897  fileName=(QCString)dir+"/"+data->name;
7898  QFile f(fileName);
7899  if (
7900  {
7901  ColoredImage img(data->width,data->height,data->content,data->alpha,
7902  sat,hue,gamma);
7904  }
7905  else
7906  {
7907  fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Cannot open file %s for writing\n",data->name);
7908  }
7910  data++;
7911  }
7912 }
unsigned short width
Definition: util.h:437
unsigned char * alpha
Definition: util.h:440
#define IO_WriteOnly
Definition: qiodevice.h:62
unsigned char * content
Definition: util.h:439
string dir
#define Config_getInt(val)
Definition: config.cpp:661
const char * name
Definition: util.h:436
unsigned short height
Definition: util.h:438
void addImageFile(const char *name)
Definition: index.h:147
double gamma(double KE, const simb::MCParticle *part)
The QFile class is an I/O device that operates on files.
Definition: qfile.h:50
static IndexList * indexList
Definition: doxygen.h:149
void writeExample ( OutputList ol,
ExampleSDict el 

Definition at line 2106 of file util.cpp.

2107 {
2108  QCString exampleLine=theTranslator->trWriteList(ed->count());
2110  //bool latexEnabled = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Latex);
2111  //bool manEnabled = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Man);
2112  //bool htmlEnabled = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Html);
2113  QRegExp marker("@[0-9]+");
2114  int index=0,newIndex,matchLen;
2115  // now replace all markers in inheritLine with links to the classes
2116  while ((newIndex=marker.match(exampleLine,index,&matchLen))!=-1)
2117  {
2118  bool ok;
2119  ol.parseText(exampleLine.mid(index,newIndex-index));
2120  uint entryIndex = exampleLine.mid(newIndex+1,matchLen-1).toUInt(&ok);
2121  Example *e=ed->at(entryIndex);
2122  if (ok && e)
2123  {
2124  ol.pushGeneratorState();
2125  //if (latexEnabled) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
2128  // link for Html / man
2129  //printf("writeObjectLink(file=%s)\n",e->;
2130  ol.writeObjectLink(0,e->file,e->anchor,e->name);
2131  ol.popGeneratorState();
2133  ol.pushGeneratorState();
2134  //if (latexEnabled) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
2137  // link for Latex / pdf with anchor because the sources
2138  // are not hyperlinked (not possible with a verbatim environment).
2139  ol.writeObjectLink(0,e->file,0,e->name);
2140  //if (manEnabled) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
2141  //if (htmlEnabled) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Html);
2142  ol.popGeneratorState();
2143  }
2144  index=newIndex+matchLen;
2145  }
2146  ol.parseText(exampleLine.right(exampleLine.length()-index));
2147  ol.writeString(".");
2148 }
The QRegExp class provides pattern matching using regular expressions or wildcards.
Definition: qregexp.h:46
uint length() const
Definition: qcstring.h:195
void writeString(const char *text)
Definition: outputlist.h:119
bool parseText(const QCString &textStr)
Definition: outputlist.cpp:175
void popGeneratorState()
Definition: outputlist.cpp:121
const double e
void pushGeneratorState()
Definition: outputlist.cpp:111
QCString right(uint len) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:231
void disable(OutputGenerator::OutputType o)
Definition: outputlist.cpp:79
QCString anchor
Definition: example.h:30
QCString name
Definition: example.h:31
QCString mid(uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:246
uint toUInt(bool *ok=0) const
Definition: qcstring.cpp:445
Translator * theTranslator
Definition: language.cpp:157
virtual QCString trWriteList(int numEntries)=0
void writeObjectLink(const char *ref, const char *file, const char *anchor, const char *name)
Definition: outputlist.h:149
unsigned uint
Definition: qglobal.h:351
QCString file
Definition: example.h:32
void writePageRef ( OutputDocInterface od,
const char *  cn,
const char *  mn 

Definition at line 247 of file util.cpp.

248 {
249  od.pushGeneratorState();
253  if (Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS")) od.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
254  if (Config_getBool("RTF_HYPERLINKS")) od.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
255  od.startPageRef();
257  od.endPageRef(cn,mn);
259  od.popGeneratorState();
260 }
virtual void disable(OutputGenerator::OutputType o)=0
virtual void pushGeneratorState()=0
virtual QCString trPageAbbreviation()=0
virtual void popGeneratorState()=0
virtual void endPageRef(const char *, const char *)=0
virtual void docify(const char *s)=0
#define Config_getBool(val)
Definition: config.cpp:664
virtual void startPageRef()=0
Translator * theTranslator
Definition: language.cpp:157
void writeTypeConstraints ( OutputList ol,
Definition d,
ArgumentList al 

Definition at line 7585 of file util.cpp.

7586 {
7587  if (al==0) return;
7589  ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
7590  Argument *a;
7591  for (;(a=ali.current());++ali)
7592  {
7593  ol.startConstraintParam();
7594  ol.parseText(a->name);
7595  ol.endConstraintParam();
7596  ol.startConstraintType();
7597  linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,0,0,a->type);
7598  ol.endConstraintType();
7599  ol.startConstraintDocs();
7600  ol.generateDoc(d->docFile(),d->docLine(),d,0,a->docs,TRUE,FALSE);
7601  ol.endConstraintDocs();
7602  }
7603  ol.endConstraintList();
7604 }
QCString type
Definition: arguments.h:67
QCString docFile() const
void startConstraintDocs()
Definition: outputlist.h:443
bool generateDoc(const char *fileName, int startLine, Definition *ctx, MemberDef *md, const QCString &docStr, bool indexWords, bool isExample, const char *exampleName=0, bool singleLine=FALSE, bool linkFromIndex=FALSE)
Definition: outputlist.cpp:131
const bool FALSE
Definition: qglobal.h:370
void endConstraintDocs()
Definition: outputlist.h:445
void endConstraintParam()
Definition: outputlist.h:437
bool parseText(const QCString &textStr)
Definition: outputlist.cpp:175
This class contains the information about the argument of a function or template. ...
Definition: arguments.h:28
const double a
void startConstraintParam()
Definition: outputlist.h:435
void startConstraintType()
Definition: outputlist.h:439
void endConstraintType()
Definition: outputlist.h:441
QCString name
Definition: arguments.h:69
Translator * theTranslator
Definition: language.cpp:157
void startConstraintList(const char *header)
Definition: outputlist.h:433
virtual QCString trTypeConstraints()=0
int docLine() const
void linkifyText(const TextGeneratorIntf &out, Definition *scope, FileDef *fileScope, Definition *self, const char *text, bool autoBreak, bool external, bool keepSpaces, int indentLevel)
Definition: util.cpp:1916
void endConstraintList()
Definition: outputlist.h:447
const bool TRUE
Definition: qglobal.h:371
QCString docs
Definition: arguments.h:72
const char* writeUtf8Char ( FTextStream t,
const char *  s 

Definition at line 7165 of file util.cpp.

7166 {
7167  char c=*s++;
7168  t << c;
7169  if (c<0) // multibyte character
7170  {
7171  if (((uchar)c&0xE0)==0xC0)
7172  {
7173  t << *s++; // 11xx.xxxx: >=2 byte character
7174  }
7175  if (((uchar)c&0xF0)==0xE0)
7176  {
7177  t << *s++; // 111x.xxxx: >=3 byte character
7178  }
7179  if (((uchar)c&0xF8)==0xF0)
7180  {
7181  t << *s++; // 1111.xxxx: >=4 byte character
7182  }
7183  if (((uchar)c&0xFC)==0xF8)
7184  {
7185  t << *s++; // 1111.1xxx: >=5 byte character
7186  }
7187  if (((uchar)c&0xFE)==0xFC)
7188  {
7189  t << *s++; // 1111.1xxx: 6 byte character
7190  }
7191  }
7192  return s;
7193 }
unsigned char uchar
static QCString * s
Definition: config.cpp:1042